Author Topic: Chinese Currency Being De-Bugged from Virus Infection  (Read 11135 times)

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Online Ron Besser

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Chinese Currency Being De-Bugged from Virus Infection
« on: February 27, 2020, 18:23:06 pm »
I see the some if not all Chinese banks in China are taking their stores of paper money and running it through ultraviolet light and putting it into an oven to kill the corona virus.
Here is a report from a news agency on the work to stop the spread of the virus you might find interesting:

Chinese banks have been ordered to disinfect cash before issuing it to the public in an effort to curb the spread of the new coronavirus that has so far killed 1,770 people in the country.

The Chinese government said during a press conference on Saturday that banks would only be permitted to release new bills which had been sterilized.

Banks across the country had been told to withdraw potentially infected cash from circulation and disinfect it using either ultraviolet or heat treatments, the government’s State Council told reporters. Decontaminated cash would then be stored for seven to 14 days before it could be returned to the market.

Money removed from high-risk sites such as hospitals and markets would be sealed and specially treated, but it would then be held by the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) instead of re-entering circulation, officials said.

Cash transfers between China’s provinces had also been suspended, which the State Council claimed had minimized the movement of personnel and reduced the risk of transmitting the new strain of coronavirus — formally named COVID-19 — during transit.

In a separate press conference on Saturday, Fan Yifei, deputy governor of the PBOC, told reporters the central bank was working to issue new, uninfected bills across mainland China.
“After the outbreak, we paid great attention to the safety and health of the public’s use of cash,” he said, according to a translation by Google. “Prior to January 17 this year, the People’s Bank of China arranged to allocate nearly 600 billion yuan ($86 billion) of new banknotes to the country.”
Authorities issued 4 billion yuan in new banknotes to Wuhan, the city at the epicenter of China’s coronavirus epidemic, before the Lunar New Year holiday in late January.

Fan added that the Chinese state would accelerate work in the field of mobile payments in a bid to prevent human contact through cash exchanges.

“It should be said that China’s electronic payment system is relatively advanced,” he said. “Recently, there have been some new developments in various places — people pay for their orders on their mobile phones, and they can buy fresh and affordable meat, eggs, vegetables and fruits without going out, which has solved a major problem in people’s lives during the outbreak.”

However, Muhammad Munir, a virologist at Lancaster University in England, told CNBC Monday that China’s efforts to decontaminate cash would have a minimal impact on containing the coronavirus.
“While COVID-19 can spread through contaminated objects, the duration of virus survival on currency notes is not determined,” he said in an email, explaining that this made it difficult to determine an effective method of removing traces of the virus from cash.

“The majority of daily purchases are already made through online shopping — the actual impact of restricting currency notes usage or disinfection will be slight,” he added.   END QUOTE


Ron here -  I do not think we ever stopped to think that the next financial crisis would come over the threat of an epidemic.  Usually it is just plain the heartless overhang of too much debt to cause it.

During the past three days the DOW has dropped 3,000 points after hitting record highs the week before.  The Chinese currency is weakened against the dollar, yet the dollar rises against even the Japanese Yen, and that is in spite of the super debt the United States holds.

he aggregate, gross amount that Treasury can borrow is limited by the United States debt ceiling. As of February 2020, federal debt held by the public is 17.23 trillion and intragovernmental holdings were $6.02 trillion, for a total national debt of $23.3 trillion.  Debt of mortgages, cars, equipment, public projects is the 17.23 trillion on government loans to cover municipal and city debts plus the debt on credit cards and other instruments of borrowing.  I have no real idea what a trillion dollars is but it seems to me the system that allows this kind of fantasy to accumulate is asking for a very serious problem about solvency and what to do about the idea of debt even.

I also just take from history I have lived through, that if currencies of third world countries start to accumulate the virus of uncertainty as to their real dollar value, then the weakening of the Chinese Yuan and Japanese Yen could crack open the papering over of this tremendous amount of national debts and start another pandemic greater than the great depression of 1929.   It is fear driving the US dollar higher and the Swiss franc increasing in value too.  The EU is restructuring about six trillion Euros of debt into a world trade agreement too and that is the worst thing any organization, EU or not, as it just puts more load on the world economic structure I think is going to tumble badly, especially if this corona virus stops a lot of economic activity from ever happening.  

I post this just for your edification and it is depressing information on top of everything else.


MONJORONSON= "I am A MAGISTERIAL SON, and also an expert on world economics.  I am arriving shortly everyone and while I have done that in the past, this time I am arriving and staying regardless of what happens next.

"I am quite sure that Amethyst will get better but one of her kidneys got infected badly from drinking polluted water and that must stop as it is unusual for anything to happen like this in the United States. We also note that three rebellions were unleashed in different places.  Urantia is one of them.  I condemn  the work of the supreme now but I cannot in all good faith call the work we do on Urantia superlative in spite of the rebellion anymore.

"The United States is ready to go into one more huge debt raising exercise and the irresponsible Congress is asking all to pay higher taxes again and this time they are going to get hit hard with no reelection if they pursue it.  Debt is being used to call out of the woodwork a lot of free spending on architecturally poor roads and bridges over streams that are still polluted and cannot be held accountable to any good standard for health and safety of the consuming public.  Be assured we are ready to correct these problems of duplicate transmissions Ron experiences all the time and refuses to print any of it.

"WE are also sure that the financial structures are under such stress, that if, as Ron says above, the Chinese slip into a recession again, there will be hell to pay, as the Communist Party is reckless deciding to pull back about 2 trillion USD of loans back they guaranteed to small world countries and that just might trigger the collapse Ron warns all of you about above.  WE personally feel the the credit card frauds going on around the world could also injure the nations they appear in, as those companies that issue credit cards are liable for the debt those who defraud cause.   If this happens there will be a huge depression and I doubt Urantia could get out from under it for a decade at least.  Thank you .  K"


« Last Edit: February 27, 2020, 20:27:54 pm by Ron Besser »
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania


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Re: Chinese Currency Being De-Bugged from Virus Infection
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2020, 04:32:18 am »
Thank you Ron for getting this debt issue back to our awareness. While the news lately is being dominated by the looming crisis of the potential of a global pandemic due to the rapid spread of the Coronavirus, it is causing the stock markets to go into a steep dive into negative territory as investors are more than nervous about how this virus is going to affect economic health. I am appreciating the facts put before us to make us realise this is a terrible time we are facing and it is going to get worse by the looks of it. Let's be frank, there is the problem of the earth’s core overheating, the climate change dilemma, the ongoing natural disasters of wildfires, floodings, dangerous storms, crazy temperature swings, locust swarms in east Africa and severe snow weather in the northern hemispheres and so on goes the list of what our prophets have warned us about being in these end times of great tribulations. Yes I agree there is such a time and we are seeing it ramping up with such speed it takes us off guard when it creeps up upon us all. I have been watching the news and taking a good long hard look at what is occurring around us and it is not looking very rosy when people are getting sick and dying and the financial situation around our world is looking so vulnerable to a collapse we have not seen ever before as debt becomes beyond paying back. This is a world losing leadership and responsible management in accountability among nationstates the world over. Looking at the Bretton Woods System back in the days of WW1 and WW2 is something that needs to be read and understood to see we seem to be repeating history’s mistakes once again if we ignore the signs of collapse in monetary management. I also recall when I read the paper on the Iarga people on their world on how they manage their systems of government and sustainability and so on  [see website: ]

It is so good to hear that Monjoronson is now taking a stand here on the planet and seeing to the problems Urantia is to face soon if not right now. While being advised of the three rebellions is appalling for us to take in and we are left like rag dolls in the midst of these rebellions, I am so glad there is someone who has the balls to come to our aid to assist in some way to deal a blow to the mess we are all in. I have enjoyed learning of the matters of the subject of infinity in the Bulletin 2-12 paper and that gives us all something to look forward to to learn in our ascension careers as there is so much more for us and I am pleased the subject of infinity has another infinitude beyond what we already are experiencing. It is just so grand. It makes us feel like a genie trapped in a bottle and we are waiting to be released and grow in this grand cosmic reality and beyond. Great times are ahead, yet here we are stuck in the bottle and things are just so so so unnecessarily painful to hang with. Anyhow, I have been thinking about something and it is this and I wonder what you all think about it too. What about the subject of self sufficiency instead of trade beyond borders? Let me explain it this way in terms we humans can relate to: it goes like this:

Given, if we are faced with a global pandemic, a financial collapse and a slowing of global resource supply, then it becomes necessary for each nation-state to think for themselves to fend for their very survival and that would require each man and woman inside one nation state to pull their weight to create, innovate, grow and sustain food and water supply to support its own immediate citizens who all work hard together to make it happen and earn the right to its fair share of their contribution to supporting one another in surviving. I think this is a very minute scale of perspective in seeing how, in real life, this could play out in all that could transpire when things get so short on supply. In the second World War, I remember my grandmother saying to me they had everything rationed and they had ration cards to get only what they are allowed to have what the card states them to have in portions. So in that way food supply and resources were spread more evenly so as not to run out too quickly. I think that too, could be used in a drastic measure to contain the problem of premature shortage and loss of supply. I see what is occurring now is what Monjoronson explains in his paper with Daniel Raphael in Planetary Management and Sustainability the issue of the words “COMPOUNDING PROBLEMS”. If that is still a going term, could Monjoronson update us on this if this is a going concern as we are seeing it happening in our world today with the double whammy of a viral pandemic and global market collapse and then onwards towards a worrying shortage of food, water and energy supply? The flow-on effects of one, two and then three negatives would lead to a destruction of human survival. Would this be the “great tribulation” that was spoken of in the scriptures and in the many prophetic writings of late? If this is so, what then can we do to mitigate this fallout if any?

Ron has stated a very obvious sentiment of how “depressing” the news is for us to receive and that is a truth we all have been taking for a long duration of time now and it is getting no better when we learn of three rebellions that makes our life even more daunting as ever. How then can we as humans who know Father and His Way, work through this growing labyrinth and still maintain our faith when all hell breaks loose? What can Monjoronson do now when things look so beyond fixing? Could a planetary evac be on the cards anyways? We humans seem to fail to look long term as we only see the short term and how it can be alleviated as it is more vital to deal with the problems before us than to be dealing with some hypotheticals down the track that seems so useless to us to pursue, what then can be the perspective that we should be looking at, at this point in our challenging times we are in?

If anyone could assist us in answering these, be it you the reader, Monjoronson, Machiventa or Michael of Nebadon who could spare some insights into these queries would be most enlightening for us to dwell on and learn better if you would be so kind to share it here with us. Thank you.

« Last Edit: February 28, 2020, 04:36:19 am by 7inOcean »

Online Ron Besser

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Re: Chinese Currency Being De-Bugged from Virus Infection
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2020, 06:17:51 am »
MONJORONSON:   "I am circumspect this morninbg as Ron is slowly falling apart so badly we have to be careful to use him wisely for now.  He has a bleeding ulcer in the forehead of all things and that comes from battles with miscreant seraphim who fight him tooth and nail to shut down the thought machine and stay with their abiding in the supreme.   I also see a glint of steel in his eyes this morning insisting if he has to bear under this at least let him do some work before he collapses.  I admire the grit tremendously and he never says die until he has  to.

"Compounding  problems: refer to the inability of man to cooperate on all levels when he has to.  Be assured if you all put your backs into the work of transmitting the world would follow suit because you all can produce a Bulletin 2-12 each if you wanted to but nobody even tries.  Why?

"I am quite sure Ron knows the answer too, but let me tell you this.  Ron looks at certain people in the country here, and he feels they are totally blind to the fact that all they need do is join forces and forget petty acting ways and form a strong corporation without complaint who does what.  In so many words, people like Raphael are blind to the greater problem while Ron is not and it is Ron who wants to form a unit to take on the compounding problems which are appearing so much so now once Trump beat the impeachment thing.  He should not have but the Republican ranks are power hungry again and it spells big trouble for the House of Representatives in the United States unless Nancy Pelosi can hold on for another four or five months.  She appears exhausted and probably is.

"fully understood, the trial we have today the 28th of February, is that Tom Hanks is leaving the world via a Trapist monk style having given away all of his money to whoever, but he is not dying, he is ready to take up a monastery existence just as Ron thought about so often.  He fell ill with Hollywood and that creep just sentenced for sexual assault., and reuses to deal with power hungry moguls anymore.  Be assured you are doing well Ron in spite of the battle you have to put up just to see the text being typed out as you go. 

"We explain this to all of you:

1 -  Ron pleaded insanity this morninging and asked to please be let out of the flesh if he cannot get some sight back and his walk back.  We cannot do that and it is just getting worse and worse and he needs serious attention soon just to be sitting down.  We are looking at it c arefully and he says, "I am not blackmailing you guys, but I am getting into desperate straits."  We know that just watching his heart rate which is half of what he really needs now/

2 -  "WE are running a year behind again and this time the cost is immense to Ron and now Amethyst as her emergency on Wednesday night just past has cost her nore than a kidney stone, it has cost her her life almost as she fell up the steps to the hospital wreathing in an attack of the adrenal system and broke her left arm and this probably ends her work as a host on the Lightline program Wednesday night.  Ron you can take it for now . . .  [yes, if I can survive too . . .]  Thank you. 

3 -  "We are also looking at a house party for Elise as she has finally transmitted her first long parade of people for Lightline.  We will have to talk to Amethyst and see just what to do and if she can handle it let her do so.  [Ron: I think she might want to]  Her life is shatterred for her life is based on party work for the home people nearby and she has to walk with a cane now and hope the kidney heals from taking on too much pancreatic stasis over poisoned water.

4 -  "Ron Besser has received kudos and hell, depending on what you call it for Bulletin 2-12.  The long line of work it took to do that Bulletin is well understood but few understand Ron is nearly blind and must do his work was he can.  Now there is a group who wants his scalp over typos and that is normal,. but it also contains one or two at the Foundation, and that he answers with a finger as they are stupid to allow the moment again to pass, but that is what they voted for in a Board meeting Wednesday night and took the Bulletin and transhed it now but make it a  scorious subject for another day by declaring Ron Besser a truncated ass you know what that has no idea what he speaks of .   Several of them already know that Ron is seriously ill but make not amends for their charge his is a lazy racoon without any real sense of what he does.  K"

5 - MICHAEL OF NEBADON STEPS IN - "Ron worry it not as they are fully understanding nothing and that seems to be the size of the entire Urantia Book readership even here on this web site.  Few understand that Ron is a revelator and as such has our full confidence as John the Baptist once said, Ron is small to us but huge to Urantia and he ought to play it out as best he can until we are in control.  I now see Monjoronson take the pitch too and I am willing to help Ron, but please do not irritate the supreme any more than you have to as they really ask for it too.

"As as man one time, I feel we have lost all of our marbles by delaying everything for a year again, and this time, regardless of the problems, we are going to shoot strait and remove that Foundation for its own good as they cannot see anything but their own corporate concerns and desperate decision to avoid Ron at all costs if they can manage to figure out how he gets well supplied with such atrocious information.  Folks:  Realize Ron wrote a piece of epochal revelation to all of you in Bulletin 2-12 and he shakes his head wondering why these failures at the Foundation are so predictable.  They listen now not with bated breath but waiting to see your death certificate Ron, and they ain't getting it to put it into the vernacular.

"Now this:  MONJORONSON indicated he has more to say, but we will go to the next window then Ron, and that bar that showed up on your copy of this web site is a mischief maker on this web site called Valerie. Valdrie you dare not put softwared into the system as it screws up coding.  Ron cannot stay logged in now.   Can you undo what you did? 

"Lastly, I am sure Ron felt horrible this morning with burning legs, shots, sorry sounds of a duplicate com circuit, and me not paying attention unusually as I am burning the candle at both ends too.  Be assured Ron Bulletin 2-12 is accurate to a fault and the Foundation suspects you are fully advised as to your role but cannot stand the fact you are the one to take on the next epochal revelation.  I am releasing it today to find its way to you Ron shortly.  K"

Ron here =   We take up a new post next window on various subjects not covered here.  See you below . . . ..   R

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: Chinese Currency Being De-Bugged from Virus Infection
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2020, 06:19:03 am »
This next post is now remitted to  something like What is Happening Today?  See you there.  Ron
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania