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Messages - Clency

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France LIGHTLINE Tapes and Comments Your Host Clency / Re: August tapes
« on: August 12, 2023, 07:49:59 am »
Be advised that there will be no LightLine this coming Friday 18th of August, I will take some rest and Friday the 25th of August will be our next meeting. See you there. Here is the link to the audio-recording:

Addendum : On the last Sunday English LL (20/08/2023), it was announced that Ron Besser will take over the next Thursday Spanish LL (24/08/2023) and the Friday French LL, (25/08/2023). So, I will let it go like this, until our next meeting on Friday 01/09/2023 and ready to continue with our usual schedule. By the way, for a better understanding, I have taken a leave for a little rest, as of the above mention, but no harm done.

During the US congress of last 26th July (look at my post above) a former Air Force officer claimed that “the Congress is being kept in the dark about unidentified anomalous phenomena, known as UAPs or UFOs.” This information is being reported by the written press and television in France, with much interest, I am sure in other countries also. We have here an idea of what will be the reaction of the population when the Celestial team of MELCHIZEDEKS and JESUS make themselves known to the world through the media.

Last wednesday 26 July 2023, there was a US congress where UFO (Unidentified Flying Object), now called UAP (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena) was the main point of discussion. It seems that the SkinWalker ranch in Utah, among others, is closely observed and studied by scientists. According to what was up during the congress, there are many unexplained events that the US Government are hiding to the population and the SkinWalker ranch must be one of them. From all over the world, there are undeniable tesmonies of UFO/UAP sightings coming from mindful people, but they are being considered as nonsenses by the higher authorities. It is time for the Melchizedeks to make themselves known.

France LIGHTLINE Tapes and Comments Your Host Clency / August tapes
« on: August 05, 2023, 05:36:56 am »
Just explaining to the attendees how the Celestial Government is organized so as to help Urantia get out of her muddy situation.
Here is the link to the audio-recording :
The next session will held on Friday 11/08/2023. You are welcome to attend.

France LIGHTLINE Tapes and Comments Your Host Clency / Re: July tapes
« on: July 29, 2023, 08:30:43 am »
The conference was short, there was no transmission from anyone on high, but it was very fruitful. Here is the link to the audio recording:
Friday the 4th of August will be our next LightLine Conference in French at 8pm local time as usual.

France LIGHTLINE Tapes and Comments Your Host Clency / Re: July tapes
« on: July 22, 2023, 07:38:21 am »
Sharing and commenting the latest news with the attendees. Here is the link to the audio-recording :
The next conference call will be on Friday 28/07/2023. See you there.

Threads for New Transmissions / No stone unturned
« on: July 19, 2023, 10:20:46 am »
Unknown Entity : “You have asked for more news coming from our side, so here I am again to tell all of you not to bother yourself too much about the “how” and “when”, you will be informed in due time. We don’t deliver too many details for now, only just what is necessary for your knowledge, but don’t worry - you, the workers on the ground, will be fully instructed. The UNIVERSAL FATHER has declared that no stone will be left unturned on Urantia and it will be - just wait a little more, it will not be long. Like in a puzzled game, all the pieces are put together to form a visible image and we now have a clear idea towards what we are heading. Stay the course and you will be rewarded.”
MICHAEL: “I am the CREATOR SON of Nebadon, just giving you a brief overview of the situation right now. First of all, let me tell you that, formerly, we moved forward like a little child who is learning to walk properly, by putting one foot before another and you all know how many times we failed because of the interferences of the insurrectionists. We have learned from our past failures and to-day we go forward precautiously, so as not to stumble over a pitfall. We do have a plan that has been revised many times, because it was not adjustable to new conditions, that is why, in some measures, there have been regular changes in the announcement of the Second Return of JESUS. All of you, registered on this forum, are dear to me and you will be used according to your qualification, your experience in life and your adaptability to any situation. You will soon be in the loop of what is happening and as it has been said – no stone will be left unturned.”
Thank you Father MICHAEL and the Unknown Entity for coming to me this evening.

Threads for New Transmissions / A change is gonna come
« on: July 16, 2023, 01:54:35 am »
This is what I received this early morning at 6.00 o’clock my time zone, at almost a jump out of bed. It is short and intriguing, I don’t know the value of it, I am just laying it down on the table for your appreciation.
There we go : “You don’t know me yet, my name and my Order are of no importance for the time being. What I want to tell you is that your planet Urantia is going to experience an upheaval on a large scale, she will be shaken up on her basement, many will be distraught and will don’t know what to do. My advice to you is to keep cool, don’t panic, particularly don’t show up what is going on, stay away from the crowd for your own safety. My colleagues and I are here to help, we are what you may call “rescuers” of the galaxy. The population of Urantia has gone so astray that there is a need for a deep cleansing and the time is appropriate. You can lean upon us, so be of good courage and cheer.”
Thank you unknown entity for coming and delivering some heartening words of support.

France LIGHTLINE Tapes and Comments Your Host Clency / Re: July tapes
« on: July 13, 2023, 08:26:53 am »
Please, be advised that to-morrow LightLine is postponed on the next Friday 21/07/2023 at the regular time. I will be out of town for private reason.

France LIGHTLINE Tapes and Comments Your Host Clency / July tapes
« on: July 08, 2023, 06:25:47 am »
Sharing and exchanging opinions about the latest news, with a brief intervention from Machiventa Melchizedek. Here is the link to the audio-recording :

The next conference on line will be held on Friday 07/07/2023 at 8pm local time. Thanks for attending.

France LIGHTLINE Tapes and Comments Your Host Clency / Re: June tapes
« on: July 01, 2023, 05:14:23 am »
There is nothing of real value that can be offered to the attendees to chew on, so the conference was cut short. Here is the link to the audio-recording : 
We hold our next session on Friday 07/07/2023 at 8pm local time.

France LIGHTLINE Tapes and Comments Your Host Clency / Re: June tapes
« on: June 24, 2023, 11:34:42 am »
The conference has been short and sweet, but with interesting exchanges of ideas with the attendees about where we stand actually. Here is the audio-recording : 

Friday next the 30th of June 2023 at 8pm local time is when we will hold our meeting. Hope to see you there.

France LIGHTLINE Tapes and Comments Your Host Clency / Re: June tapes
« on: June 17, 2023, 10:22:38 am »
Sharing of the latest news as usual with the attendees and exchanging point-of-views about some announcements that are submitted to a regular “start-and-stop” way of doing business. Here is the audio-recording : 

The next conference will be on Friday 23/06/2023 at 8pm local time.

France LIGHTLINE Tapes and Comments Your Host Clency / Re: June tapes
« on: June 10, 2023, 05:08:55 am »
We are pleased to receive JACK0802AB as our MC and He introduced MANTUTIA MELCHIZEDEK and RAYSON/SERARA, speaking as ONE.
Here is the link to the audio-recording :
You are invited to attend our next online conference on Friday 16/06/2023 at 8pm local time. See you there.

France LIGHTLINE Tapes and Comments Your Host Clency / June tapes
« on: June 03, 2023, 06:34:13 am »
Sharing and commenting on the latest news, since there was no intervention from our Celestial friends, as if they are muted.
Here is the link to the audio recording:
You are welcome to our next conference on Friday 7/06/2023 at 8pm local time.

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