Author Topic: Lightline USA - 29 February, 2024  (Read 5159 times)

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Lightline USA - 29 February, 2024
« on: February 29, 2024, 17:34:52 pm »

This is the Lightline USA for Thursday, 29 February 2024 at 2 p.m.

Your host is Ron Besser

This is the link to the tape:

Online SonsofGod

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Re: Lightline USA - 29 February, 2024
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2024, 02:04:06 am »
  • 022924 Audio Lightline USA, transcription, host: Ron Besser
  • Subject: Michael of Nebadon left Urantia, Magisterial Foundation will not be used for WTP considerations, the cabal is still here in huge numbers, cabal attacked Ron again, the Missions turned off due to Urantia conditions, as well Jesus’ appearance depends on war situations, Ron is preparing Jesus’s birth chart, Q&A, technical problems explained around WTP, waiting to see government’s action plan    
  • Speakers: Michael of Nebadon, and Jesus
  • Transcriber: sonsofGod
  • Link to tape:

Ron Besser  
Hello, everyone. This is a Lightline on Thursday at 2pm. Ron Besser, your host, February 29, 2024.

Michael of Nebadon  
This is Michael, Ron. You didn't know you had a Lightline until you read Dominick's email.

Ron Besser  
That's right. I didn't know I had scheduled for Thursday. But anyhow, now that we're here, Michael, have you any suggestions?

Michael of Nebadon  
Yes. There are now six of you. And that's Roger Krupa. Valerie, and Jose Vargas, and Steven Gitz and Ron, and Elise.

Ron Besser  
Most people think, apparently, that I'm not holding a Lightline, but Dominick said I did, and here I am.

Michael of Nebadon  
For reasons o... Hello, Charlotte, welcome. And for reasons of state, I am going to announce a few things that Ron just posted. But I know you don't read it all the time, and this is very important.

Number one, I left Urantia this morning. I told Ron when I left, and I told him this. The Magisterial Foundation is not removed. We're keeping it, we're using it. But we are not going to use the WTP as a main consideration. We're going to use the Magisterial Foundation in order to make sure that you all get proper information. You should understand: One, I left Urantia today, totally to put out. The cabal is still here in huge numbers. Number two, Ron could hardly get into the service that you're listening to this morning. They also hit him hard in the chest and hurt his heart. It burns it aches, but the heart is fine, Ron.

And finally this. The entire matter with Dominick, you, and the Lightlines are now truncated. Dominick is no longer going to work on transmissions. You, Ron, are going to hold at most two Lightlines a week. Always use your Sunday. And if we need an extra one, we will assign the day as a schedule in the Sunday Lightline.

Ron Besser  
That'll help, Michael, thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
Furthermore, Dominick is not confused. You did announce that you were going to hold a Thursday Lightline, but so much has happened you forgot about it. Why did we want the Thursday Lightline? The answer is that I have decided to close down the Missions. Urantia is in a state of war almost everywhere. The United States is so powerful, all it has to do is say no, and there is no war.

Second, there is a problem with the Missions themselves. Now the Ancients of Days want the removal of the Jesus aspect. We have advertised it so much; we don't feel we dare. Besides Jesus is a teacher. He teaches on Paradise the transcendental students, as well as the paradise citizenry. For right now that is in suspension for a little while by their time. But by the time that is reckoned here on these Lightlines, as well as the clock on your wall, it is is a very important Mission to state and show. We're going to do it, but I'm going to hold back on the announcement. As soon as we can. We just lost Charlotte. Sorry.

Now this the truth of the matter is ..

Ron Besser  
She quit?

Michael of Nebadon  
No, Ron. There's a telephone buzzing in her ear. It's her husband, not. It's important.

Ron Besser  
Ah, all right.

Michael of Nebadon  
In any case, this. We now have a grand total of seven and that will have to do. This Lightline is produced by Ron, for your individual care. The entire matter of other Lightlines is not appropriately spoken to by me, when I say, for your care.

Ron Besser  
We now have Charlotte back, welcome. Jose Varga, Valerie. Roger Krupa. Elise, Steven Gitz, and myself. That is our audience. I have you muted just to keep the noise low.

Michael of Nebadon  
And finally, this. I wanted understood that the trial that you are in Ron is over. No, not death, Ron, you will recover your eyesight today, as well as reduce the pain in your legs. It's up to you how you want to do supper. He is not listening, he is not doing, and as a result who knows what we're going to get.

Now this. I ... Roger Raz, you just joined I think, welcome. And for reasons of state, let me remind all of you that the Magisterial Foundation has done so well, we're keeping it I really like it. For our own reasons, free electricity will be built. Number two, Ron you will not be kept alive for all of it. But you will be kept alive for many days to come.

Ron Besser  
How cheerful?

Michael of Nebadon  
And finally this. To you, Raz, you are up to your ears in archiving. Someone asked Ron this morning. what is Raz doing with all this archiving? And Ron said, apparently you don't know. But we are going to produce much of the archiving in a text, of printed text. And that is what begins the foundation of the big library we wish to put into place regarding the fifth epochal revelation, as well as the sixth, and all of the communications and other issues that led up to such.

Now, Ron doesn't know this. Today is the 29th of February. He knows that its Leap Year Day. But what he doesn't know is that Leap Year Day happens to fall on the very day that today is, what I was born all those years ago in the manger. It wasn't December 25 as you know, it was August 21 by your calendar today. And I was born almost on the stroke of noon. For that reason, Ron, the calendar is seven years out of date. They got it wrong by seven years as a consequence, and you all know this. I was born 7 BC, at noon. And that was (in) Jerusalem.

Ron, you recently completed a birth chart of Jesus and hid it. Why?

Ron Besser  
Its incomplete, Michael. I don't, I can't fill in all of the houses, and their cast degree. I can fill in the fact of what the rising sign is, the sun sign, and it orients the wheel perfectly well. I am also not sure it's 12 houses. So, there are several houses that wind up intercepted. I'm not quite sure that is entirely right.

Michael of Nebadon  
Well, write this down Ron.

Ron Besser
All right. Hold on. Jesus' birth chart. Rising 16 degrees Capricorn, first house. 4 degrees Orion. I have that intercepted. Yah. Second house 30 degrees. Well yeah, you have to tell me the order. With Orion in there I don't know how to order. Is it Pisces by chance?

Michael of Nebadon  
Yes. Third house, 15 degrees, and enter a constellation you don't know. Just call it Ohsepatis. Fourth house. 8 degrees 30 minutes.

Ron Besser  

Michael of Nebadon  
Yes. Fifth house. 9 degrees. 12 minutes.

Ron Besser  

Michael of Nebadon  
Yes. Sixth house. 9 degrees, 4 minutes.

Ron Besser  
Do I hear Capricorn correctly?

Michael of Nebadon  

Ron Besser  
Because it's out of order. The next normal one we have today is Gemini.

Michael of Nebadon  
And that would be correct, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Let me see, One... two... Yeah, I have enough that the reflections of 7 through 12, if they follow normal order, I can fill in. No.  

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you. Seventh house, 9 degrees,

Ron Besser  
Is it Cancer?

Michael of Nebadon  
Yes. Eighth house, 12 degrees.

Ron Besser  
Well, that sounds like it might be Lio.

Michael of Nebadon  
Yes. And the ninth house is 4 degrees, 20 minutes. A one you never heard of.

Ron Besser
Is this around … the Orion, it's near Orion?

Michael of Nebadon  

Ron Besser  
I don't know those names offhand. All right. But when I go to erect it, I will not have a chart beside me to see where the constellations are. and it is the... tenth house, which is very important.

Michael of Nebadon  

Ron Besser  
8 degrees, 20 minutes. And I have to will fill that in. All right. Well, it might be Virgo.

Michael of Nebadon  
It is Virgo, Ron. Thank you. Now that's all I'm going to give you for now.

Ron Besser  
Well, I thank you very much. I have some of that recovered, but I don't have all that recovered. And I thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you, Ron. We will straighten some of it out later. All right, why did I give on the air, the birth chart of Jesus? Ron is the only one that attempted it. Furthermore, Ron said I can't use something called an ephemeris. And that's because at the time of Jesus's birth, the constellations rose differently over Urantia. You were in a different space area, as well. As a result, the constellations that fill in the modern wheel of astrology were different. Ron attempted to put it together, he has about 75% of it right and left blank big areas, because he had no idea what fell in there.

Michael of Nebadon  
Now, I have gone through this means of telling you something about the birth chart for Ron to understand that he alone understands how Jesus is preoccupied, not with justice, but with the understanding there is a God. Most of the Israelis, at the time of Jesus's birth, understood there was God the Father. But there was an additional kingdom that was not called Judea, but Israel. Israel set to the north and a line divided what laid to the south, which was Judea. Each had a king of their own. Ron is aware that Judea is the one that came up with the idea of the birth of Christ. Because Judea is the one that contains the town of Nazareth. For reasons of state, Ron, we are no longer going to use the word Nazareth. And we're going to use the word Jerusalem.

Ron Besser  
It sounds like cabal.

It is not.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you, Ron. This is not yours to hear further.

And now this. This is Jesus, Ron, thank you. You snob that one good.

Ron Besser  
I can't believe how sneaky they are.

Yes. And now this. This is Jesus. Ron, reiterate. There truly is an Israel and a Judea at the time of the birth. It's still the strip of land that Churchill gave to them at the end of World War Two. But it is divided like a belt almost in the middle. And the kingdom of Israel is to the north and Judea is to the south. Jesus was most likely born in Judea. But now it's all Israel, and no one disputes the name.

Michael of Nebadon  
And finally this, Ron. The entire matter over which we must provide this transmission service is seriously under attack. And we prefer that you unmute and discuss anything you want for the time being I will reset this frequency.

Ron Besser  
Hold on. Okay, everybody, there are eight people with us right now, as this group. I've opened it to all. It's not too noisy with just eight. Is there anything you would like to talk about while I'm connected?


Ron Besser  

I have a question.

Ron Besser  
All right.

As Father Michael was talking, the question popped up in my head, because of what he said about the constellations. Is that true that he's able to go back in time to be as it was present to him?

Ron Besser  
That's right. The sky was a little bit different. the ... I'm gonna have to mute. Who in the hell... (sounds a terrible echo and noises)

It's not me.

Ron Besser  
Valerie, that might be yours.

I don't know why, it's quiet here, nothing is disturbing. Perfect silence here around me.

Ron Besser  
That is being broadcast through your phone.

Yeah, let me mute it then. I don't know why, but okay.

Ron Besser  
All right. It's still broadcasting. All right. It seems to have stopped. Now, where were we?

Michael of Nebadon  
This is Michael, Ron. The attack is over. That was a cabal attack, Valerie. Your phone had nothing to do with it. They were feeding in another radio station. I was hearing the man lecture.

Yeah. Yeah, that sounded like that.

Ron Besser
Yeah. It's another radio station that was fed in. Anyhow, Valerie, you asked about whether the constellations were different, very different. Does that answer your question?

No. I mean, I understand they were different, but what my question was, is that true that Father Michael as being God is able to go back in time as it was present to him back 2000 years ago, like it would happen now for him?

Ron Besser  
Well, he can reference it as history. I don't know exactly how high spirit looks at events on Urantia. But this one I'm sure is well looked at, and even enough well that Jesus could provide the cast degrees for a fairly good birth chart. And what else, Valerie?

Thank you. That would be all. Thank you so much.

Ron Besser
Yes. All right. Thank you, Valerie.

Thank you, Ron.

Ron Besser
The... Everything is open again. If anybody has anything to say, go ahead.


Ron Besser  

I have a question. If I may.

Ron Besser  
Is that you, Jose?

Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Yes. I have a question regarding the last Lightline. You mentioned through Jesus that he had a local universe of his own which we heard that before. But you said the name of his universe, local universe, is Timonium. Yet in past Lightlines it was said that the name of the universe, his universe is Tintenium.

Ron Besser  
And that it was.

Is that correct? Was that corrected? The name is corrected or changed or?

Ron Besser  
No, it is Tintentium.

Okay, perfect. Okay because it was said it was Timonium, I wrote it down. Okay, that's fine. Thank you.

Ron Besser  
Who knows? The transition I'm going through not only is hitting my, my body that cause pain, but it's also muddling the brain at times for picking the right word in transmission. And that sounds like one of the classic errors.

All right.

Ron Besser  
Timonium, by the way, is a city in Maryland.

Okay, All right.

Ron Besser  
Yeah, many of times did I travel through it. You a ... you get to it before the big bridge. Anybody?

Thanks, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Sure. Anybody else?

I have another question.

Ron Besser
We'll try it.

What I would like to ask, is there a reasonable explanation why again the tides are turning that the Deity Absolute would decide not to pursue the Jesus Return?

Ron Besser
Would not pursue the Jesus what?

The Return of Christ. Because I, I might misunderstand, but that's what I understood earlier, when Father Michael was speaking, that there is a change now.

Ron Besser  
Well, I know the date of entry, but he is affirming there will be a date of entry. We have nothing further to report on that because we don't, we don't have the information. That's all I can tell you, Valerie.

Right, but there will be. It's not canceled.

Ron Besser
It sounds that Jesus is still confirming he will appear.

I just misunderstood.

Ron Besser  
Just a minute.

This is Jesus. You Ron are not incorrect. But I have warned everybody involved. that if you persist, and that Urantia, in bringing new wars to bare, I have no use for you. I'm going back and be a teacher. That is my calling right now. That is what I want to do if you can't behave on Urantia.

Ron Besser  
Thank you, Jesus, very much. I appreciate the clarification.

Thank you, Ron.

Unrecognized voice
Teacher. But he is not going to teach in a real class, does he?

Ron Besser  
Well, who? ... I don't know. It is almost impossible to say anything specifically today. This morning. Michael of Nebadon spoke to me on Urantia. I did not post what he told me. But the fact of the matter is he's walked off Urantia, and does not intend to come back with a Mission. But he indicated that Jesus would or should, depending on the favor Jesus shares with you and I and Urantia. That's all we can say. I have nothing more than that to report. Thank you, Jesus.

Thank you, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Anybody else?

Ron, I'm just a little curious about WTP. I know that in time, it shall be done. But right now, it's off the table for any kind of a.., well, the government can never get their act right, but any kind of action that we can even take? Just let it ride?

Ron Besser  
No. All of you can take action, and probe to see if you can find an interested investor or one who will help build it. Your free to go and look and say that this patent is available, and it surely works. But Michael of Nebadon is telling me even now through another circuit, the entire matter for which WTP stands depends on the magnetosphere, Steven.

Michael of Nebadon  
The magnetosphere is being very week again. The magnetosphere, for those of you who don't know what it is, is a dome of electrified air that the sun causes when it hits our atmosphere. It shears of gamma rays, muons, electrons, a lot of other junk I don't even know about, and it drops them on to the earth for grounding. They disappear into the dirt, because it rains these preparticles out of it. What WTP does is it collects the electrons that fall out of the dome. We put it on a wire and feed generators. And the generators feed a little thing invented, called a transducer. The transducer converts the electron to a muon and the muon forms a daisy. That is one muon in the middle and five pedals, each pedal being a muon. That is what it's transmitted. Now, when the magnetosphere starts to misbehave, it doesn't drop as many electrons. So we're adding two generators that add electrons and convert them to muons. The transmitting tower doesn't know the difference between the ones that came from the magnetosphere, and the ones that came from our generators. As a result, we resume operations, 24/7.

Now this. The trials that we must understand is that the core of this planet is supposed to be happy like glue. But it has turned itself into almost a peanut brittle, without the peanuts of course. And for that reason, it does not move around in the cavern, in the center of the Earth the way it used to. For that reason, we're beginning to doubt that we always have a shower of electron. For that reason, Ron, I am allowing this to just sit and not look for any particular investor. Let's see what Federal Government or the State Government might do. We are now assured, as this Lightline has been most worthy, Ron, and I thank you for attempting it, even though you didn't know you had it.

Ron Besser  
Oh, that's thanks to some scheduling by another person, but I'm glad to fill in.

Michael of Nebadon  
Now, finally this to all nine of you now. We are aware that the cabal tried to attack you again, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Well, we had some silence while I tried to recover.

Michael of Nebadon  
Yes. For that reason, the cabal is totally withdrawn from Urantia. They are in confusion.

Ron Besser  
Ah, (coughing) Just a minute. ... I'm sorry about that. They hit my nose. There's still some here.

Michael of Nebadon  
Anyhow, this is Michael of Nebadon. The full authority that you have, Ron, is not diminished. Your Lightlines are excellent, they get to the point, and furthermore, I like doing them through you. Elise, that doesn't mean I don't like it through you. It just means that Ron is so easy.

In any case, the total income that you are facing Ron from the WTP in 20 years is about 1.3 trillion US dollars. You don't know what to do with all that.

Ron Besser  
Ha-ha. No, but my imagination goes wild with what a trillion is.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you. The truth of the matter is a trillion is worth about one lifetime on Urantia, if you can get it right, and you have, Ron.

To the rest of you here, and there are now nine, we are going to ask you to stand with prayer and to help everyone in the Missions. As I'm talking to you, Ron, I am getting a message from the Universal Father. And that is respecting you and your care. You have seen to it that anytime someone requested you give an answer, you know what you're talking about, and that you are fairly well done even on the birth chart of Jesus.

Ron Besser  
I will publish the birth chart to the discussion form. If I can get it anywhere close guys. It is something to see. There's a lot of unfamiliar on it, but there's just enough on it to do an interpretation. And if I, if I can manage it with what I have recovered.

Michael of Nebadon  
I will interpret the birth chart of Jesus as though I'm giving a reading. It should be interesting. And finally this to all nine of you now, which is Steven, Elise, Krupa. Valerie. Jose, Raz, Charlotte from Alabama, and 1513 from the internet. Thank you for joining us. Now this I have nothing more. If you want to talk a little go ahead. I'll stay on the line. But if no one has anything more we'll shut it down. Go ahead.

Ron Besser  
Okay, I get the point. Get a Coke or a Pepsi or whatever, enjoy the rest of the day and thank you so much for attending.  


« Last Edit: March 01, 2024, 09:22:45 am by SonsofGod »
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"