Author Topic: Be Aware of All that Surrounds You  (Read 11214 times)

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Offline amethyst

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Be Aware of All that Surrounds You
« on: May 03, 2023, 00:55:36 am »
I am Manatuba Melchizedek. I am glad Amethyst was able to respond to the prompt that I gave her to nudge her to the computer to write. 
Amethyst:  Welcome Manatuba. It has been some time since I have transmitted your words. Please go ahead when you are ready. 

Manatuba. " Thank you Amethyst"

"I am Manatuba Melchizedek and I am here this evening to encourage all of you to PAY ATTENTION like you never have done before. There is so much going on right under your noses that most of you are missing. You have been told that there are now many Melchizedeks incarnated now and more are coming by the day. We walk among you and you do not even see us. We are watching and observing all we can and taking notes that should be of great help to JESUS, as well as the Magisterial Sons. It is one thing to watch things from above, and a very different thing for us to actually see humans and hear their conversations. Some of what we are observing is very difficult for us to accept as there are so many who walk among you that are mindless blathering egos with no minds or souls to speak of.  And then there are those who like us, are appalled by the lack of any kind of spiritual sensitivity. Urantia has hatched a very diverse humanity that traverses a vast spectrum of spirituality. 

"One of the things that gives us a great challenge is separating the wheat from the chaff without harming any more than we must the devoted children of God. There is bound to be some collateral damage in the coming weeks and months, but be assured all of God's children will be well taken care of should they get in the crosshairs of the coming changes. But the message I want to emphasize right now is be aware of who is making eye contact with you. Who is observing you as you go about your affairs? There is a high probability that it is indeed a Melchizedek. As you have been told we are counting noses. We are looking for those who will be able to serve with the missions.  Some who expect to serve will not be asked; Some who do not expect it will be asked. 

"Some of you have been making life changing plans that will carry you through your elder years in comfort. But do not be surprised if you suddenly find a fly in the ointment that takes you down a very different road than the one you had been planning to travel. We are arranging the pie charts and graphs and putting the pins in place as we observe your skills and interests and decide where you will be able to do the most good. Do not be concerned with arrangements or planning because we will be taking all of that into consideration and will place you in the right place at the right time. You have only to be willing, and as agondonters many of you are very willing. We know which one are, and which ones are not. 

"I just want you to take in all that you see, all that you hear, smell and feel intuitively.  The winds of change are beginning to get stronger and soon they will be impossible to ignore. Be Aware and pay attention!  I bid you all a good day."

Thank you Manatuba for your words. 
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Offline PJammer

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Re: Be Aware of All that Surrounds You
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2023, 09:58:27 am »
Thank you dear Amethyst and Manituba for this report.

This transmission has prompted me to share a personal note.

Many of us humans, throughout our lives, have endured being used and abused for the purpose of others agendas, which seem to change daily with the winds.  This has made us cautious and reluctant to sign on for grand agendas run by others.  In short, we are often a bit shell shocked.

So Manituba, I promise I/(We) will "Be aware and pay attention", especially in anticipation of meeting ones so High Minded as a Melchizedek.  But please forgive those of us who are, at least, at first, a bit shy and cautious.  I assure you that once we understand and trust our sources, we can and will "rise to the occasion".

God Bless our T/Rs, and all God's Celestials that work so hard on our, Urantia's, behalf.

« Last Edit: May 03, 2023, 15:03:16 pm by PJammer »

Offline weydevu

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Re: Be Aware of All that Surrounds You
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2023, 10:06:51 am »
Well this is what we've been waiting and praying for. It's been two thousand years since a SON of spiritual power and authority to come to this world.  Now the world is even darker than it's ever been but we have a basket full of PARADISE SONS & DIVINE SONS to brighten things up and disperse the darkness.  Thank you Amethyst.  It's like Christmas and I can't wait for the the beginning of the spiritual renaissance on Urantia.

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Online Ron Besser

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Re: Be Aware of All that Surrounds You
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2023, 10:59:20 am »
Thank you Amethyst.  And Manituba.  May remind all of you that Manituba is also Chairman of the Board of the Magisterial Foundation?  He is and as Chairman, our attorneys have made him the authority over the gift of technology to Urantia of wireless electricity.  PJammer, your response is dear to me as it tells Manituba how very important it is that the Melchizedeks speak to you and us individually, as that removes fear and enjoins personal trust to allow yourselves to know ourselves too.

Amethyst, the transmission is clear and very helpful and I fully enjoy this effort of yours to show us Manituba working with you and us and those who are ready to gather with all who make these Mission available and possible.  Just my way to say thanks for an effort well done. 

GREETINGS ALL:  I am MANITUBA MELCHIZEDEK speaking again through Ron.  He is ready to work but so seriously ill he has trouble typing too.  You Ron cheer us all up with your arcane way of thanking people too.  No body expects to understand more when you do so, but we all do when you are so lauding those who finally make a statement on our behalf and post it as well as Amethyst did here too.  For our own reasons of State we are now forcing the cabal out of your hair Ron, and making the day pleasurable once more.  Enjoy the arrival of your friend today and hear what must be good news for you!  And Thank You for the kudo to Amethyst as I must congratulate her to herself too as she is beginning to warm to contact again.  We hope it continues Amethyst.

I am MANITUBA MELCHIZEDEK and I want it known  that the entire idea of transmission to bring it through many of you is actually working.  We now have five (5) more people who transmit enough to call it transmitting and Ron you will love the fact that Amethyst now uses your method and gets it so much more clear and well stated.  Amethyst has prayed often for you to bring relief to your nerves and I think you have made great progress in doing that now.  Let me be heard some more Amethyst, and that is through you! 

I am MANITUBA MELCHIZEDEK, and I thank PJammer and you others who responded to her transmission today.  Good day.  MANITUBA MELCHIZEDEK  at your service.  K

Ron - Only to say Manituba how appreciative we are for information that is sunshine to our hopes and it is sunny all day soon, I hope with kinds words of yours as given today.   Ron 

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline amethyst

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Re: Be Aware of All that Surrounds You
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2023, 13:49:08 pm »
Thank you MANITUBA, Ron, weydevu, and PJammer. It is always encouraging to know our transmissions are helpful. It appears that I spelled MANITUBA incorrectly. In the transmission it was spelled MANATUBA; It appears it should be MANITUBA. My apologies.    
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