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Too much material to read the last few days; In my case I confess that I lack not directly time but, first of all, the ability to understand many things, assimilate and then be able to integrate it into daily practice. However, it is not that I protest this situation but quite the opposite, I try to understand that if things happen this way, it will always be with a specific purpose and benefit for everyone. In this regard, it caught my attention that recently, Ron confessed that most of what was said in the forum lacked truth, that is, that they were fallacies. This statement is very interesting since we all hope and trust that it is the opposite, that everything we find is reliable truth. What reading can we give to this? I think that it is attempted in this way, that we exercise our intuition or communication with our Thought Adjuster, or read between the lines as has also been mentioned. It would be interesting to hear other opinions. But in particular I wanted to refer to this topic that Songatsunrise of Values and Meanings brought up. Regarding values, I believe that we should all know to work on them, the five human values: Truth, Righteousness, Love, Peace and Non-Violence, which according to the teachings of SAIBABA are those that characterize a true human being. Lyricus teachers (WingMakers) also teach the practice of the six virtues of the energetic heart: Gratitude (appreciation), Compassion, Humility, Forgiveness, Comprehension and Courage. That was all, thank you very much.
Diary 04-24-2024

Good morning All! Good morning Father, Good morning Pleiadeans!

I have been having trouble getting my thoughts and actions together this morning. Please help me at this moment, Pleiadeans.

Yesterday Dominick mentioned "meanings and values".

How would you define "Meanings and Values"? How would we make these a tool in our lives?

What is good? What isn't? Why?

Would activity, experience, and desires be accounted for in "Meanings"?
Is the resulting growth accounted for as spiritual growth? Could falsity, ugliness and evil be misconstrued as "good"?

Is meaning important? People say, "It is what you make of it".

Using the Bible or God's word, or revelation, we conjure "meanings" of events, thoughts expressed, experiences, and everything that happens, cause and effect, etc. Results, growth or death, these all fall into the consideration of "Meanings". But we still find great disparity between thoughtful people concerning the "Meaning" of an event or happening. Where one person might find an experience horrible, another might try to look on the lighter side. Does the event have different meanings to different people? Many comments in the Bible take on different "meanings" when the same event is recounted in the Urantia Book.

Where do "Values" come in? We hear all the time of the value of a product or service. Sometimes we admonished to seek "True Values". What is a value?

Because of the limited English of some of our readers, I believe there should be a clear definition that is easy to translate.

Meaning: what each individual person attributes significance to. Why it is important. Why it is memorable and worth remembering. What makes this fit into the much bigger view of the universe.

Values: The value is the level of importance, the overall outcome of such an event or action. The applicability of this event or action to future events or action builds the value, first personally and then collectively. The event or action in reference to and in comparison to a perfect model becomes the foundation for a future value.

Since "meanings and values" is such a broad abstract term, I believe it would not be a good thing to assume everyone understands the ramifications.

Dear Pleiadeans, how would you define "Meanings and Values"?

Pleiadeans: We are here to observe YOU. That is, all the humanity on this planet.
You are the ones placing meanings on yourselves, others, events, and revelation. When things are meaningful to YOU, then it is in a position to alter your behavior. One of the reasons we are here is to point you in the direction of meaningful events, people, and experiences. We can't make you do it. We can't outwardly suggest it. Your awareness must come from within. That is why it is so important to keep in touch with your Thought Adjuster.

Values are ideals and hopes for goodness. Meanings are contributing to values accordingly. You choose the values you support and seek. Values are held in your spirit and in your mind as the compass to guide your experiences that have meaning. Consistently choosing good experiences and events that have meaning to you in accordance with your good values help to build your soul, and contribute to your spiritual growth..

As suggested in the Light Line, every one of you listeners and readers could contribute to this forum by sharing your understanding and vision concerning "Meanings" and "Values". A question of "Why?" often leads to a discussion VALUABLE (;-) to everyone!

Blessings to all of you.

Carole: Thank you Pleiadeans!

TRANSLATIONS / 25.4.2024 - Esthea uczy miłości
« Last post by Andre_P on April 25, 2024, 11:22:12 am »
Ta sama wiadomość po angielsku :
Napisała : SonsofGod, starszy członek
Kategoria / Temat : NUMERY TELEFONÓW I KODY DOSTĘPU HOLENDERSKIEJ MIĘDZYNARODOWEJ / Lightline holenderska międzynarodowa
« Odpowiedź nr 1, 23 kwietnia 2024 r., godz. 15:56:46 »

(Jeden urywek z transkrypcji)

Esthea :
Dzień dobry. Jestem nauczycielem grupowym, który pracował na wielu planetach we wszechświecie. Nie znacie mnie. Nigdy dotąd nie mówiałem do ludzi na Urantii, ale chciałabym skorzystać z okazji i mówić do was wszystkich. Mam imię, ale nie jest ono ważne dla tego, co mam dziś do powiedzenia. Nazywajcie mnie Esthea. E S T H E A. Pochodzimy z Esthenei. Jesteśmy Esthenianami. Jesteśmy nauczycielami miłości i tolerancji i z pewnością przydałoby się wam kilka przypomnień o tym, co robi miłość, szczególnie na planecie takiej jak Urantia, która znajduje się w stanie głębokiej nędzy i nie wie, jak sobie radzić z najprostszymi zasadami życia, jak dbać o siebie i innych, gdy sytuacja tego wymaga. Wielu z was na tym świecie jest dobrze przyzwyczajonych do wstawania rano i zajmowania się swoimi sprawami, codziennymi troskami i radościami życia, ale gdzie jest wasza choć jedna myśl o Ojcu w niebie, który czuwał nad wami tej nocy ? Który wysyłał swoich aniołów, żeby się wami opiekowali, żebyście mogli mieć kilka godzin odpoczynku i spokoju, które następnie są okrutnie przerywane rano, kiedy zaczynacie dzień, tak jak dzień poprzedni. My, nauczyciele miłości i tolerancji, radzilibyśmy wam poświęcić kilka minut i spróbować rano pozostać w tym nocnym spokoju. Spróbujcie znaleźć spokój i wyciszenie w swoim umyśle, aby tak pozostać, aby rozpocząć dzień w swojej niewdzięczności wobec Ojca, który dał wam kolejny dzień do przeżycia, na troskę o waszych bliskich i o tych, którzy potrzebują waszej uwagi i miłości.

Czyż miłość nie daje największej satysfakcji, gdy dzielicie ją z kimś innym ? Czujecie się akceptowani i rozumiani. Czujecie się przywiązani i docenieni. Pomyślcie o tym i poczujcie, że miłość jest wszędzie wokół was, jeśli wiecie, jak ją znaleźć i dzielić się nią z innymi. Z doświadczenia wiemy, że wszystkie wasze kłopoty i smutki ustąpią, gdy będziecie wiedzieli, jak dać komuś miłość, a więcej miłości zamieszka w waszych sercach, gdy będziecie mogli być tam dla swoich braci i sióstr. Ta radość i satysfakcja, to uczucie wypełni wasze serca głębokim, pełnym miłości uczuciem. Zaczniecie dostrzegać związek życia między wami a drugą osobą, która nie różni się od was, nawet jeśli może być innej rasy, kultury, religii lub może mieć inne poglądy. Edukacja czy kultura nie staną wam na drodze, jeśli spróbujecie dotrzeć do siebie nawzajem i zrozumieć się z głębi serca.

Problem polega na tym, że świat nie może się uleczyć bez miłości. Miłość jest w każdym człowieku. Miłość musi być stosowana w każdym działaniu, w każdej konfrontacji, w niepowodzeniach, w błędach i w każdym spotkaniu między sobą. Poprzez miłość poznajecie swojego bliźniego, a kiedy podejmiecie wysiłek poznania siebie nawzajem, nawet swojego wroga, zobaczycie, że nie jest trudno kochać się nawzajem, kiedy jesteście w stanie przyczynić się do wzmocnienia więzi miłości, która wciąż rośnie i która walczy z egoizmem i indywidualizmem tych, którzy szukają miłości tylko dla siebie i zostawiają innych za sobą.

Moje słowa do was brzmią : Bądźcie świadomi miłości. Wiedzcie, że możecie kochać i że możecie być kochani i że możecie używać swojej miłości do uzdrawiania, do łączenia się, do bycia tolerancyjnym, do budowania partnerstwa z każdym, kogo spotkacie. Świat musi się nauczyć, czym jest miłość i jak używać jej w działaniu stosując miłość do wszystkich i wszystkiego w codziennych czynnościach. Miłość jest tym, co spaja wasze życia. Miłość sprawia, że wasze dusze rosną. Miłość wzmacnia waszą nieustanną wiarę, że na świecie jest coś więcej, niż jesteście w stanie zobaczyć lub usłyszeć, ponieważ miłość pochodzi z duszy, z waszych najgłębszych uczuć połączonych ze źródłem życia, z Bogiem, waszym Ojcem, który kocha was ponad miarę i który zawsze będzie widział miłość w każdym człowieku.

Tu Esthea. Jesteśmy grupą nauczycieli. Dziękujemy za wysłuchanie naszych słów. Jesteśmy nauczycielami. Uwielbiamy uczyć o mocy miłości i o tym, co ona oznacza. Bądźcie świadomi swojej miłości i czujcie swoją miłość, która daje wam najwyższą radość i jest w stanie oczyścić wasze środowisko z nienawiści i wojny, z nieporozumień i nadużyć. Nadszedł czas, aby mieszkańcy Urantii otworzyli się i pozwolili miłości swobodnie przepływać przez świat, ziemię, wody, lasy i całe życie na waszej Ziemi. Nazywam się Esthea. Należę do grupy, która uczy miłości i tolerancji. Żegnam się i życzę wam dnia pełnego miłości.
General Discussion / Re: Clifax
« Last post by Ron Besser on April 25, 2024, 10:22:25 am »
The tape above was an artificial attempt to destroy a certain amount of belief in the Planetary Prince system, and it is only today, April 25, 2024, that we caught on to the affordability of the tape you see above.  Lanforge above was either a System Sovereign, or had related more to the Michael of Nebadon after serving as a System Sovereign years earlier.  That tape presented above was thought to be genuine, but seven years later, today, that tape should be removed as it leads to an contemporary rebellion which none of you know about (I did not know until 2019) until years later.  The words in the tape above are nice.  I did not suspect Lanaforge until he tried to kill me about two months later and I to out of it barely, but with minor leg injuries, as I was inject in the left foot with a cyanide version they still do not know what it was that nearly killed me.  Four months more after this tape was made, Lanaforge attempted to kill me off and was caught by the Ancients of Days later and sentenced first to prison and later to death for continued attempts to kill me and others.

That is hard to believe, I grant you, but since then several other officials of the Lanaforge government tried to wipe me out, and suffered annihilation.  Lanaforge appeared before the Ancients of Days for sentencing in April of 2015 and was executed on April 6, 2019.  Shocking as that may seem, two others unknown to us as System Sovereigns years before Lanaforge took office, were also executed.  I retain the right to blow their memories up because Lanaforge was almost successful against me, but the other two System Sovereigns are really unknown to me. 

This is the story of the rampage of destruction that Sovereigns attempted to bring to Urantia for years, and mostly unknown to Michael of Nebadon and Gabriel, and their disloyalty was unknown to the Salvington rulers, until there was time to investigate their chicanery in  2019, and then Lanaforge and  two other System Sovereigns were executed for malfeasance in office, and the matter was dropped.

However, Jose, your placing this treatment I did in 2017, was when I quite unfamiliar with what had been done, and it at this time started by leg problems, because Lanaforge and others injected me with a type of cyanide cell killers I am still trying to get rid of today.

Secondarily, Jose V. you perfectly caught one of my early transmits, but my transmissions actually started in 2013 but I was very slow to use them as often as I use then now. 

Third, this Lanaforge tape came several months before Lanaforge personally arrived on Urantia to kill me.  Michael of Nebadon caught him and sent him to the Ancients of Days for summary execution.

Fourth, you should all know that fifteen Lanonadek Sons of that era were also executed for attempt to murder certain member of the loyal midwayers one of which was ABC22,  Bzhutu.

BZHUTU -  "Jose where did you get this tape of words?  They are almost all gone from 2017 as Ron swore Lanaforge off when Lanaforge attempt to kill Ron.  Ron walks with pain and a limp today by Lanaforge injecting cyanide solution into this feet and then into his legs.  Lanaforge is the source of the attempted murder of Ron, and he has no fond memory of that character.  None of us do, as Lanaforge is responsible for sending the Supreme to kill about 60,00- loyal Midwayers on Urantia fifteen years before Ron transmitted.  We are all still trying to recover from what he cause and we will never understand what this beast of a System Sovereign tried to do.  all was lost in 2019 when the supreme was inspired to attack Solarington, a minor subplanet of Solarington which is next to Orilington, and that name is familiar not to any of you, but Orilington was destroyed by the Ancients of Days when it was discovered to be a base of insurrectionists in 2012.  And on and on this feast of evil goes, and we will eventually be done with all of it shortly.  Be assure that Ron is okay in spite of continuous attempts to kill him off.    Thank you Jose for posting that response from Ron.  K.  I am Orilington's keeper now:

ORILINGTON SPEAKS:  "You humans who know nothing have to take into consideration that the fight to get rid of the Insurrection on Urantia has taken we officials over sixty years to mount a successful campaign  to rid the universe of this stain on our reputation.  I am Orilington, a Lanonadek Son, of supreme experience and now some Ultimacy experience with the FATHER'S blessings.

ORILINGTON  is my name, and I am a loyal Vorondadek Son and I greet you and thank you for this interest Jose.

"As a matter of fact, Ron is a human survivor of an attach from Orillington about seven years ago, and last evening it attacked again and this time Ron and even Dominick survived their bawd attach on both of them.  Ron did not wake up until 430am this morning wondering how he got to bed an hoping that Dominick was okay.  He is and Dominick is at home sleeping off the attach as Ron did.  Now this:

"Ron is okay this morning.  Dominick has to sleep it off.  Bother of them were injected and Ron finally got rid of the poison at 415am and Dominick is going to take until about noon today to get fully aware.   And lastly Ron, you are writing up a spell this morning in an attempt to be aware of your conscience, but you sat on the edge of your bed for 5am to over 6am trying to figure out what happened to you.  You finally decided it was an attack, by what and for whom.  Well now you know and that is the final statement from me until Orilington may speak again shortly with some fantastic history to bare on your souls for Ron you are never well until today, and you are grateful, but you nearly died the night before and Dominick never caught the fact that serving you a beverage that day nearly was curtains for both of you later.  Later.  ORILINGTON.  k"

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "Ron, you and Orilington, are nearly the same voice, and you are not aware of his practice of speaking through you as a voice of your subconscious.  For reasons of State I am requisitioning all of this for now, but it is out now and keep out of trouble for the rest of the day Ron, as it must be fully put to rest.  Lanaforge is gone.  Orilington is next to see to its end as it wishes to protect you but it is too feeble to do so now, and He will be back later well and rested and help you recline better now than you have no real sleep until all is well there again.  K"

Ron -  This is all new to me, and may the nightmare end however it may have gotten started, and I thank Orillington for saving me now and then as I am aware of repeated attacks against me for the past 8 years at least and I look forward to a normal and constituent life again.   Thank you all for reading this as it is a nightmare to me in all directions.   K"

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "Ron you are now well as you can be and you will stay the course for the Missions now.  Your Rayson gift, and your Lanaforge hatefulness, are part of your history, but Lanaforge not, but RAYSON wishes you well and will design the HYDROGEN CAR for your list of patents soon,  K"


General Discussion / Clifax
« Last post by Jose Vargas on April 25, 2024, 09:33:40 am »
Legal & Official Notices from the Divine Missions / Re: Audio Tape: Califax speaks to his becoming Urantia Planetary Prince June 2017
« Last post by newstarsaphire on Today at 04:49:19 PM »
TRANSCRIPTION OF   Ron Besser   audio tape

[audio tape transcript only, not including text notations by Ron B ]


This is Ron Besser with an audio tape made on the 24th of April 2017 at 9 pm local time, it is a transmission from Califax regarding the office of the Planetary Prince on Urantia.

“This is Califax – Thank you Ron.  I want you to understand that I am the Father, as the Father,  I want you to understand that Urantia has been dedicated to me for many purposes and for many uses and that I want to make sure that it is used as I ask for.  The truth of the matter is that Urantia has defaulted so often in spiritual accommodation that we have had to redo Urantia at least 3 times.  Let me list them.  When Caligastia, rebelled that was the first time, we sent to Urantia reformers in the form of Melchizedeks to direct the planet and we have done so the third time with 12 Melchizedeks who see to the rule of God on Urantia today.  The second time we had to redo Urantia was when Adam and Eve defaulted and we had to send receivers once more.  We are now well into our third time of default and that the Melchizedeks headed by Machiventa Melchizedek are now in charge of your local Planetary Prince and all that he stands for.

“I am the Father, I want you to know that, I am the I AM, most of you do not even know what that means,  but let it suffice to be that I carry credentials in my heart as the I AM, as well as the Father, as well as the spirit unifier of all that is in this Master Universe, through Paradise and through many of our status spheres such as Edentia, Salvington and the thousands of other capitals in the Grand Universe as you know it today.  Today I state that I am Planetary Prince.  There has been confusion about this because the Melchizedeks consider themselves to be in place of the Planetary Prince, but they are not.  I do not exercise the role of Planetary Prince immediately.  I will exercise the role of Planetary Prince on June 6, 2017 when my inauguration is likely to take place.  When we set dates we mean them, but there have been so many defaults and so many restarts that you, our supporters, hardly know which end is up.  Our transmitter is also in your camp, this evening he saw a message that said I would take over as Planetary Prince as of 6 June 2017, he found it hard to believe and wasted no time in doing nothing.  He asked me what the story was and I tell you this I am not the Planetary Prince today, but I will be on the June date I have given you, that is my inauguration to become Planetary Prince of Urantia. 

“Further, Ron has decided that a tape works so well he will produce one of these tapes several times a week, we do not know when or what the message will be but be assured that the tape gets to the mind very well.  I now give you Michael of Nebadon the Creator Son who rules from Salvington.”

“I am Michael I greet you all, I love you all and I wish to say this, this tape was not planned by me but I hear Ron put everything he has into it so that Califax could tell you and the transmitter and everyone else that the organization of the new government on Urantia begins in about six weeks.  We will not implode other governments on Urantia we will treat them as though they belong to us and that they support us regardless of the fact they know nothing.  In many respects the United States is in default before us, in many respects the governments of France, Belgium and the Netherlands are in default before us.  Great Britain has managed to stay clean and for that reason we suspect that Great Britain will become the great power either in Europe or over the United States or with the United States.  We suspect that Great Britain contains the seeds of all that we need to do and will cooperate with us once she understands that the heart of God is truly with her.  Now let me explain something, I am a Creator Son as you well know but I am also the head of the Salvington government and I choose that the United States remain in ascendancy for all sorts of reasons.  The United States belongs to the world order as much as any other country should or could be.  I am providing the American government, the United States, all she needs to stay in power but we must either remove an administration that runs it at the present time or insist that a regency be established with the divine Serara as part of the Presidency or otherwise in the government of the United States.  I am sure you understand the complications that are involved including the need to rewrite The Constitution and so long as I am in power on Salvington it will be done in the beauty the original Constitution has come down to you. 

“Further, I want it to be known that our transmitter is working very hard to keep me in balance and Califax in balance and Machiventa Melchizedek in balance.  He feels the transmission slide at times and wonders why he is having such difficulty.  The real reason is no tape was expected today but Califax asked him anyhow and he was glad to do it.  Our friend Califax is from Paradise, he is the Father in unit form, but he also carries one other word of advice to you transmitter and that is, when we start making you cough you are done for the day or for the moment.  You have a temper over this and you become quite angry at what we do to you physically.  That is not unexpected as you are highly independent and ready to smack the moment someone attacks.  The truth of the matter is that the following members of our staff advise that Ron Besser become their spokesman, when it comes time, and that includes the Planetary Prince Califax, that includes Machiventa Melchizedek, ruler of the return of the Melchizedeks on Urantia, and for myself and for others who wish to speak officially when it comes time to redress those who listen on Urantia and those who listen in the greater universe.  Ron is not angry, Ron is happy, I am happy but we have this conflict and he’d rather be told not to do something rather than force him physically. 

“Finally, the trial for Califax is to become Planetary Prince in an available form that precludes him being the Father.  You all know that the Universal Father has retired from ruling the Universe but He cannot avoid being the one in charge because He started it all.  Therefore, Califax will metamorphosize from being The Father, the I AM, to being a Planetary Prince of Lanonandek order.  The Lanonandek order is famous for being Planetary Princes and we have one who wishes to speak to you now.”

Lanaforge - “I am, for lack of a better word a Planetary Prince you know very well.   I was and still am the System Sovereign, I ruled Satania and now I rule Overton and its name sake Overtontia, it is a temporary name and Ron has trouble remembering it.  But when Califax assumes his place about June 6, 2017 I will assume my place over the new dispensational planetary system that has no name just yet.  In that new system will be Urantia, Panoptia and four other planets that are so similar to Earth they all should be quintuplets, not sextuplets, a foursome.  We also state that I am Lanaforge, I’m in the Urantia Book as Lanaforge and I continue to use the name.  Temporarily I am Planetary Prince of Panoptia but that will change when Califax takes his place as Planetary Prince as a Lanonandek son and I will become my own order which is a Lanonandek son.  The Vorondadek Sons, the Most Highs will assist me in my rule as System Sovereign of a brand new system of which there are only 5 [see correction to 6 posted by Ron B  text after the audio was posted] planets, this will grow to hundreds, we do not know how or why but it will do so.  Now I wish Califax to conclude the tape.”

“This is Califax and I welcome all of you who listen to these tapes and wonder how in the world Ron gets through it with all these names, he has an encyclopedic memory and we will release it to him again when he is able to speak the word god without getting upset about who it is.  He doesn’t recall being upset but he becomes upset when God performs miracles that he doesn’t recognize and that he must somehow or other come to terms with.  The ultimaton status in Ron’s body is so unusual he will be studied for centuries, mankind can’t do it but we can, and Dr. Mendoza will be his chief aid in this study. 

“As a result of the unusual nature of this transmitter we are going to ask that the Father include him in many works of revelation that are not available to anyone else in the Master Universe this is not only to inform you it is also to inform those on high who do not have it.  The ultimaton disclosures of red rod, blue rod, yellow rod and violet rod are brand new to the entire universe, they listen carefully and they know not what Ron really means by a violet rod ultimaton.  Let me tell you, when Jesus was born his mind was assigned to the Father and the Father placed in the mind of Jesus, in the brain tissue which connects to the mind, several thousand violet rod ultimatons.  These ultimatons of the violet nature withstood the jeering and the thoughtless horrors that people wished to press upon Jesus in those days.  When Jesus was sent to die he asked the Father for permission to cry, in this respect he was allowed to, as Ron cries at times.  The violet rod ultimaton is meant to protect the mind from serious injury during life with people who would kill you or kill them and laugh.  We will not permit this to any divine being incarnated on Urantia and Ron does run the risk of assassination.  He is openly pure about that risk and says he trusts the Father for whatever happens, and that is what Jesus said, and that is what some of you will say when you receive my violet rods ultimatons in your minds when the time comes.  Ron is experimental, you will be experimental, and I cannot predict what will happen to all of you when you leave the flesh and become one with the Father before Michael. 

“So often it happens that we must make amends to people, like this transmitter, who cannot foresee the trouble they are asking for by being direct in publication and in tape.  He sent tape # 2 made on the 22 of April to his Flurry list, he used only the reference and people surged to hear it, but the problem that has developed is that The Father does not want that information out and He blocked the tape from being heard at all.   This is a disappointment to Ron, this is a disappointment to many who did not hear the tape.  Of the 300 on the list of the Flurry 100 heard it 200 did not understand why it did not play.  Ron was concerned enough to think about it this morning as he got up and figured out because he heard no feed-back except for one person, that the tape malfunctioned or the technical use of it malfunctioned, it did not, we selected who would hear it and none of them found it interesting enough to refund a comment back to Ron or anyone else.  That tells us that the Flurry itself, once so liked, is now defunct and can’t be used anymore.  We are not going to allow publication of tapes, interesting or otherwise, to groups of people on Urantia who have no interest of spiritual progress or spiritual administration.  It is our concern that all of you hear me Califax to say this, Ron does not mind not sending Flurry information out because it’s a pain to get all those email addresses and sent.  We are now going to use the tapes on the discussion Forum and in other forums not yet decided upon, but we are glad Ron uses the ‘box’  software and storage site because they are well done and they will keep what is put up on it. 

“Now Ron has asked Phyllis, Newstarsaphire, for a download of her archive of the Flurry and the ABC Summaries for he has destroyed all of his.  He has downloaded them and placed them safely aside and will not use them but merely keep them as a record of what he did.  The following information is very important do not worry about what old Flurry said, do not worry about what old ABC Summaries said but listen carefully, the book that Ron used through Ocilliaya Master Spirit Four the voice of the Father Son was used by Michael when he taught students from another solar system to learn how to understand what God says in English.  That book is partially a part of the new Urantia Book but we have cut out the ABC Summary information and the Flurry information.  Why?  the answer is simple, it is too strong a revelation for most on Urantia to ever understand in their present form.  One that knows Ron very well, now on the mansion worlds is Gerdean.   Gerdean is well understood of what happened when she was here and Ron and she battled but she doesn’t understand that Ron never knew the real problem and that is her jealously of him stepping in and taking care of an archive that was long overdue.  She now resides on mansion world three and is happy to listen to this broadcast as we are making it available as Ron speaks it, she is now understanding that Ron had nothing to do with stealing her work but was directed to do it immediately and without result upon, what was then, the Teaching Mission.  They became so incensed over the change of Ron doing it instead of Gerdean that it broke the old Teaching Mission up essentially.

“I conclude with this, your transmitter is fully advised that Califax is to be the Planetary Prince and will transfigure himself as a Lanonandek Son and the Vorondadek Sons, the Most Highs, will accommodate him by recognizing him as the Planetary Prince on Urantia.  I also wish to make sure that Ron understands that this tape is to be entirely included on the discussion Forum and that his friend Overmind understands that his transmission earlier today stating that Califax would become Planetary Prince on or about June 6, 2017, that Ron recognizes his good work and wishes him to understand he need not further accommodate those statements.  This is Califax, I wish you a good day.”

“I am Michael of Nebadon and I want one word before I close, I was very hard on Ron about his dislike of God doing things to him physically when we don’t want something, that is now ended he no longer will have physical things done but will be told verbally what we want. “

This is Ron, thank you Michael, I truly appreciate that instead of going into gales of cough, and whatever else you do sometimes, I love God, I serve God, I am yours.  I only wish that those who listen to me, via tape or written word,  understand  I am no more superhuman than you are, it’s all talk, to me anyhow.  I do not understand all that they talk about regarding my physical form, my mind or my spirit.  You will serve with me, I know you will.  I will enjoy it, we will be together as a band of good fellows in the old place called York and that will happen soon enough.  Thank you very much for listening, good day.

AUDIO TAPE Links - Comments - Schedule inside / Re: Wednesday Lightline USA
« Last post by Moses Ouko on April 25, 2024, 08:29:32 am »
1.       042424 Audio Tape Wednesday Light Line USA; host: Ron, other transmitter; Elise  
2.         Subjects: -Machiventa warns to be careful what you read, western transmitters are transmitting cabal & insurrectionists; Michael to institute missions starting 26th or 27th of April; lightlines will continue so long as there are missions; Jeus urges all to learn to transmit; mother Mary narrates the encounter at the tomb of Jesus, her experience before the burial and after the resurrection.
3.         Speakers: Michael of Nebadon, Machiventa Melchizedek, Universal Father, Mother Mary, Apostle Matthew, Joseph, Apostle John
4.         Transcribed By: Moses Ouko
5.         Link To Tape:

Hello everybody, this is Ron Besser to fill in because I'm sure that Lemuel is quite ill and I'm here to make sure that we at least have a light line today. I think it's very important primarily because I have heard from Michael this morning and he is on the planet looking at the situation. I don't know who will speak. I'm hoping Machiventa can at least get through.

Machiventa Melchizedek
And this is Machiventa, Ron. Thank you.

Well then, please go ahead. We need you.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you, Ron. I am Machiventa Melchizedek. There are now 16 on the call. And it is mostly the same. But we note that there is a difference that Lemuel cannot be here. He is seriously ill. And that one or two others have quit. Ron says, well, that's fine. And this to the rest of you. There is no need to quit. All you need do. Is not come in. Because if you quit the Magisterial Foundation account, you can't get back in. Ron has not set it up that anyone else who leaves the Magisterial Foundation account cannot get back in. And now this. We have 17 on the call.

And Ron is not well himself. But looks forward to seeing Dominick later this afternoon to bring him up to speed. And fully, to you, Dominick, Ron has some envelopes that must be mailed too. And now this. We are going to hold this light line regardless of the difficulties. Ron has moved in, as usual, and makes sense of the problems that everyone has had this morning. Michael of Nebadon had to throw out two cabal members today. He'll throw out more if necessary. As they insist on intruding. And we won't have it. I am Machiventa Melchizedek and I have this to say. Today, there was one other light line. And that was held by a Western transmitter. That transmitter reported that I had transmitted the message. But the truth of the matter is they transmitted the cabal. Now, I am warning you that when you pick up other transmission, to read, they are being picked up by the insurrectionists. Those other transmitters do not understand the danger and we let them go. And finally, this from Machiventa. There are 16 on the call today. That is darn good considering the problems we are having. But for your information, I think that in two days the cabal will be gone on Urantia. They have lost about everything they wanted and are about to be removed. What happens after two days? What happens after Friday? Saturday onward. This; Michael will institute a mission to Urantia. It starts this Saturday. That is about the 26th or the 27th of April. For your information.

And now this; Ron has looked at the evolution of these light lines and sees that they depend on a clear channel. And one of the major personalities that can speak through the transmitter. Ron has unfailingly proved to be the one who sees to it if there are problems elsewhere. And for that reason, we are grateful. And now to you.

Michael of Nebadon
This is Michael of Nebadon.

One moment, please. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon
The trial I wish to speak to today is about the light lines. Ron instituted them on a familiar scale about two years and or, a couple months back. They have been held regularly every time they are scheduled. Ron refused to have the host missing today. Lemuel is very ill. We pray that he can return. And as far as other light lines, we still have Elise, Dominick, and Renee, and what he wishes to do, and others that are coming back after having some illness. Keep your schedule, please. It is vital. Michael uses it as a signal that you are interested in seeing him or at least Jesus and that he will show up. In a minimum of two weeks. Ron has been repeating the date May 12th. Today he finally says to me, are you going to hold May 12th? Because it's getting a little noisy, but we're not getting what it is. Would you remind me, please? Okay. May 12th. That is the date I promise to appear. Now, the creator son can't appear, but Jesus can. And so can other personalities exceptionally the Magisterial sons. Don't forget them. Monjoronson, Serara, Hensen, and a new one. Ron, is getting a scramble.

Well, I seem to recall something like Desmond.

Michael of Nebadon
That is correct, Ron.

But clarify it if you wish later, Creator son. The thieves are thick and hard around me. I would personally pull them down and strangle them, but I don't have that access, Michael. So, I warn you, they're here.

Michael of Nebadon
Uh, thank you. You are not ever supposed to say what you would do to them, but I appreciate that they need strangled. I'm giving them three minutes. If you are here after three minutes, you get the signal to die. And finally, this, Ron, you are furiously defending the turf. And we thank you. When Dominick comes over today, you've got three envelopes that must go.

Yes. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you. And finally, this; I want it to be known that Ron has done the pardonable thing and opened this light line. Lemuel is incapable. And I'm afraid he is close to death. Stay tuned. And finally, this; There are now 18 on the call and that is a darn good turnout for the middle of the week. Thank you all for listening. And now let me reward you for listening. The entire matter of these light lines is to be extended for as long as there is a mission on Urantia. I want Ron to take the Sunday light line at least. But he's taking the Wednesday light line today because of the illness of the transmitter, Lemuel. For reasons of state, let it be known that Ron has been awarded a number of good or, what should we call them, awards for taking up when others cannot. It is unfortunate that Lemuel is falling out for we have lots of work for him. And we have lots of work for Elise, Dominick, Ron, Renee, and all others who participate as spokesmen for the areas up here in outer space. Ron, in particular, has a problem today because he could hardly get out of bed, but insisted because his legs are being recast. The rest of you do not have these physical problems, but Ron's legs are 81 years old, and they've finally given out. For that reason, we are repairing the legs. And any of you of importance will have your legs repaired as well. And now this to all of you. I have come to Urantia, especially to see that the light line is done. Whoever filled the space today would receive a citation for the reason, that no other light lines are now held except the series that the Magisterial Foundation holds for this set of contemporary usages.

Now this, Dominick and Ron talk every evening. It's an excellent way catch up. And last evening, Dominick and Ron were hosts to me, to Uversa, and to others, you know. What is happening right now is that they are being trucked out, even as we speak, not by the cabal, but by the higher frequency of the light that the Father uses. Father, if you're there, would you speak, please?

Universal Father
Of course, I am Father, and my vigor is felt deeply and almost strangely by this transmitter. The reason he is feeling some strength and weakness is that I am fulfilling the space around him while the cabal is removed. They've had it. They no longer are required to be on Urantia, or any other broadcast, including yours, Ron, and the rest of the people that come here.

I'm delighted, Father. Thank you. We desperately need them removed to get a straightforward program. We thank you deeply. Go ahead, please.

Universal Father
Thank you, Ron. I want you all to know that Ron is slowed down to about as slow as he can go because they are replacing his legs. He was a surveyor for 20 years. He climbed mountains and other very high places to cast a line with a transit. That has worn his legs out and he needs new legs. We will give him new legs for we're going to ask Ron and Dominick if he's willing to come forth and propose the following to you. There needs to be a human setup to maintain the access to the Magisterial mission and to these connections to you. Ron is not to touch the setup. He looked at it this morning and said, it's got some age on it. Let me try to bolster the website. Well, he couldn't and he's left it alone. That leaves each of you in place. All of you who would like to be a membership in the Magisterial Foundation, all you need to do is write Ron at  A RONOLAC is spelled A-R-O-N-O-L-A-C.

Now this, to each of you, we've spent the last two and a half years giving each other light lines. We want to continue doing so, but the cabal on this planet and those who are, well, frankly evil, try to take it down. Ron will always put it back up, but there might be damage. Don't worry about the damage. We will put the line back up and hold light lines. For the foreseeable future. Now this, I am your Father. You are my precious children, and please hold me well, if you don't mind. We've got a lot to go before the missions themselves get set up. But they will get set up. And I think. And we're going to have to see if it's true that by May 12th, that is the 12th of May, you can see a mission. Up until that time, just go with what is planned, and we will take it from there. Further, these light line with RON, Elise, Dominick, and Rene, will at least continue. For you, Clency, keep at it. You can get your light lines. For the others who would like to be light line presenters, contact Ron, please. If you are good enough, he will set you up for a day. And you can hold your light line on that day. And further, to the rest of you. We are 25 minutes into this call. And frankly, Ron is failing because of the weakness he has arrived at due to changes in his anatomy. He is getting bolstered new legs, but he can hardly tell yet. He's getting a new thorax. That is the chest underneath the Adam's apple. And he needs a change in venue in a couple other parts of his body. And that is settled already. And to the rest of you. Ron has made sure that you have a light line today. He's always making sure. That the schedule, your schedule, is working. And I shall attempt to be here myself so that your schedule is kept. And finally, this to you, Michael.

I am Father, even your father. And you smile, Ron. But the truth is, everybody in time. And everybody in time and space has a father. And I Am it. For you who are new to the scene, and there's about five of you. This is a marvelous way to get to know your Father. That is who is speaking. Ron has placed in his mind, as all other transmitters have, the ability to speak us. We come to him and we use what we put in the mind, to speak categorically and well. You are indeed talking to your Father. And now I want you to talk to your Eternal Son. That's not Jesus. Get used to it. There is an Eternal Son who is infinite. Jesus was born on your planet. And now takes his place to speak to you as follows.

I am Jesus.


I am the one who trod the earth over 2,000 years ago and I want you to hear me. Ron has worked hard to be able to activate that part of the brain which can do this. He is used to it now for about eight years. He has about seven friends who have been taught to do it as well. I want you to all know that when you can transmit like this, you can have me daily in discussion. Learn to transmit, and Jesus will speak to you as well as your Father. And now this, I am Jesus, but I also had a mother, the gracious Mary.

Welcome, Mary. Please use the facilities as you wish. We wait to hear from you.

Gracious Mary
Thank you, dear Ron. I am Mary. I love you all, in spite of the horror you can cause with war. I left my dear Jesus in the tomb. I could not stop crying for weeks. But the Father saw to it that an archangel entered the tomb and called for Jesus to awake. He did. He got up in the dark, and the brilliant light of the archangel shone in the tomb, well enough he could find the entrance and the great stone blocking it. He says, to the archangel, my Father commands me to open the tomb, yet I cannot. The archangel looked at him and said, watch this. And immediately the great stone moved aside, and Jesus walked out into the night air. About 3.10 a.m. At that point, Jesus said, Jesus says to Miriam, who was standing guard over the tomb, why aren't you in bed? And Miriam says, I love you. I could not rest. I am glad you can see me. Somehow you are up. Yet I saw you laid into the tomb and wonder how you did it. Jesus replied, I didn't do it. That was my Father. I am awake. I am here. Embrace me, my beautiful daughter. And she did, and then said to him, whither you go now? And Jesus said, I belong to my apostles. I must see them. And Jesus turned to walk away. And Miriam said, No, brother. Stay with me. Stay with me a bit, please. Miriam commenced to cry. Jesus walked over to her and said to her, you cannot touch me. You'll put your hand right through me. But look at me. I am your brother, your father and any other relationship, you have. And Miriam said to Jesus, I can't stand it. You need to touch me if I can't touch you. And Jesus says to her, the law of the land forbids me to. But I love you too, Miriam. Stay the course. And I will be back to see you. The end of this discourse is now at hand. The truth of the matter is it's not in the Bible. The Bible wasn't there to record it. But let me tell you, those of you who are so insistent on telling the story by the biblical ways are in for a surprise. You want the Bible, keep the Bible. But it is not the last word in what happened. I am going away now.

Two people have dropped off because you didn't tell the story as the Bible has it. Ron has a special device in his brain, as do all the other transmitters. And it is to tell the truth about how these things really happened. We're not after to insult your intelligence. We are after to tell you the truth. I now back off and I let Michael of Nebadon speak further. Be well with it, Ron. It's emotionally difficult.

Thank you. Thank you, Jesus. I have enjoyed it tremendously. I hope they have.

Michael of Nebadon
Now, this is Michael of Nebadon, Ron. You have lectured now to 17 people, actually, to 19. But you do not mind speaking the truth. And the truth is this to all of you. When we use a transmitter, as we are doing right now, he is forced to swear. He stands on two feet, puts his right hand up, and swears to Jesus and the man, the Creator Son of this local universe, Nebadon. You will have to get used to us naming the places now. This universe is called Nebadon. N-E-B-A-D-O-N. I want you all to know that it is hard. After you have been inculcated with a lecture day after day on what happened. But you're taking it from apostles that only saw part of it. When Jesus tells you it happened. It really happened. And now here is Mother Mary. She speaks in a low voice.

Mother Mary
Dear ones. Ron can do it. He makes me feel good. I love my son, Jesus. I love my husband. Both were killed by the heinous variation. Of the church ever since that, don't worry about the church as that important. What is important to you is to love Jesus and be like him, be with him, and love him as much as he loves you. I am his mother. The universe is very kind to me. They give me lots to do. I can even go to the gardens on your planet and cry. I am over the insult to Jesus. But I will never forgive them. That flies in the face of the teachings. But I detest murderers. And they will always be murderers to me. They laid my son out at my feet so I could identify him, and then carried him to the tomb, placed his shroud upon him, and a small cap of very fine cloth closed his eyes and sealed the tomb. I hated it. I want you all to know that his mother was so weak, she had to be carried home and then laid on the bed for two days while Jesus was mourned. On the third day, someone comes running up into my courtyard, yelling, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. He's up. I saw him. I said, you're crazy. He died. He lies in a tomb. I cannot get to him. I miss him. The man who ran up yelling, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, is alive. I saw him. I thought it was a liar, but no. Another came into the courtyard, and another, and another. What are you talking about? Please.

One man said to me, Jesus walks. I've seen him. He even greeted me. Mother, go to him. I shall. I shall. And I went to him. And he bid me with a smile, and I all but kicked him. I was so glad to see him. Now, you have that story, sort of. But you now have it from the voice of his mother parent. It's true. Now, here is the apostle, Matthew.

I greet you. Everyone, before Jesus died, I want you to know that we really enjoyed our nights together before the next day to teach. We would build a fire. We would cook what the women's corps would bring us. Oh, yes. We had 32 women come to us with food so that we had something to eat before we laid our head down on the stony ground. Ron here knows of many more stories because we told him. He is appalled that not that many got into the gospels. But they're just as beautiful. Perhaps, someday, we will write a book with the stories in it because Ron and about six other people that work with Ron on this website can also transmit. You ought to really hear it. It is a gift of the Father. It is a gift of mine. And we respect all those who attempt it. But Ron and this group are especially forbidden to teach it to others at the moment. Who is the Son besides Jesus? Well, there is the Creator Son, which made Jesus' life possible. But they are separate. And the Creator Son is a Son born of the Father and the Eternal Son. Yes, a lot more sons than you knew. There are, in this part of the universe, over 1,400 local universes. And each local universe has a Creator. And they bestow themselves on a planet, just as Jesus was bestowed on Earth. Now, the word Urantia appears. That's what we call this Earth. You don't have to if you don't want to. But on the mansion worlds, where you go when you die, they all call it Urantia. For your information. And now this. I am calling back Mary so she can relax during the day. And I want Joseph to speak.

One moment.

I am Joseph. Hello, everybody. I died so young, nobody knows me. I love my wife, Mary, very much. And I sired four children. Jesus was the oldest. I will talk about his brothers and one sister later on. But not today. His baptism is quite a story. What you don't know is that when all of them got into the creek to receive the baptism, it was running spring high. It was almost up to the knees on Jesus. And to his brother, he says, I've got to hold on to you, Jesus. I could fall over in this current. Jesus laughed and said, well, hold on. And then he received what he did receive the baptism. And then they left the area never to return to that spot in the creek again, for it was getting too deep and the water was flowing too much. That gives you an idea what you ought to know for the sake of enjoying what happened to Jesus. And Ron's favorite story is that when Jesus was 10 years old, his friend who lived in the neighborhood, John, he and John would go swimming in a farmer's pond. They would stay almost the whole day. And Ron spent time in a similar pond and remembers it so well. It is delightful on 90 degrees in July to have that cool water on your body. In any case, Jesus and John were best of friends. And now here is John to speak with you.

I am the Apostle John. I love my play friend. And my Jesus, after I knew who he was, I died on a Greek island many years after Jesus died. I was almost 100 years of age on Patmos. You ought to know that. And finally, to all of you, I relent the storytelling. And come back to Michael of Nebadon, who made it all possible. Jesus, wherever you are, I love you, my friend. Good day.

Michael of Nebadon
Now, I am Michael of Nebadon. I am the Creator Son. Your Bible doesn't talk about it because they didn't know about it. But the Father gives birth with the Eternal Son, Creator Sons to go to time and rule universes there. We are the ones that create missions. And let me tell you this; Ron has worked for almost 20 years on this mission. He knows where it is to start, what is to be said, and what is to be done. He delights in the work. He's seen to it that he has opened this fair, so you can hear a little bit of what he hears. And now here is your Father.

Universal Father
I am the Universal Father. I participate only on Paradise. Yes, there is such a place. It is huge. The time universes, fill the space and Paradise barely fits into the space that you live in as your world. That's how big Paradise is. The Master Universe is 50 trillion times that. 50 trillion. You can't imagine it. But that is what we multiply. The area around Paradise to know where space ends at the moment only. It will be infinite someday. And now I want to say to all of you, thank you for taking the courage to come hear us. Ron makes no difference when he transmits between someone that knows it all and someone that doesn't know anything. We are the Bible. We are the life beyond your ears and eyes. And we are gracious enough to embrace you. And now this. I would like Elise to step forward and transmit something for us.

One moment. I've opened you up, Elise, if you're there. Would you transmit a little for us, please?

Yes. Yes, thank you, Ron. Can you hear me?

I hear you just fine. Go ahead.

Okay. Let me see. Well, here is Jesus.

This is Jesus transmitting through another transmitter. And I want to be with you again for a couple of moments. You have all been listening intently to what has been said. And everything that has been said is true. It has affected my life on earth and it is affecting your lives right now. I am here with you. And I am asking you to get yourselves ready to act now and under every circumstance that might take place in the times to come. Ron's mind is being transferred to another level of understanding. And he is actually being changed into many ways. That is not easy. He takes it with grace. And we thank the Father, allowing Ron to experience such a very unusual thing. But, dear ones, let me tell you, we need you all. All of you. You have been instructed and prepared for what is to expect. And we know that we may count on you. We know of your trust and belief in our Father, in Michael of Nebadon, and in all his associated workers in the field. I am Jesus. I tell you again, I am with you all the time. You are my sheep. I am your shepherd. I watch over you. I will protect you in all your earthly endeavors that you will encounter. You have just heard a little bit of my life as I have lived it on this planet. I had my own difficulties and my own trials. So, I know how you feel. I can feel your pain. I am able to feel your times of joy. But you know very well that there is not much joy coming to Urantia in the near future. But one thing we know about all of you, we know for sure that you are strong and will be even stronger in difficult moments. I am here. Turn to me. Turn to your Jesus. Your brother in the flesh. And I will always send you, my peace. Receive it fully. Come to me. Always. I thank you, my dear ones. Goodbye.

Thank you, Jesus. Hello Ron.


May I return it to you?

And I thank you, Elise, very much. Beautifully done. And thank you, everybody, for attending. Our time is up. This light line is done for now. And there are other light lines during this week on their regular schedule. I will be there if I am scheduled. And a few others will be there as well, to produce more light lines for you. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Michael. Thank you, Machiventa, and all who spoke, including Mother Mary and Joseph. Thank you. And if I forgot somebody, I thank you, too. It is now time to close off. I thank you very much for joining us. And goodbye for now, ladies and gentlemen.


TRANSLATIONS / 25.4.2024 – Van o ostatecznym obdarzeniu przez Synów Stwórców
« Last post by Andre_P on April 25, 2024, 07:44:44 am »
Ta sama wiadomość po angielsku :
Napisała : SonsofGod, starszy członek
Kategoria / Temat : NUMERY TELEFONÓW I KODY DOSTĘPU HOLENDERSKIEJ MIĘDZYNARODOWEJ / Lightline holenderska międzynarodowa
« Odpowiedź nr 1, 23 kwietnia 2024 r., godz. 15:56:46 »

(Jeden urywek z transkrypcji)

Van :
Cóż, to prawda, że jest to mała grupa, ale grupa dużo obiecujaca i z dużym doświadczeniem. W ostatnich latach musieliście przejść przez wiele prób, a to nie jest łatwe, ale każdy z was ma swoje własne obawy i każdy z was pracował w inny sposób lub uczestniczył i przygotowywał się do misji.

Misje są głównym celem i każdy z was jest gotów poświęcić się tym Misjom, gdy tylko staną się one publiczne i wykonalne na tej planecie, ale w niektórych momentach wasza motywacja może być prawie stracona, przez zmiany i więcej zmian.

Ja jestem Van i mogę wam powiedzieć, że praca z duchem jest czymś, czego nie można osiągnąć szybko. Jezus jest jedynym przykładem w historii tej planety, gdzie wielki cud Boga stał się rzeczywistością poprzez dar tej boskiej istoty, waszego Syna Stwórcy, kiedy doświadczał, czym jest życie jako człowiek na tej planecie. Wszyscy dowiedzieliście się o tym i prawdopodobnie nabraliście głębszego znaczenia, ale w fakcie jego obdarzenia jest o wiele więcej, niż kiedykolwiek słyszeliście.

Obdarzenie przez Syna Stwórcę jako człowieka na tej planecie jest czymś, czego może dokonać tylko Ojciec Wszechświata. Jest to tajemnica dla każdego mieszkańca całego wszechświata, tajemnica Ojca, która prawdopodobnie będzie trwać wiecznie. Tylko Ojciec może dokonać tak potężnych rzeczy i zrobił to niezliczoną ilość razy z wieloma Synami Stwórcami, którzy musieli ukończyć swoje ostateczne obdarzenie, co wydarzyło się co najmniej ponad 750 000 razy. Ten akt należy do wzniosłych działań Boga i pozostaje tajemniczym wydarzeniem. Pochodzi od samego Ojca i jest to wydarzenie, które ma miejsce na Saverington, na planecie dla Synów, którzy kierują wszechświatami lokalnymi, które stworzyli zgodnie z własnym zrozumieniem i kontrolą.

W określonym czasie następuje wcielenie do zakonu istot ludzkich stworzonego przez tego Syna Stwórcę, do najniższego zakonu w jego stworzeniu na pewnej planecie. Jest to ostateczne obdarzenie przez Syna Stwórcę, które obejmuje narodziny jako niemowlę na zamieszkałej planecie, tak jak wasz Jezus urodził się jako małe, bezbronne niemowlę swoim rodzicom, którzy zostali wybrani, żeby go przyjąć i wychować. Jednak także tutaj widzicie, jak okoliczności nadały historii inne znaczenie. Jezus stracił ziemskiego ojca w wieku 14 lat, w wieku, w którym chłopiec rozpaczliwie potrzebuje ojca. Jednak Maria, jego matka, przejęła zadanie Józefa najlepiej jak potrafiła, ale Jezus mógł się wiele nauczyć od swojego ojca patrząc na jego życiowe próby i codzienne zawiłości.

Tu Van. Mówię to, żeby wam przypomnieć, że życie ma swój bieg, że praca dla ducha jest wyjątkowo skomplikowana, że możemy kontrolować wiele rzeczy, ale nigdy nie wiemy dokładnie, jakie okoliczności mogą się pojawić w krótkim życiu człowieka na planecie, gdzie zdobywa on swoje doświadczenia jako istota ludzka. Jestem Van i wycofuję się. Dziękuję ci Elise za odebranie mnie. Życzę wszystkim miłego dnia i mam nadzieję, że wkrótce wrócę.
AUDIO TAPE Links - Comments - Schedule inside / Re: Wednesday Lightline USA
« Last post by SonsofGod on April 24, 2024, 15:47:20 pm »
I logged in through the phone 2-3 minutes to 2 PM and the recording repeatedly said the hots has not logged in yet. I believed it and hanged up after 5 minutes. Sorry for missing out but heard the recording.
AUDIO TAPE Links - Comments - Schedule inside / Wednesday Lightline USA
« Last post by SophiaVeronica on April 24, 2024, 15:17:16 pm »
Lightline USA -  April 24, 2024 

This is the Lightline USA for Wednesday -  April 24, 2024 

                        with your host Ron Besser

This is the link to the recording:
TRANSLATIONS / 24.4.2024 - Arthura o Urantii
« Last post by Andre_P on April 24, 2024, 13:37:40 pm »
Ta sama wiadomość po angielsku :
Napisała : SonsofGod, starszy członek
Kategoria / Temat : NUMERY TELEFONÓW I KODY DOSTĘPU HOLENDERSKIEJ MIĘDZYNARODOWEJ / Lightline holenderska międzynarodowa
« Odpowiedź nr 1, 23 kwietnia 2024 r., godz. 15:56:46 »

(Jeden urywek z transkrypcji)

Tu Arthura. Wiele napisano i powiedziano o nadchodzących Misjach, a ja wiem o dziełach Ojca i Michała Nebadońskiego i o wszystkich, którzy są zaangażowani w to wielkie przedsięwzięcie Misji na waszej planecie Urantii. Nie jest to najłatwiejsza planeta, planeta, która sprawiała i nadal sprawia wiele kłopotów. Wydaje się, że na tej planecie istnieje tendencja, która utrudnia uczenie się na popełnionych błędach, które powinny faktycznie popchnąć społeczeństwo do przodu po poznaniu własnych błędów, żeby przejść do społeczeństwa harmonii ze sobą nawzajem i ze wszystkimi narodami. Często myślimy, co jest z wami ludzie ? Poświęca się wam tyle uwagi. Sam Bóg pracuje nad waszą duszą na Ziemi, a wy nie potraficie zadbać o ten piękny świat.

Widzicie katastrofę za katastrofą, wojnę za wojną, biedę, nędzę. Ludzi uciekają w poszukiwaniu bezpieczeństwa. Epidemie szaleją po całym świecie i żaden z waszych rządów nie podejmuje żadnych działań, żeby zmienić tę straszną nędzę, która wciąż się rozprzestrzenia. Z przykrością stwierdzamy, że wasz świat jest prawie niezdatny do zamieszkania ze względu na zanieczyszczenie środowiska i obfitość dóbr i luksusów tylko dla niewielkiej części ludzkości. Pytamy więc, gdzie jest moralność ? Gdzie jest współczucie ? Gdzie jest miłość, którą pokazał wam Jezus, kiedy żył na tej Ziemi ?

Jezus był tutaj i pokazał ludziom, jak żyć w prostocie z braćmi i siostrami. Jezus kochał wszystkich. Kochał swoich sąsiadów. Każdemu poświęcał miejsce w swoim sercu. Nigdy nikogo nie osądzał. Zwracał uwagę na każdą osobę, którą spotkał. Cóż za piękny przykład. Każdy na waszej planecie czytał o życiu Jezusa. Czego się nauczyliście ?

Cóż, sam Bóg był na waszej planecie i jest gotowy postawić stopę po raz drugi na świecie, z którego tak szybko musiał odejść. Czy świat jest gotowy Go przyjąć ? Duch czeka i próbuje znaleźć sposób na uratowanie świata, na uchronienie go przed dalszą nędzą, ale my wciąż zadajemy sobie pytanie, gdzie jest komitet powitalny ? To powinno być tak radosne powitanie Boga na Ziemi.

Tu Arthura. Cóż, trudno to powiedzieć, ale widzę, że zamiast tego ludzie wolą walczyć i triumfalnie świętować zwycięstwo w rzezi i krzywdzie niewinnej populacji. My w duchu, prawie odwrócilibyśmy głowy, żeby odwrócić się od sceny horroru i dziecinnego zachowania, które pozostawia tak wielu obywateli na mrozie, ale nie odwracamy głów. Patrzymy z politowaniem na niedorozwinięte działania ludzkości, a Bóg tymczasem postanowił ponownie postawić swoje stopy na Ziemi i po raz kolejny podjąć wysiłek nauczenia ludzkości, jak żyć ze sobą w pokoju. Jak dbać o siebie nawzajem, jak się dzielić, jak kochać i jak czcić Boga.

Bądźcie przygotowani na to, co ma nadejść. Bądźcie silni, bądźcie przykładem w dniach zmian i prób. Módlcie się i pracujcie, pokażcie swoją odwagę, żebyśmy my, tu w górze, w duchu, widzieli waszą dobrą wolę pracy dla planety i jej mieszkańców dla lepszej przyszłości, przyszłości prostoty i miłości. Miłości do siebie nawzajem w miejscu, w którym każdy ma prawo do ochrony przez i dla siebie nawzajem. Tu Arthura do waszych usług.
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