Author Topic: Lesson 17 MAGISTERIAL MISSION. Violence of the State. 07.18.22  (Read 6575 times)

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Violence of the State
Mon, 7/18/2022, York, Pa, United States
Transmitter Teacher(s): Magisterial Mission Staff
Receiver(s): Dominick O
It's Monday, July 18, York PA. Volume Lesson 17.
And I don't know what the title is yet, but we start off today's lesson with the acknowledgement that the transmitter is tired. It is a lot like a Monday for you. But the lesson being related to this topic, we will call and label, Government. The lesson has to do with transforming your fatigue with intentional breathing, you acknowledge that this indeed did help. And we start the lesson off by comparing this physical exercise of intentional breathing to government and governance. The lesson being, when there are these seemingly insurmountable, constant harms and injustices of government and the way it's run – governance - the intellect, together with the emotions, tends to gravitate towards an animalistic instinct to destroy.
Certainly, this is comparable to sacking leadership with a new leadership. This is what we mean by, say, dominance hierarchy. Where a pack animal or a pack leader is no longer acceptable to the pack, and either steps down or is often deposed. And so, this is really no different on a group level, when you see rebellions, philosophies of anarchy, for the sake of protesting this predatory nature of Government not doing its job. For Government more than implies, it demonstrates civilization. And as we have said before in the previous lesson, civilization is born out of advanced and higher order processes spiritual in nature.
When we discuss intentional breathing, and try to compare this to government, we are asking you to, in some sense, change the way you approach the improvements needed even when they're [in response to] malicious neglect, or predatory upon, the very citizens they're charged to. Benefit to, not benefit from, benefit to. So, the intention, transforms away from destruction and into intention.
Let us take for example, a famous revolution, the French Revolution. This one is being used because there is enough proximity to the current day and age where it is a good example. And we could just as easily take any other country’s, say, Russia, where an aristocracy is deposed violently, spectacularly, through the decapitation method – brutal!  The French Revolution was, in comparison to the Russian, spectacularly bright in its energies and flamed out as a revolution and transformed in a different pendulum swing to empire building. Where you saw the revolution rise up and create instability to the point the population craved a strong leader who was conditioned by the day and age into a strong nationalism. We're referring to the Napoleonic Empire. Whereas, the Russian Revolution played out in some ways, empire building, but not expansionist, and was even more destructive internally with its backbiting amongst the people to depose of their adversaries through violence of the state.
And we suppose that is a good title for today. Taking a look at the title, Violence of the State. And in many ways, violence begets violence. The revolutions and conflicts between say Labor and Industry, Bureaucracy versus Leadership (you might even say Innovation), status quo versus any planning to correct the harms of the status quo.
And when we, on the levels of the Divine, explain to you evolution will and must stabilize this cycle of violence inside yourselves, and therefore, to the level of the state. This is what begins to define as the starting point of Light and Life. The first phase of Light and Life is this change point. That the future holds corrections that contain an intentional motion through a civilized means to perpetuate civilization. And so, the future philosophies will in some ways dictate and socially shame, the brutality of Brutality, as unfit for the destiny of a species. Illogical, irrational, to plan for war to the extent that scarcity exists to benefit the few and not the whole. We say, and avoid the word -- we say whole and avoid the word many -- benefit the whole, w.h.o.l.e.
This is the transmitter speaking for [to] the audience. My cat is looking at me with an agitation, just to my left. That she wishes I could put my intentions where my mouth is, and let her outside, and that would benefit her. But I can't.
We resume. And of course, we leverage this example, meaning we use this example to indicate the relationship between you and the domesticated cat is a good one. You are not resolving your conflicts with violence. There is an outworking of the emotions, and attention shifts the intention to go there, to go towards violence to get what you need.
There is a relationship, a communication; and simply what is expedient and necessary to run the business of the day. For your cat it means she is not allowed to go outside based on the policies of the location you live. And she does not know that. But she becomes accustomed to the governance of the household and adjusts and evolves to the allowance of nighttime excursions in the cover of darkness.
Such a rough analogy is projected to take place. When it is discovered the warlike resources and apparatus, that take up so much of the planetary attention and intention and resource, cannot even be employed for its destructive purposes. Like your science fiction imaginations, such an enforced change and technological handicap is not Peace, though. This is not the introduction of Peace. Rather, a curtailment of the destructive capabilities of the violence of the state. And as has been explained, with the animal nature this does not curtail violence of sticks and stones, fists and so on.
So, there will be a, perhaps, an instinct, a call for the revolutionary instinct, the mob phenomenon. And whether the violence of the state is curtailed for destruction of conventional war, nuclear war, mass destruction or . . . .  Policy will be set forth setting up parameters of new conditions. And at that point it is up to the individuals and groups to comply or not; and whether they comply, or not, to an extent that they use violence as a means to an end. And at that point governance demands and mitigates the use of force once the violations are so evident, that mercy is not applied, and justice is as swift.
The problem arrives when the planning and the principles of a revolution, let's say, are not an evolutionary advancement of the harms or status quo they are replacing. And this is what the REGENCY is here to provide. There may be this condition of war-like capacity being disabled, and the environment-condition of human proclivity to violence is not guaranteed by any means. And then as you begin this process of adjustment, and violence needs to be policed, processed, or enforced. That you do so amongst yourselves for the most part. And then when you need direction in the aftermath – the, where do we go from here? moment -- that is when the leadership of advanced philosophies and government fill the vacuum traditionally filled by evolutionary pendulum swings of the past. With one harm or one extreme to the other. Instead, we are balancing that out through the Regency.
We stop here for the moment. And surely this will invite questions, perhaps scenario questions, perhaps not. But we wish you all a cool-off period, certainly, with this weather. Peace be upon us all and at least the potential to see it through. A good day upon us all.
Dominick O:
Thank you, and this was well received. Good day to you too.