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  •     050824 Audio Tape Wednesday Light Line USA; host: Lemuel, other transmitter; Ron
  •     Subjects: -consciousness and how we relate to it's manifestation; -the 4 elements, earth, air, fire, and water; -the vegetable kingdom, devas, tree sentinels and elemental spirits; -the animal kingdom; -human relationships; -Jesus is the only human to have expressed unconditional love; -Michael announces that lightlines will have a different name in future.
  •     Speakers: Lemuel’s Thought Adjuster, Machiventa Melchizedek, Michael of Nebadon, Jesus
  •     Transcribed By: Moses Ouko
  •    Link To Tape:

Yes, all right. Let's get started. Good afternoon, everyone. Good evening, wherever you are. Welcome to another Wednesday Lightline. Today being the 8th of May, 2024. And this is Lemuel, your host.
And we have at the moment 13 on the call. So welcome, George. George Meyer and Robert, welcome. Roger Krupa, welcome. And there's three names with the numbers. Welcome to all of you. And so, let's see what happens. Good afternoon, Roger. Roger Raz, welcome. All right. Is there anyone here that would you like to speak to us this, this Lightline?

Lemuel’s Thought Adjuster
Yes, Lemuel, this is your beloved indwelling. I would like to address your Lightline today.

Well, thank you Beloved. Thank you. Please go ahead when you're ready.

Lemuel’s Thought Adjuster
I am Lemuel's thought adjuster and I would like to talk to all of you. And first of all, I want to ask you to consider how do you relate to consciousness? You all know what consciousness is. Consciousness is simply life. If there is no consciousness, there can be no life. If you are unconscious, to all extents and purposes you are dead. Everything in manifestation, throughout time and space, is a manifestation of consciousness. All that is manifested is a creation, a demonstration, if you like, of consciousness. The created can never be separated from the creator, consciousness, in exactly the same way that an artist and the artistry and the art is a manifestation of the consciousness of the artist. I want you now to consider how you relate.

First of all, to the four elements, earth, air, fire, and water. Let us first consider water. What is your relationship? How do you relate to water? Well, this is obvious, is it not? You know if there is no water, there is no life. Water is a manifestation of the creation of water. And as you know, the four elements have what is necessary for you to live, but they also contain that it can destroy you. With too much water, too much rain, you have floods. Fire at nighttime camps have been a company of humans for thousands of years. But you also know that fire can be very destructive. And the air that you breathe, of course, without it, you would not survive. But the air can also blow strongly. And there are many tornadoes and hurricanes that are extremely destructive, as you know. And there is the earth, Mother Earth, as you refer to her. Beautiful. Without the earth, it would not be possible to grow any crops. Man would not survive. But the earth can also produce earthquakes that can kill many, many people. So, your relationship with the four elements are obvious.
Let us consider from another perspective. How do you relate with the material world? Then we will consider the vegetable. Then we will consider the animal and then we will consider the humans. I want you to imagine now you are walking barefoot on the sand and you allow the water to wash your feet. And it is so pleasurable, nice sunny day, gentle breeze and it's perfect. And you look down and you see a shell and you bend down and you pick it up and you look at it and you hold it, you caress it, oh it's beautiful and you love the colour. Maybe you've done this in the past. Maybe you put it in your pocket. And maybe you have taken it home and put it in a jar with other seashells or pebbles. So, what have you done? You have related to that seashell. You have picked it up. You have removed it from its place and put it in another place. You have put your thoughts and to some extent your feelings into that seashell. Now I ask you, do you think the seashell has related to you? There is consciousness in everything. It cannot be otherwise. Remember what I previously said, the created can never be separated from the creator. There is consciousness. There is unconsciousness. There is self-consciousness. You may ask yourself, well, does a seashell have self-consciousness? Well, the short answer is, no, of course it does not. But it is and remains a manifestation of consciousness. Well, this is something perhaps you have not thought of before. How do you relate with your material world? The sun is vitamin D. It gives heat. It gives warmth. It gives light. And it also burns. You may say to yourself, well, everything is like a two-edged sword. Well, yes, it can be. But the important thing is your relationship, how you relate to everything you see in your material world.

Let us move now to the vegetable world or the vegetable kingdom or the vegetable dimension. How do you relate now to vegetation? Well, I am sure you all love nature. How can you not love nature? The trees, the grass, the birds, the flowers, the bushes. Everything again, is a manifestation of consciousness. It is a creation of the Creator. Yes, of course it is. And it has consciousness. Yes, of course it has consciousness. You all know the Earth is a living being. And everything on it is alive and conscious. So how do you relate now? When you see a rose, for example. If it is close at hand, you reach out to bring it closer and you smell it and you enjoy the perfume. And hopefully at that moment you give thanks to that rose. You relate to that rose by thanking it, enjoying it. And do you think that rose or anything else you would like to choose also relates to you? Do you think the flower knows that it has consciousness, that it has been touched by human? Well, the short answer is yes. The vegetable kingdom, they have their own hierarchy of spiritual beings. Of their hierarchy. Their order of angelic beings. You have heard, I am sure, of the elemental spirits. The fairies, the gnomes, the elves. And all the other beings. Right up to the devas and the sentinels of great trees. If you could see them, they are beautiful. So beautiful. And they have been. And they still are. People who have the ability to see. And to draw and paint. Beautiful paintings of these beings. The way you relate to what you see and appreciate, gives these things an opportunity to acknowledge amongst themselves that they have been noticed and their beauty has been appreciated by humans. And they are thankful and greatly appreciative of that. How do you relate to the food that you prepare to eat?

How do you prepare the vegetables? Ideally, with a loving care and thankfulness. Because without them, of course, you would starve. Now let me tell you something. The vegetable kingdom. All. They are able to communicate amongst themselves. They know, for example of what you feel about them. Those of you who buy plants or flowers and you have them at home. If you love them and look after them. They are aware of that. And that makes them so happy. The food that you eat, for them it is Paradise. To be eaten and to be enjoyed by human. That is the peak of their existence. That is why they are here. To feed you. And so obviously it is so necessary for you to prepare the food that you put into your mouth with kindness, with love, with appreciation and thankfulness. Yes. But you all know. That that is not the case. In general. It is impossible.

There are many things that I could mention about the vegetable kingdom but it is suffice to say that the consciousness, the general level of consciousness within the vegetable kingdom is exceedingly high. They are aware. And they have feelings. Yes. Plants have feelings. Trees have feelings.

Let us now move to the animal kingdom. How do you relate to the animals? Let us begin with a very simple example. Most of you have had or still have a pet. A domesticated animal. A dog or a cat. Those of you who have a dog. You know what they say, Man's best friend is a dog. Maybe. Just maybe. The first time you have witnessed unconditional love, it has been through the eyes of your dog. That dog has unconditional love for you. And you see it. And when you see it you feel it. And that's why you love your dog in return. That dog would give its life for you. You know that. And there are those of you who would give your life for your dog. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the look of unconditional love was also visible in the eyes of humans? Well. There are instances of course. But very, very few. Again, within the animal kingdom of course, there is consciousness. There is self-consciousness. Yes. They have feelings. They have ideas. They have great skill. They have intelligence. But they don't have what a human being has. They do not have the desire to kill just for the sake of killing. An animal would kill to eat and to survive and there is a chain an ecological train within the animal kingdom as you are all fully aware of, everything is planned that way.

Just think for a moment just for a moment the wonderful work of the life carriers that have worked for millions of years in order to prepare this planet for life. Well, I don't wish to talk at length about this because it is such an enormous subject but of course it takes billions of years for a planet to be finally ready for a human being. Just like a garden, it needs preparation etc. It needs landscaping. It needs an expert gardener to bring in the shrubs and the flowers and the trees and all the rest of it as you are fully aware of. And this is how it was of course in the first garden with Adam and Eve as you know. Many people have forgotten I'm sure, that throughout the whole of creation on the vegetable level of creation every plant, everything that was necessary to cure any and all of your ailments was there ready for you. There was never any need for chemistry and to put tablets into your systems. What has taken place although many, many centuries of course is that knowledge that wisdom about the plants and its health properties have been largely forgotten. There are still some places especially in China where this knowledge still exists and they have herbal medicine, natural medicine.
It is such a tragedy that through overpopulation, it became necessary for mass production of everything. When ideally and originally the planet of Urantia was only meant to support between two and a half to 3 billion maximum and you know now that that is not the case. So, of course mass production of everything has become necessary for centuries now. An export and import from different countries around the world so the food is available throughout the year. The problem is of course it does not have, it cannot have the same quality, the same taste, the same health-giving properties that food produced naturally as had in the past. How do you relate to these things now, every day? Well, it is habitual. Your way of life is so demanding. You have hardly any time to avail yourself of natural food, of natural things. If you do have, they are available. You know they are very expensive. So, it is much easier, much cheaper to buy food of a lower quality. You are all aware of this and you've come to accept it because in fact you have no choice and that therefore is understandable.

