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Adam and Eve talk of an influx of new teachers
« on: October 14, 2023, 23:05:43 pm »
Adam and Eve—
The New Teachers Arrive En Masse.

"We are Adam and Eve and we speak with one voice to you all today. There are many things that are needed to heal Urantia. It is a sick and de-evolving planet, at least as it exists at this time. We see one of the biggest sores afflicting humanity is ignorance. Most of humanity has not a clue as to how a planet should grow socially, spiritually, and at its backbone citizens of strong moral character and fiber. We tear up when we realize how daunting the task will be to show your people the ways of God, starting with the life that JESUS lived when among you. 

"In the background we have been reaching out to all qualified potential teachers to assist us in this very difficult mission. Humans want to stubornly cling to their ignorance as most are dominated by ego. It is a really tough nut to crack. As you have been told, Aaron and Ham are now on board. Van and Amadon are too, at a great sacrifice to themselves as they both have earned the right to serve at much higher levels. But their hearts need to see Urantia truly healed before they let go of their service here. They are truly heros in our eyes. 

"Amethyst sees in her mind’s eyes, a very long line of applicatants with their applications in hand waiting to state their case as to why we should accept them into the group of teachers. Some will be chosen, others will not. It is not a bad reflection on those who will not be chosen. It is just that we need very experienced ones. 

"Did you know that there are some orders of the Melchizedeks that specialize in teaching, and have taught for a very long time in the Melchizedek schools?  They too are in this long line and will be a great asset to us. The word has gone out that Urantia needs teachers in the millions and they come from far and wide. This is to be a very large group ladies and gentlemen, and their work here can make a huge difference if humans can muster a little bit of humility and let go of the egos long enough to absorb some spiritual manna for their brains. 

"In the old universe age the angels and adjutant spirits would have been there to help with this. But as this new universe begins to dawn we are finding new ways to reach the lower minds. The adujant spirits in the past did well, but their absence has left a void that gets bigger with each passing day. This is true not only for your planet, but for all planets throuout creation. We, Adam and Eve rejoice in this great interest for these positions coming to us from far and wide. Each new teacher we work with will have a unique energy and the variety will be an added blessing. 

"So what does this mean for each of you?  While much later in the teaching process, some will work incarnated in a human form, that is a ways off. This means for you that you will be tapped on the sholder to recieve transmissions from many different sources, and from many different places in creation. Do not be afraid to transmit names that do not sound familiar to you, for many names you have not heard. As always use great discernment. If a message does not feel right or seems somehow ‘off’, dicontinue the transmissions. But do be aware there are many good ones just waiting for you to transmit them. 

"We hope this message fills you with good cheer. So much is going on behind the scenes and you are tempted to think nothing is happening, when in fact behind the curtain, through which you cannot see, a great deal is happening. We wish you all a good day and look forward to your own experiences with the new teachers arriving in droves”.

Amethyst--I thank you Adam and Eve. 
kindred shall forever remain unbroken

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Re: Adam and Eve talk of an influx of new teachers
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2023, 10:27:05 am »
October 15, 2023 Samara, local time 17.43.
Short call on the left.
- Dictate.
Yes, write.
We haven't communicated on this wavelength for a long time. We think in the coming days we will bother you more often and offer programs. If you're ready, answer.
- I am always ready and will gladly receive your messages.
- There is a signal from the left again, is this a confirmation of what was said?
Yes, wait for tomorrow, and maybe even today for the broadcast.
I am waiting. See you later.
15 октября 2023 Самара, местное время 17.43.
Короткий вызов слева.
- Диктуйте.
Да, пиши.
Мы давно не общались на этой волне. Думаем в ближайшие дни мы будем чаще тебя беспокоить и предлагать передачи. Если ты готов, ответь.
- Я всегда готов и с радостью буду принимать ваши сообщения.
- Опять сигнал слева, это подтверждение сказанному?
Да жди завтра, а может и сегодня трансляции.
Жду. До связи.