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Messages - JRL1944

Pages: [1] 2
AUDIO TAPE Links - Comments - Schedule inside / Re: Audio Recording
« on: September 05, 2024, 14:29:50 pm »

Good afternoon, Lemuel

It is a real pleasure to hear you again, please continue if you can with

the audio recording. I will continue to pray to our Universal Father to

let you live longer on Urantia.

May He bless you always.




Please read transcription '' below ''



Good morning, Valerie

The link in your transcription above is dated 08/06/24 instead of 08/13/24.

Best regards


Good morning , Dominique

The purpose of life on Urantia is to evolve spiritually and the journey

will continue after we go through transition, therefore the LightLine

subject I think  should be '' Spiritual Evolution ''




Thank you for your message above to let us know about your health,

resting will help you save your energy. 

May God the Father continue to bless you, to keep you safe and help

you to regain your health.



Good morning Lemuel,

Welcome back, and I will continue to pray for you to regain your health

and be able to serve our Universal Father

May the Father bless you always.



Good morning, Ron

Thank you for your post above because it opens the door for a question
that I had for quite a while. And I quote:

'' But every time the spiritual powers were ready to start something happened
to delay the entire mission to this planet.''

Some members of this Forum always get attacked by the cabal and Ron is 
their number one target. Every time they remove them, they always come

1- Can the rebels be sent permanently to a different space area?

2- In the Mansion worlds when we start our ascension career are we
 getting attacked sometimes by the insurrectionists?

From the Creator Son I quote: 

'' I must not offend you, but your planet almost stinks with error and 
sinful reproach to our Father in Heaven...''

'' But since then there has been nothing but insurrection again and I am
going to put away until we have a decently peaceful Urantia again.''

Is it time now for a good demonstration to show who is really the Boss.
A lot of people on Urantia do not believe in God because they do not
feel God, they do not see God. Is it time for now to find a way to make
people think more about God, to make them believe that there is a God
in Heaven. 

I thank you again for the post above and may God bless you always.


Some Thoughts Muses & Meanderings / Re: EDGAR CAYCE'S PREDICTIONS 2024
« on: April 04, 2024, 10:05:52 am »


Thank you for taking the time to reply to my question.

God bless.


Some Thoughts Muses & Meanderings / Re: The silver chord
« on: April 03, 2024, 19:43:26 pm »

Good evening Ron,

 Regarding the subject above, I have a quotation below from your book:

The Crown, The Tomb and The Coronation.

'' The time epoch of about thirty six hours, from three o'clock Friday after-

noon to three o'clock Sunday morning, was a wait not, but of momentous

doings by spirit to lift up the fallen hero to all mankind to his feet once


According to the Scripture '' The Silver Cord is often referred to as The

Life Thread, because it supplies energy to the physical body. If the Silver

Cord is severed, the physical body can no longer be sustained and dies.''

Since Jesus, the Son of Man, was dead on the cross, was the Silver Cord

severed and reattached for the Archangel of Resurrection to be able to

complete His work?

And I am also thinking about Lazare that died and resurrected.

Kindly shed the Light on the question above.

May God bless you always and keep you safe.




Thank you for your reply.

God bless always.



Good morning, Ron

I would like to have some clarification on the statement below by the Deity

''Third, the entire matter concerning transmitters like Elise, Rene, or even Dominick and others we don't know here. Your constitutional rights are only one item according to God. The right to live when permission is granted to your birth mother to deliver. None of you will understand that well enough, but Ron is a product of a long session before natal happened with the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit.''

What exactly happen before birth? Really is not easy to understand that quote above 
especially for you Ron, ''a product of a long session...''

Ron, may God continue to bless you and keep you healthy.


Good morning Ron,

Thank you for your post above and I enjoy reading this kind of subject.

If I had a better mind I would be able to absorb well the content of that

type of messages. That is why I need a bigger mind.

May God help me.


Threads for New Transmissions / Re: "THE BASIC VALUES"
« on: January 19, 2024, 09:51:28 am »

Good morning Rene,

Thank you for your posting regarding the Transmission above, "THE BASIC

 VALUES'' through Emilio by His Adjuster.

Unfortunately they did not teach us those Basics Values from childhood since

they constitute the Axis or Spine in all pedagogy. That is the problem with

Urantia and that is why human beings are not well educated and that is why

we are so lacking in Evolution unable to grow spiritually. In one of the

LightLine last week, I think Adam ( Adam and Eve) proposed more edu-

cation. Let us hope they will be able to help us, especially starting with

the little ones those three Basics Values.

Thank you again Rene.

May God bless you always.


Threads for New Transmissions / Re: Marry Christmas
« on: December 24, 2023, 11:42:14 am »


May the Light of God the Father continues to guide our steps

to be able to grow spiritually, to help us have a better mind

to continue to trust Him, to Love Him, to serve Him and do

always His Will.

And to you Ron, always in my prayer, and to all the other 

members, may we continue to leave in peace, Love and harmony

God bless all.



Good morning Amethyst,

Thank you for your post above, you give us some great information and I was
gobsmacked. And I quote:

'' Since the early 1990s Humanity has de-evolved back about 500 years. ''

That is a big blow to Humanity and I hope the Time Masters will make the
necessary correction. Is there more that we should know about? De-Evolution?
Best regards Amethyst, May God bless you.


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