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Threads for New Transmissions / Re: Merry Christmas
« on: December 27, 2023, 17:30:25 pm »
Valery you make me feel very good when you express your gratitude with my publications; this encourages me considering that what I do here in the forum is on the right track. I do not have the religious qualification you have as I can and you allow me to understand because it was only after my forties (and I am a little ashamed to confess it) with the UB and SAIBABA that I came to awaken to the reality of spiritual life, in a serious and formal way. Commenting on the sadness caused by the way in which early Christianity gradually and completely lost its message, according to UB himself, it is due to the fact that the figure of Jesus Christ as God became more relevant than his message as an example of human life, with which marked an unattainable distance. I believe I understand this approach, which is not in contradiction with one of the final statements in the book, which points out that the error of modern Christianity is trying to call for spiritual struggles with the trumpets of the Middle Ages. But just as you discern it, SAIBABA says it: "You cannot know God if you do not love Him first." "God is Love and you reach God by loving, by no other way."
I want to transcribe another of SAIBABA's short lessons, which in a way gives us light to advance on this steep path:

"It is good to be born in a church but it is not good to die in it. Grow and save yourselves from the limits and regulations, from the dogmas that limit your freedom of thought, from the rites and ceremonials that restrict and redirect; reach the point where the churches don't matter, where all roads end and where all roads begin."

Threads for New Transmissions / Re: Merry Christmas
« on: December 25, 2023, 12:13:31 pm »
Thank you very much Valerie because it is enough for me that you tell me that you read my posts because I recognize and greatly value your outstanding role in the forum.
Thank you all for your messages and wishes for a Christmas in peace and harmony.
And especially for you dear Velerie, I dedicate this Christmas message written by Paramahansa Yogananda, someone well known by Ron and in the Heights, I hope you like it. MERRY CHRISTMAS

*Paramahansa Yogananda's Christmas Message: On Christ Consciousness*

Just as Truth appears through the window of thoughts and words, so God manifests himself through the Christ Intelligence and vibratory creation. When the accounts of the nations are not linked to the thread of the universal perception of the Christ Consciousness, of the Peace of Christ, they fall apart, hitting and scattering on the rocks of selfishness. The Christ of Christmas must be celebrated in hearts, in the love that all races must feel for each other.

I pray that Christ will be born in the cradle of a new international understanding; so that, leaving behind the dark night of war, the star of the Love of Christ can illuminate a new United World. I pray that Christ may be born in all nations as love for unity, in all men as spiritual ambition, in true friends as the Divine Friend, in students of this path as Self-realization, and in deep devotees as eternal and ever renewed Joy and perpetual Wisdom.

The possessions and glory of this world all fade away, but the divine possessions remain throughout eternity, thus serving with supreme usefulness. Why worship material comfort at the altar of change? Learn to worship spiritual comfort in the temple of indestructibility. The best way to convert what one accumulates on earth into imperishable heavenly treasures is to use it for spiritual service. Christ has to be lived to be known. In all good actions, in each material and spiritual service, and in the manger of meditation the immortal Cosmic Christ is born again.

No one can know Christ by reading theology books; one has to feel his presence in the bower of deep meditation. In the cradle of thoughts tuned in meditation, woven with delicate twigs of devotion, contemplate the newborn Christ calmed by the cooing of the dove of inner peace.

Threads for New Transmissions / Re: Merry Christmas
« on: December 24, 2023, 14:30:30 pm »
*I wanted to compare the teachings of SAIBABA with those of Jesus Christ and I asked ChatGPT for a Christmas message inspired by the teachings of SAIBABA and this was the answer, you can draw your own conclusions*:

Sure! Here is a Christmas message inspired by the teachings of Sai Baba:

Dear friends and loved ones,

In this beautiful Christmas season, let the light of love and compassion illuminate our hearts. Let us follow the example of Sai Baba, whose teachings remind us of the importance of kindness, tolerance and selfless service.

May the peace of Christmas fill our homes and our lives, reminding us that we are all one in divine love. In these moments of celebration, let us extend our hands to help those in need and share the joy with those who may feel alone.

May the light of Universal Love shine brightly in every corner of the world, dispelling the darkness and guiding us towards a future full of harmony and mutual understanding. Let us remember that the true gift of the season is not in material objects, but in the generosity of our hearts and the connection we share as human beings.

I wish you all a Christmas full of love, peace and happiness!

Threads for New Transmissions / Re: Merry Christmas
« on: December 24, 2023, 13:24:59 pm »
I asked ChatGPT for a message based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and this was the answer: 
"Of course, here is a Christmas message inspired by the teachings of Jesus Christ:

In this beautiful Christmas season, let us remember the teachings of Jesus Christ: love, compassion and generosity. May the spirit of Christmas inspire us to be kind to each other, to forgive and to seek peace in our hearts.

Just as Jesus taught us to love our neighbors as ourselves, let us extend our hands and hearts to those who need love and support. May this Christmas be a reminder of the importance of sharing and being a light to others.

Just as the birth of Jesus brought hope to the world, may this season fill us with hope and renewal. May we reflect the love that Jesus taught us in every act of kindness and in every word of encouragement.

May the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of the Savior, fill us with gratitude and inspire us to live by his teachings all year long. Merry Christmas, may the peace and love of Christ be with you and your loved ones!"

General Discussion / Re: STATUS OF ANGELS
« on: December 18, 2023, 00:03:30 am »
To document further proof of the feasibility of the return of death, I transcribe below “The Resurrection of Walter Cowan, a North American citizen, as reported by Dr. John S. Hislop in his book My Baba and I. By the way, it was through that book, which I bought in a bookstore in Caracas attracted only by the title and without any prior idea, that I learned about SAIBABA for the first time, and it turned out, as they say, love at first sight.

The resurrection, the rising from the dead, is something that all Christians have heard. And because it is a sacred story, we tend to believe in it, otherwise we have been hit by doubts coming from agnostics, atheists, humanists, and people who in general adhere more to reason and logic than to faith. And in recent times resurrection stories come from people who do not consider themselves part of the “establishment,” and therefore their stories are not taken seriously. In general, what has been said above refers to the Western world. In India this same structure of beliefs and disbeliefs about the resurrection is not the norm; and this story is about events that occurred in India, although Walter Cowan and myself were born in the West.
Walter died in his room at the Connemara Hotel in Madras. He and his wife, Elsie, had arrived on December 23, 1971 to see SAIBABA, who was in Madras to preside at the National Conference of the SAI Organizations of India. .
On the morning of December 25, a rumor began to spread that an elderly American had died of a heart attack. My wife Victoria and I immediately thought of Walter. We headed to the hotel and there we found Elsie. Walter had fallen to the ground in the early hours of the morning. Elsie called Mrs. Ratanlal, who was staying in a nearby room, and the two women managed to get Walter back into bed, and he died in Elsie's arms minutes later. An ambulance was called, the body was taken to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival, placed in an empty storage room and covered with a sheet to wait for daylight and decide on the funeral. .
Elsie and Mrs. Ratanlal had already gone to see SAIBABA when we arrived, and He told them that He would visit the hospital at 10 in the morning. The two women were ready and waiting to meet SAIBABA at the scheduled time. They went to the hospital, but SAIBABA had arrived earlier and was already gone. To the women's joy, but also to their great amazement, they found Walter alive and receiving care. No one saw SAIBABA with Walter, nor had SAIBABA said how or why Walter was resurrected, but upon returning to the family of devotees who were hosting him, SAIBABA told them that He had brought Walter back to life.
Walter's own account sheds some light on what happened and I was later involved in a fascinating episode, because Walter's life continued to be in danger and, in fact, SAIBABA told me that Walter died three times and had to be brought back to life three times.

Walter describes his experience by saying that he realized that he had died and that he had remained with his body in the ambulance, looking at it with interest. Then SAIBABA arrived and together they went to a place that seemed to be at a high altitude. There they entered an assembly hall where there were people sitting around a table. The meeting was chaired by a person who had a kind face and spoke in a kind manner. He asked for Walter's records and these were read aloud. The records were in different languages and Walter did not understand what was being said until a little later, when SAIBABA began to translate. Walter was surprised to hear that he had held important positions in various times and cultures and that he had always dedicated himself to the well-being of the people. Immediately, SAIBABA spoke to the presiding person and asked that Walter be placed in his care, because He had a job for Walter. Later, when he and SAIBABA left the room, Walter felt himself descending towards a place where his body was, but he felt a great resignation. In terms of direct experience, he had realized that he was not his body, and he did not wish to be subject to bodily anxieties and miseries again.
After listening to Walter, I asked SAIBABA if Walter was imagining the incidents. SAIBABA answered that it was not imagination: the events were real, they occurred in Walter's mind and SAIBABA himself had guided the thoughts. I immediately asked if everyone had a similar experience when dying. SAIBABA replied that some people had similar experiences and others did not. Several years later I asked the same question again, and SAIBABA answered that turning into a corpse was common, but what follows varies for each one.
The day after Walter came back to life was of great interest to me. Sri Appa and I accompanied SAIBABA to a devotee's house. From there we went to a meeting of women members of the SAI Center in Nigara, where SAIBABA was going to present awards and give a speech. Sri Appa and I were sitting on the platform, a few steps away from SAIBABA, and we were able to observe Him closely. He presented the awards and gave a spiritual speech; all without any interruption or moment of hesitation. After the meeting we were to go to a devotee's house for lunch. As soon as we got into the car, SAIBABA looked at us and said: “While I was speaking at the meeting, Mrs. Cowan called me. I immediately went with her to the hospital and did what was necessary. Mr Cowan’s health had taken a negative turn.”
Thus, even though He was busy on the platform, SAIBABA had gone to the hospital and done what was necessary. But in the eyes of Sri Appa and mine, SAIBABA had continued to be active and speaking without interruption or any moment of hesitation. How does one explain this mystery?
When we arrived at the devotee's house for lunch, SAIBABA looked at us and said, “You will not be able to join me for lunch. Take this vibhuti to the hospital, put some of it in Mr. Cowan's mouth and rub the rest on his forehead and chest. If you walk to the corner, you will find Mrs. Hislop in a taxi. she will take you to the hospital.”
It happened that my wife had followed us in a taxi. Although she had put in a lot of effort to remain unnoticed, as always, since SAIBABA knows everything. When we arrived at the hospital with the vibhuti, Mrs. Cowan said, “Walter became very ill recently. I thought he was dead and I was terrified. I immediately called SAIBABA out loud. Now Walter seems somewhat improved. When I called SAIBABA, I immediately felt His presence.” Elsie had experienced in the hospital exactly what SAIBABA told Sri Appa and me in the car.
Other instances of resurrection powers have been known to other devotees. The Rajah of Ventagiri told me of his experience when, about twenty years ago, he witnessed the resurrection by SAIBABA of a man who had been dead for six days and in whose body decomposition had already taken its normal course. One cannot comment on these mysteries; They are outside the common human experience.

General Discussion / Re: STATUS OF ANGELS
« on: December 15, 2023, 23:57:23 pm »
Thank you Ron and thanks to Archangel Ryan for updating these important revelations about death which, as I had stated in my post, is a strong reason for that state of latent stress, to which reference was made recently, in which I would say that live Humanity that has not achieved realization or Superconsciousness. All this information about the transition to morontia life is quite assimilable and acceptable, what at our level as ordinary mortal beings is (but I speak for myself) a true martyrdom is having to leave the body without having reached those levels of liberation. And the suffering being greater, when it comes to the death of loved ones. The option to "return" (resurrect) should be opened, I think, up to a certain time limit and under some circumstances to be considered, particularly in the event of accidents and other causes of death. I think this proposal is not as crazy as it may seem. It is not a question of aspiring to live longer but of allowing the opportunity to not leave work in the flesh unfinished. In the end, if the cause responsible for our profound ignorance (identification with the body), which makes us a victim of all this suffering, is a consequence of the Rebellion, we should be objects of divine mercy in that regard. 
My apologies, all a product of mental wandering.
"It is not achieving longevity but Divinity"

General Discussion / Re: STATUS OF ANGELS
« on: December 15, 2023, 15:51:46 pm »
I believe that there is nothing published in the forum transmitted by Ron and the other transmitters that is unimportant, so it is necessary to read everything, no matter how extensive and complex it may be. However, most likely, each member will be interested in certain aspects more than others. In my case I make an effort to be interested in everything that is published because nothing can be foreign to man, everything concerns him. But likewise, I feel that for a long time, my most disturbing and intriguing concern is the death sentence that we all must face, much more accentuated the closer we get, for reasons of age or illness, or both, to she. There was a time, when I was quite ignorant about God, existence and everything around it, that I began to feel quite afraid of traveling by plane. It corresponded to the time of a few years of marriage when the children began to arrive; possibly due to the effects of greater responsibility incurred. And the fact was that it turned out, without having imagined it, that almost without realizing it, that manifest fear disappeared, when in an amateur pilot course, I began to perform my solo fligts. That sensation of fullness that I felt in the air was truly the purest experience of liberation from materiality. However, as I have noted, the "condemnation" of death has not ceased to mean a lot of discomfort and unrest, to the point of defining happiness as the state of total forgetfulness of death. I think this can be applied to everyone, as long as we still have that desire to live, commitments and projects to materialize. In such a way and to conclude my cheap philosophizing, one could say that the true triumph of material, "mortal" existence is the triumph over death. "Man is born to die no more" (SAIBABA)

Threads for New Transmissions / Re: LEMUEL
« on: December 09, 2023, 19:55:39 pm »
While I receive a response from the Administration to the request I made to open a new line dedicated to spreading the teachings of SAIBABA, which I consider very similar to all those we receive from Celestials and many of incomparable wisdom, I will share a video with content that should cover the entire the attention it deserves. The question that leaves me when doing the proper analysis of what was exposed during the long documentary, is whether its producer has the consent and approval of the empire he accuses or is it a production of the accused himself? 
I imagine that Ron and a few others will be up to the task of this production that has been on YouTube for quite some time. Thanks

Threads for New Transmissions / Re: SAIBABA
« on: December 07, 2023, 17:40:51 pm »
Taking into account that little by little today, everyone here in the forum has heard of SAIBABA, I would like to start a new line every Thursday (the day dedicated to SAIBABA) on the Teachings of the avatar of the New Age, with the title of SAIBABA SPEAKS, for which I request here the prior permission of the Administration.

About twenty years ago, I wrote a 24-page informative booklet about life and the most outstanding facts and teachings of SAIBABA, which I would also like to make known here in the forum, but first, I have to achieve a good translation into English. I am moved to do it not with the express purpose of getting followers for SAIBABA, but it is something that I consider necessary because although the number of His followers is counted in millions around the planet, when we consult on Internet pages looking for SAIBABA references, the amount of perverse and negative information is too notable. However, on this matter, SAIBABA Himself said: "These people should be pitied rather than condemned; detractors only help to separate the chaff from the wheat, and this constitutes a sufficient reason to justify and accept them. Feel sorry for them... they do not know; pity them because they cannot know," and added: "Without that dark background, the splendor of my glory could not shine so brightly." I will wait for Ron and Dominik's approval. Thank you

After having "suffered" so many changes in dates regarding the return of Jesus Christ, due to the strict condition that wars must first cease and knowing that wars do not cease because their managers seek in every way to prevent this second coming, I have to conclude , given that it has been asserted that the Second Coming is IMMINENT, that wars will necessarily be put to an end with divine intervention, which is what I perceive will happen, and this announcement that the war in Ukraine is close to ending, confirms my guess. Thank God

Threads for New Transmissions / Re: LEMUEL
« on: December 05, 2023, 23:13:05 pm »
Greetings Lemuel, I want to make a brief observation regarding your disagreement with the fact that you occupy, after Ron, the highest place here in the group. I don't know exactly what criteria the administration uses to classify the members, but I assume that they will take into account, among others, time, activity and, above all, the transmission work, and in the Hero Member category, which does not exceed 5, I think, you prominence is outstanding. Being humble, and you show that you are, is one of the most valued and excellent virtues at every level, ("He who wants to be the greatest among you, let him be the servant of all", Jesus of Nazareth), but I think that demonstrating extreme modesty, can distort.
A suggestion Lemuel, it would be very good if you repeated the Calumnia lessons now that you have recovered 29, that you would share them with us again, since some are unaware of them. Thank you

Threads for New Transmissions / Re: LEMUEL
« on: December 05, 2023, 09:08:58 am »
My greetings and admiration for Lemuel after learning directly from Father Michael about that terrible Way of the Cross that Lemuel has had to experience. I remember that time when he published about the crisis he suffered when he begged to be free from so much suffering. This unequivocally shows us, on the one hand, the high level of spirituality that Lemuel has achieved and, on the other hand, the intervention of the Father Creator himself to keep him with us, the great value that Lemuel represents for the cause of magisterial missions. Unquestionably after Ron's prominence, Lemuel has come to believe that he most identifies the Forum. Innumerable have been the teachings learned through Lemuel's transmissions and his dialogues with his Adjuster, such as those master lessons of Calumnia, but surely we expect many more to come. Therefore, thank you Father Michael for such a valuable rescue for this group that without Lemuel's presence it would be seriously injured. My wishes for many more years of life and health for Lemuel.

Threads for New Transmissions / Re: JESUS IS HERE
« on: September 28, 2023, 11:44:15 am »
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Greetings Clency, I can understand very well your attitude in relation to this extraordinary announcement, and there is no doubt that there are enough reasons for us all to think alike. As far as I am concerned, I think the following: By force, by the privilege of being part of this fortunate circle of humans that through our suigeneris leader such as Ron Besser, we remain in contact with the most truthful news from heaven and earth, it is our most sacred commitment, to believe everything that is published on this site, a thousand times, even if we are informed otherwise every time. And it is much better to rejoice and then be disappointed, than to regret having doubted; thus the joy will be double for us. Thank you


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Threads for New Transmissions / Re: JESUS IS HERE
« on: September 28, 2023, 01:42:35 am »
At this hour, I join Lemuel in also expressing my supreme joy for the incredible news of the incarnation of Jesus of Nazareth, the one loved by all. Welcome to this your world of the cross, thank you Father Christ Michael for allowing us to participate in this most desired event. Thank you very much Ron

Threads for New Transmissions / Re: MONJORONSON HUMAN PARTICIPATION
« on: May 31, 2023, 08:53:34 am »
Greetings to all of you. This post to express to all those who care to provide us with the written versions of the different transmissitions in English, thank you very much. Especially to Raz, SonsofGod and now André, thank you very much. Thank you Lemuel and thank you Monjoronson for such a pertinent and hopeful message for all of us who wait with such confidence and patience. Thanks

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