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Messages - weydevu

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Hi Ron, you transmitted that Caligastia once destroyed a star, would that star be in the Cassiopeia system or constellation? And is this the remains of the star that scientists took pictures of with the James Webb Telescope?

NASA Has Finally Captured A Photo Of An Exploded Star And It’s Beautiful (


Thank you Ron and FATHER MICHAEL for that input and yes I must pay more attention to how I read things and thank you, I will make an effort to do better.

Thank you for your response Ron, my apologies for my late response.  But back to my first question, I often send prayers to my friends and relatives who have graduated to the Mansion Worlds, so does that mean we should hold off from our prays to them?


« on: February 12, 2024, 11:44:46 am »
Over a Dozen Earthquakes Strike California in 25 Minutes (

It looks like things are brewing up.


Ron, in Sunday's LL I didn't quite understand about sending prays to love ones and people in general in the Mansion Worlds because of some kind of back logged?  If am not mistaken, could you please explain more in detail.

Ron here writing in your post: The wars of attrition going on today on Urantia area adding about half a million more souls to the line up per day than a normal Urantia mortality would produce.  They are being processed I am told, but those who are less life experienced are placed in a stand by sleep until there is room to process them normally on the mansion worlds.

The entire matter is usually placed into a secrecy category, but Michael has allowed us to look at the backlog as a result of useless war and is warning that unless Urantia settles down the backlog can be removed by instant refusal for soul elevation for new arrivals if that is required to do.  Messages and condolences are not processed very much right now.  This need monitored later when more positive news can be announced.

My next question is about muons:  You stated that scientist haven't seen muons.  My question is how do they know they exist?

Ron here - Muons have been postulated to exist for decades, but they have not fully or conclusively seen one to classify.  I have classified them as follows on the card picture shown at the bottom.  They are very close to the electron classification.  Google electron classification or electron characteristics  where similar cards are shown.  They are almost identical.  Scientists have postulated the appearance of the Muon for several decades and can never see one.  That reason is they are no a normal preparticle but an antigravity particle.  Look up antigravity to help you see those characteristics.

And lastly, you stated at around 4 minutes and 25 seconds in Sunday's LL that there were 20 Major Sectors. Wouldn't that be 10 Major Sectors for a Super Universe?

RON - Yeah, I know.  I was adding in Dominion's contribution and made that addition error.  You are correct, there are 10 Major sectors.


Much thanks Elise for your transmission and to all who participated in it. I look forward to seeing the Pleiades and their ships (as those old folks say ; ;D) if GOD'S Willing. I'm always amused at FATHER'S creations. I mean I kind of figured that the Havona worlds were as large as the stars we see in the night sky and the Sacred Spheres even larger. Now with the revelation about the planet Uversa being as large or larger than our solar system means that the Havona Worlds are even larger and the Sacred Spheres seeing that they produce light for the Havona Worlds are super, super large.  I lack the adjectives to describe the great adventure that's awaiting us and all who accept eternal service in the Government of GOD.


Here is something you may or may not enjoy from Alpha Awakenings.  I like it because I never believe in the old concept of how the pyramids were built.  I always believe in light and sound in the construction of the pyramids.  In this video you will at least enjoy the arrangement of colors and music and art works.  Enjoy.



AUDIO TAPE Links - Comments - Schedule inside / Re: Sunday Lightline Tape
« on: January 31, 2024, 13:47:55 pm »
Thanks Ron, I got up in all that information I forgot you even answered my question in your first statement:  The electron has 100 Ultimatons.  A Muon has 99 Ultimatons.  A Tachyon has 98 Ultimatons.
So instead of adding an ultimaton to a muon you subtract an ultimaton from a muon to make a tachyon.  I Thank you and FATHER MICHAEL for that extra information.


AUDIO TAPE Links - Comments - Schedule inside / Re: Sunday Lightline Tape
« on: January 30, 2024, 13:01:05 pm »
Ron, if you take one ultimaton from an electron [which has one hundred ultimatons ], it becomes a muon, so how is it you add an electron to a muon it becomes a tachyon?  From Sunday's Light Line:
If you add one more ultimaton to a muon, you get a tachyon
Shouldn't it return as an electron with one? I understand the concept if it's with more than one. Thank you.


Hello family, I labeled that subject above because that's how I feel about these two documentaries. The first one is about our moon as a satellite and the second one is about the moon and it's inhabitants. Both are a little over an hour long.  It reminds me what TUB says about revelations and how they will stand the test of time until there is some new scientific facts and discoveries that will produce new revelations.  But don't quote me on that.  ;D

I would like to say to those who produce presentations on YouTube or whatever it's always good to add some nice, soft and soothing music.  As you will hear on the first documentary.
1)     ALIEN MOON - Full UFO Documentary | Ancient Alien Conspiracy (
2)     Aliens On The Moon: The Truth Exposed | Conspiracy Theory | Absolute Documentaries          (


General Discussion / Re: Justice?
« on: January 24, 2024, 11:46:17 am »
Ron, in this sentence: Ultimate persons are inviviable as are co-absolute and absolute.  
I couldn't find it's definition.
I found the definition of inviable which is.  

incapable of surviving especially because of a deleterious genetic constitution.
So would the word be invincible? ???

Thank you for your response, Ron. Time as simple as it seems it's a complicated process on a planet that deals with seconds, minutes and hours. I will say this, I've learned to appreciate time the older I get.  Even while waiting for some physical showing of the first steps to light and life on this planet.  Thank you.


Thanks Raz and Ron for the question and answer.  In terms of age would that mean that each super galaxy's age would be determined by a trillion years after the development of the 1st super galaxy?  Meaning Super Universe One would be 7 trillion earth years old down to our Super Universe 7 as 1 trillion earth years old. Just a thought. Thank you.


General Discussion / Re: ALIENS IN MIAMI
« on: January 12, 2024, 11:13:05 am »
Thanks again Ron, there are a lot of weird things happening on this planet and as you say some beings sneak in and out.  There are a lot of reports from people who claim to have seen things and who is to say if it's the truth or false.

I would like to relate an encounter I had back in the late 70s or early 80s. And if you doubt this story please ask my Belove Indwelling. One night I was over a friend's house. I was sitting on the couch when I notice this person who was talking to the person next to me when all of a sudden I begin to see his aurora which had a murky green glow, then his facial features change from human to reptilian or fish like feature. As I notice this I sat unfazed while he kept blinking in and out from human to reptilian or fish like facial features. finally he morph back to his human features not knowing if I saw it or not.  Now that's been a good forty plus years and I may have told that story only to about three or four people until now. Now you may understand when I hear other people's stories I don't take it at face value but I will look into  it.  You had the best spiritual guards to protect you and yet they evaded detection just to hurt you.  

Thank you for your response and have a bless day.


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