Author Topic: Teaching Mission Newslater - Look At What Once Was and read about transmitting  (Read 9102 times)

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Online Ron Besser

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Hello everyone,
We almost have forgotten our heritage when transmitting was more generally received as the future for man and God to speak together.  Here is a Newsletter of the period, (it may be dated about 1998 I forgot to look), and contains photos of groups and explanations about what was fairly and commonly known by many groups and people who enjoyed the camaraderie of what MICHAEL OF NEBADON called the TEACHING MISSION.  The Teaching Mission groups have photos in this Newsletter too and it is helpful to remember and salute them in our memory of a past with lots of hope and care for the future.

Here is a link to that Newsletter.  IT is a long one with pictures and speeches that are still good to know about.  In many ways it is your heritage and history most of you know nothing about, but this web site is a great, great, grandchild of what came out of the Teaching Mission 30 years ago now.  I hope you enjoy it, and I knew most (not all) of the people pictured here and went on many conferences of that day.  Take a look and enjoy it by all means!  

Ron in reverie


« Last Edit: September 08, 2023, 13:49:44 pm by Ron Besser »
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Online Raz

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I did enjoy reading this, about the history of the Teaching Mission. I did not realize there were so many transmitters. Are very many of them still alive and still transmitting? Ron, are you in any of the pictures? Were any other of our Serara Forum members involved in any of these groups?
Nothing is lost to the heart of God,
nothing is lost for ever;
God's heart is love,
and that love will remain,
holding the world forever. (lyrics by Colin Gibson, Words © 1996 Hope Publishing Company)

Online Ron Besser

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Hi RAZ -
The remnants of all those transmitters remains with a couple of them who fully dismiss the changes we have accepted as the new universe age.  I know of two and they transmit little more than what they are doing today, and nothing concerning the Missions or the staff changes we accept easily and well.  For that reason we leave them alone and that will pass into history at some point without further notice.  I am really sorry to conclude that and that is the extent of my knowledge what is left today.

For reasons of State, Michael of Nebadon refuses to comment on those I know who are left, but he concludes as I do unless there is some revision to the current Mission plans to include the bedfellows of the past Teaching Mission once again.  Most of that work is rescinded not, but what was discovered by spirit doing the teaching mission on Urantia, is that our species is capable of receiving, but it is not capable of carrying it on to a successful conclusion.  For that reason no such Mission will be afforded again.

Also we are learning that the old Teaching Mission left scars on many for being so promising and then being dealt a fatal blow by internecine relationships where nothing could be settled and nothing could be done further.  I was left with a pile of work I did finish but I am not fully sure that was the best thing I could have done at this point.  Further evidence suggests that Tmarchives is what is left of that noble experiment and it represents the best we ever did.  I am only too sorry to report that of the fifty or so transmitters we had at one point, only six (6) achieved notice as having completed their circles well enough to be fully accepted on high.

One named Geredean Bowen I still have transmission contact with, and she is fully saddened by the lost of the Teaching Mission herself.  She would like to speak, and I transmit her now from Mansion World (3) at the present time as that is her assignment to work through that mansion world again and to see to it she can work it well enough to observe the new Missions are being done well and that transmitters are no longer required as we first thought they would be.  I am told that the FATHER  has rescinded some of our work already in order to produce a Mission that is free of the tom foolery  that occurs now all the time, and that is to fix certain issues with ourselves that produce unusual work styles but just plain lazy humans who do not take on what they must as transmitters.

That said, I am almost sure our work on this site stands out a little bit better as we do our best to keep current.  Unfortunately many of those who can transmit do not do so over a self confidence totally lacking it is worth the time or the effort.  For that reason FATHER states, "WE are quite sure there is nothing left of a transmitting community anymore.  IT disappeared without a trace for hears before you Ron revised it as a means to procure epochal revelation sufficient enough to send the current fabric of the Urantia Foundation course into the dust of history, and for that matter, you are the dust of history yourself as we have suddenly decided you are worthless for the coming Mission of tare and straw.  For that reason you are not dismissed as you have achieved high praise for your efforts to keep what Mission we could afford ready and steady to be.

"However, let it be known we have no further plans to use the Magisterial Foundation, other than to use it for wireless electiricity formulation  and probably for at least the idea of the Jesus Chronicles.  All of this dependent on MICHAEL OF NEBADON and He is not sure it is worthy of anything anymore as war is developing once again on Urantia to the point we pull back certain elements of the Missions we once perceived are the final statement by spirit to relieve Urantia of its tedium and war-like tendency all the time.


"AS YOUR FATHER, let me state this to all of you on this discussion forum.  Ron goes to extraordinary lengths to reform the idea of a teaching mission once again in order to remain informed and caring what happens.  I am not that sanguine over Urantia at all, but I am enforcing the following:

1 -  No Mission is prepared to stand around while the United States contemplates war with China and/or Russia/North Korea.  But we will gladden the heart of you Ron by permitting the heat of another day to appear with you briefly to understand your quest for allies is well received by several groups who now recognize the only way to save what you do have is to cluster together and form an even greater union as a new corporation I insist you form Ron, and that is the star spangle banner idea of reforming the Magisterial Foundation, with a Melchizedek Chairman to forge new alliances with people around the world to preserve what is left in place of your good will for all mankind.  Let the Patent for WTP become a banner for ourselves and that for which we stand.  It is far too early today to state it to the crowd here, but the one chance you have Ron is to include others under the banner of the Magisterial Foundation in order that it might stand the means to produce a melody of heart and soul for a dying world at the current time.

2 - Since these Missions are already started as the Magisterial Mission and the preparation of the Chronicles by your side Ron, we are preparing to stand with you in spite of the Urantia Foundation defaults, or the Unity concerns you are too far ahead of the curve, let it be standing alone if it must, but it has the full support of the alliances of spirit and care throughout the entire universe.

3 - Lest you understand not, I remind all of you we are not dare devils in our speech or actions.  However, also remember, or relearn or take into your mind for the first time:  JESUS is not going to stand around and pet those who can transmit and leave alone the vast majority of people.  The cast majority of people are so poorly informed they are ready to go to war over anything they do not like, and that spells disaster for a planet what has nothing left on it but whales and turkeys anymore, and as Ron says, "they are hard to shepherd," and I fully agree enough to let most of that vast population learn the hard way:  stop being stupid and start ordering your lives with correct values.  Jesus intends to recover this place but not through a missive of Chronicles, but by the hard work of a speech giver and spiritual instrument of harsh proportions in order to winnow down the entire stupid idea that war enters the equation once again. 

4 - Finally, there are no further discussions on Lightline without someone being present who is willing to transmit more than they do already.  Ron stood down yesterday in the Tuesday Lightline, and said he had nothing to add but had a huge repertoire of speech to add but saw to it that ARTHURA had his full plans to erupt and to let them preside as the eternal glory of that day could afford.

5 - We are forcing an issue not with you Ron, but all others:  IF you cannot transmit aloud fine, but if you can, you are required to.  That sounds strange after what I said above that transmitters are losing the battle, but I am insisting that those of you who can do it, learn to do it out loud.  Ron made a promise to Italy but got shunted out of it by the FATHER, over other issues present and was asked to step back.  He h as done so and we allow that is our special care at the moment.  However, we are not asking Italy for anything, but there is special reasons not allowed to be known to you Ron, that we learn to be caring for no such issue to erupt in those circles for the moment.  Further we are sure the unity idea is excellent but poorly perceived by others at the moment and you will have to limp along on the smallest of hopes that someone finally gets the idea it must be done or die.    Not all countries are allowed to participate in these preliminary plans of what spirit is preparing to do, and we do them but God help those who get in the way!

6 - And finally:  the idea of TRANSMITTERS is over for the most part once the current and present crew of  people here understand they are the last of the Mohicans. That book traced the death of a proud and wonderful race of red men who asked the Great Spirit for a moment of peace and to end the awful internal wars among that northern tribe of Indians in North America.  They lost all by insisting peace should reign at all costs and were buried with hatchets in their skulls by the hundreds by the Iroquois confederacy.  Then war was allowed to spread to the white man in New England and the then western territories of the United States.  For reasons of State I provide all of you this insight:

"Prepare for war one more time, and we tear Urantia down into warring units of preparticle disasters.  The US has no real reason to go to war except China finds it fun to twist its tail and that ends shortly when China experiences severe earth changes we do not plan on stopping.  For reasons of State, Ron, even your death is mission-less if you pursue issues of 'State we declare are ours to avoid in the future such as removing the Urantia Foundation without a replacement.  You the Magisterial Foundation are not its replacement but you fill in for what is to come reserving  the Magisterial Foundation for future concerns all the while.

"To end this:  I am now MICHAEL OF NEBADON, "WE are sure there is nothing left of the Urantia Foundation worth saving and Ron dismisses the readership as useless in the face of leaderless motions of a good revelatory organization.  The Magisterial Foundation is not the reproduction of the Urantia Foundation, and neither is it meant to prepare the future reference of spirit to Urantia entirely, but it is good enough to stand the way it has to while we transition the heart of God to win Urantia back again.  In the 1930's Urantia was welcome back into the league of planets without caring so much about Germany and Japan.  However Germany received full honors at first for turning around a diplomatic unity against it into a full parade of surprised release of good will for its Olympics (1936) and for its communion with the idea of a fatherland.  For those reasons alone it saved humanity for good in many places, but it dared to exhbit the barbarianism of the shunt to eternal damnation for what it chose to do to mankind once it successfully secured its own history to live further and well. 

"I AM JESUS, and to the readers of  this missive I correct nothing spoken here; however, Ron your transmitter here, suggests this post contains unsupportable rhetoric in some statements.  I agree.  However, it is a wake up call too.

"The loss of the American dream for world peace is no longer our concern.  The US is buffeted by a population which no longer is rational or caring about its political future.  It is further lost when it comes to moral turpitude over too many issues to relate to here.  However, let it be understood that the House that Jack Built is a real image to spirit, as spirit sees the entire matter collapsing by its own weight into a cabal of heartless political maneuvering fully exercised this week but the House of Representatives being forced to vote on a resolution to impeach President Biden.  That heartless move is the mechanizations of the House Speaker who approaches insanity to  the point his party imputes his motions to do this to the American democracy.

"I am JESUS, and I remind the congregation here, we are no longer speaking to the issue of mere political hi-jinx but to a devastating mistake over who is in charge on Urantia at all.  I will make it clear when I arrive who is doing what and how it must be stopped.  Thank you for giving your ear to me for now.  JESUS."

Ron here:
I could transmit for the next hour easily for what is lined up here to speak over a deadly issue before you and me and the universe.  No one should mistake the anger of Michael of Nebadon, as a passing fancy.  He is outraged at the behavior in this place, and I could hardly control my anger when the Speaker of the House mistook his office for being any kind of gentleman, but an Adolf Hitler version of mankind in our legislative branch of government.  However, be assured I am sparing you my invective over this kind of salacious behavior by a man so bent with pride that he made Speaker of the House, he buys the view that he can do anything without reproach.  Reproach is coming I am sure, but the places we hold dear are not well designed to spank Hitler again, and we are not going to say much more; however, the fat is in the fire again in spirit land and please be caring you understand the issues for you will never understand how MICHAEL OF NEBADON approach Urantia with the Missions so soon to come to our doorstep.

Thank you for your time and stamina to get through a long post, but God is venting his frustration with us good an proper, and I leave the rest of Wednesday, today, to your peace at home or the office for the moment.  Thank you.



Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania