Author Topic: CHINA BULLETIN - CURRENCY WARNING OCTOBER 11. 2018  (Read 15634 times)

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Offline Ron Besser

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« on: October 10, 2018, 20:35:35 pm »



SERARA - "I wish to state the following: We are in no way considered pirates, but we must have the understanding that China and the YUAN is to remain pegged at 6.975 per USD, or preferably, 6.735 YUAN per United States Dollar.

"If the exchange rate dips to 7.5315 Yuan then we will take unilateral action to destroy the extra profits this brings industrial sectors known to you, the Chinese Government, and we will take measures for you to release ONE TRILLION USD,  back into the world capitalistic systems.  What is being done by the Chinese Government is to charge over twenty cents for every Yuan at that rate,  and as such, it is seriously overvalued to us and to the rest of the world.

"Let it be known we have reserves in the amount of seventeen (17) trillion dollars at hand and can easily obtain more.  Your currency reserves are nearly double that, but you must understand that world conditions will see to it that is quickly depleted if you make a run on the USD and we wish that not to occur.

"Finally, the USD is now pegged at the close of our trading day October 11, 2018 at 6.921384 Yuan per dollar.   This is excessive and you are warned it will not be tolerated by the end of the day on October 25, 2018 midnight New York time zone.

"I further stipulate this outlet of news to you will be activated briefly to bring you news as to your ties to Hong Kong and other places along your Pacific Coast line, and the South China Sea,  and that we have no intention of allowing a wide spread invasion of Korean goods or Chinese goods to display in place of Vietnamese goods or Hong Kong goods to name a few.  Your policies are made to protect your interests, but they are becoming excessive to the degree we cannot tolerate them for the good of this world we name Urantia, and we ask you to remember that as a matter of course.  Good day.  I am a Magisterial Son and you the country of China are very important to us, and what we have to do here in order to recharge the people of Urantia back to a normal routine of life and observation of decent living standards once more.  I am Serara.  Good day.”


Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline Clency

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« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2018, 22:34:39 pm »
Many are waiting around the world, in the financial realm, for the Reevaluation/Global Currency Reset ( RV/GCR ) to take place by the end of this year 2018 and the Chinese Yuan, according to experts in this field, has the choice to align itself on the other currencies or to create an imbalance by an over-evaluation, with the risk of provoking a world financial collapse. It is indeed a relief to know that Celestials are planning to kill the chicken in the egg before it is hatched. Domtia
I am your servant, I am your liegeman, it is my will that your will be done.


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« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2018, 22:47:40 pm »
Hi Ron,

It's good to hear from Serara again and relieving to know that They are on top of things in Urantia.  

It is really of great concern as China has their finger in just about every country.  Philippine President Duterte is now considering a joint exploration with China in the South China Sea (Read more at  

They have already built major structures that look like military bases in these contested regions which they claim are rightly theirs.

Acc. to Dr Zhuang Guotu, the head of Xiamen University's Southeast Asian Studies Centre 'China has the right to build whatever it needs within its territory....China's military deployments in the South China Sea were to defend its security and interests, rather than military expansion.' (

The One Belt One Road or OBOR plan of China is explained in a Jan 2018 article  ( Currency manipulation may well be part of this plan.



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« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2018, 07:30:22 am »
Clency and others.    This subject of a Global Reevlauation has been around for quite some time.  After reading  your reply , I looked up Reevaluation/Global Currency Reset ( RV/GCR ) and there is so much about it,  that it is difficult to separate truth and actual information from the many conspiracy theories and misinformation that are all jumbled up together.  And I can say that the more we learn, the more obscene things become regarding wealth and all that those who have it do to amass fortunes and what lengths and depths of deception are at play.   However we can rest assured that Serara  will implement all that is necessary and required to "reset" and "redeem" this world. That is  one of the reasons this has been referred to as "The Corrective Time."  Thanks for your reply.  

Online JuliodaLuz

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« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2018, 08:16:00 am »
                           In my view, as a layman, but one that likes to read about economics, the major problem in international trade is the use of the intentional devaluation of currency by governments as a way of making their products attractive in price, and thus, countries from all over the world will buy these products.
                        This mechanism of intentional currency devaluation is used by China. I just add in this comment that this view of mine may be wrong.
                        But this exchange mechanism brings an imbalance in the international economy.
                        At first, in my opinion, the rebalancing of the international economy can be sought in the analysis of the exchange rate issue, in order to overcome confrontations and possible partial blockades in the economy, for example with extra import taxes, as a way of protecting industry place of each country.
                       The issue of employment is an extremely important issue, as quality of life means that people have full employment in order to support their needs.
                       I was happy with the messages from the Magisterial Sons Serara and Monjoronson, with the return on our planet Urantia. Yes, in my view, the Magisterial Sons will contribute to the "New Spirit of Truth".
                      I was also very pleased with the message from the Magisterial Son Monjoronson that he will contribute the New Spirit of Truth with his feeling of empathy. Empathy with people (and people) less fortunate.
                     The global economy, in my view, must also analyze this issue of empathy, with countries and populations, in order to create mechanisms that in a way allow these countries and their populations to at least address the basic issues of survival.
                       A long time ago, in my studies of economics I do, even if I am a layman, that there may be a donation linked to the sale of products, that is, the more certain product is sold, the more it is donated to entities, organizations and countries that need help.
                        Finally, I remember that after the period of desolation, that is, the great catastrophes that will happen soon, the world will begin again with a new economic and spiritual direction.
                        But food production will be hit hard when dust will accumulate in the clouds for a reasonable period of time, making it unable to produce food in many parts of the world. Beyond the beginning of a small ice age.
                       The solution, in my view, may be in plasticulture in greenhouses, or other mechanisms that allow to increase the temperature and thus allow the production of food.
                       The use of ocean water in agriculture, as is done in Israel (which uses the waters of the Dead Sea for agriculture) is also a question that can be reflected.
                        Sprinkler irrigation, in my view, is a huge waste of water. Thus, the legislations of the countries should reflect on the possibility of irrigation for agriculture only by dripping in the plant.
                        With the beginning of a new ice age, in my view, it will also reduce rainfall around the world, because much of the drinking water will not be in the atmosphere, but will be frozen with the magnification of the glaciers in the geographic poles and mountains high
                      This is several general comments about the economy. My little contribution to this topic.

Post Scriptum: 
                                In many places in Brazil, there are so-called brackish waters in the basement that, at first, do not serve the human or animal consumption.
                               Just as the extremely salty waters of the Dead Sea serve for agriculture in Israel, I believe it is possible to extract brackish waters from the subsoil for drip irrigation.
                               Possibly, with the great movement of the tectonic plates, the waters of the basements will be "brackish", for the most part. This is just a small possibility that I have already reflected for some time.


                          Na minha visão, como leigo, mas que gosta ler sobre o assunto economia, o grande problema no comércio internacional é o uso da desvalorização da moeda, intencionalmente, pelos governos como forma de fazer com que seus produtos sejam atrativos a nível de preço, e assim, países do mundo inteiro comprem estes produtos.
                         Este mecanismo de desvalorização intencional da moeda é usado pela China. Apenas acrescento neste comentário que esta minha visão pode estar equivocada.
                          Só que este mecanismo cambial traz desequilíbrio na economia internacional.
                          A princípio, ao meu ver, o reequilíbrio da economia internacional pode ser buscado na análise da questão cambial, a fim de superar confrontos e possíveis bloqueios parciais a nível de economia, por exemplo, com taxas extras de importação, como forma de proteger a indústria local de cada país.
                          A questão do emprego é uma questão extremamente importante, pois qualidade de vida significa que as populações tem pleno emprego para poder sustentar suas necessidades.
                          Eu fiquei alegre com as mensagens dos Filhos Magisteriais Serara e Monjoronson, com o retorno em nosso planeta Urantia. Sim, na minha visão, os Filhos Magisteriais irão contribuir com o "Novo Espírito da Verdade".
                          Também fiquei muito contente, com a mensagem do Filho Magisterial Monjoronson de que irá contribuir com o Novo Espírito da Verdade com seu sentimento de empatia. Empatia com as pessoas (e os povos) menos afortunados.
                        A economia global, ao meu ver, tem que analisar também esta questão de empatia, com países e populações a fim de criar mecanismos que de alguma forma permitam que estes países e respectivas populações consigam atender, pelo menos, as questões básicas de sobrevivência.
                       Há muito tempo, em meus estudos de economia que eu faço, mesmo sendo leigo, que pode existir uma doação vinculada a venda de produtos, ou seja, quanto mais determinado produto é vendido, mais é doado para entidades, organizações e países que precisam de ajuda.
                      Por fim, eu lembro que após o período de desolação, ou seja, as grandes catástrofes que irão acontecer em breve, o mundo irá recomeçar com um novo rumo econômico e espiritual.
                          Mas a produção de alimentos será duramente atingido, quando a poeira irá acumular nas núvens, por um período razoável, fazendo com que em muitas partes do planeta não consiga produzir alimentos. Além do início de uma pequena era do gelo.
                         A solução ao meu ver, pode ser na plasticultura em estufas, ou outros mecanismos que possibilitam aumentar a temperatura e assim permitir a produção de alimentos.
                          O uso da água dos oceanos na agricultura, como é feito em Israel (que usa as águas do Mar Morto para a agricultura) também é uma questão que pode ser refletida.
                         A irrigação por aspersão, ao meu ver, é um desperdício enorme de água. Assim, as legislações dos países deveria refletir sobre a possibilidade de irrigação para agricultura apenas por gotejamento na planta.
                        Com o início de uma nova era do gelo, ao meu ver, também irá diminuir as chuvas em todo o mundo, pois muito da agua potável não estará na atmosfera, e sim estará congelada, com a ampliação das geleiras nos pólos geográficos e nas montanhas altas.
                        Este são vários comentários gerais sobre a economia. Minha pequena contribuição neste tópico.


Post Scriptum:
                                     Em muitos locais do Brasil existe no subsolo, as chamadas águas salobras que, a princípio, não servem para o consumo do ser humano ou animal.
                                    Assim como as águas extremamente salgadas do Mar Morto servem para a agricultura em Israel, eu acredito que é possível retirar águas salobras do subsolo para irrigação por gotejamento.
                                    Possivelmente, com a grande movimentação das placas tectônicas, as águas dos subsolos irão ficar "salobras", na maior parte. Está é apenas uma pequena possibilidade que eu já tenho refletido faz algum tempo.

« Last Edit: October 11, 2018, 08:29:47 am by JuliodaLuz »
Julio da Luz (Bar'MTinsha - Pre'Msha)


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« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2018, 09:11:38 am »
After I read and reread  this "Bulletin" basically addressing China and I thank Serara and Ron for the important message, last night and first thing this morning, I began thinking abut the global outreach of  this site... wondering how many Nations have Representatives high enough to alert their Governments to what is posted here. There have been,  even through the 5 + years since I have been a member here, many announcements that were specifically directed  to  a number of Nations.  Unlike Ron, who is the owner and administrator of this site, I don't know if one is able to discern just where applying members and guests  are located .   Without doubt as the Michael Mission becomes visible to Urantia, this site will have a global outreach unlike any other.  It would be of great interest to find out how many Nations are currently accessing the  information and revelations that are available through this forum.

As I was reading and thinking about  this  last night and this morning, the  "Healing a Broken World" book, concerning Social  Sustainability came to mind and how in depth what Serara talks about in his reference that so much of what will be presented, especially after the  tribulations   are underway,  will have to be done on the local and community levels.
Even though Jesus, Serara, Monjoronson, Lanaforge,  Machiventa and the other Melchizedeks and all other Spirit Beings and  Agencies associated with Urantia and Panoptia will be challenged for success, still it is not their first time at bat so to speak, for they have been at this for thousands of years and on many such planets, although perhaps not one that is so  removed, distant, and unaware of the Heart of God and little recognizable understanding of the realities of Spirit, truth beauty and goodness.
I am deeply grateful of messages of the caliber of what has been shared with us in the past weeks,  even though this  "silent period" still seems to be in effect.    LarryG

Offline Ron Besser

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« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2018, 10:15:52 am »

Larry, particularly to you, Michael has this reply for your edification:

This site is pretty worn through.  It has lost its luster badly mostly due to the in attendance of people like yourself who has no real regard for what we say, but that we say it.   You are not alone in being disgusted with a period of silence we have to go through again, and I am not very happy about a lot of things either.  However, recognize the site is hardly used by anyone anymore due to the restrictions China places on religion in China, and the additional problem of the Urantia Book transference to the view in the world it is a flake book and a fake philosophy.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

China does listen and they have the message I am so informed.  I hold no real degree in diplomacy but I am a ward of the Most Highs as you are.  In that case I can make statements that have some relevance to the world, but the world has so deprecated the idea of spirit, I doubt that anyone takes these statements on this site, seriously.   However here is a case for us:

China sends envoys to all important capitals of the world.  They have, I am told, considered sending one to York with the American okay, to view this idea of a Magisterial Mission entirely in the view of China and how to make amends or defend its view to the Magisterial Son, Serara, and laterally to Monjoronson, the Magisterial Son in charge of the Jesus Return production status of going nowhere right now.  In any case the best we can do is speak as we are spoken to, and that includes make amends to the Chinese for our rough words to warn them they have a powerful tool in YUAN and they must care not to kill the idea of cooperation once again with the United States government, once the insanity of this American governments is removed.  The period of the AMERICAN REGENCY IS COMING, and that is to surprise even me in its power to resurrect the glory of a powerful nation under God to do the bidding of a Spirit Adminsitration such as Michael of Nebadon weilds over all of this quadrant of space and time.

I therefore speak to you Larry as the one person who notes the effort to do these communications, but to also advise you I carry no real personal attribute to do this other than to do it as requested.  I am quite happy I have this opportunity even if my tenure is so restricted you do not hear from me often in this kind of communication ever again.

However, be advise as well, that I am truly out of work for the moment and I am awfully upset with a spirit administration that is so heavy handed they leave things drift in favor of themselves to the detriment of their human supporters.  It reminds me of a deaf man trying to conduct a symphony orchestra in many ways.   I am probably the only voice that calls this unfortunate, as most people will never, ever, understand the price all have paid to be a supporter and then to founder on the loss of one Mission after another.  I do not complain to anyone on this issue but merely note it for the record. 

In any case, you in particular Larry, had our choice of good words this morning as the site continues to languish in its own losses, and I am not changing anything but will hunker down and let it ride into the Michael Mission as is and change it then if that is our need to do so.  Thank you for your post.    Ron Besser

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "I finally here from the real Ron Besser and that is refreshing entirely.  I am Michael of Nebadon, and I am too busy to listen to little ones at this time, bur Ron is not a little one, and I hold him dear.  He is truly making the case I have for years with all of you that this is a time of refreshment and not of wailing about who does what.  But I must amend the thought that human participation is considered so lowly t hat we do not take it harshly, but rather, that we have some people at least on one hand, we can count on in the crunch, and that crunch is already here as Ron heard me smack him around this morning while his legs carried on again with pain.  He is trule disgusted with the whole idea this is how service must be approached.  In any case Larry Gossett, your words are appreciated and we do say so now. But be aware your own intransigence is well known and you refuse service if it requires you to think more than you want to.

MARGUL, THE TRINITY TEACHER SON - "Ron looked at the Chris Maurus message from Margul on the Barnard List this morning and cringed at his use of the wrong pronoun.  Maurus insists on calling me "she," and Ron says to himself, I have so concreted my lessons in from the Urantia Book, I get upset over this, but I refuse to as it really isn't important at all as the message is.  That is true, but I cringe too at the wilful disobedience of people who could do better and do not listen ever to a change in habits that would make it easier for us to work with all of you.  Your world of thought Ron is bashed all over the place this morning yet you can laugh at these peculiarities with which we work from the human viewpoint.  Good day. Margul."

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania