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Messages - Clency

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The following is an excerpt of some predictions from a “guru" of what could or may happen in the financial world right after the take-over of the presidency in USA.
1)   We are at the point where all will be revealed.
2)  Nesara/Gesara will be implemented, which should be this month. (January)
3)   The 6,000 hidden technologies will be released.
4)   Humanity will take giant leap forward as they have kept these technologies from us.
5)   All the money taken by the federal reserve will be given back.
6)   Humanity will be in abundance and poverty will go away.
Is it not what the REGENCY is all about in some ways ?

Some time ago, I pointed out in a post, in that same category, what the Quantum Financial System (QFS) is all about, by referring to an article. To-day, I would want to share with you another article originating from the same source that is curiously on the same guidelines as we have been told many times on this discussion forum about gold-backed currency. I am just here reproducing a portion of what is said in that article in regards to the QFS and I will leave it at that for you to make your own opinion. So, here we go :

QFS ends corrupt Central banking
The QFS-system will cover the new global network for the transfer of gold or asset-backed money, initiated by Russia and China to replace the US-centrally-controlled Swift system. This new Quantum Financial System – QFS runs on a quantum computer, based on an orbiting satellite, and is protected by Secret Space Programs to ensure that it cannot be hacked. The quantum technology was provided by benevolent extraterrestrial Galactics.(Me emphasizing) The purpose of the new financial system is to put an end to Cabal corruption, usury, and manipulation within the banking world. The key is to implement limitations that will prevent corrupted banksters from gaining significant profits.
With the activation of the QFS, the Galactic Alliance will completely destroy the Central Banking System that has been designed to destroy the world economy and put the world population into perpetual debt slavery. The little-known truth is, the QFS has been running parallel to the Central Banking System for many months, if not more than a year, and has countered many hacking attempts to steal funds by the Cabal. The result being that many bankers have been caught red-handed with illegal money transfers and have consequently been arrested.
The Quantum Financial System – QFS has no comparison to anything that has ever been introduced to the world before. It has no peer; it has no equivalent in advanced technology of any other system before it. It is brand new. It reigns supreme in the technology it applies, to accomplish the one hundred percent financial security and transparency all currency account holders require. With the QFS, the monetary system of the world can easily be changed to encompass gold-backed currencies that completely eliminate the transfer need of the old Cabal central banking system. Regrettably, to fully comprehend the advanced QFS-structure, there doesn’t exist an equivalent technology to serve as an example.
The Alliance had to intervene with off-world, or more correctly other dimensional technologies to deliver us earthlings this super technologically advanced monetary system. It is rooted in the Quantum Computer intelligence that comes without any third-dimension creation. No 3D creation comes with an all-telling ‘recognition system’ that mimics the creation of a living entity. It is simply Artificial Intelligence (AI), that comes with something that is able to replace conscious human beings. The QFS is considered to be alive with a Quantum Benevolent Intelligence that interacts with each financial transaction anywhere in the world of finance, to ensure that it is legal, owner-intended, and transparent. If one understands Quantum Physics, then one can understand what effect this Quantum Intelligence is having with each financial transaction that goes through the Quantum Financial System. It cannot be compromised.
Only gold asset backed currencies that have a digital gold or asset certificate can be transferred through the QFS. The certificate will reference a serial number on a piece of gold or asset held in reserve to back the currency. Off-world technologies are used to quarantine the gold and or assets used to back currencies. There is no way it can be stolen or taken out of the secure vaults where it is stored. That is why it is called a gold-backed currency, it has to reference back to the piece of gold or asset that is backing it. References to ‘asset-backed currencies’ is the process of establishing a currency based on assets within the country of origin. Assets are the justification to establish the amount of currency available in a country, but all denominations of currencies must be accepted within the QFS and given a gold/asset certificate to be active within the QFS.
Will the QFS be the instrument for Celestials to implement a gold-backed currency ? Just wondering.

