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Online Rene A Duran

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"Y H W H"
« on: December 09, 2022, 14:30:31 pm »
Consonant letters of the Hebrew alphabet.
The Tetragrammaton.

By Malvantra Melchizedek

"It has been one of the most wonderful."

-I request any entity that is the appropriate one of those that work for the Father, a deeper explanation, I would deeply appreciate it if they contributed to the compilation of those pieces of wisdom that they can share with me.

"Indeed, René de Nebadón, this is Malvantra, Malvantra Melchizedek, one of the most powerful servants of the Father in the confines of Paradise and I wanted to take this opportunity to share with you one of the best kept secrets in all of Infinity and let it not be said in these space-time planets, we have discovered that Urantia is situated among one of the forerunners of those planets that in due time and in their ranks will present credentials to receive the highest honors and distinction for their services to the Father, and it is for that reason that some of its among the most advanced inhabitants are disputing portions of great revelations concerning Infinity and the mysteries of the Father that had never been revealed before, such as the letters Y H W H that symbolize the name of God the Father, not exactly, since there is no a name ever revealed, as mentioned in The Urantia Book in the Father Papers.
"It is without precedent that these powerful mysteries are being scrutinized and that some previous vestiges are found, such as the pronunciations of the Hebrew letters YHWH, masculine and feminine phallic symbolisms. It is without precedent, that the Nameless One is spoken of in these seats of the lowest orders in the creation of Michael, but we are not surprised since among his orders autonomous entities have been developed not yet revealed to those of his own species and others like Ron Besser, the highest among his kind.
The fact of distributing a few drops of this valuable knowledge that is beginning to spread and little valued by some is pleasing.

"It is without comparison, and it must be an honor attributed to this handful of human beings who gather in these confines of Urantia under the banner of the Lightlines to make known the Voice of the Father. For that very reason this moment of speaking was attributed to me through the scribe like an andante".

-Malvantra excuse me, are you close?

"Indeed, it is a fact that its power has multiplied in transmission.

"This is Malvantra Melchizedek predicting unsuspected progress by virtue of transmissions and I am pleased with this second occasion that I am received by the scribe."

-Thank you Malvantra, I really remember at the beginning I received a conversation from you, always be welcome in my heart, and I look forward to repeating this experience again.

"Thank you Rene."

The end.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2022, 14:32:03 pm by Rene A Duran »

Offline amethyst

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Re: "Y H W H"
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2022, 21:22:50 pm »
I thank Malvantra Melchizedek and you for this fascinating transmission. It really leads my mind to think in a new direction and I hope my TA will expand on this. Very interesting!
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Online Ron Besser

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Re: "Y H W H"
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2022, 00:45:31 am »
Before we get too excited over the issue of YHWH, please remember the concept is human first and was probably formulated millennia before the birth of Christ.  Frankly,  I cannot tell what  Mantutia supposedly said above as I get no meaning from the speech.

YHWH is what the Hebrews first called God the Father.  They did not go into any particular assignment of power but they feared Him greatly, and the history of the Hebrew designation of YHWH was also the start of the earliest parts of the Old Testament.  When I was in school my text book spoke to the ancient history of Israel as being portioned into two countries with two kings.  YHWH was already a very old concept.

Around 1030-1020 B.C.E., Saul became the first king of Israel. A natural leader of uncommonly tall physical stature, he gained important military victories against Israel's traditional enemies.  Please understand that some of the early kings were likely progeny of the Department Heads of the old Caligastia planetary government, as Saul was extraordinarily tall.  Saul did not reign long but it was he who suggested that the southern kingdom of Judah reign with him as an ally and both were to use Jerusalem as their capital for both Kingdoms.  This actually worked until the Babylonian Captivity in 586 BCE.

The point to reciting this history is that YHWH was what prophets both proposed to the Kings of this era as a mutual salvation and protection of both Kingdoms against being sacked by their more power enemies to the south and east of the kingdoms.

Please understand it is I who labeled the high priest of  Hyperinfinity with the name of YHWH as their is no name or designation by any noun, pronoun, or additive as how to refer to the apex power situation without precedence and who is without precedence and fully unknown type of entity.

When you Hosts attempt to take transmissions from what is said to be YHWH, take care to note this entity genuinely has no name except for what Ron assigned to it.  Let this ride Amethyst until it is better understood probably later this year or next just how this sign of great power chooses to relate to the Master Universe.  This entity is NOT the original YHWH -  I did that to name the object entity just so I could reference its existence.  I am guilty perhaps of starting a confusion and I relate well to our FATHER ON PARADISE:  "do not reveal more than you have to Ron, or we cut this off at the root"

Amethyst, I am not sure I understand your take on Rene's message.  I do suggest that you and others just back off working it for now.  Rene Duran, the entity which really spoke to you was the cabal leader (unknown which faction) attempting to confuse the revelation before it takes root among any of us.  There is virtually no way to determine who is speaking sometimes as it can be the Lucifer rebellion, or the Vorondadek rebellion,  or the seraphic insurrection, and believe me, we all are fully surrounded by these rebelling parties and greatly discriminate taking messages from his level of culture until we can guarantee clear channel.

This is not meant to deter any of you from attempting contact if any of the Hyper Infinity beings wish to clarify their nature.  YHWH or anything else you may wish to call this super entity is a revelation hundreds of years ahead of time on Urantia, and we do not wish to jeopardize further revelation by getting bad people playing with our minds and mistaking us for the fools they think we are.  I would also point out to you that Mantutia is not the type of revelator to speak this way at all Rene.  That was a rebel trying to sound good but he says absolutely nothing.  I dare you to make any real sense of what was said in that transmission of yours.

I am not hammering anyone.  I am trying to protect you and me and pray this does not offend the Father we get run over with false gods as dictated to you here.

Blessings and peace to you all.

Ron Besser

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "Ron it takes great courage to do this and thank you from the bottom of my heart.  The degree of obvious error in Rene's statements is appalling yet they do not read carefully enough to see it is words not linked to any real meaning.  You read it three times and found it really said nothing but cool respectful words with no subject.  What is the subject above in that text anyone?  Further more Mantutia saw it and threw his hands up in the air and prayed he may never attempt speaking like that forever.  And finally Ron is genuinely concerned the Father would cut this revelation off to use and accept rebels to dictate on the subject ever.  Ron caught it after some study and knows that Amethyst is really thinking over something else and uses it to portray her exceptional abilities to be hampered no longer by a cabal leader she detests too..

FATHER HERE- "You Ron saved the day by intervening here.  You respect me too much to let this stand and care that Mantutia does not take the fault for this false god that dictated it to you.  I am happy to report this suggests you patrol this as best you can and we are now safe for now.  Let it continue as it may develop to all of you.  K  FATHER."


« Last Edit: December 10, 2022, 00:53:38 am by Ron Besser »
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Re: "Y H W H"
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2022, 07:17:52 am »
Hey Ron and Everyone,

We all know that our Father has no anger in his consciousness.  He never teaches through violence.  Yet the god of the Hebrews was definitely a warrior god that had no compunction about killing men, women and children that it considered inferior to the Hebrews or steeped in the worship of Baal or some other inferior god.  I think it is obvious that the god of the Hebrews, Jehovah or Yahweh, was a constructed god.  A god intended to mislead the Hebrews and the world at large.  It seems quite evident to me that these gods were the construct of Caligastia and Satan to keep humanity ignorant of the personality of the real God, whose fragments dwell in our heart; and whose fragments are directing us all to the center of all things to be with the Father of us all on the Paradise Isle.

Now as to God's name I do not think that he ever actually revealed his name.  Although I would say that if he has a name, it is an unpronounceable name.  A name that is a vibration.  The holiest vibration in all the universe of which we have access to 24/7.  The more that we expose ourselves to that holy vibration and to the leading of the Father within the closer we will get to that holy God, our everlasting Father.  Anyway, Ron what are your thoughts on that?  I would like to see if you have any further information on that.  I give my love to you Ron and to everyone here.


Online Rene A Duran

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Re: "Y H W H"
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2022, 09:00:21 am »
To all readers and  to Ron and t:o Fafher:
I am sorry for the wrong transmission 
I apologize to all and ask Ron please remove the post  to clean the  site from any stain coming from the cabala.

Thnk you René 

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Re: "Y H W H"
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2022, 10:23:36 am »
This Jewish god, imposed on all mankind through the Bible, through the worship of Jehovah, which continues in Christianity, led civilization to a catastrophe.
Christ Michael is our banner, our hope of salvation. God is with us, our Heavenly Father. So we will be saved.
Вот этот еврейский бог, навязанный всему человечеству через библию, через поклонение Иегове, что продолжается в христианстве, и привел цивилизацию к катастрофе.
Христос Михаил наше знамя, наша надежда на спасение. С нами Бог – Отец наш Небесный. Значит, мы будем спасены.

Online Ron Besser

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Re: "Y H W H"
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2022, 10:33:32 am »
Rene, no apology is required.  You did actually transmit as you are designed to do with the rest of us.  Right now there are armies of insurrectionists looking to trip anyone up who is not carefully evaluating what they are transmitting.  Just be glad we caught this one and do not let it keep you from transmitting Rene.  It is too important to keep the genuine messages flowing to know what is up on the high side of life right now.  It is my own hope that there is a strong statement from heaven on the entire matter of clearing the insurrection off the mpas and some idea just what heaven intends to do with the revelational schedule.

Just be vigilant Rene, and if a transmission actually makes sense produce it, but the cabal seldom does as they are too low to know enough to make sense.  Keep up the good work.

Paul:  As you properly quote the ghost riding YHWH was a fearful monarch, but the universe still celebrates it as the first time man produced a monotheistic spirit however gruff it was portrayed.  Abraham of Old speaks to us now:

ABRAHAM - "I am the 10th Tribe of the 12 Tribes of Israel.  My work with Machiventa Melchizedek was excellent and still is.  We also congratulate Ron on getting this thread well established without calling me Yahweh too, as Ron did it  to give significance to the hyper-infinite top dog which does NOT RESIDED in the MASTER UNIVERSE you live in.  He feels he made a mistake to do that and I tend to agree with him, but for now you have a concept no one else will ever have on Urantia, because the mind of man on Urantia is too weak anymore to grasp what this is all about.  Ron is too ill to place that list on the site Wendy as he has to find where he put it and it eludes him right now just where that is.  Fully understood though we must understand that ABRAHAM of OLD is quite well, alive, and happy to report Ron, that nothing is really wrong with you a good batch would not help if you can get in and get up and yOUshould not try it anymore as it is awful to sit there and not get up.  In any case warm warm water seeping into the pores would do a great relief for you nonetheless.

"Finally, the day is young here in York, but in the Netherlands, the winds are beginning to gather  and that spells ocean waves problems for the low lying areas of that  country.  Be aware Ron you have a mini snowstorm and no one to clear the snow unless you ask again as they are useless vendors until they are contacted again.  Be of good cheer everyone as I am ABRAHAM OF OLD but too long in the tooth to say much more about anything for URANTIA right now.  Good day everybody!  ABRAHAM." [Nice to hear you again to a very old man who made it big!  Hope to hear from you again sometime.  Ron]

MICHAEL OF NEBADON speaks tepidly:  "Be assured Ron, Abraham will speak again soon as he is in charge of  the new teaching Mission and for that matter so are you in a tiny ways as this web site will ANNOUNCE:  A NEW TEACHING MISSION at once and that is very soon to be spoken too.  Your discussion forum is safe for now now Ron but make sure everybody who is a MEMBER OF THIS SITE has your email address because the web site of the discussion forum could suddenly go down for several reasons and Members need to contact you privately to learn how to get back on a discussion forum you have to start over all again.  Do not panic Ron, but keep it going and get Dominick to move this as soon as possible!  MICHAEL OF NEBADON.  [Thank you Michael!  We are having trouble getting into the server that holds this site for you to read.  IT must be moved quickly for several reasons not germane to this discussions ,but we could be sitting silent in the middle of the greatest event possible and that is the height of disaster to all of us.   We must move it!  K]


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Re: "Y H W H"
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2022, 10:58:18 am »
Dear Rene, 

Don't sweat it my friend.  Most people don't know that there is a mechanical voice of God, a mimicry if you will.  This mechanical voice of God was set up by the rebels in opposition to the true Father at the center of all things and to our Creator Son, Christ Michael.  

I would just advise you to pray before you receive and ask that only those of your highest good will come through.  And now that you have this important information about the mechanical voice of God you know what the rebels are up to.  Remember my friend that a transmission received from Spirit will contain all that is of love, compassionate, merciful, kind, etc.  You will feel this deeply in your heart dear one.  You will feel the vibrations of holiness assuring you that what is coming through is accurate.  Always know that there is a big learning curve here.  As you learn you grow.  As we all learn we all grow.  You are deeply loved dear friend by the Father as if you were the only child in all of creation.



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Re: "Y H W H"
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2022, 11:22:23 am »
Yes, Ron there has certainly been an evolutionary advancement of the God concept.  So, I agree that though the Hebrews concept of God was crude it was a step forward since they introduced the monotheistic concept of God.  In the UB there are a few instances where Jesus talked to some of his forward-thinking Apostles about this evolutionary concept of God in the Bible and they were shocked.  That is why some persons in the world are stuck on the wrath of God.  Because they think the original version of the God concept introduced by the Hebrews is still a legitimate part of the Father's personality.  That God will come with fire and brimstone and with all sorts of destructive forces to off sinful humanity.  Yet how does this make sense in the light of the Master refusing to receive the help of almost 6 million individual angels?  So, a great portion of the world still thinks that God has wrath in his consciousness as the Hebrews believed in their initial concept of God.  If people understood that just as there is a biological evolution that there is also a spiritual evolution.  That when scientists find certain information that throws light on a particular scientific fact that they have had to cast away as new information came along.  So, it is also true with spiritual information and concepts.  Anyway, some food for thought.


Offline weydevu

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Re: "Y H W H"
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2022, 10:27:12 am »
This is a PDF file they sent me on God's name. This Website provides insight on the historic view of religion.
So for those who are interested it's ''.

To continue reading this article go here:


//modified by ADMIN from poster to page size . . . ///

God's name: readable but unpronounceable, why?

Abstract. The understanding of God's name YHWH is so controversial that it is eventually thecontroversy of controversies, or the ultimate controversy.

Indeed, why most of competent Hebrew scholars propagate patently false explanations about God's name? Why do the Jews refuse to read God's name as itis written and read Adonay "my Lord" (a plural of majesty) instead of it? Why God's name is usually punctuated e,‰ (shewa, qamats) by the Masoretes what makes its reading impossible, because the 4consonants of the name YHWH must have at least 3 vowels (long or short) to be read, like the wordsÕaDoN‰Y and ÕeLoH”M "God" (a plural of majesty), which have 4 consonants and 3 vowels? At last,why the obvious reading "Yehowah", according to theophoric names, which all begin by Yeh™-, withoutexception, is so despised, and why the simple biblical meaning, "He will be" from Exodus 3:14, is rejected.

The name of the God of Abraham (written YHWH in Hebrew) is really paradoxicalbecause, despite being the best known God today on earth Ñhe is worshipped by at leastone billion Christians and one billion Muslims, and his name is held in high esteem ÑtheLord's prayer begins by
Let your name be sanctified
and all the Surahs of the Quran (except the9th) begin by

In the name of God
, it remains an enigma, even for the most brilliant scholars. As a result, for most Christians the name of the God of Abraham is the Lord, for Muslimsit is Allah and for Jews it is Adonai. Consequently the first paradox is: most people think itlogical of worshiping the same God whereas their God does not even have the same name.Second paradox: most people think logical to use a title for naming God: my Lord(Adonai), Allah (the God), Father, etc., rather than using YeHoWaH, his proper name inthe Hebrew Bible. Third paradox: most people think it is logical that the name of the Almighty has been lost, in spite of the fact that most Egyptian gods were able to preservetheir names (R‰, Amun, Thoth, Isis, Horus, Aten, etc.), but not the god of the Bible:

ThenGod said once more to Moses: This is what you are to say to the Israelites, Jehovah the God of your forefathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is myname forever, and this is how I am to be remembered from generation to generation
(Ex 3:15). I quotedseveral official translations to illustrate how the scholarly ÒdeliriumÓ performs. Indeed Inoticed that, very often, smart people become irrational when they study God's name. Forexample, given that the information regarding the name YHWH Ñits pronunciation andmeaning, come exclusively from the Bible, one would have to take them into account morethan any scholarly guesses, but incredibly it is not the case. Even if you don't knowHebrew, it is very easy to find the pronunciation and meaning of God's name. The(religious)
1meaning of God's name is

I shall [prove to] be
Ó according to Exodus 3:15,this verbal form is found just before and just after Ò
I shall [prove to] be
with your mouth (Ex3:12; 4:12)Ó. This verbal form at the 3
person singular is Ã’
it will [prove to] be
(Ec 11:3)Ó.How to pronounce God's name? When Jesus read aloud a passage from Isaiah'sscroll in the synagogue at Nazareth (Lk 4:17-21) he inevitably pronounced the divine name(YHWH), since the quoted passage mentions it:
The spirit of Lord YHWH is on me forYHWH has anointed me. He has sent me to bring the news to the afflicted, to soothe the broken-hearted,to proclaim liberty to captives, release to those in prison, to proclaim a year of favour from YHWH and aday of vengeance for our God, to comfort all who mourn (Is 61:1-2). Some sceptics quibble that wedo not know exactly how Jesus uttered God's name, which is strictly true (indeed, weunfortunately did not record his reading), but this is also true for all other Hebrew names without exception. However, it is reasonable to assume that the name Jesus (from Iesous inGreek) was pronounced Yeh™shžaÔ in Hebrew, often abbreviated as YeshžaÔ (Yeshž in

Yehowah means nothing in Hebrew because Moses, who obviously knew Hebrew, asked God to know its meaning.

Aramaic), in the same way that John was pronounced Yehâ„¢hanan, Jonathan waspronounced Yehâ„¢nathan, etc. It is easy to see that all theophoric names, which include thedivine name YHW- at their beginning, are always pronounced Yehâ„¢- (or Yehow-), withoutexception (or Iâ„¢- in the Septuagint because it there is no H in Greek). This elementaryobservation allows us to deduce that the divine name YHWH had to be pronounced
because all the Hebrew proper names ending in -WH in Hebrew are always read-wah (or -w‰)
2, again without exception

, like Alwah (Gn 36:40), (Eve) Hawwah (Gn 4:1),Ishwah (Gn 46:17), Iwwah (2R 19:13), Puwah (Nb 26:23) and Tiqwah (2K 22:14).However, this obvious fact only appears in Hebrew because in Aramaic, final gutturals (H, Ôand Õ) were not any more pronounced already in the 3r century BCE, which has influencedsome Greek transcriptions like Eve instead of Hawwah, Iesou instead of Yeshža, Tekoueinstead of Tiqwah, etc., but -weh is never found (except for Yahweh!).In order to muddle common people, specialists deliberately confuse the great nameof God YHWH with its shorten form YH, which appears in the New Testament (Rv 19:1-3) in the famous Hebrew expression ÒAlleluiaÓ which means ÒPraise YahÓ, not ÒPraiseGodÓ (Alleluel). In the Bible there is a clear distinction between the great name Yehowah(Ps 83:18), the short name Yah (Ps 68:4), which can appear together (Is 12:2, 26:4) and theancient Hebrew substitute
ÒHe/ HimselfÓ understood

