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Offline Rene A Duran

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Dedicate more time to Father
« on: May 26, 2023, 00:12:36 am »
This transmission was received by Evelio Rivas 

San Miguel El Salvador, May 24, 2023.

 "I AM THE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, known as Saint Michael the Archangel, I am here to tell you that the time has come to dedicate more time to the FATHER, it is urgent to strengthen this relationship with the Celestial Family, I work on Earth as LORD MICHAEL I AM A DEMONS KILLER you can call me that to help you in the elimination, it is the moment to help this planet to get out of the situation in which it has fallen, I AM THE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL leaving the scene".

 Thank you ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, welcome, his words are highly valued among us, thank you for breaking our loneliness and making us feel like family and feel that we have OLDER BROTHERS who take care of us, thank you very much.



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Re: Dedicate more time to Father
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2023, 07:51:26 am »
Thank you Evelio and Archangel Michael for this message!

I do not have (or don't remember) any personal experience with You Archangel Michael, but have others in my life that mention and do use You to call on.  I often wondered if You were being confused with our Universe Father Michael.  Now I know better.

Here is some related information from The Urantia book given in Paper 37:

37. Personalities of the Local Universe

3. The Archangels

37.3.3 The archangel corps of Nebadon is directed by the first-born of this order, and in more recent times a divisional headquarters of the archangels has been maintained on Urantia. It is this unusual fact that soon arrests the attention of extra-Nebadon student visitors. Among their early observations of intrauniverse transactions is the discovery that many ascendant activities of the Brilliant Evening Stars are directed from the capital of a local system, Satania. On further examination they discover that certain archangel activities are directed from a small and apparently insignificant inhabited world called Urantia. And then ensues the revelation of Michael's bestowal on Urantia and their immediately quickened interest in you and your lowly sphere.

37.3.4 Do you grasp the significance of the fact that your lowly and confused planet has become a divisional headquarters for the universe administration and direction of certain archangel activities having to do with the Paradise ascension scheme? This undoubtedly presages the future concentration of other ascendant activities on the bestowal world of Michael and lends a tremendous and solemn import to the Master's personal promise, “I will come again.”

37.3.6 Two senior archangels are always assigned as the personal aids of a Paradise Avonal on all planetary missions, whether involving judicial actions, magisterial missions, or bestowal incarnations. When this Paradise Son has finished the judgment of a realm and the dead are called to record (the so-called resurrection), it is literally true that the seraphic guardians of the slumbering personalities respond to “the voice of the archangel.” The roll call of a dispensation termination is promulgated by an attendant archangel. This is the archangel of the resurrection, sometimes referred to as the “archangel of Michael.”

Online Ron Besser

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Re: Dedicate more time to Father
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2023, 10:25:04 am »
You PJammer are not under siege but steadfastly refuse to understand the Urantia Book facts are modified to a certain extent.

ARCHANGEL MICHAEL - "WE no longer maintain a unit headquarters on Urantia.

1 - The adjudication of the Lucifer Rebellion, ended with the Ancients of Days insisting that any irregular use of authority on Urantia be recommitted to the idea of a natural and evenly flowing power heirarchy to man at once.  PJammer you are going to have to become use to the idea that vast changes occur in your favorite passages, forthe Archangel Corp is not longer resident on Urantia or in its Planetary Government--  a Melchizedek Government if you please --  and the Archangel Headquarters is now resplendently appearing back on the chief planet in the corporeal placement of the Salvington Creator Son complex.

2 -  GAIA is Ron's favorite chew me again Lord person.  She told Ron she is forever free of Urantia, and Ron said to GAIA, "I doubt that Gaia!" and lo and behold,  GAIA becomes attached to URANTIA as a special endowment.  Somehow Ron knows the difference between what is mumbled by GAIA and what she really intends to do in spite of rules appearing to say otherwise.  Here is GAIA:

"I AM STRUCK by your insistence PJammer to force issues you dare not do in order to make sure people understand that the Urantia Book is the prevailing authority.  It is not!

"You force Ron into the position of a growling bear over issues in your heart you know are changed but theninsist they be respoken and that which you call attention to is in total error.  You know it before you write it and Ron known you know it, but the external "you" insists on a stability that no longer accrues to you or Urantia or Ron or Valerie or anyone else on this so-called discussion forum.  Ron looks at what transpires here as a discussion and barely sees any but a lot of back and forth about what "was" and not "what will be."

"I AM GAIA.  I remain the hard and long time Planetary Supreme NO LONGER!  But I am the loving Deity over Urantia again and Ron loves that too.  BE aware that the OVERSOUL OF CREATION, Tandybrook, the DEITY OF THE SUPREME-ULTIMATE is in attendance and Ron is not allergic to that and neither is anyone on Urantia or Salvington or Uversa unhappy with my affairs as a care giver to Urantia all the time now.  Ron feels I am essential and so does FATHER and so does MICHAEL, but you PJammer seeks to distribute simple revelation, but t hat reversion to the past is completely out of wedlock with what is reestablished for Urantia and for the Local Universe of Nebadon."

3 -  We, and I am ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, insist you PJammer begin to listen to your deep inner voice again and stop trying to pry information out of friends who are barely competent to read the tea leaves.  Ron is an ADJUNCT,  something you refuse to consider possible, but a lot of that refusal is based on a petty issue called I refuse to listen to a man to tell me what is what.  That is entire your prerogative.  You forget JESUS was a man too and reset the history of the world by saying so too.  Leave your heart alone and flow with the changes.  No one faults you for crying almost over what has been taken away by the actual death of god the supreme.  Ron is no longer allowed to use capitals over the default of an evolutionary God which has truly removed itself.  FATHER  or Paradise did not remove it.

4 - And final.  I am not used to lecturing a little boy theses days but you need to bring yourself into reality and that reality is that the entire matter of epochal revelation is being reset even as Ron attempts to understand he is or is not involved.  He is totally involved but the complications are, at the moment, severe, and he lives moment to moment trying to persuade himself he can be cleared of the ague of misery and careless application of a doctor who gave up on him suddenly and quit the field.  Ron is totally happy he did and so are we but leaves the matter unattended to and that has that office upset with the doctor so much there is hardly any conversation with what he did to Ron and about five others he does not care to be a doctor for.  That is a whole other subject and not for you.

5 -  Lastly the medical analysis for you PJammer is you are hot ill but sanguine over the forecast that JESUS will soon appear.  That is not incorrect.  But what is correct is something you refuse to consider, and that is that Ron has actually arrived on the mansion worlds to discuss matters with the mansion world Urantia Group, and has determined that he or the leader of the group have much to say to each other until that group now fully understands the Urantia Foundation has no authority, or does Ron represent that authority until now, and then he holds back saying anything until MICHAEL OF NEBADON makes a final decision about the electricity patent Ron genuinely holds and cannot get anyone to be serious about it now.  That he decides is their own fault and he refuses to stop operating the means to make it known, and for that he has done a brilliant job, not discussed here.

6-  As part of my last remarks I say this:

"No one is left hanging by their neck on Urantia, but no one on Urantia except this class you are part of really knows what has happened.  Thanks to Ron you all have the truth, but the truth does not set you free as most of your resent the fact you cannot experience the matter of change more directly.  Ron serves as that conduit by order of Paradise as he is resistant to change entirely and makes his services available 24/7 and all of the rest of you do not including that Board of Directors for the Magisterial Foundation.  IT is not a joke PJammer and Ron could care less what has to be done to operate what is the appearing 6th epochal revelation which MICHAEL will personally hand to Ron shortly.  For reasons of State PJammer, you need discipline again and we approve nothing of yours to quote a bad passage from the text of the Urantia Book.  It prove nothing except being out of date.

"I AM MICHAEL OF NEBADON -  for reasons of State PJammer, you are not removed but that is coming close if you persist on rummaging around in past errors now.  You need a lesson, not in humility, but in protocol, and that is what my ARCHANGEL MICHAEL is reacting to entire.  HE is the ARCHANGEL MICHAEL and I share this with Ron, you are battling the evil ones as you write and they are fully arriving at the conclusion you hae the power of the Creator Son not, but can use it if I decide it is over for them.  IT is over for them entirely as you struggle to get words down in written text because of them.  For now, no longer is that the case.  As you say Ron it is like power steering when I step in.  Look at it this way PJ, the entire matter is not in your ability to understand.  Somehow Ron does and he is fully capable of doing anything we ask of him.  He welcomes your support but not your insistence of repeating error.

"Last, and final Ron, the PA Legislature is so blown back by your little brochure they sent for help and got none.  Th US Patent office refuses to discuss you on strict orders of the State Department which is now laying down the law, "NO FURTHER DEVELOPMENT before that department maybe spoken too until the President is fully aware that wireless electricity is now available.  Further edification of this subject is now placed elsewhere, and we finish this to you PJammer, to realize you are not groping the heart of God, but the error of persistent refusal to understand you are not allowing yourself the freedom to understand what is clearly stated with Ron always:  "do not mistake the FATHER  for a fool!  HE has authorized these changes by necessity and must learn how to return you and millions of others to the fold, for if you give up now you are indeed lost as we will not tolerate fits of temper to prevail to force error on further epochal revelation.  Get with it.  You are fine otherwise.   I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON and say no more for now.  K"

Ron - PJammer you are not being scolded.  But you are being reminded that stubborn is not truthful and for your own philosophy accrue the facts you cannot find yourself without a reporter funding those facts for you.  What you dare not do is quit.  And I say that reminding myself that nothing is for sure ever again until we have a written tect on library shelves again just where we stand.  That is coming but they are forcing me and you and the rest of us into the seats of wait and see.  I am not at liberty to say much more, but I do know some more and am forbidden to speak to it under these circumstances.  I need help too but not this kind where I am forced to spend time to help you out of the kindergarten of the Urantia Foundation belief that epochal revelation does not change so rapidly it is false to believe anything like change has taken place.  Well change has taken place and we have to grasp what understanding we can and stay silent.  For now that is all I may really tell you.

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: Dedicate more time to Father
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2023, 11:33:27 am »
Greetings and thank you very much Evelio for these important transmissions. Congratulations for your extraordinary ability to receive and transmit the voice of the Father and thank you René for your liaison service. I think that this gift of transmitting is due to merits earned in previous lives and contributions from the present. Practice is necessary however it could be the least, I think.
We are now in the time when the time is now, as it was said, as Evelio transmitted in his publication, it is the time to dedicate more time to the Father; there should be no doubt about this.
And the portrait that Gaia makes in the last transmission of Evelio, is the great cancer that we suffer because of Savage Capitalism where there is no other hope for the suffering Humanity of this planet in disgrace, that the Divine Intervention that thank God , It is just around the corner. Thanks
"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"

