Author Topic: Pleiadians and writing down prayers  (Read 7054 times)

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Pleiadians and writing down prayers
« on: April 20, 2024, 14:21:43 pm »
Good morning All! Good morning Father, Michael, Tarkas, ArthuRa, and our fellow Pleiadians!

Yesterday the Light Line had 20 listeners, and that was a good enough number to hold the Light Line. The spirit world was happy that so many showed up on a Friday time slot. And we are so thankful that Ron was in his usual good form, in spite of previous doubts. All things are working together for good.

Good morning Pleiadeans! Is there any thing you would like to share with us today?

Pleiadians: Yes, thank you Carole, and good morning to you.

All of us here on the forum remember that in the past we have been encouraged to keep a diary of events, thoughts, feelings, and other experiences that are pertinent for the current times. We still encourage you all to become comfortable with writing down your questions, your comments, and observations.
But now we would like to encourage you all in one more thing: Write down your prayers! You all have recently been requested to pray for Michael, for Father, the Melchizedeks,and the the success of the missions. Writing down your prayers, requests, concerns, care, and articulating your deepest concerns are good for formulating clear images in your mind of what you wish to see succeed. And if you have trouble with the English language, this is your time to practice! No need to post. It is for your own edification. What is written down becomes more available to the spiritual population. God knows your thoughts. He knows when thoughts are half-baked, rambling, or nonsensical. These things are not prayers. So writing things down helps you keep your thoughts on course.

Elise is worried that she cannot post the Friday LightLine. Is there interference? Well, there are interferences into your mind too, that need to be spotted and identified for what they are. Writing things down helps you to spot these things.

The diary idea is going from simple observations to prayers, to serious journalism. If you are transmitting some of these ideas, you are on your way to a closer connection with Father and the rest of the Mission helpers. Often just putting things down on paper makes worrisome situations become more clear and manageable. The world is very confused right now, and needs all the clear thinking people it can muster. You can be one of them!

Be at peace, all of you. Keep joy in your hearts. Take care of your health!

We love you!
The Pleiadians.

Carole: Thank you Pleiadians!