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Offline SongatSunrise

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The return and SER-a view
« on: January 07, 2024, 11:43:34 am »
 It is 3:19 A.M. Epiphany is the church season that commemorates the revelation of Jesus not only in the dedication in the temple, but also his baptism.
Dear Folks of the Forum,
This past Wednesday Light Line had some wonderful questions addressed by Amadon, and basically they are these:

How is Jesus going to return? and, what is the new Epochal Revelation going to look like?

(My first reaction to this one was "two tables of stone". (stop it!))
There is a famous quote from "Star Wars", "I can imagine quite a bit!" applies here, so here are my thoughts.
Since all sentient people have Thought Adjusters, perhaps they could all work together in concert. (I asked Ron about this some time ago, and he said there was no protocol for that. Father, could this be considered, please?)
When, at the battle of Jericho under Joshua, (interesting name, there), there went up a huge shout that totally scared the inhabitants of Jericho, along with shofars, trumpets, and the like. But I am thinking of the Thought Adjusters all saying "Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest! Glory to God, and on earth peace, good will among men!"
And of course, people who have never thought about God might be asking themselves, where did that thought come from?
Not panic, but joy. The walls of Jericho came "a-tumblin down". The walls of fear would come tumbling down. The TA's in each person would open up awareness of the TA's in other people,

Noah's flood (some people take very seriously) will be a flood of awareness of just how simple the solution to world problems can be. To just listen to the voice at our right hand and our left, a unified celestial input, in unity throughout the world, could be a foundation for the next big event.
Jesus could announce his appearing, and importantly, lead the whole world in a prayer to the Father for unity and forgiveness.
Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. And Jesus could explain the gist of the SER in his new mission.

The people will need a visible readable revelation to go by right away.
The second question is what will the SET look like and what will it contain?

I envision, like the first printing of the Gutenberg Bible, to make a limited printing of the SER, bound in beautiful embossed leather, with gold edges, and illuminated pages between each paper title. It could indeed be a museum piece, to be shown next to the ring of laity in the Library.

But then, my opinion here, the SER needs to be printed in individual booklets, with commentary in simpler language for the children. Each paper could answer a specific question to be used as titles of the papers. For the commentary for the children, the active tense, and shorter sentences may make it easier to read. And don't forget large print editions. Perhaps the translations into other languages would renew the languages of every nation. Getting it up on the internet immediately in Kindle form will help many readers.
Urantia book part three and four could still be available for their usefulness.
Some kind of community organization with the help of celestials to form study groups is already under consideration.
I picture Jesus leading the world every day in prayers. Maybe five times a day.
Make full use of the internet and TV and radio.
I think God wants us to use our imaginations. Maybe something good will come out of it!



Offline Ron Besser

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Re: The return and SER-a view
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2024, 13:16:34 pm »
Hello Song At Sunrise,
My reaction for analytical purposes of your post here, is you are staking your view of the Second Return by Biblical assignment of prophecy.  It clear language more so, the prophecy of Jesus as reported by Matthew and others.  Here:

Revelation 1:7 ESV / 6 helpful votes

Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him, and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of him. Even so. Amen.
Hebrews 9:28 ESV / 6 helpful votes

So Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him.
1 Thessalonians 4:17 ESV / 6 helpful votes

Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.
Matthew 24:27 ESV / 6 helpful votes

For as the lightning comes from the east and shines as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.

I happen to believe Son At Sunrise you are correct to look at the Biblical assertions printed above as the essential prophecy which allows us to understand that Jesus will return fully and expectedly.  But there is another issue these Biblical quotes do not refer too, and that issue is. HOW MANY TIMES MUST YOU BE TOLD NOT TO DO SIN?

 My mind right now is being pulsed by the FATHER OF ALL, and for that reason there is fire brewing in these words which does not fall on you my dear parishioner of the Churches of All Saints!  That is FATHER identifying you Carol as one who knows very much enough to expect that Jesus will follow the enterprise HE repeats in his Farewell Supper, the LAST SUPPER of his saintly life.

I am totally at sea over the final issues you and I and the atmosphere above us have to issue with.  I do not have any cleaver view of how Jesus, or the Elect, shall react to the dimension of power that FATHER enfolds over the issue of becoming visible and Urantia to receive God on Earth once more. I cannot easily fold your discussion above--  not because it is wrong--  but there are elements to the Second Return today not known by Jesus the day he uttered the RETURN prophecy.

Let me pray with you and understand that the mere presence of the prophecy is not ever enough to bring Jesus back to the Saints of Forgiveness his prophecy imbues to the clean heart of man.  I am not easily made whole myself, and I do pray for the end to this lingering fallacy that all of us shall be made whole because we read the Bible or the 5th epochal revelation, or that us believing does anything but satisfy the soul.  There are no elect I know of residing on this earth, and further I cannot fully command the language this discussion requires.  I have asked the FATHER OF ALL to speak clearly over your concerns Deptula and to remain aside as I must:

THE UNIVERSAL FATHERS speaks with candor:

"MY SON JESUS, he has no repeal from that prophecy.

"But I do.

"MY SON has no religious rights to speak.

"MY heart is broken long ago over this issue of dangers to man and dangers to God and dangers to the world at large.  These places and parts have nothing for you or ME but it does make a difference to mammon who says what and what says back!

"MY heart has no conditioning.

"MY decision is to let JESUS decide entirely and wholly what the matter is the drives HIM to be seen again.  OR if ever?  I am staying close to your heart Ron, and you feel this greatly, and for that reason you are attempting to keep these words well seen and spoken.  I am grateful; however, learn I make speeches my way and that is not your prerogative to attend to the meaning too.  Otherwise you are a great T/R and for that reason I apologize for your making me look good in print first and second for making me feel better now that I see all you are doing is to make sure my presentation is adequate to read well.  Thank you . . . .

"FINALLY, to you Deptula, stand the course as you need to.  Ron has no failure for you or do I, but remember the Biblical interpretation is too old to run fully as truth today, my dear.  Let this stand as a request from your mind Carol to stay away from that book as it clears nothing but excites the mind first, and then falls silent for millennia.  Do not take this harshly my dear, but keep it silent in your heart, as God on Earth is entirely appropriate as Ron says it alive and well again.  However, let us stand back and look at my view of THE SECOND RETURN wholly discussed in the next panel.  I AM GOD THE FATHER, and let us close this now."


Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline Ron Besser

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Re: The return and SER-a view
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2024, 13:44:01 pm »
Part II
"I AM FATHER.  Let this be sufficient to clear the air around you Ron.  No one finds you as interesting as you once were, and that is because you must imbibe the work of the Lord corporately and not as a Minister of God.  You have repeated to me often, 'I cannot abide ministry, as it is false to my nature, but I can provide YOU and the rest of the Divine, portions of our legal system on this planet, and abide your speech as best I can through transmissions.  For that reason, I have asked that I be permitted to provide you FATHER, all that I can to invade the American legal system, and to provide services for man and God as He and they may choose.

"I AM FATHER.  I relent no pain upon you my little son, and to decide on your foibles as they occur as you are not silly but so well acclimated with the enthusiasm of service, there is no charge to be made as to your intent or care.  I am fully advised you are well fused, and the your indwelling is happily done with your charge to be seen as a soul of service and nothing more, as you see nothing to gain by being a Priest or a caretaker of the enlarging presence of the Heart of  God on earth.  It is called URANTIA by ME, FATHER, and for that reason I refer to it as My name is fully vetted int he name URANTIA (You Ran Sha).

"I am naturally concerned by quotes Ron, and you tuped the quotes inside already and I moved them out.  You are sure this matters not to you but many people insist on the practice and therefore place the quote signs around all speech now. [Transmitter speaking, the reader sees nothing but quotes now but the original had no quotes, and FATHER INSISTS this be done all the time now for text purposes.  Thank you]
"Finally Transmitter, look askingly at your service next to you.  That is a Supernaphim, and that individual asks to be relived so that individual may speak with ME directly.  I record the Supernaphim inquiry:

SUPERNAPHIM - FATHER,  I ask why I must transfer these words from you to Ron, at all?
FATHER - "You are required to speak them."
S - "Why do I relate to Ron so poorly today?
F - "Because your are holly and he is not.  Painstakingly deliver my words so all may hear!"
S - "You relieve Me then as I cannot do it well as this heart of his is angry over the entire matter not, but parses well why we must say these things over and over as Carole does fully know the score better than most.
F - "Take each word and let it go then, for I must state these things again."
S - "I abide in you FATHER, and I shall prevail."

"You Ron are not clever enough to notice in your heart today a sour countenance over the inability to move well yourself.  That is not against me or you but against nature and you even said it this morning when dressing.  Your friend is adipose and your care shorn of things you usually ask to live with, but be caring it is temporary and nothing lost to any.  Let this be a time of pension to you Ron while voluntary to this cause, and you are making it work so well I do wonder why we have not looked at this kind of conditioning before.  Yet, you have been preciously ill at the moment of call, and you wonder if that is on purpose or not.  It is not on purpose, but the cabal around you is being admonished this shall not occur soon and that the assassin stinging insect on your curtains this morning is beneath the dignity of spirit, and you promised them retribution if you can get free to do it!

"For that reason Ron you are let off the infraction that causes me because you are in pain constantly and this time you have a Lightline of consequence truly and for that reason we conclude this shortly.

"I AM FATHER, and you Ron fully acknowledge Me as such, but you are in a fury over dying at the moment of appearance, and you look at the universe in askance, 'just what do you want me for I must die?'  I do not want a darn thing Ron, but the cabal survives for revenge and I cannot stop it without great disturbance to My Nature as well.  For that reason you must pass shortly not, for the Mercy of the Son, shall prevail, and you shall be set free to pursue this holy work you have undertaken to aid the Mission in very practical ways.  I congratulate you for your care for MICHEAL OF NEBADON, the Local Universe of NEBADON, and for the unjust causes you find in the mansion worlds, which enjoy speaking with you, but have not been ruled there is no choice for them or you but to ignore each other not.  Let this become our last words fro now, and the subject of this thread begun by the Deptula entity, more is coming.  Right now stay your course Deptula and let ME prevail with JESUS too.  Good day. K"  FATHER OF ALL

Ron - As your transmitter I have to withdraw briefly to provide hosting the Lightline in moments to go as I write this:  Thank you.  FATHER prevails in me forever, and for you I pray there is such no resistance to hear these words more you Bible readers as it is not so sacrosanct you cannot have new and better revelation.  Thank you.


Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania