Author Topic: LLUSA WEDNESDAY 27 MARCH 2024  (Read 5797 times)

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« on: March 27, 2024, 15:54:13 pm »

Ocilliaya, Master Spirit No. 4 spoke of the status of Lemuel the host and

Ron transmitted MICHAEL OF NEBADON.

Link to the recording:

Online Raz

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« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2024, 10:34:09 am »
  • 032724 Audio Tape Light Line USA; host: Lemuel; other transmitter: Ron Besser;
  • Subjects: we each reach a point of balance between our feminine and masculine natures and that point is like a trinity and is recognized by our Thought Adjuster, Lemuel has reached first stage spirit status, Michael and Universal Father must decide what is next for Lemuel, Ron is now a servital and the first human to attain so, Dominick and Steven have joined him as servitals, more of us will be servitals as well, two Magisterial Foundation board members will represent it at Baltimore UAI conference, and Dominick, Lemuel, and Steven have received fusions;
  • Speakers: Ocilliaya, Michael of Nebadon, Dominick’s Thought Adjuster, Gabriel, cabal, and a group of six fused humans now on the mansion worlds,
  • Transcribed By: RAZ ( I welcome corrections - message me )
  • Link To Tape:

Hello everyone. Good afternoon or good evening wherever you are and welcome to another Wednesday Light Line on the 27th of March 2025. This is Lemuel your host and we are fifteen including myself on tonight's call. I have had a very strange afternoon and I think we will soon find out the reasons why, when I ask now, is there someone here who will please address this Wednesday Light Line? Thank you.

Ocilliaya - Master Spirit 4  
Yes, Lemuel, this is Ocilliaya. I am I am Master Spirit Four and I represent and speak for Father and the Eternal Son. I have come to talk to all of you and to explain some things that you all need to know concerning Lemuel. Fairly recently Lemuel has had what you would term a close encounter with death on more than one occasion. But before I go into that, I want to summarize very briefly some of the most important moments in Lemuel's spiritual quest going back to the year of 1967, just before his 28th birthday, when he had what he personally would not refer to, nevertheless, was a before and after experience. A tremendous initiation. Not quite a road to Damascus experience or like Ron's China Pond experience. No, it was not like that. But nevertheless, it was a tremendous turning point in the life of Lemuel.

And I would just like to add many years ago there were many people who sought enlightenment and spiritual experience in a city in Egypt called Heliopolis, the city of the sun. Perhaps there are some of you who know that. So since 1967 Lemuel has consciously and devotedly and sincerely continued his spiritual quest and his spiritual journey. At that time, he was still serving in the British airborne forces. And he left the forces exactly 50 years ago now in April of 1974.

Coming closer up to date; in 2016, in the month of October, he along with Larry Gossett were partially fused and as you know, Larry has gone on to the mansion worlds. But Lemuel is still here. Six years ago Lemuel almost bled to death because of complications during an operation for pneumonia and pleurisy in Barcelona, he spent 52 days in hospitals, and 10 days in intensive care. And at that time during the operation, his Thought Adjuster disconnected and just waited to see what would happen. After many intense moments, the severe hemorrhaging was stopped. And so Lemuel lived to fight another day, as they say.

Now coming closer up to date. In fact, I'm sure you remember, just a few weeks ago, on more than one occasion it was reported that Lemuel had passed on. That caused quite a rumpus, I can tell you. But let me explain a few things that perhaps have not been explained in such a way before. There comes a time for all of you when you attain a balance between your feminine and your masculine natures and of course, your Thought Adjuster is fully aware of that moment. It is as if you become your own trinity. A father, a mother. and child. What happened a few weeks ago with Lemuel, he entered it.

He was not conscious of this of course, but he, in fact, entered a deep sleep and in fact entered a state of coma. Well, if you remember what was reported a young seraphim or transport appeared and was ready to escort Lemuel to the mansion worlds. Well, there was such a confusion because there was a lack of confirmation. But nevertheless, notice was served. Messages were sent right up as far as the Ancients of Days that Lemuel had passed on. In fact, it was Michael that intervened and stopped that.

There was another occasion not quite so drastic, but nevertheless, Lemuel did in fact, pass out of his body for a while. And so, the reason I am here is to explain that in fact, Lemuel has attained the status of first stage spirit. And so, it is true, in fact, he should not still be here. Neither should Ron. You all know this. So, the question is: what shall we do for Lemuel or better asked; what can we do with Lemuel. A decision has to be made between Michael of Nebadon and Eternal Father and Lemuel's Adjuster.

I know and perhaps just to remind you all; since the supreme is no longer here the Thought Adjuster, the Master Spirits, we report directly to the Trinity. And so, the Trinity was informed on more than one occasion of the passing of Lemuel. And so, we come to the moment when the decision must be taken once and for all. But there are certain things that must be considered. Number one, if Michael of Nebadon determines that Lemuel is too important, just to go to the mansion worlds, that he should remain here to help to continue host in the light lines and help for the future missions, etc. Then that means a life extension.

Lemuel as you all know, is an old man eighty-four and a half years of age and his body is of an old man obviously. We cannot regenerate an old body. Another thing to take into consideration is the fact that he is almost, not quite so advanced as Ron, but his transition from physical to morontial. So perhaps, it would be considered if in fact Lemuel can stay, finish a transition into the morontial, but return and work alongside Ron for the missions.

And of course, the other decision is simply just to let him go. But there were two occasions recently where it was possible or rather quite likely that Lemuel will be taken up in chariots of fire. That's how close Lemuel was to disappearing. Michael intervened and saved him and he is still here today. I know what he is feeling because I've been speaking to him all afternoon. He just surrenders. Whatever is decided, that's fine with him. He really is a true servant of God. And in fact, that is what his name means, Lemuel.

This is Ocilliaya, Master Spirit Number Four. I have said what I thought was necessary to be said to explain certain things to put you as they say, in the picture. Lemuel indeed has attained first-stage spirit status. And so for him to remain here as Ron is remaining here for the moment; decisions have to be taken. I have said, what I came to say, and so, I bid you all a very good day. Thank you, Lemuel. Thank you. We will speak again I'm sure.

Well, thank you, Ocilliaya. Thank you so much. Thank you. Well, just give me a moment, please. I need, I need a drink. You should know that in fact, I was informed about this a couple of weeks ago from Michael, Michael of Nebadon. But since then I know that he has been so busy and so preoccupied with the cabal, between one thing and another, I am certain that he has not had the time to address this situation.

But obviously, now the fact of the matter is that the Master Spirits and the Ancients of Days are waiting for the confusion to be put to an end and decisions be made regarding my status and whether I should stay here or whether I'm to move on to the mansion worlds. And so that is the situation at the moment, my dear brothers and sisters. As I just said, I don't mind either way. But to be perfectly honest, I would rather stay of course. I mean, all the years that I've been preparing and wanting and needing to be of service and I would hope that I can remain to be of service. But if it is deemed better for me, then that's fine. I surrendered to my Beloved as always. And so I got no complaints. I just hope that if I do have to go, then I will have the opportunity of saying goodbye to all you guys. So we shall see. Anyway, that's enough for the time being of me. Now let me see in fact, if there is someone else who wants to come and speak to us, in this Light Line.

Michael of Nebadon  
Lemuel, this is Michael, Michael of Nebadon. And the first thing I want to say to you is thank you, but I don't think it is best for you to, well to remain as the host, yes, for the duration of the Light Line; but I think now I would prefer to speak for obvious reasons through Ron and to bring you all up to date with what the situation is. So Lemuel, if you would be kind enough to unmute Ron, and let him take over this Light Line, for the time being. Thank you.

All right. Well, thank you, Michael. I shall do just that. So, Ron, I'm coming to you. I'm about to unmute you, unmuted, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Okay, I'm here. And thank you, Lemuel. Thank you, Michael. Whoever wishes to speak. Please go ahead.

Michael of Nebadon  
This is Michael of Nebadon. Ron, I love your protocols. It's this: you spent the morning wondering what in the world is going to happen? You're feeling the usual awful, you don't quite get why walking is nearly impossible. You are also having a ringing nose noise in your forehead and there's a lot of pressure. You say well, it reminds you of the fusion process that you underwent years ago. Well, it is another fusion process. You Ron have attained not only first stage spirit, but you have also attained a new rank that we have created particularly for the Urantia missions. That rank is as servital. You are the first servital that a human has ever attained.

What is a servital? The Urantia Book refers to the term servital as meaning a special character that is taken from the universe creation to serve in a particular mode for a mission from anywhere from a planet to other groups of importance. The Urantia Missions have started. They started several days ago. But the humans do not have any access either to the deities who may attain to the planet invocation. Nor do the humans have any particular or necessary instruction. Ron today sat while Ocilliaya was speaking to Dominick or rather to Lemuel that he was being accorded a very fine position and that Ron had been advised of such, months ago.

Lemuel, Elise, Ron, and perhaps Dominick if we can find him today will have an opportunity to serve as well. There is no reason that Dominick is not here. He simply does not remember there's a Light Line. And finally this to you, Ron: you look at it as curious but understandable at times. That is an excellent way of approaching his acts. Now this: the truth that we must speak is this. Today is the 27th of March 2024. It is almost the end of March. And nothing really done or seen for the Missions, or even for Ron and anything he can do with what he has provided. He shrugs his shoulder and says; the place is empty. I just have to sit back for whatever may occur and react with it if I can. He did not find the Magisterial Foundation to do that. But that's what he's got. That's what you've got. We have been very careful not to show a lot of information that could confuse you.

One of the things that we need to tell you is this. Starting yesterday, which would have been the 26th of March. We had the occasion to visit Ron and Dominick as they sat and chatted about what to do about the coming conference in Baltimore. Ron says, wouldn't you know it? There's a disaster, in Baltimore. I have no idea he says, what any collusion may have been. But the disaster, the ship, hitting the Francis Scott Key Bridge over portions of the bay was totally destroyed by a ship hitting its piers. He says I do not take it simply as an accident. But God knows what it does portend.

For that reason, Ron, you have been sequestered so as not to speak to any of it. You don't like the way the news is being reported? You say they are huffing all about it, the loss of life and the time to rebuild the bridge. Ron the bridge is not essential. It's a shortcut. But you say they will, no doubt. And this is Michael, I doubt it. What they're going to discover is that the bridge itself is undermined by the tide currents underneath its piers. And that most of them are not in good condition. The tidal currents are about eight miles per hour. They abrade the base of the towers themselves and press out even parts of the concrete. Remember, it's saltwater. And finally this. We approve you Ron for the following. It's all right, Ron.

  • You are no longer the head of the Magisterial Foundation. You easily gave it up long ago. We are taking it fully and will apply to it.
  • Although you are chairman of the board, we assume you give that power to the Melchizedeks. I heard you say; we do. And that is all I need to proceed with the following:
  • Do not worry about your position, Ron.
  • Dominick is losing his control over his mind.
  • There is nothing left, but you Ron to stand the course and to insert whatever we request.
  • We are quite sure that the entire matter concerning you, your partner Dominick, and the rest of you must make amends and reinsert the Magisterial Foundation, not under Us but under a control panel set up by the Melchizedeks to oversee the human corporation that contains WTP, will do the Chronicles, and furthermore, will prefer those humans who are not educated by the Fifth Epochal Revelation.

You see what they've done, you consider them nearly a cabal by insisting that their loyalty is to the foundation and not to the Universal Father. That is hard for them to understand. You Ron are loyal to the Father. You do not pretend that the Urantia Foundation is more than a distributor, and for that they are terribly important. Tips Let us see to the ideals that you hold Ron. You have given all control over to the Melchizedeks. And to that which I stand. Thank you.

For that reason Ron, we are preferring charges, not against you or Dominick. But to anyone who attempts to exploit the Magisterial Foundation for their own purposes. That is nothing in the board of directors. That is nothing in the celestial realm or Salvington. But is a pretense that the Unity will use to join you for a preparation of a Light Line they wish to rebuke all of you for listening to Light Lines they do not produce. Yes, Ron, I'm warning you. And for reasons of state, we are now going to close this interview and state something further.

Ron Besser  
Yeah, one moment, please. I've got to clear my throat. One moment. All right, I'm back.

Michael of Nebadon  
This is Michael of Nebadon. To you, Ron. I have never seen you question input from this voice. But you do and I question why.

Ron Besser  
This is Ron. Other than the fact that you're producing new information it is not entirely in keeping with your free approach to the humans and care that they participate, well. There is no factoring, there is no problem with what you have been saying. But I am very uneasy how this proceeds at times. And I am fully loyal to Michael but I'm not fully loyal to those who may copy Him. That's all and I have no confirmation of any problem there. But I am suspicious.

Michael of Nebadon  
And you should be Ron. This is Michael of Nebadon. I am not rescinding anything said nor am I rescinding any robot and I am not rescinding anything you dictated, Ron. But the Melchizedeks are reporting that there is a worm about and that you are catching his presence. You will not tolerate one iota of misspeaking from Salvington or any other full authority for these Missions. You have not resisted, but you have said over and over; evil will not find one piece of me ready to converse about it. Force me if you will, but I will rescind anything you intend to attack the Missions, or the Salvington authorities, Michael of Nebadon, and Gabriel in particular.

For that reason the cabal has lifted its weight, but not its intensity. You have said to Steven Gitz and to Dominick Ohrbeck; you are representing the Magisterial Foundation to the Baltimore conference. What happens 24 hours later, the Francis Scott Key Bridge is destroyed. But you point out to whatever collusion is there; that bridge is far too east of where the conference is held. It doesn't affect the conference. For that reason, Ron, let it be understood. You're the one who suspects collusion. I know it took place. There is nothing left of the Francis Scott Key Bridge to use again.

And finally this: the entire matter concerning the conference is to proceed. And both Steven Gitz and Dominick Ohrbeck will be there wearing the banner of the Magisterial Foundation. You fully approved it and helped them with some money. That will be all that is necessary from you for the time being. However, listen to this. Steven Gitz called a member of the UAI to register, or at least to find information. That individual has reported to the group organization that the Magisterial Foundation is sending representatives to the conference, both Dominick and Steven. Ron has asked that besides the name they wear the name Magisterial Foundation above it in a separate name badge if they have to. They will do so. Steven, whatever badge you get also has at the top, the Magisterial Foundation. And the same to you Dominick, wherever you are.

Ron Besser  
One moment.

Dominick's Thought Adjuster  
This is Dominick's Adjuster. He's not on the call today. He is still asleep and must sleep for another four or five hours in order to understand why the headache became so intense. He's had a fusion, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Thank you.

Dominick's Thought Adjuster  
And this: he's okay. We now have a different kind of human. We will tell you about it when the time comes. He will be fine for the conference. Steven, proceed with your work. Don't worry what happened to Dominick. I'm sure he will have something to say when he sees you Thursday. And now this: you Ron wished you could attend, but cannot even stand for 15 minutes without almost falling over, such is the pain in your ankles and your knees. That is to be lifted almost immediately.

And finally, to you, Ron, listen. The cabal last night decided to attack you. They hit the left leg, particularly in the underfoot with a sharp needle that almost sent you to the roof of your bedroom. It was that painful. That seraphim is no longer existing. They are trying desperately to remove you. For that reason, that instep is now no longer vulnerable to anything the cabal can do. And the right one you feel is being twisted.

Ron Besser  
Yes, yes it is.

Dominick's Thought Adjuster  
The truth of the matter is you're no longer subject to their attacks. You're feeling repairs. Thank you, Ron. And finally this: you have taken to bowing slightly when we examine what work has been done for you in the last 24 hours. Good. You are now a servital. You belong in the ranks of spirit, as well as humanhood. And for that reason, you are now serving under the auspices of Gabriel of Salvington. Thank you and you saluted. Thank you, Ron.

This is Gabriel. I am the sidekick of the Creator Son. There's only one Bright and Morning Star, and that is my order. We come from the joint creation of the Creator Son with the mother spirit. But when mother spirit rescinded her work, I was left without control of the seraphic groups and other angelic groups you do not know of. I now have retrained. I have taken back the seraphim and the other angelic groups under my command. Thank you, Ron. You took the salute, as I did. Why did I do that for you, Ron?

Ron Besser  
Gabriel, I have no idea. I'm speechless.

Thank you and you should be. No one has ever received as a human the rank of servital before their time on the mansion worlds. The Urantia group on the mansion worlds has taken four servitals in the group themselves. Marian and three others you know by name. Yes, you smile and congratulate.

Ron Besser  
I certainly do. Thank you.

They are coworkers with you when you arrive on the mansion worlds Ron. Not for some time. Further understood, your concern for Dominick is rightly done. He went to bed normally last night, but was seized by quite a painful headache and his body full of rhythms he never quite understood. You don't either.

Ron Besser  
That was not my way, Gabriel. I don't recognize it. Thank you.

What a wonderful statement. You recognize your fusion your way?

Ron Besser  
That is correct, Gabriel. Thank you.

How in the world do I speak to you Ron when you are the only fused individual left? There were two others. They died recently. Now this: those who are fused before they leave Urantia do not partake fully of the mansion worlds. They are set aside in a special group not under Marian Rowley as she was known on Earth. But under the auspices of the Ultimate. It's rare. There have been only four others before you Ron that fused before the mansion worlds. They are not known to you. They are known only to me by name.

Michael of Nebadon  
I never saw them. This is Michael. I don't know where they are.

A group of six humans fused on Urantia  
We are that group.

Ron Besser  
One moment.

A group of six humans fused on Urantia  
We are fused individuals from Urantia. We were fused before we left. Ron is fused. Dominick is fused now. Elise, you're almost fused. Lemuel, you received your fusion two days ago. We are a unique group. We are humans that have portrayed the ancient past. Before the fusions could begin on Urantia, Lucifer rebelled.

We shut it down.

Ron Besser  
That is Gabriel.

A group of six humans fused on Urantia  
The Lucifer rebellion occurred not just in the winter months in Afghanistan, but also in Dilmun. The northern part of the Inland Sea between Iran and Saudi Arabia. That is a highly contested body of water because Iran is formulating insurrection. They will be removed. We are the group of humans Ron. There are six of us. And a number you know well.

Ron Besser  
Yes. And it's partly being blocked. I guess I have to warn you. There's enough power of the cabal to block vocabulary.

And they are removed, Ron.

Ron Besser  
We are grateful. Thank you. Please proceed.

A group of six humans fused on Urantia  
Now this: we are a group of six that have fused on Urantia.

Ron Besser  

A group of six humans fused on Urantia  
We are not the gurus from India. We're actually from Iran. And for that reason, Ron, you are carefully looking at Iran as a mischief maker beyond words, and that it needs corrected. They are about to receive the correction. And this: we have no name. We are humans that have fused with our adjusters, on Urantia. Two of your board members are receiving fusion today. Lemuel already has fused. That was several days ago. Dominick received fusion in the early hours of this morning, Ron. Do not be concerned. He has no memory left of almost anything he proposed. He will go to the conference.

Ron Besser  
Yes, thank you.

A group of six humans fused on Urantia  
And finally, this Steven Gitz you have been unable to transmit. The fusion you received two mornings ago will allow you to transmit if you try. And finally this to you, Ron. We are the fused group that are still on the mansion worlds to provide sufficient care that the Urantia group under Marian Rowley on the mansion worlds is now diffused from group work and is asked to proceed to the mansion worlds elsewhere.

Now this to you, Ron: you are aware of the proposed work of students fused on Urantia in the future for Ultimacy. That is still provided for. What you must also recognize is that anyone who fuses on the planet is also now a servital. You consider it a temporary assignment. No longer. The servitals are now in place of certain seraphic duty officers who no longer are allowed to operate on Urantia, beginning last week. You were attacked by a sub-officer and that one will never work again. And finally to the rest of you: there are now 16 listening to this call. The result of the work of the Magisterial Foundation and the Light Lines it provides is now considered a department of the Universal Father's view that the government of Urantia is now no longer Melchizedek but is no longer seraphic either. But angelic in the sense that the servitals and the Archangels combine to serve Michael directly. For that reason, Ron you find it overpowering. And for that reason, we demote you to servital only. And you laugh.

Ron Besser  
That was a little one. But it was wonderful while it lasted, Michael. Thank you.

A group of six humans fused on Urantia  
Thank you. The truth of the matter is Dominick will see you later today. He's fine. He had a rough night. So did you.

Ron Besser  
Yeah, I got hit. Yes.

Michael of Nebadon  
Now, for reasons of state, please do not interfere, with speech, Ron. Starting today, the Magisterial Foundation is devolved to the Melchizedeks for direction. But the Magisterial Foundation now has, as its chairman, Michael of Nebadon. It's the first time I have ever taken on a corporation dedicated to charity. But that's what the Magisterial Foundation is. It applied to the Treasury Department so that it was not taxed on its donations. It has operated superbly. It sees to it that the money is spent well, fully and truly, and for good purposes. Ron often looks at it and says, its quite a temptation. But for reasons of state, he absolutely refuses to look at it for anything but to cover expenses. That which we authorize to all of you donors. Ron doesn't spend it without me saying so. For that reason, some of you high rollers have saved the day more than once. We are deeply grateful to those who have donated in the 1000s. You are most helpful. Thank you. And now to the rest of the board of directors: Steven, you're part of the board. Elise you're part of the board. Raz, you're part of the board. The other two, well, let's say Dominick and, Ron, you're a part of the board but have daily meetings in your living room from about 5:00 p.m. until about 10:00 p.m. It goes without fail. You speak with Michael, Arthura, Master Spirits, and anyone else that would like to have a say to you. Both of you are well, knowledgeable about the process and the meetings themselves. Ron you take on the dictation and work very hard to provide the information from Salvington and frankly from Arthura and his dictation.

From now on, Ron, we hold these meetings in serious contempt of the

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you. Ron just informed me he would not speak it. That is a warning to you, cabal. I have never seen it done before. That sounded like my dictation. But it was a slip, no he will not dictate that. Now this: the entire matter concerning the Conference in Baltimore, beginning with registration tomorrow, I believe, is not over; but fully confused by the appearance of two men representing the Magisterial Foundation. You will be getting deference Ron, it's a potent organization. And thanks to all of you who participate, you have made it so by your loyalty, your care, and your support. Thank you. The Magisterial Foundation by Steven Gitz. You will wear the name above your main name tag, Steven. So will Dominick, and you are representatives of the Magisterial Foundation. Remember who you are. Be kind. Be considerate. Ron would like to send a box of books of Origins, for free. See to it that they are laid out on the table. And that a note on it is

Ron Besser  
They're blocking me, Michael.

Michael of Nebadon  
Yes. Thanking the Magisterial Foundation for making them available, for free. All they need to do is take one off the stack. Thank you, Ron. Now this: Dominick will be there. So will you Steven. But Ron, you will be there in spirit. Watch how things go at times.

Ron Besser  
Well, yeah, I, I'm not to speak, but that's wonderful.

Michael of Nebadon  
It's perfect for me, Ron. I do enjoy it when you get on your high horse. Now this: we are about finished with this Light Line. We're going to turn this back to you Lemuel shortly, but give a minute before, as I finish this. Ron, what are you seeing?

Ron Besser  
A straw owl?

Michael of Nebadon  
How you can pick that up, I do not know.

Ron Besser  
But it is a figure made out of dried grass that looks like an owl on a branch.

Michael of Nebadon  
What do you think the straw owl is, Ron?

Ron Besser  
Well, that may be a robotic reminder of what wisdom may be spoken by whom I do not know. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
Well put. The UAI, Ron is now beginning to recognize you are the powerhouse. The Urantia Foundation considers itself the powerhouse. But the truth of the matter is today confirms not only servital status for you, Dominick, and Steven, but very soon, Elise, Raz, George, you three are not it yet. It takes an act of congress to do it. But Dominick, Steven, and Ron have been approved, and they are now servitals serving in these missions. It's never been done before. We pray that it works well. Thank you. Ron has affirmed for you, your thanks, and your care, and your authority. As servitals Ron, you have a right to speak to me at any time. The truth of the matter is you won't.

Ron Besser  
Not unless I've got something coming down on me that are like razors that are not authorized. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
And that is fully protected from Ron.

Ron Besser  
Thank you. I will be careful, Michael. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you. Now this: we have reached almost the very end of this Light Line with Lemuel. Lemuel, you have a speech coming. I am now done with Ron and we now turn this back to you.

Ron Besser  
And Lemuel. You have something to dictate. Go ahead. Thank you.

Thank you, Ron. Thank you. Well, what is it that I have to dictate? What is it? (long silence) Well.

Ron Besser  
Lemuel, this is Ron, it's Michael, go ahead.

Okay. I doubted whether it was Michael or Ocilliaya or Master Spirit Number Four. All right. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
Yes, Lemuel. This is Michael, Michael of Nebadon. And well, yes, I will now publicly confirm for you and before everyone else that in fact, you have indeed attained first-stage spirit status. That is recorded. That is also on Salvington with the Ancients and also, of course, on Paradise. Whether or not you remain to be able to be of service, I have not yet decided. I have not yet spoken to Father about this, but I shall. The things that need to be considered you are already aware of, we know what you want. And we know that your beloved indwelling Thought Adjuster is ready to take you at any moment. So we shall have to wait and see. But I hope that the decision will be final and soon. For the benefit of yourself, of course, and to clear up any doubt and concern for anyone else. So, that's it. That's that's what I wanted you to hear. And I have said it. And now you may as you wish close the Light Line. And thank you, Lemuel. Thank you.

No, thank you, Michael, thank you so much. Thank you so much. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
You're fine, Lemuel. Good night. Thank you.

All right, so, well, this is Lemuel it only remains for me to say a big thank you to Ocilliaya who came first and spoke as you all heard, I think and to Michael of Nebadon. And to anyone else, of course, I can't remember now, to be quite frank. And thank you to all of you who attended this Light Line. And well all being well, whatever well is these days, I shall be here same time, same place next Wednesday, which will be what? The third of April. And so until then. Thanks again for attending. Look after yourselves. Love one another and God bless.

« Last Edit: March 28, 2024, 20:13:11 pm by Raz »
Nothing is lost to the heart of God,
nothing is lost for ever;
God's heart is love,
and that love will remain,
holding the world forever. (lyrics by Colin Gibson, Words © 1996 Hope Publishing Company)