Author Topic: Lesson 7 MICHAEL of NEBADON. Questions. Administrative Drive. Governance. 06.27.  (Read 6696 times)

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  • Re-examination of Governance Qualities and Purposes
  • Administrative Tendencies and Executive Qualities in Humans
  • Complexity of Modern Civilization; Crisis Instigates the Re-examination and Questions of Governance Relationships

Offline Dominick O

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Questions to Ask, Administrative Drive, and Governance
6/27/2022, York, PA, United States
Transmitter Teacher(s): MICHAEL of NEBADON
Receiver(s): Dominick O
June 27, Monday, York PA. Lesson Seven, titled, Questions to Ask.
Today's lesson, and this is Michael of Nebadon, is to ask yourself the questions, often, before seeking the answers. Oftentimes, Spirit frames information for you to experience understanding through a refinement of the question itself. Therefore, you receive instruction to go forth and learn, and be, within a new or renewed framework. So today, instead of providing answers to questions not even formed, we provide refined questions. For example, you have a redefined question all the time in the crisis upon crisis in your civilizations, and between nations, between identities. What is the State? What is Governance in relation to you, and a community that you are part of, and frankly, a community that sustains each of you? It does not work the other way around unless you truly understand the what, who how, why and when, and so forth, that you are contributing to that community.
Only recently in modern times have you witnessed the community extending [itself] in terms of, say, the supply chain; the community extending to-and-across large territories of land. This is good, just not always the case, before [the arrival of] modern Agriculture, Farming, Manufacturing, and Energy Transportation. With [all] that came the need for Science and Medicine to conquer transmissible diseases, but there is a need for understanding the nature of the Questions. For the danger is, of course, asking the wrong questions. Entering problem solving through the wrong premises and assumptions, and therefore, adding fat-to-the-fire.
One core concept is understanding a proclivity of human beings is, truly, because of your nature of finiteness, and the tug of contrasting, [between your] intuiting of your special nature as a being. There is this pull between a yearning for nothing more than administrative duty. To aspire to doing your part and being told what that part is. And how you could go about doing it, with relative understanding and ease, even though it might be hard. The knowing what is expected, and the benefit of that happening in your personal, and familial, and community, and nation; security and stability. That all you really want to do and aspire to, is administrative function, to live out the basic other pursuits, that the organization of a nation state, or basically governance, provides.
Rare are the qualities of effective executive leadership. There is, not just a drive that gets sorted out because a mammal wants to rise in that administrative hierarchy, to exercise dominance. This is [just] one natural aspect provided to the human condition that guarantees leadership occurs through the administrative body. Just like the sex-drive ensures the species perpetuation. Social Dominance in Social Hierarchy [species] drives, ensure that, at least in some way, leadership does arise in the, otherwise, administrative default [setting] the human being experiences when it comes to Governance.
The bees or insects have simple mind adjutants driving their behavior. It might be complex, but it is very rigid and known, instinctively, without thinking. If we were to, now, take this human drive and intelligence, and spirit attributes, and potentials, and then with the right questions, educate all of these things. Then, a harmonious and sharpened class of Citizens, Administrators, and Leaders and Executives, of varying degrees, would effectively harmonize a governance that would provide all of these things [pursuits], that governance is expected and assumed to provide.
Therefore, crisis is, at the very least, a good, if not unfortunate, teacher to reform the questions of, why did this happen? Can we prepare for this to happen? How do we respond, that it happened? Where do we go from here? And of course, what guides our principles of governance? What values can we recognize and perpetuate through education, so we maintain these benefits of governance across generations?
We provide this lesson because there currently is, a lack of proper questioning, rather, an assumption of modern entitlement, without the urgency to provide the rest of humanity, or even the ability to do it, if you desire to do it. So many things are in the way of each other right now that you don't know where to begin. And so, these aspects of advanced and complex leadership beg a new series and sets of questions; together with old and reformed versions of the best that has been produced so far. In response to what is being faced today and in the future.
And this is Michael of Nebadon still speaking. And this [Lesson] is true for all planets within Nebadon populated by the Human Species. Humans, defined as capable sons and daughters of God, endowed with the Father, and part of the Order of Sons, populating time and space. And I, your Creator Son, have designed it so. That you all eventually are part of this civilization within Nebadon, [an] interplanetary, interstellar civilization.
I wish you all a blessed, good day. Be in peace and ask for the questions. Ask Us and We will lead you and We trust in your ability and your intent. Good day.
Dominick O:
Thank you, Michael. This was well received, and we thank you.