Author Topic: Lightline USA - 18 February 2024  (Read 5784 times)

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Lightline USA - 18 February 2024
« on: February 18, 2024, 16:03:55 pm »
Lightline USA,  18 February 2024

Here is the link to the tape for the Sunday Lightline at 2pm
                    with your host Ron Besser

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Re: Lightline USA - 18 February 2024
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2024, 11:08:25 am »
  • 021824 Audio Tape Light Line USA; host: Ron Besser
  • Subjects: Ron will do additional Thursday and Friday Light Lines, Dominick is being processed, Michael has finished his visit to Urantia, Deity doesn’t see human’s bodies, Tarkas is given authority over cabal and decrees Urantia, Nebadon, and Dominion to be free of cabal, and Vespasian ordered St. Peter and St. Paul’s death on crosses in Rome; Q & A
  • Speakers: Michael of Nebadon, Christ Michael, Jesus, Manituba Melchizedek, Universal Father, Tarkas, President of the Dominion, Arthura, and St. Paul; 
  • Transcribed By: RAZ ( I welcome corrections - just message me )
  • Link To Tape:

Ron Besser  
This is Light Line USA for Sunday, the 18th of February 2024. I'm Ron Besser, your host.

Michael of Nebadon  
And I am, Michael of Nebadon, Ron, and thank you for holding this. You are feeling pretty rocky.

Ron Besser  
Yes, I am, rocky. I've gotten dizzy. I am having trouble seeing. But other than that, I'm just fine Michael, and ready to take on if you wish.

Michael of Nebadon  
And thank you, Ron. That's a lovely preamble. The truth of the matter is that we have something very important to tell this group. We are now beginning the start of a Light Line that is to be perpetuated, not only on Sunday, but we would like it to be produced on Thursday and Friday, Ron. For that reason, we are going to make things a little easier for you and to produce things a little more standard than we have been practicing, oh, for at least two years. For that reason, today, we are announcing that Light Line Sunday has suddenly taken on a brand new aspect. We want Ron to do a Thursday, and a Friday, Light Line, USA. To do that, we are asking that all of you who do a Light Line through the rest of the week, not dribble over into the Thursday and Friday areas.

Now, Dominick, I know you want to use those days in the future to produce information about transmitting. I have something to say about that Myself. But I'll say it later, not now. Furthermore, Ron, you are under the really nasty circumstance where the mind is being transferred, not out of the body, but into a morontial condition which allows you to see and hear and do much more than you can do right now. For that reason to you, Dominick: you are close enough to Ron to understand that you have headaches, the back of your neck feels sore, and other attributes of physical anomalies that you are very tired of, but get too much. Because you are so closely associated with Ron, almost every day you hold a meeting. You are being processed. You are being processed. Get it in your head. Ron has told you; you are being processed. But you don't really listen. Because you really don't understand. I'm going to let it sit right there. I'll come back to it. Now this: I have been on Urantia now for oh, almost six days. Yesterday was my last tour and I spoke to Ron as I was about to leave. Ron says to me;

Ron Besser  
This is ridiculous. You've been on Urantia all these days. And not one issue has come up on the discussion forum or in the posting of transmissions about your presence. Why can't we see you? Why can't we hear you? Why can't we know you are here?

Michael of Nebadon  
This is Michael. Thank you, Ron. I want you to know you are a human. You're so low level, I can't even see you. Deity, people, please understand this: deity, if it looks at the planet Urantia, may see the oceans and the land and the buildings but They can't see the humans. They can't see the body. Most of you never knew that. Ron did, but he forgets. In any case, I as Michael of Nebadon couldn't see you anyhow and it's very hard to contact you when I'm on the planet, and you're on the planet, they kind of fuzz each other out.

So what I decided to do was right before I left, to let you know; I was here, that I was leaving, and that there were a few things we had to do together before I left. You received the list and said, fine. And then about an hour later went to bed. After you went to bed, you got a terrible headache. You said in your sleep. This is disturbing my sleep. I am not able to ascertain sleep with all this going on in the brain. So you were awakened at 2:00 a.m., 3:30 a.m., and then again at 4:30 a.m.. You really didn't know what was said. Ron is discussing with me what he may say and I don't want him to say anything. Now this: his life is a misery right now. Every extremity he has burns, feels cold, and

Ron Besser  
I'm trying to get the right word.

Michael of Nebadon  
kind of shakes at the same time. That is an immiscibility of the body trying to say to the brain. Do you really mean to do this to me? Ron says; I can't sleep right. The truth of the matter is that's over. To you Dominick, to you Elise, to you George: you're about to undergo it for about 24 hours. Merely accept it and rest if you want to but you can carry out your normal duties also, if you want to. Don't be concerned about it. You're not about to be palsied. You're about to be switched over to be able to handle Light Line broadcasts that have a lot of meaning. And finally, this to you, Ron. It is now about 12 after two according to your clock.

Ron Besser  
It's 10 after two really, I think.

Michael of Nebadon  
In any case, the clock is better off than the computer. The computer is not operating quite right but it will be soon. And finally this to the rest of you: the entire matter of Light Linea through Ron is going to take a change. He prefers dictation. So do I. He also allows that there should be a Q&A session but is so wrapped up with the narrative that I do and the others do it becomes almost impossible to hold the Q&A session. We are eliminating them for the time being. If you want to know something, please post it. Ron will answer you in your post. Right now the USA Light Line that Ron holds is to be used slightly differently without Q&A, unless I ask for it.

Christ Michael  
I am now Christ Michael.

Ron Besser  
One moment.

I am Jesus. We switched things at the last moment, that's why the silence. I want you to know that I Jesus am not interested in displaying my vivid personality in a body before Urantia. Ron says to me yesterday; I'm so disgusted with the behavior of almost everyone in government to sound like they are now. My own country the United States is not a bully but they're sounding like one. The country of Russia is a terrible sinner. I can't stand the excuses. China and North Korea are spoiling for a fight. Japan just might give them one and Lord look out.

And finally this: the entire matter between what is to be done in a mission is not to be done through a Light Line. Ron understood this morning when he made additional posts to the idea of transmissible electricity. He's added a couple of really wonderful things that almost none of you know about. He's got a pot full more. I ask you to watch it carefully. He has changed his style just enough that it should keep your interests.

Christ Michael  
And finally this as Christ Michael. We want you to know that this group, which is 25 in number listening on the Sunday Light Line today; you are deeply appreciated. Thank you for taking the time. It takes at least an hour and then it takes some more time to get the tape up. I am deeply appreciative and welcome to the kingdom.

Michael of Nebadon  
I am Michael of Nebadon. I am now speaking to a class that is on this broadcast. That is half in and half out. You are welcome. Ron makes no distinction. But I have to. There is a member of Unity here. You are most welcome. There are two members here that appraise the Urantia Foundation as the entire purpose of their life. You are welcome here. But Ron holds none of them important enough for you to get into an argument over anything. He operates the Magisterial Foundation as a technology.

For those of you who have not looked at the latest post, he does do a description of the particles that make up the ultimaton, fully and well. We approved the drawing. You haven't viewed it. If you are interested in pre-particles, atoms, ultimatons; look at it. It represents it as well as you will ever see it with its parts defined. And furthermore, for you, Ron, the Magisterial Foundation is what you lay out before the people on Urantia about your affiliation, your care, and your needs. We are now telling you that the Magisterial Foundation is not below par, but needs to be spruced up in one particular way. Get rid of the idea of pre-particles and address electricity only. You're saying to yourself, I think I only address as far as technology is concerned, transmissible electricity, and that you do well Ron, but we want it removed out of the Magisterial Foundation. Yes, I know it owns the patent and not you. I forgot that.

Ron Besser  
One moment please.

Manituba Melchizedek  
This is Manituba Melchizedek. I am the chairman of the board of the Magisterial Foundation. Ron requested that the Magisterial Foundation be owned by and counseled by Mechizedeks. He holds that the Magisterial Foundation should be divine. We agreed because it handles not only the Light Lines but also all of the technology that is affirmed with the use of the Master Force Organizers on Paradise. Master Force Organizers 402 & 404 are the counsel for what the technologies are within the Magisterial Foundation. Ron, originally did the Magisterial Foundation to provide a foundation for the Magisterial Mission. He still holds it is theirs to use as such, and that these other issues are control issues for technology, and that the Magisterial Foundation requires spiritual oversight. We concur with every one of those statements. What we are bothered with is that there are a or that there is a board of directors and that Ron uses them to obtain counsel on how to achieve human resources with a divine contemplation of the Magisterial Missions, the Michael Missions, and the Second Return of Christ.

Christ Michael  
I am Christ Michael. I say this to you, Ron, you have been beaten up badly and are hardly able to stay the course daily lately, because of approaching blindness and the inability to use your legs in a way that the muscles do not sustain the use of the legs, they want to collapse. You force it. And you do well enough. It is this to you, Ron; that in particular, we must make a change. You have put up a lot about free electricity, and the ultimaton. Finally, the post is full and secure of the elements of broadcast electricity. For that reason, we celebrate it with you today by tingling you. And for that reason, you laughed. That is an ability of deity, to contact the brain in the human and to cause it to react as though the wind or the air or water were flowing on it. We did that to Ron this morning.

For that reason, the Adjuster says; that was great guys. But I need more than that to keep him alive. For that reason, Ron, the Father has said to Michael of Nebadon is this one important? Michael says; not only important, vital. Therefore, Father says; I will do the work but you must sustain him then. Can you do that? Michael says no, I'm in a mission. Father says; then he is to face death. Michael says no, I have a better idea. Let's repair the body as it is and let that run for the next, whatever. Father says; well, that's not impossible. But every 10 years you're gonna have to run into another repair. What do you propose, Michael? Michael says nothing. That's where we stand, Ron. What does that do to you?

Ron Besser  
Well, my reaction is that sounds like a lot of administration and anybody to get the paperwork out. We have it down here to the point government costs on it. I stand by. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
Ron, that is beautifully spoken. This is Michael of Nebadon. It is administrative difficulty. You don't know how to deal with it. For reasons of state, you do well. I am particularly concerned with the running of the Magisterial Foundation, with only you and Dominick heading it. What else is there to do?

Ron Besser  
Yes, Michael, this is Ron. Until there is something to do, even one person running it is superfluous at times. We have nothing to do until there is authorization to produce free electricity in a plant that supplies this area with light and machinery running on free electricity.

Michael of Nebadon  
I agree with that, Ron. But are you chastising me?

Ron Besser  
This is Ron. Michael, I do not know enough to chastise anybody except that I detest the cabal. That, hold away from me or I will strangle them.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you, Ron, very pertinent. The truth of the matter is so far everybody, that the entire matter is now succinct enough for you to understand that the entire matter concerning these missions is dicey. I returned to Salvington this morning. Ron immediately fired up a cramp and jumped on the floor in order to snuff it, but then returned to the burning and fire. He says; there's no choice, Michael. One way or another, there's no change to the attack on me through the body. The truth of the matter is it's not an attack on you. It's an attack on all of us, Ron. And we are finally going to say this: to you Father, with your permission.

Universal Father  
You always have my permission, Michael. State it.

Michael of Nebadon  
I wish to remove the cabal entirely from Urantia. They do no good. They only do harm. What say you?

Universal Father  
I am resplendent in my courage, Ron. You are likewise. You will not take a yes or a no. But insist that I do it my way. You place the entire speech on an iron beam that's from the forehead to the crown chakra. That's where you place a Light Line transmission. That is so it has iron support and is only for the divine to speak. It is an excellent device. I wish others would use it.

But to me, Michael of Nebadon this is not a small matter. If you remove it from Nebadon, is one thing. But if you remove it from the bestowal planet, there is the danger of default of the bestowal in that the bestowal addressed the archangels, the angels, the midwayers, the midsoniters, and half a dozen other groups not named. Ron is aware of other groups now that were not part of the bestowal speeches. There are now the Consummators. There are now those who are sub-consummators who supply not only Urantia but Me the counsel to make sure that the new universe age is truly a new age and not a replication of mistakes we made in the old age. If I remove the cabal from Urantia, I remove seraphim entirely. Ron is fully resplendent on the idea that you do not need seraphim but that you need the Spirit through Tarkas who is now a Deity representing spirit as well on Urantia. He trusts Tarkas entirely to know the remedy. I agree. Ron, your choice of supervision is superb. I give you, Tarkas, if you hear me?

I do Father. I am ready to be commanded.

Universal Father  
Thank you, Tarkas. From now on, I empower you Tarkas to clear the land and the seas and the air of Urantia free from cabal. Ron says there is no danger to him. There is no danger to anyone. Except now the midwayers are the new ministers under the Melchizedeks to take the pleas of man to God.

This is Tarkas, Ron, I see the picture. Thank you, Ron.

Ron Besser  
Yeah, Bob's Burgers. There's a little girl there called Tina, who is always getting into trouble imagining too much and not doing enough.

Ron says the midwayers are entirely the angels always as it has always been for him. My angels, Ron says, have always been good to me.

Ronn Besser
I have no complaints. But because the cabal is operative, they hide or they must suffuse themselves to the point they dare not show themselves. I pray they can show themselves and that the good seraphim may remain. I have no objection to seraphim or spirit. The present spirit scratches me and harms my legs with injections. They perpetuate pain. I have no love for them. And if I had the matter to do myself, they would be up for execution. Thank you, Father. Thank you, Michael. Thank you, Tarkas for allowing me to state it.

This is Tarkas, Ron. It is my view entirely, Ron. Father as the Deity of spirit at this moment over Urantia what should we do?

Universal Father  
This is Father. You are now Deity, Tarkas. You have the power to decree. Decree Urantia clear and it removes the cabal entirely including the influence of Lucifer and the wayward ways of the cabal in the Uversa orbit. We stand back Tarkas for your speech.

I am Tarkas. I am now the Deity of Spirit over Urantia. I have no other duties except for that right now. I am not capable of decreeing the Universe free of cabal but I declare it cleared entirely over Urantia, Nebadon, and the Dominion. You are in danger the moment you leave these areas and we pray be careful when you trial a trip to Uversa and Paradise and any point in between. I have done as you have asked Father, may I do more?

Universal Father  
This is the Universal Father; yes. Make well Ron. He needs it to operate. I do not want him on the mansion worlds before we make use of these missions.

I am Tarkas. I do your bidding. Thank you.

Ron Besser  
Yes, Father. Yes, Tarkas. I must thank you in the most eloquent way I can for these improvements. The cabal has no need here. I am glad to see them set free of this work. I am delighted that I may receive mercy and the clearing of my pain. I am grateful Father and to you Tarkas. God bless my friend, Tarkas. Thank you. I stand by. Thank you, Tarkas.

Thank you, Ron. This morning Ron while you were configuring certain written material you felt what you call the mercy blush.

Ron Besser  
Yes. A good minute and tearful. I know to call it the mercy blush but it is always a sign that spirit has entered my body and is invigorating something but it brought nothing but tears because it hits the brain as, I love you. It feels wonderful. And then it disappears. Thank you, Tarkas.

Thank you, Ron. I am totally unsure how you're put together. And you show me Tonka toys, Ron. That's about it as far as we're concerned. For reasons of state Ron, you are one of the few who can introduce pictures and then send them that we can see them, even the mansion worlds can do it. The Urantia group and Marian Rowley who runs the Urantia group on the mansion worlds, Mansion World Four can see it. You have thanked them for their help and humor and care.

Ron Besser  
Tarkas and Father, thank you.

Universal Father  
It is Father speaking now Ron, thank you. I want you to understand that a Light Line is hardly the place to show our dirty linen. But we've got to figure out why this happened in the first place. Because it has even affected the discussion forum. In areas of discussion, there is disagreement. For instance, Ron, people disagree that you who can closely affiliate with the voice of God so well, you know what is to happen next when it comes to their attitude. For that reason, Ron, you have lost about four. For that reason, Ron, you say you can't help that.

Ron Besser  
It's the truth. I never make a misstatement when in liaison with the deity voice, it dictates.

Universal Father  
And that is true, we confirm it for everyone. The truth of the matter is you could care less about the UAI, Unity, and certain Western transmitters. They refuse to become part of unity. You're asking nothing of them, but to produce what they produce under the auspices of the Michael Mission, which is run through in part by the Magisterial Foundation. You understand they do not like a fellow man to control any part of their service. You say they do with the Urantia Foundation. The Magisterial Foundation only asks the same. We are now not troubled by any of it, Ron. You may be introduced to a few who want to be of service but cannot get in because you have blocked registration. Why Ron?

Ron Besser  
On purpose. When I opened the Magisterial Foundation (Serara Forum) to join as a member, I have gotten over 3600 commercial sites from the Balkans, Russia, and China. They are spoilers. I will not have them try to become members however much time it takes to remove them to keep it open. It is much easier to block one or two than to accept 2000 to 3000 a week. That's what they want to do. From pocketbooks, to shoes, to heroin, to god knows what else. I won't have it. It is blocked. But you do have a question that does allow you in if you just think a little bit, that's a Urantia Book reader. That is not commercial, Russian.

Universal Father  
We thank you, Ron, it's beautifully spoken. And now this to all of you: right now there are 27 of you connected through the phone and the internet. Thank you. We appreciate it. 

Michael of Nebadon  
This is Michael of Nebadon. I am the Creator Son of a huge space universe. It's called a Local Universe. We carve them out like the flakes on the side of a fish that you scrape off to eat the fish. We are Local Universes. The fish body is the Master Universe. The scales are the Local Universes. And that is how Father has organized life in time and space alone for now. Ron is fully aware and represents some of us, to the mansion worlds and even beyond the wall of galaxies. We are working there. But there's no people there yet. He knows what we're working on, and rather enjoys it.

What I wish to bring to the attention of the group listening is that there are several different ways of doing the same thing. When God the supreme was in charge, we did it by universe age but the supreme purposely defiled the Trinity and removed himself. The Trinity has said to Michael of Nebadon, you have, importantly, at the same time, done a new registration of organization. You have asked your neighbors, that are also local universes to join together and form a new government, where you are mutually protected by the personnel you created in each Local Universe. I accept it. You call it Dominion. We shall call it Dominion as well. Dominion today conferred upon Ron and that was the feeling of the mercy blush, a brand new style of operator. That's one who can speak for the Dominion. And you bowed to them.

Ron Besser  
What a wonderful thing to do to somebody. Thank you.

Universal Father  
Thank you. Father says to the Dominion is there one who speaks for them?

President of the Dominion  
I am the Dominion president. I am not a Creator Son, Ron. I am a Creative Spirit. And you accept me as the president of the Dominion.

Ron Besser  
We do. We are proud to address you and if required serve under you. Thank you.

President of the Dominion  
As president of the Dominion, we accept. Truthfully, Ron, you are an astounding human. You know where things stand far beyond even some of our artifacts.

Ron Besser  
I'm glad to hear that. I thank you.

President of the Dominion  
Thank you, Ron. And for that reason, you laughed at the word artifacts.

Ron Besser  
Indeed, they are warm and quivering.

President of the Dominion  
Yes, I see your point. The truth of the matter is there are other extra entities around that are not of the Dominion. One of your favorites is Arthura.

Ron Besser  
Yes. You can't reproduce that even if you have a wild imagination.

President of the Dominion  
I thank you, Ron. I accept that fully. Here is Arthura to speak.

Well, Ron, here we are again together.

Ron Besser  
I wish you wouldn't breathe with so much coffee on your breath.

Thank you, Ron. I shall remove it.

Ron Besser  
You can do odd things Arthura. Not only did you remove your breath, but your head. Please explain.

Thank you. I will. That is an ability of those who are hyperinfinity entities. It's hard to get out.

Ron Besser  
Yes, I tripped over it.

Yes. Hyperinfinity ladies and gentlemen, is not available in the Master Universe. Yet I am a creature that is constructed in a place called hyperinfinity that is sealed out of the Master Universe. Only the Father has access to it through his coordinates and Himself. Ron has known me now for over a year. Dominick uses me to transmit. Other than that Elise occasionally hears Me and We shall make it available to Rene, and Clency, and even Lemuel when he is ready. The truth of the matter is, I only speak to those who have completed their human psychic circles. So far, Ron, Dominick, Lemuel, and two others outside of this group have done so. They are easily approached, and they have made the effort.

Dominick is a little ill for having done so. He has lost the support, not of the Adjuster, but of the seraphim that used to flock around him to demilitarize all the problems he has to face in life. That makes sense to you, Dominick, we leave it alone.

And finally, this to you, Ron, you've double the problems that Dominick faces. Not only did you run a life without your parents, you returned and provided service, that they may die in peace. That is never gone willingly by any human but you were up against the wall and had to finish it. That happened ladies and gentlemen so that Ron could experience another road to Damascus. This transmitter is equivalent in perfection to a Paul of Tarsus. He had the same thing happen to him. And Ron had the same thing that happened to Paul. They are partners in excruciating pain and healing. We make no further comments except Ron, you have fulfilled your part as Paul filled his part. You love Paul. He sees to you. No, you may not state that you are going skating together later. That's something else.

Ron Besser  
Too nice, sir.

St. Paul of Tarsus  
And this to the rest of you. I am St. Paul. I am Paul of Tarsus. I was executed in 56 a.d. along with Peter, the first apostle, on crosses of our own. The Roman emperor was furious with St. Peter and St. Paul for pulling high jinks we had really nothing to do with. But the new church, the Vatican needed income and we put a load of manure up for sale on the temple steps

Ron Besser  
This is Ron. I'm getting a block of who the goddess was. It's not Minerva. It is, it starts with D, Dianna?

St. Paul of Tarsus  
No, Ron, another one that doesn't start, it starts with P.

Ron Besser  

St. Paul of Tarsus  
No, it wasn't Pookie.

Ron Besser  
I can't think of a goddess that starts with P. 

St. Paul of Tarsus  
Well, anyhow, they put the entire cartload of manure on the white marble steps of the temple. It infuriated half of Rome. It came to the Emperor. And he said they did what? Why? Neither Paul nor Peter understood any such thing had been done but they were the chiefs of the Vatican. They were called before the Emperor. He did an inquisition and said to Peter and Paul, if you make one more statement, or one more comment, you will be hung on a cross. I kid you not. Now get out of here. Unfortunately, Paul does quips like Ron's. And he says to the Emperor, if I get out of here, may I remove the manure from your name? That infuriated the Emperor. And he said to Peter, you're going with Paul. I'm not putting up with two of you anymore. They were hung on crosses in September 56 A.D. Paul died near the Vatican outside. Peter died alone and away from the church. To this day, he hates Vespasian. To this day, Paul, renowned Vespasian,  for Vespasian is a finaliter and was in the finaliter group that oversaw to Urantia's care for over three centuries on Urantia. Now what has happened? This is Paul of Tarsus speaking Ron.

Ron Besser  
We welcome you, Paul. Please go ahead. Thank you.

St. Paul of Tarsus  
I am quite sure Ron that if there were an emperor today you would have been executed. You do not take a resource making a statement against Father the way Vespasian did that day. That is what I answered him, not the manure on the steps of Diana. You are not incorrect. For reasons of state, I didn't know it and neither did Peter. The truth of the matter is we were executed not at the slip of my tongue but of my curse on Diana.

Ron Besser  
Good grief.

St. Paul of Tarsus  
Yes, Ron. That infuriated the Emperor. And for that reason, we were almost executed on the spot. But that was the spring of 56 A.D. We were executed in the fall of 56 A.D. Your historic writer who did a whole book on Paul would love to know those circumstances. It's a shame you cannot reproduce them for him. And finally this: you Ron are smiling. You have enjoyed this tremendously. So did we. Most of them, don't get it. Okay. Get this. I Paul, St. Paul to you am leaving the entire matter to Father to portray the Second Return of Christ. I wanted to be the banner bearer, that Ron says to me, Jesus Christ is his own banner bearer. He will set the tone, he will set the step, he will set the means. I bow before him and even before all of you that this may happen now. This is St. Paul, Ron. I beseech God the Father to relent and allow the pressure this has built up in Ron, in Paul of Tarsus, Vespasian, and the entire finaliter group now reconstituted over Urantia as the original finaliter group before the bestowal of Christ 30 a.d.

Ron Besser  
The one is superfluous.

Universal Father  
This is the Universal Father. You're forgiven, Ron for stomping or stamping on a good line.

Ron Besser  
My apologies deeply. Why the one came forward I do not know. Thank you.

Universal Father  
Thank you, Ron. This is the Universal Father that is indeed Paul of Tarsus and the finaliter group over Urantia is the original. Vespasian is the chief finaliter. What happened? Vespasian died the next day. That's not recorded. Vespasian saw the hellions of fire and disposal come before him to collect him in death and Vespasian says; stand back. You dare not touch the Emperor. Vespasian also said to God the Father; in what name do I serve this hell. Father says; you serve no hell. You have committed murder. It has nothing to do with God. Vespasian turned to the hellions again and said to it; be gone. I serve no hell. Ron you've done the same thing. They were all over you for the past several days. You told them to let you alone you serve no cabal ever. They do not belong here. We have removed them fully through Tarkas and it's through Tarkas, Ron you regain redemption on all favors. Finally, everyone, you are not sure of what they are?

Ron Besser  
I know of no particular sin, Father.

Universal Father  
And there is none. We just dislike your use of the word fun. And then relieve you of fun only to discover that most of Urantia use it as a pastime. You are going by your genes Ron not by the law of the Son of Man. We have had to say to the Son of Man, you carry no law, you carry mercy. You will appear at your choosing, soon. your Father has spoken Jesus. Jesus replied;

And this is Jesus speaking. I am no gatherer of sin anymore. I gather the elect. I am no longer a part of the legal system. I am part of the ministry system. And for that, I gather all heathen sinners and those who belong in heaven together. They shall hear. They shall hear what I decree. I decree before you no man is a sinner until he insists. No man is a sinner until he relents before my Father. My Father speaks;

Universal Father  
You Ron show Me the way with voice. You show Me well, the tenor but you can't show Me your heart. Your heart is gold and speaks for Me always as many of you do who attend today. You are of the kingdom. You make it very worthwhile. There is no one on this audience today that shows on your dashboard Ron that is not already in the kingdom regardless of their disagreements with how you operate. You have to operate this way because the foundation called Urantia is deaf. Society is deaf. The individual human is warm, alive, love, and care. These we save as the kingdom that is divinely stated to be on the mansion worlds when you when you do have to go there. Ron has to go there. Not now, but we put it off a little. So do you. There is now a mansion world group that read The Urantia Book. That's all they have done. That makes that group work. They are now aligned against the wall of the room. Side by side, one by one, to hear this post, Ron.

Ron Besser  
We the Urantia Group of Mansion World Five do hereby commit to God our Father all that we are. And for that reason, we resign no more to you Ron, than to say, stop joking about Father and let us learn from Father Himself.

Universal Father  
This is Father to the group. He does not joke. There is humor in spirit, and he found it. He works so well to use it at our request. If you are wishing to be the kingdom, then drop the objection. He won't bother you again. And finally, this to you, Marian. You just said to Ron they all left the room. There's none left. What does that mean to you?

Ron Besser  
This is Marian Rowley, the one in charge of the group. I dismissed them. If they cannot understand you are not the prophet, but the care, and that they dismiss it as care.

Universal Father  
This is the Father to you, Ron. You are not particularly concerned for the simple reason they are a group and have no particular say, but some friends are among them, and they disagree with you that the favor of the kingdom is also a good reward for a life well lived and that it has humor. You have spoken to the popes that are a group elsewhere, fully and well. They welcome you. It's such a relief, to speak normally and with a quip from time to time. It is life as it should be lived. You need not prostrate yourself on the floor but we do ask you to bend the knee in prayer. And finally this: we are a little overtime by 15 minutes of this particular Light Line.

Ron Besser  
I am instructed, this is Ron Besser, that I am to open the Thursday and Friday at 2:00 p.m each, new Light Lines for this coming week.

Universal Father  
That is in particular for you to do Ron. You don't mind.

Ron Besser  
No, Father. I don't mind. No, Michael. I do not mind. And no, Tarkas. I don't mind. Thank you.

Universal Father  
Thank you, Ron. You forgot who you were talking to.

Ron Besser  
I wasn't sure. Thank you.

Universal Father  
The truth of the matter is easily seen here but not down there where there is no label. In any case, Ron I forgive you.

Ron Besser  
We are trialed and thank you.

Universal Father  
Thank you, Ron. I am not sure where that comes from. But Adjuster, thank you too. I know whereof I speak because Ron is bothered by making any mistake before you. He thanks you for the forgiveness.

Ron Besser  
Thank you.

Universal Father  
We now turn this Light Line over

Ron Besser  
One moment, I had to adjust the service.

Universal Father  
The Light Line that we now suppose is running well for you. It is Ron.

Ron Besser  
Good. Thank you.

Universal Father  
Is about to unmute you. And there is one question allowed by anyone who has a question.

Ron Besser  
Just a moment. The entire audience is unmuted. Does anyone wish to speak, if you do five star on your numeric pad will show me the mark. Yes, Elise, you are open go ahead.

Thank you. Thank you, Ron. Well, I have no question in particular. I just want to say because there is some time left that I want to thank you and all Celestials for all the effort that is you know, given to us and to all that has been spoken to. And it's so beautiful to hear all that and the new universal era and the care is given to us and to the planet. I just want to say thank you to all of them and I just bow to the Father for all that he does for us. Thank you for everything, Ron.

Ron Besser  
They hear it well. You Elise or at least the ones ... we are now finished with the Light Line for Sunday. I thank you for attending. I will be holding Light Line on Thursday and Friday p.m. at 2:00 p.m. to remind you. Have a good day and thank you.

Nothing is lost to the heart of God,
nothing is lost for ever;
God's heart is love,
and that love will remain,
holding the world forever. (lyrics by Colin Gibson, Words © 1996 Hope Publishing Company)

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Re: Lightline USA - 18 February 2024
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2024, 14:22:33 pm »

The interesting question of the many that I could ask in the face of so much information and news, is this in relation to Ron's laments: How does what is apparently bad turn out to be good and what is good, bad? Because I cannot understand, and I would very much like to, how the information persists that the Empire is murderous and criminal by all accounts, but which, as Ron says, is good and Russia, which has maintained a sober and balanced attitude despite the Western press against her, she is the bad one. I really can't understand this and if I'm wrong I'd like to know where the crux of the issue lies. And by the way, what comment do you have Ron about Tucker Carlson's interview with Putin, which in record time reached one billion views? It's not that I want to open a discussion about this, but in my way of analyzing, if the Second Coming is delayed, it is due to the wars designed and sponsored by the Northern Empire. I don't consider myself well-versed in the matter but my case is, as I said, we have a son residing in Vilnius and of course I don't miss the news.
"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"

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Re: Lightline USA - 18 February 2024
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2024, 14:28:26 pm »
To reinforce Arthura's message about the Recognition of our Inner Dweller or Divine Gift, I remind you of this poem that I wrote a few years ago. I think the term Taco (Breker) is known, the main switch in the register box of the 7electrical installation of a home. Lowering the Taco is the voice to interrupt the flow of energy and thus leave the entire house in darkness, without the sounds of radios or televisions, to eliminate all types of distractions. In this case, a state of stillness is desired to be able to devote oneself to tuning in. with our Inner Dweller.

NOTE: Poetry in Spanish with an approximate translation

Que difícil nos resulta aceptar el hecho 
De que este estado de vigilia que vivimos
No es más que solamente un profundo sueño
Y que por ende los sueños que soñamos dormidos
No son más que sueños dentro de otro sueño

Las preguntas del caso serían, cómo caimos en este sueño?
Y cómo hacer para despertar a la realidad verdadera?
Baja el taco y entregate a la guía del Morador Divino
Quien conoce a perfección el cómo, el cuando y el por qué 
Y quien solamente espera a que le entregues el timón de tu destino 

Rindete y confía para siempre en sus diestras manos
Que te llevarán hacia toda la verdad de tu existencia
A través de la gran aventura de la carrera universal
Colmada de sorpresas tras sorpresas sin final
Hasta la misma fuente de la ambrosia

Baja el taco y deja fluir libre y sin restricciones 
Que se haga la voluntad de Dios, no la tuya  
No te afanes, ni te preocupes por nada
Y terminarás reconociendo sin esfuerzo
Que todo no es más que un Juego Divino

Octavio Cervantes Pava
Barranquilla - Colombia


How difficult it is for us to accept the fact

That this state of vigil that we live

It's nothing but just a deep dream

And therefore the dreams that we dream while asleep

They are nothing more than dreams within another dream

The real questions would be, how did we fall into this dream?

And how to wake up to true reality?

Turn down the breaker and surrender to the guidance of the Divine Dweller

Who knows perfectly the how, the when and the why

And who only waits for you to hand him the helm of your destiny

Surrender and trust forever in his wise direction

That will lead you to the whole truth of your existence

Through the great adventure of the universal race

Full of surprises after surprises without end

To the very source of the ambrosia

Turn down the breaker and let it flow freely and without restrictions

May God's will be done, not yours

Don't be ansioux, don't worry about anything

And you will end up recognizing without effort

That everything is nothing more than a Divine Game
"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"