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Offline Clency

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« on: March 06, 2019, 05:29:17 am »
The Financial Systems Summit (FSS), also known as Data Works Summit, which is scheduled to be held at the Washington Convention Center on the 28th of March, ‘‘ unites government leaders and industry experts to discuss how to improve government services through systems modernization in a budget-constrained environment. Sessions will highlight CIO/CFO priorities, agile, shared services, cybersecurity and emerging technologies.’’ (the quotes is an excerpt from an article)

As I gather from this same article, the attendees will be subjected to ‘show white paw’, by going through a series of security measures, at the end of which they will be attributed a badge for self-identification. This summit, as I presume, is the place where the MAGISTERIAL SONS will show-up in an attempt to convince the assembly that they have the solution for the world financial problems. My wish is that They successfully pass the test of admission and come out with a positive result. I hold up my faith. Domtia
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Offline Ron Besser

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Re: The FSS
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2019, 13:00:52 pm »
Clency, I am not well informed over his meeting or even the issue.  I wish you had taken the time to tell us who organized this meeting and where they are drawing the attendees from?   Are these the multinational corporations and with the big names like Google and General Motors and big names from Europe and Asia.  Is China represented with their large corporations?  I am sure it makes a big difference to the Magisterial Sons to lean at what level these CIO's and CFO's are coming from.  I am sure you see the point I am asking about and I would appreciate if you respond to this as quickly as possible to see if it is usable for the work of the Magisterial Mission on Urantia.  Thanks for the post.

MONJORONSON , the Magisterial Son of Co-Record on Urantia -  "We see this meeting right now too low level as Ron says to pay much attention to it.  But until you mentioned it we did not know it was taking place.  If you could answer Ron please we would be happy to review it for attending it if it has merit for us.  MONJORONSON. K."

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline Dominick O

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Re: The FSS
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2019, 13:08:14 pm »
Hi Clency,
My thoughts are the Magisterial Sons will not have a budget-constrained environment and, therefore, have no need to attempt to attend the summit in the manner you're presuming with an outcome of convincing anyone of anything.  My thinking is this kind of event is a ripe field for Melchizedek mission(s).

The Magisterial Sons start in York where the Missions are outlined to begin, by offering the local and state governments, a large infusion of funds to provide government services, etc.  An approach more akin to divine planning of creating an epicenter and expanding outward.  In human business jargon, such a summit like the Data Works would ask, "how does it scale?" i.e. how can York case study be applied to other areas with different needs than York, etc.

The situation today in U.S. government budget allocation is roughly stated as follows:
50% allocated to security, police and military, often higher
Once you get down to paying the salaries and operations of the government workers, there is little left for actual and realized services to the citizens funding said services.  That is, unless, the winners of the budget who are used to getting the most are maybe willing to let go of it to fund other priorities; but instead, reading between the lines, the tech companies are saying to the governments, "we know you have only $10 out of your $100 budget to modernize.  Give us that $10 so we can help."

Offline Clency

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Re: The FSS
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2019, 13:56:30 pm »
To Ron and Dominick O

To my understanding, any CIO/CFO around the world is invited to attend this Summit where new technologies to run a financial system are revealed and discussed. So, this gathering is of great interest for all who are in this field of expertise, but I don’t have any clue whether the big players will respond to the invitation. I was just guessing that this financial summit is where the Magisterial Sons will showup, since the date and place had seem to me to be in accordance with what has been mentioned in a post formerly and if this is not the case, ‘there is no need to pay more attention’. Subject closed. Domtia

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Offline Ron Besser

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Re: The FSS
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2019, 14:12:10 pm »
My goodness, Dominick!  Frankly your remarks are at the doctoral level.  And they are refreshing perspective to listen to.  Now I know there are deep still waters from you we need very much as opinion around our Commissioner's table.  I will be in touch and you need to listen to me this time and not throw me out before you really read what I have to say.  You are in a big hurry sometimes and I am the same and I make mistakes.  Watch your email today or tomorrow.

Let me respond to your analysis above.  I think you are clearly stating the truth.  We are on the brink of a financial disaster because of our huge debt load even here in the rich United States.  We hold some things too well in the country, and that we always have the financial clout to take on the worst of the worst in international situations.  I do not doubt that our financial clout is huge, but so is the impending financial disaster.  And before anyone says to me (or you) this is pipe dreaming again, they should notice that the Untied States debt agreement in Brenton Woods guarantees that the United States, will have the dollar supported by any an all central banks around the world should the US call in its chips.

Perhaps the Federal Reserve does know this, but one should not count on them to remember it.  I am also sure that the Brenton Woods agreement of 1945 is still operable and I hope you read its work here:

And that is because it is the most basic world financial agreement still oeprating anywhere today.

