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Another topic that pleasantly surprised me was brought to the forum, because I was reading about these ancient astronauts about 20 years ago, and I took it as mythology and then as science fiction, although whoever first wrote on the subject (Zecharia Sitchin) expressed that his entire book (The Anunnakis Chronicles) was based on translations he made of Sumerian tablets. Therefore, now that the topic is brought to the forum, it is the opportunity to learn more about these "gods" from the planet Nibiru, and above all, about what makes them important in history, what they are assigned the design and the creation of this human body that we have today. The story (legend) has its interesting points because the Anunnaki gods (Anu, Enki and Enlil), father and sons, arrived at a time when the planet was not yet in a state of consolidation and the inhabitants in those days (the Atlantes) did not have material bodies. I also located the Annunakis, until the days when the rebellion unleashed by Lucifer broke out, as the standard bearers on the planet, of that rebellion, where through their advanced science, they subjected Humanity to genetic engineering manipulation, that disconnected the human being from the divine source and plunged him into the sad state of bio-marionette, slavery and control. A little fantasy and speculation in order to shape this game of entanglements. There is a lot of information about the Annunakis on the Internet, I just wanted to have mentioned that information that is attributed to Enki, the "patent" of the current model of the human body. Thank you 

I recently expressed my views on why Ron's potential loss of all of Urantia would be a terrible deal for his backers. And today, in the face of new and incisive announcements in that sense, I continue to believe that these are given more so, to prove our dedication and commitment to the cause and I do not feel the slightest fluctuation in this regard. Dominick has been playing an important role in this unique and original organization for quite some time now, but if asked himself, he would say: Ron is irreplaceable.


One of the failures or mistakes (intentional or not) that has most harmed the practice of Official Medicine is the downplaying or ignoring in official programs of the aspect of reality that is imponderable or not perceptible by scientific methods such as spiritual dimension. In a message about Extraterrestrial Medicine, it is read: "Before the body gets sick, the mind gets sick, and before the mind gets sick, the soul gets sick, therefore, to heal an illness we must go to the root of the illness itself, and not to the branches". And certainly, this is what our modern academic medicine does until now, limiting itself to the relief and maintenance of diseases and not to their cure, since it only studies and cares for the body without reaching the very essence of the life of the body that It is the immortal soul.
I read about Arigo, the Brazilian psychic surgeon and also about the famous Filipino bare hand surgeons, of whom there is also a lot of documentation. What all this shows us is that; "The subtle moves the gross." At first all this news of miraculous and wonderful interventions created a lot of skepticism in me, later and particularly today, I can understand that psychic surgeries are carried out at a quantum level; beings with special gifts who manage to act always guided by entities or spiritual forces, with the absolute particularity that they do not charge for their services, very devout people who offer their services to God. Thank you Julio for bringing the topic up for discussion. 

We are experiencing a time here in the forum, of much activity from all angles, and there are many topics that demand reactions and comments and others that generate new inquiries. 
I want to limit to make a short comment, only to the case that I consider most critical today, as is the case of our dear and undisputed leader Ron Besser. Since I had clarity and could understand his super important role, unique, complex and relevant, as a link between heaven and earth, since then, I have believed that his function is impossible to be exercised by any other human being, given the special circumstances of having been subjected Ron, to a mysterious and unprecedented process throughout the great universe, which enables him a morontia existence in a physical mortal body. All for the express purpose of being able to serve in a more efficient and superior way, as an interface between celestials and mortals. Therefore, although in this game of entanglements that is this Creation, nothing is defined, I have never been able to reconcile with the circumstance that Ron, despite his multiple disorders, sufferings and calamities, abandons us and leaves the magisterial mission and all the projects around it, in particular WTP, headless, and I think everyone here will agree with me, and we pray for Ron to the Universal Father every day. Thank you

Thanks Dominick. I still have this concern: since the soul is the product of the mortal mind as the uterus, and of the Thought Adjuster as the germinator, that is, the mind as the mother and the Adjuster as the progenitor, of the new creature, the human soul. this means that all those cases those you refer to, before the Seventh Son, were still "human beings", who existed without a soul? For me it is clear that there can exist, and I believe that many of us still exist, that we cannot enjoy the benefit of the Spirit of Truth, because this fact is conditioned to personal growth and the achievement of psychic circles, which, as explained, in our time, only upon reaching the third circle, is it possible to begin receiving the transmissions of this New Master or Spirit of Truth. I'll leave it there, to avoid making myself uncomfortable here in the forum. Thanks Dominick

Thank you Dominick, I appreciate your attention and your contribution to the topic, and also, I am very happy that you can give Ron a hand in this arduous and demanding task such as the direction and administration of this exceptional forum.
Taking into account your important and timely observations on ecology and spiritual economy, the former relating to the Spirit of Truth and the latter to the Adjuster, and your emphasis on the fact that the Thought Adjuster had not been descending but after the completion of the seventh bestowal of our creator son Michael of Nebadon; I would like to know when that divine gift from the Universal Father stopped. Because I consider that there were many personalities before Christ, who demonstrated to be inhabited by this divine gift. For example, the leaders of ancient religions, all the philosophers of ancient Greece and before that, the pre-Socratic philosophers, and other personalities. If it is clear, that the Spirit of Truth, since it is a gift of the Creator Son, was only granted after the ascension of Michael of Nebadon. But is possible that I may have misunderstood that statement, so I apologize. Thank you again Dominick, because your comment proves the importance of the topic.

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[font=Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif][color=var(--YLNNHc)][font=Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif]Sorry René, thanks for the wake-up call; It was a typing error, as you know, I should have written André. My apologies also to René for the publication.[/font][/color][/font][/color]

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[font=Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif][color=var(--YLNNHc)][font=Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif]Thanks René, that transmission for me, is a star transmission.
Because we mortals depend on revealed truth, I have had as a legitimate guideline, according to the UB, that the Adjusters descend to Urantia in our time, when the child reaches the age of 5 years, 10 months, 4 days, time in which the infant acquires moral consciousness. The book says that the Adjuster descends when the child makes his first moral decision, and does not speak of any other requirements, that I know. This must also be related to a greater degree of brain evolution, particularly of the neocortex. A type of "upgrade", which already allows more advanced communications with "broadband wavelength".
On the other hand, what I was always related to Pentecost was the arrival of the Spirit of Truth. From the UB is the following passage, very applicable for this time in which we live and which confirms that everything is a process of growth, of greater understanding, it says words more, words less, like this: "Having begun on the path of eternal life , having accepted the duty and received your orders to advance, do not fear the dangers of human forgetfulness and mortal instability; do not worry about the fear of failure or the confusion that leaves you perplexed; do not hesitate or question your state and situation, because in the dark hours, at every crossroads of the struggle to progress, the Spirit of Truth will always speak saying, follow, that is the way."
And another passage in the book says: "The arrival of the Spirit of Truth purifies the hearts of men and enables those who receive it, to formulate a new life dedicated to doing the will of God and promoting the well-being of men."
One more on the same topic: "The Spirit of Truth is tonic for the body, stimulating for the mind and infallible energy for the soul"
I would recommend reviewing document number 194 on the Advent of the Spirit of Truth. This document sheds a lot of light that if it could be made known to everyone, it would be one of the greatest contributions to peace and harmony among believers and, above all, to the conciliation of gender equality, because the war of the sexes perhaps is the root cause of all other wars. When one reads that in the time of Jesus the Pharisees were grateful for "Not having been born a woman", one can understand the degree of degradation to which they had reached. Thanks so much for reading.[/font]

Magnificent Ron and thank you very much dear Father Michael for this publication and I thank André for bringing the topic up for discussion. I can say that as Ron thought, I also considered, as I progressed in reading the UB, that a supplement was needed, where we could go to expand and complement the truths that were revealed to us. Certainly the group's interest in the topic does not justify us receiving more information about it. In my particular case, because I have been immersed for more than 20 years in that "crazy" idea of the Wireless Man, it has made me persevere so much on the subject, trying to break down all that game of entanglements around that monumental project of the 3D human being. Gracias

Thank you Ron, because in the midst of so much worrying news, this information about the spirit of truth is like an oasis. I have always imagined that on this very intriguing topic of the Spirit of Truth, there should be much, much more, and now with this new revelation that it is only available from the third circle of psychic development, the topic becomes even much more intriguing.
I am very motivated by the reference made to advanced technology and revealed truth, because I cannot conceive of any communication at any level of existence, but through frequencies (waves). And definitely the failure of the material sons of God deprived us of a better nature, more sensitive to spiritual guidance. When it comes to pouring out this spirit (the new teacher or consoler) on all of Humanity at Pentecost, it cannot be conceived other than as a new frequency in the atmosphere, with transmissions of superior knowledge, but only those who have the updated configuration (operating system ), may be recipients of these transmissions. Definitely, this is where the Thought Adjuster plays a fundamental role. Thanks Ron, we look forward to more.

Greetings André, for me your publication was based on a topic of general interest, which I think is always very well received. But you have your own perceptions, however I am going to add a little more on this topic that deserves our attention. First, I must inform all of you that I am finding difficulties not only in publishing but also in writing and translating the text of what I write. Now I went over here to this translator who seems to be doing better.
What you say about the absence of the spirit of truth, I have also considered as a great disadvantage because the Adjuster, as the UB refers to it, needs the collaboration of this spiritual assistant so that the spiritual ascent and evolution of the human being is more normal. The UB says: "The flesh, the immanent nature of beings of animal origin, does not naturally give the fruits of the spirit, but when the nature of the material sons of God is added, then the Spirit of Truth is in better conditions to in communion with the Resident Adjuster, produce the precious harvest of spiritual fruits, if you do not reject this spirit, eternity is still necessary to reach the goal. More or less words. In other words, the task for the current inhabitant of Urantia is too difficult. Thanks

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[font=Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif][color=var(--YLNNHc)][font=Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif]primitive man appears.

I am very sorry for the serious mistake

[color=var(--YLNNHc)]Greetings André, the series atof approaches you make is interesting and I am not the one who can answer your questions, I would just like to express what I have been able to understand from what I have read in the UB, waiting for the intervention of Ron who is the one who can give the correct answers to everything regarding this matter.
The first couple of humans, Andon and Fonta, I understand that having been born as an animal species, they carried the superior germ with human potential, and it was precisely the descent of an Adjuster that allowed them to unfold human nature, I believe at 11 years old. old when they experienced self-awareness and it allowed them to escape and flee from their primate relatives. In the UB, it reads, more or less: "When the higher animal becomes aware of itself, the higher animal appears"

Saludos André, interesante la serie de planteamientos que haces y no soy quien pueda responder tus indagaciones, solo quisiera expresar lo que he podido comprender de lo leído en el UB, esperando la intervención de Ron quien es el que puede dar las respuestas correctas a todo lo referente a esta materia. 
La primera pareja de humanos Andon y Fonta, comprendo que habiendo nacidos como especie animal, portaban el germen superior con el potencial humano, y fue precisamente el descenso de un Ajustador lo que les permitió el despliegue de la naturaleza humana, creo a los 11 años de edad cuando experimentaron autoconciencia y les permitió escapar y huir de sus parientes primates. En el UB, se lee, más o menos: "Cuando el animal superior adquiere conciencia de si mismo, aparece el animal superior"

Thanks Ron, the solution to the problem is very simple, but I never thought about it.  I don't understand what the reason is to prevent such an inoffensive publication as my last one. But Ron, what happened with the previous publication, where you explain more to the respect.  Thanks for your attention Ron, and many successes in your lightline today.

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