Author Topic: ALIENS IN MIAMI  (Read 6142 times)

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Offline weydevu

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« on: January 11, 2024, 10:45:38 am »
I've been reluctant to post this but after viewing different witnesses to the incident I feel there is something of value here.  This took place on New Year's Day or the day after at a Miami mall.. Over a hundred police responded to the incident. Yes that's right, over a hundred with up to 60 to 70 police cars. In their report it was just a bunch of kids fighting, looting and using sticks and fireworks. Yet there is no video of any of this and there is always a video of this nature.

To hear the accounts of the people that were there go here:  miami alien 2024 witness - YouTube

I would like to hear from someone in the know.  Thank you


Offline Ron Besser

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« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2024, 12:51:32 pm »
Weydevu, there is no way to disprove any of it.  The quality of the coverage is pretty bad I think as no one is interviewed beyond news staff or characters who live for UFO's and aliens.

I would like to point out Weydevu that the promised incarnations of the spirit personnel is carefully controlled, and this is not any of them or staff,  and a human hoax with all of the trimmings to boot because of the mass media reporting, and not that poor soul high on drugs causing anything but her own confusion.

Here is a transmission from the Pleiades who are reluctant ever to speak to things like this; however, the reporters on these videos are not just rank amateurs but one is actually high on cocaine.

"WE are now ready to tell you Ron we never report on these kinds of sightings as they are so credulous as to suggest someone is actually making it up not, but what they view is not a child but in our opinion a young woman high on drugs.  It is so common we do not even monitor these events as anyone who would closely examine the videos, there is nothing but a staggering human with too many drugs in their system.  We do not agree it is a child either nor do we really determine the sex, but we believe it is a young woman perhaps 16 years of age with nothing to wear but rather ragged underwear.  Thank you.  The Pleiades.  K"

Ron - Weydevu one of the best ways to determine authenticity is that aliens cannot walk about Urantia without a helmet or atmospheric protection on of some sort.  The Urantia atmosphere is toxic to most aliens for the simple reason it contains a high carbon content in spite of how clear it may look to witnesses.  I am quite sure this one is easy to spot not a hoaxer but someone with many drugs effects in them and she probably has no memory of what she did to create this kind of stir.

I am not sure I fit a person who really knows, but my truth censors are quite vivid, and this one incident tells me the staggering effect is drugs not alcohol and I do wonder why this raised such a fit.  The police I suspect were there to settle a drug incident, and I bet you this individual was attending the drug sales going on openly at the mall at this time.   Like the Pleiades, it is not worth they say any time to look at it really.   I did enjoy your posts  on this but see the video pretty well tells us something of the truth going on here.   Thanks.

« Last Edit: January 11, 2024, 12:56:20 pm by Ron Besser »
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline weydevu

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« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2024, 16:08:15 pm »
As I said, I was reluctanrt to post this. But I  read several accounts of people who were there and were eye witnesses to this event. I thought that page I sent you to had more information other than that video that depict whatever was seen. That's on me. All the accounts that I read were totally different from what you and Pleiades said.  These people are talking about 8 to 9 foot beings who were phasing in and out of visional receptance. These people were running from something they didn't understand out of fear not because of some half naked cocaine addict walking down the street.

Anyway I appreciate your response and the response from the Pleiades but it wasn't the picture I was concern about it was the eyewitness account I found of value.  Meanwhile I will file this incident in the back of my mind and in due time all will be reveal.
Thank you so much.


Offline Ron Besser

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« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2024, 02:25:49 am »
Okay, Weydevu, the chances are good it was not a slam dunk picture I saw, but the Pleiades  monitor visitations and they report there were no such intercepts they had regarding any visitations.   They are I believe about 443 Light Years away from us and sure they could have missed alien combos that sneak in via the poles.  That is not possible, but then only one person walking on a sidewalk?  and no support? evidence?  You know Mothra got reported by a group who swore a moth man was running into the woods they were sure. too.  I lived in New York near the Taconic Parkway which teams with UFO sightings in cycles but I traveled it daily for 4 years and I never got lucky once.  People were seeing what I never saw traveling the same highway for years.  spooky kind-of, but why exclude me?   The Pleiades say the video pictures I viewed was about someone who was two sheets to the wind and all we see in that video I saw was someone without much clothes on running to get somewhere.  That video was a local TV station.  But the more important issue to me was the Pleiades monitor report not showing those pictures or testimony of people reporting such.  

I also note this to you:  MICHAEL OF NEBADON has forbidden visits to this planet since November 22, 2022.  He says he never was notified of incursions yet.  I wold really enjoy a real incident, but I cannot believe this particular incident regardless of a group of scared witnesses.  But Weydevu there is no absolute way to define what they did see either.   You have a percentage of possibilities  where there could be such a sighting, and we all missed it.

« Last Edit: January 12, 2024, 02:29:43 am by Ron Besser »
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline weydevu

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« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2024, 11:13:05 am »
Thanks again Ron, there are a lot of weird things happening on this planet and as you say some beings sneak in and out.  There are a lot of reports from people who claim to have seen things and who is to say if it's the truth or false.

I would like to relate an encounter I had back in the late 70s or early 80s. And if you doubt this story please ask my Belove Indwelling. One night I was over a friend's house. I was sitting on the couch when I notice this person who was talking to the person next to me when all of a sudden I begin to see his aurora which had a murky green glow, then his facial features change from human to reptilian or fish like feature. As I notice this I sat unfazed while he kept blinking in and out from human to reptilian or fish like facial features. finally he morph back to his human features not knowing if I saw it or not.  Now that's been a good forty plus years and I may have told that story only to about three or four people until now. Now you may understand when I hear other people's stories I don't take it at face value but I will look into  it.  You had the best spiritual guards to protect you and yet they evaded detection just to hurt you.  

Thank you for your response and have a bless day.