« The US and China have signed an agreement aimed at easing a trade war that has rattled markets and weighed on the global economy. » - BBC News
Is it the end of a long trade war between the two most powerful countries in the world ? Now that it seems to come really to an end, let us hope that the Magisterial Missions will be running in a cooler world economic atmosphere, eventhough a nuclear war is still pending over our head. Domtia

The Email Money Transfer (EMT) seems to be very friendly usable, but in France I am not sure that all online banks have an EMT service free of charge. I am not very conversant with this kind of money transfer, but it can be an alternative as long as there is not an internet disruption. Anyway, as I understand it, the online banking is affiliated to and supported by a physical bank of good standing, so there is no fear of being taxed of money laundering. Domtia

The Brexit and the downturns of German economy can be the main factors of a european recession in a near future and thus creating a domino effect around the world.
The Bundesbank, Germany’s Central Bank, said in its monthly report : ‘‘ The German economy contracted again in the third quarter of the year. That followed a decline in output of 0.1 per cent in the second quarter – leaving the single currency bloc’s largest economy and traditional force in recession. ’’
In another article it is stated :
·       The gold reserves of the German Bundesbank rose in September for the first time in 21 years ; German gold reserves rose to 108.34 million ounces in September from 108.25 million ounces last month.
·       It was the Germany’s first gold purchase since 1998 and while the amounts are not huge at 90,000 troy ounces, it highlights the Bundesbank and German concerns about the global monetary system and euro itself as Christine Lagarde takes over the ECB (European Central Bank)
It seems that other countries – UAE, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Turkey – are all adding to their gold reserves, perhaps in a perspective of a financial collapse in Europe. Domtia

Thank You LORD SERARA and Ron for these insight informations about the financial situation between USA and China. They open-up and broaden even more my own understanding of what is going on in this realm. President Trump and Xi Jinping are playing a dangerous game at the expense of the world and both the dollar and the Renmimbi/Yuan will never come out victorious of this trade-currency war as long as it can last. Unfortunately, it is the under-developed countries which will suffer the most of this situation. The Magisterial Foundation Dollar (MFD), backed by gold, is likely to take-over in the long run as the world currency – I don’t have any doubt – but I am curious to know how it will look like in paper form. Will there be a logo of the Magisterial Foundation, instead of a portrait of a personality printed on it ? Domtia

After the trade war between USA and China, here comes the currency war. A former Treasury Secretary said in an article : ‘‘The escalating trade war between the U.S and China is potentially creating ‘the most dangerous financial moment’ since the global crash at the end of the last decade. The global financial crisis, which began in 2008, became the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression. Markets are now suggesting the highest risk of recession since 2011.’’

The war trade-currency between these two powerful economic nations of the world is not expected to end soon and most of the financial gurus are predicting the recession to occur by September/October of this year, as also announced previously by Celestials, unless there is an intervention from on High. Domtia

Thank you André for pointing to us the link to this website. That which are now considered to be conspiracy theories, might well turn out, in a near future,  to be not all of the human imaginations. Since we have the promise that what is hidden will be put out to light and that many will be shocked when the truth will be revealed, so let us wait and see, we are almost at the door-steps of what has been announced. On the 13th of this month, the China Yuan is supposed to show-up as an alternative to the US dollar. Domtia

[Please note that the quotes below are excerpts from an article I came across]

An expert stock exchange guru is predicting that ‘‘China’s New Nasdaq Exchange is just days away from seeing its first stock listing on the 13th of August 2019 …… there’s a large majority of Americans who mistrust, even hate China, especially given the current political tensions right now, but even a Trade War cannot stop what’s coming by August 13th.’’

‘‘China now spend twice as much as America in late-stage research and development, turning discoveries into commercial products. Most Americans don’t realize how much U.S. money has been quietly funneling into China in recent years……the world’s most elite hedge fund are invested in China. The Trade War hasn’t stopped the big money at all. We’ve also seen a dramatic spike in venture capital money pouring into China. The amount of venture capital money funding Chinese startups eclipsed not only all of Silicon Valley but all of the U.S. and Canada combined !’’

‘‘Look closely and you’ll see millionaires and billionaires are snapping up China. According to the latest figures, China is producing a new billionaire every three days. In spite of the Trade War tension, China is STILL one of the best performing markets in the world this year. It will not last forever, the two countries eventually will realize that a drawn-out trade war is not good for either of them or the global economy.’’

‘‘What Americans don’t realize is this : China is no longer simply a nation that produces cheap T-shirts and knock-offs. For example, the Chinese version of Facebook called ‘‘We chat’’ is not only used for communicating with friends and family, but also for business dealings, setting up doctor appointments, making dinner reservations, paying bills, just about any service you can think of, even paying your taxes ! WeChat currently has over 1.1 billion users.’’

‘‘Well, hold on. You may think that China is a communist country, that’s the part of what has caused such a radical distortion between perception and reality in China to-day. They call themselves communists but they are probably the best capitalists in the world in 2018 and 2019. California is more communist than China is. Massachusetts is more communist than China. The truth is, the government in China works very differently than most Americans think. In short, they are doing everything they can to foster innovation, entrepreneurship, and personal wealth.’’

‘‘They even have their own version of Silicon Valley in the once-deserted city of Shenzhen….but in many ways, it is actually much more advanced and more sophisticated. At the end of last year, China quietly announced its plan to move forward with what is called the Chinese equivalent of the NASDAQ or ‘The New Nasdaq’ and it was revealed in Shangai. Its official name will be the STAR Market.’’

[My own thoughts and comment about this] China is well on its way of becoming the world financial leader, the yuan taking over the supremacy of the dollar as the only exchange currency backed by gold, unless the Magisterial Mission comes to the rescue and save the dollar from a recession. Let us see what is coming up on the 13th of August. Domtia

The financial gurus are all raising a red flag by prophetizing a near collapse of the US$ and they are warning their followers what to expect and how to avoid being caught up in the middle of this crisis. The following scenarios are how they envision the situations looming ahead :
  • Banks will close and you'll lose access to credit, lending, and cash withdrawals.  
  • Demand for food and other necessities of life will skyrocket.
  • Likewise, the demand for U.S. Dollar and even the U.S. Treasury will eventually collapse very quickly and suddenly.
  • Investors will opt for other currencies such as the Euro, Yen, Tuan, and even gold. As such there will be hyperinflation as the dollar will become very cheap and lose its value rapidly.
  • Interest rates will rise quickly and in an exponential manner.
  • Utilities such as water, gas, energy, and others will no longer be available if the collapse affects the local government authorities.
  • The internet could be infected with a super-virus thus, limiting online transactions and access to emails.  
  • Grocery stores will run out of food. Terrorist attacks or a big oil embargo could stop trucking.
  • There will be extensive violence across the country from riots, civil war, or even a foreign military attack. These might overwhelm the government of and result in a total collapse of law and order.
But what they do not know, as it has been announced by SERARA and LANAFORGE, is that ‘‘the US dollar rests not on China gold, but on American gold which is plentiful, but they don’t know it.’’ Anyway, we are assured that Celestials will not allow a severe financial crisis as in 2008. It remains that if we ever have to face such situations – a recession by the end of the year or at the beginning of next year is not to be ignored – it is better to have some liquidity available so as not to get trapped. Domtia

WOW !!! This is what I call a master course in world economy. The financial gurus, who are all predicting a near collapse of the US $ and a take-over of the China yuan as a leading currency, should all have a copy of this dissertation, they are way behind in their study of the world monetary crisis and how all of this workout. The students in world finance would have been glad to have such teaching and knowledge to complete their thesis. Thank you LORD SERARA, MOTHER SPIRIT and Ron for bringing a light on a subject that many experts in finance are not aware of. Domtia

Excerpt from an article : ‘‘ NATIONAL DEPT NOW OVER $22,000,000,000,000 ’’

‘‘ Yes, you read that right. The U.S. national debt is over $22 TRILLION.
It’s so bad that if every U.S. citizen were to try to help and pay that off, every single one of us would owe $64,560. That includes our children.
On top of that add an economy so artificially inflated it’s in danger of collapsing under its own weight, record-setting volatility in overseas markets, a growing number of terrorist threats, and perhaps the biggest menace of all, China trying to take our spot as the world's leading currency.
This all adds up to a situation far worse than 2000 & 2008 combined. The retirement accounts of regular working class Americans like you and me are in serious trouble. Millions of Americans lost more than 50% of their retirement account almost overnight in 2008. ’’
Please allow me here to extrapolate about an eventual collapse of the US $. Let us imagine that it happens at a time when there is a reserve of  millions of dollars sitting in a bank account, waiting to buy a building for the Magisterial Foundation in York. What could be the consequences upon the Missions ? Can such a situation be foreseen or averted ? Domtia

The following is an excerpt of a 196 pages document a friend of mine sent to me some days ago, dealing with the world banking system – who are in control and how it works out. I am still not done with it, but I want to share with you all the few I have read up to now. Here we go :
The FED and the IRS
Virtually unknown to the general public is the fact that the US Federal Reserve is a privately owned company, siting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. This privately owned company ( names are here voluntarily omitted for reasons of state ) prints the money FOR the US Government, which pays them interest for the “favour.” This means that if we would reset the nation’s debt today and would begin reprinting money, we would be in debt to the FED from the very first dollar loaned to our Government.
Also, most people living in the USA have no clue that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is a foreign agency. To be more accurate, the IRS is a foreign private corporation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and is the private “army” of the Federal Reserve (Fed). Its main goal is to make sure the American people pay their tax and be good little slaves.
In 1835, US President Andrew Jackson declared his disdain for the international bankers: “You are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God I will rout you out. If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would be a revolution before morning.” There followed an (unsuccessful) assassination attempt on President Jackson’s life. Jackson had told his vice president, Martin Van Buren: “The bank, Mr. Van Buren, is trying to kill me.”
This was the beginning of a pattern of intrigue that would plague the White House itself over the coming decades. Both Lincoln and JFK have been murdered for trying to rid the country of banksters.
The world’s Megabanks
There are two Megabanks that offer loans to all the countries around the planet, the World Bank and the IMF. The first one is jointly owned by the world’s top banking families, while the second one is privately owned by only one family alone. These two Megabanks offer loans to “developing countries” and use their almost impossible-to-pay-back interests to get their hands on the real wealth: land and precious metals.
But that’s not all! An important part of their plan is to also exploit a country’s natural resources (like petrol or gas) via their covertly-owned companies, refine them, and sell them back to the same country, making a huge profit.
But in order for these companies to operate optimally, they need a solid infrastructure, which is usually lacking in the so called “developing countries.” So before the banksters even offer the almost impossible-to-pay-back loans, they make sure that most of the money will be invested in — you’ve guessed it — infrastructure.
These “negotiations” are carried out by the so called “Economic Hitmen”, who succeed by handsomely rewarding (i.e. bribing) or threatening with death those who are in the position to sell away their country. The one bank that rules them all, the “Bank for International Settlement,” is — obviously — controlled by this one family and it is nicknamed the “Tower of Basel.”
Its true power goes FAR beyond the Banking Empire ; they are also behind all wars since Napoleon. That’s when they’ve discovered just how profitable it is to finance both sides of a war and they’ve been doing it ever since. So, the world is still at war because it is very, very profitable to this family and their parasite bankster bloodlines. And for as long as we will continue to use money, the world will never know peace.
It is shocking for many to find out that the United States of America is a corporation ruled from abroad. Its original name was the Virginia Company and it was owned by the British Crown (it should not be mistaken for the Queen, which functions largely in a ceremonial capacity only).
The British Crown donated the company to the Vatican, which gave the exploitation rights back to the Crown. The US Presidents are appointed CEOs and their business is to make money for the British Crown and the Vatican, who take their share of the profits every year. The British Crown covertly rules the world from the 677-acre, independent sovereign state, known as The City of London. This other Crown is comprised of a committee of 12 banks headed by the Bank of England. Guess who is controlling the Bank of England? Yup, you get it !
From me : I will leave it here for your appreciation, but as for my own part, this few reading of the document makes me wonder about the sudden Spirit Warrant withdrawal. I am not jumping to a conclusion, it is just a thought. Domtia

The news is going around about President Trump’s statement, some time ago, that there will be a ‘‘ new gold-backed dollar ’’ and all those stock market mongers are hanging on to his words, but I am just wondering where the ‘new gold’ come from and what makes Trump so confident as to the bailout of the dollar. Has he been already in contact with a Celestial Representative ? Domtia

To Ron and Dominick O

To my understanding, any CIO/CFO around the world is invited to attend this Summit where new technologies to run a financial system are revealed and discussed. So, this gathering is of great interest for all who are in this field of expertise, but I don’t have any clue whether the big players will respond to the invitation. I was just guessing that this financial summit is where the Magisterial Sons will showup, since the date and place had seem to me to be in accordance with what has been mentioned in a post formerly and if this is not the case, ‘there is no need to pay more attention’. Subject closed. Domtia

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