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Tues LL 02.20.24 ARTHURA opened
« on: February 20, 2024, 17:54:53 pm »
The topic of Transmission & Revelation broadly and individually.


Online SonsofGod

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Re: Tues LL 02.20.24 ARTHURA opened
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2024, 04:13:57 am »
Please find PART 2 posted next, or for full transcription go to: 

1. 022024 Audio Tape Tuesday Lightline; host: Dominick Orhback, other transmitter: Ron Besser
2. Subjects: The topic of Transmission & Revelation broadly and individually; methods of broadcasting and receiving transmissions, use of Crown Chakra, Brainstem and more, Michael of Nebadon about Missions and Urantia political conditions, Father Infinite speaks about Paradise and universe structure
3. Speakers: Arthura, Machiventa Melchizedek, Michael of Nebadon, Universal Father, Father Infinite
4. Transcriber: sonsofGod
5. Link To Tape:

Welcome to Tuesday Lightline everybody, it's Dominick, your host. I'm on Tuesdays with Lightlines. We have, before we begin, just a reminder that the places to read transcripts, just participate in discussions and hear all the developments in between Lightlines, is that a place, a website discussion we call references the forum, and that website is And then if you want to focus on just Lightlines and see the schedules and all the recordings and many transcripts, not every one is always able to be transcribed but many are, and that place is, where you can also sign up for newsletter and receive an occasional, kind of weekly or bi-weekly, digest of what's going on.

Okay, so let's begin. And also, as a reminder, these Tuesday ones are video enabled, so if you ever, for those choosing to join on the internet, you could enable your video and you can also certainly, I believe, type in the chat. So at the very least, if you're not joining by video, you could probably type something into the chat like a question, which is not available to you when the host is conducting a Lightline with just the phone, or an audio with no video. So those are just some things to think about and unique to Tuesday Lightline. We welcome everybody who's joined us live. We have nine of you so far. And if you're listening on the recording, you hear beeps and bells. Those are people joining and coming and going.

So let's, let's begin. And let's all take a deep breath and thank the Father and connect with spirit. Thank Michael, and pray for clean clear communication, secure circuits, and a healthy channel.
Is there, is there an MC or anybody available to us? We say that as protocol, I hear you Arthura. Welcome.

Indeed, I am Arthura. Welcome everyone. This morning, we had a good laugh as I suggested the name Ted Lasso. That is, if you want to feel good with hearing these transmissions, I chose the name Ted Lasso even though I'm Arthura. For those unfamiliar with the show, it's a soccer coach on a television program, I learned is very motivational by always being so positive and supportive, and really, truly optimistic. It's hard to produce these Lightlines with so much bringing the world down, and so much stress in day to day lives combining for, what hopes to be a Lightline which tends to be rather heavy. If you're listening to hearing the news, we do have some, but it will flow rather than be produced immediately. Sometimes you read between the lines, and sometimes we explicitly say, but often we shoot ourselves in the foot of the time perception of a human, who perceives the ebb and flow of the quote unquote ‘news’ with a feasting of disappointing developments countermand to what we shared as information or what came across is true, one second comes not to fruition to the next.

Now let's remember what a stock market looks like. Where they put a straight line going from left to right at an angle to indicate the rise and fall of a market. And let's be honest, it looks nothing like a straight line, yet they show you the trajectory as if it were, in other words, there's huge spikes going up or down, but an overall trajectory summarized by the straight line. Similarly, you can take that attitude when it comes to news on the Lightline.

We're going to transition now into a precursor. We have a precursor till more programming in future Lightlines, you could say as soon as tomorrow. And that is your listening, it's hard to follow but I gave you the example. And that is when you transmit, you will begin out, when you're not experienced, in a rather jagged line of ups and downs. But eventually, as you lock into a transmission and the act of transmitting, you can envision a sine wave or an even up and down wave, similar to the breath. You can relate to uneasy breathing, and you can relate to easy rhythmic breathing. Similar to when you're able to breathe through your nose cavities quite clearly or when you can't, and you end up having to breathe through your mouth, which causes all sorts of irregularities. I am Arthura, your co-host, I hear that as MC out here in this part of the universe. And as Arthura, I am able to, well, let's be honest, work on this transmitter’s vocal variety. And if you can see him, which we've enabled, you can see for yourself what's going on, but we do want you to hear it in the voice. The voice matters. If it did not matter no one would care to join in the first place, but you get a holistic picture when you have audio and visual.

As Arthura, I'm taking this transmitter of script. We want to give a summary that is indeed things have changed from the trajectory of what has been claimed as Missions to land on the planet. Whereas recent news indicates that those plans are drastically delayed to the point where they have been declared off. Now, those who are experienced have heard, as soon as the next sentence or later on in a Lightline, that what was said before is now reinstated or so on. This is not the case now. But rather we give you the analogy that your mind might be thinking, why are the Missions off? Why can't they fix what they said, and what we're hoping they can fix?

Well, the news is that the Missions did begin already, nothing has changed there. But we give you the hard sad truth that even spirit on a physical planet can't fix obvious problems, such as, if you have capacity for three or four people in a lifeboat, spirit can't make it fit 25 people. And so, why should the Missions declare themselves so visibly that - that is the Mission we are perceived to be taking on -performing a miracle of expanding your capacity to save yourself by something of an impossible metric. That's a number. To adjust this metric of emergency status on the planet, compare it to what a Mission needs to be successful, are things like peace, or things like adjusting to things that will inevitably adjust your population numbers, your government receptions of adjustments that need to be made, for us to even have an effect. So, I hope that summarizes to some satisfaction the review of the past few weeks and trajectory into the future that still does not exclude Lightlines, transmissions, or the guaranteed possibility of future revelation, as long as this planet remains in the designs of your Lord, ours Sovereign of Nebadon, Chris Michael, in league with the Father.

So, let's switch onto the topic of transmission. There is a rather open-ended event tomorrow (transcriber: day after on), Thursday 11am, Eastern, that we presume those who listen need not attend, but it will be recorded. The Missions per se are designed in a universe plan were there they typically do not involve direct human involvement. That has been a highly contested or need to explain rationale and justification from the spirit side and authorities, right from the far ranging spectrum of astonishment to rejection, and then reluctant acceptance that if Michael says it's so than it is so, if Father also approves and that these approvals are not static. They adjust quite fluidly like those lines I was telling you about.

In other words, when we announced a trajectory of a Mission, you expect a straight line, and I'm telling you please adjust your reactions to that highly variable line along that trajectory. We are what you could consider from your perspective in some of those very spiky moments. But what is still on the table are that you are tethered through transmission in revelation. Some revelation is obviously a past event, and revelation is part of a universal ascension scheme with the design of helping ascenders, ascending pilgrims of time and space, to meet and work with and work on this time and space universe that you are in and ascending within to your destiny on Paradise. And that destiny is part of your endowment of the Father within you, the spirit.

So, the next subject is around transmission and revelation. And we want to get to the point that transmission is sometimes revelation, and sometimes not exactly revelation, they're not always one and the same. And that you should treat transmission as a bridge. Now let's deep dive into some statements we transmitted earlier, and I will add to them as we go.

We're now looking at our notes and not exactly transmitting, but Arthura is here with me, which is a little different, and with us. Go ahead, Arthura.

So, transmission we were laughing about earlier, when I used the Ted Lasso comic to crack your transmitter up, is that transmission has some conditions for you, the audience. Its like serving you a meal. And we're not judging you, but we realize that you're, you are choosing the place but not the menu of the meal we serve, and therefore you have this proclivity or reaction to be receptive or not receptive to this meal that you did not choose, this news that we've talked about. And depending on your psychology you might be in general an open or closed person, if there's a spectrum of that. And so you can consider yourself, those of you who are regular listeners, readers, etc., or even voyeurs of this material or this phenomenon, is that you are probably on the openness scale.

For an example, your value system, moving on to a different bullet point, might be fixed to immutable. In other words, you might have been open or closed, but once you came to a certain valuation or identity, you became fixed in that, or maybe you are still mutable to adjustments. In other words, your value system also fluctuates. Add to that in this meal reception we're talking about, you all share a variable intelligence. It’s a wide scope, but we won't go into much detail about it. But we can all agree that even though there's the principles that all men are created equal, we know for a fact there is variable attributes including intelligence. There is height, weight, hair color, and on and on and on, also variable as education, and we can add more variables still. But what I want to summarize with that, and this is Arthura subscribing to this statement:

Transmission is an act of governance between the ascender and spirit, and therefore acts as a bridge. Transmission is a bridge between revelation. Depending on the context sometimes it could be equal to revelation, and you can confirm this, or you can receive that it is specifically stated as such. If it did not meet those conditions, it's probably not, you do not mistake it for revelation. So if transmission is a bridge between revelation and act of governance between the ascender and spirit, let's clarify what revelation is.

In a brief summary revelation solidifies things for you. It provides among the many things like common understanding, it should foster personal religious experience; revelation does not equal it, but it fosters personal religious experience. It clarifies misperceptions by stating authoritatively things about cosmology, science, and history. Now remember what we talked about in serving this meal to you that revelation is static. Once it's out the door and revealed to you, that your things like open and closed mind psychology, your fixed and mutable values, and your variability in things like intelligence, education, not to mention your culture and previous upbringing, whether you were religious or not, for example, will all affect how you proceed with this revealed cosmology, science, history, and so on.

So the case is made for conditional revelation and a case for conditional transmission, which we summarize as this phrase. Transmission as a bridge, and transmission as an act of governance between ascender and spirit, because like I just stated and what you can clearly observe is that there's a high variability between how the revelation evolves and as received, and translated and understood, and it never quite seems to be that unifying. In fact, quite the opposite on this planet in the shortsightedness of a human perspective, even on hundreds of years of history, and yet pattern can be seen in history clearly shows a divisiveness. But some of that isn't purely evolutionary, or the fact that revelation clarified things, because the irony is that revelation has clearly stated the history of rebellion, the cosmology of rebellion, and so on. So that moves on from some of those things I wished to get through into this Lightline. And then maybe some of you are early, early birds for questions pertaining to that, in the Q&A about transmission.

Sort of wax further about revelation, let's break the word down like we're in grade school, but it's a good thing to do, because we often think goodly or positively about some of the words within the word revelation. Revving an engine typically has a positive connotation to it, because it's working. You could say revelation has an elation to it. And when people refer to revelation in common vernacular without a spiritual overtone in a sentence like, Oh, that was quite a revelation, you understand XYZ subject. And the act of revelation is the elation of understanding, if we wrap it up. And so the fruits of transmission are likewise in what I opened up with, and that there is all sorts of reasons to tell yourself you can't or shouldn't or shouldn't transmit. And yet, we tell you, that you can and indeed you must, if you wish to be a servantal of the Mission. And below that in service to the Mission. But that it as this transmission journey, a long one. And it gets shorter once we keep upwrapping transmitters, or we have this history of transmitters. so ably archived in a website from previous missions, such as the teaching mission as it was called, and has ended. And has been reinstated as a sub initiative to keep this bridge of transmission alive, while Missions come in for a rough or smooth landing.

I hope you could read between the lines now. We aren't trying to get into a justification on why some news of the past need to be accepted or not. But things like the supreme we empathize with the refusal to underst,… wish to comprehend, or the possibility of such an event happening. The universe beings share this danger, but at the danger without transmission to further bridge the gap between the need and design of Missions. Remember, many missions and mission types are revealed in revelation and the revelation, well, technically qualifying as a mission unto itself. Have different attributes to what might be termed a pure mission, just like transmission does not equal revelation sometimes it can, and likewise mission does not equal revelation but sometimes it can. And therefore, transmission bridges the gap here as well.

You will be in hard denial to say that, once you received the fifth epochal revelation or even the fourth or third, second or first, that such epochal revelation created a straight line of evolution. And you have all these foibles in the human condition I’ve talked about earlier. And then you have the foibles of the Missions themselves designed and led, and even the governance itself rebelled. So, please understand transmission as a mechanism to help bridge this gap, to help straighten the line, but not necessarily straighten the line, but take the jagged breathing, or the jagged line, and make that into more of a sine wave in harmony with that straight line. And eventually, when there is such thing as harmony and stasis, but that is indeed an end goal of these epochal revelations, and stages of planetary development. And even the area of the universe it belongs to, when that awareness and governance expand to the point where you are very large units that even today you have quite capably personified or exemplified in science fiction, conspiracy, all sorts of variable things of the imagination, fact and fiction, which muddies the water of the pool we're playing in if you're not careful, but it can also clarify. It could go the other way. So, to further expound upon transmission for you, let's go over some of the personal experiences that might happen as you attempt transmission.

First of all, or first and foremost, you are encouraged to and likely to experience things analogous or resembling transmission. Because you should always seek your divine … your divines within you. We call that by vocabulary your Thought Adjuster. This is the core of yourself in the, for those not acquainted, what we reconsider the copilot of you. You provide an R, a person. You exist and that is real. But the confusion on this planet muddies the lines between what is the soul, and what is your birthright divinity, or contentious understanding of whether you are inherently divine, conditionally divine, immortal, etc. We simply state the soul and your Thought Adjuster are distinct, and you and your Thought Adjuster build the soul. So, the soul is not something that's preexisting. It's actually your Thought Adjuster that probably was and understood the personality input and dwell. And this is, it has a blueprint of the soul and then you actually create it. And the Adjuster himself sees the trajectory of its blueprint never exactly as it planned. That's the adventure for the Father in you as well.

Well, enough of that In terms of subject matter, let's continue with some of the personal aspects that you might go through in fluctuating the line of transmission, but then entrainment into rather a sine wave. And I'm using these as analogies for you, where you are locked in. Other ways of looking at it of you are balanced on a beam, and so on. But

One moment, Arthura. Administrative timeout, I need to put the battery in. I can take the battery out accidentally if I make a big move, really doesn't make a sound now, but plugged in. Go ahead. We are back.

So, let's start with some reception experiences, or what have you experience of receiving a transmission? Well, Ron reminded Dominick the other night, there is a location you could say, and that's what we're going to get to in the summary. But in the experience of this, the reception might come across as auditory. And the asterisk next to this term auditory is that it is typically registered in the same brain apparatus or mechanism that you associate with also hearing. In other words, a signal coming into your ears, and the brain processes it. We're using the same processor, so to speak. And it registers there, it just does not come through as an audible voice. Now, we can do this as you have observed from these other transmitters. They are not necessarily receiving this experience as what we, when you consider a telephone call where you actually hear something, but we're telling you that you are hearing it, quote unquote, because it's registering and coming across as an audible communication without an audible noise that you, the observer, would hear.

Next method might be what's nicknamed the ticker tape and that you have an exercise if the auditory connection isn't solid for you, you can try the reading on the wall technique or the ticker tape where the text runs through your mind. Left to right and so on, like a, like a ticker tape, what we call the stock market ticker tape.

