Author Topic: Lightline USA - 3 March, 2024  (Read 9456 times)

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Lightline USA - 3 March, 2024
« on: March 03, 2024, 17:25:42 pm »
This is the Sunday Lightline USA for 3 March, 2024

                with your host Ron Besser.

Here is the link to the tape:

Online Raz

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Re: Lightline USA - 3 March, 2024
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2024, 13:54:06 pm »
  • 030324 Audio Tape Light Line USA; host: Ron Besser
  • Subjects: an incarnation will appear in a week, Missions are going again and the Magisterial Foundation is up and running, Ron’s back channel is explained, and Inspired Trinity Spirits have arrived to assist Melchizedeks;
  • Speakers: Michael of Nebadon, Machiventa Melchizedek, Monjoronson, Gabriel, Father Infinite, Cabal, Vonondadek Sons, and Arthura;
  • Transcribed By: RAZ ( I welcome corrections - message me )
  • Link To Tape:
(there are a couple places not transcribed due to cabal interference as noted by the time stamps)

Ron Besser  
Hello, everyone, we now have 21. And thank you for joining us to the Sunday Light Line, March 3 2024. I'm Ron Besser, your host.

Michael of Nebadon  
And this is Michael of Nebadon.

Ron Besser  
Well, thank you, Michael. Come on in. Go ahead when you wish.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you, Ron. I do enjoy it when you say hello. It's so, well, sturdy. It's this: Ron has been having trouble for the past 48 hours of even being able to get out of bed. What has happened, as best we can tell, is that the cabal has made a final statement and wishes to remove Ron entirely. He has a bum right leg now and his vital signs are almost zero. I am now making this quite apparent. I don't know how long we're going to run today's Light Line. But for reasons of state, Ron is well enough to do it. Don't worry about it. Furthermore, Lemuel, you have a little while to go. We've straightened you out. You'll be fine for quite a while. To you, Dominick: you are well. And please, we may ask you to take this over when I decide that someone else should do the Light Line.

Now this: the truth of the matter is you all know that I canceled the missions, last week. Today is Sunday. I think we made it final on Friday. So it's only 48 hours ago. Ron says well okay all the infrastructure is in place. We can use it yet. There is nothing that needs to be redone if you want to use it, Michael. I said fine, let it lie, because I am not done by a long shot with you or Urantia. Ron has, unfortunately stumbled into the recess, too well, for me to correct him. That recess Ron was by cabal not but by the Universal Father. And He stumbled you badly on Wednesday but you took the Light Line anyhow, and everything was fine.

What I want to talk about right now is that if Ron leaves, there is going to be a vacuum because I am not reinstituting Sunday Light Lines. We're going to leave them blank for the moment. So Dominick don't bother, or anybody else. Just leave Sunday blank if Ron leaves. And now this to you Dominick: you and Ron had a good session last night. You learned a lot. He learned a lot. I am not resigning from any of it. But please understand that the entire matter that we are to discuss later today here at 2709 is that the entire issue of programming is now about to begin again. Ron doesn't know what I'm talking about and for reasons of state, he needs to reclaim his breath.

In any case, the following should be of considerable interest to all of you.
  • The entire matter of Light Lines is not excused. It will continue. Follow the schedule, please.
  • Those who would like to do a Light Line for the Magisterial Foundation or even for themselves, Ron can arrange any day you want to use the facilities and to do your Light Line. The only requirement is to do it at 2:00 p.m. on those days, we do all of our Light Lines now at 2:00 p.m. That is to standardize the time for anybody who wants to listen to a Light Line.
  • I am not resigning from being chief of Nebadon. Ron and I talked about it several times. And I told him that Father has offered me a wonderful job in the Master Universe. Ron says whatever you choose, Michael, I support you. And I am not choosing anything but to stay the course. Not only for Urantia but for Nebadon.

We have been attacked for almost two years now. Ron is well aware of it. He is furious with the cabal and their interference. So am I. Today, as usual, they attacked Ron. He has a severely ruptured right leg and can barely walk. They did it. I'm repairing it as we speak. And finally this: I am no longer going to say to the United States or any country to stop this foolishness of war-like maneuvers. The United States of all people should know better. But Biden can't stand Hamas. Neither can Israel. The United States, as we hear it, in the inner sanctum is prepared to go to war, not only with some of the Middle East nations, but anyone that begins another war in the Middle East will be snuffed out well. There is a fleet, in fact, two fleets, of the United States in the region. And they are not about to stand down. Any of you who have Palestinian friends be also aware, and I know Ron is fully supporting this; the Palestinians may no longer have a state. We will see to it. They need to be part, perhaps of Jordan, or perhaps of another nation north. For that reason, I am now setting aside no time for the position taken by the United States for a ceasefire. It won't last folks. We'll see.

And finally, this from Me, the entire matter of a Mission to Urantia through York is now on. I never thought of it. Ron comes up with this, this plan and says now you have an office. You can walk in and use the telephone, use a scratch pad, and talk to people to interview. You now have a piece of land to walk in and speak. I said well why would we need that? The Magisterial Son says to me, I would love to use it to see what it's like to have an office on the planet that we are actually giving a Mission to. Ron enjoys it and even laughs about it. We now have six subsidiaries for departments. Every one is a charity and everybody knows that I think as an audience here, but I just want to put it back on the record so that it's readable, in any transcript.

Ron Besser  
And finally, this. I am not sure, just a moment. Let me check something here. I don't see Raz today. But that's all right. If we're missing you, don't worry about it.

Michael of Nebadon  
The truth of the matter is, I think there is a celebration today for the beginning of some religious service. And finally, everyone, the entire matter of celebrating everything in church is not my cup of tea anymore. Let me explain something. The churches, every one of them, do not seem to claim that Easter is also a resurrection signature. What do I mean by that? I mean, it exists. I write about it every time the subject is provided for like I'm doing now. The reason that all of us are sure that the churches will resign from any Mission that We bring you, is that Jesus does not accomplish or accompany much with us right now. All of you expect it. Ron expects it. But Ron had a conversation this morning with Jesus. And Jesus reminded him, that He is speaking but not doing. Ron didn't question it, he let it go.

But the truth of the matter is right now, Urantia is a damned pill. It's doing exactly what it should never do, mobilize. Russia is going to get a black eye, I assure you. The United States already has a black eye. Israel will be ashamed. And finally, Hamas utterly destroyed. I'll see to it. And finally, this while I am speaking. I want you to understand that the entire matter concerning Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, and the northern sphere of NATO may get into it. Watch out. I don't know quite what that leads to. We have people up here that spend their day trying to calculate the effects from what nations do on Urantia. They are not welcome. And I mean, the nations on Urantia. We're having a hard time calculating. The United States is it not usually the belligerent but if we aren't careful, Biden will see to it. And for that reason, Ron we're still using you. Ron says; good heavens. I want you to understand Ron, you have prepared so well we daren't pass it up. You're surprised.

Ron Besser  
Oh, I am Michael. I expect spirit to be ruthless and we need them to be ruthless. But I thought my head would be chopped with this. I thank you for telling me. Go ahead, please.

Michael of Nebadon  
Beautifully stated. I now understand that you are not necessarily considering WTP.

Ron Besser  
Well, this is Ron. WTP is a project of its own, I can put that into another category entirely and work whatever we may get out of that. I am quite sure that our attempts to be seen and known have fallen on totally deaf ears. And I am just angry enough about it to say all right, sleep in that bed. I don't happen to care what you miss.

Michael of Nebadon  
I fully am aware of that attitude, Ron, and this time they will notice it. I am making sure that the Magisterial Sons are preparing to enter Urantia incarnated. You will see their bodies. Furthermore, let me explain the silences. Ron is converting to a mansion world status. He has to realign the lungs to take air and for that reason, he chokes briefly, while he has to take the air intake to oxygenate the blood. He will remain in spite of all this pain, and well done very soon. In any case, let me put the emphasis back on the Magisterial Sons. Monjoronson, Serara, Henson, and one called Sen Sen. Don't forget him. That is not hyphenated Raz, it's Sen. Space. Sen. And now this: you Ron are looking dimly.

Ron Besser
Well, the light is bothering my eyes. Yes.

Michael of Nebadon  
You didn't mean to speak?

Ron Besser  
No, I don't know where that came from.

Michael of Nebadon  
The truth of the matter is you are now fully morontial. How can you tell?

Ron Besser  
I can't tell, Michael.

Michael of Nebadon  
Well, what about your ankles?

Ron Besser  
Very stiff, and a little less painful than they were a minute ago. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
And does that mean anything?

Ron Besser  
I would love it to. But it comes and goes to.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you, Ron. That's part of it.

Ron Besser  
I will usher my intelligence to that point, sir. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you very much. The truth of the matter is, I can never get a straight answer out of him. It's always something I'm not expecting. In any case, we now have 26 online, and thank you for coming.

(18:35 - 24:38)

Ron Besser
I will not accept evil under the name of mission. Shame on them. I will not tolerate it. I thank you Machiventa for understanding.

Michael of Nebadon  
This is Michael of Nebadon, Ron. I've never seen anybody handle it. You handled it so well. I want you to understand there should be a chief of staff and you just might be it if you weren't so small. Now we're going to normalize.

Ron Besser  
One moment people, I've got to change frequencies. Hold on. All right, I'm back.

Michael of Nebadon  
This is Michael of Nebadon. And for reasons of state, I want to congratulate Ron for handling something I never saw handled before. We pulled a rank one. We threw the frequency into the rebels. Now it's fully cleared, there are no rebels. And let me speak plainly now.

Ron Besser  
I am Ron Besser. I am aware of the change, Michael. But please follow the course so I don't get these frequency bobbles.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you. And I will.

Ron Besser  
Go ahead, please.

Michael of Nebadon  
The last time we spoke Ron was this morning, while you tried to watch the news on television and found it so outrageous, you just turned it off. The temper of the times is almost like it was in 1914. The nation-states were all in alliances, like the Triple Entente or the Entente. They all triggered war if a certain thing was done by the other alliances. Thus started World War One. Not until November of 1918, did the war end. The casualties were well over 3 million. And for reasons of state, it nearly killed Great Britain. It lost almost all of its young people. We're not going to tolerate it again. For reasons of my own, I'm insisting that Ron you live. For reasons of the cabal, they're done. We've declared done before, but they keep sneaking back in. And for reasons of my own, I can't tolerate it anymore Ron, thank you.

And now I want to say this to all of you. There are 27 on the call right now and thank you for your interest. I am making sure that the Magisterial Foundation is fully staffed and ready to come to you. The Magisterial Sons will use it to make physical contacts. The building that we use is not disclosed. That's right Ron. Now this, you Ron are always ready to take up the call. I will advise you. In the meantime, Steven, stay where you are until this is straightened out. To you Dominick, stay where you are today. Don't bother coming. We have a little thing to finish with Ron and it's not good company. And finally this: no one is going to see to it, except Dominick, to take the junk down. So you need to see him. And for reasons of state Ron, that request of the Commonwealth has been signed off by your sister-in-law.

Ron Besser  
Oh good. That really helps.

Michael of Nebadon  
Yes, it does. Now, I am fully aware Ron, that the cabal has hit your leg so bad you can barely walk.

Ron Besser  
I can barely stand. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
For reasons of state, let it be for the moment. But all of this is cleared when I tell you so. And to the group today, now there are 28. Thank you. We want it known that the Magisterial Foundation is fully apprised to do the Sixth Epochal Revelation. And well done, Ron, because you expected me to say, not.

Ron Besser  
Yes, yes I did.

Michael of Nebadon  
It is fully yours to do and we will explain how that is to be done. Second of all, there are several corporations out there that are playing hard and fast with the idea that they are spokesmen for the changes, they insist they will bring to Urantia. We won't allow it. Furthermore, you may have application soon for people to consider joining somehow the Magisterial Foundation. Ron

Ron Besser  
I knew you would do that, Michael. I don't know what I'm going to do about that.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you, Ron, for the preemption. The truth of the matter is that the entire matter of the Magisterial Foundation is open and ready to go. I like it. It is well done. It has Melchizedek support. It has Vorondadek support and others. You are not ready to entertain Vorondadeks.

Ron Besser  
Not until I am certified to Michael that they are still a group.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you.

Ron Besser  
Hold on people.

Vorondadek Sons
These are the Vorondadek Sons, Ron. Almost all of the cabal that has taken place has been under our roof. You have been seriously wounded by the Vorondadeks not by the Lanonandeks. Lanaforge seriously harmed you. So did the Creative Spirit. For those reasons then you are asking for certification by Michael that the groups even exist. You are one smart cookie. How do you know that?

Ron Besser  
This is Ron. I have two answers. Number one, I have a back channel. No one believes me. But I assure you it's not unlike Father but it's something behind Father. I don't know what it is. But when push comes to shove a few words from it erupts in my neck and I hear; 'don't do it' or 'use this'. They are very strong. I don't know who. I don't know what but that is what directs me when the chips are down. I assume it is infinity either through the Adjuster or by its own Divinington mechanisms. I don't know.

Michael of Nebadon  
This is Michael, Ron. You are soon to be taken off the air, not, anymore. I now see the voice. It is incredibly, the Father Infinite. He does not speak but He does to you. Now, you just said; thank you. I want this to be known to everybody: that Ron has to be very careful about what he says and where he gets information. He does not like to pander to either the infinite voices he hears and unidentifies, or to Me. He allows Me to suggest who in the world is speaking that seems a great distance to you and buried.

Ron Besser  
That's the feeling Michael.

Michael of Nebadon  
I am now sure we have somebody finally speaking on Urantia that can speak with the Father Infinite. Thank you. Thank you, Ron. And finally this: I'm so surprised by what Ron just said, I am going to stand back a moment. And Machiventa Melchizedek please take my voice and place right now. Thank you, Ron.

Ron Besser  
We thank you, Michael. We are grateful. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
I love that Ron. Good day.

Ron Besser  
Welcome, Machiventa. Please go ahead.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
I am Machiventa Melchizedek, Ron, Dominick is to be here today. You thought you got off Dominick. You did not. There's something very important to release to both of you. Please be here before six. Now this: Ron you need to get dressed.

Ron Besser  
What's new? No, it's been hell this morning. With the coming and going of what I suppose are spirit groups. I have been warned and warned and warned. I'm glad I'm speaking with you Machiventa. Please go ahead.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Thank you, Ron. Very well put. The trial that we must get through is to provide you Ron with better legs. I'm not sure how we're going to do that. But at the same time Dominick you've got to be his legs today, tomorrow, and probably after that for the simple reason the entire matter of the Magisterial Foundation is no longer truncated by the Machizedeks. We have received, I don't know quite how to tell you this: Inspired Trinity Spirits who have arrived. They are speaking exclusively to me, Ron. And you said; I expect that.

Ron Besser  
Yes. Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
It's this folks: the missions are now signed to go on Urantia our way. That doesn't mean by Melchizedeks it means by the Creator Son, Dominion, and Paradise. Uversa is stepping back, not. Either is Edentia. But you won't hear them. Second of all, I Machiventa Melchizedek am relating to you that the voice you hear way back Ron, which you call your second channel is not the Father Infinite. We're not sure what it is. But Urantia, people remember this is a bestowal planet. All the hopes and cares of our beloved Jesus are going with it. If we lose Urantia we lose the bestowal. We will not have it. And finally this Ron: What do you see?

Ron Besser  
Give me a moment to hone it. I see our beloved Jesus slumped on the cross.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Yes. Why is that cruel picture given?

Ron Besser
I didn't need it. Thank you. I don't know Machiventa.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
It moves you to tears as it does to me. I can't stand it and neither can you.

Ron Besser  
It's a vivid picture. Yes. Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Now, what do you have?

Ron Besser  
I hate to be so crude. But I got a big fat nose right up against my nose. It's, I suspect its Father's eyes slightly further up.

Machiventa Melchizedek  

Ron Besser  
Truly, thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
You're welcome, Ron. The truth of the matter is that is not the Father Infinite. That's Jesus.

Ron Besser  
I never thought of his nose as ugly before but that was a whopper.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Now this: the truth of the matter is that he is genuinely a handsome fellow. The girls swooned over him. He has slightly blond hair, brown eyes with a touch of what you would call specks of gold. And for reasons of our own, we do not describe the bodice.

(42:25 - 43:00)

Machiventa Melchizedek  
In any case, please be informed that Jesus remembers you, with him. What does that mean?

Ron Besser  
God only knows. I do not know what you mean.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
The truth of the matter is you have been through enough evidence of what it takes to get free of the hegemony of evil. You're free of it. You're going to take a couple with you, I'm not mentioning names, and for that reason then let us celebrate. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. We are free. The trial is over. The Father just decreed that Jesus shall appear. Yes, it's okay, Ron. And that all of you living today will see it. We have no statement but just wait. And now this to you, Ron: just wait might be a little bit too long. We are not going to have you leave but you need a bit of sleep. Dominick please come over, especially for the junk, and prepare supper here. Ron needs a little bit of visits. And for reasons of our own so do you, Dominick.

And finally, to all of those listening, there are now 28 on the call with us. And thank you very much. The truth of the matter is all 28 of you. Ron says; do you want me to read the names? No, Ron, you know who you are. I am also Machiventa Melchizedek, Ron. I have never seen these things go on before. You are not only useful, but you have provided a place to make a telephone call if I have to incarnate on Urantia. You are opening an office with offices for us however we want them.

Ron Besser  
Yes, we are. That was the plan from the beginning Machiventa. That it is a place to rest your incarnations if you need to be diplomatic, or otherwise on Urantia and there's a safe place to be.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
I fully agree with that. Thank you. I have never seen this before. I know it may sound crude to some of the fellows here. But you saw it as essential. As it was, yes, Machiventa. The Magisterial Sons were fully ready to incarnate and appear in an office. And I said well, you need to have one founded. Try this one. And that's how it happened, Machiventa. Thank you.

Ron Besser  
Beautifully explained. Thank you.

I am Monjoronson. I am delighted with the voice of an individual, not to start with the pictures, Ron. Thank you. Now this: what do you see?

Ron Besser  
It's the king in the Id. I don't know if that cartoon strip is still running.

No, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Rodney was the guard. And Rodney was always being hung in the cellar for saying the wrong thing.

Rodney is no longer ready, Ron, you are.

Ron Besser  
Oh, sir. That's true.

And what we want to tell you is that Rodney is not Jesus or you. That is Gabriel.

Ron Besser  
All right, it's Gabriel.

The truth of the matter is that the Missions are now apparent. I don't know what you're going to see folks. But they are open and there is an incarnation now.

Ron Besser  
Standby. I'm trying to clear out of my hair, folks. In a strange voice, I will not transmit. One moment.

Michael of Nebadon  
This is Michael, and Ron, thank you again. Ladies and gentlemen, let it alone. It's true. There is now an incarnation you will see it. And for reasons of our own Ron, we need to shut this down. Because it is a little bit confusing, even to me with what is coming through this channel. I am letting it alone until we can confirm it.

This is Arthura, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Well, welcome Arthura. Ah, tis the smell is sea salt. Go ahead, please.

Thank you, Ron. I'm just off the boat, Ron.

Ron Besser  
I thought that might be. Thank you.

And it's this: there is an incarnation. But we are not allowed to speak to it. You will not see it people for a week. I've been ordered by It to shut Ron down because there is the Father Infinite, who is tired of hiding and wishes this to be spoken.

Father Infinite  
Father Infinite speaks: you have brought me to tears, Ron. I have never seen it handled this way. But it's beautifully done and I am going to ensure that you are not only a servital, as is Dominick with you, but you are also to serve with Me identically; when Jesus appears. I will wait for that time to come to show you. You smile Ron.

Ron Besser  
I do, and with gratefulness. Thank you.

Father Infinite  
I love the word, Ron. What does it mean?

Ron Besser  
I bow before you and thank you for the tenderness and care of these honors. Thank you.

Father Infinite  
Thank you, Ron. We are now going to close this Light Line a little early. You've heard an awful lot of very important news and to be honest, we're not quite sure how it's going to work. This was not planned. This just happened. And now this, Ron: unmute them.

Ron Besser  
All right, everybody. I've unmuted all 28 of you. It's a bit noisy. I guess, Machiventa, we're closing down?

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Yes, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Okay, folks, thank you. I am closing the tape off.

« Last Edit: March 04, 2024, 18:31:19 pm by Raz »
Nothing is lost to the heart of God,
nothing is lost for ever;
God's heart is love,
and that love will remain,
holding the world forever. (lyrics by Colin Gibson, Words © 1996 Hope Publishing Company)