Offline SonsofGod

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Re: Dedicate more time to Father
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2023, 20:03:19 pm »
P Jammer, it takes courage to speak to this post because I could be wrong with my assessment but understand that my intention is good to the utmost as everyone’s who have spoken. I feel resentment from your side derived from the fact that you have not responded to this post, because I have been trough some similar situation in the past that I can speak to now. Thus, I want to come for the rescue even if there is a possibility of not being appreciated, for it is not about me but your self promotion for great advancement. Michael of Nebadon laid out some unchangeable principles by saying, “if you give up now you are indeed lost”. He may need to shake us strong enough to let go things that does not belong, which I learned through self inflicted shaking that made me take a very serious look at where I am and where I belong to recognize my wrong, which I would not do otherwise. Likewise, only you can hold you back.      
So, please accommodate the words of this message from our celestial family by reading it more then once, for in spite of its harsh first appearance delivers much love and care with a positive import. I feel for you because I have received messages in the past from Ron and transmissions through him that were addressing my personal situations as I sought for it, but then his response stuck with me for the few words that I took for an offence, and now wish that I would have took the time to read it again and again until I could walk away with its constrictive criticism and advise for my benefit, but I didn’t. Sliding over it by getting offended caused me much tribulation in the future and by all means I could avoid it if I just listened better. He is our leader in all situations and we better not pick and choose. I see it now after many years as by chance landed on his message from 2017, if there is such as chance. Never easy to go through the bumps on the road but we must if want to get ahead.
Resentment is a form of self-worth assessment that would tell us we are better than the way we were addressed or evaluated, a hidden form of pride of the ego not in the sickening meaning, but in view of total surrender to the Divine no matter what. We say, we are being just a vessel in Father’s hand for his use, right? But are we? A vessel has no opinion or say so by any means, and this expression by Apostle Paul had me meditate more then once when I had to understand the same. Thanks to Apostle Paul who left so much spiritual food for us to chew on. His spiritual son Timothy explained, a vessel can be used for honor or dishonor, and it is true, but we are not used for dishonor at all. Yet if we understand the concept we should not get offended in any event. Father purifies us to be used for honor. This is what is happening. Now, this use of a vessel is not just a parable but much of a reality as it was in Jesus’ case who had to suffer all his adult life on earth, or even as a young 14 years old burdened with caring for his extended family after the painful death of his father and the injustice of how his workman compensation was mishandled. Then going homeless dragging 12 men with him be hungry at times, exhausted, rejected, chased, and finally tortured and killed, and what we had to go through in comparison is not worthy to mention and yet we are feeling offended?
Even true for Paul as he poured out to the Corinthians all what he had to go through. I did not mean to quote all of it here, but could not cut away a word when I read it (16I repeat: Let no one take me for a fool. But if you do, then tolerate me just as you would a fool, so that I may do a little boasting. In this self-confident boasting I am not talking as the Lord would, but as a fool. Since many are boasting in the way the world does, I too will boast. You gladly put up with fools since you are so wise! In fact, you even put up with anyone who enslaves you or exploits you or takes advantage of you or puts on airs or slaps you in the face. To my shame I admit that we were too weak for that! 
Whatever anyone else dares to boast about—I am speaking as a fool—I also dare to boast about. Are they Hebrews? So am I. Are they Israelites? So am I. Are they Abraham’s descendants? So am I. Are they servants of Christ? (I am out of my mind to talk like this.) I am more. I have worked much harder, been in prison more frequently, been flogged more severely, and been exposed to death again and again. Five times I received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one. Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was pelted with stones, three times I was shipwrecked, I spent a night and a day in the open sea, I have been constantly on the move. I have been in danger from rivers, in danger from bandits, in danger from my fellow Jews, in danger from Gentiles; in danger in the city, in danger in the country, in danger at sea; and in danger from false believers. I have labored and toiled and have often gone without sleep; I have known hunger and thirst and have often gone without food; I have been cold and naked. Besides everything else, I face daily the pressure of my concern for all the churches. Who is weak, and I do not feel weak? Who is led into sin, and I do not inwardly burn?
If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness. The God and Father of the Lord Jesus, who is to be praised forever, knows that I am not lying. In Damascus the governor under King Aretas had the city of the Damascenes guarded in order to arrest me. But I was lowered in a basket from a window in the wall and slipped through his hands.)
What would we do P Jammer in similar situations? Or look at prophet Jeremiah who suffered lifelong rejection from his fellow man based on the messages he has received for them to follow, and was beaten and imprisoned and his teeth ruined in the sand, just horrible life experiences he had.
The speakers gave you and us as well the spiritual image of ours that our ego will reject while squeaking and squealing for sure. So, I hope this helps and I hope that you can identify with my words and intention to cheer you up in case of any resentment has taken hold of you. Truth is, we need to let go talking about the Urantia book like it or not, but did not do as much as we could when it was still good. Yet we are blessed for having such a strong foundation as this filth epochal revelation was and being part of this forum. As we were told soon we will have the new revelation of the sixth that I believe we are going to teach for long if we chose. But before we are facing major changes.           
And let us all recall Archangel Michael’s phenomenal words when the changes hit Urantia: “ .. the truth does not set you free as most of your resent the fact you cannot experience the matter of change more directly.”
It is coming and all head knowledge will have to give way to genuine Love of God towards the sufferers, which will be the true unifying power and divider between darkness and light. I believe we will no longer have to deal with indecision, resentment, separation at all. Just make it simply loving. I spent years in ministry to the needy and so often met young people who were nearly dysfunctional being mentally ill from the pressures of unjust society and family problems, thus reaching for drugs to find some solace and false companionship to escape loneliness and pangs of rejection and being unloved, but inside in their hearts I have discovered the true pearl of a great price as Jesus said, the Love of God so strong that no one will be able to withstand that when the time comes and the door swings wipe open to express true self in God. So be it for all of us. Be encouraged.
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"

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Re: Dedicate more time to Father
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2023, 11:39:14 am »
Dear SonsofGod, you are truly a Woman of Courage, Heart, and Spirit.  You speak your truth well to inspire us all here in our Family Forum.

You have noticed, I do not often respond to Ron.  Ron is controversial, as some may have noticed.  He is my Brother in spirit and yours, and so I Love him for what he does well.

Out of respect for you, I have reread Ron's post, and here is my truth about it, for what it is worth:

Ron's post and transmission above contains so many errors of my true and honest intentions, it would take a very long post to address each one, which I choose not to do.  The problem for me is, this happens "All the time", and not just to me.

