Dear List, the architecture of atomic preparticles is due for a great revision in the coming years.
This post does not definitively state the case, but more will follow to describe the discovered changes in preparticle science. Here is a brief description of the terms we are dealing with in the new look of atomic preparticles, their designs and their architecture to be followed up in later posts from today onward.
The Preparticle ULTIMATON:I am Ronald Besser as my picture shows to introduce this board. I know some more than I am disclosing here, but for now I wish to simply state for all minds, how this ability to transmit electricity is accomplished. It is far simpler and cheaper than the electricity industry supposes, and we must somehow find a way into what this invention can do for all people to electrify their homes for what we figure is less than $200 for the year-- and that is not a month-- is for the year in our estimation.
Description:Every preparticle, except for the Photon, is made up tiny electrical building blocks.
The building blocks are so tiny no electron microscope can see them, but they are there. Here is a highly simplified picture of what we want to describe for you about nature and electrons:

The appearance of the ultimaton was deduced from electrical behavior in theory. In the electron there are 100 bonded ultimatons to form the presence of the electron as a preparticle. The blue color is a type of plasma which contains all memory of what to seek to bond with to form what particular preparticle.
The proton has 53 ultimatons. The neutron has 1,335 ultimatons, and
the boson 1a, and that is the largest boson we know of, has 10,137 ultimaton forming its presence. I say presence, as the preparticle for the most part is always blinking in and out and its power source is not in time and space, but it draws upon a timeless and spaceless sector at the core of our Master Universe.
Electrical use of the boson is limited due to its size, and CERN experienced capturing one of those bosons years ago, and nearly destroyed the equipment due to the size of the boson which already had collided with a
tetrahedron in its track through the equipment. A tetrahedron is never seen, for both t
he tetrahedron and the muon are antigravity preparticles.
We will never see muons but c an detect them by electrical activity. That activity of a muon is also antigravity and for that reason can not be detected electronically. The muons we use off the broadcast tower are antigravity and leave the tower at one tenth the speed of light.
We deduce the following working with this invention:1 - An electron is a very small electrical unit. The universe insists if someone wishes to electrify a tool or a sense of use of electricity, one must use a stream of electrons to feed a motor or a cloud in the sky with electrons to get sparks and an electricity jolt.
2 - Mother nature sends electricity to our world in magnets, in lightning, and man uses it to run motors and computers. Magnets regardless of their nature, are types of electrical conductivity that do not shock one holding them, but they do force electrons to run through them by insisting the magnet be a positive charge on one end, and a negative charge on the other end. However magnets do not conduct electricity themselves, but they do conduct valence (a valance is a negative or a positive sense of being), and most magnets use a valence of minus one (-) volts. That is that magnets from tiny refrigerator stick ups to big motors which rotate the locks on the Panama Canal to let ships move from one ocean to another opening and closing panels to fill and empty the locks.
3 - We send electricity from a proposed electric plant we want to build. How we do that is to take trillions of electrons falling out of the sky onto a wire we place under small electric generators in our plant. The electrons falling out of the sky from the magnetosphere, are a little bit shaped too oblong, so we place what we capture the oblong electron to run through a standard electric generator. When we do that, we get symmetry-shaped electrons in a true oval shape. We use three generators, two of which produce electrons, and the last one at the tower. We turn the first two on and they are connected to wire that downloads the electrons raining down from the sky. We also generate new electrons with the captured ones, and make sure the third generator down the line has enough voltage from all of this production, and fire itself up. But we make sure the 3rd generator has NO MAGNETS!
4 - We feed all our collected electrons from the first two generators into the third generator by wiring up the first to the front end of the 3rd generator. But we trick the flow of electrons out of the first two generators to bypass the 3rd generator into converting the electron feed from the first two generators, to make it think it does now want electrons to generate, but Muons! We do that by miss wiring the 3rd generator and forcing it to not being able to receive electrons or it would burn up if we could do it. Instead the third generator which is to receive electrons from the first two generators because the third generator takes only Muons. That is done by a wiring trick through a gadget we call a Transducer.
5 - Generator three which receives at its front door all the electrons from the first two generators into a mis-wired flow of electrons turning them into Muons. Generator three receives what is a broken electron because we whack the incoming electron with a balanced charge of quarks. The Transducer uses quarks instead of electrons to force Muons to form by removing a tiny Ultimaton from the electron build itself. Mother Nature comes to the rescue helping the injure electron convert to a normal preparticle that is happy with at least two ultimatons removed and several quarks added to the stream. The muons can be broadcast since unlike electrons the muon forms a carrier wave to ride on like an FM stations sends to your radio a carrier wave with the programming on it. We will have to ask the government to free that frequency since muons form a carrier wave at the frequency alone. We cannot modify it to broadcast electricity. That FM frequency for your information we use is 86.4 MHz, which is, we believe, a marine broadcast channel we must ask the government to reclassify for use when we come on board.
6 - And finally for this post we say this:
Broadcast electricity cannot shock you. Muons do not carry an electrical charge you can feel. Instead the muon cloaks voltage as an antigravity preparticle. The broadcast electricity we use has almost no voltage (we think it carries less than 0.0035amps and at worst can tingle fluffy neck hair at the back of the neck if that worker is directly under our transmission tower. That tower in reality is transmitting 24/7 fourteen (14) to twenty-four (24) megawatts of power to home antennas for up to 200 (two hundred) miles away.
Thank you for reading.
Ron Besser/Inventor