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Topics - Lemuel

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General Discussion / Recording of Lemuel¨s Lightline Wed 3 Jan 2024
« on: January 04, 2024, 06:39:55 am »

                   I have tried several times to listen to the tape this morning

but it doesn´t play.

Has it been rernoved for some reason?


Threads for New Transmissions / BEGIN AND END THE DAY WITH ME
« on: January 03, 2024, 01:38:23 am »

T/R: Lemuel
Jan 3rd 2024   07:38


When you begin and end the day with ME, know that I envelope and hold
you close. How can it be otherwise? We are destined to become ONE.

The trials and tribulations of your daily life are just a preparation for our
future Fusion, remember this always as it will sustain and carry you through
all that I send you to experience.

You fight a daily battle within yourself. If you lose your self you will find 
ME, your real SELF. 

This, in a nutshell, is what your life is about, to find ME.

So why not begin and end the day with ME?


Threads for New Transmissions / IN THE HERE AND NOW
« on: December 16, 2023, 01:59:06 am »

T/R: Lemuel
Girona. 16 December 2023  07:00

I come this morning to advise you all that it would do you well to remain
in the here and now. Do not speculate as to what will or will not take place.
The part that you play during the events that are about to take place will not
only be to help and assist others but also to prove to us that we can depend
on you to do what we need and ask you to do.

Although you have all been tested and tried many times in recent years, yet
there is nothing that we could have done to prepare you more for what is
about to unfold before your eyes. It is a first for us as well as for you.
Humans have never been, and have never thought to have been able to take
part in a Divine Mission, but this has come about, as you know, through
the establishment of a MAGISTERIAL FOUNDATION which will be our
earthly headquarters, owned held, and administered by MELCHIZEDEKS.

I, as your Creator Son, am so very pleased with you my children, to see such
 progress in your spiritual awareness that what was thought impossible has
not only become possible but certain. You are the first humans to work with
Celestials. You will all go down in history, for the importance of your
participation in such historic events.

Everything will change, you will change, even the weather will change, as
we need optimum conditions to bring to bear that which we consider to be
of vital importance at ground level. 

My final words to you this morning are to remain in the HERE and NOW and
by so doing you will receive the thoughts, words, and deeds of which you
are called upon to perform and you will perform them with joy and love
in your hearts accompanied with such feelings of gratitude for being able
to participate.




Threads for New Transmissions / LEMUEL
« on: December 05, 2023, 02:44:56 am »


 I speak now of the status of Lemuel and will continue referring to him
in the third person. Lemuel, as you know is an old man of 84 years and 
he like the rest of you is suffering the ravages of old age. He is aware of his
Thought Adjuster and they are in constant communion but not always at
the conscient level. Over the past five years, Lemuel has had several
operations, and during one of those he almost died because those attending
him could not stop the bleeding. At that moment his Indwelling detached
and waited to see if it really was the end for Lemuel, but a more expert
assistant was called and managed to stop the bleeding and so Lemuel did
not die on the operating table and his Indwelling returned. He spent the 
next ten days in the Extensive Care Unit and a total of 52 days in hospital.
Many times during those weeks he asked and pleaded with his Indwelling to 
let him die, as the pain he suffered was too much for him.

You can understand, and that applies to all of you, your Thought Adjusters
decide when is the right time for you to die or for Him to detach due to
an accident. You are all here because your Thought Adjusters want you here
as He has planned the course for each and every one of you, including

Just a week ago Lemuel needed dental treatment which consisted of the
removal of four teeth roots as preparation for further treatment and six
stitches were needed to seal the wound in his gums. That night, Lemuel
took a painkiller and went to bed. Now comes the reason for My speaking
to this.

Lemuel, as he always does, chatted with his Indwelling, thanked Him for
another wonderful day, and asked, pleaded, for release and to be allowed
to die.

Thought Adjuster of Lemuel speaks.

Throughout Lemuel´s long life, there have been several occasions when I
could have taken him, so to speak, but I chose not to as I knew that he had
tremendous spiritual potential that I intended to use to our mutual
advantage. Lemuel needs to serve, it is his reason for being, as he says to
himself but he realizes he can only serve from a position of strength and not
otherwise as an old and sick man.

Lemuel fell into a deep sleep and I received notice from a transport Seraphim 
that had entered into a coma and that he would soon pass. At that 
moment I accepted that the time had come for me to finally release Lemuel
and that I would soon fuse with him to the seventh level, but Michael had 
other ideas and intervened.


As the Sovereign Creator of Nebadon, it is my pleasure, from time to time,
to prevent an occurrence by My intervention and so I released Lemuel from
coma, and had I not, he would have died. It was My choice to save Lemuel.
Although an old man I will allow him to continue in my service as that has
always been his one and only desire. 

Lemuel. Girona.5th December 2023  08:45

Threads for New Transmissions / AN INTRODUCTION
« on: December 04, 2023, 01:47:11 am »

T/R: Lemuel
Girona, Spain.
4th December 2023 

I AM ARCHANGEL ORION and this is nothing more than an introduction 
for you to become aware of certain preparations that are now taking place
for your arrival on the Mansion Worlds of ORION

This is a new venture due to the recent loss of the supreme and the need for a 
New Universe Age, (NUA) which Father inaugurated in August of 2020.
It soon became apparent that many things needed to be changed and many
new Orders of beings to replace so many losses and to supplement those
that remained.

The need for a NUA  has brought with it many new ideas to improve the
administration of not only your local universe of Nebadon but also the 
seventh Super Universe of which Nebadon is a part.

One of the many things brought to light was the need to find a new way to
shorten the time it took for an ascending human to pass through the Mansion
Worlds, Edentia, and beyond to his Deity venture. It is to this end that I 
now introduce one of the more important and pressing changes that are 
being planned for, relating to some of the more spiritually advanced

There is such an enormous variety in human personality and the potential
of each, that to continue in the old supreme way was such a waste of time
 and unnecessary. An identity tag of personality indicates your main
potential and it is through this identification you are now more quickly
assessed for targeted training. It is a streamlining of sorts that greatly
facilitates and brings to light your true talents and that is the real purpose
of these changes so that your future work exactly reflects the personality that 
Father endowed you with.

You now have, with this introduction a glimpse of what Father has planned 
for your future. You are indeed blessed.


Threads for New Transmissions / JESUS IS HERE
« on: September 27, 2023, 16:50:26 pm »

On today´s Lightline, Wednesday, 27 Sept 2023  we heard direct from
Jesus´ own lips the official announcement of His Incarnation which took
place at precisely 14:00 hrs York time.

It seems almost unbelievable that after so many years of waiting He is 
actually here amongst us. How can one put into words the significance of 
such awesome and wonderful news?  I cannot!  

I leave it to others who are more erudite than I.

I am overjoyed that it was transmitted through Ron on my Lightline today.


Threads for New Transmissions / A NEW BAPTISM
« on: September 13, 2023, 02:24:47 am »

Speaker: ARTHURA
T/R: Lemuel
13th Sept.2023


Write Lemuel.

I want to introduce to you a new form of baptism that will be an automatic

occurrence in the future when Adam and Eve return and their program

of reproducing children is fully underway and functioning.

The traditional form of baptism will eventually cease to exist due to the fact

that children of Adam and Eve will, at birth, be of a much higher spiritual 

awareness. There will be no such thing as a Catacism that they need to learn.

The traditional and many forms of Christianity will also become a thing

of the past. The new religion will be global and the population will have 

learned of their destiny as well as the planets.

This is a short introduction to that which will take place in the future and it is

something for you to ponder over. More information will be given when

and as necessary.

Thank you ARTHURA


Threads for New Transmissions / Another non event?
« on: September 06, 2023, 00:07:30 am »


Good Morning, everyone. 

It´s early morning here in Girona. All day yesterday I waited with hope
in my heart to see or hear something of that which was promised on
Monday´s Lightline. Although disappointed I was not surprised, as we have
all experienced this many times in recent years. 

While keeping an open mind on all that has been said or prophesied, I take
it all with a pinch of salt and prefer to just wait and see and never to gullibly
swallow everything hook, line, and sinker.

Probably there are others, like me, who feel the same but are hesitant in
expressing their views but here, I am only expressing mine.
That said, let it be known that I, and I´m sure many of you are still loyal
to the cause and with our increasing Faith and Trust in Father, we will remain
so, no matter how many times we are tossed and blown into the air of

What else can we do? We can think of Van, the Steadfast, and Amadon, who
so lovingly and caringly displayed their loyalty with such patience and trust,
we have them as an example to inspire us to keep on staying the course, and
so we shall, shan´t we?


Threads for New Transmissions / WE ARE STILL HERE
« on: August 29, 2023, 01:06:27 am »

We are still here and we will remain here. It appears to be an endless
battle from day to day without any respite. That which has been promised,
yes, promised, has not come into view. We have been here before, many times, 
and although we may feel a little deflated we also know that our day will

Staying the course is our only option because if we leave it, we are in fact,
giving in to the enemy, and of course, that is exactly what they want.
Seeds of doubt can easily appear at moments like these and it takes courage
to keep on keeping on, but we are true Argondonters, and it is our Faith that
is ever present within us that removes disillusion and doubt.

Today is today and perhaps a little gloomy but tomorrow is another day and
the sun will shine again, after all, it is only the clouds that obscure our view.
We have been tested and tried so many times, it´s no big deal. We are in it for
the long haul and so we are still here.

Threads for New Transmissions / HABITS
« on: August 27, 2023, 01:23:33 am »


Being creatures of habit as we are, is why our daily routines can become so
boring if we continue to allow these routines to rule out lives. We can all
see, with a little personal observation, that our days would be better spent if
we dropped one or two of them and replaced them with less boring ones.

Addictions are those types of habits that are so difficult to drop. Hard drugs,
as we all know, can not only destroy the body but also destroy relationships.
Apart from being hooked on drugs, there are many habits that are so much
easier to break away from but if one is honest with oneself, one will admit that
Out-of-control thinking is the hardest to deal with.

Like the opening of Pandora´s box, scrambled thoughts fly out and we can be
so easily swept away if we are not able to exercise at least some degree of
control. Acknowledging that the most powerful thing we have is thought,
we can begin, if we so desire, to improve the situation.

Intention is everything, and by remaining focused on your intention, you are
in fact, creating the very thing you desire. Be careful what you think is a very
wise admonition. Thinking about what you really want and feeling that you
already have it, is the trick.

What is it you really want? To break a habit? Alright then, you can, and you
will, with a little help from your friend. The best friend and helping hand
you could ever have is already at your side and has been since childhood.

If you can get into the habit of wanting to remain in the company of your
friend you will, because HE is always with you. Let this habit become your
new way of life and be glad.

Threads for New Transmissions / JOE BIDEN´S THOUGHT ADJUSTER
« on: June 01, 2023, 15:08:58 pm »

Girona. 1st June 2023

Lemuel:  For reasons that are obvious, I hesitated for some time before I started

to type but you all know that it is with faith and trust that we transmitters do

what we are "called upon" to do.



I choose to speak through this one this evening as I have been unable to speak

through Ron Besser for reasons that I will not mention here.

There is a health situation with the President that has made it even more difficult

for ME, to influence him to act as is necessary at the moment. He is so satisfied

 with the increase in the level of debt that has just been agreed that he is not

attune to anything else at the moment and his health is deteriorating.

It is vitally important for a more suitable contact to be attempted that would

have an immediate effect on the President. He is a good man but he is old.

Today is the first day of June and time as you know it, flies by.

It is of paramount importance that a REGENCY be installed asp, and it

cannot be done without the President s approval. A REGENCY cannot 

and will not be enforced but without it, the MAGISTERIAL MISSION,

the RETURN OF JESUS, MICHAEL´S MISSION, and all the others are in 


You are known on PARADISE, and they are closely observing what is going

on, from moment to moment. You are few in number but you have the

combined power as a group to really make a difference and help Spirit to

bring about these things that are so desperately needed.


ask you all to pray by entering the stillness as I AM able to join with your

THOUGHT ADJUSTERS and add significantly to the power of your prayers.

What has been planned for URANTIA for so many years cannot be allowed

to fail. The whole universe of NEBADON is watching and praying for the 

success of your endeavors. 



Good day.


Threads for New Transmissions / THE NETHERLANDERS
« on: May 31, 2023, 16:48:19 pm »

Another call tonight and received this information about beings who work

with those who have been killed instantly and violently.


« on: May 30, 2023, 17:33:15 pm »

T/R: Lemuel
30th May 23:30
I was getting ready to go to bed, but I could not ignore the "call".
I first sat at my laptop and typed a few words but it didn´t feel right and then
I was prompted to use my recorder.
Here it is.


Threads for New Transmissions / STAY WITH ME
« on: May 29, 2023, 03:14:54 am »


Thank you, Lemuel. You came when I called. Stay with ME.

There will be a tremendous amount of information soon that will need to be

posted immediately and I need those whom I can trust to do this.

You and the others have been so patient and loyal and it will bring you

benefits you cannot imagine. You have not sought reward, neither have 

the others, you have given of your time freely and sincerely and I have seen

the love in your hearts that you hold for ME.

You cannot imagine the love I hold in MY heart for all of you.

Be of good cheer.

Stay with ME.


Threads for New Transmissions / THE GIFT OF LOVE
« on: May 19, 2023, 02:15:33 am »


You live in a material world that seems to be totally dominated by dark forces

that control almost every aspect of your lives. It is a very well-planned and 

organized system and there is very little that you can do to alter the situation.

Those who are in control are those who have the money and the power over

their people and their only interest is to maintain their status quo.

Those of you, and there are many, who are of the opinion that it would need

a miracle to change things for the better, and over the centuries many millions

of prayers have been offered in the hope that a miracle will be produced.

Looking at the present global stuation it seems that all those prayers have

gone unanswered and there are so many of you who have lost all hope.

Still, there are those who know what to do and go about doing it on a daily

basis. These are those of you who have seen beyond appearances and know

that the only miracle available to all is the miracle of LOVE. You know this

because you have experienced it for yourselves and what you have received

you are able to give to others.

I AM LOVE, and I indwell you, therefore you are also love in action.

No matter how dark the situation appears to be there is always the opportunty

for you to act accordingly and give to others the love that you are.

Those who have dominated you for so long are getting weaker by the hour.

The LIGHT that is pouring in on Urantia, your planet, is making it harder

for those to maintain their power over you and they will fall. Where there

is LIGHT no darkness remains and the GIFT OF LOVE  that you are about

to  receive, is the return of JESUS. With such a LIGHT and LOVE

entering Urantia, those of the dark will fade away and be lost.

Come to ME when you are low and weary and I WILL lift you up with



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