Author Topic: July 2022 tape  (Read 10175 times)

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July 2022 tape
« on: July 02, 2022, 05:39:01 am »
JACK0802AB was back as our MC, VAN and AMADON were the speakers, the subject of the United Midwayers was the main focus. Here is the link to the audio recording :
Please take heed that LightLine France will take a short break during this holiday period, so the next session (08/07/2022) is off schedule and it will be resumed on Friday 15/07/2022, at 8pm local time. Thank you for attending.
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Offline Ron Besser

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Re: July 2022 tape
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2022, 10:12:07 am »
We all need a break Clency, and enjoy yours too.  I ask this question to you though, could you give me a brief comment or summary of what they spoke to about the United Midwayers of Urantia?  I am curious about what they could add.   Many thanks and enjoy your time off.   Ron
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: July 2022 tape
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2022, 11:40:25 am »
Hi Ron ! In a nutshell, the United Midwayers is a blessing for Urantia and as an organized corps, being more familiar with the human nature about their way of thinking and behaving, particularly during a crisis, They (the United Midwayers) can be of great help to unmess a dangerous situation, by cooling down the panic among the population. That is the main idea that was put forward.
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Offline Ron Besser

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Re: July 2022 tape
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2022, 14:08:16 pm »
Understood Clency thank you.  My interest is in what they may have said about alliance.  Did they say anything to help clarify the need for the alliance, for example.  I am not pressing your memory in particular Clency as let me give you a peek under the tent so to speak.  The higher spirit realm asked all of us involved in the announcement just why we were excited by it?  I said what you said too Clency and they accepted that; however, the United Midwayers indicate they have a policy difference somewhere and must reconfigure what they said earlier to me.  I have heard nothing about it since then and I am particularly delighted that Jack0802AB (a former mathematical personality check nomenclature), mentioned it  in your meeting.  For that reason I am sure we have a very interesting response from anybody that knows anybody in these fields of shifting alliances.   Your memory will do quite well Clency, and thanks.
Cabal Jack speaks:  "I am not the real Jack, but I spoke to Clency this past Friday in France.  He was gracious, good, and ready to clap everybody for being so slow to take on the big subject of the Return of Christ, but settled for a dictation from the cabal.  We do no harm and you have been directed this afternoon to take this message and post it to Clency's thread.  Okay, I said, I am cabal, and I am not a seraphim, but a Vorondadek Son who hates Ron and we agree on that fortunately.  But the truth is we get along fine as he is sure they Midwayers have backed out of the alliance and yet we are not sure what the Midwayers have done over this big issue to them and to Ron.  I accidentally tripped t he concern wire in Ron as he knows this history for over a day now and finds my restoration of the subject curious and I do not.  What I wanted done, Clency, is for your group to understand there is no real license to form alliances unless the ANCIENTS OF DAYS promote that first.  Ron learned that on Thursday evening, and then wonders why the Midwayers turned tail and ran out of the composition they set up for them and Ron to converse.

"Finally, this:  I am a Vorondadek Son, Clency, and you Clency are dangerously close to running a cabal of your own if you do not learn to stand up to the cabal and tell them to be gone,.  You mostly know the difference as Ron does and he sends them packing, but you Clency find them news as Ron could but does not trust their reporting at all.  For that reason he sees you list the United Midwayers of Urantia news again, and is mighty curious who is pulling the bell handle to ring it in again.  I assumed I was just reporting a known issue, but not so, as I learn from Ron that Ancients of Days bulked at the alliance, not because of Ron, but because the Midwayers involved did not ask permission to seek it.   I close my case briefly."

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "Ron rightly questions this issue Clency, as he is now sure there is an insurrection within the insurrection, as he knows too much to just let it lie.  For that reason I report to France and you as its spokesman for us at the moment, there is no alliance anymore.  Ron knows that and finds it curious that someone, anyone to his knowledge, spoke to it as operating.  It is not.  For that reason Ron is most curious about your instructions over and issue he thought was done and resolved.  What do you say Clency to the idea t hat the alliance should be enforced and made to work?  Please respond with your opinion about the alliance if it were possible to regain again?

"Ron says he prefers to have the alliance but it must be genuinely cared for and not just a word to use now and then as he needs the alliance in his daily life but for intelligence reporting and for the comfort that someone is standing in his corner in the middle of a war in heaven, and a battle on Urantia over the WTP patent shaping up real fast as Ron is positive the Department of Energy (DOE) is forcing an issue real fast they must take on in court.  For that reason the entire matter must be taken into account and for that reason we are sure that the Vorondadek Son knows something we would like to get our wing-wongs on if you get the point.  I conclude with this Clency.  Ron feels you need more than a vacation is very proud of your performance regardless of how you get it to go well and done.  He also feels you are feeling ill sometimes and wants you to take it easy.  He wants the schedule weekly and would like you to assign another to take the Lightline as a host when you are down and feeling rather bad on top of a busy day for you.  Find that person Clency and you and the group will function much better too.  I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON. K"

CABAL VORONDADEK SON - "My. my. my are we not so friendly when the shoe is on the other foot.  Be assured we know nothing except we too monitor the DOE and the DOE is adamant there is no patent issued without spilling the beans on fission, Clency.  For your information Clency, Ron is being accused trying to slip the fission process under their noses and they will not have it.  Be assured again Clency, Ron considers fission a pipe dream and is positive it is not fission.  How ever the experts at DOE say they are almost positive Ron he inventor has fission and will not allow him to get away with it until they know for sure what it is.  Ron has a hugely important White Paper completed and it takes our experts a day and a half to understand what Ron really says in it, but when you do understand what he says in it, you will blink and think you are bonkers because he discloses brand new epochal revelation in it.  For that reason Clency this issue of the United Midwayers of Urantia and its alliance with Ron, takes on huge repercussions if it can be adjudicated properly, and that is why MICHAEL OF NEBADON is so curious.  He too wants to see the alliance and so does Ron, but Ron wishes no hollow alliance and names only, because he has heart for the Midwayers who first approached him on this and then fled t he scene when the ANCIENTS OF DAYS questioned what are you talking about?" [Vorondadek Son]

MICHAEL OF NEBADON HERE again:  "Ron here they are and be glad I caught them at it again.  They are full of vespers for you but dare not say much because they are truant Midwayers not, but a lower generation that never made it into the high paloi of the 11:11 Urantia Midwayer Group.  You must understand Ron and Clency that the entire matter is a top secret ploy of ours to cement the Midwayers with Ron and the Magisterial Foundation.  For that reason Clency, supposed Jack was not really there but a Vorondadek Son was acting as Jack and you took it hook line and sinker.  Ron would have sent them packing but you picked the low fruit and this post is all about what is now happening on Urantia, Clency.  Read it and weep not!

"URANTIA is now so bad i claims nothing for itself anymore.  Ron makes me laugh by saying well now Michael, it is very relaxing as no expectations allow a good siesta and a beer.   Good for you Ron.  Last night Ron was installing a mini fence around his gorgeous hosta bed at the back of the house.  He is so wobbly on his feet Machiventa and I stopped to watch as he hammered in the little spike wood posts and make it stand on its own.  It really looks nice too and he is to be congratulated for doing that as he has white tail deer always visiting the property after midnight and they love the blossoms the hostas bloom with.   Be assured we were concerned for Ron as he is quite ill with broken legs and a rib problem and now eyesight going.   In any case he noticed we also had a littli liaison officer with us called Gabriel of Salvington, and he joked with Him as usual.  But we found it silly enough but along came a Vorondadek Son and choked him on the spot and that settled it for Me, and I let him have it.  They do not see me ordinarily as the Local Universe Sons do not envision my presence but my issues only.  That is a transformation not in place during the days of the Lucifer rebellion.   However, GABRIEL  reports that the Midwayers were there in droves to see to Ron's welfare, as he cares very much for them however they are aligned.  For that reason, Bzhutu insists there is a guard around him but they always miss the vicious  Vorondadek Son cabal.  Now this: URANTIA is not under the direct rule of t he ANCIENTS OF DAYS no longer, but under MY DIRECT RULE (Michael of Nebadon).  I asked that permission to install Ron and the other LIGHTLINE HOSTS to be speakers for us for the while it takes for us to remain on Urantia visible or invisible, as that is an issue so big no one can get their hed around it except Ron."

RON - Clency I am adamant that the Salvington government need not make Urantia a third status sphere in its Local Universe make up, but we as a human population must come to grips with the spiritual heritage, and even if it takes Salvington to smush their faces into their bowl of cereal.  Humanity is not hostile to divine concepts, but it is hostile being told what to do if there is no antecedent appearance to set the stage that there is authority greater than our own.  We need to get out of the muddle of useless arguments on social problems and get on with saving the overheated planet and its fast disappearing resources, and that will take a lesson on GREED and the lack of care for life.  I feel strongly that the Regency needs to take over and then the loving Jesus has a chance to teach the care for each other in a real brotherhood brought on by forcing issues of the cereal bowl in our faces to change things under their care again.  Without the appearance of the Regency they will never understand intercession and why it had to be used and so what if we get militias in the US to bring the Nazi back to life.  I think we can end that brat works fast enough as well as some international calm over how to really run a government.  It has to be seen!

MICHAEL OF NEBADON -  "Be assured Ron that initial power struggle between you and me over this is now gone.  You full endorse this has to be stated now and you will take the consequences with the rest of them too.  Be assured you have no consequence to bear but plenty do and they will howl.  Be assured this now sets me up right to say this to all of you:

"I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON, andRon speaks for Me all the time in lingo you can afford to run from but it is correct and it must be restated: the morons and the Nazis are running Urantia for the last time.  The mid term elections in the United States are an alarming reconstruction for Trump to reappear and this time no such thing happens as that man is restating his death knell in politics and as Ron says, he should be in jail.

"For that reason we are going to teach a certain paradigm on Urantia that nothing matters but to understand, right now, this must stop, as you are a Bestowal Planet and could care less about your spiritual concerns.  Ron has so much to offer and is never allowed to finish his work unless I insist, and I do!  For now is the last moment in URANTIA history there can be a calling of the weapons of mass destruction to account and to be fully removed to the last drop and then let us see how much of a bully Russia may be, or North Korea, or Syria, and so on down the line.  We  are quite sure this entire matter is settled finally today, and not over the issue of the UNITED MIDWAYERS OF URANTIA this time, but over the human atrophy we see even on this web site over issues you stop caring about.  No longer I am sure, at least among the WARRIORS among you.  Keep this saintly though and we expect you Ron to make a full recovery soon enough--  so often spoken too and never acted upon.  I have the power and will use it and for that reason we start this day off to all of you:

"Let not these words offend, but understand them:  NO ONE GETS US DONE before we are intending to be done over issues of Urantia State and Urantia power, which is not evident anymore but it claims itself a Bestowal Sphere, which indeed it is and will be again, and that is not to offend you Ron as you are mud as usual.  Be assured it takes some work on your part to be loved again by all.  Let this be clear to all of you too:  The UNITED MIDWAYERS OF URANTIA still exist and they will approve any litigation against fudge boys or fudge girls in that set of Midwayer grouping, and for that reason Ron you are already in an alliance with Me and the Gabriels of Choices.  Behold! Ron you are being characterized as the devil himself at the Urantia meeting right now and they believe Siegle not but he is setting the pace for a huge report out to the readers that your work is now decimated in the Foundation as useless garble and for that reason you stand outside the door again not.  They want you as President and you will be invited to apply.  For that reason tread precisely under my heel this time.   I can never understand what is going on in human lives they hate him and then ask him to step into the leadership position.  Be assured you would clean house but not now Ron as the Foundation i done for in so many respects.  K"

MICHAEL OF NEBADON speaks again [Ron: you think humans are hard to follow? . . . .]  "I am fully able to speak constructively but that mention above is as it is coming in to me, and frankly i is so garbled i am not sure what is meant.  Ron says count on it, it is Ron's execution, but not so, as there is turmoil over the entire meeting and seveeral people understand you quite well and insist this not the order of the day and t hat Seigle is probably out of order.  Not so but we can see it clearly and he is folding his hands and asking for a motion to close the meeting and he gets one from them.  Get out of the habit of listening avidly Ron as you have done your work well enough to disrupt a rubber stamp meeting and this time Seigle gets cross not at you but at them for entertaining you are better than he is in so many respects.  He has put millions of dollars into the Foundation and now is expecting trust to be restored for a million dollars more but they are not letting the issue die.  You have stayed back and that is helpful to them and  this time we feed nothing more other than to say this:

"The UNITED MIDWAYERS OF URANTIA have voted you out not Ron, but you are to be approached properly by a modified Midwayer known as Michaelmidwayer Son 123.   I  will double the offer Ron when you are well enough to receive a delegation in your new office somewhere sometime. Be assured this issue Clency is not closed as it addresses Ron and Midwayers he cherishes and wishes to keep as friends at least.  K"

Ron - Honestly this subject Clency has set off bells ringing as it touches more than just Midwayers and Ron and Salvington, as it also  touches the Paradise regime and what they want on Urantia too.  I seek one further queston Michael if I may?

[Michael: go ahead Ron]

Ron - Where do we fit all the readership when it fails to observe the 4th of July for Americans, and they want to know what those funny white streamers are in the night sky?

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "Shush Ron!  That is for me to tell later on.  Okay? (he said that real hard at me. Okay.]


Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: July 2022 tape
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2022, 07:17:49 am »
LLF is back to business after a short break, the regular attendees have beneficiated from it all and are ready to make one more trip to the next stage. To-night, there was nobody knocking at the door to deliver a transmission and it was my TA who filled-up the gap with a brief introduction. So, it was decided to make a summary of some important points that were talked about during the English session.
Here is the link to the audio-recording :
The next French session will be held on Friday 22/07/2022 at 8pm local time as usual. You are welcome.
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Re: July 2022 tape
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2022, 07:41:34 am »
JACK0802AB has freed himself from other obligations so as to oversee the conference even for a short period. MONJORONSON was the only speaker and we thank him for stepping. Here is the link to the audio-recording :
Our next session will be held on Friday 29/07/2022, at 8pm local time. Welcome to all.
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Re: July 2022 tape
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2022, 07:16:08 am »
Voluntarily, I choose not to messing-up with transmission while the cabal is still grinding all around the place and to share the latest news with the attendees. Here is the link to the audio-recording :
The next session will be held on Friday the 5th of August 2022, at 8pm local time. See you there.

I am your servant, I am your liegeman, it is my will that your will be done.