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Online SongatSunrise

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Pleiadeans and Head Coverings
« on: February 08, 2024, 12:31:59 pm »
Thursday February 8, 2024

Good morning All!

Good morning Father, TA, Michael, and Pleiadeans.

Thank you Pleiadeans for promising to be with us, and assisting us at any turn of the way.
Please do speak as you wish. Thank you!


I am restless and confused. You promised to clear the confusions, and show the way.
I have a peculiar suspicion that Ron's transmission from Hernon was interfered with.
Hello Hernon. Please clarify what is your wish about my using some kind of head covering when listening to you and conveying your messages.

I never did that before., I don't know of anyone else who transmits who has to use a head covering.
I got the impression there was something wrong with my head that needed "protection".

If I have had cabal influence in the past, 1. do I need head covering now? 2. Do I have a genetic disorder? My mother used to say that people who were crazy had "a hole in their head"! I thought she was being funny. But is there something to that?

OK, what kind of "covering"? A shroud? a veil? a hoodie? a hat? a ski cap? a babushka? a burka?
This so sounds like cabal! The quote in question is this:

To you, Carol, we are going to continue the messaging, but you must shield yourself. When you do a transmission from the Pleiades, always wear … one moment! … what we discerned as a head covering. You do it to keep warm. If this doesn't make any sense to you, there is something about your head that actually shields you from problems of interference. You get the Pleiades perfectly. Work on it, protect yourself Carol. Your troubles with your health will suddenly end, Carol. Be blessed. Beware, be caring. Stay the course, Carol.


I have had a lot of problems lately with interferences in my life, losing stuff, misunderstanding, etc, etc.

It wouldn't surprise me if Ron left that in the transmission to see if I would catch it.

Any word you would like to say, Pleiadeans, and Hernon? Thank you.

Hello Carole. I am Hernon. We are invisible. We also know when you humans are beset with invisible interferences. Even in the most ideal of condition, there will be challenges to your understanding and usages. The cabal is indeed about doing its thing, but you are admonished to be wary, and watching closely for anything that stands between you and the Father, between you and your Adjuster, between you and the pursuit of the right way.

Giving the cabal credit for doing the wrong thing is not our way. We know your hearts, and at the same time the stumbling blocks to your faith deep inside your soul. You are given challenges so you can exhume these skeletons, as it were, and dispose of them properly. Your faith is what the Father is interested in.

Do you wear glasses? Do you wear big shoes? Do you need a hearing aid?
What you wear has nothing to do with your faith or good works. Do you wear a "thingy" on your head? What for? Father can take care of any aberrations that may exist.

We want to talk to you people. We are not interested in letting little stuff get in the way.
Go in peace, Carole. We are here for you, We are here for the entire planet. All kinds of traditional accoutrements need to be dropped, so we can be heard better. Starting with physical things, and progressing to mental blocks, preconceived notions and prejudices, many things need to be dropped in order to hear us.
Your experience may just be a start. Thanks for listening. I am Hernon.

Thank you Hernon and Pleiadeans!







Online Ron Besser

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Re: Pleiadeans and Head Coverings
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2024, 14:41:37 pm »
I have to be careful here, I know that.  Meanwhile Song at Sunrise, please understand you are half in and half out when you get upset.  Here are the Pleiades through me to you:

Hernon - "Please look carefully at Ron's transcript my dear.  Hernon is not the Pleaidian contact.  HERNON is as Ron states not a Pleaidian but the Second Order of the Ancients of Days.  I was speaking to Ron as an officer of the Court of the Uversa Ancients of Days.  Hernon is not a Pleadian.

"Further, Carole, you are confusing Pleadians Ron did talk with with Me whom Ron also spoke to.   The Pleadian Prime Minister dropped by to chat with Ron, too, and he forwarded it to the Lightline in order to bring attention to the fact that this section of the universe is not in the same space area Urantia is in.  That hardly matters to you but it makes a big difference to Ron and to others who listen to know Urantia is in the 5th space sector, and that the Pleadians are in the 6th or 7th space sector depending on which planet you are talking about that is populated with Pleadian forces.

"I see Ron does not quite know what you are quoting about a head covering.  If you would please, copy that section you saw that in to show him and us what he did say, that would be moist helpful.  He does not deny he said it but let us look at context.

"And finally this Carole, you are woozy today over an insightful view that your cancer is actually in remission, and there is no final or soon goodby.  Ron has that one on his shoulders, but you do not.  Let us not forget that the Pleadians are advanced humans and are not spirit.  You tend to wobble in to the idea and out of that knowledge depending on how bad you feel.  There is no use in speaking with us when you have a snoot full of cold either, as your immune system is not damaged but weak and you catch anything that comes around at the moment.

"Ron is a handful himself today as he feels horrible, and there is not changing his debut into the morontial soon, but he will remain visible and caring less about the Pleadians at this rate until he is stabilized himself,  Between you two there is not much spirit about, except I took mercy on Ron and told him you are confusing some aspects and need to put it to rest, and please answer her.  He has now done so.  I am HERNON, and a most happy day for you my dear.  Things will get better.  H.  K."

Ron - Let me get this in before the transmissions end:

MICHAEL OF NEBADON -  "You Ron are on your last feet, and that is not ready for prime time for yourself either, and you went back to bed at 10 am and did not awaken until 2pm, and are not hitting on all fours yet.  Carole is leaning on a stick in the garden patch of hope at the moment Ron, and thanks you for this happily I am sure.  However, to your Carole, Ron probably meant something else, and I am sure it was to assure you to cover your ideas (your head) a little better while you are going through medical work yourself.  The full subject in a speech sometimes does get well stated.  You take it literally and he meant it aphoristically.  And good day to you then, my dear, as Hernon knows his peaches and you are one Carole.  Good day.  MICHAEL OF NEBADON.  k"

HERNON - "Ron, you are full of silliness most of the time, and this is also the truth.  Let me point out you have no reason to stand or sit later today as the whole thing falls off you like a raisin peeled by the sun.  Hernon is quite sure all of this dissipates later today and you are much better than ever before.  Let this entire matter stop here youngster of all ages who cannot figure you out with your breakfast knows and MY lasso of trust well spoken over you yet.  

"Losing you is losing your best goat .  My day on Urantia got me tied up with a goat farmer when I was seventeen, and while mature enough to sire collecting chicken eggs for the man for us all to eat, mother insisted I let the goats alone.  But I did not.  And those goats in those days were highly protective of their herd, and one took aim on me good and knocked me to the floor without any breath left in me.  I carried the eggs I had collected all smushed in my vest pocket.  Soon the farmer came to me and asked me for the few eggs he expected, and I handed him my pants ladle.  He understood the tragedy and let me off but I was charged one mite for the eggs I broke/  Mary, my mother, said if I persisted she would have to sell the house for all of my help.

"Ron just spoke to Mary, and said 2 mites may have done, but the Lord provideth wealth for all the eggs we break through life, and to stay well, my dear mother.  K

"WE are MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and you Ron must say this to Carole:

"We are sorry about the head covering, but I have no idea as I write this what that was about at all.  Probably nothing Carole.  K"

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Online SongatSunrise

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Re: Pleiadeans and Head Coverings
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2024, 20:23:37 pm »
Thank you everyone for your care and concern!
The quote in question was from post No. 5, and reads as follows:
To you, Carol, we are going to continue the messaging, but you must shield yourself. When you do a transmission from the Pleiades, always wear … one moment! … what we discerned as a head covering. You do it to keep warm. If this doesn't make any sense to you, there is something about your head that actually shields you from problems of interference. You get the Pleiades perfectly. Work on it, protect yourself Carol. Your troubles with your health will suddenly end, Carol. Be blessed. Beware, be caring. Stay the course, Carol.
Best always to everyone,
Carole  aka Song At Sunrise


Online Ron Besser

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Re: Pleiadeans and Head Coverings
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2024, 12:22:11 pm »
Oh, yes, now I see it Carole.

This is Ron, and I just say this:  The Pleadians were not joking with me, but referring to your head, and skull bone which is dense enough to shield your brain work from an intense storm of material particles in the sky for you live in an area where the sun projects a huge amount of particle sprays and drops onto the land you live on.  All they a re talking about is that too much sun Carole  and you can be ill from it due to all the particle discharging there.  Pleaidians speak -

 "You are merely subject to a huge discharge of gammaray particles, and Ron had to change the WTP patent a little to shield the generator with Muons on it so the gamma rays did not attack them and change them back to something else that was not electrical enough.  Your brain is electrical Carole, and it requires some protection from the bombardment of particles into it.  Ron cannot take a lot of bright sunshine as it buzzes his brain and he gets to feeling very tired.  As a result he does not like the summer time direct rays at all and stays inside and works on the computer all the time.  He is not working hard to keep from dying too as the sun is raw above hi for the past week, and it drains vitality from this heart if he gets to be too much into it.  So for you my dear.  If you must walk around your property for more than an hours, use a small umbrella to shield your face and head. 

"Ron is facing what you are Carole, and it is difficult to explain, but you are now so sensitive to God, it is hard to manage your workday week and for that reason shield yourself from the psychic problems which now arise too.  Ron does that by working hard at the computer and transmitting.  You though, Carole, are taking chemotherapy and it weakens you far too much and must be avoided when the time comes to quit fully, as it is a dangerous chemical and it does not work very well with you in spite of great care it does not real harm.  I am Pleadian 4712, and I will use that designation as it is my designation by the great rulers of the Pleadians themselves.  When contacted only I can use that number.  4712.  Transmit it with your posts as well.  The Pleadians.  K"

"Ron to you.  I am Pleadian 4712.

"I am fully determined to see to your health too, and we can beam a radio wave to you if we have permission.  ????"

FATHER OF ALL -  "Dear Pleadian:  Usually no problem.  But are you aware of the signal you are getting now from Paradise?"

4712 - "I am not familiar with anything  right now as the right hemisphere of his brain has received a huge pulse he says he feels it hurting quite a bit.  I need further communication . . . . "

FATHER - "Properly instructed to both of you.  I am FATHER, and I do not favor healing by frequency broadcasts, but I do like when we meet face to face and 4712 I now know you as another designation but do not bother trying to heal Ron, as he cannot move well yet but Manotia has seen to some of it, but cannot finish it without permission.  I have given it, but Ron is so hearty his heart keeps me moving in a peripheral motion and that is not healing but dealing darkness and Ron hardly needs that.  Let the frequency you send stay back momentarily and permit Ron some healing time on his own, and for that reason we are not moving much away from you or to him.  We on Paradise thank you 4712 and Ron comments that is a series of numbers he for some reason adopts easily.  Any comment?"

4712 - "Yes, only this:  4712 is a diagram on high that discovers the heart and soul of many who cannot otherwise speak of the disaster they are attending.  Ron has been shot several time by black evil and refuses the contest ever, and for reasons of State we say no more.  He has survived the horror of assassination twice, and twice 4712 as a diode was released to his brain.  He is only alive to receive now and that is not living but harmless to us.  K"

FATHER - "So here we go again, says Ron.  You can relax Ron truly, as Manotia is preparing a final dissolution of the old harms and returns you to your normal facehood quickly perhaps even later today.  That will be felt gingerly and others will not attend to day as they are not harmed but pressed back for the day.  K"

Ron here - "Carole there is little more I can say but you see it is a harmless suggestion over shielding as the preparticles like the gamma rasys can make you feel tired more than usual.  I stay out of the summer sun to work in it as it tires me tremendously, for many types of particles are set loose in the summer sun especially, and they make me very tired, and perhaps yourself as you bone shielding cannot take care of it all either.  The Pleadians commented on that care for you and that is all that is to it.  K"


Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania