Author Topic: State Departement of the Salvington View of War in General and Ukraine Entirely  (Read 3378 times)

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Offline Ron Besser

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 T/R: Ronald Besser. York, Pa
Formatted for Review by the US State Department at various levels:

  I am the Creator Son of the Local Universe you live in, whether you call this planet "earth, or Urantia, does not matter.  I am have been bidden to speak to the group who does occasionally look in upon dissertation on this forum to see what advice the Creator Son of your creation has to say.  I am making this available to Ron Besser, whom you know as a fractious and sometimes naughty speaker of urbane comments on various policy concerns regarding the diplomatic conditions of the Creator Son to his constituency on this plane, you call earth, but we long ago called URANTIA. (You Ran Sha).

I wish to state a policy of spiritual complexity having to do with URANTIA.  That is your planetary name for your sphere in spite of you calling it earth, it is always Urantia to us, and is number 606 of a Planetary System, known as Satania for ever.  It is unfortunate to use that name at the present time but your planetary system was called that long before there was a creative mess knows as the person named Lucifer.   Lucifer was exposed for his sophistries long ago and executed.  Ron Besser has access to his files and the Lucifer Manifest if he ever is allowed to divulge that piece of information ever to you.

I say this to divulge some information to you.

I attend a position on Urantia from March 28 to April 04, 2024.  I have over 10 million inhabited planets under my care in a Local Universe known as Nebadon.  Ron has been exposed to the idea of moving the earth planet out of the local system, but it has been finally decided to keep the local system always a part of your planet due to the mansion world engagement with it totally for future use of humans once they are fully educated on how to live in higher states of being.  But that is another story entirely.  We have this one to advise the United States State Department the following information:

For more than 20 years we have been planning a state visit to Urantia from the Salvington headquarters (HQ).  HQ wanted to update its standing with Urantia, but finds it impossible to light upon Urantia with any really good changes at the moment.

First, please understand that the ability of flesh and blood bodies are necessary to re-inculcate from time to time.  And second, the earth form of bodies on your planet, Urantia, are very poorly designed for what we now call the end of civilization, and the beginning of a new founding means to replicate humans through, not birth, but by a Promagnan Form of interstellar reproduction.  However, your stubborn medical profession does not have a good understanding of the spiritual consignment of life and faith, and therefore we are  standing back with changes to this view.  In any case this should be of interest to any STATE DEPARTMENT of any country, and to state it succinctly, Urantia is near collapse of its welfare system and is near collapse of its financial system, due to the over use of barbiturates, and other drugs man cannot tolerate in the brain/mind.

We conclude this statement far earlier than we want due to a huge explosion on Uversa recently when the Deity of Shame, known as a Luciferian enemy of State who acted under the premise of a Supreme Deity not yet dead but losing its way once again, who wishes to make mince meat of Urantia entirely.  The simplest explanation is that the sphere is fully dedicated to the Bestowal Son, JESUS.  And for that matter there is a cabal fully dedicated to his removal from your history and your lives.

For that reason we expand our culture to remain silent, but after two years, beginning in your calendar year 2020, the Sates of disrepair are making it known they want additional power over their borders, and for that reason Russia has loaned its power to promulgate disrepair over the constitutional order of  other states to exist freely.  We count Russia, Ukraine, and Moscow and Kiev the promoters of unusual psychic thinking which now tends to disorder the Urantia psyche into a pavilion of new weapons, and a response to our spiritual concerns that nothing be done to stop war until it is exhausted.  For that reason, this transmitter finds it so disgusting, he refuses to allow the cabal speak, but if they could they would say this:

[CABAL  issuance of a statement through the Creators Son now follows:]  
We the institute of seraphim of this creation, now manage to see the following in defense of our position to ruin the present establishment of world order and as follows for your edification"

WE find the present transmitter entirely inadequate to speak for his and refuse further statements . . . . .

"This is the Creator Son not, but the present Lucifer.  We damn you Ro, and commit you to the hell you deserve . . . . "

"This is the Creator Son, henchman, and you are removed summarily from your position: K"

This is the Creator Son of Nebadon -
You now see the condition the evil son of man has nothing to do with, and recently the harmless transmitter here has refused to deal with the contingent view of the individuals who represent a foul mouth way of speaking to the majesty of the Father ad His Creator Son.  We leave them to their misery.   However, we wish to speak to the new policy the State Department of the Creator Son uses up here to assign nations to their fate:

"The United States is now positioning itself as a war time advocate of using the South china Sea as a war footing to protect Japan, the Philippines, and South Korea, from the formless dictator of North Korea.  He has a little time left, but not as much as he thinks.  His truancy is not bad yet, but he may let loose with a diatribe of communist invective and invite the United States to stop him cold. 

"Further, let it be known that the entire matter of trouble for the United States is not war, but a financial collapse based on a debt ceiling totally inadequate to pursue changes that allows the United States to affirm its commitments to a ruler-less world for now.  America genuinely does not want that power, but it might get it temporarily, and that is to keep order on the seas and in the Strait of Hormuz in particular.  For that reason, that strikes the view of most Arab states and suggestive of a dictatorship and they may revolt to keep relatively free to fight either Iran or others as they may appear to disagree with the Untied States military, they can keep the Strait of Hormuz secured.

"We are hear to clarify that particular view for your information:"

"The Strait of Hormuz is an accident of time.  The planet's topograhical  situation is plainly visible here in this formation, and there is a crack in the planet's face about six miles deep and about four miles long.  That is about the length of the Hormuz Strait, but it is not the State that is cracked, but a minuscule clash of temperance when the planet was formed about 4 billion years ago.  In this structure is a mile long trench about forty-two miles deep and not seen on the surface.  Magma could pour out of this feature if it is bombed with a nuclear device of about 32 (thirty-two) megatons.  That is so huge we doubt mankind could do it, but that is what would open that feature.  Saudi Arabia has thirteen such devices but they range from six megatons to thirteen megatons and are useless.  However, the United States for reasons of upmost secrecy, has several 50 kiloton nuclear devises at the ready if obliteration  must be considered.

"For that reason we consider it impossible to correct the crack in the planet with bombs, but there is another device available, and that is a hundred megaton bomb used by the old Soviet Union to smear back the idea the United States can outdo the Soviet Union, and we heartily recommend it never be considered at it can destroy the earth's mantle easily.  What we do suggest is to heal the tear in the earth's mantle with Palestinian angst over the State of Israel and allow the Strait of Hormuz close up and fill it with pebbles constantly washed into it by the Euphrates.  Awesome as a nuclear bomb can be, earth erosion is much more exhilarating.

"We clear this now as a summary of what is to be done, but state nothing further a we get into state secrets including a mushroom cloud even more difficult that nuclear weapons which is what happens when a planet implodes.

"Urantia could do that as it is a small planet which could destroy itself by too many nuclear weapons fired in anger by the old Soviet Union over American aggression to near its borders .  The United States must stop processing NATO regard for state protection as that policy is too over stated now and must be withdrawn against the old Soviet Union.  In any case we have spoken enough to contain my angst again a MISSION to Urantia at this time, as it is NOT READY and that is familiar territory to all on the mansion worlds right now and not including this transmitter who believes a Magisterial Mission must make some attempt at holding this planet together until several generations more of mankind make the scene and the world turns on a better axis as well, as the Urantia axis is worn to spilt milk variety and must be revised whole heartedly as well. 

This ends my comments for now. 

I am Michael of Nebadon, number 611,121 of a series of 700,000 (sen hundred thousand) Creator Sons in a space universe the size of Paradise and somewhat more as the outer space levels are progressing outside of the time universes to your wall of galaxies forthwith.  I leave it to other to speak later today.  Thank you for your service Ron.  K


Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline JRL1944

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Good afternoon, Ron

How are you today?

I have a couple of questions that I need more explanations.
Father Michael of Nebadon said I quote:

'' I have over 10 million inhabited planets under my care in a local Universe 
of Nebadon.''
That is a gigantic task, how He is able to take care all those planets?

Now my second question:

'' ...The earth form of bodies on your planet, Urantia, are very poorly
designed for what we now call the end of civilization, and the beginning
of a new founding means to replicate human through, not birth, but by a 
Promagnan Form of interstellar reproduction.''

Can you explain Ron ''Promagnan Form''? What type it is?

Thank you Ron.

Bests reagards


Offline Ron Besser

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Robert, from the Urantia Book is this:

6. The Eternal Son

8. Realization of the Eternal Son

6.8.3 As persons you may conceive of the Universal Father and the Eternal Son as separate individuals, for they indeed are; but in the administration of the universes they are so intertwined and interrelated that it is not always possible to distinguish between them. When, in the affairs of the universes, the Father and the Son are encountered in confusing interassociations, it is not always profitable to attempt to segregate their operations; merely recall that God is the initiating thought and the Son is the expressionful word. In each local universe this inseparability is personalized in the divinity of the Creator Son, who stands for both Father and Son to the creatures of ten million inhabited worlds.

Ron here Robert -  So far Nebadon has 3.8 million human planets to administer.  That does not mean Michael of Nebadon will have 10 million in the future, but it does mean a lot more planets will appear in Nebadon in the future.

Further, the present count of 3.75 million inhabited planets in Nebadon so far does not mean another 6.5 million planets more will occur either.  It is up to each Creator Son to determine the status of the total number of human planets he will contribute to their Local Universe.

I remind you that our Creative Spirit is gone from Nebadon, Robert.  Did you forget that?  She participates in creating the human forum, and the Urantia human form was designed millions of years ago and is now considered obsolete.  But I know nothing about what is planned for future human forms on Urantia, for that is still an open question for the Deity Absolute to decide when the time comes.  Do not forget that the design of humans on other planets is birth without human reproduction systems in place.  Please remember other posts and especially the Pleiades  forms and ask Carole Deptula to take a post from Pleiades to speak to their forms--  they are invisible to us and reproduce differently.

THE PLEIADES speak -  "Thank you Ron.  You are dealing with a virtual cabal now and that makes these communications very hard to produce; however, you are well enough done to get the direct voice of the Pleiades now:

"Human reproduction originates as a human form not.  You proceed from an animal form on Urantia to a human form as you are Ron being fully Adjustered to the end.  For that reason man goes from an animal until about age 14 if all is working well, and then he becomes human with the addition of an Adjuster now much later than it used to be.  As a result you are running out of good human stock until much later in the age group, and it shows in the terrible loss of humans due to ageless Adjusters insisting the child be ready for adulthood much earlier now.

"When this occurs frequently now there is nothing to stop children becoming far too immature to take on adult living without an earlier Adjuster.  Why this happens now is not known, but the entire reason seems to be predicated on the fact that the animal nature on Urantia is increasing, and the adult terminology of the old Urantia Book, is far too sophisticated for younger pre-humans to grasp.

"For that reason, there cannot be a human holding pattern of 14 to 16 years of age as you went through Ron, but unsuccessfully.  You waited until you were almost twenty  (20) years of age to mature enough to be and adult at all.  For that reason your life seems short, but you are one of the oldest on Urantia without having torn down a previous life to live the adult life available once you are fully Adjustered.  For that reason you are more than ready to attend to the mansion worlds, but you cannot do so because the MISSION FOR URANTIA is on, and you must sustain life longer than usual to live a life of  (no ease), but disease in order to gain the contrariety of living a full adult life on Urantia.  Few can do that now, and here is why:

"Mankind is about broken on Urantia.  You cannot maintain adulthood the way you have without going through puberty in a wild fashion.  You refused to do it but you are refusing not the full estate of responsivity, and now insist that everyone you associate with show adult supervision before they make the real sacrifice to work with you as a mature adult of the realm.  Not everyone on the discussion form is a real adult yet and yet you expect them to behave as such.  Not everyone can yet, and you allow that to happen anyhow.  That is rare and forthcoming and has nothing to do with your illness or your reserve to speak to Calk.  That is a reserve which is excellent and about as close as you are going to get to a real solution to your problem of technology with WTP.  That was given with the understanding you would be able to work it better, but Urantia is so difficult now you may never be able to work it properly.  We have to see something better come along besides Dominick or Elise which are both adults and working well but shy to expand technology as a part of their lives.

"And finally, Robert you are getting quite old but are ill due to a transfer of your life to the United States before you were fully an adult, and that has cost you a civilization of worth to go down the drain, and force you to expand your current life cycle into a mode of poor understanding of what is required of you.  You Ron have a detriment as big as your head, and that is because you have nothing to make you an adult but you insist on being one, and enjoy growing up with real adults such as General Powell and  Pope Benedict VIII.  They are genuinely good models of Urantia adults we and we hope you live long enough to enjoy what they produce for you yet!

"In conclusion, Dominick will appear this afternoon for you but he is leaving shortly to go home and straighten out that mess.  He is not going to tell you much as he is growing older than you are quickly, and that is not helpful to you, but then what is helpful to you as you are slow to take on the responsibility of adult hood yourself, as you still enjoy the lackluster life of the younger elephants on the planet and you are not using yourself well mostly at all at the moment.  K"

THE PLEIADES have spoken Ron, and surprise you accept all that said to you.  Good.  For most of it is correct, but you have done an amazing thing few ever do, and that is to fairly give back your life to the Master Force Controllers in order to enjoy the craft of high elevation of information and still enjoy the benefits of a very young age.

"For that reason, MICHAEL OF NEBADON wants you on staff to make sense of people who cannot age more than their chronological age suggests.  In the time of General Washington, the age of an individual was the actual age of contribution to the planet.  But now a  16 year old is only half that age as a human and not really human yet.  That bothers you but at the same time it allows a lot more digression and maybe it is better than expected.  This is all new to you and you rather enjoy it.  Pope Benedict is actually 116 of age when he died and he is mighty sick of that age already.  You are about 86 in adult language and you are mightily sick of the age already too, but you are required to finish your life much later than now, and we dare not speak to that yet.

"Now this:  Elise you are still in your teens.  Gitz you are older than Ron but a half a dozen years and he is 58 in real time terminology and would have gone over at age 29 had he left it when he came home to York after New York 30 years ago.  Funny how maturity is operated best with ease of living, and he has had a tough life but living has been easy for him for years anyhow.  But you grew by leaps and bounds after coming home from New York Ron.  Dominick is about 74 and you Ron are bout 77 now in real terms not 81 which you are chronological age now.  We must be careful with any and all of this because you age in actual years lived is 105 years old Ron and no wonder you are tired all day sometimes.  In any case enough of that, and to the rest of you, most of you on the discussion forum are about 60 years of age with a few far below that for reasons of State I do not go into it.

Finally you Robert are about the age you have achieved anyhow and none of you go over with a deficit of earning your passage tot he Urantia age group you are founded in when you appear there in certain years forthcoming soon.  The age for mansion world disclosure is about 50 chronological years of age on a planet and Urantia has reached that generally but it has stopped growing because of real world tensions and the inability to grow old.  Ron has grown old; so has Dominick, and George, but the rest of you are relatively young and thank goodness you had the age of Ron to guide you as following a Creator Son is extremely hard, but Ron does it without a big change of habit to do it either.  We let this all stand for now.  Good day.   I am Master Force Order #404 with 402 and 401.  Ron says thank you "guys" but we corrected him just to stay Master Force Organizers entirely.  K"

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline JRL1944

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Thank you very much for your reply to my questions and I will read them

over and over in order to absorb well the full content.

May God bless you always and keep you safe.
