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Some Thoughts Muses & Meanderings / Re: EVIL SPIRITS
« Last post by Ghost Dancer on Today at 11:52:39 »
Weydevu, since no one here has stepped up to the plate to answer your enquirie ? Let me pick up the proper bat and send this one flying down center field being the very hearts that are willing to recieve such a catch ?  This quote comes from the Great Gospel of John, and Jesus said, " everyone who lives in accordance with his beliefs and loves is free to at any moment call upon GOD for protection, and GOD shall turn His countenance towards him who pleads and helps him in adversity."         Be of good cheer my brother from Ghost Dancer
Hi everyone we held our Lightline for Sunday evening and we had the Universal Father, Michael of Nebadon, Jesus, Agar, the Pleyadians as speakers, just for you to note that as expected the phone calls were interrupted constantly for our callers but at the end  the Lightline was  successful.
Here is the link for the recording:

We thank all speakers and the attendees to make all this posible.
  • 050524 Audio Tape Light Line USA; host: Ron Besser;
  • Subjects: Spirit beings unknown to Michael are trying to enter Urantia, less than a million humans have read The Urantia Book, Marian Rowley’s mansion world group of 40 will become 60 in a couple of weeks, and paper 20 of The Urantia Book describes the Magisterial Sons and their Missions such as Urantia will soon experience;
  • Speakers: Michael of Nebadon, Universal Father, Machiventa Melchizedek, Eternal Son, and Jesus; 
  • Transcribed By: RAZ ( I welcome corrections - message me )
  • Link To Tape:  

Ron Besser  
Welcome, everyone. This is Ron Besser for Light Line on May 5 2024, and I believe for the Hispanics this is what, Cinco de Mayo. I'm not sure what you call your holiday. But enjoy. Today's Light Line is a little, well, I'm hearing the word, called peculiar. I am under attack constantly. They've hit my eyes, I'm blurred. They've hit my chest, I'm having trouble getting breath. And finally, this Michael of Nebadon has just left Urantia. He's been here for over a week. He has seen to much on the planet in preparation for the mission. But he has just left the planet. Because there is an emergency on Salvington.

I have had nothing but in the past 48 hours attack after attack after attack. I am ready to remove them by strangling them if I could, off the planet. We may have and could lose our communication if they get strong enough. If it happens, I'm sorry. I will try to reestablish the connection but I doubt that it will be easily done. Just to warn you. Now this: my name is Ron Besser. This is the fifth of May 2024. And the problem that is currently existing is that Machiventa Melchizedek is preventing the entire structure of this conference from falling down. We are under attack, even now. If we lose communications, well don't worry about it.

Everybody else has lost communications at the same time. But I am particularly vulnerable because I'm doing the call. Dominick if you're there, I can't quite tell; yes, I see you're there, and I can't get back in would you try to reestablish the communication for us? You don't have to answer. But if I can't get back, you try to reestablish it and I will come back and as a spokesman. Thank you. Finally this:

Michael of Nebadon  
I am Michael of Nebadon and I want this to be known. I just left Urantia for the simple reason that it's gotten heavy and hairy on the planet. About every spiritual being from seraphim, to Vorondadek Sons, to Lanonandek Sons, and a group of sons I don't even know; are attempting to land on Urantia. Ron has infuriated them by dismissing them and told them to get out and stay out. That infuriates them because they are used to Paradise saying; as long as you're good you can join. But Ron has set a new standard and told them they are not welcome. They are trying to reestablish their validity and their appearance on Urantia. Machiventa Melchizedek is fighting them tooth and nail.

Ron Besser  
Well, I hope for his success. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
And fully this Ron: you have been complaining for the last 48 hours that your left eye is being blinded and that you can hardly swallow when you eat. What is it that they're doing? Frankly, trying to kill you. The left eye is vulnerable to input from, well, let's say the sky. I use it now and then for communications. I do not use the left eye for anybody else. But the trouble today is that a particular cabal has learned how to use your left eye and it's nearly blind.

Ron Besser  
I have very little sight left in it. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
The truth of the matter is there is nothing I really want to say except this. Stay the course. I have two interesting subjects for you. Ron tried to prepare the agenda for a May 17th board meeting of the Magisterial Foundation. And today found the agenda torn apart. We are sure that they tore the agenda apart. And for reasons of state, we're asking Ron not to hold the May 17th board meeting. It's too dangerous. Today is May 5th, and that's 12 days ahead. What the agenda subscribes, the PowerPoint, and the effect of the 11601013 patent, that is free electricity that Ron holds. Ron can build it tomorrow if he had $35 million. That's about what the plant would cost. But we also have in contention, a group of beings off of Urantia that suspects that they owe or own the patents and are refusing to share it with Urantia. That group is forbidden to land on Urantia, further.

They hit Ron about two hours ago and nearly blinded his left eye even worse. They are not a nice group. And finally this: starting today I am not allowing anyone new to land on Urantia. Those groups that are currently on Urantia are forbidden to leave. That's what happened with the Lucifer rebellion. Now if you read your lesson in the Urantia Book, you would understand that Lucifer issued a manifesto and forbid anyone to leave Urantia or to come to it. He was later challenged by Gabriel and Lucifer fled to the control planet of the mansion worlds where he held forth for the duration of the Lucifer rebellion. For those of you who may not know it, the Lucifer rebellion was concluded with the death of Lucifer in March of 1986. There is no devil except those trying to rebel again and this time we know how to work it.

Universal Father  
I am Father. We welcome the 30 who are on the call today. What are you perspicacious? Because the Universal Father has something very important to tell you. Urantia has had a bestowal son for over two millennia. You call him Jesus. We are preparing Jesus for a return as he promised. But today, Ron referenced him and all that Ron got was the rebellion again in his face. We asked him to leave the computer. He did so. But what it does also to you is it may end the Light Lines and transmissions. That's how dangerous it has become. I would suggest that the Magisterial Foundation, hold its current setup and see what happens. Those outside of the Magisterial Foundation who transmit regularly may find themselves caught out and off. Ron knows who they are, he has invited them in, but they prefer to be truculent.

And now this finally as a warning to Master Universe concerns: I have seen to it that Ron is particularly well informed because he's the one clear voice that holds no jaundice against other groups participating. He wants them to. But the problem we have now is that Urantia is now behaving as an apostate planet and that the major nations that are placed on it are defending against a World War. That's possible yet. But if it goes as badly as we think it will, you may have an outbreak of World War Three. Don't panic. But listen, please. Ron has prepared a lengthy agenda for the May 17 meeting of the Magisterial Foundation. It's taken him three days. But this morning he was ready to put it out and discovered that it was shambles.

That is the work of the, not only the insurrection but the devil himself. I don't know where it's coming from. But now we've got war. I don't know quite what I'm going to do with Urantia. The Light Lines will end. It's up to Ron and the Magisterial Foundation to decide how to communicate otherwise. He may go to the bulletins but much prefers the voice for the Light Line because it reaches people more quickly than the bulletin. And now this: the typical reaction of Ron when he's done with his Light Line on Sundays is to go downstairs away from the computer and get something light to eat. Generally, he gets visited by one of the board members. Today, I insist that the board member who usually attends in the afternoon of these transmissions stay home until after 5 pm. But do come back and join Ron after 5 pm. The reason is there is an attack on. Why open up one more to be attacked? It's at 2709, it's not at 3131.

And now this: that is the speech I may have to make, but Dominick come over anytime. That isn't in effect unless we have to call it. Again, come on over anytime. Ron needs to see you as it is. I am the Universal Father. We are on the edge of a quarantine. Those who have never read our information that we have provided the planet over 50 to 70 years is that there was an invalidating insurrection on this planet in 1933, but we did a major epochal revelation in 1933-34 to countermand it under Dr. Sadler who was and still is a doctor of great repute.

That edition is called The Urantia Book. It's named after the planet Urantia which is your name. High revelation is not for everybody. But this time we made it for everybody. And we still can't get it out to more than a million people. That is the state of your nations and your estate on Urantia now. It's pitiful. Over 70 years has the text been available to tell you about your origins and at most there are less than 1 million people who have read the text. We are not going to supply a new one, the sixth until there is a more ready population. Ron, you have started something called the Magisterial Foundation to hold office.

Ron Besser  

Universal Father  
You are not sequestered back, but be careful. And second of all, Dominick who are the second in command because you're there. Listen carefully. Without you, there is a danger of recalcification and an end to The Urantia Book. You're playing a pivotal role. Ron will instruct you. And finally this: Our Light Lines are enormously important. Right now we have 30 listeners and those listeners have calls out to other people. We can estimate there are about 70 on the call today. For that reason, the Sunday Light Line is extremely important and we must hold it sacrosanct and well supplied with information.

I will keep the Sunday Light Line going before I truncate completely to the insurrectionists. What triggered the insurrections was the suicide of God the supreme. Well, you say; how can God commit a suicide? He's eternal. Well, yes, I am eternal. The Godheads on Paradise are eternal. But the supreme is a creation to hold time. How do I know what has happened in time on Paradise where there is no lines of communication between us without a deity to tell me what has happened in the development of time? Well, I can't know. And the supreme was the viaduct between what happened in time and what was to be eternalized. You're an important part and I must know what is happening. But the supreme got in his mind that he was to take charge and own time. No, no, no, never. He destroyed about a million lives out of cantankerous views that if he doesn't get his way he will kill. He killed about a million individuals on Salvington and even attacked Ron at the computer because he's effective.

Today they threatened him again and then tore down a portion of the left eye. Oh, they can do it easily. What you need to know above all is to stay the course. Don't throw away this transmission. Listen carefully. We have the information necessary to avoid cataclysm. Your Creator Son, the One who became Jesus knows of this and he left Urantia, that's the name of your planet, again back to the headquarters, Salvington. There he has instructed the people who are to do the missions to Urantia, what to do.

Now this is the big announcement: Urantia shall receive a spiritual mission to the eyes through Magisterial Sons, the Creator Son, and through a viable appearance of Jesus. But not until the rebels are removed from Urantia this time and a proper government established. The government that was established was under the Melchizedeks. We no longer dare use the seraphim because they are in rebellion. I am not going to mention any transmitters by name, but the so-called Western transmitters under Machiventa Melchizedek are to be carefully assayed and chosen for particular style messages they may not be used to. Machiventa Melchizedek knows darn well what has to be transmitted and what has to be said and how to handle it.

Ron Besser  
We thank you, Machiventa. It is an enormous responsibility.

Universal Father  
And fully this to you Ron: you have waiting a free electricity plant that works. You have conferred with high officials on up to Paradise itself to make sure you understand how to handle preparticles. You do understand. In fact you know more about preparticles than anybody else on Urantia. But you remain silent. I want it to be known please that the information you have received today may be the last information you receive by the Light Lines permanently. Ron takes his work as a spokesman for Light Line, as does Elise, Lemuel, the Hispanic community, and others; and I will not have it abused. Ron is under careful guard right now. So he does not get broken into.

And finally this to Michael of Nebadon, My Son: I want it to be known that what You have created with the Light Lines of transmissions, the ability of men and women to speak as Ron, Elise, and many others can do is a miracle. But we're going to have to cut something back and that's to keep the Urantia Foundation at bay and the Fellowship unrewarded for they do not understand what is happening and they will just bumble into mistakes. I am authorizing you Jesus Christ, Arthura, and the other spokesmen that Ron knows very well to deal with Ron and his second lieutenant Dominick well, but that what they are told is to remain a secret. Ron wanted to hold a board meeting, on May 17. There's a lot that has accumulated. It's got to be taken care of.

But I am not authorizing a board meeting until after May, is off the calendar. You may get it in June but he has to hold the agenda back. And finally, this to the rest of you who don't know much about this, transmissions as they are being done now are okay, particularly for the Magisterial Foundation and its group. But the Unity transmissions are going to have to be pushed back. Mark Rogers is going to have to learn to reduce his volume. I am now concluding my speech and I welcome the appearance of whoever you would like to speak here, Michael or Machiventa. Thank you.

Ron Besser  
We thank You, Father. We appreciate it. And now whoever would like to speak. Go ahead.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Thank you, Ron. Beautiful protocol. I am Machiventa Melchizedek. Dominick, it is vital that you get over to 2709 by 5 pm. Earlier if you can do it. Second of all, Elise, you have been instructed by Ron to give a price of what it would cost to open a little shop on the streets, perhaps of Amsterdam, or any city you prefer in the Netherlands. You have reported back. Ron has not fully assimilated it but he's working on it. That is Ron's idea and it is a beauty. Why didn't we think of this before? You may be the first to operate in the public. But follow Ron's instructions to the tee. He knows what he's talking about. Give him a little time to assimilate what you've told him.

And finally to any other transmitter listening of the order that is producing this discussion forum please contact Ron if you would like to operate a small shop with all this information ready to give anything that stops by. Why didn't I think of it, but it took Ron to do it. It is the miracle that we are looking for. We would welcome 10 shops if we could get them. Right now we're trying to configure the first. Anybody that has an idea to open a small shop and we'll tell you what to put in it and can sit and speak to people that stop by out of curiosity. Please consider it. We'll talk to you.

And finally this: this Light Line will prevail for about three more days. I'm asking please; that the Light Line for Elise, the Light Line for Dominick, the Light Line for Lemuel be canceled this week. Canceled. Canceled. We have a good reason. Ron will be instructed and he will inform you if there is to be another Light Line this coming week. Right now none. But things are brewing pretty horrifically for Urantia right now and we want to be in contact. Let me repeat it. No Light Lines this week, except for Ron's probably any day this week when we tell him to. This is a silent week because of the attack. And now, here is Machiventa Melchizedek.

Ron Besser  
Thank you, Michael. And go ahead. Machiventa, please.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Thank you, Ron. I am truly sorry that you are in the condition you are right now, Ron. They have hit you overnight. They have blinded you in your left eye. They have made your torso sore and your legs hardly able to walk. You're a mess. We'll begin repairs shortly. For that reason, you are going to wear the purple heart on the morontial mansion worlds. Very few do and it has great respect. They have tried to kill you three times and three times you walked out. And you say;

Ron Besser  
Well, thanks to Michael and those that are right with me. I can't see or know them. But I know they're there and I appreciate them deeply. Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
I will add one more thing to you, Ron. The Father is constantly with you.

Ron Besser  
I am grateful, thank You.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
I am also one of the few who insists that you do not remain silent when spoken to. You always have something appropriate. And a thank you is always appropriate to the Father. We now have 31 listening to this broadcast and thank you. We will hold a broadcast supposedly on Thursday if we can get it going. Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, are Light Lines scheduled. I am rather going to the cautious side and asking you just to stand down this week. If you are given a command to broadcast, then, by all means, do it. Otherwise, wait until Thursday. And finally this: it is 20 minutes of three looking at our clock and it is not too soon to cut this down. Except, I have a message from the Eternal Son.

Eternal Son  
I am the Eternal Son. Thank you. I am welcomed by Ron who does not speak it out loud.

Ron Besser  
Well, let me make it clear then, Eternal Son. We welcome you to this transmission and always anything you wish to say can be transmitted, if you wish. You are welcome and please continue.

Eternal Son  
Thank you, Ron. I feel better. I am now going to caution several people who are not part of this Light Line. You do well with transmissions, particularly from Machiventa. Your transmissions are welcome but We are in need of a consolidation. The Unity network is welcomed by the Magisterial Mission to use its facilities. We suggest you do. Mark Rogers whatever is wrong with you. Keep it to yourself. You may be truncated. It depends on your behavior. And fully this to you, Ron. You are to hold the Sunday Light Line ad infinitum as far as we are concerned. If you are not we will make it available.

Ron Besser  
Thank you.

Eternal Son  
And this Ron: I now fully recognize you are hearing this transmission as it is spoken and you have a millisecond between you speaking it. I am appalled that I do not remember that but that is not questionable to me anymore. I forget you're on the Light Line. Fully extended to you, not only will you have a purple heart to wear on the mansion worlds but you've got a list of names to be appurtenant to the bestowal mansion worlds with the following board of directors, each of your gowns, to Elise and to the others. When you come over to the mansion worlds you will have the dress which lists the board of directors that you currently are part of and your name prominently first and it is a reminder to the mansion worlds what a first-class group of humans can do when their planet is attacked. Ron has withheld and withstood many injuries. He's got another one today. We thank him for his almost foolhardiness for standing in line and to the Board of Directors of the Magisterial Foundation for fully understanding they are also warriors.

Universal Father  
Now this: I am the Universal Father. No gown has been prepared yet Ron but yours will be the first. You may go over in the next few days. You have been severely injured again. I won't allow this to go unnoticed. There is a new Urantia group on the mansion worlds held by Marian Rowley. They are 40 strong. They now understand their mission is to learn The Urantia Book fully and then become ministers to those groups on the mansion worlds that need that revelation. The group is about 40 strong they will be about 60 strong in about two weeks. We will tell you more about it later. And now to the rest of you: we have a little bit of time to make a statement.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is Machiventa Melchizedek, Ron.

Ron Besser  
We thank the Eternal Son, Machiventa, and welcome you. Go ahead, please.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Thank you, Ron. I want it to be known that Ron has known the protocol since he was about 40 years of age, but he's never had to use it. Now he uses it well and we speak the truth. Ron may die in the next, oh, month or even shorter. We don't want it but the cabal is furious. We will keep them off of Urantia but the soul of Ron is busy on the mansion worlds, as many of your souls are. We can't help assassination. Please understand, while we have you in a group, there are now 31 of you on this call, that the mansion worlds used to be entirely safe. But now there's been an incursion and Ron knows where it has occurred. And for that reason, Ron they are well protected.

Ron Besser  
Thank you. I hope so.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
The truth of the matter is it's the Justice Department.

Ron Besser  
Oh my!

Machiventa Melchizedek  
The woman who wanted to invite you still wants to invite you but you're going to have to be there to get the invitation. She dare not go outside.

Ron Besser  
Well, that's a change in status, Machiventa. I'm sorry it's been broken into.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Thank you. So am I and it will be corrected, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
And now this to all of you in the time we have left. We now have 31 listening and thank you. With the additional possibilities, there are 52. We are reaching some of the best Urantia Book readers in the world. And we thank you for taking the time. We want you to know that there are several transmitters outside of the Magisterial Foundation work you are listening to now. They are welcome. Ron has invited them to join the Magisterial Foundation to present their Light Lines however they want. They have refused.

Second, Ron owns the patent for free electricity. It is so sophisticated no one seems to be able to pick up the reasons how Ron figured it out. Well, we did and the Father is amazed. He does not have the mind of a physicist. He has the mind of a religionist. That's what your minds are. They are the great mind. Remember that. Feed it well. And one last thing: the monumental work that Ron has done quietly and without being heard or told or seen is to provide Michael of Nebadon a conduit through Urantia. It has never been done before. But believe me, it's easy to compliment your world with us, with those of staff, with those of primary order, and above all, with Jesus Christ. Here is Jesus speaking.

Ron Besser  
One moment.

I am the Christ. Hear me. I looked at your planet weeks ago and today it's barely holding on. The United States is peremptorily, the most powerful nation ever to be found on any planet in the universe of Nebadon. It's so powerful anything it says eventually has to be done. China is furious. Australia doesn't like being the backup nuclear war machine. But it has been assigned five new nuclear subs. Its crew is being trained. The United States insists that Great Britain, the EU, and Australia are to be conducted against any Chinese incursion of land. I don't know what Biden is thinking but that is extremely dangerous. We will not permit Urantia to participate in a nuclear war. After all, it is the bestowal planet of the bestowal Son we love mightily. For that reason, the United States' will, will not be fully exercised.

We plan, in case you missed it, to be present as a headquarters in the United States. And as long as Ron lives, York is the powerhouse. I will now tell you something that I have never told a group before. Urantia the planet operates on a conditional bias in which we must always refresh it either with a bestowal from Jesus or a bestowal from the Magisterial Sons. The Magisterial Sons may be new to some of you, but look at paper 20 of The Urantia Book and feed up on it because that is what is going to happen. Paper 20. The Magisterial Sons. Look at it please and become aware. They are the ones who will become visible.

And finally this: Ron has fully enjoyed all of the Magisterial Sons. They are very human-ordered. He is looking forward to greeting them. He's known about it since 2010. And for reasons of state so have a few others but they've done nothing about it. Ron has. There is no change into our operations until after May 16. After May 16, watch out. We've got a lot to say. A lot to do. And we will have a spokesman giving daily up-briefings on radio and television. But that's after May 17th. It may be after June starts. We are a slow group to get started. Allow us room, please.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
And finally this: this is Machiventa Melchizedek, Ron. I am giving you an order right now. Stand down with any information until you can assimilate what Elise has told you. She has done an excellent job.

Ron Besser  
I know that.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
And for reasons of state do not respond overly to her yet. We love the idea of the little shop. It is perfect. You thought of it. You tried to implement it with getting costs from Elise first. It's more expensive in the States and you know it and you're not quite sure you want to use a little shop here. And finally this: this Light Line is now finished. It is the three o'clock hour here on the East Coast of the United States and much later and dark in Europe.

Thank you for everyone listening. There are 30 of you. There had been up to 33 which is a bit of a record, I think. Thank you very much for listening and I think that is all that we have to say today. But remember, I am reauthorizing Elise, Dominick, and Lemuel to hold the meetings this week, it's suddenly become very important that you're heard. I thank you, all of you, for attending and we say goodbye for now.

Ron Besser  
Bye-bye everybody.

TRANSLATIONS / 6.5.2024 – Dzień oczyszczenia
« Last post by Andre_P on Today at 02:43:36 »
Ta sama wiadomość po angielsku :
Przekazał : Ron Besser, administrator, członek bohater
Kategoria / Temat : Tu są linki do nagrań, uwagi i plany / Uwaga : Komunikat o Lightline
« 5 majaa 2024 r., godz. 11:20:34 »

Drodzy członkowie,
Najważniejsze : Lightline w niedzielę, jak zwykle o 14:00, poprowadzę dziś tę Lightline o zwykłej porze.

Mówię to dla tych z was, którzy nie mają pojęcia, co się dzisiaj dzieje, pomimo że jest to również
Cinco de Mayo. (Piąty maja po hiszpańsku)

MICHAŁ NEBADOŃSKI (to jest nasz Syn Stwórca dla tych, którzy nie znają formalnego imienia), ogłosił dziś DZIEŃ OCZYSZCZENIA.


Mówiąc najprościej, my jako planeta zostaliśmy tak zinfiltrowani, że każdy, kto chce się zatrzymać i spowodować problem na planecie, może to zrobić i zrobić prawdziwy bałagan.

Zapytałem, czy dzisiaj powinna się odbyć Linia Światła. Na początku nie otrzymałem odpowiedzi, ale potem MICHAŁ NEBADOŃSKI poprosił o rozmowę i powiedziano mi bez żadnych wątpliwości, żebyśmy zorganizowali dzisiaj naszą Lightline. Powiedział, że są do tego dwa ważne powody:

1 - Nikt nie może już przylecieć na tę planetę i dostać się na nią. Od dzisiaj drzwi są zamknięte !

2 - Nikt nie może wykonać Lightline od tego poniedziałku, chyba że poprosi o specjalne pozwolenie :
Elise, masz pozwolenie na wykonanie twojej Lightline jutro o zwykłej porze. Proszę, nie martw się i po prostu zrób to, ponieważ jest to bardzo ważne, żebyś to zrobiła !

3 - Istnieją przekazujący w zachodnich Stanach Zjednoczonych i wolno im działać, o ile wiedzą, co robią. To jest uwaga od Michała Nebadońskiego, którą usłyszałem tutaj.

4 – Omówiono to w pełni ze mną o tych złych facetach w stylu kapturów Miami, którzy przybyli na planetę i nalegają na złe występy. Czuję do nich odrazę i utrzymam właściwy kurs. Może to oznaczać przerwę w komunikacji Lightline, więc bądźcie przygotowani na tyle, na ile możecie.

5 - Jestem teraz w pełni świadomy obecności OJCA i Linia Światła będzie przebiegać zgodnie z zasadami dobrego zachowania, więc bardzo się z tego cieszę, a teraz kończę tym oświadczeniem MICHAŁA NEBADOŃSKIEGO :

MICHAŁ NEBADOŃSKI : „Wy, którzy macie z nami dobre stosunki, nie pożałujecie tego dnia. Trzymajcie się razem i pozwólcie sprawom toczyć się tak, jak powinny. Wkrótce dokonamy odnowienia. K”

USA Lightline - 5 May, 2024

                 This is the USA Lightline for Sunday, 5 May, 2024

                                 with your host Ron Besser

Here is the link to the recording: 
Dear Members,
1st - Lightline for Sunday, 2PM regular station, I will hold the Lightline today at the regular time.

I state this for those of you who do not have a clue what is happening today in spite of it also being
Cinco de Mayo.  

MICHAEL OF NEBADON, (that is our Creator Son for those who do not know the formal name), has declared today CLEANSING DAY.


Simply stated, we as a planet have been so infiltrated by anyone who want to stop and cause a problem on the planet can do so and make things a real mess.

I questioned if there should be a Lightline today.  At first I got not answer, then MICHAEL OF NEBADON requested a chat, and I was told in no uncertain terms to hold our Lightline today.  He said there were two important reasons:

1 - No one is permitted to run to this planet and get on it anymore.  The doors are closed as of today!

2 - No one is permitted to do a Lightline starting this Monday, unless they ask special permission:
         Elise: You have permission to do your Lightline at its regular time tomorrow.  Please do not worry about and just do it, as it is very important that you do!

3 - There are western USA transmitters, and they are permitted to go so long as they know what they are doing.  That is a comment to Michael of Nebadon heard here.

4 - I am fully discoursed on bad Miami-hood-style bad guys that have come to the planet and they are insisting on bad performances.  I loathe them and I will stay the proper course.  It may mean a break in the Lightline communications, so be prepared as much as you can be.

5 - I am now fully aware also of the FATHER being present, and the Lightline will go according to the rules of good behavior, so be very glad of that, and I close now with this statement from MICHAEL OF NEBADON:

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "You who have good standing with us will not rue the day much longer.  Keep yourselves together and let things run as they should.  We will make restitution shortly.  K"

Some Thoughts Muses & Meanderings / EVIL SPIRITS
« Last post by weydevu on Yesterday at 09:11:00 »
Just recently I had what you would call sleep paralysis, and in my mind, I invoke the name of JESUS.  And in an instance, I was relieved.  As I think back over the years in my youth, when these attacks would occur, I was terrified.  I couldn't move, I couldn't open my eyes, or nothing.  It took me awhile before I invoke the name of JESUS but not this time.  What you think?

Something Very Strange Is Happening In These Places in 2024 (

The biggest catastrophe (floods) in my home state, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Today, Saturday, May 4, 2024, the biggest flood in history occurred in the city of Porto Alegre, capital of my home state, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Today's flood record exceeded five meters, the highest flood record in the entire history of the city of Porto Alegre.

And during the week, there was a large amount of rain in much of the state of Rio Grande do Sul.

The governor of Rio Grande do Sul reported that this moment represents the greatest climate catastrophe in the history of Rio Grande do Sul.

The president of Brazil, Lula da Silva, was already in my home state, unless I'm mistaken, on Thursday and will return tomorrow, Sunday, with a large delegation of ministers.

Yes, I make this record because I love my state of origin, the State of Rio Grande do Sul and all the people of Rio Grande do Sul.

Yes, I make this record to demonstrate the major climate changes that are happening in the world, including in Brazil, including in my home state, Rio Grande do Sul.

I have lived in Brasília, the capital of Brazil, for many years, but my feeling and love beyond Brazil and for Brazilians is for my home state Rio Grande do Sul and all the people of Rio Grande do Sul.

I go further, I believe that there are good people in all countries and among all people.

I pray that the era of light and life will soon arrive on our planet, when love is the main feeling between people, and when the majority of people will have continuity in the heavens as their destiny, after the physical death of the body.

Changing the subject, today also marks the day of the biggest show by a singer I'm a fan of, the singer Madona. This singer will do a free show in the city of Rio de Janeiro, in a few hours, it seems to me that approximately 9h 30 minutes Brasília local time, and the expectation of 1.5 million people, on the largest outdoor dance floor of the world.

In this mix of feelings, between the sadness of a great catastrophe in my homeland and the joy of a celebration of music, I write this message today.

I ask God to help the rescue teams in Rio Grande do Sul, who are still rescuing people who are stranded and at risk, many in their homes waiting for rescue, due to the great historic flood, the biggest in the history of Rio Grande do Sul. Rio Grande do Sul.

I pray to God that everything goes well at the dance celebration, with the singer Madona in the city of Rio de Janeiro.

I ask God, mainly, that God's missions begin soon, visible to the entire planet, to begin to return humanity to God's path of light for all peoples, and for all nations and that, in this way, we soon have the beginning of the journey towards an era of light and life on our planet, which needs it so much.

Of all the requests I make to God, the most important of all is that conditions be created for humanity to have a significant spiritual evolution, thus enabling most people to continue their journey in heaven, after physical death. of the body, because for me, this is what really matters, the love and continuity in the heavens of the people we love so much. People of all peoples, people of all nations.



I thank the Brazilian states that sent and are sending help, mainly rescue teams and helicopters.

I am immensely grateful to the countries that showed up to help at this time, especially the first ones that did this, Uruguay, Argentina and Venezuela.

I thank all the people in Brazil and abroad, entities and countries that are helping in some way, especially at this time when saving lives is still the main priority.

I thank God, mainly, because today, the instability of the weather has reduced, helping the rescue helicopters to be able to carry out their function of rescuing lives.

I believe that today, thanks to an improvement in the weather, many lives have been saved and are being saved at this very moment, even though it is early evening. Yes, people are still being saved right now, for example, with the help of boats.


A maior catástrofe (enchentes) no meu estado natal, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

Hoje, 04 de maio de 2024, sábado, aconteceu a maior enchente da história na cidade de Porto Alegre, capital de meu estado natal, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.

O registro de inundação, na data de hoje, superou aos cinco metros, o maior registro de enchente de toda a história da cidade de Porto Alegre.

E durante a semana, ocorreu grande quantidade de chuvas em grande parte do estado do Rio Grande do Sul.

O governador do Rio Grande do Sul informou que este momento representa a maior catástrofe climática da história do Rio Grande do Sul.

O presidente do Brasil, Lula da Silva, já esteve em meu estado natal, salvo engano, na quinta-feira e irá retornar amanhã, domingo, com uma comitiva grande de ministros.

Sim, eu faço este registro porque amo meu estado de origem, o Estado do Rio Grande do Sul e todo o povo gaúcho.

Sim, eu faço este registro para demonstrar as grandes modificações climáticas que estão acontecendo no mundo, inclusive, no Brasil, inclusive no meu estado natal, o Rio Grande do Sul.

Eu moro em Brasília, capital do Brasil, há muitos anos, mas meu sentimento e amor além do Brasil e para os brasileiros é para meu estado natal Rio Grande do Sul e a todo povo gaúcho.

Eu vou além, eu acredito que existem pessoas boas em todos os países e em todos os povos.

Eu rezo para logo chegar a era de luz e vida de nosso planeta, quando o amor for o principal sentimento entre as pessoas, e quando a maior parte das pessoas terão como destino a continuidade nos céus, após a morte física do corpo.

Mudando de assunto, hoje, também, marca o dia do maior show de uma cantora que eu sou fã, a cantora Madona. Esta cantora irá fazer um show gratuito na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, daqui há poucas horas, me parece que aproximadamente 9h 30 minutos horário local de Brasília, e a expectativa de 1,5 milhões de pessoas, na maior pista de dança ao ar livre do mundo.

Neste misto de sentimento, entre uma tristeza de grande catástrofe em minha terra natal e uma alegria de uma celebração de música, eu escrevo esta mensagem de  hoje.

Peço a Deus que ajude as equipes de resgate, no Rio Grande do Sul, que ainda estão resgatando pessoas que estão ilhadas, e em risco, muitas em cima de suas casas esperando resgate, em virtude da grande enchente histórica, a maior da história do Rio Grande do Sul.

Peço a Deus que tudo transcorra bem na celebração de dança, com a cantora Madona na cidade do Rio de Janeiro.

Peço a Deus, principalmente, que logo comecem as missões de Deus, visíveis para todo o planeta, para começar a retornar a humanidade no caminho de luz de Deus para todos os povos, e para todas as nações e que, assim, logo tenhamos o início da caminhada para era de luz e de vida de nosso planeta, que precisa tanto disso.

De todos os pedidos que eu faço a Deus, o mais importante de todos, é que seja criadas condições para que a humanidade tenham uma evolução espiritual significativa e assim possibilitando que a maior parte das pessoas continuam com a caminhada nos céus, após a morte física do corpo, pois para mim, isto é o que realmente importa, o amor e a continuidade nos céus das pessoas que tanto amamos. Pessoas de todos os povos, pessoas de todas as nações.


Post Scriptum:

Eu agradeço aos estados brasileiros que enviaram e estão enviando ajuda, principalmente, equipes e helicópteros de resgates.

Eu agradeço imensamente aos países que se manifestaram em ajudar neste momento, principalmente, os primeiros que fizeram isto, Uruguai, Argentina e Venezuela.

Eu agradeço, a todas as pessoas do Brasil e do exterior, entidades e países que de alguma forma estão ajudando, principalmente, neste momento em que ainda é a principal prioridade salvar vidas.

Eu agradeço a Deus,  principalmente, porque  no dia de hoje, diminuiu a instabilidade do clima, ajudante os helicópteros de resgate a poder fazer sua função de resgate de vidas.

Eu acredito que no dia de hoje, graças a uma melhora do clima, muitas vidas foram salvas e estão sendo salvas neste exato momento, mesmo sendo começo da noite. Sim, pessoas ainda estão sendo salvas, neste exato momento, por exemplo, com ajuda de barcos.

TRANSLATIONS / 4.5.2024 – Lightline USA z pierwszego maja
« Last post by Andre_P on May 04, 2024, 11:59:14 am »
Pełna wiadomość po angielsku :
Napisał : Moses Ouko, starszy członek
Kategoria / Temat : Tu są linki do nagrań, uwagi i plany / Środowa Lightline USA z 1 maja
« Odpowiedź nr 1, 3 maja 2024 r, godz. 17:01:42 »

(Urywki z transkrypcji)

Arthura :
Chcę zachęcić przekazujących i pomóc wam poprawić się jako przekazujący. Cóż, powtórzę. Jedną z pierwszych rzeczy, które zauważyłem, jest w rzeczywistości zuchwałość, a może lepszym słowem byłby, no cóż, nie do końca strach, ale ogromne wątpliwości co do zdolności każdego, kto się uczy być przekazującym. Żeby przejść konfrontację albo żeby się uczyć, przede wszystkim żeby się dowiedzieć, co to znaczy być przekazującym, trzeba tego chcieć. Dowiedzieć się tego, może oczywiście zniechęcić wielu z was, ponieważ pierwszą rzeczą, jaka przychodzi wam do głowy, jest : Nigdy nie mógłbym tego zrobić. To wasze ego wam to mówi. Musicie się nauczyć ignorować to, co wam uparcie mówi wasze ego. Jak wszystko inne, jest to łatwe, gdy wiecie jak. Sposobem na to, żeby się tego dowiedzieć jest praktykowanie. Nie ma znaczenia, ile błędów popełnicie, nie przestajecie ćwiczyć. Ćwiczycie tak długo, aż liczba popełnianych błędów spadnie, co zwiększy waszą pewność siebie, a to oczywiście rośnie, jak wiadomo. Tak więc, żeby ponownie zachęcić każdego z was, proszę, potrzeba więcej przekazujących, wielu, wielu więcej. Jeśli w przeszłości wątpiliście w swoje możliwości, to przestańcie w nie wątpić. Nie znacie swoich możliwości, dopóki nie poddacie ich próbie, a próbowanie ich oznacza, że ćwiczycie, ćwiczycie i ćwiczycie i będziecie nabierali wiary i pewności siebie z każdą małą rzeczą, którą osiągniecie, oczywiście wbrew wszystkiemu. Nic się nie osiąga bez praktyki, bez konsekwencji w praktykowaniu i bez ignorowania własnego ego. Nauczcie się kontrolować swoje ego. W porządku. To wszystko, co chciałem powiedzieć. Potrzeba o wiele więcej przekazujących i proszę, ci z was, którzy przynajmniej zaczęli myśleć o tej możliwości, cóż, nie myślcie ciągle o tej możliwości. Po prostu zacznijcie. Poinformujcie Rona o swoich zamiarach, a on pomoże wam zacząć. Więc, zapraszam was wszystkich, proszę, tak wielu z was jest w stanie zostać przekazującymi. Jak to się mówi, nie myślcie o tym, po prostu zróbcie to. Zróbcie to. Tu Arthura i dziękuję wam wszystkim. Życzę wam wszystkim bardzo dobrego dnia.

Lemuel :
Tu Lemuel. Dziękuję Arthuro. Dziękuję za te słowa. Dziękuję bardzo. Tak, w rzeczy samej. Tak. Wiem, jak to jest wątpić. Tak. Cóż, wszyscy to robimy, nieprawdaż ? Naprawdę. Od czasu do czasu mamy swoje osobiste wątpliwości. Nie mówię teraz o przekazywaniu. Mówię ogólnie o wszystkim. Mamy wątpliwości co do tego lub tamtego w odniesieniu do tego, do czego jesteśmy zdolni. W rzeczywistości nie wiemy, do czego naprawdę jesteśmy zdolni, dopóki nie spróbujemy się tego dowiedzieć i można być bardzo zaskoczonym, gdy jest się w stanie coś zrobić. Wszyscy wiemy, że to prawda.

Jaka jest data misji ? Cóż, spróbujmy trzymać się tego, co zostało ogłoszone. Powiedziano mi, że mam zachować perspektywę otwartych Lightlines przeze mnie i innych do 12 maja, ale powiedziano mi również, że prawdziwa akcja, cokolwiek to jest, odbędzie się około 17 maja. Michał przeżywa piekło próbując kontrolować swoje wejście na Urantię.

Michał Nebadoński :
Mam zamiar powitać Urantię w misji po połowie maja. Nie wiem, co zamierza Jezus. Wiem, że Synowie-Magistrowie zamierzają ponownie dać o sobie znać. Mondżoronson, Serara, Hensen, Rayson i być może jeszcze jedno lub dwa imiona są tymi, którzy chcą wejść na Urantię z całkiem własną misją.

Pozwólcie, że jeszcze raz powiem wam, jaki jest plan. Czwartego maja lub około tego dnia podamy harmonogram. 4 maja - przekazanie harmonogramu pojawiania się. Zostanie to zrobione nie tylko podczas przekazu 4 maja, ale także przez innych przekazujących. Oni nie są świadomi tej pracy. Ron wielokrotnie prosił ich o przyłączenie się, żebyśmy mieli spójną linię światła. Zamierzam poprosić zachodnich przekazujących, żeby dołączyli do Rona do połowy maja i przekazywali odtąd swoje lightlines. Ma to na celu skonsolidowanie kilku przekazujących na Zachodzie

Zapewniam was, że do 7 maja usłyszycie harmonogram. Do 17 maja możecie zobaczyć jednego z nas. Do 20 maja, spodziewam się, posłuchajcie tego sformułowania, spodziewam się... Być w pełnej misji na Urantii i w tym czasie poznacie szczegóły. Ponownie... 20 maja. Powiedziałem o wiele więcej, niż zamierzałem

Lemuel :
Ron, wspomniałeś o 4 maja, cóż, 4 maja to najbliższa sobota. Tak więc, niezależnie od tego, czy zamierzałeś zorganizować specjalną lightline w sobotę, może dasz nam znać. W istocie, jeśli tak jest, to zaplanowana linia światła, jak zawsze, odbędzie się w niedzielę. Czy będzie to niedziela 5 maja, a nie 4 maja ?
Well, Ron, I heard some news about an asteroid with so much gold that make every single person on our planet rich if divided equally. Well, what about ask God, or a higher spirits, perhaps the Plaidians and Acturians to get some of the gold for you so you can make this Wireless Eletric Usine a reality. Not just for USA but for the whole world. 
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