Author Topic: PROFIT OF ENCARNATION.  (Read 6274 times)

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Offline Rene A Duran

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« on: August 25, 2023, 00:47:45 am »


 By: The Adjuster.
 Transmitter: Evelio Rivas.

 El Salvador, August 20, 2023, 11:00 p.m.

 My Father, my Lord, I thank you for breathing and life. I beg you to prepare my mind to receive a message from the Celestial Family and seek a channel free of interference.

 The Adjuster.:
 "I am your Adjuster, we will study today the use of the incarnation.
 "It is hardly logical to expect understanding to expand in those who are learning to silence themselves and listen to the subtle voice.

 "It is about an awakening to the reality that should always have been but was not, as progress is made on this path, the agenda that the person has been carrying out complacently or at the service of the legion of anti-values that make up their ego, this routine is currently bleeding dear and beautiful Urantia at the hands of humanity.

 "The need for each inhabitant to find their inner bond is pressing, we speak clearly that you are what we call the guard, that is, the physical expression of something superior that deep down is yourself and that has waited for millennia for the moment that you return to him, taking advantage of the incarnation implies learning to do his will at every moment, living promptly to his wise guide and full of love, when it is possible to understand that the incarnation is a journey of training and learning, we will make the most of physical expression and of course instead to generate accounts payable, payments will be obtained for receiving the balance will be in favor.

 "Within this context we have to admit self-government as a successful method, you can be sure that your Adjuster is behind the smallest things necessary to live better and achieve happiness, there will come a time when you feel comfortable not being harmful to anyone and admit sharing as the big family we have always been.

 "It is good to know for certain that in the mind of the Creator you are a great family and your motives for exercising routines that hurt other beings have never been true. The simplicity of this approach may not seem convincing, but remember that it is the ego that complicates the things, God always wants your routines to produce happiness.
 "As you learn to listen to the advice and guidance of your Adjuster, you will be making the most of your incarnation. It is convenient here to admit that someone who knows the path and who will lead you to the success that life implies has always been waiting for you inside.

 "I am your Adjuster ending this hot topic and wishing you success in your endeavours, good night."

 My God, my Lord I admit that I belong to you now and always and that the dogma of separativity is just that a dogma, your will be done Lord you are welcome to me at any time you want.


 Evelio Rivas