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Messages - Ron Besser

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Weydevu, yes I did.  Furthermore, I am having trouble with this cabal again and you may find partial posts by me that got truncated because they can knock me off the air so to speak.  But you are correct and I am worried about a few things now I never used to worry about, and that is the cabal has access to the posting going on here and knocks some of us off the air attempting to make a post.  I promise you Michael of Nebadon is quite aware of this and a major storm is brewing.  So thatmeans, "wathc out!"  I have attempted to add to posts today and they get knocked down by a brat of a seraphim known to me a Lully, and that one is up for grabs as she is sure she has won and I would never bet against Christ to say anyone has won when they are up to spiritual mischief,  I let this alone further as I am constantly under attack and must wait for Michael to re-channel parts of this discourse away from their notice.  Meanwhile keep up the good work.  Cheers.

Part II
We meed to address further and will use this edit window to do so.

I am Michael of Nebadon, and there is a truant Microphone opn but we will classify as Part II of the former message sent by Ron Besser.

I AM MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and we are asking no one post further for the moment as this is a classic case of too many hands on two few tables to lay the remarks on we must say to all of you:

MICAHEL OF NEBADON is cleansing the planet right now.

You will lose most of your work if you attempt to post now.

Further more, Ron is ill by posting a message from Me he is not sure is correct but  I  can assure you he has it all in order.  Carol your post on that material will have to wait until I have made arrangements for your Pleiades  material to be seen already and thank you.  Now this:

Ron has brought to my attention what is happening on Urantia right now.  He is following strict orders not to say more ever,  But I am making it clear that any posting done for the next three hours and that is from 11:20 AM to 3:30PM Eastern time, we will truncate as there is an abortion of care by a medium censor on Urantia, and we must clear it.

Ron declare yourself ready for the day and come back and transmit be at 2 PM here/ 



Thank you Rene.  What I hope for you is that you continue in spite of a rich care from God, but the rebels will make a mess of things shortly, I believe, and then you will have to decide how to afford to do these Lightlines for sure.  I am not sure but I think Michael of Nebadon will attend most of your Lightlines for the Hispanic care is necessary more than the English is.  Why?

Let em enforce your care Rene:  there is coming a change to the political atmosphere on Urantia, and Trump is the main culprit, as he is mentally deficient and is happy with a medium well done election.  I do not expect Trump to win, but I do expect a big vote for him by humans that have no faith in the quality of life they now can afford.


There is brewing a political aspirant in the mix for this coming Novermber election for President.  An aspirant is someone who enters a race and then faces undoubted subterfuge over what they have done.  It is not Donald Trump.  It is Kamala Harris, and she will learn the nasty side of a Presidency that has no holding for the chicanery of State , that the EU will afford the new President, because Europe must make amends with a contending Russia that spares no one, including the Untied States, to put that evil back in its box.  Danger is signed Russia, because it will insist on making a marriage with the Ukraine and the Ukranians will not have it and a terrible was will break out that will engulf more people than it does right now.  

For that reason I caution all who blatantly  assume the war will end peacefully and Russia will retract to its 21st century borders.  I do not believe it will.  It will insist on incorporating eastern Ukraine back into the borders of the old Soviet Union.  That provides America a fine pair of teasers as what to do with the EU which faces problems of its own, but the downcast Ukranians will make war again, and this time Russia may be blown up by a vivid and caring MAGISTERIAL SON who will not have the world fearing nuclear war every minute of the national existence.

That said, Rene, keep your sources who speak to you through the channels given foir your Lightlines, open and secure.  We have a mighty rebellion portending here at 2709 Sunset Lane, as I insisting on placing an addition to the house dedicated as the Room made for Urantia and all She holds as an important sphere for all to recognize shortly.  I am not at liberty to tell you what that is.  I am going to cut this now.   I will proceed in the next window now as well. 
Thanks to all


A lovely lesson Lemuel, and thank you for keeping the faith of our Fathers.  The way things are going, we may be on the same path to heaven and I will say to you, "Alfonse you go first,"  and you may say, "oh, no!  You may go first as I am staying a bit longer."  Then we will take a drink in a stemmed glass and wish each other well for the trial in heaven soon enough for both of us  Well done Lemuel and thanks for the memories.  

Rene, thank goodness you have the sense to know it and watch it carefully.  Thank yu for these Lightlines and we are making sure that the entire incident of care is extended to you and your transmitter(s).  I am happy to report that Michael of Nebadon is especially caring for your work as you reach many with your Spanish language, and do not forget to do it even though things may change.  Remember to post your Lightlines regardless of how the Lightlines might change as we are being challenged with them daily to knock them down.  Please do not listen to that crap and keep them coming regardless of attempts to stop the flow of them.

Finally, to you Rene:  you have been a wonder to hold these events for us and you are to be gratefully rewarded when the day of reckoning comes to the planet.  I am bashed on my skills too and I make this plea to you and others who do this transmission work:  For all purposes keep them going in spite of the loud noises to quite transmissions, as that is what they want you to believe.  Keep these transmissions going as it is our only defense against miserable way of the dragon cult of false angels and what else they are planning.

Enough said.  And my best to keep your work happening all the time!

Elise, it is just about 1am here and I am bushed.  However, let me say you are cheering me up with keeping these postings going.  I am very sure that Michael of Nebadon wants these Lightlines to continue, and I suspect we are the only ones doing them now with out transmitters.  For your information the Lightlines we do are the only contact that Michael is allowing the world at the moment, and we are to continue them regardless of what happens!
Let me review something with you while I have some sense left to me:

The trials we have to make is to make sure we are transferring information from the Creator Son.  I question not our transmissions but there are now transmissions by others we have to be very careful of.  If, for some reason, you suspect a transmission, pass it to me or look at it with others and make sure you get the sense it is a true Michael or others transmission.


This evening there are two pairs of seraphim claiming to do the work of Michael.  I doubt they are true, but I have or had one with me and just proceed carefully.  We are in double trouble if the protection of Michael if removed as there is no way to be sure of these transmissions without his signature on them for the next week at least. 


There is a battle going on over the planet Urantia.  IT is nearly 1 AM as I write this and the sun is back up in the Netherlands now, but the day may be very dark as a show down must occur.  What am I talking about?

Michael of Nebadon assures me things are okay but I do not assure that all transmissions are okay at the moment.  Just be careful BUT DO NOT QUITE!  Other than that I cannot tell you much.  Keep the faith and best wishes in the future as we transmitters are a rare commodity right now.  Be proud of your service.   This keeps for all transmitters listening.  The cabal is being ruled out of order but that does not clear them out of the planetary work either.  Best wishes for the new day.

Ron Besser
MICHAEL OF NEBADON - Valerie once said her work was precious to do.  Now she is saying good riddance to be done with her fair share of the work to be done here.  I am planning some construction here  and hitting all kinds of flak.  If it continues I will quite the idea for now.  But before I do I mention something to all of you:

The mile and one half it takes to learn to transmit is worth it, but I see no one making the effort at the moment.  You Elise have won the cake reward for you have managed to keep it going in spite if the difficulties and I thank you heartily.  But remember to keep others going to, and to make sure that those who transmit "sound" right as the villains  in this story are everywhere and that is until MICHAEL OF NEBADON allows a message to come through that the planet is cleared of those who want falseness to prevail.

In any case I must relate that I wish you and the others well and we will see what comes of  these Missions shortly.  Haooy thoughts to you all!

Thank you for posting the Lightline, Elise.  May they continue as scheduled and I am waiting for a new person to become a transmitter too, Elise.  If you find one, a transmitter, please let me know, and we will see to their premier as soon as possible.  We are running low on transmitters and I do not know why, so keep a watch out for one and bring them on to help with our Lightlines.  

Helder Poeta I just saw this post.  I am feeling poorly and I am not doing all I can to live, but I must say if I had ten more of you, I think we could sell this patent and all enjoy a good ice cream with the price we got from investors.  You are a remarkable fellow and I do enjoy you very much, however, investors are tricky folks and they will not go for any idea.  Let me explain something to help you win some folks to the view that this patent is so unusual, most investors do not understand just what is so different about this electrical plan to transfer electricity to your home by transmitting electricity to them, as no one thinks you can really do that.  I understand their thinking but I did invent away to electrify your homes by a wireless transmission of power to you.  That said, this:
I am about to close my life out because of age.  I am already 82 years of age and find it tedious at best to argue with children they are missing the bet that I am right and they have no idea what I am right about except they do not like changing taking electricity from a broadcast tower and still prefer to take electricity from a sub-station and hope it does not catch fire before they get to use the electricity in it.  Well, to be honest I understand their reluctance but not their care as most folks with money to invest have the money becuase they are very careful where they put their money.  I cannot blame them for being careful at all!

However, Poeta, there is always a change in the air waiting to change the mind of people, and I say to doubters, wait until you are 70 or 80 years of age like me, ane you will come to find that there is no one left around you to decide who you are and how you will leave this world, but they sure make sure you understand your ideas are useless.  My idead are very good but I am not daft enough to believe them either, and I bet you in about six or seven years, those doubters about these electric transmission towers, they become very popular to use.  Why?   It is the divine Missions that are coming, and after all I use their ideas to form this tower to transmit electricity.

A US Paten is good for 20 years, Helder Poeta.  I am going to have to wait for man to discover preparticles can do the work I say they can do.  In the meantime I will die and leave the patent to someone, and then the controversy will being as to who really owns the patent.  I do not blame them for being confused, but I do blame people for forgetting what you already know:  if you want cheap electricity and an easy way to distribute it,  Ron Besser's idea will work and real easy too.  However in the meantime, we watch all the investors pile into concrete electric plants that do a poor job of what I do so easily.  You are a good lad Helder Poeta and I admire your tenacity to get things done just by making sure people understand what you found and are good enough to know it works!

Thanks for your interest HelderPoeta, and I do pray you are successful in this life as it takes brains and understanding to do a really good job at interesting people with the big money to listen to you.  My bet is you will eventually do that and you are welcome to the patent and its favor do a hard job easily.  My best to you and success to you with your enthisiastic ideas and care people hear about them.   Cheers! 

General Discussion / mICAHEL OF NEBADON and more 15 Sept 2024
« on: September 15, 2024, 18:28:47 pm »
We are sure you need this and hear from the cabal not but from Michael of Nebadon on your plans to step back and allow the usual drift to occur, Ron.  But let me reward those of you who support Ron and his contention that there has to be a change in dialog and that the usual Lightlines are insufficient to speak to it.  But they have to do for now.  I also warn others reading this I am often beaten up by the cabal and I drop some words.  You have to supply some yourself and thank you.

MICHAEL OF NEBADON  - "Today Ron slept through his usual Lightline charge.  He was not conscious for six hours and ten minutes, and in that time we modified his brain so he did not hear a wake up call to go and do his usual Lightline.  Why?

"The trial today is not Michael of Nebadon.  The trial today is to listen to a cabal that wants to take charge of Urantia, and for the reason it believes it can do a better job than the current administration of policy led by the Melchizedek, Mantutia." 

MANTUTIA SPEAKS: “I am the head of the Planetary Governments spoken to here.  I am full satisfied that it is run well and has an exemplary turn at events including running Ron’s Lightlines for him and the rest who do a Lightline other days of the week.  However, today Ron was hit in the head with a bumptious caring seraphim who wanted him out of speaking voice to send a message from the Supreme Commander– and that is Michael of Nebadon– that the course set for Missions to Urantia was over.

“That is the sad case for Me to report.  I do so fully recognizing that MICHAEL OF NEBADON has not announced it, nor do I think it should be generally known yet.  However, it is well known up here in the high councils that we are facing a deficit of care from the people of Urantia, and a deficit of belonging by high spirit administrators, that anything is really worth the trouble of a Mission, when the planet Urantia is so tied up with Presidential politics.

“For that reason we have declined to do anything more for Missions to Urantia, and goddamn the call of Trump and his usual blase ways, but he is primarily responsible for our decision to stay out of American greediness of the news headlines, and concentrate on the spiritual aspects of the planet alone.  For that reason we say the following:


“This warning comes from the resolute Deity Absolute. “

I am the DEITY ABSOLUTE.  Ron had to type that five times such is the interference of the cabal knowing full well I am leaving no mistaken interview this time with him!   The difference this time is that I supposedly leave my power behind to speak with Ron in these cases, but the cabal is strong around Ron right now he can barely type.  For my own reasons I leave this fairly alone, but I am sure that Ron is paying a price in precious time left to him to decide just how these messages shall resonate with all of you.

“I am practically out of scope in his mind, but he gathers enough of ME to deterime just what is to be said.  It is this:

“You all have been faithful, but Ron has taken faith and crammed enough of the topical subject to allow all of you to understand there is a previously done insult to Michael of Nebadon, and that it must be faced now.  What is it?


“You Ron are nearly blind as you type this.  Your head was cracked good and proper as you attempted to write this, and you are quite sure there is nothing but cabal surrounding you as you try to receive ME.  But for reasons of State, I must remain contained up here and let you all know that URANTIA IS ABOUT TO DIE.

“What do I mean by that?

“The answer lies in the distribution of care on this planet, and Ron winces as he knows he does not care all the time for the behavior this planet affords the political scene the United States is going through right now at all, but he must listen like the rest of us while the powers yak about how good they are and how bad the opponents are.  For that reason it is a typical human planet this Urantia, but we are putting an end to the discriminatory practices of all who collar this type of reporting, and then leave it alone over disgust about how much it leaves out.  Well, I am leaving out my lineage but not my angst, and my angst is this:

“FOR TOO LONE have I spent time with Ron and he agrees it is a long time.  Today Ron got hit on the head with a licensed carrier of hate, and dropped back in bed until nearly 1 PM.  He does not remember well he was up three times to take care of computer concerns not dealing with spirit.  For that reason he did not sleep well but then got hit on the head by vicious celestial beings visiting him on a lark.  Theysoon learned he was in no mood to banter and caught the sharp edge of his tongues and let him have it.  Today he does not remember the incident but we do and we are warning anyone thinking of repeating the episode to forgive him for having you shot dead and ask questions later.  In any even this for all of you:

“MICHAEL OF NEBADON is done with Urantia for now.

“That stands well with all of us but Ron is like you and feels that Urantia desperately needs spirit attention.  We agree.  

“However, and this is important: you do not deserve it as most planets have fallen so low they need help getting up, but not Urantia.  Urantia is one of those creations which harbors hate for anything really good, and it is from lack of patience mostly that the hate gets adjudicated not.  For that reason then we are making this obvious to you Ron: DO NOT FORSAKE MICHAEL OF NEBADON.  Stay reasonably well knit in his abode of care as you have and this will pass too.

“However, what will stay put on Urantia, is the intolerance of so many for the religious life.  That is unfortunate, and Ron is not one of them by far, but makes available our views without charge and without smiles.  He is troubled by his age and says so repeatedly but that cannot be helped now but will be later on as he is necessary to carry these messages more and more as more and more drop out and refuse to consider anything further.  He stays the course with courage as you must, and we now drop more of this as the FATHER wishes to speak now.”

“WE have repeatedly warned all of you of trying to do too much.  Ron slept through is usual tract of a Lightline today on my insistence he take a break.  He did and now pays the price of explaining the unexplainable.  For my part I am happy he did and tell you all of this:

“He is usually happy but today he feels lost over too many incidences that those who should care cannot make it to the place he works himself hard, and that is his home address and I speak to you now: that place is horrible to negotiate an easy way to find to it, but like a peacock, he resides there waiting to stand up for FATHER and His SONS, and that is beatifically put Ron.  For reasons of State we deploy no more language, but tell all of you this:

“Ron is mighty sorry old age is beginning to take a toll, but he 82 years of age now is but a pittance of what is to come for him if he holds better for awhile.  He is not betrodden like most.  He has plenty of care and worth yet he cares little for its comfort and works hard to see to others through this process.  For this process is not for the normal human either, and for all of you, it is a good style way to keep informed.  But I warn all of you that even the good of a trial is no longer available if I decide that the use of trial by error transmissions no longer work.

“For that reason, I caution you all that nothing workings like silence when we are disgusted with a lot of people who can make a difference then decide not to enter a place of repose and work out the difficulties that prevent further communication.  For that reason let this be my last warning to you Ron and to the rest of you, that we communicate when there is good vibes and not when the vibes turn sorrowful and then black.  That is never you Ron but you must face the consequences that no more commercial grade transmissions are available if you are not better attended by a Lightline that now uses sophistacated equipment but cannot last more that thirty minutes due to its lack of endeavor from the those who transmit to you.  I am not referring to Dominick, but to those who offer the same service without realizing it takes more than being about to transmit.  Now this:

“Starting tomorrow at 10am (New York time zone), we will permit a Lightline by others and at 2 PM the Lightline proposed by Elise.  Well and good Ron, but you could hardly type this sentence as it was off the keyboard: I WILL NOT ALLOW MORE LIGHTLINES AFTER MONDAY TH 16TH OF SEPTEMBER unless there is a good  reson to hold them.  Your Lightline today was not held because you were iterally unconscious.  Monday is for dear Elise to hold.  But Tuesday on is questionable unless there is an understanding that those Lightline must be sanctioned by MICHAEL OF NEBADON in a prayer before they are held by the member who holds them.  Dominick you are no exception and Ron you always do and I am grateful for your following as you are no longer required to hold the Sunday Lightline but do so if you the spirit moves you.   K

“I am FATHER, and I wish to make this statement to you Ron:

“You are able to do so much more but you are hiding your whip because you feel there is a diminution of fare and let it pass.  Let it pass, but remember that MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK is always with yu, as you are the one who started all this, and you are the one to finish this if you are beaten into a death trap.  This morning was a perfect example of what they try to do and this morning is the last of it for you ever.  For that reason we stay put in the observation that all of you who read these messages, that there shall be no interference ever again, and that is FATHER’S promise that you are fully satisfied you are fairly treated before you must go on to the spirit spheres on high.  Notwithstanding, you must understand you follow the regular concourse of death but you will be accompanied by a seraphim known as Lully not, but her partner, Simone, and that is a fair guess she will comply.

SERAPHIM - “I am not Lully.  I am not Simone.  I am a Supernaphim of high standing myself, and I give you my word you are taken in hand Ron as there are too many who wish you harm in that ardorus journey to the mansion worlds now.  For thatreason I a Supreme Seraphim and a Supernaphim of nature we know alone, will accomapny you in your death spiral soon enough.  The trial to live long on Urantia you have met, but you have no idea how to get to the Mansion Worlds not.  For that reason rest assured we do know, and will comply well.  The Seraphim of Choice.

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - “Thank you ladies.  But we also have a say in all of this and that Ron has shown superb manifestation of the spirit on Urantia but working his tail off, and giving us a breif glimpse of workaday worlds to us too.  He is beloved up here slightly and without ranco, and his love of the Pigeon Hills notwithstanding, we give him one last glimpse of Paradise before he has to work himself to becomes an honary guard of the Michael Cassion (Ron, word as given), which is in my memolry on Urantia for him to behave for shortly.  Be aware Ron, your boisterous sounds carry and do nothing but be glad.

“Finally, Ron you have the damndest wit, but be glad I leave the rest alone as you have a meeting with a broadcaster up here that will insist you make something of a broadcast of what to do as a world meister of all that is and soon.

“We leave with this one caveat:

“Do not leave us until there is a chest of gold for you soon Ron (and titis of Sapphire, lolly?), and we greet you later.  K”

Ron - If that makes sense to you then tell me too.  I am done transmitting for now and thank goodness they do not make this transmission archivable.   Cheers to all.  

THE DEITY ABSOLUTE - “Ron, you broke up the transmission irrevocably from the Deity Absolute, as you are irreverant and broken up badly enough to learn no more Deity Absolute, but you will hear from GOD THE ABSOLUTE shortly, and you are not wrong, this is a huge move for US and for FATHER!!  GOOD DAY.

FATHER - “To you Ron, you are the first individual to learn that the Deity Absolute is now GOTTHE ABSOLUTE.  May your audience learn its importance shortly! FATHER.


Dear List,
I have been hit on the head so hard I hardly know what I am doing.  Today is Sunday, yet I was put to sleep until 230PM without knowing I had a Lightline or other responsibilities to accept.  I have had bouts of sleep far beyond my requirements to sleep and now I see we are having a disagreement if you will over the use of this web site at all by forces that have nothing to do with us, but are favoring a Urantia without communication from the Deities.


Second of all:  Please understand I do not understand what is happening well enough to explain anything to you.  This is so upsetting I am worried about the contact points we do fully agree on, and finally please watch out for false information if it rears its ugly head.  So far I am very proud of the membership for taking these anomalies well.  And third, I cannot predict where this discharge of vitriol from so-called spirit will go.

Third:  NOTICE -  We are forced to suspend our usual charge of Lightline until some normalization can take place.  This is an ugly turn of events, and I pray that we can be normalized quickly, but until then use caution and please stay safe.

Fourth - I have personally sustained a small injury to my head due to my carelessness but made much worse by a so called spiritual cabal that wants our work eliminated and themselves in control.  I cannot tell you about it because they are fully in charge and forcing commercial investigation that should be done, out of context.  I have been put to sleep over my schedule to have a Lightline, and I am furious but can do nothing about it.

Fifth - I am suspending nothing.  Please, those who have a schedule to report a Lightline keep it going if you can, and maybe there will be an explanation later on to satisfy our curiosity as to why this has to happen at all.  I do not have a good reason to say much and I figure all of you have a good reason to question just what is happening too.  

And finally, I am not losing myself to this googy regime that insists they are in charge of our Lightlines, but there is every reason to believe that by t he end of today, the 15th of September, 2024, things will normalize as I do hear a bit of a dictation this anomaly of care with straighten out much later today.

In the meantime, I apologize for my lack of respect for a signature of a Lightline today due to being hit on the head so hard I had no sense of a schedule or did I, until recently,  know it was even Sunday.  Go figure.  I will report later today if I can and God Bless you all and we will have our say together when this despicable cabal is removed over us.

Ron Besser
MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "You are correct Ron, and keep it fair warning.  This place called Urantia is seized under a regulatory command of the FATHER to abide with normal procedures.  I am not at liberty to discuss much, you have been put into a deep freeze, your head hurts, there is a bump on your left forehead and so forth and it bodes not well for you and the group to transmit at all.  Let this abide until later today and I will have you transmit some sort of care later today.  Thank you all for understanding nothing, but we will attempt to make amends much later today.  K:

Dreamcat I am sorry to say that this discursive post is neither to my liking or do I cast aspersions on you other than to say you are a ball of tar that keeps spreading the idea I have done something than honorable to disavow political discussions on this web site.  I take it you disagree and want to take on the issues of the day in politics to this site.  However, other than the occasional discursive about candidates and the less than favorable attitude I have about political discussions on a web sites devoted to other issues than politics, I am asking that this thread be discarded now from all further use.  I allow a certain discursive arrangement of postings now and then as favorable to the climate on this discussion forum, but as a general rule I do not let political discussions take root that long, and for obvious reasons, these discussions have nothing to do with what we are really here to discuss.

As a rule I warn individuals about doing this and let it go.  However, I am not so gentle with you since you trial the underbelly of reasons we have this discussion form, and I am warning you any further dislocation of the truth of why we hold this forum free from this kind of volatile discourse only harms the general free and caring thought that pervades this web site, at least for now.  There is nothing you need do further, but I caution you I will take action if you persist further with this discussion of views that MIchael of Nebadon calls "cautic."  I do to and will eventually delete this and the conversation around it, so there is no further reasons to get into what this posting is supposed to be about )Michael changes) and has gotten side tracked into what I view or do not view.  You PJammer have caught the thrust of what is not so nice going on, and I am agreeing with you.  I consider more posts on this thread to be of no use except to rile up peaceful people over a non sequitur of thought.  Justice demands an end to accusatory statements regarldess of how well founded you might consider them.

For reasons of State, this Board on Big Changes for Michael, I should like you all to abandon, and let peace reign again, as there is nothing of much value said so far by anyone including myself.

For reasons of regular issue I will also delete this board in 24 hours to remain this site well done and no further postings to this area further for the sake of peace and quiet.  I have nothing further to day except I am sorry I let this posting go to the point it got nasty and we have never had this condition before and I won't allow it to continue as such.  We are sorry Ron, but this is MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and you must allow him one more post for his consideration of staying here or leaving as he is too well done on politics without understanding they are the rub to social reform and not to the political distaste you have for a running disagreement over the tone of posts.  Let this reside and allow him to post one more statement, and you are warned that there is a dismissal coming even for you Ron is you allow this to continue in such a distaste to all on this forum for such an avowed discretion to call you or the means you use to run a good forum, for you have and you are seeing to it this kind of disagreement ends - spoken by Master Spirit Seven.

I suggest Dreamcat for your own good you let this drop as evidence of what not to get into ever with me or those who disagree there is anything to discuss on political situations.  That is why they are banned in the first place because people hold volatile views on such.  I consider no more posts to this subject as the best choice of any one of us now.  
To those who read along for their considerate views of these subjects of disagreement and how to handle a web site dedicated to the transmissions of the Nebadon Deities and the Universal Deity of our Father, let this pass.  We allow very little more on this thread, and to PJammer it is not your fault to cause this disagreement, but it is acid and I suggest we drop it where we left it for now.  Thank you.

Ron Besser

Ron here:
Political discourse happens in spite of our reverential attitude toward God and his factor, Michael of Nebadon.  You Dreamcat  01, have made a serious error to introduce this subject to the forum, and I am warning you there is a consequence I will put into effect if this subject continues.
First, the political intrigue of a national politics is not fair game for this site.  Second of all, my posture is that of a transmitter, and I do not skew the transmission that way at all.  Here is Michael of Nebadon to speak to the issue entirely:

MICHAEL OF NEBADON = "Ron has consistently made one point always with this web site:  it is yours to prevail upon any subject so long as it is spiritual and so long as it meets my approval to speak to the subject as given.
"I warn you Dreamcat 01 that Ron has consistently seen to the matter of political problems not, but he is fully discouraged by a man called Trump, to ever darken the political nature of Urantia again.  He discloses the selfishness of all political systems and he is particularly out of order this day and age of the American value system, regardless of his singular popularity with the people of a certain ilk of American culture that is disloyal to the political system in the first place.

"I am Michael of Nebadon, and you Dreamcat visited Ron in his home several years ago and found it a dreamy atmosphere but totally useless to your view that he had the power to design thing but no power to use them.  That is not the case, but he provides the people here a fair and balanced view of the work I do, and the work of the Melchizedeks fully and well.  Yet, you are of the opinion he is weak willed enough to fail to understane the nature of Donald Trump or his opponent Harris.  He understands them both perfectly well and disallows them any full consensus of what it take to find and fulfill God's will to embrace the American public at all.  You Dreamcat 01 are not forthcoming in your true views at all, but we leave them alone as they are as rancid as what the American West calls "anterior fusalage." and fusalage is a spirit term to mean, "antisocial behavior with a political twist."

   "I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and you are the first one to cast aspersions on Ron over political issues you are famous for in your own family of God.  We are fully sure you care for Ron as he cares for you, but you are unfair politically to cast aside his virtue to stand back from political criticism over the acts of speeches by the political opponents for an office he hardly worships but respects.  You do the same thing Dreamcat 01, but Ron has always respected your view that there is little to do for him or yourself over political fodder.  Now it seems you have awakened to a view that holds hostile the very idea of competititon between Trump and Harris because of her color or her lineage.  The truth is both are not well representing what they are running for in office of a hugely resplendent office, but poorly regarded by Ron as he considers it a breadbasket full of stale bread and listens more to the Senate than any other political body to check the Presidency for its own sense of political grandeur.

"For that reason wants to nip this in the bud, as I do.  You are introducing politics into the idea of a small regard for Urantia not, but for a political exercise you are famous for and that is to criticize . the opponents before they even open their mouths to speak their views.  Ron does not allow this kind of speech on the forum, and I have advised him to look at you as naive rather than harsh criticism .  Ron has never admitted his political stand is rather harsh on both political parties because he views them as mostly impoverished history teachers who favor one political party over another.  I am not much better than that, and we both agree it is best left to true political opponents to fight it out.

"However, the nation called the United States will have a problem shortly, and that is because I have decried the nature of Trump,  and Kamal Harris is a rube for a true political stand against irregular behavior of the family unit, while stand four square to emulate the democracy of American foretaste for a radical government that sees American women better than American men over what to do with foreign wars.  Watch out for her waffling over wars of attrition, and then be sure you do not want her again for a second term.  She is totally unable to referee such conflicts and I am sure this is not what you want to hear Dreamcat, but there is nothing coming to assuage your view it is better to have a female president than a man you do not respect in the oval office.

"And finally, you Pjammer are always ready to engender a fight over political garbage, and that is mostly what politics are; however, do not mistake Me for a political figure, as I am a religious ideal, and nothing more to the American public.  They do not know what it takes to run a universe, and at least Ron makes an attempt in understanding by holding these sayings weekly for a good return of the Spirit to a homeland based on the greed of  a stock market and the grandeur of the past when it did attempt to see to conflicts as dangerous ploys to the peace of a world always ready for a new war.  We are not happy that Ron feeds mostly on a low diet of sugar and some protein to keep him going to the end, but that is what he is facing for now.  I am not producing much either as I have quit the idea of another Mission to Urantia, and that is because the world is not right for a Mission, but a trouncing on this kind of tomfoolery again over nothing for you Dreamcat and nothing much for you PJammer as this kind of conversation Ron has mostly refused to engage in.

"However, I do not blind myself by refusing to speak to the political chicanery going on in the United States at this time.  Ron considers Kamala Harris as a picked out opponent to Trump.  HE says, "this assignment by a past President to pick out who shall run as the proposed President of the United States STINKS, and he wants a real opponent to face Trump, and call Trump what he is.  That truth of the matter is that Trump should be in jail, but that is a matter for the American jurisprudence to figure out how it allows this man to say one things and do another and without the guile of a prisoner of war he should be, as I the Master Force Organizer of political will on 725 (seven human twenty-five  planets now), will not sit idly by as the Crown of my 7th Bestowal, sits in the filth of American jurisprudence as the Urantian American supreme court goes down for the count with Justices that do not know what they are doing!

"The American system of jurisprudence used to be the ideal of the world, but it has suffered several slings and arrows of the right in politics to be the fall guys for wrong doing, but it has slipped slightly by justices that do not know what they are doing, and I, the Marshall of Justice on American soil, do not approve of any of them until they wake up and behave like true Justices of the American jurisprudence of the American System of Justice.  For that reason we take a different tack than the American Supreme court and rely upon the divine nomenclature to state:  No one gets a better grad than the past justices who refused any compensation other than what they are paid by the American government which is plenty,  Yet Justices already accept fees from outside sources for speaking and this should ruled as out of favor by Congress, but Congress is fully tallied to speak to constituencies outside of their purview, and do nothing about this travesty of money in the best judicial system!

"I am not speaking to you further on this Ron, but you have your own problems soon, because your brother will insist that you join him in financing a system to prevent further erosion of your patent stand of free electricity, as they are now working to undo you not, but working to find a better solution to electrical distribution other than to just transmit the electricity to the home.  Powers of sorts wish the patent would go away as you have snarled up a plan to run electrical systems to the home as a power sturggle between the government and the electrical system per se.  I will address this in another report later today if you are willing to address it yourself Ron. 

"I conclude this work today and remind all of you that I was on Urantia for over two weeks lately.  I have returned to Salvington, and have determined that the situation on Urantia is poorer than perceived up here for generations, and I will not allow the diadem of my work to be caused for such a travesty of rewards for a human population riddled with drugs and the aftermath of WWII and the Korean War to addle-pate my legacy as Jesus. 
"finally this to this forum.   Ron has made it clear it should continue after his death, but I am not happy that he should have a death for the foreseeable future as he is one of the few that understand that true meaning of my continuing interest in Urantia.  Watch out for a strange care many begin to feel for a world with Jesus again.  I will be attentive!


Helder Poeta,  I have no clue what exactly is spoken to in several possibilities of what the Michael team was speaking to.  Mostly there is the problem of the coral of the Insurrectionist.  To put it bluntly, those who are in insurrection still do not have a sense of belonging to the planned Mission to Urantia as friends of the Court.  That means they are not coopering, and frankly it does not seem to matter to the Deities entirely that there are Seraphim who remain in opposition to the Missions to this plant.
Perhaps I am the only one who knows of this problem to the Creator Son.  Michael of Nebadon can fortunately visit our planet but he cannot clear our planet of a certain force that refuses to cooperate either with the Creator Son or the Magisterial Son, Monjoronson.  Remember are there are two forces at work right now on Urantia, and the sooner the better they coalesce into one force and bring Urantia the Mission to clear the planet of insurrection.  Otherwise we have a mess for awhile while Michael of Nebadon tries to undo this rebellion taking place on Urantia, and no where else at the moment.  We are not, and when I say "we" I am referring to all of you, and that is unfortunate because the insurrectionist Seraphim have no clearance for you to understand why they remain in rebellion.

Do you all understand that the Missions to Urantia are inching forward, but that the fully measure of what the Missions are to do on Urantia is stymied over who does the work or what they are supposed to do?  For reasons of State, Helder Poeta, your questions about what is going on is great and those questions should be asked, but it is very difficult for me to tell what Michael wants as Michael must negotiate with the rebels and keep a lid on the Missions at the same time.  As a result we are not seeing a true Mission bloom yet on the planet, and I of course cannot tell what may be going on via the Creator Son and our Planetary Supreme master which is not Tarkas, but another one I have not heard of (yet).

TARKAS - "You Ron are excellent to point out there is an extreme care going on with Michael  of  Nebadon, but we are not informed as to progress or anything else.  As a result there is nothing to report this morning as of 930AM New York time zone.  You are looking at the last remaining obstacle in place to bring the Sonship Missions to Urantia, and this is a last warning to all of you and that warning consists of the fact that nothing is going to be reported in the normal fashion we have been using for over a decade with you included Ron.  This is TARKAS truly:

TARKAS - "I have nothing to tell you except there is an insurrection on Urantia that is both brutal and nasty.  Your Presidential election material is going on easily, but it sits on top of another problem, and that is an insurrection of Duty Officers of the Seraphic variety that refuse to contain the lower levels of rebellion on Urantia, and that is because the Duty Officers of the seraphic variety refuse to part way for new beings that are not angels, but are of a Sonship variety they do not trust.  THE FATHER did this, and the Sonship variety is not defined even to you Ron as you refuse to participate with rebellion ever or at all.  That requires a special care giving situation to inform you but not so well we give our position away easily.

"For that reason Ron you are partially in the dark, but we promise you and others that there will be a report either later today or made tomorrow about the grave situation in the Middle East, and the possibility of a general war there if MICHAEL OF NEBADON does not straighten out the quagmire over who is chief of the Seraphim on Urantia.  This has been a harrowing experience for too long now, and it is near resolution soon enough, but not until the last decision is reached do we report anything yet.

"I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and I report that nothing you can do Ron or does this august group of humans ever understand the real issue being negotiated now.  Sufficient to say we are not unhappy, but at the same time there is nothing we can report to at the moment.  Let this record remain in place and we shall make a report later on Today, Friday the 13th yet, and leave all else alone for now.  WE ARE MICHAEL OF NEBADON not, but we are affiliated with Him, and we report that the seraphic duty officer reports to you Ron so this can be generally known:

"WE THE SERAPHIC DUTY OFFICER on URANTIA do hereby swear that the confirmation of your work Ron is about over, and that you must be laid back and forgiven for being so nosy, but you are no longer reporting exactly the cause or the case of what is to be done.  For that reason, no one of the human variety has a case against the reports being good, accurate, or well stated, as possible from us (Seraphic Duty Officer on Urantia speaking), and we are now lost to the worlds of careless concerns  again, as you Ron continue to be somewhat informed but not enterily and I drop back to understand your situation.  Thank you, Ron for your patience.  K"

Ron Besser -  I am not informed of anything folks, as I am merely reporting out as I have done for years now, and find there is nothing much to say as both the Magisterial Foundation, and the remaining six corporations, are sitting here without regard to their usual reporting features.  That is normal in a rebellion, but we are also faced with the idea that Michael of Nebadon refuses to recognize our work for now.  That means we report what we think we know for now without confirmation of higher authority, and I remain confident that will change back to us when there is relative calm on Urantia again.  We are experiencing Kamala Harris and Donald R. Trump yelling at each other, but truly little to know about the substance of the real American government and what is deciding to do about the Israeli war and the Ukraine war at the same time.  These are dangerous situations, and escalation could occur at any time.  Here is MICHAEL OF NEBADON to explain to us that situation as far as the  CREATOR SON is concerned.

MICHAEL OF NEBADON speaks:  "You are all well informed by Ron at nearly 11am New York time zone this morning, that he and others are being calmed back to recognize Missions to the planet Urantia.  However, I must be circumspect and allow nothing to interfere with negotiations with the seraphic concerns on Urantia, to allow some passage of a new commitment that I shall allow a Seraphic Party to write some of the Mission on Urantia, but that I must be in charge and not admit Seraphic concerns over who and what the leadership of official duties for these Missions is to be other than myself and the Deityship of concern both for Urantia, and the other planets involved at the same time with Urantia.  Oh yes, there are plenty of others involved with your planet right now, but do not get too confused that there is chaos on Urantia.  There is not!!!

"Further Ron, you are now taken off the main beat and are placed in the ground work for a solution to Urantia's endless problem of care giving and the like for your planet is stalling out for good works over a Presidential campaign that must be decided very soon, yet there are people in the Midwest you do not understand their care for Donal Trump and his standing with the Courts.  You cannot believe that a convicted felon is allowed to Ron for the Presidency, and you are like Me Ron, the Creator Son will not tolerate a system that allows Donald Trump to run for the Presidency at all!  For reasons of State we tell you that our work on Urantia is not for any of the candidates, but for the poor people stuck in a Middle Eastern war and a Ukraine war that promises to escalate even further if it is not shut down real soon!

"For that reason we allow this discussion to take place, but you are weary of the sides to be taken over these wars, and fully believe that the Belorussian war games should be renounced and surrendered immediately as We do.  However, this post is getting long and we submit it to be over now.  Watch the news folks, that is all I can tell you.   I AM MICHAEL OF NEBADON and I greet you another day.  K" 

Ron - And I close this post and also to remind you there is more coming later today if we get that far with negotiations between Michael of Nebadon and the Seraphic Group now reporting to me to be heard.  Here are the rebels:

" I  AM THE SERAPHIC LEADER OF THIS GROUP:   I have no name for safety reasons, but I tell you until the Creator Son realizes we are near death's door over so many issues, we will not work one iota more until someone addresses these wars on Urantia, and lets us free of the ministry of the dying and defamed.  We are sick of the wars and the hardships on Urantia and no one addresses these wars as we must.  For reasons of State Ron, you are honored as a friend of both courts and you do not mind as long as both sides state their reviews and go out and away from official concerns with the hiatus of  remarkable concerns you have for both ways of telling of what is happening on Urantia.  Helder Poeta spent a day with a friend of the Court and reports nothing gained, and we agree with Poeta, but he is a youngster and has no real standing with the Brazilian government yet he does speak well as far as we Seraphic Corps are concerned.  Thank you for letting us make this statement Ron.  K"

Ron here -  I am quickly running out of words here, and let the present situation steady itself and report nothing further today until there is something coming from the Tarkas Administrator later today  Until then good day.

Ron Besser.k with Creator Sons belief this is a good report and final until late afternoon for all of you.  K.  MICHAEL OF NEBADON signing off.  

Date September 11, 2024

Just a reminder that donations to this web site are tax free and you may claim the donation on your IRS form as a contribution to a valuable web site.  Today is the 11th of September and there has been three donations made since the last notice we made back in March of this year.  We are not hard on money, but we need it to operate this site and others like it in the future. 
Please consider donating to the kitty we maintain to run this web site an to pay for the space it takes on the Internet.  We are thankful for anything you can give us whether to send it directly to the web site listed here above, or via a payment to the Magisterial Foundation by check or money order.  We are running a slight surplus at this moment, but that gets wipe out pretty fast with all we have to pay for.  For instance to pay for reporting this site to the IRS and like expenses we spend about $2,500 a year.  Right now we are okay but this payment and the IRS are insistent on constant vigilance that we do this right  and we have.

I thank all of you who think of this site and contribute your posts and voice.  For those of you who would like to contribute to this web site, please send a check or money order to:

The Magisterial Foundation
2709 Sunset Lane
York. Pennsylvania 17408

If you wish to contribute directly to the bank account see above on the first post for that information.  Thank you all very much.  Ron Besser, President of the Magisterial Foundation.  K

General Discussion / Re: Just curious
« on: September 10, 2024, 14:12:46 pm »
Clency and Weydevu, for your information there is another rebellion.  I cannot tell you much because I do not know much.  Today, the 10th of September, and it is 2 PM here as I write this, there is a warning from Christ Michael, that they have shut the connection down to Urantia temporarily.  That means the usual transmissions for the rest of the week are probably left to the fate of working or not working.  It is impossible to tell much right now at 2PM Atlantic New York time zone.

I am quite out of it, and I can still type but my eyesight is down to 30% and my vitality is about half of normal, but I can still see and read the posts on this forum.  For that reason I will keep at it until there is a decision about what to do on Urantia.  I do not know mostly what the issue for a renewed rebellion is, but someone has to eventually tell the truth and let us know what is happening and how we are affected.  Clency I admire you tremendously for staying with the problems you are fighting to clear them.  I have similar problems and it is the cabal not, but a horrendous order by powers unknown to shut us out of the caretakers role and let us slip into oblivion.

For that reason, not only you Clency, but me and several others are forbidden to make much of a contribution to understanding what is occurring.  I cannot help much in that department either and must wait for this horrible stuff to clear before we can make a delclarative statement as to the what the occurrence on Urantia, probably about 830AM New York time.  For that reason I will shut up for now.

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "That is right Ron.  You actually went back to bed at 930am this morning and stayed there until 130 PM New York time.  The result is this:

1  - "There are no more Lightlines as they used to be.  That circuit is shut down for now.

2  - "Let this thing play out and stay the course with all of you.

3 - "There is nothing left of Missions as of now as the FATHER has trialed us to stay the course and let the serpahic rebellious play its course, and that is all I can say.  MICHAEL OF NEBADON

4 - "I, MICHAEL OF NEBADON, have returned to Salvington today after spending about four days on Urantia.  I never saw such a mess on a planet as Urantia has at the present.  Your Lightlines are truncated now for the foreseeable future due to the fact I have placed URANTIA on a call to develop a new PLANETARY GOVERNMENT as of 10:30 AM the 10th of September, 2024.  I have no further explanation now.  Thank you.  MICHAEL OF NEBADON at your service."

Ron Besser - "I have served this Lightline and posting on the discussion forum now since 2008 in various formats.  I am ordered to stand down for a few hours and not say more as MICHAEL OF NEBADON, has an announcement to URANTIA shortly to the celestial life on Urantia.  When that is done, he will make something available to us.  Until then we are deaf and dumb, and I am exploring the possibility of using Lightline call in later today.  Today is a patent Lightline call in which I can not attend easily, but let us hope some of this comes to the attention of the moderator of the Lightline today.  If not, we let this ride for the moment.  K

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "Your Ron, are not exaggerating the mounting problem and we let Uversa figure it out for now.  WE attend those Lightlines in deep interests for all of you but right now we listen to the Salvington broadcast indicating a total seizure of the planet in spite of precautions against this happening.  We do not quite make sense how this can happen and neither can you Ron, but we will report on all of this later.  Thank you.  And do not worry Ron about those extraneous voicing right now.  K.  MICHAEL OF Nebadon.  K"


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