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Andre, I also note that the number401 is a null in internet programming.  It always draws a blank page.  They know that and I do very well because the internet is ferociously mine to avoid if I can sometimes.   I really wonder if that is what spirit is telling me when it flashes 4401 at me.  And this:
Occerpa, your work is extraordinarily good and I enjoy it when you let Sai Baba direct your thinking.  I do question your life victimization thought and ask where does Sai Baba come from when he asserts that "life is not worth living if you cannot stand the chase?"  That was handed to me in spirit to say and I cannot point out where Sai Baba actually says that.
Finally, I am feeling like hell today and I cannot recall much in my mind, but I point out to you that the entire matter of the future in literature is to look beyond today.  When we do that here, all I get is "stay the course," and when I do I get more the same.  What does Sai Baba say about the future, and I am very tired of what I get about future ways of civilization?   Does Sai Baba ever give a hint of the future for man without getting depressed?   Yowsa Sai Baba!

I enter this thread here because I find it very intriguing without even being able to extract its central message but only arrive at a series of conjectures, hoping that we can soon get supplements that will help us discern this material that I believe could mean everything we need to learn in this life as a mortal being with divine potential: "When the authority of Michael of Nebadon enters the realm of matter, time and space, either through physical manifestations or through a conscious breaking of mental barriers, I will leave it to your imagination" Does Arthura refer to the elimination of the energy field that, like an electromagnetic fence, has kept us prisoners and ignorant of our divine affiliation? I would like to have the ability to further analyze this entire extraordinary dissertation by Arthura who is already so notable for her master classes. My gratitude and admiration to Arthura, but also thanks to Father Machiventa Melchizedek, our creator father Michael of Nebadon. 

"This is Ron Besser.  I operate much of this communication work in order that there may be a free exercise of views about what is happening with the spiritual concerns for the people who do have a view of what is to happen with the spiritual side of life"

What I had in mind was to attend to Ron's call to give our opinion or express our point of view on the reality of spiritual life, which I feel moves consciences since it should be a concern for everyone, and in particular for the elderly, to be able to develop the most complete idea possible in preparation for what awaits us on the other side, and of course, if we manage to configure, by bringing together the known revelations and the added touch-up through personal imagination, a thesis that allows us to free ourselves from the stress of death, I think we can exclaim with joy: Hallelujah!!

It is understandable to admit that when dealing with a complex and multifaceted subject, what can be presented as a simple opinionator, only reaches an outline of a great truth. 

Finite and Infinite: I believe that here in this dilemma, lies much of the material on which we must work in order to break down the truth that underlies the relationship that exists between our individuality and the universality of God. The finite cannot encompass the infinite, this is as simple to understand as realizing that we cannot pour two liters of any liquid into a one-liter container, I bring it as a very ordinary example compared to the central topic of finite and infinite, where we deal with elements so dissimilar, or at opposite extremes: matter and spirit. Thus posed the equation, all the work to be done would consist of an operation of alchemy. Today it could be said that what is involved would be nothing other than performing a "technological" intervention in our biocomputer to update the operating system, ruined by forces hostile to the original divine plan. And this is what is happening, comparatively today, with the transition from conventional digital computing (bit) to quantum computing (qubit). No matter how erudite or intelligent a person may be, his current organic endowment, his brain and all his centers, glands and neural connections, are only enough for him to move in the three-dimensional world of space, time, energy and matter. And no matter how much Bible and other scriptures we may have studied (including the Urantia Book), it will not allow us to assimilate what the spiritual side of existence is all about. Only by transcending the law of animal life and treading the spiritual path will we be able to aspire to undertake the universal career that has as its goal the fusion with the fragment of the Father all the way to Paradise. This passage from the material (finite) to the spiritual (infinite) dimension should take place in a gradual and spontaneous manner as occurs on normal worlds without the intricate conflicting processes that the inhabitants of Urantia and other worlds affected by the rebellion have to endure. The upgrade I am referring to involves the mortal's access through the etheric interface (etheric or vital body) to a virtual energetic brain, manifested above the physical organ, as a reflected projection, which enables the human being to be able to interconnect, to communicate, with the world or spiritual reality, always through his mysterious monitor or Thought Controller, which would serve as a "system engineer" and everything else. However, it is important to keep in mind that this high achievement is only possible after having carried out the not-so-easy work of transferring the ego-based consciousness (head) to the heart-based consciousness (love), thus generating the sacred or energetic heart. From this center of pure energy, the heart of Christ, the commands depart through which the neocortex designs the energetic, reflected or virtual brain, which is where the Thought Controller will definitively settle, and from where, in collaboration with the Spirit of Truth, it will guide and accompany the finite being throughout the entire universal career.

A closer look reveals that everything is based on the expansion of Consciousness: from animal nature to divine nature, passing through human nature. I said that the most difficult work we must face is to subdue the ego and its cohort of pettiness and jealousy (SAIBABA). And we are certainly slaves of the ego, because if only we could recognize that this "evil" ego responds to a mental programming of slavery and control for millennia, it would be easier for us to follow the guidance of our Adjuster. We are warned that it is not spiritual knowledge but spiritual action that makes us advance. To work towards this purpose we have a whole series of guidelines from keeping the Decalogue (...), exercising human values (Love, Truth, Righteousness, Peace and Non-Violence) and the practice of the six virtues of the energetic heart: Appreciation (gratitude), Compassion, Forgiveness, Humility, Understanding and Courage. These virtues of the energetic heart, when practiced as a philosophy of life, create what is known as the "tone vibration of equality" (or the frequency of solution), which is equal to the frequency of Love (55x10 to the 24th power). An analogy that is made in this regard is to suppose that these six virtues make up a chamber ensemble (sextet) of six instruments; if even one is out of tune, it is no longer pure Love. Thus, SAIBABA's statement that says: "If you develop love, you do not need to develop anything else" is quite decisive, a statement that I use as a motto here on the forum, with the purpose of working on this wise assertion.
I hope Ron that this chatter has some useful content to alleviate the spiritual concern with which we all walk. Thank you Moses Ouko
All right, welcome everyone. This is Dominick, your meeting host with Lemuel. We're continuing our interview with Lemuel for the records. It's July 25th, 2024. And welcome, Lemuel.

Thank you.

You had some more topics that you wanted to expand upon. So, I just wanted to let you go running in the field with.

 In fact, I wanted to say certain things, but I know in fact it is my beloved thought adjuster that wants to speak because what he wants to talk about, which is very important, is the process of cleansing. And so sometimes I think it will be myself speaking, and other times it will be my Thought Adjuster. And I hope people will be able to spot out the difference. Anyway, so let us begin.

Lemuel’s Thought Adjuster
Yes, well in fact this is Lemuel’s Thought Adjuster, and I would like to speak to all of you about what I term and others term as well as a cleansing or a purification. When someone takes that irrevocable decision to worship the one Almighty God and to surrender to His will that is the moment when I and all other Thought Adjusters have our own way of celebrating, because in fact it means that we have been successful from the moment of our indwelling the ward which in the Lemuel’s case, he was five years old during the war, the Second World War.

We celebrate it because it means that we are now able, that is to say, from the moment that decision is made, we as Thought Adjusters are able to begin this cleansing process which has the effect of turning everything, not upside down or inside out, but outside in. An initiation which as you all know literally means a beginning.

It's the beginning of a cleansing process that must take place. And it does not matter how or where and what type of initiation you took. 
Whether it was within one or other of the institutionalized religions or not. Not important. What is important is that you have made that decision. And then we as Thought Adjusters can really begin our work in earnest.

So let me start by saying the first phase of the cleansing process takes place on a physical or material level and the person will begin to experience physical symptoms, pain, sickness. Other symptoms that cause him to become preoccupied about his health. And of course, when I say his health, I'm also referring to her health. It can also mean that this person will experience terrible headaches so severe that they throw up and all they want to do is to die because they cannot stand the pain. They will go through a period of terrible dreams; nightmares and they will have thoughts they don't know where they came from.
And this is where I will mention, and I will talk about it later at that, but I will now mention the fact, and it is a fact that when you make that decision, that irrevocable decision, it means I can now really reach down and pull you up, so to speak, and in so doing those that have gone before you are also pulled up.

So, your cleansing also involves the cleansing of those that have gone before you, your parents, your grandparents, your ancestors. And if I may digress for just a moment, before any of the Thought Adjusters choose their ward, they would have already investigated and researched their background, their parents, their grandparents, and the potential or not of achieving a degree of spiritual awareness. That takes place for everyone, of course. And also, I may add that normally at least three Thought Adjusters volunteer to indwell a particular ward. I volunteered and I was finally chosen not because I was better than the others, but simply because I was more experienced.
All right, I return now to the cleansing. And it is in fact a wonderful thing to know that one is able to cleanse and accelerate the cleansing process of one's ancestors whilst they are on the mansion worlds. They on the mansion worlds will know nothing about it until the cleansing process for the individual in this case, Lemuel, is complete. I can tell you that in fact the parents and the grandparents and the others older than the grandparents are aware of Lemuel’s work here and what he has done. Well, this applies to everyone. It is such a necessary process and a very, very difficult one. Because as I say, you have terrible dreams, terrible headaches, you suffer, you go to the doctor, and strangely, they can never find anything wrong with you.

And so, you begin to come to terms with the fact that in fact you are changing, you are being changed. And people notice the difference and in fact they don't like it. Let me give you an example. Before this process of cleansing begins you are, as it were, like a beautiful lake. Calm and serene. And along comes someone with an enormous bucket and they plunge the bucket into the lake and they pull up a bucket full of sediment that has been on that lake for so many years. And of course they disturb the water. So, the lake now looks terribly dirty. But in fact, it is one bucket of dirt cleaner. Doesn't look like that does it? And so family members and friends begin to notice a difference in a person that is now experiencing this process of cleansing.

Well, let us move on to the next phase of cleansing which is emotional or vegetal because you share this world with material, vegetable, and animal influences that in fact influence you so much that many times you cannot control their influence. So, I will talk about addictions now because it is a vegetable and it deals with feelings and emotions. So, you have come through to a great extent and almost terminated with your physical or material cleansing and now you begin another one. And this is very different, of course. How is it different? Well, you begin to feel different on all sorts of things. Your likes and dislikes change. And this can mean a change of clothing. A change of style of clothing or shoes or haircut or whatever it is.

All parents know that their teenage children go through phases of not necessarily a rebellion, but a period of searching, finding out their identity, and they want to prove all sorts of things or try certain things. And this, of course, can lead to alcohol addiction, drug addiction, smoking and all the rest of it, you know. And it's a worrying time for the parents. For the person themselves, and in Lemuel’s case, I know that he doesn't want me to be personal because it makes him feel uncomfortable, but I will just mention a few things. In Lemuel’s case; Lemuel started to smoke cigarettes when he was 11 years of age. If you remember from last week's conversation, Lemuel was born and raised in a small mining town called Tredegar in South Wales in the United Kingdom. And his family were all miners. That is to say, they worked in the coal mines. Well, he used to do a little bit of Saturday morning shopping for his grandmother. And his grandmother smoked. And when he finished the shopping, and his grandmother would always sit him down, make him a cup of tea, give him a piece of cake, and give him a cigarette.

Well, in those days, of course, everybody smoked. I'm talking about everybody being those miners, those in the working classes of Wales. All the pleasure that they had was tobacco and beer. Everybody smoked.

And so, I started smoking thanks to my grandmother at the age of 11. All right, enough of that.

Lemuel’s Thought Adjuster
So, this phase of change and cleansing can be a very difficult period, a very trying period, not for the person involved themselves, but particularly for those around this person, family members, friends. You know, when you begin to change you unsettle other people that are not prepared for this and they ask, you know, what's the matter with him or her? And they feel uncomfortable. Of course, eventually you just learn to let them go because in fact they do go. They will leave you. And so our friendships and acquaintances, they begin to fade away, and you let them go. So, this again is a very difficult period.

Let us move on to now the animal cleansing. Well, as you may well imagine human animal. In many the animal is more than the human. Well, let me put it another way. You have a situation where the tail is wagging the dog and not the dog wagging the tail. Which means of course are you in control or not; of your anger, of your jealousy, of your impatience, of your intolerance, or whatever it is. This is animal as well as human, but I will be more specific about human in a short while. You all know what is ego. And ego has been referred to as the false personality and it is a false personality. You are not your ego. But you need ego but ego needs to be under your control. How can you control something if you don't recognize it?

Now when you begin to recognize your ego, you have a tremendous fight on your hands which your ego does not want to be controlled. So now I would paint you a picture. Perhaps many of you have seen a very famous and well-known series on British television called Downton Abbey and it deals with this wonderful mansion. With goodness knows how many rooms. And there's the master and the butler and all the servants, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Wonderful. Well, this is what every person should be. Their house, their mansion should be in perfectly working order, and it is not. Why is that?

Because in fact the owner, the boss if you like, of this mansion has not had the ability to control the servants. The situation is like the butler wants to be the boss. The gardener wants to be the boss or the cook wants to be the boss. That is to say all the different servers within this mansion, they fight between each other to do something else that they are not trained to do. And of course, this describes ego to the team. Ego thinks it can do anything. It can solve anything. It knows everything. It knows what is true, it knows what is false. But it does not. Ego should be a devoted and loving servant for you and you as ego's master should appreciate everything that the ego does for you. Well, there comes a time through all this cleansing process that your ego realizes for itself that it can only do its job to perfection by in fact being nothing else than a true servant for the master. And this applies to all the other servants. They can only experience complete and utter satisfaction when they do that particular job that they are trained to do.
The gardener in the garden, the cook in the kitchen, the maids in the bedchamber, etc. etc. You get the picture.  To serve, to know that you have been of service, and that your service is appreciated is the reward in and of itself. And that is your total satisfaction of a job well done, been able to serve.

So, coming back to the animal and the first personality. The cleansing process will make you become aware of certain things that you were not aware of previously. Where does your desires come from? Many times, you want to have what your eyes see. And many times, you are jealous of those things which you see that you cannot have, nor should you. Coming back to the habit of smoking, for example, someone who is addicted to tobacco. They do not smoke. They are being smoked by the tobacco. Those who are alcoholics the drink, and drinks them. Are you sitting in your favorite chair? Or is your favorite chair sitting on you?
This difference in looking at things and seeing the difference is all part of the cleansing process. And obviously as you learn these differences, you become different yourself. And this again is why your friends and relatives closest to you, they become very disturbed because you are not the same person previously. I could talk more about this part of the cleansing, but I think I have explained enough for you to understand and for you to get the picture.

Now we come to the human. The human cleansing. Now just think for a moment. What is the difference between a human and an animal? Animals do not have a sense of humor. Animals do not smile or laugh. Animals can’t use their imagination and think of future events. And animals can never be wise, and animals can never worship, as you all know. When we Thought Adjusters are aware that our wards have now reached the stage of cleansing on a human level, we can now also change our tactics in a way. I will explain a little later by what I mean by that.

I want you to think about certain phases in your life. Take a pencil and a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle of the paper and on one side you put down what you can remember of certain things that happened in your life, certain periods and then on the other side you can remark about the fact that it was positive or negative.

There are cycles of 21 years, beginning with birth to seven age, to 14 age, to 21 age. And the cycles always proceed in the same form, that is to say spiritual, mental and physical. So, by the time you are 21 years of age, you have experienced seven years of spiritual input, mental input and physical input. And they are not divided definitely into those seven year periods, but they overlap each other. But by and large, by the time you are a young adult of 21 years, you have experienced spiritual input, mental input, and obviously physical change as well. And it continues for the next 21 years.

21 to 42 again, spiritual, mental and physical. This is a very difficult period because from the age of 21 to 28 is a spiritual cycle. Mostly it is unconscious, but nevertheless it is a period where we Thought Adjusters tried to put more pressure on you during those seven years. And then 28 to 35 is mental, and this again is where we try to change your thoughts. You begin to think differently. It is your second period of seven years of thought process of mental change. You begin to think more seriously about the life. You change your job. You may change your house, what that will become later on the physical side. But during that mental phase, your thoughts are changing. And then from 35 to 42, which for many, many people is the most difficult, it is the physical change, a separation, a divorce. You lose your job or you get a new job, a change of, dwelling in a change of country or whatever it takes place.
And it starts again from 42 to 63 and so on it goes. The Lemuel in fact is now terminating from 63 to 84 experiencing what may be his last cycle of seven years of physical life. 63 to 70 is spiritual. 70 to 77 is mental. 77 to 84, physical. When we as Thought Adjusters can see that our wards have come to terms with the human changes that have had to take place we prepared them for the next step.

Now let me explain something else. This is important for you to know. There are mainly only seven phases of your life. Seven main chapters in your book of life, chapters of experience. So, let's begin, number one. You don't know. Number two, you admit you do not know. Number three, you want to know. Number four, you don't know what it is you want to know. Number five, you know what you want to know. Number six. You know.

Now then, those who have completed the cleansing process, that has been taking place for many years in some cases, have reached the stage where they know number six, and in fact they are embracing number seven. And what is number seven? I AM.
So, we as Thought Adjusters have achieved what we set out to achieve when we indwell our ward with the potential that we have seen so that we may bring this child from being a son or daughter of man to becoming a son or daughter of God. That they themselves know and recognize because they can say I AM. So, when you are and you are able to say, I am, of course, there is a tremendous change that has taken place in your life because now you be more than you do.

This cleansing process turns you from outside life to your inner life, to the extent that your inner life, slowly but hopefully surely completely takes over. You are still in the world, of course you are, and there are still certain things you have to do, but in fact, they mean nothing to you. You are not attached to anything or anyone. Now this is important. This does not mean that you are indifferent, not at all.

There's something else I should mention, very important. In order for you to progress through this cleansing process, there comes a moment, a very important moment between number five and number six, if you remember. Number five is you want to know and number six is you know. That is, you have learned to say no. So many people get bogged down with false sense of responsibility to their parents, to their wives or husbands or their children or whatever it is. In the early stages of your cleansing, of course, you have no conception of this. But later on, when you look back over your shoulder, you can see and you can understand the reasons why.
There is a reason for everything. For every change there is a reason. And it is almost always, almost always perfect. But of course, at any given moment in time when something happens, you cannot see the perfection in that. It is only much later on, maybe years later on, you look back over your shoulder and you can say, thank God for that. I am sure many of you have already had experiences like that. So that is something that you can identify with.

Nobody should be a slave to what other people think we should do or think we should say or behave as they want you to behave, etc. You've all experienced this. But it takes courage to say no, especially to parents of children who they have work, etc., and they want a mortgage. All that sort of thing takes place. And the parents become grandparents, they become babysitters. If they enjoy doing that, that's fine. But so many do not, but they haven't got the courage to say no.

I am still Lemuel’s Thought Adjuster talking and to finish; I will now talk about, not Lemuel, he doesn't like me to be personal, but what will apply to all of you when you reach the stage of I AM, then in fact you know that you are in fact God on earth. And if you have difficulty saying that or accepting that, then you are not yet at the stage of I am.

Now think about that very carefully. If you are at the stage of I AM, then you are being what you are. And what is that? That is God. You are representing God on earth as did Jesus. Now, Lemuel is not Jesus and none of you will ever be a Jesus. But you all have the potential to be I AM on Earth. And if you do this, if you can accomplish this now you will experience very little, there's very little for you to experience on the Mansion worlds, only a fusion that takes place with the Thought Adjuster.

And let me also now repeat, your cleansing here helps enormously those that have gone on before you. It accelerates their progress, their ascension journey. Well, isn't that the most wonderful thing, to be able to do that? Yes, and now Lemuel is thinking, well, thank God I never knew that before, otherwise maybe I would never have made that decision. But yes, but in fact that is the case. You are able to. And why is that? Because in fact you receive from them. As you know, it's all in your What do you call it? In your DNA.
You also say, what is it now? Yes, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Yes, something like that. Or what's in the trees come out in the branches, that sort of thing. Yes, you are a product of those that have gone before you. And that is to say, not only the good, but also the bad. And you have the opportunity of getting rid of their bad through this cleansing process. But this can only take place when you take that irrevocable decision, that you want nothing else in your life other than to worship the One Almighty God. And that means of course the cleansing process and when you come finally to be an I AM position or a state of I AM in effect you are able to represent God here on earth.

Those of you who are members of this discussion forum, most of you are here from the influence that you have had from reading the Book of Urantia. Well, that's fine. That’s all right, but that in fact is only a very small part because true knowledge comes from within not from outside. Lemuel, like so many others, you, I am sure, who are listening to this. You will have read so many books. Philosophical, religious, spiritual books that have finally led you to the Serara discussion forum. Everything that you have ever read have all been little stepping stones.

But it is not knowledge, it is information. And only information. Very interesting or not, but it still remains information. It is not and information can never be knowledge. Knowledge only comes from experience. When you experience something, you know it with certainty. And this is why, if you were able to go through those stages of wanting to know and then knowing, believe me all of us Thought Adjusters, we have our own way of celebrating and we ourselves look forward tremendously to the moment when we are able to fuse totally with our wards.

You may think this cleansing process really is too much for you. There are many different circumstances of course which may be easier or more difficult to come to the point we are able to make that irrevocable decision. But in a sense, it doesn't matter because your own individual Thought Adjusters, they know you very well, they know you better than you know yourselves. Whatever circumstance you find yourself in, if you feel comfortable with it, that's okay. If you do not, then allow, cooperate with your Thought Adjuster when you begin to feel differently about something or someone. Don't run away from that. Don't hide it. Embrace it because it means a change. Listen to your heart, listen to your feelings. This is where your Thought Adjuster is able to prompt you.
Alright. I think I have said enough about this process of change. There are other things, many other things that I could talk about. But at the moment, this is enough. And so, thank you, Lemuel. I'll hand this back to you now. Thank you.

Thank you, dearly Beloved. Thank you so much. I, this is Lemuel speaking now. I will only say that the… Well, maybe or not it'll be necessary for another talk in the future. I do not know. But I will only say that the… My participation in Light Lines, I don't know whether I will or what my beloved wants me to do about that. If I do host a Light Line again, it will be different. My Light Lines will be very different, more of a teaching. And so perhaps it will not be through a Light Line. I don't know. This is up to my beloved.
But there are certain things that I would like to say, or I teach is about the soul. Of course, it is the soul that survives, has the potential of surviving. And I will just add one thing. I know you don't mind, beloved. That is to say, when you, for those of you who are, arrived at number seven, which is I AM, you are able to say, I AM really. And of course, it means that you are fully cognizant of your soul and you know that your soul, not only is surviving, but in fact, your soul has probably left and is teaching itself on the mansion worlds because it's not necessary for your soul to be here any longer. You have graduated from a certain level when you have moved from four to five and you want to know. Anyway, that's by the by anyway.

Alright, so let's leave it at that for the moment. And so, I thank my beloved so very deeply again. And thank you Dominick for giving me another opportunity to speak. And so, I'll hand it back to you now, if I may. I am open to questions if anyone has a question, Dominick.
Okay, well press five star if you are on the telephone and you wanna ask a question. Otherwise, any time you want to do more of these, just let me know, Lemuel. And thank you for providing this with your Thought Adjuster.

That's all right. You're welcome.

You bet. OK, well, we're going to end it. I don't think there's any questions. They weren't really prepared.

All right, thank you, Dominick.

Thank you.

TRANSLATIONS / 26.7.2024 – Rozmiary Nebadonu
« Last post by Andre_P on Today at 10:44:19 »
Transkrypcja całości nagrania po angielsku :
Napisał : Moses Ouko, starszy członek
Kategoria / Temat : Tu są linki do nagrań, uwagi i plany / Lightline USA, 24 lipca 2024 r.
« Odpowiedź nr 1, 25 lipca 2022 r., godz. 15:00:07 »

(Jeden krótki urywek)

Michał Nebadoński :
Jestem Synem Stwórcy, ludzie. Jestem szefem przestrzeni i czasu. Mój lokalny wszechświat Nebadon ma co najmniej 40 lat świetlnych szerokości i około 50 lat świetlnych głębokości. Jednak pod nami jest jeszcze więcej wszechświatów, wierzcie lub nie.
TRANSLATIONS / 26.7.2024 – Ojciec Wszechświata opowiada o Raju
« Last post by Andre_P on Today at 09:15:12 »
Transkrypcja całości nagrania po angielsku :
Napisa : SonsofGod, starszy członek
Kategoria / Temat : NUMERY TELEFONU I KODY DOSTĘPU DO HOLENDERSKIEJ MIĘDZYNARODOWEJ / Lightline holenderska międzynarodowa
« Odpowiedź nr 1, 24 lipca 2024 r., godz. 11:25:23 »

(Jeden urywek)

Ojciec Wszechświata :
Dzień dobry. Tu Ojciec. Tu wasz Ojciec Uniwersalny. Jestem w połączeniu z przekazującym dzisiejszej Linii Światła, który odbira moje przesłanie. Jestem tutaj, żeby każdy mógł mnie usłyszeć.

Tu Ojciec Wszechświata. Mówię do was z Raju, siedziby bóstwa i centrum wszechświata wszechświatów, które jest gigantyczną sferą materialną, bosko zorganizowaną i całkowicie doskonałą, która istnieje dalej i od wieczności, o czym być może zostaliście poinformowani w waszej Księdze Urantii, gdzie cały rozdział poświęcony jest boskiej siedzibie, w której przebywam ja i ordynowani przeze mnie Michałowie i gdzie zawsze mnie znajdziecie.

Raj jest stałym, nieruchomym centrum stworzenia i jest to miejsce wielu podstawowych rzeczy, z których wszystkie są związane ze stworzeniem i utrzymaniem mojego stworzenia. Jest to również miejsce dla wielu osób, które rodzą się jako istoty doskonałe. One są doskonałe. Są obywatelami Raju i nigdy nie można ich znaleźć poza Rajem. Mają swoje własne kwatery mieszkalne, swoje własne strefy na tym rozległym - rozległym świecie, o którym nie mówimy jako o świecie. Jest to wspaniałe i spokojne miejsce.

W Raju czas nie ma znaczenia, bo jak wiecie, w Raju czas nie istnieje. Życie w Raju jest w pełnej jedności ze wszystkim i w doskonałości pod każdym względem. Jestem waszym Ojcem. Jestem w Raju. Raj jest odległym przeznaczeniem dla istot śmiertelnych, ale jest zarezerwowany dla wznoszących się istot ewolucyjnego czasu i przestrzeni. Będziesz jednym z nich, gdy ukończysz swoją podróż przez stworzenie, z wieloma możliwościami, jakie ci dano w twoim poszukiwaniu Boga.

Znajdziecie tam Wiecznego Ducha, Wiecznego Syna i wreszcie mnie, waszego Ojca Uniwersalnego. Obejmę was i powitam w moim domu, który jest waszym domem i domem dla wszystkich ludzi, którzy przeżyli swoje życie w wolnej woli, żeby podążać za moją wolą i uznali mnie za Stwórcę i Ojca i żyli dla braterstwa ludzi wśród wszystkich moich znających Boga dzieci. Będziecie tam otoczeni pięknem i boską miłością, jakiej nigdy wcześniej nie czuliście i ogarnie was bezprecedensowe uczucie, które sprawi, że poczujecie wdzięczność za moje stworzenie, ponieważ osiągnęliście swój cel po długiej podróży nauki i rozwoju waszych dusz na waszej drodze przez stworzenie.

Tam po okresie odpoczynku wystarczająco długim, żeby zbadać i doświadczyć swojego nowego domu, otrzymacie nowe zadania. Zostajecie wysłani przeze mnie do wszechświata, żeby wykorzystać swoją wiedzę, doświadczenie i zastosować je w praktyce dla moich dzieci, które są wówczas na wczesnych etapach rozwoju na tysiącach planet zamieszkałych przez ludzi i będziecie w stanie w pełni poczuć przyjemność z waszego przedsięwzięcia, żeby je uczyć. Uczcie ich o mnie jako ich Stwórcy i Ojcu niebios.

Ja, Stwórca, Ojciec moich dzieci nigdy nie opuszczam Raju. To jest moja siedziba, którą wybrałem na mój dom, z którego rządzę moim wszechświatem i skąd wysyłam moich przewodników i pomocników do zamieszkałych światów i gdzie przyjmuję moje dzieci, które tak ciężko pracowały, żeby mnie znaleźć. Jestem stałą wszechświata wszechświatów. Jestem prawdziwym i jedynym Bogiem. Jestem Ojcem, Ojcem Uniwersalnym, a to, co Bóg stworzył, istnieje w swoim chwalebnym projekcie w nieskończoność i będzie coraz bardziej rozwijać cel swojego ogromnego stworzenia.

Kiedy przemoc maleje, a braterstwo między ludźmi rośnie, zaczyna wzrastać jedność między ludźmi, a przestrzeń staje się dostępna, żeby właściwie ocenić, jakie są prawa i obowiązki wszystkich obywateli, którzy pragną uczestniczyć w pokojowym społeczeństwie. Przed Urantianami jeszcze długa droga, ale mój boski Syn, Mondżoronson, został wysłuchany przez wielu na waszym świecie i każdy lojalny i kompetentny człowiek lub grupa jest gotowa zaangażować się w bardzo potrzebne i dobrze rozumiane środki, które są wymagane do wielkiej zmiany w kierunku dobrze prosperującego społeczeństwa w bardziej uproszczonym stylu życia i z więcej niż wystarczającymi zasobami, żeby zapewnić wszystkim potrzeby i utrzymanie.

Z niecierpliwością czekamy na ten stan rzeczy, na zdrowe i solidne umysły na tym świecie, we współpracy z tymi, którzy razem pomagają wprowadzić te bardzo potrzebne zmiany. Synowie Magistrowie czekają z niecierpliwością i nie liczą dokładnie na współpracę najlepszych umysłów na tym świecie, ale niewątpliwie z czasem wezwą do współpracy tych, którzy są zaznajomieni z ich istnieniem i obecnością wśród ludzi i którzy są gotowi wspólnie przyczynić się do bardzo niezbędnych zmian i ich wdrożenia.

W tej grupie wasza współpraca i udowodniona wytrwałość są rozpaczliwie potrzebne, żeby pokazać innym, że z cierpliwością i wiarą oraz z Moją Łaską mogą wydarzyć się wielkie rzeczy, które doprowadzą do dobrych i trwałych rozwiązań dla przyszłych pokoleń. Ten świat nie jest zapomniany. Urantia jest nie tylko światem ostatniego Obdarzenia Michała, kiedy narodził się z kobiety i ma również zbyt długą i interesującą historię, aby ją zachować i żeby służyła jako przykład dla wielu mieszkańców innych planet, którzy mają okazję zagłębić się w ewolucję planety, która doświadczyła największych trudności i problemów związanych z buntem, ale także jest to największy przywilej Syna Stwórcy obdarowującego waszą planetę w jego lokalnym wszechświecie.

Jestem waszym Ojcem i odchodzę. Daję wam moje błogosławieństwa i życzę wam wszystkim dobrego dnia.
July 25, 2015
York, PA
Jesus Has Returned

Dear List:

10:00 PM Local time:

The last two days I feel drugged to the point I cannot plan to even go outside to do simple chores.

I spoke with Jesus about 430PM and we considered outlining something to do to figure out where to put this discussion on the web site but finally decided it was too hot to handle with the little bit we know.  Jesus is here.  He is morontial just like he was after his resurrection [Ron: as an edit I point out that at 1130PM, the announcement came down that Jesus was now bestowed on Urantia in the flesh, but follow this narrative further for timing] and discussion with his Apostles of that day.  I say this only to ascertain he is on Urantia and working the harvest.  It has nothing to do with what I am going through or what you are finding in your own mindal experience per this appearance on Urantia.  What it does have to do with is our mental capacities to entertain Jesus on the morontial level and I am finding it very difficult to do that at all.

Further more, and I don't think you are going to understand this at all:  There is another entity from Paradise that is like Jesus but has no upbringing on Urantia as a child to experience Urantia-style growth patterns.  To obtain these Urantia growing up patterns, the entity, and actually a real male child, now has to experience adolescence in the flesh.  This child will be available when Jesus incarnates on Urantia [Ron: edit- Now done so as he is in the flesh as of about 1130 tonight my time] this week or month or whenever.  Because time is of the essence, this adolescent child will appear beside Jesus when he proceeds to speak to groups and crowds over the coming years, and he will appear to reach manhood just about the time Jesus must return to the bosom of the Father to start his own career on Paradise as a Transcendental Son of the Eternal Son.  That leaves the young man to resolve Himself  as the divine Jesus in every aspect of his being– there is no difference between them in spirit or mind.  As such, the young man becomes the bestowal Son of Urantia with the credentials to be present as Jesus for a thousand years with the Magisterial Son to finish the Magisterial Mission and with this Jesus grown up at his side, declare the planet ready for the eras of Light and Life.

"I as Michael now speak directly as we have finally broken through to the mind of this transmitter as to why what is about to happen shall be a solution to the disorder of the bestowal of Michael as Jesus in the first century A.D.  Sonarington bids all Creator Sons to magnify the approach of the Father to his children on an evolutionary planet.  I did so with the help of the child called Jesus, and Jesus was subsequently killed for doing the bidding of my Father on Urantia.

"In looking at the soul of Jesus, the Mother Spirit of Nebadon, has discovered that Jesus has nothing in his mind except the wish to correct the record as he spoke it to his Apostles years before he died, and that which he spoke was, ‘that I shall return as Jesus when the time is right for me to do so on Urantia.’

“What then happened is that Paradise found the statement ludicrous in the sense that it was highly unlikely that the human Jesus would return to Urantia as he foretold to his Apostles that day.  However, Jesus spoke the spirit of the presentation to the Apostles was a correct statement, for the Father had agreed with Jesus that he was required to return in order to provide an explanation as to why the spirit of that time in Judea was so wanting that Jesus could not fully implement the rewards to the planet and its people all they deserved when receiving a planetary bestowal Son.

"Hence, the Father has renounced the original prophecy Jesus uttered so that the universe could honestly say that a bestowal Son did attend to the people of Urantia, and that two thousand and twenty-two years later in 2015 by the present calendar, the people of Urantia will now be receiving the bestowal Son in full measure and the bestowal Son need only appear as an adolescent child and not directly from the womb of another mother to establish his life residency as a citizen born on Urantia.

“The appearance of Jesus, a genuine self twin of the one we love, now may provide the care and nurture to the population of Urantia as Jesus does while Serara now may devote his time and energy to the renewal of the planet Urantia minus the requirement to fully represent the Father to all."

Mother Spirit speaks:   "I am now fully enfolded in the mind of this transmitter; he sees what he needs to see and clearly, and that is a miracle of understanding that seldom comes to an immature morontial being living in the flesh on Urantia.  It is early yet to describe how the two other bestowal Sons of the Avonal nature will meet the requirements of both the bestowal Sons and of themselves.  Let it be understood that nothing we do on Urantia, is going to over power the humans living there, but all who read this must understand that the life of Jesus is NOT to be rewritten in the new Urantia Book because of what he do here today, but that the life of Jesus as it is lived in the present time and century will be written in yet another Urantia Book to succeed the present plans to publish a multi-volume Urantia Book to replace the current one in circulation."

Michael of Nebadon - "The transmitter completely understands the general track of the plans for this adolescent Jesus who stands beside the veteran Jesus during his ministry on Urantia today and into the near future.  What the transmitter does not yet completely understand is that the adolescent Jesus soon to be with us, will not participate in the lectures the veteran or senior Jesus will provide all Urantians through a series of lectures on your mass media.  What the junior Jesus will learn is how to present himself to the multitude and learn the procedures of mind training that he must understand to make the most of his work much later on in the Magisterial Mission, at the side of Serara and others not revealed to any of you at this time.  Our work, and when I say that I am referring to Jesus senior, Jesus junior, and Jesus yet-to-be, for there is yet another plan to obtain for the adolescent Jesus, another companion so that he has someone to speak to and work with on the trail of his destined debut as the bestowal Son of Record for Urantia."

Mother Spirit of Nebadon - "It as a delight of thought from Paradise and Salvington that has seen the way through the mistakes of the Lucifer Rebellion without harming the people of Urantia or even the mansion worlds of Satania.  But what the transmitter fails to recognize is that the concourse of the Jesus bestowal as originally intended never saw a solution to the difficulties the bestowal Son created when he left Urantia as an executed criminal of the Sanhedrin tribunal.  The transmitter is concurrent on our thinking about how that must be overcome, but readily admits he sees no way through by just saying that redoing the bestowal of Jesus through the absonite training of mota changes the record at all to the human mind.  The human sees the life of Jesus as near sacred and of the divine and it stands in spite of the transcendental attempt to revalue its order or its meaning to Paradise.  However, the Father has decreed that the work of the twinned Jesus is genuinely Jesus as a transcendental self of Jesus; that such work is identical to the work Michael did as Jesus and through Jesus in the first century of the present calendar.

"The Sanhedrin Tribunal made the error of jury rigging, and when it did that, it created a maelstrom of revenge never seen on Paradise or other status areas of space and time.  Paradise is not revengeful but it is heartless in its regard to sin that treats their love and gifting of life as though it were just so much trivia without importance, and that the Sanhedrin could place itself in the position of the infinite God and live to tell about it. 

“Accordingly, the Paradise Trinity assigned to the Deity Absolute the problem of the compossible difficulties of reassuring those on Urantia that Jesus was alive and well, and at the same time, assure even Salvington, that no harm was done other than to obscure the fact of the bestowal was successful in spite of it tragedy. The Jesus bestowal had completed all necessary arrangements according to the laws and rules of the incarnation procedures applied from the largess of the Sonarington division concerning Creator Son incarnations, and it stands on the records of Paradise as being preeminent in all aspects of the work of a Creator Son in such a role.

"The Deity Absolute ruled that the Jesus bestowal was all that it could be, and that it must stand as the work of the Creator Son, to gain the sovereignty of Nebadon as planned on Paradise many thousands of millennia ago.  The Deity Absolute also ruled that Jesus, was to be remanded to the custody of the Universal Father for his own future as a genuinely separate individual who had a soul destiny outside of time, and that the parental Eternal Son, was to provide the means for Jesus to realize His destiny as one of the Eternal Son's Transcendental Teachers on the Outer Space Circuits, outside of time, and that the training for Jesus was to commence immediately for this high and unrevealed calling.

"Now we are face to face with the Urantia problem of the return of Jesus, or the Second Return, as it is referred to on Urantia today.  That problem was faced by Monjoronson when he first visited Urantia in 1212 A.D., and since that meeting on Urantia with Michael in attendance, it was decided to remove the ideals of the first bestowal Son and produce a second bestowal Son with as much grandeur as the first bestowal Son in 07 B.C., as a new born infant to his death in 30 A.D..  To do this the Paradise Sons had to approach their Paradise Parents, and ask for a review of the situation from the parental decisions that guide sovereign Creator Sons and any Magisterial Sons that had to appear in a universe with a sovereign Creator Son presiding.

"The Father let them know that Jesus had fulfilled all expectations and that he was to preside over his own destiny as Jesus and the soul of Jesus was to be used to replicate the born-again Jesus on the transcendental circuits of Havona as the original Creator Son had done in eternity.  Furthermore, the Father ordered, no one was going to replicate the life of Jesus on Urantia in the fashion that Jesus himself had foretold to his Apostles, and that the decision to remotely remove the prophecy was approved by the Council of Equilibrium, since the prophecy and its fulfillment affected the entire galaxy known as Orvonton in the future.  Jesus then petitioned the Council of Equilibrium for a full statement as to where he stood on the battlements of the jury rigging of the Sanhedrin at his trial.  The Council of Equilibrium ruled that the appearance of Jesus as promised was actually improbable because Urantia was still in default and that Urantia could not reclaim another Paradise Son, unless the Avonal Son, Serara/Monjoronson, would aver to producing a Magisterial Mission that would contain all of the rectification of the wrongs perpetrated on Urantia during the Jesus bestowal.

Monjoronson speaks - "I am Monjoronson, and I leave no trail untouched in this review of the actual events that has led up to my appearance on Urantia as the Magisterial Son, Serara.  Our names are so intertwined that Jesus and I early agreed to use the name Monjoronson instead of my true name Serara or his true human name, Jesus, for Monjoronson was a catalog of a name that included both Serara, Jesus, Michael, Mother Spirit, and even others we need not replicate in this session.  We had to use the catalog called Monjoronson, because we all spoke to Urantians as Monjoronson and wished that name to represent the Magisterial Mission alone.  In telling this story, we wish to relate one amusing anecdote that will forever extend itself into the history of this era on Urantia.  Ron Besser unwittingly perpetuated the name Monjoronson, when he issued a warning to those who mocked God, and tore into the perpetual bickering that was then a Urantia Foundation discussion forum.  When Ron told them that Monjoronson was not to be tinkered with ever, it was decreed by the Universal Father, that the name Monjoronson was now registered on Paradise in a special instance where a little son of God saw to its familiarity as a sacred name.  I have spiritually laughed at the incident often enough, but I also have Machiventa Melchizedek here to explain a series of events that brings this entire narrative to an early end, for Jesus has been bestowed on Urantia as we speak, and our work for now must be truncated."

[Ron: It is now 11:30PM local time in York, PA, and events are culminating in the flesh appearance of Jesus as Machiventa Melchizedek, near the end, announces this for all of us to enjoy and hear.]

Machiventa Melchizedek - "Today, I listened to a phone call between Ron and another staff member, and they decided together that they understood something portentous was occurring as they spoke, but Ron as usual was so taken by the effects of what was happening, further declined to describe what he was sure was happening.  Mantutia Melchizedek, my brother Melchizedek, spoke to both of them on the phone and arrayed the facts before both of them, that they were feeling the effects of the bestowal of Jesus once more on Urantia, and as Ron said, it was not by expectation but by a systematic change in the spiritual air we live and breathe in, and it was beyond predictable appearances.  Our work, he said, is about to begin, but he could not fathom how.  Ron was I am feeling drugged and out of choices to do anything worthwhile for days now.

"Mantutia went on to explain to Ron that his work with the Magisterial Mission had culminated in the work of Jesus too, and that now both Jesus and Serara were inside the mind of Ron to ascertain just how much the usage of the human mind of Ron could be turned into the world of thought for those living on Urantia as his brothers and sisters in the flesh.  In the remaining time I have given to me to finish this narrative, I would like to point out that the body of Ron has been so pushed and prodded to see his elemental makeup, that he has decided to die in the flesh and be rid of the entire regime and see if they will have him in the morontial form of their choosing.  But we digress.

"I, Machiventa Melchizedek, am entirely sure that Ron has seen the last of his drugged feeling as he is quite chipper as he writes these words for me, and that the switch has been pulled on Uversa for Ron to have a normal awake pattern he is used to for over seventy years. 

"Jesus has returned.  He is on Urantia, now, in the flesh, and will address all of you likely in the next seventy-two hours.  We caution all of you that things go wrong or off schedule as the entire weight of the Magisterial Mission now rests on the back of Jesus to calm the world and begin his assignment with Serara now.

"In closing, I am Machiventa Melchizedek".


"As Michael I wish to congratulate Ron for overcoming the drugs he felt this evening to the point we placed him into a cosmic sleep pattern so he felt rested to come to the computer to take on what had to be told concerning the complications of the Jesus bestowal and how the twin Jesus morphs the centuries old bestowal into the twenty-first century and far beyond, as a living human being who can counsel Serara and Machiventa Melchizedek and others until He is called home and begins his own ascension career.

"Jesus, my beloved Jesus, stay the course as you will!  I am a Creator Son of Sovereign will because of you!  I will never leave you stranded as we were on the cross and the cross will be burned for good when we are done with this terrible business of Lucifer, the Sanhedrin, and the loss of faith of the beautiful planet of Urantia.  Good day."

TRANSLATIONS / 26.7.2024 – System utrzymuje ludzi w uśpieniu
« Last post by Andre_P on Today at 07:28:14 »
Ta sama wiadomość po angielsku :
Podał : Rene A Duran, członek bohater
« 25 lipca 2024 r., godz. 12:48:08 »

Grupa 11:21 - Przekazywanie prawd, Phoenix, Arizona


Przekazujący : Nestor
Salwador, 19 lipca 2024 r., godz. 23:51

Dostrajacz Myśli :
„W istocie jestem twoim Dostrajaczem Myśli. Mam przesłanie dla ludzkości. To bardzo niefortunne, że w tym momencie ta ludzkość się nie budzi dzięki temu, że zostali przymuszeni, żeby dać się zabawiać przez religie, przez piłkę nożną, przez sensacyjne wiadomości, przez filmy, przez powieści, przez modę, przez Olimpiadę, przez konkurs Miss Universe i tak dalej. Możemy wyliczyć długą listę zajęć, które utrzymują ludzkość w uśpieniu.”

„Jednak wszystko to wkrótce zniknie i ludzkość będzie musiała zdać sobie sprawę z rzeczywistości i tego, jak zostali zmanipulowani i uwarunkowani, żeby być marionetkami systemu, który utrzymuje ich w uśpieniu, a oni nawet bronią go nie wiedząc, że system jest ich największą przeszkodą do przebudzenia, ponieważ przebudzona ludzkość nie pasuje do systemu.”

Z drugiej strony Niebiańska Rodzina przygotowuje się do największego wydarzenia, jakiego może być świadkiem planeta z ludzkim życiem, ponieważ spodziewane jest przybycie Syna Stwórcy Michała Nebadońskoiego. Mistrzu Jezusie wcielony, wszystko jest gotowe na przyjęcie ciebie na Urantii.”

„Teraz ludzkość, która nie jest przygotowana, zostanie zaskoczona tą wiadomością, a wtedy nastąpi poruszenie na skalę planety.”

„Tu twój Dostrajacz Myśli. Zostawiam ten temat na tym. Życzę szczęśliwej nocy.”


Yes. I wish I had my financial life covered so I can focus more on studying the truth of the universe....
  • 072424 Audio Tape Tuesday Light Line USA; Host: Dominick. Other Transmitter:  Ron Besser
  • Subjects: Two more transmitters needed. Please contact Ron; The Urantia Book to be removed by Fiat & Ron to publish an interim book with a different title; The investment of your future is placed in your spiritual actions, not your spiritual knowledge.
  • Speakers: Machiventa Melchizedek, Michael of Nebadon
  • Transcribed By: Moses Ouko
  • Link To Tape:
Machiventa Melchizedek
This is Machiventa Melchizedek reporting. Ron, you have no idea what is going on. You're dizzy. You can hardly see and you were going to lie down. But the telephone from Gitz got you here to the phone. And I'm glad because I, Machiventa Melchizedek have this to say to the group. The Wednesday light line is usually held by Lemuel. He is too ill mostly to attend. He has almost, or not quite sure, a cardiac arrest. If that is the case, he should be in the hospital. Beg your pardon. Now this for you, Ron. You are almost knocked out yourself.

Yes, Machiventa. I am dizzy and I have trouble focusing. I don't know what's going on. And I turn this back to you.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you. What is going on, Ron, is that the cabal is strongly back on earth and is trying to remove you. You refuse to budge. And thank you.

Michael of Nebadon
Now this to all of you. I am Michael of Nebadon. I want you to understand that now I must take extreme action. I thank Dominick and Stephen Gitz for rousing you that you can get online with this report. The truth of the matter is that all of you who are interested in this series of lightlines must also understand that the personnel dealing with the light lines is trying to be removed by the cabal. They've almost got you dead, Ron. But you are able to stand the course by being strong physically and your ability of mind is extraordinary. Just stay the course. We'll keep you going. And finally, this to you Dominick.
Thank you for holding a light line for changing circumstances so much you don't know quite where you stand. Ron is here. He can always take the broadcasts. He's never lacking the broadcasts. For that reason, if you don't mind, let me take it here. And may I go 

If you're asking me, of course. Yeah.

I'm asking you.

Yeah, go ahead.

Thank you. This is Ron Besser. They've knocked me back this morning so bad. I could barely get out of bed.

Michael of Nebadon
The truth of the matter is that the seraphic discharge that is going on right now is illegal and must be stopped. They feel that they are not properly assigned to the universe and that they have no say. As a result, they are insisting on holding everybody up. The trouble is the Father disagrees with that entirely. For that reason, then, and fortunately, Dominick has held a light line today so that some of you and Ron's device is not showing enough information for him to know that there is a change of style in the light lines coming now. What do I mean?

What I mean is that the light line has been through particular transmitters who know what they're doing after years of practice. Thank God Dominick has come along and filled one back in. We need two more transmitters and we want to transmit six days a week. I will decide which days they are. But Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, with Sunday, are just fine. We're not going to change that. Further, Ron, you're going to stay here.

I want to. But they keep hitting my brain, my eyes, and my ability to stay conscious. I welcome any change to that, Michael, wholeheartedly. I return this to you.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you, Ron.

Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon
What most of you do not know is that Ron has been chosen to speak indefinitely for the missions. Now, they don't know that, and Ron doesn't know that, but I am quite aware of it. Ron, Dominick, Elise, and the rest of the transmitters, including Renee, know what they're doing, and we want them to continue. Clency if you can, please continue.
And for the rest of you, we've got to find two more transmitters and we've got to find them soon because we are going to limit those who can transmit after we choose the right numbers here.

Now Dominick, we are holding forth on your light line today and we thank you. But the truth of the matter is Lemuel is so ill he cannot make the telephone call that we know of. But Lemuel, if you hear this and can, you are welcome to pick up your program shortly. Now this to you, Ron; You were still dressing when the phone rang to allow you to know this light line was going on. You knew it but were so dizzy you decided not to try the call. Well, you are in on the call and doing fine in spite of that condition. What is happening to you, Ron, is they have restricted the flow of blood to the brain. As a result, you have a little trouble seeing and you have trouble honing in into full consciousness. When we come in, we substitute full consciousness for you.

Now this to all of you, I am Michael of Nebadon, and I want this to be heard loud and clear. The trial that we must append to is that these light lines be continued. I would prefer seven days a week. So would Ron, but there are not enough transmitters, nor do they know enough of the Urantia book to speak all of our language.

We need two more transmitters. If any of you listening can transmit, please contact Ron. He will set you up. And now this to the others. Lemuel probably has spoken next to the last word. He is in his mid-80s and needs rest. Ron is an energy that we love to work with, but he has been hit so hard by the illicit cabal that he has trouble being conscious. That is being removed as soon as Michael can do it without killing all the seraphim. After all, you still have the seraphim at your side and they are loyal. And now this to the Seraphim who is pulling that on Ron, you're dead if that keeps up.

What they're doing, folks, is trying to make me sneeze. They're burning my nose.

Michael of Nebadon
And for reasons of state, Ron. Keep quiet. Now, this is Michael. The trial that Ron has gone through today is mostly unattended, but what he has done officially is to post an agreeable post by me where I speak clearly about what is to be done on Urantia. It's coming folks. Ron wants to be part of it. He will be. Dominick, watch after him, please, in the next few days at least. This must not fall into the oblivion of unconsciousness.

And finally, this to all of you. We are Michael of Nebadon. We are the ruler of the local universe of Nebadon. It is approximately 30 light years across and 25 light years deep. We are beyond Orion. Your telescopes do not reach our constellation. Yet our appearance on Urantia is for one good reason.

I am the Creator Son, folks. I am the boss of space and time. My local universe of Nebadon is at least 40 light years across and about 50 light years deep. Yet there is more universe under us, believe it or not. And now let me tell you something else. Ron Besser has been with us well over 15 years. He has been loyal and sees to it that you get a report that is honest and fulfilled. The cabal has attempted to remove him, but we assure you that he and Dominick and Elise and Renee and all others who transmit for us will remain in place.

Now this; This light on was not prepared to do what we are doing. It was to interview Lemuel for the record. I'm afraid we are a tad late, but keep trying Dominick. And finally, this to you, Dominick. Ron has seen to it that you have the ability, the means and the place to do this well. Stay with it, please, regardless of what's going on as Ron calls it in the West. They have nothing to do with you. And now this; Ron, you did not propose to transmit today, but Machiventa wants to transmit through you for the following problems.

Is that Michael?

Michael of Nebadon
Yes, Ron.

I thank you, Michael, for setting it up and for speaking. I await for what you want to do next.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you, Ron. This is Machiventa Melchizedek, Ron.

We welcome you, Machiventa, our savior number two.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you, Ron. You can always undo me just a little. I am fully aware that I speak with great authority. The Father has seen to me that I am a special attachment to the Paradise regime of the Father, Son, and Spirit. Ron is aware of extra infinity and the one called you. He is not here and he has no need to speak the name fully. But Dominick, you know who you is and you can speak to him later.

I, Machiventa, Melchizedek, want you to understand this. We, and that means Michael, Gabriel, and all the authorities of Deity, you know, plus more, you do not know, want Urantia to be well again. Ron is on a rocky last place. He is very unhappy that he has been broken back and that his facilities are being pushed back in favor of others. But I am going to tell you that as long as Ron is here, he is the senior transmitter, and he receives the news first. We are going to hold, if we can keep the energy together, five days a week light line. Dominick, Elise, Renee, and all others, including Ron, who can hold forth on the light lines. Please make yourselves available.
Elise, you're going to be asked to do at least two light lines a week. Ron's going to be asked to do two. And Dominick is going to be asked to do two. Others who can transmit, let Ron or the others know, and you will be favored to do transmissions and times assigned.
And now this; I am Machiventa Melchizedek for all of you. Please listen. The mission plans for Urantia are not canceled. Ron wondered about it today. He has not said anything. The reason he questions it is that there is no appropriation of spirit to Urantia that is audible or viewable. We're going to change that.

Number one. We are going to speak through light lines as much as possible for up to seven days a week and more if we can do it. That takes a reorganization of what Ron says he does. He's up to it. But the cabal, when he sleeps, adds things to the brain that puts him back. He detests them, and so do we.

Announcement. The cabal, which is mostly seraphic, is removed from you, Urantia. For that reason, the next day, including today, might be a little dicey to get in to hear transmissions. Ron is so strong and Dominick has been brought up under Ron to know that they can do it at any time. Ron is not magic, but he knows the waves.

And finally, to you Dominick, this places more burdens on already an extremely difficult life with what is going on in the West Coast. I want you to know, Dominick, you are safe, protected, and well done. It will be annealed properly and with your safety in mind. To you Stephen Gitz, Ron looks forward to you moving here. But you have run into the problem of value for home and you refuse to take what they offer. Stay where you are and come north when you feel you can. Ron's okay with it and I'm sure Dominick is too. But let him know, that is Ron, when you're ready to make the move so they can make it easier for you.

Michael of Nebadon
And finally, for this part of the transmission, I am no longer Machiventa Melchizedek. I am Michael of Nebadon once more. Ron, you will wake up later today.

Thank goodness.

Michael of Nebadon
And you will become much better off in about a day. And for reasons of state, you handled it beautifully. And now this to you Dominick, you've got a constant problem of illness in your family. Don't worry it. It will be satisfactorily addressed. Just follow it day to day as you can. To Renee Duran, keep transmitting. It's important to you and to your group. Ron uses them all the time and looks forward to more of them. Yes, you're getting headaches, but that will be cleared eventually.

And finally, to you Elise. Perhaps Amethyst if you're listening and to other transmitters who are not participating. You owe it to Michael of Nebadon to bring yourself forward in what is considered a thoughtful production for this planet Urantia. There is no new book, Ron. But we are going to remove the Urantia book by Fiat. We are going to ask you Ron to publish an interim book, not called the Urantia book but the spiritual guide to revelation or some such title. Most who read on Urantia do not like spiritual messages. We'll make it a title that they can't resist.

Sex for you.

Michael of Nebadon
No, Ron. I will not allow that. Now, let this be, you ruffian. The truth of the matter is that the entire matter of what you speak of, plus the morality of Urantia, is going to be seriously addressed. It's a heathen world, believe me. And I want some respect paid to the body. And finally, to you, Ron, you're an idiot. Keep the trust. Keep the faith. And you wanted to speak Ron, it's cast in stone for our beloved spirit, Michael and the Magisterial Sons. It shall not be moved. It is written. We are with you. Thank you. Thank you, Ron.
And now Dominick, for the moment, come to Ron when you hit a problem, if you hit one. He is ready to go with some more information, but we feel we've got to come to you after all you started the light line. So, Dominick, go ahead with what you have. Thank you.

Okay, I'll give it a go. All right, this is Dominick. I'll start tuning in.

Michael of Nebadon
This is Michael, Michael of Nebadon reiterating the missions are a go. Restating that those who attain spiritual status have attained their life purpose on their planetary existence. Everyone who is chastised for feeling that they have not reached this attainment are usually granted the opportunity in the afterlife. What should be known is that a planet in this status does not offer enough spiritual opportunity to grant you that assumed status in the afterlife. You need to be prompted to have that desire.

If the angels are not behaving to produce this at a large enough scale, as is their current strike and planetary administration, then it is left purely to the Spirit of God within. They need to work together in order to more successfully present that thought in the human mind. The easiest way to do this currently is to present the human with an aspect or the concept of wealth.

Your spiritual wealth by your ancestors was placed in the grave. The spiritual body is now built on Urantia, this planet. The investment of your future is placed in your spiritual actions, not your spiritual knowledge. Again, this is not a chastisement to avoid spiritual knowledge, but the mirror statement that wealth accumulation is not going to be everlasting with the knowledge you attain, mostly because a lot of the knowledge you attain needs to be corrected anyhow and clarified when you do reach the afterlife. What does not need corrected is that which has spiritual value in the actions and mind spirit evolution. In other words, when you attain spiritual insight and spiritual self-mastery, together with the experience of action in your life that produces spiritual value, that wealth is attained and everlasting. You invest in yourself as all your businesses present that to you today. The human desire for wealth attainment simply needs to be shifted into what is the ultimate investment in the self.

I appeal to your self-interest that it is not only in your best interest, but that the environment around you will benefit and that accumulation will be returned back to you. This is the simple shift in the awakening of the self to invest in the spiritual. The soil is out there, still able to plant the seed and sprout the spiritual soul. You do not need to evangelize spiritual knowledge, but the investment in the people you meet that the wealth you can all accumulate is the truest in the spiritual adventures of human living and human ideas. 

Certainly, in art but also in business. This axis of investment will permeate in all the rest of the industries of life. I need not list them out. But yes, they will be in your health and your food, all the things that are being known to be systemically linked and interoperating. Thank you for transmitting and thank you for listening. Back to you, Ron.

Thank you, Michael. Go ahead, Ron.

Thank you, Dominick.

Michael of Nebadon
This is Michael of Nebadon. You're surprised you thought it would go elsewhere.

Yes, yes, I did.

Michael of Nebadon
It's for this reason. You are probably the best transmitter that I have. Elise is excellent. And Dominick is learning to be excellent. They've learned under you, Ron. There is none better. But let me speak to a particular problem, not just of yours, but to everyone who listens to a light line. You use a human voice, your learnings, and so forth, to speak the truth. The problem is that just speaking it does not bring it in personally to the nervous system in a person listening to you. I am going to make the effort to bring much more to these light lines, but it's going to make the transmitters a little uncomfortable.

You Ron are so used to transmitting, you hardly notice perturbations. But the truth of the matter is if we make your nose itch or you have trouble getting a breath, you notice. With you and Dominick, you two have learned it so well that there is no problem. But Elise you don't have the practice those two have. That's Dominick and Ron because they do it every evening in Ron's living room for at least half an hour, where Dominick and Ron can hold for hours if necessary. We're going to continue that as essentially good training. But we must remind you, Ron, that you are 82 years of age, and that your time on Earth is quickly approaching the end.
That irritates the heck out of you, just as the Magisterial Missions are about to show. For that reason, then, I'm going to call upon our Father to ask you, do you really want to see a mission so full of horrors that you don't know which end is up? Yes, you may speak, Ron.

Thank you. I do want to see it through, Michael. Age is going to prevent me from seeing much more. But I would appreciate being able to withstand the incidences of death, destruction to the planet and others, and other things that make it hard to live on Urantia at this point. I would prefer, if I may ask it, to stay the course long enough to see the Magisterial Sons established. Jesus established and some of the teachings.

I am not after longevity. I'm after spiritual import and would like to take some of it, if I may, with me. I thank you, Michael, and I thank the universe for this. Go ahead, please.

Michael of Nebadon
Beautifully stated, Ron. The truth of the matter is you have most of the people here wishing the same thing with you, for you, and for themselves. I must decide if that is important enough to make it possible. You, Ron, have established other things that we need as well. Your life, Ron, will be opened for discussion as long as we need you.

I thank you and I appreciate that and that could be just tomorrow. I hope it's longer than that and you do not have to respond, Michael. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you and I will say this to you, Ron. You're not only fun but you are also considerate of the feelings of those who must make decisions on Urantia. The Magisterial Sons are bemused by your care for them.

Well, it's caring for grandparents. And mommy and daddy would be left without anything if they did not come forward fully. And I thank them. And you, Michael. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon
I fully disagree not with you.
This is Michael of Nebadon. I dare not let the Magisterial Sons in yet. Dominick, we're going to turn this back to you to conclude this light line if you wish. If you want to keep it open behind or beyond the closure date, ask me and I will tell you what's possible. In the meantime, Dominick, we are done with our reporting and here is Machiventa through Ron for one more.

Machiventa Melchizedek
I, Machiventa Melchizedek, Ron, find you difficult at times to speak to, but you always bring it back in the right tone and in the right way. I'm not used to someone who can joke with us in transmission, but that is you and that is wonderful. You are always giving full audience and care to us. And we give it to you. Now Dominick, go ahead with what you want to do, please. Thank you.

Okay, thank you, Ron, and I put you on mute just to clarify the noise. So, we've reached the end. Why don't we close with a prayer? And I know I asked Elise and Renee, so I'm going to go to you, Renee, just because I appreciate the opportunity. Renee, would you like to offer a transmission and, if not, close us with a prayer?

Sure, yes, yes, Dominick.

Go ahead.

I ask our Divine Universal Father for protection for all of us here and to provide a means for reaching the peace in our dear planet Urantia. So, our Creator Son can be in our planet developing his plans, missions and allowing this planet to prosper in the right path, ascending our population to The Universal Father, our ultimate goal for everybody. Thank you, Dominick. That will be all.

Thank you, Rene. Elise, we'd probably feel remiss if we didn't come to you. Would you like to close us out?

Oh, yeah, sure. OK. Well, I thank everyone for attending. This has been a, well, quite unexpected light line because we were awaiting Lemuel, but he let me know that he read about other plans for this light line with Dominick and Ron. So, it was not easy for him to attend. So, it's good for him to rest, as we have heard today. And we wish him well. And thank you all for being here. And the celestials who came to us and talked to us, which is always a pleasure. We thank all of you and say goodbye for now. Bye-bye.

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