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Messages - Dominick O

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V2 L54 Light and Life of Governance
Wed, Feb 08, 2023, York, PA, United States
Transmitter Teacher: ARTHURA
Receiver: Dominick O
Audio Link 11mins

This is ARTHURA. I am not here to lecture you or anyone. And I in fact implore you and every one of your spiritual species, that at any given moment, you have several Spirit, not spiritual, but Spirit capacities. These are factual, not subjective and conceptual, in that you would term these endowments “spiritual.” Yes, they have a spiritual quality, but they are in fact, Spirit in their composition, and in your makeup. And then what you have are spiritual, environmental inputs and outputs, infringements, etc. Mostly upon your mind. Because that is the interface that you must utilize. And that is the tool of the Infinite Spirit to act upon the Universe.

Sometimes you as, who you are, conflate this phenomenon, this way of things with mind and spirit, and spiritual, between the animal-material and the Spirit of Eternal Personalities. You will conflate an animal, or an infant, or something of, shall we say, lesser experienced, or lesser capacity-mind, in a glorified innocence. And when I say conflate it gets conflated with wisdom and this Source origination. Which is in fact, yes, beyond your veil. But you must grow up from these erroneous associations and learn the art and science of Governance. We discussed, first, amongst yourselves -- starting with oneself, yourself, of governing your, shall we say, body, mind, and spirit. And govern this into a cohesive, actionable unit. And govern this into eventual citizenship into the Spirit Realm. Not by becoming “spiritual” in the qualifying sense on your planet, but Spirit-governed in your totality.

In this sense you can learn from Divinity. And you can be educated, taught, and learned. The Universe, starting with your planet of origination, provides you the opportunities and experience to be participatory in the education. Self-willed in your direction and destiny and your choices. And you gain experience and become co-creative and worshipful in your gift to the Source of All, The Father.

Now, in the previous paragraphs we were discussing conflating Spirit and spiritual concepts that might be conflated with some error. When we discuss the Source of Spirit and the veil between the material and the spiritual or the Spirit. You live with this, within you, in the journey to understand your core of Spirit destiny. Not origin but destiny. You are endowed with super-Spirit, a Fragment of the Source, that your will makes the choice to have such destination with. Destination in your becoming, your evolution, your Ascension. To become consciously aware of this journey, of the human meaning and value of life, is to initiate a planetary epic of Light and Life. When this experience is conceptualized at a planetary level, and then it seeps into governance, at the smallest unit scale to the largest unit scale, this is the overarching Principle of Spirit Governance. And a new life for yourselves and the planet.

And one of the first orders of business is not a summary execution. But this divine rule, you could say, of logic, which is, if you're against Life, contrathetical to life, you are inherently adjudging yourself for destruction, self-destruction. And we will leave it at that. Thank you, and all of you. Have a good day.

Thank you, Arthura

You are most welcome.

This is just an update that the migration ran into an error because the custom code on this site layered over the Simple Machines code has resulted in the overall website code unsuccessfully migrating to the new server.  We are currently looking at what can be done to either fix this to migrate successfully, or work around it another way.

Spirit is Action. God is the Source
Wed, Feb 01, 2023, York, PA, United States
Transmitter Teacher(s):
Receiver(s): Dominick O
Audio Link (8 minutes)
Experiential wisdom and experiential naivete are all part of time and space experience. The dichotomy of experiencing anything in time and space, coupled with the inherent error of finite perspective, entails that wisdom is attained with greater efficiency with Spirit-status, advancement, and evolution. Until then, experience can be more primitively attained through neurology, biology, physiology, and brain and chemical circuits. The modern phenomenon of postmodern thinking and philosophies, places personal experience and perspective, regardless of its error, on a pedestal undeserved. Because there is an indulgence of experiential error.
Your Thought Adjuster and angels, together with your personality, work to provide you the spiritual school lessons you need for your literal evolution. When you give that process up to someone else, habitually, then are you stagnant. The goal is evolution within the lifetime, not therapy of feeling better and feeling good feelings. Wisdom is not attained through a venting. Relief certainly happens. But when you give the power of someone else to process your own processes, over time it becomes a crutch and not a wisdom tool. For you are replacing your own inner life for psychoanalysis. Reflection does not produce action in the modern environment, it is producing re-actions, venting, and expressions, which is, in fact, energies. And these energies are running wild and primitive.
This lesson can also be compared to receiving and transmitting from the Voice of God as a comparison to Channel. Channel, channels, and discovers the process of Source. It is a discovery of spiritual nature, but it is not necessarily understanding what it is connecting to. Whereas the Voice of God understands and desires to transmit God's will. It is connected already. It is not searching for the right channel. And that leads us back to the experiential lessons of experience. Wisdom is the knowledge that your experience attained what it has done for you over time. Wisdom and experience without Time and an inner process with you and Spirit and God -- but more with God [while] Spirit is action. Spirit is the expression and an essence of things. It is not the processor of your experience. This is the crux of the lesson. Spirit is the action. God is the source. Good morning.

Self-Governance and Will
Sun, Jan 29, 2023. York, PA, United States
Transmitter(s): MELCHIZEDEK
Receiver(s): Dominick O
Audio Link

The human being is ruled by self-interest. Almost childlike behaviors in utilizing its will to get what it wants. And then the mind absorbs, not only its internal desires, but the psychic impingement of all sorts of factors in your external environment. Couple that with the mammalian and animalistic, almost cellular, drive for social, ecological dominance, hierarchy if you will. Then what you have in the time-space realm of imperfected self-units (personalities), is a self-ruled ecosystem, an ecosystem of selves. So naturally you have a philosophy rather centered on the principles of self-interest. And for example, on a very primitive planet such as this, it was only natural to consider Man as naturally inclined to be, quote-unquote, evil. In so much as these passions of self-interest were rather brutal, ruthless, selfish, ignorant, and so on. And without higher principles to guide that, your observations of yourselves drove these philosophies. In other words, not revelation or divine governance, but, your own mud hole.

This Self topic pertains all the way up to the Melchizedek Order, where it has been jealously asserted, that the self-rule of Melchizedeks is a rightful mechanism of rule for lower Orders, desiring to succumb to self-rule. But it is the Melchizedek way and prerogative to defer and harmonize Our will to the Father’s. And this is also synonymous with the representation and way of the Father, expressed through our Creator Son.

We know as individuals and as an Order, how to ask our wills what the Father's Will is, in any given moment, in any given circumstance. We inherently are one in a symbiotic way of directing our will with the Father, with the Son, and through the Spirit. Everyone else, whether you like to hear this or not, is practicing, and learning, and growing, and evolving into this prerequisite stage of Universe Ascension in the Local Universe of your origins. Thus, the ironic tragedy of even the best among you, is that you will exhibit and espouse these higher ideals and principles, and almost never live up to them 100% of the time. And your associates will immaturely and naturally point this out in their own self-preserving ways. Therefore, is it necessary to establish on any planet, whether it has defaulted or rebelled or not. It is necessary to establish some chain of guided Divine guidance. Default, in any of this chain, creates evolutionary obstacles. But Rebellion breaks the chain and must re-establish the chain altogether.

But let's bring this lesson to a close, and to its head, by directing it and redirecting this divine governance conclusion, to yourselves. Divine Governance starts internally, with you and your selfhood. And only then can you understand and help bring this forth collectively to your environment and your social circumstances. Thank you and good day.

Threads for New Transmissions / Spirit and the Species
« on: January 24, 2023, 13:03:44 pm »
Spirit and the Species.

Tue, Jan 24, 2023, York, PA, United States

Transmitter Teacher(s):

Receiver(s): Dominick O


Good morning. This is a transmission. Everyone is at the table, your Thought Adjuster, and us, and you.


The preparatory material is the subject about the species and speciation* of what it means to be with, and part of, the Family of God. As in the Kingdom. Not just as a social construct in your mind but in the species. You have a rough concept, an archetype if you will, of what it is like to be amongst a species of humans without any recall close to, either a proper mind, let alone, a fragment of God. We are referring to your zombie apocalypse films.


Switching subjects not entirely. When another human in your species preys upon, or considers other humans to be something abstract, commoditized, and dehumanized for ill-gotten aims and intentions that exclude Spirit, then that human is in Spirit’s eyes, sub-human. In other words, the Father and Spirit Government defines human-beingness as endowed with Spirit, and utilizing that species gift to evolve.


Now, even the sub-human mind can grasp that evolution, in terms of self-interest, typically progresses, and might understand this veiled threat of species annihilation. So, this would be at an individual level for sure. An existential threat misunderstood at the societal level. To the point about transmitting is to invite everyone in this species endowment to your own table of your mind. To get comfortable with it and as the Father permits and espouses that it must be shared.

Intelligence, Wisdom and Governance
V2 L50, ARTHURA and Company
Sat, Jan 14, 2023, York, PA, United States
Transmitter Teacher(s): ARTHURA and company
Receiver(s): Dominick O
Audio Link (10m)
Today we will talk about the themes of Governance, in an-almost formula relationship to Wisdom and Intelligence. We will start by some general observations, and also definitions and distinctions between Intelligence and Wisdom. You may know Wisdom as an Adjutant, some students. Others think of Wisdom as intelligent, accumulated memory, learned, genetic survival memory. And Intelligence like a computer processor. Some of this is true but not entirely accurate when it comes to Governance, specifically the tipping point of War, or shall we say, State violence.
It is a general truism to claim Intelligence is greater than Wisdom when the mechanism of war is waged. Another way of defining this is saying Wisdom is lacking when a state of war is invoked. And part of this is to observe how war is typically, and ultimately, offensive. And yet, the lack of wisdom is shown by always attempting by the offender to claim self-defense. And typically, what is observed in this exertion is a right to self-defense and response to harms real and existential. That an intelligence manipulating Wisdom is expressed. There is no wisdom, but intelligent aim and gain through the offense.
A wise leader in this case, therefore, could calculate and even understand through the wisdom of say, even your oldest doctrines, such as Sun Tzu, that such an intelligence of mobilized State violence, draped in Intelligence, rather than Wisdom, therefore, tends to, or you could say automatically, mobilizes the morale of the contending side. To the point, you, the aggressor, might set yourself up for automatic defeat.
Switching gears now, at an individual pace, and collective societal pace, there is a general observation that Wisdom is going out the door. The intelligence of individual pursuits and motivation is no longer being advised by the adjutant of Wisdom. Wisdom is not being sought after in decision-making of Time, Energy and Aim. And this brings me back to a point of an expression of the Adjutant, and the students who may understand that word. And those of you who may not. But the Adjutant in this sense is something that is more than Mind but connected to Mind. And something of a first-stage of spiritual engagement by an animal species such as yourself. Who is endowed and capable of also experiencing and recognizing in your consciousness, Spirit engagement. And therefore, is Wisdom more than Intelligence, but also some of the first Spirit engagement raising yourself above and beyond mere animalistic intelligence.
And thus, when We, as experienced governance Administrations observe a lack of general wisdom, at collective, cultural, societal, government, what-have-you scales. Then what We are seeing in this respect, is a retrograde motion away from Spirit simply by the underutilization, mal-utilization between Wisdom and Intelligence. At an individual decision-making level, you often confuse Wisdom with future-forecasting. We invite the exercise to procedurally govern yourselves in your intelligent decision-making, to always, like a Board Meeting, ask Intelligence, “we recognize the chair of Wisdom. Do you have anything to say or add?” And use your willpower and your intelligence to listen to what Wisdom might have to give you. And use it to guide your Will.
That is today's little ditty. We thank you readers and listeners. And we will remain unnamed, for that, in this lesson, is not important. Good day.
D: Thank you and good day to you too.
You're welcome. Bye bye.

Ben-Amin and ARTHURA
Education and Law Concerning Citizen Salvation Status
V2 L50 12.11.22
Sun, Dec 11, 2022, York, PA, United States
Teacher Transmitter(s): Ben Zen Amin, ARTHURA
Receiver(s): Dominick O
Audio File: Link
Ben Zen Amin:
This is Ben Zen Amin. I go by the nickname bien Zen Amin. For those unaware of the English translation with that name, or nickname rather, is, bien is French from the Latin languages, meaning, good. The good Ben Zen Amin. I, Ben speaking, will be short with you, meaning in length, not being angry of any sort. But the day is not long and my message not insignificant. I am not here just to say hello.
The power of Good and Evil exists because of Will and finiteness in the Master Universe. Particularly in the evolution realms of time and space previously attributed to the supreme, the age thereof. What I am reminded to tell you all today and into the future, is that the emphasis on education is also to educate the will-creature about its choices it can make regarding its knowledge and adherence to Law. Law is good because it tames evolving chaos and disorder, who ultimately stunt growth. It [chaos-disorder] does not facilitate regrowth. Yes, a forest burns down the old to make the new, and sometimes naturally this is the case. But with Law and Civilization, and the aim and goal of a sustainable civilization, we designate Light-and-Life; education about the Law means that people and personalities of all types of Orders are making decisions, better.
Nation states are not children, but on this planet that is almost the case. And the citizenry can barely qualify in their own knowledge of what that word entails. Not only have they been mal-educated, that being the opposite of bien or good -- it (mal) is the bad or poor equivalent of the word. Mal-education has eroded the identity of the person. But one truism, even on this challenged planet, is the understanding, that access to education in and of itself can be a good goal. It is what the Institutions choose, and struggle to educate on, that matters now. The word and status of Citizenry truly means you belong, and that you are part of that system; that unit of civilization (citizen) means you are valued.
What you and I realize is, and we do this together now, is that the Second Return is a call, not just to the flock of spiritual unity. Michael teaches His bestowal was the revelation of the Father to all His children amongst all His jurisdiction of Nebadon. The Second Return, amongst many things, entails a citizenry to something greater than your mere [earthly] border-jurisdiction, somewhat artificial and truly unnatural.
Allow me to re-state the biggest takeaway of this time together that I have. The total aspect of […..] is the one and only Universal God of all creation, personally known as the Father of All . . . . . Lord and our Father
[Note: this paragraph experienced a faulty recording or seems to have been scrambled]
I Thank you for your attention. And I bid all reading and listening a good day
Thank you, Ben Zen Amin. Well received thank you.
This is Arthura. I speak on behalf of the M&Ms
That is a jest within the Personality Circuit that, truly, I represent and speak on behalf of the Melchizedeks, who often identify with the letter M. As you rightly picked up and were confused by, there was more than one M present. And rather than become focused on this multiplicity inviting error, I was asked, and I seized the moment to speak on their and Our behalf.
The Melchizedeks will be working on what you might call emergency education. Their goal is to hold the lines when such is called for. When situations on a planet and amongst its people need such involvement, to frankly, maintain their salvation status. Thus, a Melchizedek takes it upon themselves in such emergencies to supplement and represent the Local Universe Lord and the Local Universe Government, in asserting what is good, and lawful, and spiritually true, and in reality, true.
I will come in at another time. There is not much else to add to Ben's message other than, the ones leading the vanguard of what has been talked about are the Melchizedek, plurally. Good day.
Good day.

For me personally, this subject has clarified the meaning of Controller. The FATHER as Infinite Controller.  Controller of what, Hyper-Infinity?

0.2.12 1. God the Father - Creator, Controller, and Upholder. The Universal Father, the First Person of Deity.

0.2.13 2. God the Son - Co-ordinate Creator, Spirit Controller, and Spiritual Administrator. The Eternal Son, the Second Person of Deity.

0.4.13 Paradise is not a creator; it is a unique controller of many universe activities, far more of a controller than a reactor. Throughout the material universes Paradise influences the reactions and conduct of all beings having to do with force, energy, and power, but Paradise itself is unique, exclusive, and isolated in the universes. Paradise represents nothing and nothing represents Paradise. It is neither a force nor a presence; it is just Paradise.

Hi Weydevu,
Dominick here and thanks for the question. below is a transmission taken. And a quick glance of my archives pointed to these two posts:

As far as we are concerned, The FATHER is the Originator of Personality within His Master Universe of His Creation.  The Revelation is the fact of Personality existing, and therefore, pre-existing, outside and previous to, the Master Universe itself.  You were previously revealed about the Master Universe and its containment therein. The Mystery pertains to the I AM. These are existential questions, not, as I must explain myself and My presence and representation here. Imagine water in cup and the amount of drops of water it took to fill it.  Where did the water come from or exist in as different forms in different places?

[Training Invitation] ARTHURA. Service Operation and Co-operation 09.04.22 (

Service Operation and Co-operation
Sun, 9/4/2022 York, Pa, United States
Transmitter Teacher(s): ARTHURA
Receiver(s): Dominick O
Audio Link (11m)

This is Arthura. I would like to be known as, or referred to as, Arthura, today, to represent the fact I get through to transmit through the Personality Circuit. And this is how I will associate with any of you. It is the reason I respond to however you pronounce my name. I remind you, speaking plurally, I remind you all, one of my enjoying work tasks is to bring out what are your strengths in you, set it free and prove it, identify it. You have enough problems getting in your own way, self-censoring yourselves, having such fear of what others will think, family, friends, the gallery. And one of the more appealing experiences of spiritual living, religious and spiritual experience, is the experience of having those fears melt away, and be a non-factor and insignificant in the grand scheme of things in your life, life in general. But it also does not put food on the table. So, we come back to the keyword, or root of a word, and that is operation. Because that bridges this gap between religious, spiritual experience and putting food on the table.
Whether you are spirit or mostly material there needs this experience of living that requires operation and co-operation. In this sense, I Arthura, help you identify how you operate, without judgment. And the fruits of our co-operation, help you in your operation, and then obviously help in your future co-operation. And this is a little bit different than the ministry of angels and seraphic aids who are working mysteriously in tandem with your Thought Adjusters to forge a soul. My work is a little bit different, in that I am tasked with crafting a team and staff for any human participation in the Missions. In this sense I both train you, vet you, and present you for service.
You do not pray to Me You pray to Father. You pray with Michael and Jesus. But I, Arthura, am one of these first legs of a journey you are asked to participate in if you expect to meet the requisite of transmission ability. And this subject has been quite a bugaboo, but I am here in service to help you develop that ability as your own. So, that you feel you are able to receive Our input, to petition for Our input, and defer to Spirit when you work with and for Spirit in these Missions. In an organization where your operation is essential, and your co-operation is essential. Speak the words that flow into your mind. This is an art form of transmission. It is not a science in your experience. It is more akin to an art form that will take practice, relationship and other things, such as your willingness to co-operate with me in the Personality Circuit. You may connect with me in so much as you petition to have someone else be designated for your training. Just understand I co-operate in that as well.

I will stop here. This is unusually short, I suppose. But the message is clear, is it not? I am here as Arthura, and part of My participation in the Missions is to present you suitable for service. Good day and thank you for reading and listening. And furthermore, for allowing yourself to participate. Good day.

Personality, Experience, and Infinity. ARTHURA. V2 L44 (

Personality, Experience, and Infinity
V2 L 44
Sun, Oct 16, 2022, York, PA, United States
Transmitter Teacher(s): ARTHURA
Receiver(s): Dominick O
Audio Link (12m)
This is Arthura I find it peculiar to witness those endowed with a piece of a fellow - well not fellow - the piece of a Consummator. That you know as Consummator Number Six, the Father of All. That it is difficult for you, but I empathize if that is possible, with your plight. And it is one of the benefits of contributing to this Master Universe of a Consummator, which is a very creative part of Hyper Infinity. You wonder how with such ease I was able to integrate with your kind through a vehicle, if you will, of say, Personality. And we remind you Consummator Six, the Father of All, gifts Personality and gifts Will. And these are hyper infinite attributes. Potentials born out of Hyper Infinity, phased down to Infinity, and then phased down further into the Paradise Trinity. First, Second and Third Sources of, essentially, Consummator Number Six.
We left off the record it's quite a “personality-party” out there, yes, indeed. Which brings us to the point of what you might describe as a lesson or information shared today. Something to think about and give meaning to the day and beyond. That is, what does the universe create? And we mean universe by, what does the Father of All create, through everything we just spoke to? And that is, how is it possible to experience anything? In order to experience, what needs to be in place for some thing, any thing to experience? Well, the answer is something is transformed into someone. And once something becomes someone, that someone, can begin to attain and retain, experience.
Attaining experience is the living experience of the personality. For example, you as an Ascender attain experience, your ascension-slash-salvation mechanisms allow you to retain it. Furthermore, it is not a forced retention, it is a free-will retention. It is a choice to retain your personhood, through your will, to continue to experience. Believe it or not, we remind you, not all Ascenders choose to retain and continue to attain experience as a personality. If you find this concept absurd it's likely an indicator that you are not going to choose to extinguish yourself that way. You are likely to choose to retain your experience and personality and choose to ascend. Furthermore, you can almost, in a sense, reverse the attaining, this choice. Almost like a current of energy, alternating current or energy flow of ascension. And that would be to begin to ascend while still in the flesh. And that would be attaining, not just experience, but assimilating your experience to spiritual advancement and attainment with this Source within you. And all this does is make your personality more real, as they say.
For those of Us outside of the Master Universe with a Hyper Infinity origin. You might imagine those in creation of this master universe of Consummator Number Six, that are so endowed with a piece of this Consummator. Who has downgraded his Consummator status, so to speak, into the Father status of Infinity. In other words, Hyper Infinity to Infinity, and then Infinity to First Source Trinity. That We from Hyper Infinity appreciate the creatures within the Master Universe who are endowed with this Consummator. And those who are created within the Master Universe who have rebelled against the reality of the Master Universe. And furthermore, are not endowed with a piece of this Infinite Source,
they are not as real as you, in the destiny of retaining their experience. And that is like the rest of you, the possibility of expanding to outer space zones. Which are closer and closer to the borders of the Master Universe and Hyper Infinity. Where you may discover personality exists even at those levels.
In fact, you just did.
It boggles my mind, Arthura and at the same time it's almost nonplussed because it's so matter of fact and seemingly unbelievable that we're even talking.
Yes. But there is no other way beyond fiat experience at your stage. And the Father has provided multiplicity of ways and an individualized gift, even with a unification of the experience. And from Our perspective We are encouraged about Consummator Number Six’s adventure here. Through worship and wisdom, worship and prayer, and relationship and love. Which is really one of the best harmonics of reality that originates in Hyper Infinity as well. We will stop it there. When we get into these terms you start to doubt, and think you are tossing word salad about. So, we'll stop here and let you get on with your day. I bid everyone a good day through the personality of Arthura.

The Meaning of Respect
Vol 2 Lesson 49
Sun, 12/4/2022 York, PA, United States
Transmitter Teacher(s): ARTHURA
Receiver(s): Dominick O
I am very interested in the creations of the Master Universe from the FATHER, CONSUMATOR NUMBER SIX, by many titles.  You are my cousins because we share Personality.  Now, the FATHER is the Bestower of Personality, but as I have said before, and I say again, He is not the Originator of Personality.  This is true because of the revelation of Personality outside of the boundaries of the Master Universe of the Universal Father’s Creation.  I am your cousin, bound by our shared and common aspect of personality association. It is a precious thing. Station, rank, and duty often dictate how personalities may interact, especially if they are vastly separated in evolution. But courtesy and favor are granted by those who properly respect Personality.
The expression, the Father is no respecter of personalities, is true because the Father is functioning as that respecter within you. Not externally in something to appeal to. Rather to listen within and share the self-respect of the Father bestowed upon you, within. In this sense, I personally, find this phenomenon fascinating to perceive the myriad expressions of Father-personalities. The species is no guarantee. Humanhood does not equate to such bestowal. Your Ascension scheme is your respecter of your personality and is not interested in your momentary appeals for favor, material wants, emotions and relational politics. Such relations are the day-to-day, moment-to-moment, and lifetimes of the Personalities of the Universes. And are therefore, subject to Will, Evolution, Law, and Deity.
The folly of Rebellion exists in the misapplication of Will upon Evolution, via the Law, in an attempt to replace the unknowable Deities by those rebelling.  When we speak of Reality, this is the hard-wiring of your personal realities to strive to know and discover the Deities.  The Ascension Scheme is the Deity Adventure.  Read between the lines of what I say unto you and know the truth of Governance amongst yourselves. Help from “above” is upon you, but remains silent and invisible until you do, but not unknowable.  I am ARTHURA.  Good day.

The Power of No: Agreeableness, Openness and Will
ARTHURA and Ascenders
V2 L48
Nov 04, 2022, York, PA, United States
Transmitter Teacher(s): ARTHURA and Ascenders
Receiver(s): Dominick O
Audio Link (9m)
This is Arthura and I sponsor today's lesson which is a team, we title for human ascenders and for all of Father’s Ascenders, The Power of Saying No. There is much input I am helping to translate and personify from those who have gone before you, and those who tread the path with you. The power of saying no comes from two psychological traits fundamental in your current psychology measurements. One being a degree of Openness and another, being measured by a degree of Agreeableness. These measures indicate whether it is difficult or not, to some degree, to disagree or say no. Of course, there are many circumstances and things where it feels appropriate and natural to answer in the negative, a denial, or a decline. And in other cases, and the one we're focusing on today, is when the Will of another does not coincide with your own Will, and yet, you defer your own Will in favor of being agreeable to the other’s Will.
But of course, this starts with listening to the fact of your own Will displaying and wishing its will to be followed. And indicating that your Will does not coincide with the others’. Openness gives you the relatability to hear the other’s perspective of their Will. If that other party is disagreeable more than you, then you are more likely to defer your Will to theirs. If you are open to another party's Will, then you are exposed to their Will. And therefore, if you don't have other traits such as disagreeableness (just as an example), then you are at risk of constant deferral and submergence of your own Will.
You therefore have to listen to your own Self, which is, you could think of as, a containment unit of your Will. It is designed to have a pleasure response of, not stimulation, but Personality satisfaction when you are in Will, with the Father's Will. You will receive a signal, intuited, that it be done in the long run. Meaning, for the sake of agreeableness, sometimes disagreeableness is appropriate. For the sake of openness, sometimes being less open is appropriate. And your Thought Adjuster understands and helps you with these things. Sometimes it feels and is labeled as intuition. But, you know, through the revelation of spiritual psychology, in other words, what constitutes some of this intuition - how this is done.
These are building blocks of experience and applied wisdom. Manipulation between Wills often attempts to open you up, and subterfuge and leverage your own agreeableness to their way. Therefore, you can run your own safety checks and ask yourself the simple questions. How open am I being to this information? Is it just information or is it will that is upon me? The same goes for agreeableness. Is the personality being coincided with my agreeableness? Or is this will power coming at me in the expression of some spectrum of agreeableness to manipulate my own agreeableness? And taking these in account, how is my Will coinciding with the other party’s Will? This of course, is understood as how do I feel about this? But as you see, we have just gone through a thinking exercise to get to this feeling. And they work together to think and exercise your own Will.
This was a successful short lesson I thank you for taking the call. I am Arthura, speaking on behalf of many a human Ascender. And I thank them, and I thank you. Good day.
Dominick O:
Thank you, Arthur, and thank you to everyone who contributed.

@Andre.  I cannot produce anything other than an original version of the software that would be produced.  After that I don't have the time to fix or adjust anything to produce a good transcript.  Do you still want it?  Here is a link, Andre:
FED Talks Ron Besser WTP Patent_otter_ai.docx

@Elise. It's open to use.

Here is a Link to HeartBrain Media's, FED Talks blog, where both videos are embedded (and linked via YouTube):

Free Electricity Broadcast from Tower to Antennae Within 200 Miles (

Trailer directly from YouTube (7:33)

Full Video directly from YouTube (54:27)

Camera 1 was a GoPro
Camera 2 was c922 Web Cam
Camera 3 a Galaxy 22
Edited in Filmora Wondershare

Interview is at the Magisterial Foundation, "Studio 2709"

Journey and Destination
V2 L47
Oct 22, 2022, York, PA, United States
Transmitter Teacher(s): ARTHURA
Receiver(s): Dominick O
Audio Link (9m)

This is Arthura. Good morning. One thing I want to re-iterate and discuss in our communication now. Is the intention and direction of these developments will be more focused on vocabulary and cultural integration. And through language is this done. Because jargon technical information, definitions that happened from large volumes of books, whether they be academic, or, in our case, large revelation materials of hundreds of pages with its own definitions and terms sometimes. Because, well it's Revelation. And sometimes that requires a new vocabulary. There is no need to censor yourself. But you could, upon observing you have used a particular word, you might pause to ask, is there any one in attendance who needs that term or concept explained any further? And you will be prompted to either ask this or respond to it and so on.

And when we say prompted, often, this is the fruit of what we discuss when we ask you to consistently practice, so to speak. You could say practice, as in a Practitioner, as opposed to a sports practice. But they're not that far off from each other. When you practice this communication back and forth. It is like mind adjuster-attunement that resembles a spiritual Kinesiology. In other words, if you haven't started and you haven't had much experience in the practicing, or in the practice, then you will have those moments of doubt, un-confidence, and flat-out denial that this is even true. Mankind did not discover fire because he figured out the molecular chemical reactions of carbon. No. And neither will you, if you take such an approach to what we're all doing here.

Because while a particular advanced civilization or advanced race might be even billions of years older in advancement. Those individuals reap those accumulations, so to speak, but they are still individuals, on more-or-less a similar journey. To other humans, in what Spirit deems your Ascension Careers, and into what We know is a more definite reality. And so, you learn from each other, and you share in this journey.

And let us examine the journey through another word, destination. I Arthura, in your minds claim to hail from Hyper Infinity. Something even outside of your Master Universe of Reality, which is supposed to be all that everything is. So, I tell you, I'm simply from a different destination, enjoying this destination, with a fellow Creator, Consummator, so to speak, of one who creates things within journeys and destinations. And what that means is, I suppose, a journey and destination requires time, space and a personal entity with will.

Now, try to take those elements out, or reduce them, and try to find or produce a destination or destiny and a journey. Certainly, a rock without a personality cannot have a destiny or a journey. And yet when you observe it you say to yourself, it did. But does the rock know it? Or did you define it and know it? You can pick up that small rock and change its destination and journey and throw it into the ocean. The rock cannot pick itself up and do that. Yet, we know and see that forces can.

Forces without personality or will do act within time and space and change the destiny and journey of things. And what the Ascender does within this realm of the Master Universe is search to discover the cause, and also discover the relationship to it. There is often a lack of causal discovery because you're too wrapped up in the symptoms of what is going on. This is true, especially true, of the younger race or species, so to speak. And that is what an older civilization and race of fellow Ascender can bring. And likewise, and reciprocally, you can help the older race rediscover certain things they may have taken for granted, need to look at in a fresh light. And simply compare how fellow humans experience anything and learn from it.

We thank you Arthura

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