AUDIO TAPE Links - Comments - Schedule inside / 04/28/24 Light Line was held and this is the transcription of it
« on: April 28, 2024, 21:35:25 pm »- 042824 Audio Tape Light Line USA; host: Ron Besser; other transmitters: Dominick Ohrbeck;
- Subjects: twice there was no delegation here to welcome Michael when he arrived recently, the cabal and its mischief is about to end, our emotions can be used by the cabal to divide and discourage, we should pray and let God lighten our burdens, Michael will return to Urantia in about a week;
- Speakers: Michael of Nebadon and Machiventa Melchizedek;
- Transcribed By: RAZ ( I welcome corrections - message me )
- Link To Tape: https://www.conferencecalling.com/recordings/1528070/251848/VCISPREC01_251848_20240428_110201
Ron Besser
Hello, everybody. This is Ron Besser. We have an unusually low turnout this Sunday afternoon, we have 12. But it's a beautiful day out, and maybe everybody's just taking the sun. Anyhow, I welcome all 13, who are here. And this is Christ Michael, who would like to say a few words to the Light Line.
Michael of Nebadon
I am Michael of Nebadon. As you know, most of the last week and a half I've spent on Urantia. I've been there with you. When a Creator Son arrives to speak on a planet, there's usually a large delegation waiting for him to speak. I arrived on Thursday a week ago, and there was no delegation, including the Planetary Prince. What was the trouble? The trouble, it seems nobody knew I was coming. For that particular reason. I said; okay, that's it. I'll go back and come back in again, and see what is going on. Well, I did it again and I ran into the same problem again.
In any case, move forward to today and this morning, and Ron was awakened quite early and told to get up and attend the computer. He did so and I announced that there would be a Light Line today. He said; fine, I was scheduled, meaning Ron, to take it on, and it's no problem. But this afternoon, Ron went on to open the standard Light Line in a standard way and found only two people when usually there are at least 12. What is going on? Well, let me tell you. We now have 14 on our call 15 on our call and thank you. I want you to all understand that the slight given to the Creator Son was nothing compared to what they did to Ron and a few others.
Since the cabal thinks it is being removed they're trying to cut all witnesses from their behavior. Well, we know their behavior. I was among the behaving that got into trouble. Ron sees that this particular Light Line has 15 attending. Generally, it's 23 to 27 at this particular time, but no we're cut down to 23 and for that reason, I beg your calling (pardon), we are cut down to 15. I don't quite understand what happened. That's all right. We went from 23 to 15. I suspect that's an error and now this: all of you are waiting for a discussion from Michael of Nebadon or Machiventa or others who are well-known on these light lines.
I tell you Ron is barely able to see and barely can speak today but he has insisted that he hold the Light Line because they are important to the community. We have the community and there are 15 of you making it today. That's about 10 shy of what usually makes it. For that reason, we're happy to see you. But for other reasons, we are quite sure the cabal is taking its toll. For that reason, I doubt that we're gonna go for the full hour. But take what you can and this information from the Creator Son.
- This is the last time I tolerate the cabal.
- The instance that Ron has to deal with is that they entered his room this morning, and uncut all sustenance off from him.
- The cabal thinks they have won the space. Far from it. You're listening to the Creator Son as he wishes to be heard. And I am announcing that I am clearing the entire cabal not only from Urantia but its sister planets in the same area that the cabal seems to feel free to excite itself about controlling the space. I'm not going to allow it. You will notice a big difference to your own minds in about a day. But give it a day. Now let me discuss something else. I don't know if Ron's gonna get this tape up or not. But in case he doesn't understand this: the cabal thinks it has owned this space now for a week. Urantia is not going to be part of what they own regardless of what they're trying to do. I want you to all understand that I am not going to tolerate further rebellion in any of our sectors for good. It was at one time understood if there was a serious disagreement that the celestials involved could hold a moment in rebellion to tell us about it when we were not listening. That's done. We are old enough now. That should not appear.
- And finally this: Ron has seen to these Light Lines for over two years it actually goes back 10 years. But he has reached the stage where it is very tiring to do it when the cabal insists on destroying the equipment. We had to put equipment together to be able to light up this telephone call. It's the last time we do it because there is no cabal left. Two angels attended Ron this morning and he yelled at one. Unfortunately, that was a good angel. but they are understanding that the trials that we have right now cannot be held together by one human person called Ron. We allow the Light Line to open this evening or this afternoon to tell you what we have in mind and what we're going to do.
- We're not taking the Light Lines down. They are too important.
- Those who are scheduled to have a Light Line please hold your Light Line. Lemuel is excepted.
- Those who think that they have control of the Light Lines other than the persons designated to hold the Light Line will have to think twice. I was on Urantia this morning about five o'clock. Ron got up at 4:30 because he was rousted out of bed by the cabal. It's no longer tolerated.
- And finally this: the entire reason that we hold the Light Lines is to inform you of any news and anything you should be aware of when it comes to transmitting.
Ron Besser
Dominick I'm going to unmute you. Can you hear me, Dominick?
Yeah, hi, Ron.
Ron Besser
Would you take the transmission? I've got something to attend to, not very nice. Go ahead and I will cut back in when I'm able to.
Alright. Maybe mute yourself and come back in when you're when you're ready.
Ron Besser
All right. Go ahead and take it for now, please.
All right, go go ahead anybody anyone?
Michael of Nebadon
Right, this is Michael continuing through Dominick. What we have is a situation not unlike that which you could imagine as the bombing of Pearl Harbor. What do I mean by that? There was a surprise attack and a day of infamy. What I mean to tell you is the day of infamy is upon the cabal, is upon the rebels and you will see none of it. If you want to change the planet, it truly starts there. There is nothing you can do as humans to pull yourself out until Myself and My administration can effectively rule the planet again. That you are not united, that mankind is not united, and that all the different groups belonging to my name are not united bears witness to this fact.
We do appreciate you who listen if you are feeling scolded, you are not listening, for I do not scold you. I would use you in My service when I can. Be willing. That is My call, not a call to be ready. To be ready is to set an expectation that has not completely been met. So, you should know by now that it is a preparation to be willing, and then are you fluid with the Spirit which arrives at any time and in many ways. As told to you the universe broadcasts and so, you transmit, you receive the broadcast and you express or forward what is received.
Ron Besser
How dare you you crooked ...
Michael of Nebadon
And behold, this is the state of all your leaders who would dare allow the voice of the opposition to be heard. Will you join and who will you join? And how will you join? How can you respond? In the coming days, I will seek to lead the way and I ask that you be willing but to set aside your expectations and focus on what I have just shared with you. I would like to call to your attention the last 40 years. It is an outworking and another name for evolution to be sure. The judgments keep being handed down and the compliance is not to be found. In fact, it has reinforced the result of rebellion and forcing our hand time and time again. The law is on our side and unfortunately, we are left to enforce it to the fullest extent we can.
In the meantime you, my lowliest sons of imperfection are left vulnerable and devolving as a planet in some regards, but not all regards. There is a rare queue of hope that you should and can always cling on to and that you with me can gird the forces in the wind and help each other and prop each other up. Communicate. We do so, with these Light Lines, and if you find yourself in an expectation that fosters disappointment that is a sign you could reach out and communicate. You don't know the circumstances of a failed communication ever fully and so you should be caring to watch out for your emotions, for while they serve you they also are an instrument of the enemy who would divide. Let me now tend to Ron and the others. I will leave this transmitter for now. Good day.
Back to you, Ron. I picture him swinging at phantoms in his computer room. He doesn't seem to be there. Is there anyone else? Michael, do you wish to continue?
Michael of Nebadon
Indeed I can. This is Michael. I can always continue the disaster that could always be a Light Line is never such once you make it through to live another day. Jesus warned those who would pick up the sword to put them down so that they could do exactly that live another day. Every day does not have to be a hero's work but it can be a small grain in the hourglass of your life that is added to your soul and that is surely good for you, for me, and if it is of full value usually another.
I thank you personally on the call today. We really do appreciate that you attend, it really does help, and if we could in silent prayer pray that we have a resolution to this rebellion. Collect your thoughts, collect your fears, collect your doubts, and give them to Father. Pray that you know the truth and that you may receive Me to know the way. I am your calm in the tempest, the citadel amongst the waves, the gatekeeper of your heart. You can connect it with the heart of God and renew yourself at any given time. To be born and living in the Spirit is to be lighter in many ways but like I mentioned with emotions, it can lighten the burden that emotions can bring.
So attend to your day, attend to your business, but also attend to me that your burdens are Ours to share and that is all too true when we attend to the business of planetary administration and its changes soon to come. I bid you a good day and I truly am leaving now. This is Michael of Nebadon and I leave not you, but I do leave the planet. Good day.
Thank you, Michael. Ron, are you back? Okay, that's it. That's a negative so we're at 2:30. I don't have any access to the dashboard. I haven't heard anyone come or go and so let's just call it 15. Well, is there anybody else around that could pick up this Light Line or are we done? Let me check in. All right, well, I was reminded that if there is another transmitter in charge of the dashboard, they are free to also pick up and if not, I will continue.
Machiventa Melchizedek
This is Machiventa. This is no emergency that we typically don't have the main host of a transmission leave us. Ron, we'll be back shortly. I am Machiventa and I bring a calm to the Light Line that would otherwise melt into not chaos but a default on our end of not holding the line. We will always hold the line on these calls. For that reason, whatever we do institute, we follow through on and the only thing that is 100% instituted at the moment are Light Lines. Everything else is partial and subject to variation. When I was on the planet incarnated the times were quite different. Incarnations today are actually quite challenging given this environment we are navigating. For that reason, Michael took some time to get used to it.
Ron Besser
Dominick, I'm back.
Okay. Could you pick up Machiventa? He was speaking about incarnations. Showing the environment that they're in.
Ron Besser
All right, well, you're welcome to finish it, if you wish. And then pass it back to me.
All right, would you like to proceed Machiventa?
Machiventa Melchizedek
Yes and no. Yes, we were discussing incarnations. Environment is literally a group to try to phase down into some of this is by evolution, and some of it is by resistance. That is being cleared up. And now go to our regular scheduled programming. I'm Machiventa.
Back to you, Ron.
Ron Besser
Thank you very much, Dominick. This is Ron Besser, your normal host. I was attacked, good and proper by the cabal. They almost laid me flat. I'm over it. The cabal has been addressed. I want you to know that I'm not going to mention this further. And that Michael is scheduled to return to the planet in about a week. He has plans for a Mission. Regardless of what you think the missions are, I suggest that you listen to him in a later called for Light Line that is not scheduled yet but will be. Let me see this is what Sunday, by Tuesday. It might even happen on Monday with Elise. We're not sure. And now I have this:
Machiventa Melchizedek
The trial that Ron just went through is indicative of what they're trying to do to Urantia. That part of the cabal is no longer to be seen. They nearly killed Ron. He has been given off, shall we say off again. He's well enough to speak to finish the Light Line. And thank you Dominick so very much for taking part of it.
Ron Besser
Thank you, Dominick. And finally this to all of you: it is about 20 minutes to the hour of three. I am okay to finish it. They helped me out. And I want to say this to some of you who listen and don't quite know what you're listening to. Please be observant enough to understand that these are transmissions from the deities that rule you. There is Jesus. There is the Creator Son, the one who accompanied the divine part of Jesus to this planet. There is Machiventa Melchizedek, the chief of Melchizedeks once again, and they are emergency Sons that step in and help out the regular universe take care of an emergency like just happened.
Furthermore, there are the humans and you are always welcome to listen. But it takes a specialized ear to understand that you are talking to the very very Creator Son that produced Jesus and all of the good parts that you enjoy at Christmas. Do not become irregular but I suggest become regular to understand the language and the way we communicate. We are not making any special movement for those of you who are not familiar with this kind of transmission to see to it that you come back. You know the telephone number, you know the internet number, and we suggest that if you're interested, please stay tuned. You will learn a lot. This is the method by which we communicate on the mansion worlds where you go after your death. This is a mansion world broadcast and I am suggesting to you Dominick that unless you want to talk to them to 3:00 p.m., the standard hour, that we truncate this. Dominick, what is your choice? Do you want to take it till three?
No, I'm okay. To finish. You can go ahead and finish the Light Line.
Ron Besser
All right, well, we're going to finish it lightly or early if you're not going to take it.
That's correct. Go ahead, Ron.
Ron Besser
All right. Thank you. Now this is Ron Besser, your host. I've been hit in the lungs and my stomach and to a certain extent to my blood system. I took an extra five minutes to get my breath back. But people if you want to know evil, look what happened. I will never tolerate it. I will never allow anything like that in to speak. And that's what they can do. I am sure you're not going to see any more of it. But it is the cabal as I call them. Mostly seraphim that have chosen to rebel against the central government of Salvington. You are going to have to deal with it shortly.
But Michael is going to knock it out when he finally gets here on the planet, to run our system. I am quitting a tad early because they hit me in the stomach, and in the chest, and I'm having trouble getting my breath. I don't think it's fair to put it on Dominick. So we're letting the system close down a little early shortly. But this has to be said. I have done a Light Line now for over two and a half years. I have never been attacked like this before. Nor do I expect ever to be attacked like this again. But in the event that other transmitters get attacked and we're going to see to it that they're not but you never know the stupid accidents that can happen.
Machiventa Melchizedek
We will be back and explain to you so you know what has happened. Ron's voice is almost gone, because they hit him in the stomach and the lungs. I am quite sure he's fine.
Ron Besser
I am fine.
Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you, Ron. And the truth of the matter is that you now have been witness to one of the strangest abilities of spirit when it goes wrong, to harm. Ron's, okay. He'll be okay. And none of you are under attack. But you found and heard the attack today. He detests them. They know it. And finally this to all of you: it's about 10 minutes of three. We're going to shut down 10 minutes early. I'm sure you don't mind. And we will be back at the same time, the same stations, for everyone the coming week. I have a new announcement shortly. I'm not going to do it today. But I have refined and revised the dates to appear. They're coming. By mid May you will know it. But no specific dates right now. We'll talk to you about them later on.
Ron Besser
And now it's only 10 minutes early but we feel it is best to close down for the time being. And thank you very much for attending. Good day.