as Ò[God] HimselfÓ:
Name MT LXX Meaning Reference Abihu Abi-hž Abi-oud My Father :He (only) Ex 6:23; Lv 10:1 Abijah Abi-yah Ab-ia My Father : Yah 1Ch 3:10 Abijah Abi-yahž Ab-ia My Father : Yah-himself 2Ch 13:20 Joab Y™-abI™-ab Y(eh)ow (ah) : Father 2Sa 8:16 Jehu Ye-huIe-ou Ye(howah) : Himself 1Ch 2:38Elihu Eli-hž Eli-ou My God :He (only) Job 32:2,4Elijah Eli-yah El-ia My God : Yah Ezr 10:21Elijah Eli-yahž Eli-ou My God : Yah-himself 1Ki 17:1 Joel Y™-elI™-el Y(eh)ow (ah) : God 1Ch 5:12
As a result there are three kinds of theophoric names, those having as prefix a partof the great name (YHWH), those having as suffix the short name YH, sometimes with thesubstitute HW ÒHeÓ (YHW). A paramount remark concerns the respective place of thegreat name (Yehowah) and small name (Yah or Yahž) in theophoric names. For example,the famous French rabbi Rashi of Troyes (1040-1105) explains in his commentary onNumbers 26: 5 that all God-bearing names begin with Yeh™- or end up with -yah (or yahž):

Therefore, the Holy One, blessed is he, appended His Name to them, the letters of H' [YHWH] at thebeginning and Y. [YH] at the end, as if to say ÒI bear witness for them, that these are the sons of their fathers.Ó This is stated explicitly by David Ç the tribes of Yah, testimony to Israel È (Ps. 122:4) Ñthis Name testifies for them regarding their tribes
. There is absolutely no exception, including in theSeptuagint, no theophoric name begins with Yah- (or Yahž-) or ends up with Ðyehâ„¢:  Name LXX MT Meaning ReferenceNathan Nathan Nathan He has given 2Sa 7:2Nethaniah Nathan-ias Nethan-yah He has given - Yah 1Ch 25:2Nethaniah Nathan-iou Nethan-yahž He has given - Yah himself Jr 36:14 JonathanIâ„¢-nathan Yehâ„¢-nathan Yehow [ah] - has given 1Sa 14:6 JonathanIâ„¢-nathan Yâ„¢-nathan Y(eh)ow [ah] - has given 1Sa 14:1Eliehoenai El-iâ„¢-na El-yehâ„¢-Ôenay Toward Yehow [ah] my eyes 1Ch 26:3Elioenai El-iâ„¢-na El-yâ„¢-Ôenay Toward Y(eh)ow [ah] my eyes 1Ch 4:36
The final H being a vowel it should be noted ‰. It is for this reason that many authors write Juda instead of Judah.
Even the Assyrian name "Nineveh" (Gn 10:11), which is spelled NYN
in Hebrew, is written
in cuneiform (probablyfrom NIN.AN ÒLady of HeavenÓ) and is read Ninua in Akkadian or Ninuwa in Mari letters dated 18
century BCE.
This substitute is sometimes written
at Qumran.

« Last Edit: December 21, 2022, 11:57:40 am by Ron Besser »

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Re: "Y H W H"
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2022, 00:58:12 am »
Thank you for that information weydevu about the name of God, very important for those who are dedicated to the study of theology, a theoretical discipline. Here I want to share another of Sai Baba's lessons, this on the name of God: 
 "The Name and Form of God are not that important, because His names and forms are countless and any name or form one chooses is valid, as they all belong only to the one God. What is required is Faith.  Assigning a name to God and affirming that it is the only valid name would be as absurd as affirming that the English term water designates water and that any other term in another language is not suitable for naming the liquid element. You can name it in a hundred or a thousand different ways, you will always be referring to water. So with the Lord, call Him as you please and from the ritual that satisfies you, it will always be the One who manifests". Thanks
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