Let us now move to your human relationships. How would you relate to your brothers and sisters? Well, you can only answer that for yourselves. We just talked about unconditional love for the pet dog demonstrates continually for his master. You know this to be true because you have seen it and experienced it for yourself. Has there ever been any human on this planet to express unconditional love for all brothers and sisters? Well, I can only think of one and you all know, I am referring to Jesus. But I will add, the early years of Jesus was just like any other boy. He rough and tumbled it with his playmates and had a wonderful time. But he was always kind and considerate. He was never a bully, far from it. He was also of a gentle nature. But he was strong, a strong lad and a handsome lad. And later on, of course, yes, he was able to express unconditional love, even for those who crucified him. Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. So, there we have an example, an inspiration for the rest of us to relate in a similar way to our brothers and sisters. Oh, how difficult is this? How difficult is this? We all have friends. We all have families. Do we have an enemy? Can you turn an enemy into a friend? A worst enemy can become your best friend. How to turn the tables around? That can only be done with love. And if you cannot face an enemy, face-to-face, literally face-to-face if that is impossible, at least you can try to be sincere in your desire to turn the tables by sending that person light and love as sincerely as you possibly can. But this light, everything else needs practice. It's easy to do with friends and family, but it's not easy to do with friends and family. It's so, so much more difficult to do it with a so-called enemy. And this is why, in fact, they say an enemy can really be your best teacher because it is an opportunity for you to learn something so fundamental. Turn an enemy into your friend. And the only way you can do that is with love.
Love literally is the strongest force of all because it is the only force that comes from the Father of all. It's unconditional love. His consciousness, His creations, He has created on all levels, physical, vegetal, animal and human, and the three upper levels which we have not mentioned yet. So, spend some time thinking about how you relate to your fellow man. If there is someone you can identify as an enemy or someone that has hurt and offended you, or for whatever reason do not let that situation stay unresolved. If you cannot sort it out face-to-face then do the only thing available, and yet the best if it is sincere, it is love coming from your heart and it will be received by that person. Obviously unconsciously, that person will not be aware of that to begin with, but later on you will see a change in that person. Lemuel has experienced this for himself, so he knows and has identified with this. And I know it to be true. Of course, I am Lemuel's thought adjuster.

Now, how do you relate to the spiritual kingdom? Well, you are here because of your desire to find out more that was missing in your life. To become an Agondonter, as you all know, means that you have faith in things that are invisible. And yet, you have many times experienced the invisible. As proof, yes, you all know this to be true. You cannot see perfume, but you can smell it. You cannot see the wind, but you can see the result of a high wind. You can see the trees and the branches dancing in the wind. Just because something is invisible, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. As wonderful as your five human senses are, they are extremely limited. You are aware of that. The animals can see much more than they can see. You all know this to be true. How do you relate to that which will remain invisible? And yet, it is something that you can feel. And this comes from within. And this is the first thing that you can relate to that is not outside of yourself, it is something from within and it is something that you can feel. Yes, you can feel it. It really becomes tangible, the joy that surges from deep within your being, that makes you want to stand up and jump up and down for joy with your arms raised, praising the Father and thanking the Father. This is how you can relate the Spirit to the invisible. It doesn't matter that it's invisible. You don't need visible proof because you have your proof through your heart and through your feelings. This is how an Agondonter relates to the Spirit. And this is how your faith increases.

All of you here, on this call today, and all of those who will listen to the recording later on, all of you are relating to that which you have interest in. This relationship will lead you further and further into yourself, into your real being, to discover what Lemuel and others of you have discovered, your real self, your beloved indwelling Father fragment, your Thought Adjuster. This is your true relationship, the relationship that one day will make you into one being. You all know this. Your mutual destiny, your Thought Adjuster and yourself, your Thought Adjuster is pre-personal. Your personality and your Father fragment will one day fuse and you will become God. In God's consciousness. Well, that's the most wonderful type of relationship, of course, you can have.
To repeat, consciousness is life. Remember, the created can never be separated from its creator. What happens with a human is that you become one with the creator. That is a true relationship. And the best. I thank you for listening. Thank you, Lemuel. That's all I have to say. I bid you all a very good day. Thank you.

Thank you, beloved. Thank you. Well, where are we? Let me refresh my page here. Oh, we have 20. So that's a goodly number. Let me see. Who can I welcome? I didn't see before. Well, there's names and numbers. Oh, there's Donna and Larry Whelan. And the others are just names and with numbers. Anyway, very good. And a very good afternoon or evening to you. And you're so very, very welcome. Thank you. Well, we still have a quarter of an hour to go. Let me see if… Just give me a moment now, please.

No, David. Nothing? No, I'm not. No, David.

Why am I hearing that when you're all supposed to be muted? Why is that? I don't understand that. Ron, if you don't mind, I would like to come to you now, and I will unmute you, and hopefully you will have something to say. Are you there, Ron?

Yes, I am. Can you hear me all right?

I can hear you fine, Ron. Thank you. Yes.

All right. Let me check for you.

Machiventa Melchizedek
This is Machiventa Melchizedek. I am experiencing some problem with the connection, Ron. That isn't your fault. It is the telephone service that is having a bit of a problem.

I am also aware just a minute that we have 21 on the call because I'm also using the device. And we welcome you, Charlie. In any case, this. Most of you know that I put on the discussion forum this morning the idea of a date for the return of Michael to this planet. I have not heard back from anyone, including Michael, to the planetary communications. What does that mean? Well, by myself, I don't know.

Machiventa Melchizedek
But this is Machiventa Melchizedek, Ron.

