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Online Lemuel

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« on: March 07, 2022, 02:23:43 am »
Subject: MUSIC II
T/R: Lemuel
Location: Girona, Catalunya, Spain.
Date/Time: 7th March 2022  07:00 Local  06:00 Z

In general, people love music and even your Shakespeare suggested in 
Twelfth Night that, " If music be the food of love, play on". People love being
moved by music. The emotions that arise from within and surge up through
the heart can easily bring tears to the eyes. Just think of all the movies with
romantic music that you enjoyed in your younger years. The symphonies
of the great composers, operas with the most beautiful arias sung by 
internationally acclaimed artists are just some examples of music indeed,
being the food of love. It is through such feelings that one is inspired to give
thanks for such a beautiful art form that music is. Can you imagine life
without it?

Another type of music can inspire people to patriotism and nationalism and
can even further inspire them to wage war. The sound of fife and drum has
moved thousands of young to join the ranks and go to war. It is no secret that
sound waves enter your body and stir up the kind of emotions that move you
into action.  North American Indians had their dance rituals with drum beats.
African tribes have also used drums in their ritual dancing. The rhythmic
beating of the drum goes hand-in-hand with the need to move the body.

It is true to say that all sound has an effect and music is a quality of sound that
in general, people like.  The difference in style is a personal choice as to 
which one you prefer to listen to at any given moment. One is not always in
the mood for Beethoven´s 5th or a Chopin Nocturne but there is always
plenty to choose from. One thing is for sure, you all know the type of music
that you do not like and cannot support listening to for a moment.

One becomes much more discerning in all aspects of life as the years roll by
and your likes and dislikes can change like everything else, but your love and
appreciation for music is a constant source of joy and therefore Shakespeare
may have been right after all. "If music be the source of love, play on".

Until next time.

Good day.