Some of you are quite familiar with the voice box technique where the transmitter might have the voice box taken over or allowed to. We don't typically use this in transmission, because you could say a lower or lower octave of the art and science of transmission, as been commonly used in the era on this planet were the era of quarantine. Which is what used as, what is referred to as channel. And channel is subconscious, whereas transmission is fully conscious. But before we delve more into that, the reception also depends on your vocabulary. In other words, we can, from the broadcaster side utilize words that you, and phrases, that you don't already know typically.

And so, as we clear out the distinction between channel and transmission, consciousness and subconsciousness, we could still say that there is a competing when you are transmitting between your subconscious still, and what is considered scribing. That is purely receiving what is broadcast to you and remain loyal to that. And that is largely because of your mind processes. You will have surges of energy throughout this process, possibly, but you're always going through mind processes. To name a few, you have filters, you have sensors, and you have behavior modifiers and you have chatter in your brain. Some of these things are on different levels of your mind. Well, some of its electrical, some of its chemical, some of its just behavior, conditioning patterns that are ingrained in you. And some of it's down to your DNA programming.

Remember, your DNA programming is what's kept you alive through generation upon generation. And so fear of the tribe is always there. Also, just the way people talk to themselves subconsciously, or consciously, the way you talk to yourself is often pretty poor, as well. So well in the past mission, we tried to sum up this need for wave entrainment, reception practices, and how to deal with these mind filters. Well, we tried to some that, or what became summarized in one word for all of this was the (quote unquote, word) quote unquote stillness. And now that's effectively jargon. And depending on how you receive this mission of the past that we talked about earlier, and that you had revelation and you are either probably fixed or mutable, or open or open or closed, and that you took a certain trajectory either as a tribe or an institution to take it one way, and not this other that transmission as a bridge is taking you.

So again, while revelation is what you encounter in your life, that is a rather static event. But the human foible, if you will, or human tendency not foible, but the human tendency is that your identity gets so strongly wrapped around that process of revelation reception that there is no effective route for the condition of transmission to have a proper governance into effective missions. Now, what I've just said here is a common court case against the reason to have humans involved in missions. So, there's probably an easy bifurcation as a group where some of you are open enough to be willing to read and listen and follow these transmissions. But if you weren't served the meal you expect to hear or hear things that are preposterous to your previous values, and psychology, and education, then you simply leave the matter.

But I'm telling you, if you wish to accomplish something of good value, you ought to try to achieve a level of personal transmission to start with. And the fruits of this are always a .. and at least, the valuation of yourself as truly existing as an ascender. And you have personal religious experience of the parenthood and personality of a previously impersonal deity. You will be guaranteed and granted that experience first and initially, and then you can as a previous transmitter transmitted, evaluate your own desire and intention to be a transmission service. And the eventual title of such a service with the transmitter with a capital T is analogous to the word servitor, servitol. Through that you are communicating the broadcast of the governance from the spirit that involve these guidelines and guideposts that we just covered.

So lastly, we have promised you the location of this transmission and you can easily think about this as the crown chakra.

Yes, all right. Ron, if you don't mind, we're gonna go through your, your voice to expound upon the crown chakra. And now, you're now unmuted. Are you there and available to speak to the crown chakra in transmitting?

Ron Besser
One is available. Thank you, Dominick.

Machiventa Melchizedek
This is Machiventa Melchizedek. Ron has a very good explanation about the crown chakra. Briefly it is this. What you call the crown of your head and that's that swirl at the back of your head has five specialized cells in it. It can receive a frequency and convert it to sound. We could even play music over it, but we choose to use it as a voice. The Crown Chakra is approximately one inch wide and about four cells deep. That's not one cell on top of another but like a lattice that extends to the posterior of the rear of the brain right above where the… wait till I get the language. T they keep blocking me. Hold on… Brainstem is positioned.

If you look at your brainstem and take a line straight up through your your head, it would intersect about two inches in front of the crown chakra. The crown chakra has a nerve connection from where it is located to the brainstem but not to the top. But that goes directly to the base of the brainstem and operates as though the brainstem, and the crown chakra were one antenna.

Ron receives not through the crown chakra anymore. He receives through the end car rod that is his body. That happens when you're so well positioned, you don't need the chemical or the over control of brain systems to do it alone. Ron can listen deeply, he can listen on the surface, and everything in between. Those of you who become practiced should also understand that the crown chakra brainstem system also affords you, Ron, the ability to walk on the mansion worlds. You feel quite attuned to the group and Marian Rowley that teaches Urantia Book revelation even on the mansion worlds. Mansion worlds four and six, five is administrative.

And finally this, before I get to other material. The crown chakra for most of you is moraband. You are not receiving information directly through the crown chakra, but you are receiving it through mostly the heart stem. Ron has spoken to it in the book called Origins. That when there is a frequency modulation sent to the crown chakra it often shunts it to the throat and to the thorax. That is that which encompasses the heart. Oftentimes with Ron in particular, it gets interrupted by the cabal, and then he has a fight on his hands. He does that fight very well. And they learn he's no pushover. ‘

Most of you have a closed system. You don't operate it except Dominick. Lemuel, Elise, Raz, you're beginning to, and Gitz, who is missing a part of a normal brain and is able to hear things the rest of you can't. Oddly done is Steven Gitz, for he does hear, but not through the crown chakra, but through the heart stem. That does



What about Rene? Because he's got some injuries. And I'd like you to mention him too

Ah, yes, Rene, we have spoken to it over many Lightlines. You crack the base of the brainstem and it's a tricky one to heal. You've spoken with me on several occasions, and I've let you know in detail that you are improving as long as you don't reinjure yourself. And for reasons of state that there is no further edification of the need for you to transmit in a little while. Now, don't be shocked. It's not removing you. What is happening with Rene because of the injury, where there is a crack in the tissue at the base of the brainstem is that he has to learn through the heart chakra what it is he is to do for transmission. It can be done that way and he's doing it, but it drains his energy. When Ron uses it his way, he has no energy loss.

And finally, people like Elise, Dominick and the rest of you. You do expand some personal energy to maintain it, but you use very little personal energy. The Thought Adjuster is the one powering it. And for that reason, Rene, also is empowered by the Thought Adjuster and the energy it gives to the brainstem, so that he can maintain the work he does with his group. He is going to do fine, Dominick into the rest of you and to you, Renee. And for that reason, I wish it to be known that that you Dominick are using a front of frontal lobe today for some reason or other. And that is difficult to use. However, that seems to be the way the Adjuster is using it for you and just ignore these comments, it has no real effect on you.

Now let me finish what I wish to regarding the idea of transmitting and the idea of those we need to use. We are now coming up to the hour and we're going to take about five to seven more minutes Dominick, so please be patient. The truth of the matter is that the entire momentum that Ron has created by doing all that he has done as preliminary for you to use, has created a small brain stem to grow on the Urantia idea of personification of Urantia. Urantia spoke to Ron two days ago. Ron says, well that's somebody up there pretending to be the voice of Urantia. Fine, we'll listen. Well, we got a lot of information, but Ron, we can personify anything we want to as long as we have a good receptor. You are that receptor. You are feeling as well as Urantia is feeling, and that's part of the problem staying alive.

Universal Father
This is the Universal Father. All of you today, and there are 11 on the dashboard, need to understand we are fully aware of the comity, and that's the comfort that's not comedy its comity, C O M I T Y of the nature of Ron, and the nature of Urantia, and
the nature of our Universal Father. They are coincident. They fit each other like a glove. Ron's voicing is one of the best we have ever discovered. But he must learn that the crown chakra he has, has never been actually formulated. We have always used the thyroid in the voice box to attempt to speak. He asked to speak when the Teaching Mission began in 1992, but the Adjuster could not find a way to give it vocalization until 1995, or a little later. For that particular reason then we have not got a long history of Ron's transmission, but once we did, we got an earful.

Please listen. The entire matter of being a human on Urantia is one awful exercise and trying to live well as a human. Either there is a war, or there is a financial collapse, or there are spiritual reasons we dare not communicate. All three are about to happen again, not. NOT underline.

Michael of Nebadon
I am now Michael of Nebadon. Ron, you are sitting here with your eyes closed, because they hurt with the light. That is ending very soon. The truth of the matter is you got up today feeling like you had been frozen overnight and can hardly thaw out to get up. You joke about it because it's unremitting. I want you all to know that Ron dislikes being told about publicly to the forum. But I want you to know you are being given a revelation. Those of you who complain about this are withdrawn. But what you are also learning in spite of what you feel about it is that Michael of Nebadon, Gabriel, and the serendipitous seraphic control that sits in Nebadon and not as a cabal, have decided that Ron needs to refrain from speaking all the time. For that reason we have cut his transmission rates down.

But let me remind you of something please. There is a Lightline on Thursday at 2pm, on Friday at 2pm at this place by Ron. We have asked him to hold the Thursday and Friday Lightlines after Dominick does his two Lightlines concerning transmissions. At 2pm Ron will be taking them up on Thursday and Friday. And for reasons of our own, and this is Michael of Nebadon speaking, the whole matter of the past 24 hours for Ron has been hell. He has nothing to do with it, but the cabal senses the end is here. When I say the end, I don't mean we are closing down Lightlines. I don't mean we are ending transmissions. I don't mean ending the lives of anybody. Ron needs refurbished. So does Lemuel. So to some of you.

In any case, what I want to transmit right now is, we are ending the old idea of a Mission that shows the Magisterial Sons visible. We are ending the Mission as far as the Second Return of Jesus, not. NOT underline. I want it to be understood that Jesus will appear. Ron says its very tricky. I know it is to sign a date, but I'm going to, Ron. By the end of summer you will see him, he will be here. And Ron, it's not just on media. It will be a body form.

Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you, Ron. You're seeing a great big down arrow, Ron.

Yes. It's a mighty big down arrow, and white on a black background.

Michael of Nebadon
Why do you think I'm doing that, Ron?

« Last Edit: February 22, 2024, 09:45:48 am by SonsofGod »
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"

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Re: Tues LL 02.20.24 Transcription PART 2
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2024, 07:52:31 am »
Tue LL. 02.20.24 Transcription Part 2; or for full transcription go to: 

Please pick up reading from this repeated sentence:
Miichael of Nebadon
Why do you think I'm doing that, Ron?

Is some sort of emphasis on whether even I can continue to transmit, or that you're downloading for reception something important.

Michael of Nebadon
It's both, Ron. In a moment, Dominick, we're returning this to you, but let me say this. Ron, you have served now for 20 years in this capacity. You are no longer really happy just to sit and transmit. You are finding that you're enlivened with motions from the mansion worlds, as well as from Dominick, who has ideas of his own. You say fine, use them. It does nothing but improve. You are in agreement than that you need to stop.

Not particularly, but I will if that's what you ask.

Michael of Nebadon
I do like that. I am asking you Ron to stop transmitting so fully, and to listen carefully to your Father. The trial that is now approaching Urantia, and I mean this word ugly, ugly. Some of you will transition out. I am not about to give you the detail, but Urantia is overpopulated, under strong spiritually, and is about to falter. Not with a nuclear exchange, but perhaps the beginning of World War Three. Japan is no longer taking what China and North Korea is dishing out. One more missile across the land of Japan and its sea environments will receive a response from Japan that is sharp and cold. The dictators cannot stand being corrected. Watch out. Second of all, South Korea is numb in the head about North Korea. They think they are one people. Far from it. But the truth of the matter is North Korea is about to find itself in hot water, not only with Japan, but China.

And finally, the United States election. Two years ago, I, the Father, told Ron and he broadcasted, I sincerely doubt you will have an election in 2024. Listen carefully. The presidential candidates are woefully unprepared to handle us. Anyhow, Ron, stop it with the mirth.

I can't seem to help it, it hits a funny bone I don't control, Michael. What a pleasure to hear that.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you, Ron. It's pleasure. That is right. It's not mirth. I am fully aware you detest Trump. And that Biden is not paying attention. And that Japan, Germany, Australia, and a few other little European countries are woefully aware that without the United States umbrella, there would be no safety. NATO is not the full answer to the Soviet Union. We call it that because we think that's what it is. No Federation.

And finally this. The measure to show Magisterial Sons and Jesus, and others who may choose to incarnate, is not a matter for me, Michael to decide. That is up to Paradise to decide in what manner all who incarnate may take solace in the protection of Father.

Universal Father
One last thing before we turn this back to you, Dominick. I am the Universal Father. I want you to understand, I am not in the middle of this. I have withdrawn from Urantia. I am back at the center of Paradise, and I must relate the following. Paradise is serene, cool, and ready to do as I direct. Ron looks at my origins. He's the only one who has ever looked at them. And says he is so delighted to learn the nature of my origins. It really cheers him up. Why? It tells him that in spite of what you, as creatures in the master universe have to do and die by, are perfectly well attuned to the master universe. So as Ron. So are my confederates. But Ron knows of a situation in which there are condensations of thought and care, far beyond the master universe, and to which I subscribe. He is the first person in universe history to fully understand that the master work of the master universe is but a moment in the signs and care of hyper infinity.

Urantia book readers will never grasp it. UAI can play around with it. But Ron has the actual insemination in in his own mind, what a wonderful thing. I hope, he says, I can learn more, and he will. To you, Dominick. To you Elise, Stephen Gitz, Abraham, and to Raz. Abraham states this: I am part of hyper infinity now, Ron, a human can actually do it. You are an enjoyment over it. I doubt you can do what I do, but you may do more than I do. You are a rapacious learner, and you care very much to share it back. Before you die, people will learn of the condensation of your nature over the conservative reunion of Father

One moment.
One moment!
I don't know, this is Ron speaking to the powers to be. What game is being played? I submit to the deities, but I do not submit to this behavior easily. What is it you wish me to state or not state? If you are legal.

Father Infinite
This is the Father Infinite. You're legal.
The truth of the matter is Ron, I don't want a discussion in this area today. That‘s sure discussion on Thursday. We submit to you, Ron, that your forewarning is beautifully stated. You submit to the deities of the originators. You do not submit to evil and their game plans. That is what I take, that is what you meant, and that is what Michael is cheering. We need now to complete these remarks. I will say only this. Thursday and Friday, we have a special Lightline at 2pm on those days, Dominick will have 11am, or what? Maybe later, concerning transmission. They are vitally important to you. Please attend if you can.

For now this is the Universal Father. I'm actually the Father Infinite. Same to you, Michael of Nebadon. Go forth. Multiply this Mission. Use Ron, use Dominick, and all that are here. I now step back, and Dominick, please take it back again. Thank you.

Okay. Ron, one question, and then we'll wrap the Lightline up with some clarifications on schedules. So hang on another few minutes. But Ron, can you quickly summarize, because I have a question, what would be the status? Or let me backtrack a little bit. You know, I didn't personally, it took many years to get to this point, and obviously I stopped and started here and there the attempt of transmission over the course of years. So, what would you say to folks who have transmitted in the past and might consider picking it up again? What they're going through and what they could do to get back on the horse?

That's a big question. I have to refer it back up. It has too many future isms in it for me to comprehend. Hold on.

Well, we can always table it for tomorrow.

No, just hold on a moment. We'll take care of it.

Universal Father
This is the Universal Father, Ron, very wisely stated. There are too many future isms in it. First of all, Dominick, those who transmitted in the past have resigned, to a man. Second, those who transmit today are secondary teaching mission transmitters, Ron calls them the transmitters out west. They are fine, but they have no real conception of what is to be done, or how to organize. Ron lets them alone as too hot to handle.

Third, I am the Father Infinite. You Dominick had pulled your bootstraps up over your head and restarted life again. It is very difficult, God bless you. But for reasons of state, it is very difficult for Ron to give you everything he knows, even in two years. He knows things he has not ever mentioned to you. And for reasons of the brochure that he has been working on now for eight hours, we are going not to resend it, but put it in the past for about six months. You discussed it last night. Ron is ready, he has an outline. But I'm asking him to put it aside for six months, until we can put out something that we really rather have than to repeat wireless electricity or the Magisterial Foundation concerns.

You Dominick are doing well. Ron cares that you take responsibility, and that you understand, he fully supports you. The truth of the matter is that discussion forum has formed around the nucleus of the things that Ron thinks are important. Yes, some of you disagree in some part, but not totally. Ron welcomes additional people. But he is infuriated with the internet being unable to control the intrusion of the Balkans, the Russians and the Chinese. They overwhelm the application, and he spends hours erasing hundreds of emails. He will no longer do it. And for reasons of state those who would like to join these Lightlines, or would like to join the Magisterial Foundation, which is open to all the members that want to join, please wright Ron an email, I would like to join. The email that Ron uses is on the discussion forum but let me speak it. Aronolac is spelled a r o n o l a If you qualify, he will place you on as a member with happiness. Now I turn this back to you Dominick. I hope I answered your question.

Thanks Ron, and if you keep happen to see the aronolac email with any other numbers or whatever, it's not the, it's not Ron's email, going to somebody else. All right, so we're done with today's Lightline. We thank everyone who participated. Arthura, Universal Father, the Father Infinite, we thank you very much.

All right. A couple things before we go. Lemuel is under the weather. He's got the flu or worse, and he's canceled tomorrow's Wednesday Lightline for that reason. There, I don't want to confuse anybody, but there is an 11 o'clock Thursday only for three weeks. So Ron, you think just a little off suggesting there's a Friday one. So there's just this Q&A about the topic of transmission at 11 o'clock AM this Thursday and the following two, so that's the 22nd the 29th and the 7th. I will continue to announce that. In the meantime, there's also an official Thursday and Friday Lightline hosted by Ron going forward. So, no Wednesday Lightline this week. There will be a Thursday Lightline and a Friday Lightline, and there will also be the  special session about transmitting at 11am. All of these facilities we thank. So, thank everybody for tuning in and we hope you have a great day.

« Last Edit: February 22, 2024, 09:48:46 am by SonsofGod »
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"

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Re: Tues LL 02.20.24 ARTHURA opened
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2024, 07:30:40 am »
Arthura's dissertation or master conference, as I called it, sheds a lot of light on what to expect as a member of the forum, from the different transmissions that so often, seem contradictory to us, an aspect that very possibly is the cause of an important number of members have left. You have to learn to read between the lines, as it says, to see if you can elucidate what is being said or revealed.

One question among others that arises from this long material is, if the spirit itself is not capable of solving obvious problems, why on Urantia was the power of the "bad guys" allowed to grow so much, because at least I don't see how the malig arms power of the Empire could be confronted and defeated, when it is said to have more than 800 military bases in the world.  In truth there would be little hope if they decide to unleash a world war.  Of course I understand that when talking about Spirit, it is understood that it does not include the power of the Universal Father. Hence I consider as a blessing and in its place, the prayer raised to the Father for PJammer, which we hope will be answered.

Thank you very much Dominick and very grateful to Arthura for such an important transmission.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2024, 18:27:59 pm by Ron Besser »
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Re: Tues LL 02.20.24 ARTHURA opened
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2024, 18:19:40 pm »
Occerpa, you are just fine when you stay with Sai Baba as he is very clear where your sympathies lie.

Dominick is terse.  Sai Baba is humanity mercy and is warm and easy to understand.  Sai Baba says this to you Occerpa: "YOU ARE TRYING TO ADJUST TO A NORTHERNER LIKE DOMINICK WHO HAS NO SENSE OF JUSTICE, BUT A SENSE OF MERCY.

"FOR THAT REASON YOU STAY PUT IN YOUR MIND AND TRANSFER DOMINICK'S INFERENCES AS YOUR OWN BUT UNDERSTAND NORTHERN ENGLISH SO POORLY, YOU COME OFF HALF COCKED.  Learn to straighten out your syntax first.  Then provide your own mind my inference to you as Sai Baba, and that is to tell you to have yourself to stop trying to listen Dominick as though he is Sai Baba.  He is far from my philosophy to speak with care, and to provide the person you are talking to a full and remarkable way of speaking back to me, Sai Baba.  You are listening to Dominick well, but Ron fully agrees, not with Dominick, but with Arthura, that these lessons are meant almost for a cold German mind without asking for further instructions and the full lack of definitions Dominick/Arthura use to explain what you are trying to understand.

"I know Ron.  He is fully sympathetic to your view that Sai Baba is the better voice to listen to for you; however, Arthura is a personable transmitter to a cold voiced transmitter who holds almost nothing in heart, but is transmitter the depth of the infinity philosophy, that all things are equal in Infinity, but in relationships to God, there is no Infinity but Mercy only as a breast to cry on or remove without further ado.

"AS SAI BABA, I am fully aware of the difference between ARTHURA and DOMINICK, as Arthura is fully adhering to the breast feeding of man with epochal revelation, while Dominick is cold and heartless over the idea that man has a right to God's will without making some effort.  Ron agrees with Dominick's philosophy, but never practices it for Ron is the first to provide and explanation always and gives God all favors to make it work for people he explains too.  Dominick, does not hold any such care, and they are inevitably unable to come to terms on the operation of the discussion forum eventually.  My view is that Ron wins easily by his care for each person, and Dominick cares only for the right response.  That sounds compatible, but Ron inevitably wins judgements by being fully compliant with the mercy blush he feels often as Steven Gitz explains on the tape spoken to here.

"I am SAI BABA, and you Ron enjoy me quite as much as Occerpa does, but you keep out of my hair and I yours by believing we are perfectly adequate for anyone who happens to ask Me or you Ron.  I also notice your tact to Dominick, Ron shows him acerbic to your claim for presentation and as a result you do not always follow his ways to run the show very well.  You will always win assembly Ron, but Dominick will better explain things better than you can because you are not in sympathy with profound ignorance with so much available to prevent that happening to anyone anymore.  For reasons of State Ron, you are playing not a good game entirely mostly because you fee daunted by the scope of the Missions, and your intention to stay out where you are not wanted.  Dominick has no sense of that ability to stay out of the way, and will come crashing down if he interferes too deeply with the spiritual powers to be.

"Now let Sai Baba tell you both something:  Occerpa you insist on clear explanations, but your English is hampered by the fact you have to speak three other languages too.  Ron finds that so daunting, and as he explained to you, he wonders if he speaks English well enough to be heard well or plainly,  He does not fight you ever, but you insist on explanations he can do but your English is not deep enough to get the solution he proposes at all.  That shows up clearly when you asked for a diagnosis and he gave you one but it made no sense to you and dropped him and it for good.  However, I say the diagnosis he gave and it was the correct one and you never fathomed it at all.  So let it be.  Ron could care less as a matter of fact.  Yet the two of you are profound examples of understanding deep reasons and meanings about life all the time, but you Occerpa do not communicate well with him because your English is subordinate to your thinking.  Ron's English is subordinate to Christ and our Father in Heaven.  He makes no claims for or against you, but you  claim for or against him all the time, and he has no answer to that kind of speech or reasoning.  He admires you too much, and wishes you were his doctor for he needs care and gets none from a doctor he signed up for and is a boor and a trash center having nothing to do with doctoring.

"Finally, I am SAI BABA, Occerpa.  You know that as I know you feel it when I speak.  However, Ron and I see very closely, eye to eye to speak it, and he never forces something from me you do, and that is to be correct all the time.  Ron cares to be correct, but he suffers not from malnutrition in truthful situations but Mal-socialization, and complains about it all the time.  He is too ill to understand that a lot of meetings  would fix him up well, but there is no remedy under the present situation as it commands all of Ron's energy and then some and he quits not but is slowly being bled of his vitality by a cabal that must be relieved at once, and there is no simple way to do it just yet.  I am SAI BABA and wish you well as time will rectify most these problems entirely,  K"

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: Tues LL 02.20.24 ARTHURA opened
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2024, 23:09:55 pm »
Thank you very much Ron for this SAIBABA transmission. As you know, it is an immense joy for me to see my beloved teacher of so many years appear on the forum.
Of course I recognize that my lack of knowledge of the language limits me a lot and although I thank Google for allowing me to participate in the forum, but I also know that the service has deficiency which is more notable due of my  writing and vocabulary limit, this affects everything else. Thank you for the tolerance that everyone can show me with my publications and to you Ron my gratitude for your words of sympathy without worrying that they are only to correspond to my deep admiration that I express to you for your exceptional achievement of unattainable magnitudes. Thank you for that impeccable leadership.
Thank you beloved Father SAIBABA, for your words of support and attention to my unabashed dedication, and to my efforts to follow your teachings, not an easy task in the midst of so many challenges and commitments to attend to. Now I will try to read this post with more dedication, to be able to understand this interesting publication as much as possible.
"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"

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Re: Tues LL 02.20.24 ARTHURA opened
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2024, 07:40:30 am »
Quote from Transcription PART 2 above :

"Abraham states this: I am part of hyper infinity now, Ron, a human can actually do it."

This is probably more than a finaliter. I don't think Urantia Book even mentions anything about hyperinfinity, we already know something about it from Ron. Could "rapacious learner" and our professor Ron Besser explain something to us about this ?


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Re: Tues LL 02.20.24 ARTHURA opened
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2024, 10:19:07 am »
I lament Andre that most readers of the Urantia Book, are woefully incapacitated to learn more than what is in the book, as most readers are incapable of exercising imagination well enough to understand that the 5th epochal revelation was practically outdated by the time it was issued to read in 1955.
Both of us recognize that the entire matter of Infinity is a strange parallax to explain the power behind or Master Universe is of course the Father-Infinite, and that title hides the fact that our FATHER is much more than Infinity itself.  I am glad to give Him these powers but understand almost nothing about why those powers are so secret yet!
I have been given a glimpse of a super majesty no one else grasps, and for that reason I am not able to say much more than to state that the multi-dimensional creation is not entire based on Paradise Infinity per se, but upon the personal nature of our Universal Father, to the point he we can say he is already the FATHER INFINITE, but recognizing that requires a vast amount more of revelation and I am dbeginning to think that is never to be told to Urantia, unless we are permitted to attain Light and Life.  Sadly, for me it is a lost cause at the moment as I am being transitioned out of this fun and into the mundane world of amateur survival on the mansion worlds, and even that seems to be a lucky strike just because I find the interminable resolves to say something that seems never to resolve itself into the scenario promised to all of you a few years ago.

We humans at this time of world evolution are poorly done again, and I am mostly to blame not, but I have a finger in it somewhat too.  I  am trusting spirit gets it the way they want it eventually, and I must say that Abraham and his place to work is really a fine example of spirit success based on a frame we all admire to this day as Abraham, is the first human from Urantia, besides Paul of Tarsus, to claim an honorary degree in hyper-infinity as driven there by superb work on understanding FATHER well enough to attain such a degree of success.  I do not pretend to understand what that confers, but I also happen to agree with you, that is more (if possible) than a Finaliter, and it strikes a chord which says to us that if Abraham as a one time human has attained exaltation this way, then heaven knows alone what FATHER knows best.  Abraham has reached this age's final destiny, but do not forget we have two more universe Ages to go, and I am referring only to four outer space units and one Absolute age sector to even go then.  I forecast that beyond the c ompletion of the Master Universe, there lies another universe system to conqueror.   There I leave it alone.  Thanks for the post.

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "Ron you presume more than you can imagine, and I see it fully completed not only in you but in RAZ and you, that there is precious little to do at the moment until I finally decide that the Missions actually need you at this time.  You see the entire Master Universe in a holistic pattern of development, and that is correct entirely, and that I as  MICHAEL OF NEBADON, am a small cog too, and that bothers you not, but you are beholden to Me anyhow, and ask for survival if you can do anythings more.  You cannot, but I insist that what you are is worthy of several million normal humans in any case.  You dislike being put in little places but agree you need little places to heal your arms and legs and eyesight and whatever else has gone wrong because, mostly, by age.  I am fully sure there is a survival pattern for you, but you are slow witted enough not to understand that earth life is not yours very much as you see almost no value in the present situation to deal with.  I happen to agree, and I let you pass from the scene merely to refresh you shortly on the mansion worlds if they are acceptable to our UNIVERSAL FATHER, for you.  He looks at you and sees there is no precedence for you, and that is not working well for the Local Universe of Nebadon, as you are making waves with material that is even new to Me.   However, you are fully loyal and carry me well where ever I feel we should go.  Your newest brochure is a corker and contains material I never knew myself. 

"For that reason, you smile and even laugh but make no startling announcement otherwise, as that brochure or paper is not worthy of man but of spirit, and Einstein himself says it is so advanced there is almost nothing he can add to the fact that the appearance of the daisy muon cluster being and receiving a mysterious muon orbiting each cluster is assuming there is a cluster of six muons in such a configuration at all.  I did not know that, and I am sure you are merely taking the dictation of the Master Spirits originating  in the MASTER FORCED ORGANIZERS.  Now  Andre does not know that because he skips that part in the Urantia Book, and for most others you are whistling in the dark.  However, someday that revelation will reveal a huge road to better understanding on how the Paradise system materializes what up until then is just a pattern. 

"Andre you just do not comprehend how Ron understands all of that very well and looks forward to see the FATHER INFINITE easily and you are grounded out before you can glimpse it.  Ron cares little what you comprehend, but is aware you have the mind to go where he goes, but you stop it as unusually difficult and block learning.

"Andre, please understand that the Universal Father prefers Ron to stay the course on Urantia, but I disagree only because Ron would be bored to death if he has to stay on Urantia with his insights intact.  For that reason I leave him alone to fade out and he is fading out pretty bad.  However, I also see that you Andre just fail to comprehend what you can do so and that is because you feel Ron is making up some of this.  I assure you he is not, and further more has downloaded a huge new revelation about preparticles no one will ever understand as operational for about 200 more years.  By then Urantia is either a working planet or a dead one to be evacuated under my view that it cannot maintain a thriving life still stuck to a science that was only good centuries past.  I am now ready to tell all of you this:

"I am ready to speak this to you Ron:  your life is almost terminated due to the lack of care of a moron of a doctor, and a slim chance he could have recognized that your legs are lemurs not, but surviving while the rest of you is being transitioned to mansion world status already done.  You enjoy speaking with them, but they are all shunted back out of reach right now because you are in such painful agony over a transition which fails to take hold properly and  that is thanks, not to Me, but to the Universal Father as spiritual recall to all who can make the pass but refuse to surrender to Father's rule that all assignations of an improper kind must pay the price of loss before gain.  That makes you an improper representative always but in truth, you have not done anything worse than view the world your way at times.  For that reason FATHER relents, but cannot control a run away transition you do not stop because you cannot.  For reasons of your own you refuse to see it properly and that is our death knell allowed to continue well.
"For that reason then Ron, stand back and let the world suffer its gnashing  teeth over you and your patent, as it is valid and more and more they see it as valid, but you are not going to blaspheme ME or anyone because it is to remain  the Materialist Foundation's propety until the MELCHIZEDEKS decide otherwise and you have wisely placed it with them for safe keeping.  Dominick will pass it on proper;u when the time comes, and you will be present for its proper resignation when it is found that it contains such advanced terminology that it is workable so long as there is a spirit project available to handle it.

"You say you follow it, but do not quite get why this is decreed?  For reasons of My own I carry you so well you are likely to be on my Staff level quickly, as you enjoy me as much as I enjoy you.  You do not get this decree but then you do not get mansion world uses very well either, and leave that alone in order to be safe with all you speak to.  For reasons of State no one is allowed to look at you this morning as you are near death but are forcing issues to be repleted rather than restarted, and that brochure is dead before it meets the printer, and that is because it has a huge new revelation in it just for you to contemplate, and you are doing well enough to even make a drawing out of it, and good enough to illustrate the temptation it might interest somebody some day.  I doubt it.

"Lastly, I am using your response here to state this too:

"I am closing down, not the Magisterial Foundation, but your participation in it for reasons of my own.  You are not a problem or are the Melchizedeks a problem, but you are forcing people out of the Magisterial Foundation to run for cover now, and you could care less.  You have offered them joining, and caring, but they are friends of no one including me.  They must learn humble searches as to why they cannot hear your call for unity.  As a matter of fact the Urantia Foundation learns the opposite of what you intend and refuses to listen further unless you offer a peace flag and ask them to join you in the promotion of Ultimaton technology.    You have it and they feel shamed they never saw it mostly, and the UAI is feeling the pinch of questioning by others as to just why they do not join with you, but they are too proud to admit you have the answers and they do not.  For that reason then Ron, you are placed in a position to hide of play and you have to hide while there is no way to produce the engineering to build the WTP plant.  So be it you say as there is no other way to handle it unless you put the patent up for sale and right now no takers, as you have the right descriptions out there already.

"What we must do is to transition you to a world of better uses, and that is decades away right now.  For that reason you cannot maintain the physical version you have now, and I am not ready to make new what is old and not useful to anyone anymore as a body of deceit and caring which no longer matters to ME or to you.  I am leaving this mostly alone and dropping back from caring very much so you can transition properly, and you wonder why bother?  Truth is you are the care giver over so many because of your deep knowledge of so many spiritual insights, you are need in ministry for awhile, as you do not believe you are a good minister, and you are not, but your very presence is quite a shape to see as you are over thirty-feet tall and that is the limit for your style of being already.  I do not know what that portends  but it does.  Here is your Adjuster:

RON'S ADJUSTER speaks - "You are making waves not but you are very unhappy to be slimmed out of position already, and for that matter you are holding forth as requested but are hardly happy not to see this coming into fruition already.  For that reason I too have authorized a small and genuine genuflection to your work but the Urantia Foundation who folds you well while you hold them at arms length for the simple reasons they do not and will not reform.  The UAI is quite sure you have  t he brain of a pea, but the work of a Goliath, and they see nothing to do about it at all.  For that reason the UAI has nothing to do further.  They had their chance and you had yours but were not aware that your dissertation on the supreme to the Unity Group was well received as you dated it and ran it as it happened.  However, there is a group in the UAI who are moribund and desecrate anything new as pundits from the past and who hold nothing of value for the 5th epochal revelation.  For that reason the UAI lost it preeminent position to do anything about it and you are sure it is for the best, as the UAI is far too rigid to take on the 6th epochal revelation with any use for Urantia whatsoever.

"I am your Thought Adjuster, Ron.  For that reason I know a great deal more than you do, and for that matter you are hot forcing any version other than to get the potential for WTP ready for building and I happen to agree with you to wait it out while the US Congress finally comes to grips with what you have patented. I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and I prefer the Adjuster remain silent now if only to preserve what little espionage I have you do not Ron.  Briefly the entire matter of WTP is a top priority in the Energy Department while they believe you are close to a shyster, they see no motion, and for that reason you pique  their curiosity tremendously.  For that reason the Energy Department will authorize hearings on it and you better be sharp as they are loaded with PhD's and you do not see how you can possibly testify to the degree they want it.  You will be represented by the Melchizedeks well and you are not living long enough to say much more, but you will amke the final cut with a bravo performance from Machiventa Melchizedek entirely, as he now knows you have the branch of peace the United States needs and will keep it for State use eventually, but right now it is anybody's guess how this will end.  K"

Ron here to close this down -  I see little hope or help at this juncture.  I have a Lightline later today I rather not hold but am told to do it and stay out of the way for a good thrashing not for me or you but  for a world that no longer is capable of being useful to anyone including Jesus.  Jesus speaks briefly here  for the moment:

JESUS speaks - "I am fully sure Ron is almost too ill to carry a Lightline of this magnitude, but I have a few words we must get on the record before too much more time elapses. 

"I am stalking them too Ron, and they need a severe lesson in humility.  They are false guardians and they know it now; however, Ron you are forced under them by protocol and you refuse them as typical of a man who honors peace and tranquility without the presence of their evil ever again.  You will be free of them shortly Ron as you are fully aroused over their illness, and you are no longer behaving anyway in a dishonest to FATHER OR MICHAEL, but you must clear your mind and you do not mind I see.  I wonder how this falls on the Justice system really? [ANCIENTS of DAYS speak briefly:  Nothing is wrong ever Ron without being a truth monger yourself over anything you life includes.  It is full of burglars and hate mongers but nothing you have ever done relieves any of them but of you  entirely.  No one understand the phenomena and no on presumes it is fatal, but it is a strange anomaly in human foibles that never seems to end on Urantia.  We make no further statement. The ANCIENTS OF DAYS."]

"For that reason then, Ron, carry the ball as you insist on doing in spite of a terrible list to the left at times and you are unaware of why, but you are growing outsized organs in you chest again, and that is not cancer, but new tissues placed there in order to shore up your lungs and caring ways in heart.  Let it ride as we do and we use them well already.  For Myself Ron, this is FATHER and you must let this post go to an end now, as I have much to say in the Lightline today and you are well enough to do it? 

[Ron - As far as I know and that is all I can say as I have no insight into the matter]

This is MICHAEL OF NEBADON speaking - "You are attracing too much attention again so let us close this while disparaging what they are attempting to do again, and believe me I know every one of them well enough to wonder why they have turned to this way of acting again.  Shame on you!"d

Ron here - I must close this down in spite of a line up ready to speak on much of what is covered here.  I will, God willing, meet you all again on the Sunday Lightline at 2pm in the usual connections.  Thank you for listening.

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - I speak the final words here, as Ron must survive months yet but I dare not say how for now as his life is in turmoil soon when the IRS declares him unworthy of a 501 c 3 over a patent so valuable they cannot terminate him as a Magisterial Foundation, but as a charity without building it and delcare him no longer tax free if hemoves to build it in the Magisterial Foundation, but to place it in another corporation.  Ron has already declared that the build will be in the RAYSON CORPORATION already formed as a charity too.  We will see to it when that time comes.  MICHAEL OF NEBADON.  That is just in from our intelligence sector and they are refusing to see you as a simple corporation any longer due to the fact you pay taxes to run the house it is in.  They are not ruling against you but removing you as a 501 c 3 to a 501 c 5 (I believe) to accommodate the patent prices of about 60 billion dollars at least.


Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Online Andre_P

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Re: Tues LL 02.20.24 ARTHURA opened
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2024, 04:17:53 am »
Thank you very much Ron for answering my question and Michael of Nebadon for a much broader statement.

In this way we learn that to belong to a hyperinfinity happens very rarely to ascending mortals, but there were already such at least two of the people living on Urantia : Abracham and Paul of Tarsus. All of us on this forum know who they were when they lived on our planet.

I am not a bit surprised by the "fact that our FATHER is much more than Infinity itself". What I'm trying to explain to myself is that the head of the team that invents a brand new Earth factory, then builds it, puts it into operation and makes sure it works, is also surpassing his creation, although maybe not so much, because his capabilities and the methods he uses certainly far from match even what we know about the Father of the Universe, and we probably know very little.

Probably Michael of Nebadon is right when he says : "I also see that you Andre just fail to comprehend what you can do so", but I cannot confirm that this is "because you feel Ron is making up some of this". I don't suspect anything like that. What I do know is that transmission is a much more complicated process than a conversation between two people, and there are different consequences in transmitted texts that we read in English or Spanish or Russian.

Ron writes : “I am glad to give Him (Father) these powers but understand almost nothing about why those powers are so secret yet!”

But nevertheless, I present two more questions that are fresh in my mind :

- Is infinity big in hyperinfinity or is it just a drop in the ocean ?

- Is there a lot of beings living in hyperinfinity, or only 12 helpers of the Father counting and Himself. (I don't count Abracham and Paul and others like it among the inhabitants of hyperinfinity yet, but I don't know if I'm right.)

Maybe I will get some answers.

Thank you.


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Re: Tues LL 02.20.24 ARTHURA opened
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2024, 13:14:19 pm »
Andre, there is hardly any answer to your questions.  I have been allowed to glimpse the concept of a hyperinfinity creation which is exercising itself outside of the infinity if the Master Universe.  As a result there is, in my opinion, a contradiction  of concept terms which relies on our vocabulary inside time to express the location of hyperinfinity.
The best we can do is to assign our Universal FATHER the role of a Consummator of Universe Destiny; and that Consummator title to our FATHER on Paradise, is actually a misnomer in some regard, because OUR FATHER alone created the Master Universe, and takes council from eleven other Consummators of Destiny which do not have an abode in Master Universe status.  Please do not identify the other eleven Master Universe Creators as part of this our Master Universe organism.  The FATHER  is alone as the "Creator of the Universe we as his additional creations as creatures inside the Master Universe, time and space yet.  We are sequestered never to observe this situation ever again as they are fussing at me to stop attempting to explain this situation entirely.  I happen to disagree with them in one very particular way.   That way is this:
The Urantia Book proposes that the Master Universe will someday reach the perfect of being Infinite.  That is the purpose of our present development within it too.  What you run into when understanding the Master Universe is finally perfect and we as creatures are perfect in it, is that the Master Universe stops growing and is static.  Nothing moves anymore insofar as creature perfection is now present everywhere.  Andre, question:  What do you do with it when everyone has completed destiny?
The Urantia Book questions it too, and they ask what do you do with an entirely perfect universe to do?  They leave no solution and we wind up with the impression that you and I sit on the couch waiting to be called for something other than our perfection?  What could that possibly be to do, Andre?

There is a solution suggested by the concept of  hyperinfinity existing beyond the gates of a sealed off Master Universe, and that is to open, somehow, our relationship in concept building with a realm even more sophisticated than our Master Universe infinity already working to create time too.   That concept of hyperinfinity allows us to at least view a progress taking place without us.  How does the FATHER allow that to help our perfection become an adventure beyond what closes off our further development due to Master Universe perfection?

However imperfect we may be viewing the case of perpetual hyperinfinity appearing, static perfection  endures eternally for us unless there may be a co-joining with a realm where  hyperinfinity and its endless progression beyond perfection is somehow accorded our Master Universe perfection as well.  I agree with the Urantia Book, as to just say it does not make it so, and I take the interest, that there is available a realm far beyond any creature life in this Master Universe, and that is a realm where those cohabit in it and can converse with it, such beings may have a solution of the static idea of perfection in our Master Universe.  That idea effectively ends our participation in the Master Universe for no longer grow withing infinity perfection of all. but we can still grow in hyperinfinity as that is an entirely different system than the type of infinity we have now.

You might see our location this way:  Do your remember when the Chunnel was dug under the sea between France and England.  I view hyperinfinity existing in France, and that we in England were just infinity looking for access to a civilization beyond the channel barrier.  I also see hyperinfinity to be the channel that must be dug under the channel and that France lives in a different realm.  Until the Father develops all he wants as a Master Universe. we stay in England (so to speak) and Europe in general is a new place to live if we can drive through a tunnel to get to it.  So far there is no way to get to it without developing our own perfection to get to the Europe to super-perfection.  And what is that too?  It is a valid concept but we have no verbal or imagination tools to apply it.

I hope that helps a little.  I have no problem seeing it this way until I get a better sense of the entire matter which I do not have yet, really.


MICHAEL OF NEBADON - Andre, you have no such imagination, but Ron does as he is fully fused with his Thought Adjuster, as for that reason, he is capable of developing ng into super magical thinking.  The Consummators of Universe Destiny are listed in the Urantia Book, without explanation further.  Look at the Uversa List of Personalities there fully printed in the Urantia Book:  
1. The Paradise Classification of Living Beings

30.1.105 The Consummator of Universe Destiny.

"I dare not expound further myself as it is forbotten to get into this without full Paradise permission to extract the greater detail.  Ron has a lot and does not share it for the simple reason he does not have sufficient information to expound on it.  FYI: ARTHURA is from this realm and converses with transmitters of recent past.  MICHAEL OF NEBADON.K"

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: Tues LL 02.20.24 ARTHURA opened
« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2024, 02:03:18 am »
Thank you Michael of Nebadon and Ron. It puts a lot of things together in my mind.

I am not losing hope. I have to count on you gentlemen. My Thought Adjuster does not give me messages, practically only suggestions in the form of concepts, thoughts, images, almost never sounds and never words or texts.