Aren't you a surprise? I was waiting for you to return to me.

Machiventa Melchizedek
You weren't aware of being dropped. But then you picked me back up to speak. About the proposal to come to Urantia by Michael. Right now, we are proposing that the mission start May 17th. Today is May 8th. And for purposes of our own, we don't say much more about the date. But what has happened is this today. No one's aware of it. You, Ron, are going to be truncated out of existence, not. You are glad I hear you and you say, well, I'm transmitting. I shouldn't put my personal comments to this, but do.

Well, yes, folks, whatever is the problem in maintaining the vitality of the spiritual life on this organization has been fine. But the personal problems I've got is that it is separated from what they want to do with me publicly. So, I have been more or less asleep more than I want to be trying to take care of the visible problems of just staying alive. Today, I conversed with the Magisterial Foundation long enough to suggest that we have to be doing something more now than we have been doing. I am waiting from Elise for certain information. And when that is available, I will have more information for you about a new program that I conceived and I think it works and will support it. But right now, I have nothing more to say about what to do.

Second of all, I have promised more or less those who work with me to see to it that we have a Magisterial Foundation board meeting. That was kicked out for me for being on May 17th. But I am now informed that the board meeting is canceled permanently and that a new unification of the power plant that I have invented and the work of the Magisterial Foundation are to be separated. For that reason, I look at Michael or Gabriel or whoever to tell me exactly what they have in mind. Of course, I'm open to what they want, but I need to know what that is. And finally, I notice that there's a couple people missing today. I won't name them, but they are sound asleep. That is a result of Michael requesting that they not be part of this

Michael of Nebadon
The following transmission is made to tell you, one, I am not going to be around much longer. And that is Michael of Nebadon. Ron is, and he will be a spokesman as you've heard him. Second of all, unless there is a positive response, from the person he contacted this morning on what to do, I am leaving that alone too. Number three, I no longer wish to converse much with Ron, but he's hard to get rid of. For that reason, he will hold his Sunday lightline exclusively with me and Gabriel and Machiventa when I have to be away. Fourth, the entire matter regarding what he calls the Western Transmitters is about over. I agree, they do Machiventa very well, but Machiventa is not coming to Urantia, at least that I know this time, for a transfusion of energy to Urantia to become a better planet. Five, the entire reason for the lightlines is exclusively in Ron's department. He put them together, he makes them work, and he has invited others to join, but they consider him too poor to work with. Number six, the following information should be heard. I am not coming to Urantia in a mission. Jesus will reflect me. I want it to be known that when Jesus is done, I am leaving Urantia in the capable hands of Machiventa Mechizedek. Ron cheers. Machiventa Mechizedek is going to insist that the Planetary Government be fully and well substituted with Mantutia Mechizedek, Manituba Melchizedek and any other Melchizedek I find necessary to prepare Urantia for something unusual. I have asked Jesus to do it. But he prefers to teach on Paradise. He will appear briefly and then return to paradise probably for the rest of his life if he doesn't take on a local universe. For that reason, then, I want it to be known that Machiventa Mechizedek may become the permanent spiritual person on Urantia and will see to it that Ron is well taken care of and that I no longer have to look at Urantia and what it's become for now. I will be back but not soon.

And now this to you, Ron. Where you came from, I'm not sure. Where you're going, I am not sure. But while you are here on Urantia, you're going to co-host a number of lightlines not only with me but with Machiventa Mechizedek and Jesus. Those are your three spokesmen for the foreseeable future. And thank you, Ron. For the rest of you transmitters, which includes Dominick and two or three more, you are asked to follow through with your time schedules for more of these presentations. But we're not going to call them lightlines. We're going to call them other things and that is at my request. The light has gone not from these transmissions but from the eyes of the planet. Ron embarrassingly says he's disgusted with the Middle East. I don't blame him. So am I. He also says that the United States ought to automatically extricate itself from anything to do with the Middle East, I agree.  And I am fully prepared to tell the Middle East if they ever ask, what am I to be done with? Well, the answer is probably an awful lot of inundation. Do you know what inundation is? Well, I expect so.

And finally, this to you, Ron. Your illness is not of the body. It's not of the mind. It's of the mansion worlds that you must participate with. You're looking forward to joining groups there. But I have this to tell you. Those groups. Are removed from the mansion worlds. And remember, I told you one time, or, six months, eight months ago, that the new mansion worlds are no longer where you think they are. I am not going to reveal that. Not yet. Where they are is still a secret. What they do is still a secret. Most of you today on this light line are going to be there, too. You are a part of this. Ron knows you almost individually. And he would rather not go to the new mansion worlds without you. I have a lot more to say. And I will use. Ron exclusively on Sunday light lines and any other time he's allowed to speak for a discussion on what is to happen now. You're going to see Jesus. You're going to see me in a different light. I don't know what you know, Ron, but you double emphasize that.

I feel good. Thank you, Michael.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you, Ron. And now this. Lemuel. I am going to shut this light line down from here. You haven't done anything wrong, but I want the phone to go silent. What I am done with saying this. Don't worry that the light line is shut off. Just listen to what I have to say. I have told you. That beginning on May 17th, or a little later, possibly, I will appear. Well, I'm canceling that. Jesus will be seen and you will hear him. It's up to Jesus how long he wishes to be seen. Your light lines will carry him. And by the way, the light lines out west. Ron says they're fine. They're very well done. But they need consolidated. If they do not choose to consolidate, they're done. No more transmissions. Number two. I want it to be known that Ron has no illustration to provide you. But that he has been hit once more by the goddamn insurrection. I will never permit this to happen again. In any case, Ron, you're free of it shortly. I am just a minute. I am not used to your bow, but you keep giving it to me more and more as I approach Urantia. I have never seen a human do it before. But you have done it consistently now for two days. I do not know what it means. But you do not either. But you feel it in your heart. And I will be back to you later today to discuss this.


Michael of Nebadon/ Jesus
And who may that be, please? Just a minute. Just a minute. We're going to end this call now. And that individual. If I may present it normally. May find life very difficult. Shame on you. Thank you, everyone, for joining us today. I will have more to say. Later. I will announce it on the light line. And on the discussion forum. When I'm ready. Thank you. I thank you, Lemuel. Perhaps let me pass this back to you to close it normally. I am Jesus. Close it, please, Lemuel.

All right. Thank you. Thank you, Ron. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you. All right, everybody. Well, a big thank you to all of you who have helped me with this light line. And, well, apparently, it's not going to be called a light line. In the future, so we'll see what happens next Wednesday. And I will put up a notice on the on the discussion forum. Until then, please take care of yourselves, love one another, and may God bless you all. Bye, bye.

Gracias, Lemuel. Get well.

Thank you.
Bye, bye.
I saw some Youtube videos about the pleiadeans and acturians, lots of people transmitting about them here in Brazil and famous Brazilian Podcasts. I heard that the pleiadeans has mother ships with healing chambers. I tried to reach them but no sucess... What should I do?
Great summary Ron, I wish the missions starts soon. I hope God or maybe some other brothers gives you the gold necessary to make the electric power plant finally being built.   But I wonder why the Creator Son said you won't survive? Why?
General Discussion / Re: AI
« Last post by occerpa on May 08, 2024, 16:01:14 pm »
Thanks to you Clency for your permanent concern to keep the group up to date with the main world events.  And this topic of AI technology is very significant and too important to leave without trying to carry out the most extensive analysis possible of what may concern each of us personally.  A few days ago we heard in a lightline the Infinite Spirit declare that now, thanks to technology, it is more possible for Urantia (its inhabitants) to better assimilate the revealed truth, in this way or in more or less similar terms.  I interpret it as an insinuation for us to understand that our true nature is much more subtle (quantum) than physical matter, although we depend so rigorously and so inescapably on our physical body, as long as we follow the teachings of this three-dimensional dimension.  In this same line of thought, we can better assimilate that only the knowledge of the truth will make us free;  That truth being the discovery of a God who hides from us when we search for Him in heaven and earth, but who finally, when we direct the search within, we find Him dwelling in ourselves.  Like the one who was looking for his glasses and had them placed there on his head.  All of this makes it recognized as the deepest mystery, the mystery of the residence of the Universal Father in each of his creatures: the mystery of mysteries.  And for this very reason, I dare to speculate that the Second Coming will be quantum.  Thank you for reading

Thanks to all of you who attended my Lightline today.


Link to the recording:
General Discussion / Re: AI
« Last post by Clency on May 08, 2024, 09:38:20 am »
Thank you dreamcat01 and occerpa for your feedback. The speed with which the AI technology is up to actually makes me think that it can be a useful tool for Celestials to convey important news to the population of Urantia in a short period of time. Of course, I am also of the idea that the shenanigans may joyfully truncate messages going through AI, but I am confident that there will be guardrail to stop them as time goes by.
TRANSLATIONS / 8.5.2024 – Oceny i zalecenia Ojca
« Last post by Andre_P on May 08, 2024, 09:19:37 am »
Pełna wiadomość po angielsku :
Napisała : SonsofGod, starszy członek
Kategoria / Temat : NUMERY TELEFONÓW I KODY DOSTĘPU HOLENDERSKIEJ MIĘDZYNARODOWEJ / Lightline holenderska międzynarodowa
« Odpowiedź nr 1, 7 maja 2024 r., godz. 11:31:53 »

(Jeden urywek z transkrypcji)

Ojciec Wszechświata :
Tu Ojciec. Jestem tu, żeby wam powiedzieć, że wszystko, co dotyczy Fundacji Magisterskiej, jej filii, wynalazku, patentu itp. jest dobrze zrobione, ale cała sytuacja w zagmatwanym świecie, gdzie ludzie utknęli w korzyściach materialnych, jest bardzo problematyczna. Ludzie są mało otwarci na jakiekolwiek wpływy lub przewodnictwo ducha. Wiemy, że jest wiele, wiele problemów. Tak, one są i macie poważny problem z kliką, powstańcami, którzy wyładowali swój gniew na ludziach, którzy nie chcą słuchać żadnego rozwiązania lub zrozumienia z naszej strony.

Następnie jest jądro Ziemi, czasami zachowujące się wbrew wszelkim zasadom i nieco utknęło w swojej pozycji. Jest niesamowita nieustępliwość naukowców w akceptowaniu czegokolwiek, co wykracza poza ich zrozumienie. Wszystko to sprawia, że dla ducha zdobycie przyczółka na planecie jest prawie niemożliwe. Do tego dochodzą wasze rządy, które nie ufają sobie nawzajem, a ich współpraca jest daleka od aktualności, więc teraz, jako wasz Ojciec, wiem, że wspólnym interesem powinno być odnowienie planety, ale pomimo wszystkich dowodów destrukcyjnej eksploatacji, ludzie nadal szukają przyjemności gdzie indziej nie zajmując się swoim środowiskiem. Ziemia, od której zależą ludzie, wasz świat, potrzebuje waszej opieki, żeby nadal funkcjonować jako zdrowa planeta.

Fundacja Magisterska jest bardzo użyteczna i nadal jest dobrowolną własnością Melchizedeków, którzy zapewniają, że pozostanie ona użyteczną instytucją dla każdej duchowej misji i mamy nadzieję, że ci, którzy są odpowiedzialni za kierowanie i utrzymywanie narodów, wpadną na pomysł zaprowadzenia porządku i pokoju.

Jestem waszym Ojcem. Jestem waszym Ojcem Uniwersalnym i mówię wam wszystkim : Nie martwcie się o to wszystko, jak to zostanie rozwiązane lub jaka będzie przyszłość człowieka na tej planecie. Opierajcie się na fakcie, że Ojciec, wasz Ojciec w swojej wszechmocy wie, jaki będzie wynik. Ja, jako wasz Ojciec, nie przegapię żadnej okazji, żeby zrobić wszystko, co w mojej mocy, aby dać każdemu życiu pełną szansę. Ludzie na tej planecie muszą się jeszcze wiele nauczyć, ale Urantia nie jest zapomnianą planetą. Wasz Ojciec zna swój wszechświat i ja znam swój cel dla każdego z was i dla wszystkiego w moim stworzeniu. Tu wasz Ojciec. Prosiłem was, żebyście porzucili swoje problemy i pozostawili je doświadczeniu i wiedzy wyższych mocy, które zawsze dokładają wszelkich starań, żeby pomóc każdemu zamieszkałemu światu. Ja, jako wasz Ojciec Uniwersalny, czekam, żeby zobaczyć, jak sprawy się rozwiną w miarę upływu czasu i co przyszłość przyniesie Urantii wraz z innymi planetami, które tak długo pozostawały w tyle w swojej ewolucji. Moje drogie dzieci, idźcie w pokoju i bądźcie dobrzy dla siebie i dla innych. Życzę wam miłego dnia.
TRANSLATIONS / 8.5.2024 – Ratunek w prawdziwym życiu we wspólnocie
« Last post by Andre_P on May 08, 2024, 07:40:32 am »
Pełna wiadomość po angielsku :
Napisała : SonsofGod, starszy członek
Kategoria / Temat : NUMERY TELEFONÓW I KODY DOSTĘPU HOLENDERSKIEJ MIĘDZYNARODOWEJ / Lightline holenderska międzynarodowa
« Odpowiedź nr 1, 7 maja 2024 r., godz. 11:31:53 »

(Jeden urywek z transkrypcji)

Jezus :
Witam was wszystkich. Jestem tutaj, aby powiedzieć, że wasze uczucia, wszystkie wasze uczucia mają prawo być zaniepokojone sytuacją na świecie. To nie jest mała część świata, która cierpi z powodu złych decyzji w jakimkolwiek sektorze waszego świata, który wciąż na wszystkim korzysta, chociaż jest on świadomy strasznych konsekwencji, jakie jego decyzje będą miały wpływ na klimat lub zaburzenia atmosferyczne. Tak, to jest prawda. Ludzie i zwierzęta ogromnie cierpią z powodu zmian wprowadzanych przez ludzi i tak naprawdę nie ma narodu, który naprawdę się tym przejmuje, ale wiedzcie jedno : Cokolwiek myślą, że zyskają, rozpadnie się w proch lub zniknie pod wodami oceanów, które wkrótce to zaleją zabierając ze sobą rozległe krajobrazy, a nawet miasta, gdy to podbije masy lądowe.

Ludzie myślą, że mogą ocalić swoje życie, gromadząc swoje dobra, ale wszystko to może zostać zniszczone. Czyniąc to, niemal niszczą najlepszą rzecz, o którą powinni zadbać, a są nią ich dusze. To dusza rozwija się poprzez doświadczenie wartości doczesnych i duchowych tego, co osiągacie w swoim życiu na materialnej planecie. Wasze dusze wzrastają poprzez wypełnianie woli Ojca. Czy krzywdzenie przyrody, krzywdzenie ludzi lub znęcanie się nad zwierzętami jest wolą Ojca ? Nie, Ojciec jest miłością, a miłość pochodzi z serca, a nie z umysłu. Ojciec chce, żebyście byli troskliwi, a to oznacza troskę o wszystko i wszystkich, którzy żyją na planecie i których możecie wykorzystać dla swojego dobrego samopoczucia, rozwoju i doświadczenia, ale przede wszystkim, żeby żyć ze sobą i dla siebie nawzajem oraz wspólnie budować silne, zrównoważone społeczeństwo, które może zapewnić wsparcie każdemu, kto do niego należy.

Rozwój duchowy odbywa się na wielu różnych poziomach i jest zbiorem i docenieniem wszystkiego, co człowiek robi i ca napędza go na jego wiecznej ścieżce. W waszym życiu dzieje się wiele rzeczy, których nie jesteście świadomi, ale które rozwijały wasze dusze i przyniosły wam spełnienie w waszych próbach jako świadomych, żywych istot, które została stworzona przez Boga i dlatego są oceniane przez Boga, a nie przez ludzi. Ilu z was myśli o przyszłości z dobrami, które są dzielone wspólnie, bez rzeczy osobistych, nawet bez osobistych oszczędności, które są bezpiecznie zamknięte w bankach, gdzie leżą aż stracą całą wartość. Ilu ludzi na tym świecie ma tyle miliardów, że mogą stanąć w obronie swoich braci i sióstr, żeby czuli się bezpieczni i pod ochroną.

O tak, kiedy pojawia się potrzeba i nie ma wyjścia, pomoc nadejdzie, ale kiedy wszystko wraca do normy, ludzie zapominają o nieszczęściu i wracają do starej rutyny. Jestem Jezus. Należę do was, należę do waszej planety i mówię : nigdy więcej, nigdy więcej. Ludzie nauczą się, że zniszczenie wymaga wszystkiego od każdej osoby w solidarności, żeby zbudować nowe społeczności, w których każdy ma uczciwą szansę uczestnictwa, swoje własne obowiązki i gdzie żaden członek nie jest wykluczony i gdzie nikt nie jest oceniany za wygląd lub inne cechy, które nadają ludziom ich unikalny charakter. Czas prawdy głośno puka do waszych drzwi. Wie o tym każdy zdrowo myślący człowiek, ale niewielu angażuje się we wprowadzanie zmian na skalę globalną.

Czy to nie dziwne, że przeciwności są odczuwalne zarówno na górze, jak i na dole i nawet ci w Duchu są powstrzymywani przez bezsensowną przemoc i zachowanie tych, którzy nie cenią życia i całkowicie ignorują jego cel. Konsekwencje są namacalne i bardzo widoczne, a ostrzeżenia wciąż są ignorowane. Jak długo świat może doprowadzać do własnej zagłady ? Nie wiemy tego, ale widzimy całkowite zniszczenie, jeśli nie podejmiemy pilnych działań i nie znajdziemy rozwiązań, które będą wymagały poświęcenia od wszystkich. Wymaga to woli i siły, żeby w pełni poświęcić się ratowaniu życia, życia na tej planecie, tej pięknej planecie. Zróbmy wszyscy krok naprzód.

Tu Jezus. Powiadam wam : Zaprawdę, zaprawdę, bądźcie świadomi. Bądźcie dobrzy. Bądźcie odważni i weźcie na siebie to, co możecie ocalić. Czas na wątpliwości się skończył. Czas na działanie jest naglący. Zabrzmiał dzwonek alarmowy. Tu Jezus, wasz mistrz i przyjaciel, który troszczy się o tę planetę i troszczy się o was wszystkich. Miłego dnia
TRANSLATIONS / 8.5.2024 – Praca jest w Boskich rękach
« Last post by Andre_P on May 08, 2024, 06:19:58 am »
Pełna wiadomość po angielsku :
Napisała : SonsofGod, starszy członek
Kategoria / Temat : NUMERY TELEFONÓW I KODY DOSTĘPU HOLENDERSKIEJ MIĘDZYNARODOWEJ / Lightline holenderska międzynarodowa
« Odpowiedź nr 1, 7 maja 2024 r., godz. 11:31:53 »

(Jeden urywek z transkrypcji)

Chrystus Michał :
Witam wszystkich, witam moje dzieci. Tu Chrystus Michał. Pozdrawiam was wszystkich i chcę wam coś powiedzieć. To jest następujące. Myśląc trochę o tym, co Machiwenta przed chwilą wam mówił, nie chodzi o to, że ludzie na Urantii nie zasługują na Misję, albo że nie nadszedł czas na Misję lub wizytę Syna-Magistra na planecie. Nie, nie o to chodzi. Chodzi o postawę ludzi i brak znajomości imienia Boga, które musi być honorowane i znane. Chodzi o to, żeby wyjść poza bliską Misję obejmującą wizytę na planecie w celu oceny statusu jej i istot ludzkich.

Jestem Chrystus Michał. Znam was wszystkich, wiem jak myślicie i jak się czujecie. Wiem również, że wszyscy jesteście zaznajomieni z pracą Rona Bessera, którą przygotował i jak ciężko pracował, żeby umożliwić wam być może częściowe uczestnictwo w Misjach, które zostały przygotowane i są oczekiwane w związku z sytuacją na waszym świecie z populacją, która nie uznaje istnienia Boga. Prawie niewykonalne jest ujawnienie czegokolwiek, a jeszcze trudniej jest ustanowić z wami i dla was politykę sprzyjającą ludziom, ponieważ jest tak wiele do zrobienia i tak wiele trzeba będzie zmienić, a ludzie tak niechętnie zakładają, że ta praca jest w boskich rękach.

Wszyscy wiecie, że Jezus próbował na wszelkie możliwe sposoby dać się poznać niektórym ludziom na Urantii, ale nie został zaakceptowany. Nie został rozpoznany. Po prostu przechodzili obok Niego. Jezus był w waszym świecie kilka razy, aby zbadać, co ludzie robią, jak żyją, co myślą i za każdym razem wracał rozczarowany i mówił, że poczucie wspólnoty jest bardzo daleko od tych ludzi. Czuł, że w sercach przywódców nie ma żadnej dobrej woli na rzecz pokoju i nie ma śladu jakiejkolwiek wiary lub czci dla Boga, którego imię nie powinno być wypowiadane bez szacunku.

Wiedzcie więc, że jesteśmy tu. Urantia jest w beznadziejnym stanie duchowego zacofania (? Elise : Czy to jest to słowo, nie jestem pewna, ale tak właśnie słyszę.), zacofania i jest ona zbyt skoncentrowana na materialnym aspekcie życia bez spojrzenia na istotę życia, a zatem nadal powstrzymuje swoich ludzi od rozwoju duchowego i społecznego w... och, muszę to powiedzieć, morderczy i wojowniczy sposób.

Są też kościoły, które nie zrozumiały lub nie uświadomiły sobie na czas, że ich nauki nie prowadzą do rozwoju duszy, ale raczej do strachu przed Bogiem, do strachu przed życiem po życiu, zamiast radości ze zbliżenia się do Boga, poznania i nauczenia się, że Bóg jest w każdym z nich. Tak więc musi nastąpić poważna zmiana w sposobie myślenia, żeby poprowadzić ludzi tego świata ku lepszemu życiu i lepszej przyszłości. Stanie się to pod przywództwem tych, którzy odwiedzą planetę, gdy tylko nadarzy się okazja i wtedy Jezus będzie mógł rozpocząć swoją pracę, swoje nauki, które będzie można nazwać naukami o celu życia na planecie, na której ludzie pracują, mogą pracować razem ze światem duchów, gdzie mogą rozwinąć swoją egzystencję w królestwo pokoju i dobrobytu dla wszystkich, bez wyzysku waszych ludzi lub przyrody, co dzieje się obecnie na dużą skalę na waszym świecie.

Jestem Chrystus Michał. Nie chcę was straszyć. Jestem z wami. Robimy wszystko, żeby być z wami, aby wykonać naszą pracę dla tej pięknej planety. Wszyscy przygotowujemy się na ten czas i chcemy go wdrożyć tak szybko, jak to możliwe, co jest na porządku dziennym, co jest potrzebne wszystkim tym ludziom, którzy musieli znosić przez tak długi czas trudy planety w chaosie i zamieszaniu, a niektórzy tak przyzwyczaili się do pieniędzy, że teraz uważają je za swoje zbawienie.

Wszyscy dziękujmy Ojcu, który za nami tęskni. Współpracujemy z Nim w Jego dziele stworzenia. Praca z Ojcem daje satysfakcję z życia. Nie ma to nic wspólnego z ziemskimi dobrami. Liczy się wewnętrzne ja każdego człowieka, które wyniesie go do prawdziwego dziecka Bożego. Jestem Chrystus Michał i daję wam tutaj moje błogosławieństwa, a teraz muszę znowu odejść. Życzę wam wszystkim miłego dnia i pragnę wkrótce powrócić.
Hello Lemuel ,

Thank you for this reminder.
See you then, God willing and good day to you.

Love and Blessings,
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