Author Topic: LLUSA WEDNESDAY 24 JAN 2024  (Read 6575 times)

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« on: January 24, 2024, 15:18:10 pm »

Today ARTHURA spoke about Conscience and Transmitting.
We also received words from MICHAEL OF NEBADON and 


Link to tape:

Online Raz

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« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2024, 08:38:13 am »

Fine, sorry about the pause. I'm just holding up, my phone here. Well, good afternoon, everyone, or good evening, wherever you are. Welcome again to another Wednesday Light Line today being the 24th of January in the year of 2024. I would just like to mention, talking about climate change. Here in Catalonia today was 22 degrees and tomorrow we are expecting 25 degrees Celsius. And if we reach 25 Celsius tomorrow, it will be an all-time record for January. We are desperately short of water. And also in the south of Spain in Andalusia, they're desperately short of water. And there are many villages now receiving water from tankers, and lorries that carry water. It's a very, very serious situation here especially here in Catalonia and also in the South, in Andalusia. So, but it's enjoyable of course, it's nice to have a blue cloudless sky every day. That's, that's wonderful. But we do need water. And of course, the crops are not growing as they should. Anyway, okay, so let me say, do in fact, we have the presence of an emcee for this Light Line today, please?

Michael of Nebadon  
Well, I'm not an emcee, and I will not be your emcee, Lemuel. But I want to say this is Michael of Nebadon.

Welcome, Michael. Please go ahead when you're ready.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you, Lemuel. Yes, this is Michael of Nebadon. And I'm only popping in for a few moments to say that it is very interesting to me that the interest that some of you are showing from what has just been posted onto the forum, that is to say, the to do with the Ultimate, and the Absonite and Ultimacy. And we find that very interesting that you are interested in that. So that's one thing. The other thing I want to say is everything else is going ahead as almost as planned. And that is to say, yes, yes, constant changes. I know Lemuel, you're absolutely right, there's constant changes. But nevertheless, within those changes that are constant, there are plans that are still going forward, and things progressing, we are making progress in fact.

If you can read between the lines or hear words, almost unspoken, you will be able to add two and two together and make four, especially over the past 24 hours if you listen carefully to what is going on between America and Russia. The latest news of course is I don't know if you're aware of it but Russia has lost a plane with 75 people today. They are accusing Ukraine and Ukraine at the moment is not saying anything. Well, we know what's going on, of course, but I'm not saying anything about it at the moment. Suffice it again to say keep watching the news, although it's terrible. We know, we appreciate that. But nevertheless, keep watching the news because there are definite indices, is that the right word, indices or hints rather of changes that are beginning to take place.

And so apart from that everything else is normal, so to speak. And I appreciate the fact that you are here, and you are listening, and are so loyal to the Light Lines and we do appreciate it very much indeed. Well, this is all I have to say in fact, this is Michael of Nebadon and I step back now, and I bid you on a very good day. Thank you.

Well, thank you, Michael of Nebadon. Thank you. Let me welcome now; Donna and Larry Whelan, good afternoon to you. And welcome to number seven six two six. Welcome Roger, Raz and welcome, and Charlotte from Alabama. And number 7181. Welcome. Number 8197. Good afternoon, and welcome. You're all so very welcome. Thank you for joining us. So we are now up to 18 callers. So I think that's a goodly number. All right. Let's see. Well, if we do not have an emcee, do we have anyone to speak to us? Thank you.

This is Arthura.

Welcome, Arthura. You're so welcome. I didn't think we were going to have anyone else.

That's fine Lemuel, thank you. This is Arthura. And I want to say something about consciousness. I have not spoken about consciousness before on a Light Line. And there is a reason that I want to speak to you about consciousness. And the reason will become more evident as I speak. So let me begin by saying, which I'm sure you are fully aware of and appreciate, everything that you see in physical manifestation that is to say, in time and space as you are aware of it, and know it; is of course, a result of consciousness. If there is no consciousness, there is no life.

So obviously the question is, where does consciousness come from? And who or what is the source of the first consciousness, but I'm sure you understand at least some of you. When you hear the words, I am. I exist. Therefore I am. On your human level, you are self-conscious. You are aware of your being of your being alive of your physical body. All the aches and pains that we've been talking about and the environment and your family and all the rest of it. You are aware of that? Yes. So that is what you normally refer to as self-consciousness. You also use the phrase self-conscious or someone is self-conscious, if they are a bit timid if they are a bit shy especially perhaps, for example, teenage girls or young boys, when they reach puberty, they become shy and a little bit introverted, they become what you term as self-conscious.

You also know that you have what is called your subconscious or sub means below. But it is not really below anything is just means that your subconscious is your like the hard disk on your computer. It has all your memories of everything that you have ever done, said, or thought. That is your subconscious. You also have what you refer to as unconscious. You do things unconsciously. Those of you who drive a car, you do not always think about what you are doing because you drive on, like they say, automatic pilot. You are automatic pilot, you don't necessarily need to think about everything you're doing when you're driving a car because you've done the same thing a million times. So you do things unconsciously. And of course, you all know what it means.

When you lose consciousness. When you lose consciousness, you are on some level dead, you are not aware of anything. Those of you who've been hospitalized and about operations, you know full well that when you have the full anesthetic you are to all extensive purposes, dead you are totally unconscious. But in fact, it can all be summed up just as one consciousness with just three or four different sections, but it is all consciousness.

Now, those of you who have some degree, contact with your beloved indwelling Father Fragments, your Thought Adjuster, this becomes another form of consciousness. That is to say, you become aware of another type of consciousness and this is why you have found not you personally Lemuel, but the difficulty that you have in trying to explain the process of transmitting. It is an extremely difficult thing to explain. Because of this other, what shall I call it, this added ingredient this extra form or slightly different form of consciousness, that you become aware of that in fact seems to be outside of yourself. And yet, of course, it is indwelling you. It is Father indwelling you.

It has been mentioned also before in a different way perhaps that when you are conscious of what you are saying as Lemuel is now at this moment. He is observing his words as they come from out of his mouth. But he is also observing that there is an observer. Well, what type of consciousness is that? Lemuel is aware that he is transmitting me, Arthura. Or put it another way Lemuel has faith and trust that the words that are coming out of his mouth, in fact, my words, Arthura. So, to those of you who are listening and know nothing about this, you naturally think, well Lemuel is talking, yes, he is talking and Lemuel is aware that he is talking. Yes, like any of you would, if you were speaking. And yet there is this something else. This is transmitting.

And it cannot be explained any other way other than what I am trying to put into the words through Lemuel's mouth now, at this very moment. He is receiving my words because he is open. He is open in his feelings. He is not thinking of anything outside of what is taking place at this instant. And what is taking place at this instant is Lemuel in fact, is listening to the words coming out of his mouth without him putting the words there. Now, this is the difference. But, of course, it is something that you can stop immediately. Lemuel can stop it immediately. But that's not the point, is it? He is here to transmit my words. It is a difficult subject. It is difficult to explain to people.

But I want to explain to you again that one of my main reasons for accepting what was offered to me, maybe a year or two, I can't remember myself now, was my interest in coming to help you transmit. To help you improve your transmitting abilities. I have transmitted many things through your brother Dominick, as you know, and various others through different Light Lines over the past couple of years. But this one is different. I wanted to try and explain the differences in the consciousnesses and your awareness of the differences. You observe but you are also the observer. And there is also another observer observing the observer if you follow what I mean. But it is when you are open as Lemuel is at this moment, although he has the first level of consciousness of what he's saying or rather speaking, he also understands the words he is speaking, that's another observer and also the fact that he is aware of me, Arthura speaking through his mouth through his voice.

And Lemuel its true, when he thinks to himself and it is true. He always says to himself, it is an awesome responsibility. And it is for all you transmitters. I am aware of that we on our side, obviously are fully aware of that. It is an awesome responsibility to be a voice of God. But it is through faith and trust and practice and developed in a conscious contact with your Thought Adjuster. That's a big help for all of you to become transmitters. And you know, we desperately need many more transmitters. All of you here on this call at the moment. What is it, Lemuel?

I don't know, let's have a look. Ah, 18, all right.

All of you are capable of transmitting. To begin with, yes, you think it's a bit doggy, I don’t know if I’m able to do this, I'm unworthy, or whatever; don't allow ego to give you those thoughts. You all have a Thought Adjuster, and you have all cooperated with your Thought Adjuster to bring you to where you are now otherwise, you wouldn't be on this call. So you already have your own proof. Your Thought Adjuster has brought you here brought you here to listen to what has been spoken on these Light Lines.

So you have heard many times about the need for more transmitters. So the call is going out to you each and every one of you. Those of you who are still waiting in the wings, so to speak. Please, have faith and trust in your ability and the companionship that you have with your Thought Adjuster who will help you. It just needs stillness. A certain amount of time every day. To begin with, it can only be five minutes if you can only have five minutes, but it must be every day. Not an hour when nothing happens. No, because that will put you off altogether.

Lemuel taught piano for many years. And he teaches the same way. Practice every day, even if it's five minutes. And it's not what you practice is how you practice. It's not what you say it's how you say, et cetera, et cetera. So when you enter stillness, just be still for a short time, enter into your inner. Concentrate on your breathing in and out. That's all that is necessary to begin with. But do that every day and keep your antenna fully extended. Well, that's really all I wanted to say primarily to talk about the different consciousnesses that you all have and to try and explain in a little more detail what it means to transmit.

And so having said what I have said, I want to thank Lemuel and I want to thank you all for listening and attending and for those who eventually will listen to the tape and to tell you all again once more that you can do it. I am Arthura and one of the reasons I am here is to encourage you because I want to be able to help you transmit. Call on me and see if you can pick me up. So that is all. I step back now. Thank you, Lemuel. Thank you and I bid you all a very good day. Bye-bye.

Well, thank you so much, Arthura. Thank you for those words of consciousness. Well. Would you just give me a moment while I have a little sip. Thank you. Let's see if there's anyone else here. I'm not picking anyone else up at the moment. I will be patient a little moment more because there's still more than half an hour to go. Well, I'm surprised because Arthura came through loud and clear, so to speak, and now well, maybe he's got his own circuit and he came in on that and that's all I can think of. So, well, Ron, I can see that you're here so if you don't mind, I'm going to come to you. And perhaps you have something. I'm going to unmute you. Oh, you are unmuted in fact. You are unmuted, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Yes, thank you, Lemuel.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is Machiventa Melchizedek. I have this to say to all of you that the Light Line today probably is going to be truncated a little bit early Lemuel. The reason is a matter of state and that we are calling a meeting of the celestials that are going to be input to Urantia in the Regency. For that reason, we are then going to tell you this, the management now considers these Light Lines as sacrosanct and ready to be part of the Regency. And we will make an advertisement concerning the operation of the Light Lines, particularly that of Ron, Lemuel, and Dominick. Elise, you are included, but there are reasons we think that the Netherlands themselves may be an abstract of the Regency, and as a result, you may be busy on other projects. Don't take that as an assignment. Just take it as a notice.

And to you Ron: you are listening to the Light Line with probable cause to concern yourself about as Arthura says, consciousness. You find that your consciousness is weaving in and out over issues not known to you. For that reason, we are going to consider using you for the Light Lines a little bit differently. You will have your Sunday Light Lines but you will be asked to join all other Light Lines as a co-host. That is perfectly well with you because you usually attend anyhow out of interest to make sure that there is a steady stream of transmissions.

And finally this to you, Lemuel, you are going to have a tooth extraction tomorrow, I would suggest that you bring with you all that you need to do to stay overnight in the hospital, in case you have to. They're beating you up with these tooth extractions. And for that reason, we are objecting to what he wants to do tomorrow. You have a slight toothache. And for that reason, you are hitting the nerve. And for that reason, you didn't think you had one, but you do in that tooth.

And finally, this to you, Ron: the entire matter over which you operate, is to often work with the speakers on the mansion worlds. That is not to be attributed to the mansion worlds or to me anymore. But to the Universal Father who requests that the mansion world contacts become less obvious, and more importantly, to each other on the mansion worlds. Ron, you have conditioned them to the idea that there are better things to do other than to rest and relax during your spare time on the mansion worlds. It is for that reason that we are going to ask the mansion worlds not to object to your appointment, but to assume that you're always part of their constructions, sometimes without you. You have taught the mansion world idea of the Urantia group that it is free to examine new revelation. They do it all the time now and are quite capable of receiving it on their level. We want the rest of the mansion worlds to understand that your use of transmissions and the ability to hear so clearly is immensely important for the education and care of anyone who wishes to use the transmissions as a way, an additional way to learn your lessons on the mansion worlds. And finally, Ron, there is a clear absence of another and that is not forgiven. He simply is asleep.

Ron Besser  
Well, it is kind of forgiven. I think it can't be helped. Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
And finally this Ron: the truth of the matter is you have had to fight consciousness now for about eight days. It is miserable and you're tired of it. But there is no simple way for you to understand that the entire matter over which you reign is about to be changed exclusively to you. What is that? First of all, I want it to be understood that you Lemuel are in part infractious. What does that mean? Infractious refers to the inability to hear a contact. You are not without transmitters. You are without the ability of the brain to receive initial contacts. That will be corrected. You will be normalized. But in the meantime, use someone like Ron to give you additional contacts when we have a problem getting a new contactee to you.

Universal Father  
And finally this: is the Father. You Ron are just fine. But you're in and out of consciousness and you find it difficult to remember what you missed. The truth of the matter is you miss nothing but you heard very well. Your brain Ron is capable of recording what has been said and remembers it on the subconscious level. You don't mind that so much, except you have no access to it with will. There may be coming a time that that subconscious disappears with you, Ron and for that reason, you hear all the time, regardless if you are in sleep, loss of consciousness, or otherwise.

And finally this to you Lemuel, you have muted yourself, for good reason. Don't worry about it, it will come back. And finally this Ron: you're going to have to close this Light Line yourself. Lemuel has a problem. And we will take care of it for you Lemuel. We will conclude the Light Line.

And finally this: you Ron are conscious on many issues the rest of them aren't. That includes the mansion worlds and the ability to hear contacts not only to the mansion worlds, which do not hear them but also to other transmitters that do not hear them. You are primarily interested in containing the mansion world broadcasts if you can hear them too. You will begin to hear them consciously in about an hour. For that reason, take it down as dictation and place it as a post.

Ron Besser  
I'll be glad to. Thank you.

And finally this Lemuel, you're back online. Did you hear me? Go ahead.

I just didn't want to make a noise when I was moving about Ron whilst you were speaking.

Ron Besser  
All right. Well, you're then capable of closing the Light Line yourself.

Yes, thank you, Ron. Yes. All right.

Ron Besser  
Well, let me make this speech and then I'll turn it back to you to finish it.

Okay, Ron, Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
The truth of the matter is I am Machiventa Melchizedek and I'm also broadcasting the idea that Manituba Melchizedek, Mantutia Melchizedek, and another Melchizedek you don't know.

Ron Besser  
I heard one name but I don't trust it.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
And that is correct.

Ron Besser  
One moment. One moment. Machiventa, I am getting what seems unlikely names.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
I am aware of it and they are removed. Try this. Yes, I understand that Ron.

Ron Besser  
Again I'm getting names. I'm getting names all beginning with f. You can imagine what some of them are. I will not repeat them.

Universal Father  
This is Machiventa Melchizedek. Thank you, Ron. And neither will I. The truth of the matter is Ron, that has been sealed.

Ron Besser  
Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
And now this: I am Machiventa Melchizedek. Ron, you passed a wonderful test wonderfully. I also understand you don't think it's the Melchizedeks.

Ron Besser  

Machiventa Melchizedek  
I'm insulted.

Ron Besser  
Thank you. So am I.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is Machiventa Melchizedek, Ron, that was Father being me. Why he did that, I don't know. In any case, let us continue. The truth of the matter is Ron, you are hearing other voices coming in from a lower level. That is not mansion worlds. What you're picking up is another world where some people go when they die, to hold them in reserve until the judges can tell if they are worthy to go to the mansion worlds. Most of them are intractable atheists. Most of them have no business on the mansion worlds. Most of them are not bothering to become interested in arising and doing prayer or rising to examine the spiritual life. They are about to be closed off.

Now this to the rest of you: upon your death, there will be a situation arising now, because of the Regency where you will be reexamined as to your purpose. It's not hard. Most of the time they ask you to state your material name. Are you ready or not ready? If you say I'm not ready, you're put to sleep. And you wait the time until the soul matures enough to work on the morontial worlds. That's brand new. And it probably retains most of Urantia's deaths at this point. You Ron are fully aware that these operations require a complex use of spiritual commands to make them possible. You don't ask why you merely say, I obey. I am happy to do that. The transmitters here all do what you do. One that is not present and should be is entirely out. We don't know why. And fully this Ron: do not worry it, it is causal. Now this: the trial that now must be afforded to you, Ron, is you have reached the level of being able to comprehend what I say before I say it at times. You say more or less that has happened frequently.

Ron Besser  
But it's only the first sentence.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Truly, Ron. And you have learned to say it just happens.

Ron Besser  
Yeah, it's like a drip over the cup. Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Thank you. I do like that. For reasons of my own, I'm making sure that you do not hear anything but what I wish to transmit. Up until now, I have secured you in many areas of revelation you work with beautifully. But you do not care particularly if they are made now or in the future. It will be not in the future, but may now and in a way that we are fully aware that you can be understood on any level as being material and needing revelation from their particular area so you know who's talking to you. The Master Force Organizers speak with you frequently now. They get the point you are hungry for their views. The Architects of the master universe now are aware you will be delighted to hear from them.

Ron Besser  
Very much so.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
And truly do not speak, while I am speaking. The truth of the matter is it's okay and not okay. We are ready not to have it okay, at the moment. And finally this: you Ron are fully aware of why I'm laughing.

Ron Besser  
Are you laughing, sir?

Machiventa Melchizedek  
I have never been subject to the type of humor that you can spread over the airwaves when you do it. That was very simple, Ron, but hilarious. I'm not repeating it. Yeah now, the truth. I am not the divine burp. That doesn't mean I can't repeat it. Now this for you, Ron, the entire matter is just an enjoyment of the contact and the need for information. You are rare. You are not well done. But you are enjoyable on all levels of the master universe, that can tolerate speaking to the material worlds. And finally this, Ron: the entire matter that you must go to is to appreciate that Lemuel and the other transmitters must obey certain protocols. And when they don't, we have problems getting someone to speak. Lemuel, there's no problem with you, or Elise, or Dominick or anyone else. But the problem is now beginning with us, in that if you do not follow protocols, you do not get service. That's because you're now part of the Regency. 

For reasons of our own, we're muting you, Lemuel. Now, the truth of the matter is we will unmute you in a moment. The truth of the matter is, there is no easy way to continue Light Lines because there is a new rule by the Father that any Light Line must be distinguished by practiced transmitters. Dominick just makes it but a few of you are coming online who are able to transmit that must learn their transmitting skills, off of Light Line and learn to speak in a classroom of your own in your own home. That includes some of you who were former transmitters. We leave that alone for now to be distinguished when the time comes to select which do that. Yes, Ron reminds me that is the practice of the old teaching mission. Thank you. 

And finally this to you, Ron. The entire matter of being able to quip is inheritable, not because you are quippable but because the Adjuster finds it inevitable to reduce the strain of transmission, not only in you but in us. We are welcoming it continued. And for reasons of state Lemuel, we are finished broadcasting. We need another Light Line to get this all out. But I am not ready to set a Light Line time and date at the moment. Ron will post it. You will have an extra Light Line this week. And finally, Lemuel, we're turning this back to you.

Ron Besser  
I'm unmuting you. You're unmuted. Go ahead.

Thank you, Ron. Thank you. All right. Excuse me. Well, it only remains for me as usual, just to thank the speakers, which in fact, was Arthura. And then Machiventa Melchizedek through Ron. And, also ah yes thank you, Michael of Nebadon popped in momentarily. And so thank you very much for that. And for those of you who have joined me today, thank you all again very much. It is appreciated your presence. And I hope to be able to welcome you again next Wednesday, which I think would be the second of February, unless I'm called upon to do as Ron just intimated to do another Light Line later this week. All right. So until then, good afternoon, or good night to you all. And God bless.

Nothing is lost to the heart of God,
nothing is lost for ever;
God's heart is love,
and that love will remain,
holding the world forever. (lyrics by Colin Gibson, Words © 1996 Hope Publishing Company)