Author Topic: Why Where I Go, Yes more than wireless but included 21 Apr 2023  (Read 7064 times)

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Online Ron Besser

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Why Where I Go
April 21, 2023
T/R - R Besser

This is Michael, Ron.  Quote a transmission for Me.

“I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and I have a brief statement to make for all of you.  Ron has been working hard to keep me from saying more than I should, and that is to just stay quiet except when I insist on a transmission.  He also asked Lemuel to start producing and he, Lemuel, really does quite good when goaded into action.  He needs to do more of it but it takes pushing for him to realize he needs to do more of it.

“Lastly, let me say this to all of you:

“Ron has a very difficult debilitation, but he never lets it get in the way of working to get us heard.  Why do we need to be heard so much now?  Well, as Ron said to me this morning, I feel like a trial of stones without a creek running water around me, and now the entire matter suddenly has too much water as in the Sargasso Sea which is the ocean with so much grass on the surface ships that used to said to the new world would get stuck in it.  Ron feels stuck and I want to then explains something you all should know:

“We left Nebadon about a week ago really.  I made sure it sounded like I was there beside Ron and he was sure I was as I can project.  In any case, the matter is now rushing to completion and that is about how I must interact with the Jesus Mission.  For reasons of State I dare not say much, but for the same reason, please understand there is little to do with Jesus at the moment, but with Me at the moment.

“Ron quickly assumed there were ulterior reasons for this movement.  He is correct.  But he is circumspect and leaves it alone, but he said something you should all appreciate, “I feel like rocks without water running around them and therefore no sense of motion as to what we are having to work with.  Ron is aware that the cabal filtered in over night to this morning and that they are trying to rule the place.  HE says “over my dead body,” and they agreed to that easily.  However, he also has a paralysis that is persistent and getting worse sometimes, and then spoke to the Midwayer attending him from the cabal.  “You,” he said, “have nothing to do with me but what is your name?”  No name was given.

“So Ron asked the lady Midwayer, “why do you persist with something that cannot continued?”  The lady said, “because that is what we do.”  Ron had not reply to that but I do.

“I am sure they understand what Ron understands, but they think I am going to let most of this pass, but I am not.

“For sure, let me know what I must do to end the rebellion, but in the mean time let me understand why it happened at all?  Ron asked the same thing?  Just what is all of this self righteousness all about it ends in rebellion?  The Midwayer responded with a “I do not know.”   But I respond with this to all of you reading this transmission: ‘IT has to do with regicide and why the Supreme died.’

“For that reason, I suggest the rebellion learn to understand itself first before making demands.  Ron is quite sure the loss of the supreme is the loss to their minds of an important element of loyality and that results in a psychosis and a rebellion patter in and of itself.  I agree with Ron on this and he is always asking the same of himself too.  “Am I Ron, running my own psychosis of care where it is not needed?”

“For reasons of State I conclude he is not running a psychosis, but he is making changes as they occur and for reasons of his own there is scant reason to maintain the illusion that the Magisterial Foundation is needed when the rebels take over and chop it down or off.  They tried to do it this morning again, and he just plain refuses to hear it.  For those reasons we come back strong and say this: ‘DO NOT GET TOO FAR AHEAD OF YOURSELF RON!’    For reasons of State he finds it to just stop and listen, but that is what he did today, and now he is running ahead of the pack down on Urantia entirely.  The entire issue of the ANCIENTS OF DAYS is now present again on Urantia, and it bodes a harsh reality for Urantia and for the cabal trying to seize Urantia as their prized headquarter planet to operate the rebellion from.

“That is why Ron says to Lemuel this morning, TRANSMIT!  We will get more information that way in spite of the cabal sitting on us like big fat hens to hide us from the hen yard reality.   

“We are now moving at a dizzying clip and soon you may seem some things very unusual to see.  In any case the entire matter is over for Russia not, but almost for Ukraine, as it must accede to the demands of the Soviet building strength again.  That is what Putin thinks, but Putin has no idea what forces he has unleashed up here, and that is to decide the fate of the Ukraine first, and second Russia itself.   Let us look at something then:

“Russia is using up its military quite well, but badly to win territory.  They think the best way to take territory is to grab it under their artillery.    Not so.  The best way to gain territory is to repair what they broke and then offer good government over them.  IF they did that most would agree to the occupation and let it go for now.

“However, Russia is an oligarchy and no longer pretending to be a democracy.  For reasons of State then so does NATO think it is going to swoop up Ukraine in its arms, but not so.   What NATO is going to do is stand down and let the REGENCY reset the parameters on Urantia just what constitutes a government and then reveal they have no such government anymore, and that the entire region known as the Ukraine becomes a REGENCY PROTECTORATE.  Ron saw the name first and said it to me when looking at the situation and I fully agree with him.  Ukraine must find its new life as a PROTECTORATE first and then government reinstituted for it later.

“For reasons of State I use the mind of Ron trying to find solutions on Urantia all the time.  IT is a fertile mind without a lot of hoopla over anything but what is. For that reason he lets this place you call a discussion forum run without much doing on it recently, but it used to be a hot bed for us to pick our words, read them, and understand your thinking for those who still respond on the forum you are read vociferously and dropped because you are not thinking either.

“I want it to be known that Ron uses about 80 percent of his brain, and that is astounding, as I have never seen that happen before.  As a result he carries huge amounts of information and resources in his mind over what is to be done for Ukraine but refuses to speak to it since you have a Russian member and Ron feels he is monitored too.  So we must make it clear that nothing here is spoken to without making sure Prozonov hears it too.

“As a result of Ron illness we have have to curtail some of our wording here, but he must be assured that the MAGISTERIAL FOUNDATION is ready to burst its sides with huge amount of work to be taken on.

“Last evening Ron and Dominick were instructed to maintain a certain list and prepare to being operations the following week.  That is not usable already as it is too much to do with something we cannot maintain yet.  However, it is not a loss either as the list needs to be gathered and the decision about what to say decided.  I am not ready to dictate that yet as it comes at a cost, not to Ron, but to Rayson, and that I do not want to get in the way of.  

“One last thing before we go:

“Ron has nothing but praise for us but he is too ill to make his own life work anymore and asked to truncate it if we dare not broach the subject with action.  He is not wrong, but shows little faith in promises that have been for years and never worked on.  Now he is lost again as the cabal has covered him with forfeiture not but the seeds of muscle dissolution.  For that reason the pain has increased again and he makes it clear, NO MORE LEG injections.  I agreed and they are stopped entirely now and he says he cannot tell them from the cabal poisons they inject too.  

“We now must make this thing work without Ron soon or face another decision, and that is ho to get Dominick to behave as he should to transmit but he just does not like working.  For that reason we have to decide about Ron again and this time we have the solution.  That solution is to remove the entire matter of the MAGISTERIAL FOUNDATION and keep the entire matter of the patent just for Ron to do.  That is not bad to him, but it means money must be filtered through the solution and not the Magisterial Foundation, and then it gets taxed at an ungodly rate.

“For that reason the Magisterial Foundations stays but with the proviso it belings not to us but to you Ron and that is not your liking at all as I reduces our footprint too much in your own opinion.  For that reason we will buy it but stand still on development within it until the Magisterial Sons decide how they might use it for their own purposes.

“Ron just said to me, ‘That is no real difference at all with what we already have and fine, I can live with that entirely.  I also state there is a huge conglomerate ready to take Ron on if they could only ascertain why he is silent over the new patent.  They do not know I enforce it and Ron is a brave soul without much to say as he is so tired of the recrimination over nothing.  Let us then look at this before we go:

“Wireless electricity is rare to understand.  It is not easy to understand that electrical units call preparticles are also magnetic to a certain degree, and magnetism is not easy to understand unless you are a preparticle.

“For that reason we are sure that last story he told about a Muon coming out of a Selenium molecule is the culprit.  It happens to be, but the physicist is most ly interested to know the preparticle stands in such a molecule.   For that reason the major corporation who wants to hear how Ron determines these things will get an earful about preparticles before they ever understand how he gets wireless electricity.  

“Wireless electricity has two components:
1 - preparticle fusion within the preparticle itself;
2 - preparticle fission within the production of electricity.

“For that reason we must stand back and let RAYSON stand alone on this one:

RAYSON - “You Ron are slow not, yet you miss the idea that the Ultimatons provide self fusion inside the preparticle.  You believe the fusion is removing a portion of the atom itself and is not associated with preparticles in particular.  That is correct.  However, you feel that fusion is an explosive product and it is on Urantia.  However again, the truth is that preparticles fuse inside themselves to heal the Ultimatons into place as a single unite of plasma.

“You Ron desire to make the idea available, but if you do, you make fusion easy to understand but impossible to invent.  You can make fission work on Urantia, which you do, but the fusion part is in the process inside the Ultimaton itself.    The strings are after the fact of fusion as you state to me just now, but you are not confused but fail to understand that the strings are plasma constructions, and not materialized units as you thought they are.  You now are gather the fact you are also dealing with a phenomenon they do not know about and you are now ready to leave Urantia if it were not for your need to get this thing going.  Let it ride for a description in your Ultimaton paper soon and let them figure you out later over it.  Right now they see it as a foible not but truly outrageous in construction yet cannot refute it.  That is no theirs to worry over soon as the entire matter get shushed up not but is realized shortly by a proton number you give as correct.  They did not know it was a spin factor.  You are in like gravy soon.   

“WE are sure you know nothing about any of this to start with but you are also sure the entire matter is leading to a huge breakthrough for science to confirm as you are sure there is a trial with Ultimatons you can prove but do not know how to go about it.   It is this:

“Ultimatons reach the electronic boiling point twice!

1 - Once when they enter the time-space arena;
2 - Once when they fully fuse all 100 Ultimatons to form an Electron.

“For that reason Ron, you make this very clear for me to tell you, your art is the transmission, and my art is the preparticle explanation.  For that reason we must revise the patent not, but make sure you are secretly bestowed on some scientists who can make it work for science and that individual is coming to Urantia.  The pearly gates do not receive him but it is you Ron, and you have the wherewithal to release huge amounts of data to support the patent at once or so.

More to be relayed on all of this later again.  K


Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania