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Energy Types and New Lines - OWNN AND AYA
« on: March 20, 2022, 00:14:27 am »
Speakers: One Without Name and Number and AYA.
Subject: Energy Types and New Revelations of the Father’s New Lines
T/R: Sue Whiley aka 7inOcean
Location: Geelong VIC Australia
Date/Time: 20/03/2022  2.00pm(AEDT)


There are different types of energies conveyed. Positive, negative, neutral and even static. Come of late, these energies are arrayed in clusters. What do I mean by that?
Well, while you may not know me, you will pick up my energy signal. And it is in an array with other like-minded souls that shower such. I am One Without Name and Number, as such, I do not have a name or a number. I enjoin that with such entities as the Solitary Messenger who also holds tight to its own signature. Our energies are pure and can be showered in various forms of sentiments with thoughts.  As of now you may also have an energy signature for which we identify and acknowledge. You are recognised by what you emanate. It is wise to dwell on your center. That which is very much your very essence.

Why I come to speak on this is due to the fact that so much weather has been had, you are neither caring or sharing anymore. That is completely understandable given the additional confusion of intel now being issued that it is difficult to make sense of it. You would rather stand back and let it play out and see it for what it is. However, the day will come when the Master Spirit will speak to you. AYA is ready.


Yes it is I. I speak due to the fact you are not frayed, but concerned there is nothing of Magisterial Mission materialized as of yet. This is to occur shortly. No ifs or buts. No more interference as the boards are cleared. I cannot get into how that is done, but it is being done as I speak. The materialized Paradise Sons of God will make it clear who they are and what they are about. Stern words will be the order of the day of a new age on this wayward planet. You are warming to this revelation. That I get. Now this: Let me say one thing: forget the past and move forward as the Father has a new line to draw for all to see it and welcome it. No specifics or elaborations needed here as these new lines will be made known in your reality as it should. I know this sounds vague, but for goodness sakes, do understand there are some new revelations to be taken and we need more transmitters to take it, so in order for it to be made known. 

I AM AYA, Master Spirit Seven of Orvonton and I speak with a tuned Adjuster in the mind of this one to ensure revelation does get to the page for you to see it. New Lines are being drawn and that is all that needs to be known for now. Father has a way around the problems the Local Universes are dealing with and that is attended to as we speak. This is AYA signing out. Good day.


Okay this is One Without Name and Number here. Thank you AYA for those vital words and new developments for us to pay attention to. Thank you Father for helping the move forward in issuing New Lines for all of us to follow. Now back to the energies that I was talking about. Such energies will be arrayed and you will know these as they are showered in one way or another. Be careful how you pick up on them and note their signatures. Understand which are the negative, the positive, the neutral and the static ones. The negative ones are when it causes you to feel terrible, awful, disliking something even to the point of hating something or someone; the positive ones are when you are getting the feeling of goodness, well-wishing, happiness and joyful sentiments; the neutral ones is when you are feeling rather just that neither one or the other and happy to stay tight as a bud in a rose; the static ones is where all charges are fused in one jumble and you neither know where it is or where it is going and so it remains in a consistent conunumbrum or as a constant. So enter whatever energies that come and you are aware of what it is conveying. It is important to remain calm and steady in your mind and not allow these influences to persuade you one way or another, but to rise above them and look beyond what is being showered. That way you will see a greater picture emerging and a different narrative than what is channeled via such energy flows. 

You recall when you first started taking your motorbike riding lessons and how vital the term: Stop, Look, Assess and Adapt to the road environment upon which you ride. That way also you do the same in any given energy signature environment, and in that case, any transmissions you may receive via this way or through other means at the disposal of your Adjuster. You are aware of the few forms of intelligence that can be relayed and that is useful to know and to consider what is shared with you. 

I am One Without Name and Number and I now leave the scene and hope to make another connection with you when you are ready. Thank you.


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Re: Energy Types and New Lines - OWNN AND AYA
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2022, 10:37:36 am »
OWNN, the acronym for One Without Name or Number has spoken to something Sue you need to pay careful attention to.  Your dislike of being told not to do something or listen to something is directly affected by what energy group you choose to think with and work with.  I have declared war on the negative energy of insurrection and the cabal that supports it.  Yet, you do not and for that reason get into angry or passive aggressive modes against your fellows whether that was/is Wendy Winter or myself.  You are trying to learn and I am trying to teach the same things at the same time and I never quite follow your mode of intellectual transport to decide what is not or is proper to discuss as helpful for us to adopt as behavior or as philosophy.

For that reason OWNN is highly accurate in that He is fully protective of your views to be independent but not to be hostile.  You can be both and we all allow it since your produce some of your best work when you are hostile and/or angry.  This post you provide is a good example and I am delighted to hear an exposition about energy types we are to deal with although I am not so sure I understand how we can determine if we do not like an energy type, just how to push it aside.  I cannot except to yell at it and let it know it is war if they keep it up.

In closing I think I know who OWNN is by name but let the mystery prevail for the rest of you.  Be assured if I am right you have chosen a very positive entity to speak to and they care immensely you learn to deal with better energies in order that you can contribute to the steady stream of revelation that is to appear now and much more soon and with grateful anticipation by myself too.  Thank you for your post.

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "Ron you squirrel nothing away these days and let people know the situation and what it portends as best you can.  Here you do us the favor of clarifying what Sue is trying to post from OWNN and we agree it is slight obtuse but necessarily clear to you as you make every effort to understand what these high spirits wish to convey through posting through the human mind.  Sue, you are necessarily tired of the entire matter and by your nature tired of those like Ron who must follow day to day  changes you do not.  For that reason you are totally at sea at times as to what is being conveyed by Ron or by others who do follow more closely than you do.  For that reason alone you do not follow the scrap over the Supreme Executive and Master Spirit AYA being out of sorts with the subject as Ron originally received the Supreme Executive of Or-von-ton which is a way Ron discriminates between the name of the superuniverse and the huge administrative planet behind it.  Nonetheless, we state that unles you have a better view of all of this, you are likely to be pushed back even more and never learn what you were supposed to do for us in one form or another.  It is your choice, child, and for that reason it is ours to warn all of you that the energies OWNN refers to as negative at present is not only the cabal but the Lucifer rebellion still active again on Urantia, and you my dear like the idea of unfettered freedom to act as you please.  So does Ron but he makes it available to us first and we can fully support him in these actions/

"Finally, your work at the hospital may be drawing to a close Sue, and you know why; however, we need to seed the idea that is not the end of your work week either but the end of worry and concern for if you do take on the work of the Lord as you should, you can be salaried and that is tied to Ron and his check book alone.  BE afraid not to state your views but please stop taking out your frustration on your colleagues, as you are worn by it too.  I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON at your service.  Good day.  K"

OWNN AS TARKAS -  "I am fully cheered with Ron and hist take on this post my dear.  You make it clear about what you write but you also insist on placing it in a full discrepancy of thought you wanted it to be and not as I fully dictated it to you.  You and Lemuel are similar in mind construct and insist on a certain flavor to the wording of posts.  Ron cares less and gives us free form and therefore catches all we want to say and not some of this and some of that as you have done here Sue.  This probably hardens you even more to the idea that Ron keeps you off center by insisting on quality but at the same time you are afraid of losing what hearing you do have internally and that will not happen unless you quit and then it will happen. 

"I am TARKAS, and I am the one who dictated this lesson to you today, and for that reason I make it clear there is a whole section you dropped and I do not care; however, Ron hears it perfectly and knows there is a section missing due to the fact you hardly hear it at all because you lay back into your mind and wait for it to erupt speech.  The problem with that Sue is that mind does not always hear the full dictation and it is the PERSONALITY CIRCUIT that speaks the words to be conveyed to you.  For that reason we state the following to you and Lemuel and even Amethyst, do not keep your mind tuned fully but also your sense of personal reverie itself as Ron does that easily and happily and makes huge strides in humor and fun with what is otherwise a pedantic call to facts alone.

"Fully expressed Sue, you are doing very well, bu you have bad habits to bite you when we need full transmissions and that is why Ron can do so well as he allows full transmissions all the time in spite of great physical hardship and so on.   BE assured we are never allowing this to boil into conflict but keep well done and no problem, but force issues as you did today in the post above and we have a problem of finding information to see to your way of doing things alone.  I am TARKAS, ONCE WITHOUT NAME AND NUMBER, and wish you a good day.  K"

Ron here - Sue we blast each other now and then and I learn from it too.  This is not a blast but a helpful notation on your ways that if you would just find a way to relax more and better some of this not hearing problem goes away.  I never have the problem many do because I take the dictation as from a friend regardless of whether I know NAME or ORDER or TITLE, and I capitalize them so you understand some transmitters get stuck if they do not know all of the above.  It matters not and I prefer to know who at least but often transmit blind anyhow.  You do too and learn that is just fine too for it is the information that is always the most important thing to focus on.   Relax, and even play a little with good humor to the voice at the other end of your transmit.  Cheers!  

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania


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Re: Energy Types and New Lines - OWNN AND AYA
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2022, 18:37:35 pm »
Wow thank you so much Ron and Tarkas for some helpful advice. Yeah well doing a transmission while I am sick with a common cold (no! its not Covid guys as I have tested negative to both RAT and PCR tests) is probably not helping either but I felt a nudge and a pinch to get typing. You are right in saying it is more important to get the information down and not worry who is speaking as that is a mystery to me anyhow. I somehow sense who during the process as it comes through and I pick it up. I understand I need to more relaxed with a friend speaking and just let it roll as it comes through. I need to just drop my usual cautions although I know that comes with risks and yet I know a rat when it smells anyhow. I also see the point of humour through the dialogue and that is a more light hearted approach and keeps things enjoyable between friends. I will keep that in mind as best as I can. Soon I will understand what is meant by my work in the hospital, I see it a trial most days and yet I know I am getting itchy feet to move on and do something else. I will need to consider where I am at and where I wish to be as things are changing for me and I know I have the means to do that. I pray that Father will guide  me through this new line now upon me. 

Also, I wish to thank Ron for the consideration of work he has in mind for me and I am grateful yet I also see my behaviour of absence and inconsistency is not helping in the process of work here. I know I need to do this daily and keep it up. In the past I have given that a go and ran into some difficulties in maintaining the momentum due to earthly demands and body tiredness. It is the case of the saying: the body is weak but the Spirit is willing. So there are waves of enthusiasms and then waves of .....I do not know what to call it perhaps negativity/disenchantment/dismay all coupled up into a bundle of ill-sentiments when anyone with transmitting abilities do the work of God. I am gathering Ron has it too among others such as Lemuel, Amethyst, Phyllis, Clency,  Dominick and others. It is not an easy type of work and so unusual it is considered freaky by outsiders. I was watching a Netflix show called Life After Death with a very gifted medium named Tyler Henry and it is very interesting how he connects and gets impressions from others he receives on the other side. He is able to do a lot with his abilities and helps people understand that connectiness is alive and well. It has helped me see another aspect to this type of work and how it can help in our approach with our divine friends who are connecting with us. I think it is show worth watching as it is so appropriate in our circumstances. 

I appreciate what Michael of Nebadon had to say and will consider all that he says. I understand I may have missed some info on the Supreme etc but even any talk on it is difficult for me to take as it just creates more confusion when trying to see a Supreme Executive which raises more questions than answers as to how it fulfils the experiential deity and how that is to help our trials with our Adjuster. I will need to get my head around it somehow and see Father placing it before us in the way it comes across for us to see it. AYA came through and it was immediate. That took me by surprise and I got the impression there was more I admit but couldn't hold it long enough. I will try to stay calm and relaxed next sitting and take down what is talking and not let myself get in the way of a good talk. 

Thank you so much. 


Online Ron Besser

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Re: Energy Types and New Lines - OWNN AND AYA
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2022, 01:27:06 am »
Sue, your response is valuable.  I have written Tyler Henry twice now and get no response trying to get him to respond to better work he is capable of doing I know it very well as he is a natural for deep transmission once he caught on.  But I think he is too stuck on production values instead of opportunities and his mother is a trans-psychologist I think and one cannot get through that web as an outsider.  I give up after awhile and am so sorry there is not way to get to him and at least ask him to look at what he could  develop.  I am not sure it is much better for his career though as the production is always the interpaly between usually famous people and him over issues in the famous person's life and it is too lucrative to give up I am sure.

MICHAEL OF NEBADON -  "I find it fascinating you two have hones in on Tyler Henry as Ron has now for at least four years and can get nowhere to find contact with him, and more or less gives up.  HE is right, the production is too lucrative to give up for Second Return work, but Tyler is a great natural psychic and he leaves a lot alone in order to keep honed on what they want in Hollywood production of those programs.  He is also psychic enough to know that the emails Ron sends attract him immediately but his mother presses him off considering answering it because she is driven by trans psychology and Ron has no interest or issues with that whatsoever.   Trans psychology deals with the emotions only and Ron finds that useless.

"I also believe she fails to see how Ron can help because he never spills the beans at all for reasons of State, and considers Tyler a child in all of this; however, he is better in certain aspects of trans psychology than his mother is and knows she fails to hear well although she can do some transmission work on her own, but their contacts are not in Salvington, but on Uversa, and for that reason tends to leave the whole thing alone knowing it or not. 

"Tyler Henry is vastly more talented than most of us Sue, and that is not Gabriel, but the soul of Ron speaking.  Tyler Henry could do trance channel and Ron does not like that stuff because of accuracy issues.  Ron tried it and loved it but the Adjuster asks him to stay away from it because it does debilitate the nervous system rapidly.  Tyler Henry is protected just because he is so talented, but Ron is his match in every respect except one and that is because Tyler may be a transgender type and is working hard to view it as a mistake but finds it hard not to look at it all the time.  He hates men but loves women but has a natural tendency to stay away from sexual concerns mostly because he is far too young to be a father and not young enough for other attributes of sexual appetites.

"Tyler Henry also expects people t wait upon him and that would get up Ron's nose quickly as Ron does not have time to wait upon anyone as he is being requisitioned to do radio soon enough and that should be of great interest to you Sue, as you love to listen to programs concerning space and useful objects to discover in the sciences, and we expect Ron to handle some of that with RAYSON too.  WE conclude with the fact that Tyler Henry may die with the implosion of the graphic tracks of his program lasting eons of time as he is quite good as Ron saw immediately, and for that reason he feels he could do the world much better but the money is too good for what he does do and both of us consider it a lost issue for that reason.:  MICHAEL OF NEBADON.

rON - We appreciate you digging in there Sue, and keep transmitting daily--  no need to post everything but once in a while do so.  But keep transmitting every day as it is vitally important fory our own good to do so and it will help the Missions very much too.  Thanks.

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania