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Topics - Lemuel

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« on: May 30, 2023, 17:33:15 pm »

T/R: Lemuel
30th May 23:30
I was getting ready to go to bed, but I could not ignore the "call".
I first sat at my laptop and typed a few words but it didn´t feel right and then
I was prompted to use my recorder.
Here it is.


Threads for New Transmissions / STAY WITH ME
« on: May 29, 2023, 03:14:54 am »


Thank you, Lemuel. You came when I called. Stay with ME.

There will be a tremendous amount of information soon that will need to be

posted immediately and I need those whom I can trust to do this.

You and the others have been so patient and loyal and it will bring you

benefits you cannot imagine. You have not sought reward, neither have 

the others, you have given of your time freely and sincerely and I have seen

the love in your hearts that you hold for ME.

You cannot imagine the love I hold in MY heart for all of you.

Be of good cheer.

Stay with ME.


Threads for New Transmissions / THE GIFT OF LOVE
« on: May 19, 2023, 02:15:33 am »


You live in a material world that seems to be totally dominated by dark forces

that control almost every aspect of your lives. It is a very well-planned and 

organized system and there is very little that you can do to alter the situation.

Those who are in control are those who have the money and the power over

their people and their only interest is to maintain their status quo.

Those of you, and there are many, who are of the opinion that it would need

a miracle to change things for the better, and over the centuries many millions

of prayers have been offered in the hope that a miracle will be produced.

Looking at the present global stuation it seems that all those prayers have

gone unanswered and there are so many of you who have lost all hope.

Still, there are those who know what to do and go about doing it on a daily

basis. These are those of you who have seen beyond appearances and know

that the only miracle available to all is the miracle of LOVE. You know this

because you have experienced it for yourselves and what you have received

you are able to give to others.

I AM LOVE, and I indwell you, therefore you are also love in action.

No matter how dark the situation appears to be there is always the opportunty

for you to act accordingly and give to others the love that you are.

Those who have dominated you for so long are getting weaker by the hour.

The LIGHT that is pouring in on Urantia, your planet, is making it harder

for those to maintain their power over you and they will fall. Where there

is LIGHT no darkness remains and the GIFT OF LOVE  that you are about

to  receive, is the return of JESUS. With such a LIGHT and LOVE

entering Urantia, those of the dark will fade away and be lost.

Come to ME when you are low and weary and I WILL lift you up with



Threads for New Transmissions / I AM THE ONE
« on: May 17, 2023, 01:56:01 am »


Just write! The clouds that have covered your planet of URANTIA for too

many years are about to unfold and reveal a light, such has not been seen for 

millenia. When there is an absence of LIGHT there is that darkness that

creeps along the ground, as a serpent and rises up to strike its victim.

You have all been victim to the serpent´s bite and have suffered the 

consequences but you are not to blame for that which you have done in 

the darkness of ignorance.

I AM THE ONE who knows HOW these things have come to pass and WHY.

I have seen how you HUMANS have fought your way out of the darkness

and have progressed to the point where you are ready to embrace the LIGHT

in any and all of its manifestations.

You have been blessed with the knowledge that it has been, and is, your

INDWELLING, that has helped you reach this point in your life and you

have felt the LOVE HE HAS for you and you have reciprocated.

I AM THE ONE and I AM in you and WE will be together for all of eternity

if you so desire, and this is MY desire. The time is upon you all to fight

against the remaining darkness as the LIGHT breaks through to help and

uplift you. Stay with ME and remain safe and secure in the knowledge that,



Threads for New Transmissions / THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE.
« on: May 12, 2023, 02:49:47 am »


Every thought, every word, and every act you perform exposes you to the

judgment of those who see and hear you. You do the same to those you

see and hear, and you should not.

I do not judge you ever. I Know you and to Know anyone is to love them.

How can you know anyone really?  It is not by what you look at or hear but 

rather by what you see if you really take the trouble to look.

Look for that which is in you and you will find ME. When you have found ME 

then you can see ME in everyone you meet. A person is not just what they say or

do but what they are and what they represent. Who are you and who do you



is the only way, by which, you will, one day stand before FATHER.


leads you to HIM.

BLESSED are you who have found me, for there is no greater joy to be had,

and MY joy also overflows.


Threads for New Transmissions / THERE IS ALWAYS A WAY
« on: May 08, 2023, 01:47:40 am »


There is always a way and it can always be found if you look for it.
You may see the road ahead but it may appear to be blocked.
How can you proceed if the road is blocked?
Can you jump over it or side-step it?
Can you dig a hole deep enough to pass under it?

Sooner or later you will realize that the best and only way to overcome any
obstacle is to face it head-on and just plough your way through and every
time you do that your strength and resolve will increase.

You have learned that there is a reason for everything and it is always for
your better good, although you didn´t always realize it at the time.
Physical strength is needed to do all those things that are physically 
demanding but it is the strength of character that will see you through to a
successful overcoming of all the problems you will face throughout the whole
of your life.

I AM HE who has tested you this way from the beginning. 
It was MY choice because of MY desire to finally FUSE with you.
You have that which I do not, and you do not yet have ME but you shall.

You have never travelled the road alone, although you thought it many times.
Now that you know WE have a future together, WE shall remain together, and
work unceasingly for FATHER, it will always be thus.

There will still be obstacles along the way but WE shall overcome them all.

I AM THE BELOVED and you are MINE.


Threads for New Transmissions / STAY CLOSE
« on: May 04, 2023, 11:04:08 am »


I AM here with you always, are you always here with ME?  No, you are not!

You cannot, for the time being, be with ME but you will when I decide that

the moment has arrived. As long as you are needed to remain in the flesh,

you will. I will use any, and every opportunity to bring you closer to ME,

when I can see that it is what you want, more than anything else in the world.

What I see, you cannot!  I have planned and plotted your course to ME from

the beginning and you have become aware that it leads to Fusion with ME.

In order for you to continue on your journey you must remain in the flesh

to assist your brothers and sisters when required to do so. Your knowledge

and experience of spiritual truths far outway that of the general public and it

must be taught gently and wisely. Looking back over your own schooling,

you will remember those times when you failed to understand due to poor


You and the others who read these words know that the time has arrived

when you will need to be focussed on ME more and more, as the world may be

turned upside down by events never seen before. You have all been advised

many times of the possible occurrences.

Many times you have said, "Not mine, but THY will be done".  When you

return your will to ME in this way, it confirms the faith I had in you that

together WE will arrive at our mutual destination, but before that glorious

day, WE have a tremendous amount of work to do for FATHER.

You still need to attend to your outer responsibilities, of course, but they will

change as WE get closer and closer being about FATHER´S business.

It only remains for ME to say:  STAY CLOSE.


Threads for New Transmissions / OVERSEEING
« on: May 01, 2023, 14:08:14 pm »

I AM an overseer. In fact, there are many of us who have come from far away 
to oversee and observe what is taking place at the moment on your planet,
and it is not a pretty sight. We are appalled by what we see, and cannot
imagine how it is, that there are those who are able to maintain their LIGHT
amid such a torrent of darkness.

WE are aware, of course of the planet´s history, and throughout all these
Millenium, you humans, who are the lowest of FATHER´s creation have
managed to maintain just a flicker of LIGHT, in spite of everything else.
There is no other planet that has suffered the same as URANTIA has suffered.

The tremendous changes that have already taken place over the last four years
have caused ripples that have spread throughout CREATION, and with the
birth of the NEW UNIVERSE AGE, barely three years ago, has brought to
light the urgent need for change on a cosmic scale.

Before the NEW can fully be installed and activated, the old must disappear,
and unfortunately, this cannot be achieved overnight but the old is slowly
disappearing and WE can see the beginnings of improvement with these
changes, in fact, too many to mention here.

One of the most important changes is the new relationship you can have with
your INDWELLING, if combined with your continuing devotion to doing

This will, amongst other things, accelerate you along your ascension path,
as you are now being designed for extremely important work in the future.
Such work as you cannot yet imagine.

Perhaps you can now begin to understand the interest that WE have in
overseeing the present changes and many more that are to come.
As OVERSEERS, we note everything, the positive, along with the negative,
as all the information gained will undoubtedly be of benefit elsewhere.

I have enjoyed speaking to you through this scribe.  A first for ME.

Lemuel.  Thank YOU, OVERSEER.

Threads for New Transmissions / REMAIN ALERT
« on: April 30, 2023, 03:59:17 am »

Speaker: JESUS
T/R: Lemuel
Girona. 30th April 2023

This is JESUS. Good Morning to you all. I speak through Lemuel now to tell
you that although you are now without your KING, and will remain so for a
while you are, nevertheless required to remain alert to all and any impulse 
that you may receive from Spirit, and that includes ME.

It will soon be the case that new information needs to be disseminated
far and wide. Don´t be doubtful or hesitant about what you receive. Trust in
OUR ability to speak through those of you WE know WE can trust.

You have all been informed that Transmitting has been made much easier
for you, and one of the main reasons for that is because WE need many more
of you to transmit. Don´t listen to your ego telling you that you will never be 
able to do it. You have already been instructed on how to transmit.
Sit quietly, relaxed, breathe deeply a few times, and say, " I AM, I AM, I AM"
and then let the words just flow into your mind, they will, if you allow them.
I ask you, at least to try. You want to help ME?  Then DO IT!

The next few weeks will be very difficult due to the increasing threat of war.
You can understand why I cannot just appear "out of the blue", that would
be far too dangerous. 

A REGENCY must be established in the government of the USA and WE
estimate that it can become a reality by the end of the month of May or the
beginning of June. The clock is ticking and there will be so much to say and do.

This is JESUS, and I am asking you all to REMAIN ALERT.  Thank you!



Threads for New Transmissions / I AM YOUR TOTALITY
« on: April 29, 2023, 03:16:11 am »

T/R: Lemuel
Girona. 29th April 2023

I AM the totality of what you are, what you have been, and what you will be.

To think is to create. Thought, word, and deed are manifested throughout the 

whole of creation, and you are no exception, but you are exceptional, unique,

as are all my children.

An artist cannot ever be separated from his art and creation is artistry in action.

Creator, creation, and the created. Three in one and one in three. A trinity.

You are also a trinity. Your thoughts create, which you put into words and are

 then acted out.

Now it will be different if you so desire and I see that it is. You are able to

receive MY thoughts, speak MY words, and perform MY deeds, and this is

also MY desire. The need for such as you will become apparent in the near

future, as not only will you be called upon to help those in need of your

knowledge, but at the same time you will also be representing ME, and in so

doing, we as I AM.

This, indeed is an unprecedented gift of SPIRIT to all those who will accept it.

and to those of you who choose, not only to accept it but to embrace it with

all of your being, you will forevermore be serving FATHER, as I AM.


Threads for New Transmissions / WILL YOU?
« on: April 22, 2023, 02:32:33 am »

Speaker: GABRIEL
Subject: WILL YOU?
T/R: Lemuel
Girona Spain 22nd April 2023  07:30 Local

I speak to you through this one this morning to ask, Will YOU?
The reason for this question is to alert you to the fact that we are approaching
the time when final decisions must be made pertaining to your participation
in the Missions.

You have been informed many times that you are known, you are monitored,
you all have your Thought Adjusters and all are in constant communication.
We know the problems you have had to face and overcome in your lives.
We have observed how your faith has grown and your increased desire to
serve FATHER. 

You have come to know and cooperate with your INDWELLING through
the countless prompts and urges that have brought you to your present state
of spiritual awareness. Your patience has been tested many times. You have
dealt with the frustration of constant changes, the ups and down, on and off,
and yet your faith and hope for a better tomorrow have carried you through.

A final decision must be made by you, we know what you can do, but will you?
If your answer is, "Yes", and you are accepted, you will be required to take an
irrevocable oath of service to FATHER.

We know that you can, but will you?

I am GABRIEL and I take my leave. 

Good day.


Threads for New Transmissions / REGROUPING
« on: April 21, 2023, 12:22:13 pm »

Speaker: AMADON
T/R: Lemuel
Girona 21st April 2023 18:20 Local

Threads for New Transmissions / ALL IS NOT LOST
« on: April 21, 2023, 01:35:59 am »
T/R: Lemuel
Girona, Friday 21st April 2023

Yes, Lemuel!  You have recently been reflecting on your life and overall, you
are quite satisfied. You know full well that what you have done cannot be
undone, and what you have spoken to cannot be unspoken.

All that happens in the outer lives of everyone is just a never-ending series
of experiences that are brought to your door to see how you deal with them.
At the end of your days, all the results of these dealings are put on a scale
to see how you have done. 

What you have experienced has been dominated by the interest in your
inner life and through your cooperation with ME you have achieved a level
of Spiritual understanding that is quite remarkable, given the conditions in
which you have been brought up with, and this applies to all of you here.

What is lost are those things that have no value, they never did, and you
realize that, but there are other things that are never lost because of their
tremendous spiritual value.

As each day goes by you realize more and more that you are not of this world,
you are merely passing through and gathering to yourself only those things
that are worth having. Abide in ME and you will only receive those of
everlasting value.

All is not lost, only that which was worthless.

Lemuel:  Thank YOU!

Threads for New Transmissions / MAINTAINING INNER AWARENESS
« on: March 22, 2023, 15:05:00 pm »

Speaker: Thought Adjuster
T/R: Lemuel
22nd March 2023  19:30 Local

You have asked and I respond.

All of you here on the discussion forum have come to realize that you live
double lives. This level of awareness and final acceptance has taken years
for it to develop in you, but it can easily recede into the background if you do 
not take sufficient care, especially more recently, when nothing appears to be
happening to remind you of who you really are and why you are here.

Maintaining inner awareness is simply observing what is occurring in your
outer life, without getting too involved in it, if it is possible. You can become
quite emotionally detached from your outer life, as your inner awareness
increases. You are all aware of periphery vision, where you are able to see
without actually looking, so you can also live a periphery outer life if you
really want to, and this is potentially the biggest danger that some of you
are now facing.

As the weeks and months go by what you want may change, and you may
begin to forget. Beware of your ego, it will sow the seeds of doubt in your
mind and suggest that you have been living in cloud cuckoo land. Don´t
pay any attention to the ego. 

You have all spent many years arriving at where you are now, but it can
easily become clouded over with doubt and even despondency.

Maintain your inner awareness and flex your faith muscles. Remember the
steadfastness and patience displayed by Van and Amadon. 

WE, your Thought Adjusters, have displayed the same throughout your
lives, with a love that only WE are capable of displaying.

Do your part, remain connected with us by maintaining your inner awareness.


Threads for New Transmissions / STAY WITH ME
« on: February 01, 2023, 10:51:50 am »

Receiver: Lemuel
Girona, Spain
1st Feb 2023  16:30 Local

Lemuel, you know very well that I will not allow you to pass over if there
is a chance it is avoided. You are tired, yes, and you are content with what
you have achieved in your life, and you are prepared and even happy to 
leave your old body behind and head for the Morontia hills

You have come a long way, always heeding my input and following through,
no matter what. You have tremendous faith in ME, Lemuel, and you
love ME very much, but I love you More!

You have come close to death a few times during your life but you have
survived because it has been MY WILL that you continue to live so that
what I have planned for BOTH of us, comes to pass, whilst you are still
in the flesh. Therefore this present health problem will not be the end.
When it is over and you have recuperated, you will be more ready than
ever to continue being about OUR business. 

You still have a long way to go, Lemuel, if I have any say in the matter,
and I DO.

Stay with ME, and be in MY peace, and all will be well. You´ll see!

Good Day.


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