Brenton Woods (named after a village in New Hampshire) was an attempt by the victors of WWII, to ensure a tranquil world.  What they inadvertently did was to establish a world wide central bank centered on the United States.  No one is looking closely at the agreement and is quite enforceable today.  I am telling you this because you are stating the principle in the agreement which says something to the effect that the United States won WWII and must now pay for policing it financially and militarily (I added militarily) and that its obligation is international and not nationalist or recovering the very bad idea of isolationism, which is being tested today with a Trump administration.  Larry Kudlow, whom I happen to think a lot of, states for the President that isolationism is not bad so long as you have a lot of friends.  That is an oxymoron statement for sure and sound non logical but the ideal situation is always now isolate oneself because the human is not designed for himself or his government to be without friends.

I have SERARA  here, and he is a recognized financial expert throughout the Local Universe and beyond. 

SERARA - The Magisterial Son of Record for Urantia and Panoptia now -
"The meeting we are looking at which Clency inquires about is not a good one to get involved with ourselves.  But the fact we do have interest in this area of concern, should be looked at by the Melchizedeks as you state Dominick.  Ron is greatly impressed you have any of this knowledge, and Ron sits at my feet from time to tiem to hear my view of the United States and its financial dealings.  It is I who insists that Ron learn the big deal Brenton Woods does for the world, but he does not yet take the time to read the agreement which is only about six pages long and that is brevity they no longer use in government.  In our world of Deity, we never fully understand why man cuts himself short all the time when it comes to resources, and in this case they did the right thing for the wrong reason.  But we will not go into that for now.  I am SERARA and here is MONJORONSON to finish this off."

MONJORONSON, Co-Chair of the Magisterial Mission on Urantia, and the Chief of the Council of the Magisterial Sons on Paradise:

"I speak well now, as Ron is slowly recovering from a frightful bout of disappearing assets and he thought he was going to die again but today he is slightly revocered.  That is always good news and we speak this because Ron, of all things, sees your brilliance of thought, Dominick.  You are a lucky man to show it and he is going to write you an important email shortly so watch your mail please.

"With regard to Brenton Wood, look at it for your own good and recognize it as the premier agreement still operating on Urantia.  Few governments understand they are obligated to support the United States in the midst of a financial crisis.  Be assured they do and they will in spite of their lackluster ability to fend off debt themselves.  You all must recognize that Ron is a leading proponent of the backing of currency with gold now that he understands that Nixon did it out of pique and we must replace it again with a gold reserve and a backing of currency in effect now and again.  We are sure that the financial crunch will hit hard later this year but toward the end of the year rather than in the middle.  In spite of that Dominick, you are in a good position as you are, and that is fairly rare for you considering the size of the family you are raising and more on the way.  We consider the entire matter blase but be careful not enlarge that family further until you have the financial clout you need to raise them properly.  Your analysis is right on and you should congratulate yourself to speak out on this as Ron is looking for a few good men to fill in that gap with him for help in the Magisterial Mission personnel he has to fill in with the very best.  You seem to have made the grade with him on these statements.  That he recognizes it should affirm to you you are dealing with a VIP when it comes to logging the best possible position in the Magisterial Mission: the co-worker with SERARA on financial matters.  Thank you.  MONJORONSON. K"


Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline weydevu

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Re: The FSS
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2019, 12:49:08 pm »
Ron what can you tell us about Ambassador Leo Wanta and the several trillion dollars or more owe to the US. This started during the Nixon  area?

Offline Ron Besser

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Re: The FSS
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2019, 14:20:39 pm »
The best I can tell Weydevu is that this is a mountain out of a molehill with problems misreported on all sides of what is, frankly, a scandal manufactured by conspiracy theorists at best.  There cannot be enough gold and true currency in the world left to recover anything like this or verify the truth that he has secreted what is now reported as 28 trillion dollars away through some fantastic fraud of the international banks and countries.  He is, I think, a poor man who is mentally defrauded of his true identity and between suffering amnesia and a poor memory, is out of jail for credit card fraud and more in Wisconsin.  You wanna fool with this stuff where protective clothing and leave your mind in a safe house.  Ron


Ambassador Leo Wanta was falsely arrested in Switzerland in 1993 for allegedly attempting to defraud a bank of 81 million dollars. He had diplomatic immunity as the ambassador of Somalia . . .  He was deported to New York and a U.S. Magistrate Alyne Ross dismissed all false allegations and then Wisconsin, on unrelated tax charges.Template:Fact In 1995, Wanta was falsely convicted of tax evasion and sentenced to an eight-year prison term in the State of Wisconsin.[2] Wanta's Unauthorized State Public Defender claimed that his client was delusional,Template:Fact and really believed to be a mandated secret agent of President R W Reagan, now being disappeared at the behest of powerful Political figures.
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania