Author Topic: JESUS: Children in the NUA  (Read 6359 times)

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Online SophiaVeronica

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JESUS: Children in the NUA
« on: August 29, 2022, 07:34:27 am »
This is Jesus and I speak to you directly. I am here to encourage everyone to hold on and to let you know that I am with you in these times of waiting for public announcement. I am on your earth, I speak daily with the Father in anticipation of a sign to be among you and visibly present to carry out My intended duties and let the world know who I really am. This will be difficult for many to understand as the world has turned away from Me and My teachings, which have been forgotten or cast aside by many because there was no understanding and now material gain has a firm grip on them.

There is no time for God, people are filled with needs and greed and the pleasure they find therein, without a single thought that life could give them so much more. That has been brushed aside by previous generations and is not part of their legacy. This disastrous attitude has shown its impact on the world, but future generations will embrace the urge and commitment to a more spiritual attitude and have the opportunity to become children of God on earth again.

These NUA children will be able to stay closer to spirit, they carry within them an impulse that anchors them into higher ideals, thus laying stronger foundation for a future in which they will follow My methods and accept Me in their actions and choices. It will not be difficult to teach these children, as they recognize in My words a fair law, which is presented and explained to them through their modern means of communication.

They will accept and recognize my words as hope and expectation for a time where they are eager to work for all in the spirit of togetherness and equal rights for every human being everywhere in the world.

I am Jesus, I love you and I bid you good day. 

Thank you so very much Jesus,


Online Ron Besser

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Re: JESUS: Children in the NUA
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2022, 08:46:25 am »
In complimentary speech to your lovely post above speaking Jesus, I Ron speak with you too as a transission for Jesus with you:

JESUS - "You Ron asked for a small message to speak in compliment to the Elise transmission seen above.  I do this recognizing I do not add much more, EXCEPT to allow you a small statement of the best kind: 

"You and Dominick each received a visit from the Father brigade who or which determine if you are worthy of surviving for another millennia on Urantia, and you Ron got nasty with them over them poking into your feet in the middle of the night and awakening you to the fear of a cabal attack once more.  They do not know those problems and decided you were to big of a stinker to take on and flew away furious you could not be spoken to at all.  WELL!

"This: you are not ever to hear of them again, and Father is sadly pronouncing you done for not, but must figure out how to deal with the entire fracas on Urantia over the loss of the creative spirit.  We use small letters as Father asked us to for that title right now.  Her loss spells doom to the Christian Church as it now succeeds.  It also spell doom to some of you reading this because you are so fully annealed with the creative spirit in the pst you find no solace in staying on.  To a certain extent Ron you feels some of it but refuse to pander to past temptations to stay on with the programs already promised to go to you even in a meeting with all last night with you and Dominick trading transmissions to do so.

"For that reason, I JESUS, insist things be done well today in spite of leaving you so badly damaged you are hardly moving your legs this morning and hating them every minute.  I agree and fail to understand what the visit proposed even if successful and now this from mother psirit as the evil withc in the Snow White mirror:

-as a spirit I demand better treatment Ron, and you are adimantly against all I stand for as you are fully allergic to my presence and make no bones about it to others if offended much by me and constantly done too.  I cannot help that and you cannot help that and no one understands why JESUS must make restitution on URANTIA in order to end the schism occurring between you and the old creative spirit.   For that reason we are fully aware you are unable to make restitituion and fear any contact as too dangerous to hold onto.  I admit I feel the same and let this insult ride as essentially a fear of God in spirit   amen  - - - -

FATHER - "You Ron are never able to accede to working there anymore as you have been so badly harmed over nothing in your view and I tend to agree the entire matter is a loss to humanity as well over behavior so poor even I must  take action to avoid further demonstration of it.  However, you let people know they are fully discharged as you did this morning to a chap who fully discharged you and good riddance you say.  Not so as he now understands you do not view him as a valid critical element ever and that is his to forbode you again with as he is fully correct in making the statement you do not understand the Urantia Book like he does.  He does not understand your interpretation about a placement in the Master Universe that is devoid of matter and no one does, but that happens to be the case in spitie of your poor attempt to show the geometry of the Master Universe with coordinate lines to demonstrate where in the Master Universe something is OR IS NOT.  I agree it is very good but poor to illustrated the cellar as you call it and tat is all I have to say on that matter.

"Finally this on the transmission for Elise above.  She is fully discharging her comment to you to stay the coruse too, and to let the chips fall where they may, as the entire matter of the Board or Trustees of the Magsiterial Foundation is now resplendent on my Son, MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and His assessment all is well and to make it a "GO," as soon as it can GO.  Sometimes yuou make me feel like there is a gnat down my shirt but fine.    Last year was our year of gravity.  2022 is our year of "to do."  And 2023 will be our lst attempt to make this work if it kills us doing it.  You are fully aware of the chicanery of the US government and we lament their ussues have nothing to do with you, but it is MICHAEL OF NEBADON which stands tall on this matter and forces the entire mechanism to move inspite of the obstancy of the American government.  For your information, stay put and let it flow soon as there is a real brouhaha over your game plan too to press RAYSON  into working construction approvals.  I am not sure that is kosher either.   You say it is revelation and fully kosher; we say you might be right.  K"

Ron -  Here is JESUS to conclude our post:

"I AM JUSTIFIED to leave it here right now Ron, but you keep wondering how much more you will be taken to task over issues that you never fought for, or asked about ever, yet they force it down your throat without you ever improving your hearless versions of pain and suffering.  For that reason MONJORONSON and SERARA are converging on the Salvington government to end this ridiculous bout you must play endlessly over something you do not ever fully understand is being pressed on you for accountability.   In fact, we do not know it ourselves excluding MICHAEL transmissions trying to cope with it to us alone.  I am never sure why this happened to you or us but it did and now we have to understand it makes no difference to what has to be done on Urantia, but it does make a difference about who does it.  You are regularly assailed over it and so are we but have no remedy at all.  What?

"As JESUS, I fully understand nothing either, but as Deity of the supreme variety, I do understand your full and total dismissal of the creative spirit is so dangerous and such a huge loss to all, that we are figuring out that the FATHER must make amends through His offices, and not the Savlington means of repudiating the creative spirit too.  Her loss is our loss and that is not yours to trammel except you do not and only address it if forced to as like right now. 

"For that reason Elise, our talk this morning quoted above this one, is for you to figure out makes York difficult to deal with until you Elise are sure you know what you are doing.  HE makes no bones about yur need, but he will not tolerate relationship issues that get in the way to the full dedication always first to eh Father either s to wht must be done and when, and for that reason relationship problems are  a second priority and he so states it so well we have to abide his policy that no individual, partner or a side bar relationship, will derail the essential work to be done first, and that is to keep the Magisterial Foundation on focus and without the chatter of other priorities coming to the fore over relationship issues.  I never saw a human understand that so well and issue the following for all of you who may wish to work in York as it is quite a plum to have in your back pace too:

"I JESUS hereby swear to you Ron tht our dedication to the FATHER is fully done as one.  You refuse to delay anythings so long as you can achieve a purpose for it to be essentially part of the SECOND RETURN and as a mild rebuke to all who fail to understand that nothing they do must interfer with the work of the Magisterial foundation in preparing a proper support level and construction of free electricity for the world;s use.  We are fully aware of the interference Ron, but you are so bulwarked against them they make very little issue today or tomorrow or perhaps for ever as it may turn out to be the last of your appearance on Urantia for all time.  That wold be because you refuse service to a nasty spirit who knows only retribution and false examination of work you have not done in the first place.  I am JESUS, and this Ron, some of that is not for your understanding but it is mine and I take this time to insist that you make it work as best you can and do not sleep so much soon as you are being remedied in spite of the terrible set backs again in the past 24 hours over nothing again.

"FINALLY: eat as well as you dare but keep yourself out of the way when pressures start to mount over a lot of issues you are forcing to completion due to age and concern for property retention for the good of the Magisterial Foundation.  You have correctly assessed what must be done and it is nearly there for a change.  Elise and the others who will appear in York for a Board meeting in the coming 30 days will learn to discern the individual causes you have to attend to all the time and for that matter you have to be sure you are well enough to do all of it which you are not sure is true.  It is true but getting there is hell.  In any case let this last word cheer you:

"As Elise says, goodwill to all, and that includes you Ron and your happy decision to make all the property work for us and the Magisterial Foundation in trust, and to allow the work of the Magisterial Foundation work as we decree and you shake your head absolutely yes, and that is enough for me to take one last jibe at one who accosted you this morning, and that is to say they cannot fathom changes so vast to the revelation, that you indeed state things what are no longer true in the text of the 5th epochal revelation.  You have not made an error to remind him he just cannot fathom the Electron and in spite of that you will use the Electron correctly in spite of their ignorance.  Good show for stating it in place of the invective he presumes you operate on and that has him wondering what you are talking about again as you chose to do finally.  Let it ride and let Elise learn as she goes she is about to enter a very prosperous but difficult life as it may be.  JESUS OF NAZARETH at your service all!  K"

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania