Author Topic: Lesson 33. ARTHURA. Personality Within Governance and State. 09.09.22  (Read 6620 times)

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Lesson 33 ARTHURA
Personality Within Governance and State

Fri, 9/9/2022, York, PA, United States
Transmitter Teacher(s) ARTHURA and others unidentified
Transmitter(s): Dominick O
Audio Link (15m)
Friday, September 9, York PA, Lesson, Volume 33. There are phrases coming in regarding the quality of personality. Subjects such as Divine Sons or High Spirit and the ability of a human, through the personality circuit, to know and be known.
And typically, the phenomenon of personality association has this quality aspect to it that helps the human have the experience in the first place. But with Divine Sons and their incarnations, this ability to identify with the personality intimately enough that a quality of the personality is admired and intimately associated with.  This is in contrast to an intimidation quality, which is, really, an instinctual if not intuited, together with an animal fear; but also, a recognition, that the quality of your own depth of experience is, not lacking, but pales in the majesty and significance of the experience of the Divine Son or the High Spirit.
A Magisterial Son over time accumulates many incarnations perhaps more so. And they acquire similar experience to a Paradise Son of the Creator Son origin. They just get to it in different ways. The Magisterial Son with varied experiences across Superuniverse, and the Creator Son within the commitment of His own boundaries of creation in His incarnations, and Bestowal. The difference is the quality of fatherhood and brotherhood. Fatherhood for the Creator Son and brotherhood for the Magisterial Son.
Understand, there is no significant difference in the phenomenon of motherhood when it comes to the experience, universally, of quote-unquote, fatherhood, being of the Father. This is simply a quality of the Father, in that there is a species mechanism for reproduction and universe experience, of say, positive and negative expression, complimentary qualities of administration and service. In other words, motherhood should not be relegated to an exclusive domain of the Infinite Spirit. It is as an Order of you being the Sonship Order, the experience is, ultimately, the experience of the Father-Son relationship or association. In other words, you are the creator of that child, and you quote-unquote father the child, through the mother-father relationship qualities. Certainly, a single parent understands this, more so, when they find they are strained in their ability to provide all of this without the other half, so to speak.
So, it would seem a stretch to take this subject and apply it to the State. But we will do so. In some respects, it seems arbitrary and ridiculous, in some cases, to have state borders with a state entity, expressing an aspect of greater selfhood and personality-rights like some uber-Corporation. Who, likewise, tries to attain personality status and supersede, that, of its individual units, endowed with real and true personality. Thus, the highest form of State fosters the quality of the personalities that aspires to the status of citizenship.
And citizenship is not an automatic status [granted] of the State. It is a benefit of fulfillment of a social contract, of cooperation and service, and governance between personalities. We have just witnessed the drama of this dichotomy in the life of the longest standing Monarch and State representative with the Queen of England. But for the citizen or aspiring citizen, the quality of personality is challenged by other aspects of society, civilization, and environment, and circumstances, of say, class, race, geography; the civilization they were born into, and that civilization’s status.
The evolution of the politics in the quote-unquote West, personality exultation, that's certainly an aggressive expression of differences and grievances could be said. Similarly, in the East an aggressive expression of personality, determined by the State through control, the personality is suppressed in favor of the personality of the State (the Party). Divine Sonship mitigates these extremes through their leadership over time. They recognize the value of you all, and truly, have the best interests in mind. However, it is the less experienced personalities of both State and Citizen and aspiring-Citizen, who differ to the experience and majesty of the Divine.
The Order of Melchizedek within your shared order of the Eternal Son, being Sons of God, exerts a leadership, where it is not draconian, but guided in wisdom. To allow you the little sons of God, the evolutionary attainment of experience to administer yourselves with the wisdom of Divinity. The mere fact that They may appear amongst you should indicate the emergency nature of the situation you may be within. And you would do well to adhere and listen. For their incarnations are, by their nature, often have an emergency nature or self-acting nature, that something needed to be done.
This is Arth-ura -- excuse me, Arthur-rah. [This was the transmitter correcting the pronunciation]. Yes, thank you, this is Arthura speaking. I sponsored this lesson today. I told you I was going to transmit to you yesterday, and today we had a different teacher brought in under my sponsorship, you could say. We were here and I would like to point out that I may not be speaking directly to everyone all the time. But that I am involved, like I said. There will be a myriad of teachers, and until there is better personality association between any particular personalities, I will facilitate this cooperation. You are always free to ask, and you are always wise to receive our answers. Thank you for taking this lesson, all of you. And I wish you all reading and listening a good day.
Dominick O:
Thank you, Arthura. This was well received in we honor your presence and everyone else. Thank you.