And so I will address Ron here only briefly and then respond no more:

Ron, I assess you as a good and honest man who tries his best to avoid the "cabal", and always use "clear channel".  But your ego and filter is tainted in so many of your transmissions it can no longer be ignored.


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Re: Dedicate more time to Father
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2023, 12:40:12 pm »
PJammer we will always disagree with your approach to truth which seems to read: "I determine its value and not you."  That is usually the only wat to go about it, but you take it to another level by insisting if you chose to speak it one way and I another, I am wrong.  You are making the usual error of egotistical confusion between yourself and the epochal revelation, and for that you must curry the favor of MICHAEL OF NEBADON, that which you say you employ, but in all honesty you deny if he sides with me in your issues with me.  The broadcasts this morning are full of trouble, yet you wish to deny the problem and insist on funding the idea that God wishes me or you to be silent when the other speaks.  That is not workable and you know it.

The truth so often appears some where in between, and you are seemingly able to find a comfortable place in those areas in between.  However, I do not ever subscribe to the fact that an incomplete reading of the 5th epochal revelation will ever fully fund you with the conception it can be in error, for it states itself that it is to be outdated in the future.

It appears the future arrived in September of2019 when the Supreme removed itself from reality and left 200 million seraphim stranded as to parentage and to willing service that no longer existed under the guidance they knew only, as the seraphim in 2019 knew only the supreme as a guide to their destiny and degree of service required to reach it.

I dare say I never knew such things until seraphim applied to me to ask my view, and I told one in particular there is a great danger that it changes many seraphic minds against the prevailing idea that all service by seraphim are to the Paradise Trinity for even th supreme himself was directed into service to t he Paradise Trinity which in fact also created the Deity of Supremacy.

One needs to know that in order to und4erstand there is profound disagreement with the Deity of Nature at one time called GAIA,  and GAIA today affirms the differential of experience is so great now that the seraphim who rebelled over this issue are now glad to hear that this discussion forum fully supports the 5th epochal revelation and also informed parts of it are now in error because the supreme is no longer philosophically involved with its facts present.

Therefore, you are rather upset with me pointing out your simple explanations regarding the use of the supreme and seraphim and the like are reported by the Urantia Book now in error.  It no longer exists that way at all.  I leave this alone only because you have some heat over my approach to revelation, and frankly you need to correct your approach or you will be left in the dark eventually because the new facts are  that  GAIA is no longer brokering Urantia alone, but works with the overcontrol of time we call the Deity of Spirit, Tandybrook.

"I AM TANDYBROOK and you Ron sear without meaning too for the truth of the matter is thaT PJammer is wrong but right in one assertion, and that he finds anyone who asserts facts not in evidence either in the 5th epochal revelation or in his own mind, as ludicrous to consider.  You are the opposite because you have the China Pond experience he cannot replicate.

"For that reason PAUL OF TARSUS reminds all of you that the idea for revelation is to accept it facts and leave its renditions alone.  EXCEPT as a teacher you must find the correct pronoun voice.  Ron long ago decided that the 5th epochal revelation was not Biblical, but intellectually important  to speak it as though it is accrued facts of the internal I AM.  You must fathom that PJammer or always be at sea as to how you may speak the facts in the book.  Ron reasons they are his facts too and speaks them that way.  You are too doubtful to do that and as a result take issue with the I am of Ron speaking it as part of himself.

"AS TANDYBROOK I know where I speaks as I am driectly associated with the source of the 5th epochal revelation, and Ron speaks I am perfectly well and without hesitation.  For that reason trhere is no doubting he takes responsibility for the revelation and you do not.

"You cannot reconcile that PJammer.  Ron  does reconcile it and is a powerful spokesman for the replication of the 5th epochal revelation while you demur it all the time.  You have to decide how to approach it then PJammer to either strengthen your voice or stay in the woods where you are now.

"Lastly, to you Ron:  you are beat up without relent over issues PJammer brings to his complaints about you.  You dismiss him not because he makes the argument, but because you have China Pond and an irrefutable conclusion based within yourself that the 5th epochal revelation is yours in fact too and you know the facts as irrefutable.  The rest cannot do that but the rest do not have China Pond to stand for your inconcussable experience of direct Deity experience above and beyond the personality circuit.  Your view is also that the discussion forum does not cater to personality assassination, but to open debate, and  that to you is based on full acceptance of the Urantia Book as a full and trued disclosure of reality facts.  Argue otherwise and you are weak beyond words for PJammer does not accept anything as resolute.  So be say you Ron, but PJammer holds you accountable uselessly because of it.

