Author Topic: Handling Disruptions in Service  (Read 6351 times)

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Offline Dominick O

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Handling Disruptions in Service
« on: February 23, 2022, 12:01:56 pm »
February 22, 2022


[Note: the terms within and without are used in a context where “without” means throughout.  Much like the meanings around implicate and explicate orders]



This is Michael of Nebadon.  I am your MC always.  Protocol requires we begin and end with the tip of the hat to Father, but you are free of the obligation when you are also able to access the Father through your Creator Son, without.  The Father within you, and your Creator Son throughout you.  As such I am the MC of MCs for transmissions, and Light Lines by default settings and protocol.



I am the carrier wave of my Universe in connection with you.  Ron now starts his day with a triangulation of transmission input from Dominick in the morning, and Dominick receives training and creative input in his own terms.  Many of you will undergo similar augmented working relationships and liaisons when you are asked to contribute yourselves to the administration of various missions, projects, tasks and teams available for service.


Understand the carrier wave is a source of interference from the cabal who are figuring out ways to tap into it.  The carrier wave is not the cabal, but they are utilizing its functions to corrupt transmissions upon it.   Your Thought Adjusters are not subject to the carrier wave if they so choose to isolate their frequency inputs and outputs, independent of it.  I am intertwining subjects.


When you are called or feel called to service and opportunity, you should be wise to adjust yourselves and expect disruption or at least the ability to handle it in its benign and unkind forms and functions.  Yes, functions.  You must be subject to training, for example.  We do not conform to your needs in some respects, you serve the divine and strive to meet its demands, and in return you trust they treat you fairly, wisely, and with heart when they forge your minds.


One reason and benefit Dominick moved to York was the realization, he truly did need a working relationship, in order to function around things that would otherwise disrupt.  And here is the conundrum, often.  And it is this.


You are presented with a task, an opportunity.  You perform the task and get a project off the ground but then it’s in the field, and it requires management, administration, operation.  At this stage you have created.  You need feedback, you have ideas of where it needs to go and be, but your colleagues, supervisors and users-customers of your creation have limited capacities.


Eventually, you are left with a choice to have the project stall in its inertia of evolution, or to literally work around the problem and let the chips fall.  Yes, there are attempts blending approaches, but eventually, leadership, management, administration and end-user, need to get on with it.


The forum presents this conundrum easily.  Ron needed to eventually work-around people, organizations and institutions to get where he is today.  Many tasks and projects related to our growth in sharing My universe administration, as they related to this forum and its commensurate broadcasts via transmission, are similarly done.


Disruption is upon you.  Are you going to handle it or complain to customer service?  How do you feel when customer service is silent?  You must understand through experience of placing yourselves in the others’ shoes, that often customer service is silent because it is too busy and must work around you.


You have taken light lines to a wonderful level, but I have asked they be more, and they can be.  I will be there always and when I am not available as Michael of Nebadon, universe ruler, be assured My staff is always in place to address on My behalf.  Do not confuse this statement with My personal, constant, and unwavering ministry to you, as my children, as Michael, Creator Son; or as my, also, younger brothers and sisters, when I address you as Christ Michael.


Be of good cheer.  Disruption happens in an evolutionary environment.  Thriving and surviving are greatly associated with your attitudes.  It is morontial vitamin D.  I am always there with a personal love to pick you up, dust you off, and provide affection in the manner most appropriate to you.  I know you nearly as intimately as Father within, as I am the Father without (throughout).