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Re: Levitation and Materialization of the Time Universes
« Reply #15 on: March 14, 2024, 14:29:45 pm »
I have been reminded by the Powers to be, I need to add this note to our talks about muons here.

Each six muon preparticles connect to form what I call a daisy flower that is made up of 6 muons, has 5 petals in the daisy with quarks as neutron control of the preparticle 3,4, and 5; the other 2 which is a petal and the center bud of the daisy, have full preparticle elements in them including their elemental control centers of sorts which is nothing but proton-type energy controlling operations in the forming daisy construction.  I have no idea what that means, but they tell me that is sufficient energy to control the formation of daisy wheels we see form after the electron is processed to remove one ultimaton from it.  In any case we do not have a simple one electron to one muon ratio, and the picture we do get is hard to believe but that is what happens.  I am positive it is fission too.
The Muon is broadcastable for this reason, here is the picture to talk about:  These muons go up the SOUTH TOWER LEG and not the north tower leg which is my error when doing up this picture.  

//sabotage//  will replace later if possible . . . .
« Last Edit: March 15, 2024, 00:13:35 am by Ron Besser »
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Re: Levitation and Materialization of the Time Universes
« Reply #16 on: March 14, 2024, 15:25:09 pm »
I have been reminded by the Powers to be, I need to add this note to our talks about muons here.
What we have here is another surprise in muon behavior.  When we convert an electron to a muon through a Transducer, and that is our invention to kick out one ultimaton, the electron reverts to a muon not a ratio of 1 to 1 but 1 electron to 6 muons.  The six muons are not separate, but form a daisy like flower of all muons, around which a universe muon arrives out of nowhere as best we can figure it, and orbits each one of our daisy formations.  We theorize nature balances the muon reaction to anitgravity by placing a balancing muon around the daisy which appears when the original electron is converted.

The problem this creates is I have no idea what this is about, unless, and my conjecture, the muons in the daisy are without full preparticle density.  Counting the muon at the top of the picture, muons 2, 4, and the center bud (6), are all normal muons.

Muons 1, 3, 5 are quark fed creations and I doubt they are visible, because the quark needed to fill this in to balance charges should have been CHARM, but there is no evidence of Charm anymore.  One electron = 6 muons when converted.  In our sun One helium atom = four(4) hydrogen atoms.  The sun burns off the first two hydrogen atoms and places into reserve that last two helium atoms to slow consumption.  All of this true fission, and our conversion of electrons to muons I believe is fission.

Please remember, that when we sheer off one ultimaton to get a muon, we get six of them in a daisy pattern. The electron is not changes really, but must convert to a muon like pattern to sustain valence and probably other things I do not yet understand.  I repeat for emphasis:  in the sun we use 1 helium atom = 6 (six) hydrogen atoms.  There is some side junk we think, as in the sun 6 resulting hydrogen atoms is fission, and the resulting hydrogen atoms on the sun have quarks controlling their issue in these numbers. On earth our fission results in 1 electron = 6 muons in a petal arrangement formation.  I submit this should help physicists understand that fission is not entirely a strict science, but results occur according to valence requirements in the conversion process.


To my readers, please understand you are likely reading the understand of what is surely epochal revelation.  I cannot do this work without consultation to the highest levels of the universe to get their opinion of our discoveries.  In this case I must refer to the MASTER FORCE ORGANIZERS,  as they are the ones who help design Master Universe materializations.  They have a lower lever progeny called POWER DIRECTORS, and all of these consultants are Master Universe creations near the beginning of the idea of time and space.  Preparticles use the God Particle, the muon not, but the ULTIMATON that makes all preparticles up except for  the photon, and the photon is a special case even in Master Universe lore.

Readers, I can do this only by permission and that I am truly grateful for.  Epochal revelation is not for everyone but I love working with it and persist to many advantages such as to know that our planet is fighting its own disease right now of a planetary core stuck in the center of our earth without the ability to recollect is lucidity and that its viscosity has turned so stiff, the core slumps too often on the side walls of its chamber.

What that does is it forces the magnetosphere to become uneven in polar application, and it does increase the likelihood of a lot of volcanic activity and earthquakes of tremendous power.

I also point out that the valence in preparticles varies in strength, and that an earth core which directs magnetic trials to the earth' surface cambers the tilt angle of preparticles somewhat as they orient themselves to magnetic influences.  One of those influences if the magnetic north and south pole of this planet.

I conclude as well that our Ultimatons are affected too.  On a normal Ultimaton application, their plasma rods are without any influence on earth, and it is those rods which direct the intelligence of an Ultimaton to fuse fully in a planetary element of atomic and molecular designs.  The earth's core is seriously out of whack as I write this (March 14, 2024) and through transmissions otherwise we are getting bulletins on the  core status.  

Valence in preparticles is so effortlessly controlled by the sphere of intelligence in the patter universe far beyond time, I just refer to it as a pattern universe, but in that pattern universe are the mechanisms such as Einstein's Unqualified Absolute and even a Deity Absolute which reminds me I have exceed my charm with them and to quit this while I am ahead.

I relent and close this with the following:

Valence is not a characteristic of preparticles or antiparticles;  rather, valence is determined by the authority of the bonding ultimatons which are designed to forgather in our deepest, and coldest pace depths, and to form bonding with each other by type, and that is how a preparticle takes shape.  There are over 100 types of Ultimatons, and there are over 6,353 types of pre- and anatomical particles coming out ultimaton formations.  I do not speak to any of this other than to remind the reader, our sciences are so immature we will never conquer a perfect science unless we improve our instrumentation and minds to read what they tell us.   I am at the mercy of the higher counsels to release what I can, but they are aware, fully, minds on our sphere do not comprehend easily that which lies beyond mere chemical combinations.  

I salute those on high who have the patience to deal with my mind so gravely issuing these things, and yet it is a mind that is so elementary I doubt I can review much more without getting into subjects we have truly very poor vocabulary to describe these super adjutants of material truth.  In any case this addition today is a modified discussion I am using on a large book on what is the real case for Infinity, and then saying it is quite a viable concept, what it likely discloses.  I hope I have a chance to finish it, but this for now is the best I can for all of you interested readers.  Thank you all for your interest and your support to read even though it hardly is believable at times.  My best to all.  

Ron Besser at your service.


Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: Levitation and Materialization of the Time Universes
« Reply #17 on: March 15, 2024, 05:19:13 am »
My comments on the above discussion :

It bears repeating that when various important spiritual persons speak about the future of Ron, Lemuel and probably a few other old and important members of the forum, the following statements by the Father of the Universe himself and Michael of Nebadon do not confirm the opinions of these other spiritual persons. It seems that these opinions depend on how close or far from Urantia matters the spirit person speaking out is.

Regarding the implementation of the first WTP installation, the description of the patent and the statements on the forum do not indicate any serious technical difficulties in the implementation of this project. It seems that in many countries on all continents it would be possible, provided that the spiritual side advises or produces the most difficult parts of the installation by them. The problem is political and economic issues. It seems that the matter could be set in motion by the realization of the cheapest possible installation demonstrating the operation of this patent. It seems that many organizations could apply for such a project, one of which would be enough to select given the requirements of preserving patent rights.


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Re: Levitation and Materialization of the Time Universes
« Reply #18 on: March 15, 2024, 13:21:48 pm »
Ron to your captious inquiry; "Perhaps you can determine what induces muons to form rivers of muons that give rise to the phenomenon of levitation, and why they choose the torso of the body for their manifestation? After carefully analyzing the matter, I dare to speculate the following: Based on the law that the subtle moves the dense, and without ignoring that our reality as an individual is, as a whole, a unit, made up of, in addition to the physical body, the vital or ethereal bodies (ethereal double that they call), body emotional, mental body and spiritual body, all these bodies making up our intangible or subtle reality in ascending order, it could then be discerned that to the extent that the human being expands his consciousness, completing his circles of psychic progress, to that same extent, He becomes possessed of potentials that remain dormant for man without spiritual development. That is, only by reaching the highest level of spiritual evolution possible for a mortal creature, will man then be able to plunge into those deep states of meditation where he can already suppress all the consciousness of the body and it will attract in a hypnotic way (I say) rivers of muons, surrendered to man's reverence before God. For obvious reasons, muons choose the torso of the body to exert their antigravity force because it is in the heart chakra where the lower and higher energies come together. I'm sorry Ron that I can't explain it like you would, but I think that there is the answer to your questionnaire. Thank you for allowing me to intervene on such a fascinating topic.
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Re: Levitation and Materialization of the Time Universes
« Reply #19 on: March 15, 2024, 13:36:01 pm »
Well yes, Andre.  I operate on that idea too, but add to your analysis above, that science makes it  clear it is impossible given what they ascertain is the correct view of preparticles.  We seriously disagree with most scientists when they insist on the quantum theory include the idea of a past big bang explosion.  There never was such a thing ever.

In truth, the preparticle itself indicates a subtle withdrawal of reason in the mind of man of a rational explanation that preparticles come preformed as part of the cosmic, shall we say?  WIND?  I am here to tell you that the preparticle is formed nearby, but the seed of any preparticle you can find is actually the result of a prematerial (existential)  decision to obligate matter to accept a process to design its presence and itself as an afterthought not, but to provide energy conversions into  matter as the direct result of a fiat explanation to start a moon or a human planet when it is needed, and not a chaotic situation at all.  The evidence is all about us about predecisions  affecting us in prematter, and no science is capable of examining that based on just science.  The severely indicates that a new department of study should someday come into existence on just how the amalgamation of matter and mind work to cohere human planets to raise humans to serve the Paradise Trinity for its outreach.  That is a whole 'nother precept to reason with.

Andre, you know just enough to understand the diatribe of versions of thought which go along with my examination of the muon.  The muon is an extraordinary example of a preparticle world of change and flux, but it will never divulge the secret of antigravity until science finally learns that all the toys it employs to prove the sustenance that God or deep space, is the actual provider of the finished preparticle.  That is not true, and time and space is almost a dumping ground for a materialization of energy used to provide homes and places on behalf of Master Universe development.

Science has no idea the Master Universe exists.  It calmly asserts that there is time, and that space is deep and cold or hot depending what part of it you are in.  The big bang is partially asserted by taking the radiation of the galaxy we are in and its partial collapse by a huge explosion when its (our ancestral galaxy) collapsed.  Science is hundreds of years away from knowing that because they depend on sensing instruments which do not probe beyond the confines of the Milky Way.  We are in an abnormal piece of space due to the collapse of nearby galaxies, and that is not a normal situation for the rest of the universe.  Man jumps to conclusions based on the radiation of galactic and provisional conditions we dare not examine further here.

You and I are not proponents of upsetting science's theories today, as it is a useless job, but at the same time we are voices about logical sanity probably based on a better theory that there is thought involved in creation.  Science does not believe that, and to believe what we do is not mixing religion with science, but ascertaining that thought is in control of all gravity systems without thinking too hard how.  I dare not overstate this particle of heart and soul (me) is going to change anything by introducing how using the muon to electrify the world so easily that we also introduce cold fission idea as true with it too.  

At least some of us look at a mature thought that universe development is not based even on preparticles, but on the will of existential thinking at impossibly high levels, that we could ever convince most scientists they have to pay attention to Origins to understand time and space.  Time and space as an object can be modified to be understood as a place with depth and eventuating steps, one by one, to learn our true situation as to our Origins and our Place.  But that is probably centuries away if we do not embrace the idea of empiricism is subject to creation as well.

Our muon dissertations are smiling at me too, as they are correct, but woefully inadequate to teach the mind of man anything is different from what they already thought.  I happen to believe that many who do read what I have written bring to their faces a smile and understanding this whole thing is delusional.  Such is not true, but I am rather impatient with the idea that delusional behavior runs the universe either, and that you and I and others fail to recognize there is more to science than a lab.

And finally Andre, use your best influence to allow this thing to settle in your own mind:  man is never sure what he is in the first place; secondly,  man holds no honors when he refuses to participate in discovery due to the excuse there is too much super structure to replace to accept the revelation of a new way at looking at  creation.  Muons are but one preparticle type that will confound man for a long time and I am happy to leave the scene having discovered a new science this is, Andre.  

The new science is to look at materialization of matter as preliminary to the appearance of man entirely, and that should reset quite a few think tanks back on their heels when they realize that mankind appears as an inevitable consequence of material and matter being present in layer after layer of the construction of the Master Universe,  for what?  we will never know fully.

Thanks for your post.

Ron Besser


« Last Edit: March 15, 2024, 14:02:16 pm by Ron Besser »
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Re: Levitation and Materialization of the Time Universes
« Reply #20 on: March 16, 2024, 13:20:41 pm »
Ron, you are reaching far and praise for that, many of us on the forum are trying to do it with you, if we can.

I wrote above what came to my mind, but I know that if a competition was announced to implement a WTP demonstration plant, there might not be anyone from all over the world who would apply.

We know how this world works and what tried and tested methods opponents have and how easy it is to turn people's heads.

We all know about the burning at the stake of scientific discoverers and the "fairy tales" about the existence of little worms - bacteria.

It should be remembered that the Inquisition began in the Middle Ages, but it survived the glorious eras of the Renaissance and Enlightenment, and the last witches were burned not so long ago.

Everyone knows that many important organizations are set up to grant academic and professional powers and titles, but not everyone knows that they are also able to take these powers and titles away from disobedient exceptions who violate the interests and beliefs of these organizations.

Now we are in times of a very hardened rule of money.

Often inventions were introduced by the inventors themselves, but Nikola Tesla did not win over Edison and the people who supported him, who knew how to make big money from it.

To test something you have to try it, even try to involve more the initiators from above.

Your country is a great opportunity, but also a great machine.

So let's not lose hope that we will see this and keep trying, because this is an important issue for this globe and some of its users.

Forgive the perhaps too general and abstract style, but that's the mood I'm in, and I can't say anything about your fresh presentations of the new physics.


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Re: Levitation and Materialization of the Time Universes
« Reply #21 on: March 16, 2024, 17:21:14 pm »
Convinced that the WTP project is perhaps the most revolutionary and beneficial that has been conceived on this planet, and faced with the incredible delay in its implementation with the proper patent 11601013 more than a year ago, supposedly due to lack of financing in the USA , which contrasts with the fact of the data on the monstrous sums invested in war material (each missile 1 million dollars) to murder other human beings, I think it is time for Ron to start, as AndrĂ© already proposed, to knock on doors in other latitudes.  If it were taken into account above all, to provide a service to those most in need, this saving and merciful invention should be implemented preferentially in our countries of the so-called third world, where there are still in the middle of the third millennium, localities that they don't know electric light.  And how miraculous would WTP be for us here in Colombia, when we are currently suffering from a phenomenon of ruthless increase due to the supply of a service that is also of poor quality with frequent reasoning;  As the saying goes: "Dreaming costs nothing."  In any case, I consider it very unfair that this development designed to provide almost free electricity is provided, in the first place, to the country that perhaps requires it the least.
"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"

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Re: Levitation and Materialization of the Time Universes
« Reply #22 on: March 17, 2024, 03:12:54 am »
Thank you for your views, Occerpa.  I happen to agree with you in asserting that free electricity will change the world if all people have access to it, and that has to be eventually due to expense mostly.

The United States has huge resources at its finger tips but the States also have a drug problem and an historical issue called State's rights, supposedly settled by the American Civil War 1861 - 1865.  The Confederacy (the South and who the Washington government had to fight bloody battles over this) never learned properly that it had less rights than it assumed it held, and as a result they are today great Trump fans and will bite the dust bitterly again when the Federal Government seizes a State capital too and holds them liable for rebellion.  I for one have no dog in that fight, but I tire of men trying to lord it over women over reproductive rights and God the Father has ruthlessly let it known that abortion is not the fight or the question, but the rights of a human being to use his, her body as his (or her) to determine for themselves.  Short of a solider using his or her  body attempting sedition against the spiritual rule, women have to claim the high ground and stop picking fights with lawyers and learn what Christ decreed in his Bestowal:  "Thou shalt not proceed with the habiliments of truth until their is respect for the truth and the truth  seeker and its ways with body and soul.  I do not think people really understand what Christ meant for we now have legal fights on what women perceive as their rights to protect their body integrity.

In writing my book ORIGINS,  I did as a side inquiry ask just what was the authority of any person to determine what right the fetus may have.  I was replied to by the FATHER himself, and he said affirmatively, :the life of the mother has priority.  That is all he said, for to speak to individual searches for the right way to conduct morality, is that moral actions must take place within the individual and not be assigned to an individual from spiritual adjudication out side of the limits of the spiritual indwelling in every mind.

To me that assigns moral turpitude to the individual who must make those moral decisions, and that the law protects such individuals so long as their is no immorality.  I doubt the causes for abortion are not excluded from immoral acts, but at the same time the question is not the morality, but the rights of the fetus.  I doubt  the truth of the fetus rights will be listened to but I do not think it has any rights until the fetus is a person on the planet imploring the use  of the mores.  But now let me get t o thw WTP issue you raise Occerpa.

WTP is a tough nut to crack and I have learned it unhappily.  There are too many chiefs in the kitchen over the issue, and we have to wait until there is a sea change over what constitutes  true science.  I see no county inquiring about the patent, nor do I see much conversation on this board about the need for free electricity, except for people like you who hold it as important as I do.  However, MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK insists I lay low, and speak no more than I have to.  Machiventa also interdicts what I have said so far on the forum as I posted a lot of gravity only to learn foreign readers have no respect for a dissemination which thinks Leptons have no role to play in any high degree of discoveries, and mock my choice of words that Leptons have a place to play in any important changes to preparticle theory.  That will cost them shortly, but I could care less over views that are so limited I doubt they help the science of the near future that we know ultimatons are now flashing a warning to preparticle issues today.  I do not know, Occerpa, what the warnings are about in matter, but the planet's integrity is surely involved deeply and that integrity could relocate our species on a more friendly planet if the earth core does not settle down by mixing our magnetosphere in with atomic preparticles which are so explosive we will pay a big price if  they get more known and used by natural forces which have to use them as ingredients to  refresh this planet and what resources are left.

Well, you might say, we always have fish.  Something to eat is still available then, but I am also talking about metals and land and earth;s atmosphere.  The ultimatons are flashing yellow rods very much, and the normal ultimaton has blue rods and they began flashing yellow just recently.  Further it is only in the last eight years man is dissolving his patience with democratic government.  They are not supposed to be related, and in normal times  they are not related, but the powers to be in spirit have little respect for an earth population that has more to say about sewage than about God, and that the Vatican in Rome sits so empty again.  Traditions are unimportant when social changes obviate  the need to speak of God and then mostly use the confomity of ceremony to cover over default in precious reviews of the prayerful life.

WTP is the poor man's dream but the oil mans disfavor and doubt it is possible to ease his conscience.  I am not happy to learn that no one understands preparticles as they should, and I am not going to make a charity out of myself to give it away to see if someone cares to try it without my expense to engineer it and run it.  I am open fully to discuss WTP's issues and its proposed compliance with introducing it to the movers and shakers of mankind, but a lot more has to happen before man understands what can be done with preparticles he has yet to discover.  We here have to discovered one invention that should be used at once, but go whistle in the dark until someone finds the light switch to look at free electricity and to  find it is imminently available and doable.  

Thanks for your post Occerpa.
Ron Besser

« Last Edit: March 17, 2024, 03:14:31 am by Ron Besser »
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Re: Levitation and Materialization of the Time Universes
« Reply #23 on: April 24, 2024, 06:29:46 am »
Thank you Lemuel and I am in almost the same straits you are.  But I would like to comment on something concerning MUONS.

I just reread what  I wrote about Muons and I think it is terrible.  Let me try again.

The MUON is a preparticle but it is the only antigravity preparticle we can see or know in our familiar pattern to describe matter appearance on this planet.  Without the Muon, matter could not materialize easily, and although I doubt MIT would ever consider that statement well, the Master Force Organizers insist that such a statement is true.  I am happy to concur, for the my patent (US #11601013). to design an electric plant that easily converts electrons to muons and then to a broadcast of muons for 200 miles from the antenna as an electric field to a house antenna, is still quite good.  But I doubt if anyone will do anything with such an electric plant as it is too far ahead of theory on this planet to use comfortably.

But in this post I wish to state the following for knowledge at least:  THE MUON IS A DOUBLE HELIX of several kinds of preparticles.  That is such a mouthful to speak to, but what it means is simply this:  PREPARTICLES ALL HAVE ONE THING IN COMMON: they are all electrified by the ULTIMATON, a tiny, tiny speck of energy no one knows about except me, and that was an accident I still enjoy reciting.

All Preparticles have one thing in common:  ULTIMATONS.  I have shown you a picture of what I think the Ultimaton looks like and I am assured it is close by those I speak to in the exalted space of the central universe.   But the readers of this work do not have to know how it was confirmed to me they exist, but readers should know how I ascertain how the Ultimaton works in anything that is materialized. 

The ULTIMATON is a basic source of energy for all of this planet's work from the planetary corp to its showing of the aurora borealis  (here is quite a picture in Alaska of it:   I want you all to know that the light from this phenomena is all castigated light source as the light in the aura borealis lightly summarized by internal particles not see on this planet because they are even smaller, tinier, than the Ultimaton, and the Ultimaton is so small science cannot prove their appearance.  But we know something about the Ultimaton easily, for if your remove any of them from a preparticle, that preparticle changes state and becomes another type of preparticle.  We use the idea in this electric plant, and when we knock out an Ultimaton from the electron, we get Muons.  Go figure.   But that is what operates this electric plant to make electricity out of the air.

In any case, let us consider the Muon antigravity and an antipositive use pf energy and not worry particularly why it works so well/

I am positive it will work at once, but we have to spend about 35 Million Dollars to prove it to build the plant itself.  I am not confused by the size of the money bill that comes with building the plant, but I am disappointed there are so few takers of the technology that I have yet to see one inquiry to speak to the plant yet.  That is sad to me, but I am quite sure if  we wait long enough someone will nibble at least to see what they can get out of it if they bought it.  But, let me make this clear, it is not for sale, but it is up for investment and I am very happy to entertain that interest entirely.

In conclusion, if someone writes to me to ask about it, I will answer fully about it an the question(s) they might have about how it works. 

I thank all of you for your interest, and let us pray that it can be implement, because my forecast for this planet is that unless there is a new discovery of producing energy to run our machines, there will be a digression of thought and we will fail to have enough energy on the planet when the time comes. 

Thank you for listening and happy preparticle to you too!

Ron Besser/York, Pa

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Re: Levitation and Materialization of the Time Universes
« Reply #24 on: April 24, 2024, 10:37:05 am »
Hi Ron, the issue of abortion is very important to me, and it is still very hot in my country.

I personally thank God for the fact that I have never had to think about this colossal problem, although I have four children and from a very young age the problem of overpopulation of the Earth was still on my mind.

It's a pity that the important documents related to the issue of human gender have been hidden in the Edgar Cayce library and we can't learn about them.

On the WTP issue, I do not lose hope that you will one day receive correspondence from a serious organization from my country.

I think that Urantia will not fall into a hopeless situation and WTP will be one of the inventions, like thousands of others, and will be put to good use on this planet together with new visions of the structure of matter and other inventions based on them.

I wish you good development of your situation.


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Re: Levitation and Materialization of the Time Universes
« Reply #25 on: April 24, 2024, 11:25:37 am »
Thank you most kindly,  Andre and for your thoughts today on the issue of the things I am caring about too. 

First, WTP energy is on my mind too but there is little I can do about it just now.  The entire measure of free electricity is hopefully more fully dispensed when the United States finally realizes there is nothing they can do about the loss of energy pools on this world when there is an unfamiliar shut down of the oil and gas production in most places due to a scroll of unhappy earth circumstances that we cannot help to correct. 

[Ron here: that is Michael of Nebadon speaking, and I do not know what he means by this, but in the past the world we live on has had periods of time when the extraction of anything from the earth has been very difficult and therefore commodities have been scarce to use.  Oil and gas may be on the agenda for that to happen again, but I known nothing about that problem at all.]

[For reasons of my own, I have looked at the patent again today, and I am convinced it is freely available, and I would love for Poland or any other country in the European Union, to exploit this invention and try it out for themselves.  I will listen if that matters today yet.]

MICHAEL OF NEBADON -  "Do not forget today is a Lightline , Andre.  If Lemuel is able we will transmit some answer to what you have asked about today.  Ron is ill but will see to it as well, and so watch your Lightline today for some very interesting talk about WHAT IS COMING TO URANTIA VERY SOON!!

"I leave this for later for more.  K"

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