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TRANSLATIONS / 19.4.2024 – Zjednoczenie ludzkości
« Last post by Andre_P on April 19, 2024, 08:06:29 am »
Ta sama wiadomość po angielsku :
Podał : Rene A Duran, członek bohater
« 17 kwietnia 2024 r., godz. 12:43:59 »

Grupa 11:21 Przekazywanie prawd, Phoenix Arizona


Odebrane przez Evelio Rivasa
Salwador, 15 kwietnia 2024, godz. 5:45

"Tu twój DOSTRAJACZ MYŚLI. Dzisiaj zajmiemy się kwestią zjednoczenia ludzkości wokół podstawowych wartości, ponieważ musimy zacząć od podstaw.

W pewnym momencie zalecono porzucenie broni. Będzie to ostateczne dla osiągnięcia pokoju.

Najprawdopodobniej nikt nie zdecyduje się ich zniszczyć, więc parlamentarzyści na całym świecie będą musieli zadekretować bezterminowe moratorium na użycie broni. Urantia nabierze wtedy wspaniałego rozpędu na drodze do naszego UNIWERSALNEGO OJCA i w tym momencie "Niech wasze różne narody zaufają nadziei na dobry świat, a nie broni.”

Następnym krokiem będzie poczucie braterstwa. Istnieją nieistotne bariery, które je dzielą : język, zbiorowość kibiców sportowych, religia, ideologia, granice, żeby wymienić tylko kilka.

Istnieje bariera o znacznej zdolności do wyeliminowania, chodzi o barierę rynków. Mówimy o sporze o to, kto kupuje produkty. Ktokolwiek odbiera konsumentów, jest postrzegany jako przeciwnik. Jest to koncepcja zdominowana przez model ekonomiczny, który rządzi Urantią w tej chwili. Chcemy powiedzieć, że najbardziej pragmatyczną rzeczą w tej chwili jest działanie jako rodzina. To spowoduje zniknięcie skomplikowanych skutków konkurencji. Osiągnęliśmy punkt newralgiczny we współczesnym społeczeństwie : marketing. Niektóre elementy będą musiały zostać zachowane, ale ogólnie rzecz biorąc to, co eksperci wymyślają w świetle filozofii rynku utrwala konkurencję ze szkodą dla współpracy. Wkraczamy na pole nauki. Musimy tylko powiedzieć, że wiele postępów musi zostać odrzuconych i musimy współpracować kierując się wspólnym dobrem w poprawie wydajności dóbr konsumpcyjnych. Krok po kroku zbliżamy się do modelu ekonomicznego cywilizowanego świata.

Cóż, dochodzimy do determinacji samorządności, która niewątpliwie poprowadzi nas do uznania wspólnego ojcostwa. Innymi słowy, jest to ewolucyjny wzrost, w którym ludzkość rozpoznaje OJCA WSZECHŚWIATA w pełni Mu ufając. W tym momencie każda ludzka istota ma jasność, dlaczego się wcieliła i chce iść naprzód. Wiecie, że egzystencja fizyczna jest szkoleniem, w którym możecie uzyskać dobre oceny i wykorzystać swoją pomysłowość, żeby służyć.

Tu twój DOSTRAJACZ MYŚLI. Kończę tę analizę obecnych czasów i ich przekształceń na Urantii. Pragniemy przyczynić się do jej osiągnięć. Kochamy was wszystkich. Miłego dnia."


Evelio Rivas

Dear Folks,  Michael of Nebadon greets you.

There will be a Lightline held on Friday, the 19th of April, at 2PM.  Same time same station you usually go to, to listen.

I am Ron Besser, as advertised as usual on the header.  There is a problem developing with Urantia, that the Creator Son would like to discuss with you.  That is, after the exposition of words I am to speak tomorrow on the regular Lightline schedule of speaking.

The Lightline is for April 19, 2024 and is on the regular channel you have always used before.  Thank you.


MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "This has been a terrible day for Ron, and for some of you.  The Spirit has been watching and looking at you, and now must act for the CAUSE.

"I want it to be understood this call is not mandatory, but this call is mandatory if you want a part in the coming Mission to the world of Urantia.  I leave that for now, and Ron get some rest as you are the usual blanked out almost by my presence and changes to your mind to stand the last few months of my preparation to enter URANTIA and to become one with the citizenry.   That is for awhile.  Then my change from citizenry to JESUS, who will entertain you from heaven now.  When he arrives in the flesh may not happen now and I will speak to it tomorrow.  K  

"I want all of you who attend tomorrow at 2PM to understand there is a CHANGE TO OPERATIONS COMING.  LET THOSE WHO KNOW NOTHING listen carefully.   I am done announcing things, and I am interested in coming to Urantia SHORTLY.  Be aware of this as you think about tomorrow, I might just visit you today or tonight.  Your choice not.  JESUS at your service.  K"


General Discussion / Re: SERARA FARUM
« Last post by occerpa on April 18, 2024, 14:22:30 pm »
My greetings to my dear Forum group, thank you for the permanent publications.
Following as I usually do, the forum publications, daily, for almost seven years, I think that any unsuspecting visitor who from time to time approaches the portal to see what is new in relation to the events and plans that are aired here among Nebadon and Urantia, he mights think that the current situation is practically the same as that of years ago, that there are no significant advances but that the news remains the same and in particular those referring to the tragicomedy that the star members are experiencing: Ron with his terrible physical health problems, typical of the unprecedented process of programmed mutation to which he is being subjected, aggravated by the injuries suffered in the battle to the death that he bravely maintains with his declared enemies of the insurgency who do not give him respite, in the midst of which, he also does not achieve the materialization of his masterful invention of the WTP with a patent for a year;  Lemuel with his medical complications that worsen intermittently and now with a record of resurrections.  A Second Coming, around the corner decades ago and the Magisterial Mission that has not finished being installed, all because of those same bad boys willing not to allow the end of wars but on the contrary, to promote new ones, with the purpose of not giving in and fighting until the end to prevent the imminent return of Jesus and that Father Michael cannot crown his revolutionary plan of giving human participation in his missions, led at a planetary level by Ron Besser his star project: first human being (Excalibur), mortal with genuine moroncial nature that privileges us with a correspondence to the day, heaven-earth at all levels.

 However, to say that everything remains the same and that there is no progress is for the unprepared because for each of us, thanks to our mysterious monitor, we have been able to perceive the nature of this Divine Game, and we understand that there should be no pause because the commitment to the Father's business must be complete and unceasing until the final victory.

 However, the fact that, since this entire plan depends on the availability of good transmitters, a larger number is not available to date, despite a persistent motivation for this purpose, is still worrying, such good transmitters as Amethyst and Sue have been absent and even Lemuel is sometimes unable to do so.  In short, these and a whole series of complex circumstances that could not occur any other way, as far as I can understand, keep us unperturbed and with greater enthusiasm every day: Patience and Trust is all that is needed.  Thank you 
« Last post by Rene A Duran on April 17, 2024, 12:43:59 pm »
Group 11:21 Transmission of Truths Phoenix AZ.


 Received: Evelio Rivas.

 El Salvador, April 15, 2024, 5:45 a.m.

 "I AM YOUR ADJUSTER, today we will address the issue of the union of humanity around basic values, because we must start with the basics"

 "At some point, it has been recommended to drop weapons, this will be definitive for the achievement of peace"

 "Most likely, no one will decide to destroy them, so that parliamentarians worldwide will have to decree an indefinite moratorium on the use of weapons, Urantia will gain a wonderful momentum on the path to our UNIVERSAL FATHER, at the moment "Let your various nations trust in the hope of a good world and not in weapons."

 "The next step will be to feel brotherhood, there are insignificant barriers that divide them, language, sports fandom, religion, ideology, borders, to list a few"

 "There is a barrier with considerable capacity to be eliminated, it is that of the markets, we are talking about the dispute over who buys their products, whoever takes our consumers is seen as an adversary, it is a conception dominated by the economic model that governs Urantia at this moment, we want to express that the most pragmatic thing at the current moment is to act as a family, this will fade the complicated effects of competition, we have reached a neuralgic point in modern society: marketing, some elements will have to be preserved but In general, what experts conceive in light of this market philosophy perpetuates competition to the detriment of cooperation. We are entering the field of science. We only have to express that many advances must be dismissed and we must cooperate. guided by the common good in improving the productive performance of consumer goods, little by little we are approaching an economic model of a civilized world."

 "Well, we are reaching the determination of self-government that will undoubtedly guide us to recognize common fatherhood, in other words, it is the evolutionary rise in which humanity recognizes the UNIVERSAL FATHER, fully trusting in HIM, at this point every human creature possesses clarity of why you incarnated and want to move forward, you know that physical existence is a course in which you can get good grades and use your ingenuity to serve"

 "I AM YOUR THOUGHT ADJUSTER, concluding this analysis of the current times and its transformation for Urantia, we wish to contribute to its achievement, we love you all, have a good day."


 Evelio Rivas.
or better yet, you can find someone in your city that buys gold and sell it. 
Ok, well here's the plan: in the city I live there's a man who buy gold. He's been distributing these flyers for many years, as far as I can remember. We can sell the gold to him and since he is not a government agency or something I think he wouldn't be asking to many questions. All money would go to the electricity project. Simple as that. Here's some argument for God approving this project:

1) Gold was used for many things, mostly selfish in human history. It is time to make it something useful for good. 
2) People would be more inclined to believe that we are using this money for something good because we are not asking people for money, as lots and lots of fake prophets are doing these days. 
3) Make gold shaped as a cross to simbolize it is holy gold.
Merci à nos frères et soeurs de Madagascar. Je connais une bonne partie des personnes qui suivent le M.L.L.C.C.T.H.O.M. Nous faisons partie de l'AS.NA.KU.FU.M.A.BEH.MIRAY, qui transmet les enseignements du SI-JO MIZAËL lors de son passage parmi nous à Madagasacar, et cela nous permet de suivre et de vivre cet enseignement. 
We are all aware of all the electrons that surrounds our planet, well plants love them to. Every time we have an electrical storm the plant kingdom gets rejuvenated.  So I found this topic or it found me. On gardening, I haven't tried it yet but I will since I have already started my garden.  Hope you like it.

electro gardening - Search (

C’est un vrai plaisir de constater le retour d’Albert et qu’il tient toujours la route malgré les obstacles. Nous ne pouvons que nous réjouir de son dévouement à persévérer et de ne pas baisser les bras à un moment où on approche le dénouement de la situation.

For those who don’t know, MADAGASCAR is the biggest island of the Indian Ocean and unfortunately the less developed in the field of technology, be it communication to name the least. I say “bravo” to Albert for keeping the course and GOD bless.
When I was younger I thought certain mountains look like tree stomps, but as I grew older I forgot about it. After viewing this topic on YouTube and it inflame my curiosity, I decided to search for more information.  And here is what I found.

Mesas are actually giant tree stumps cut down by ancient giants before the flood! : r/conspiratard (
ancient giant tree stumps that are mountains - Search Images (

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