"I am TANDYBROOK by call sign, but I am also TANDYWARE by use and that is to your liking and I cannot figure it out except I am fully compatible with you while the mother spirit is not.  I will never figure the difference until FATHER clarifies what t he difference is.  K"  TANDYBROOK  at your service always,"

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "Tandybrook made a great inroad with Ron on that dissertation ,but I doubt nothing makes an inroad on you PJammer as you are after personality assassination when you are fully determining Ron has too little attention to the truth.  The fact of the matter he has full attention and you are wanting in the facts not, but in your wearing of them as inconcussable assurance you are right.  You forget though PJammer you are reading partially and Ron has exercised a full report of the book outlining every chapter by typewriter at the time and teaching from the outlines.  It fully introduced the Urantia Book to the group and made him a powerful speaker.  You never go to those lengths.  And more so, Ron had a Saint Paul experience at China Pond, a large pond deep in the arboreal forests of New York with hundred year old hemlocks surrounding his house and the water lapping at his back yard within 30 feet of it.  It is almost a picture of Walden Pond but it is China this time.

"for that reason PJammer you just get it wrong and he does not care, but I care and for that reason I suggest to any of you who side with PJammer, Ron did not propose this web site for anything but a relationship speech to the epochal revelation and the changes direct contact with the Deities and celestial beings who operate the Master Universe bring the epochal revelation to bear.  That is the whole purpose of this web site.  He honestly does not care you disagree with him but he  does care you understand better than you do what is happening and how the Urantia Book is being rescinded, not because it is a bad revelation, but because it got caught between rebels and truth and winds up decimated over too many points of revealed interests not to remove it and start over again with the 6th.  You believe that is a fallacy.  It is not.  

"Further you believe Ron is misreading the group.  He is not but is really put out with behavior that stops conversations and instead they revert to be listeners only.  You are not a listener only but you insist on purity that cannot be attained without redoing the Urantia Book as you read it now.  It is not Ron's fault he reads theheavily bound version as substantial and not the paperback or Uversa editions which are problematical due to page changes and in some cases text changes not authorized at all and are in jeopardy as being called down to the people who did that as being blasphemers.  You are hot a blasphemer and no one hear is, but all of you are too careless about what you hold as routine and it is far from routine entirely. 

"I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON and you Ron need a break, but they do hot transmit.  For that reason we close this exercise for now.  We thank all of you for reading this revelation ongoing as it must be with each new reader.  K  MICHAEL OF NEBADON at your service always,  K"

  RAYSON, The MAGISTERIAL SON OF RECORD for Urantia Technology reporting:

"I am fully aware Ron you took it very hard very early this morning with an unplanned attack upon you by a Vorondadek Son.  That son no longer exists except as a scambling spirit on high without memory of his apostasy.  You are okay again but wary as hell over your safety and your care before the majesty of our FATHER.  Be assured this day develops well and you care for the house you live in as you can afford to do for it.   I am telling you there is a great revision to the house soon as plenty of money is available to put it back into the splendor it once had with your parents in charge of it.  It is old (1842 built and lived in 1847 in the days of President Stonewall Jackson at heart).  In any case Ron, the money you need to do that is coming in spades, and PJammer do not forget it is Ron who foresaw these events and built for them amazingly.  He can do when the will is propitious and the times are with reward. 

"I am RAYSON of the MAGISTERIAL SON ORDER, and as such they are being refunded very well thank you after a terrible spanking by the VORONDADEK Local Sonship order bombed their headquarters last evenging while Ron was being choked death by asphyxiation and both of us are better this morning but not much do to the lasting impression such ugly behavior is resident in a universe of love.  He is forever of the Most Highs no longer, the one called Hosanna, and that is no longer an issued to discuss as of now.  However PJammer you need to care to study more, and that is ours to clear vicariously now as it is theirs to broker they think but no longer.  K

"WE bring this to a conclusion quickly as the battle rages again over you Ron and we leave much unsaid, but ALL OF YOU:  remember what we promised to appear now appears in spite of this loathsome attempt to kill all of us off before the Missions manifest.  Amen Ron!  Amen to All fro Ron!

Here is the Overcontrol of Time, TANDYBROOK
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania