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Michael of Nebadon and Jesus Speak
Transmitter: Ron Besser
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
York, Pa
[Folks, the kabal has placed a code in this post that underlines.  I am leaving it alone but that is not what was done to produce this post.  It is easier to let it go than try to correct it.  My apologies. ]

Hello everyone, this is Michael of Nebadon,  and we have some breaking news at the moment that should be aware of.

The last several posts by this individual are exiting posts not but Ron has lost a valuable friend in me due to the fact he is not working anything but wondering where all the good vibes went.  They are not here on Urantia at the moment, and I may never have them again for Urantia, mainly because the planet has been seized by a bunch of ruffians I do not care to discuss at all.  Ron fully is displeasured by them as well.  In any case this:

For the six (6) years we have played hard ball slightly to get these Missions up and going, only to be blown back by a discussion about the Supreme Being and his loss.  That occurred mostly in 2019 and today it is only a memory category to look at and maybe weep.  For the rest of you there is not much to tell you except we must either regale the idea of a Divine Mission to Urantia, or face the fact that nothing much is very good on Urantia at the moment to bother with.  It is this latter point I prefer to develop now:

“I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and as such I am the political and textual person to related to about what is to happen with and about this planet you live on called URANTIA (You-Ran-Sha).  That is how we pronounce it up here at the headquarters of the spiritual local universe of Nebadon.  I am the Creator of Nebadon, hence the title.

“I want to review a moment some history that is now important to Ron here and to the idea of a widely spoken t o SPIRIT MISSION to this planet.  In 2012 I was ready to move forward with all of our might to show Urantia what should be done with a Mission that would bring Urantia back to the normal planet it once was not so long ago.  Now we are faced with a Presidential election I do not like, and Ron throws his hands up, and prays not extremists get into the national government again.  Nonetheless, read the following to brusque yourselves into a normal state of evaluation.

“In 2012, now twelve (12) years ago, this planet was set to receive a normal Magisterial Son Mission.  Urantia is not normal because it first received the bestowal of Jesus, and that is a Creator Son matching a full pair of life versions with a normal human being structures to talk and lecture about God to the planet.   That went well until the political institution called the TEMPLE got involved and Jesus was murdered by them for mostly political reasons.  Now we must still pay the consequence of that terror to the Jesus household and leave Urantia grasping at what it has done and finally to what causes the planet so much great harm in our opinion.

“No one can guess at the similitude of the death of Jesus.   Jesus was pilloried by the religious order of the day, the Jewish Temple Mount still overlooking Jerusalem using a large stone wall that refuses to crack or fall down yet.

“I personally dictate its destruction, but it keeps being rebuilt by the nuts in the Israeli government to portray its importance as both a tourist site and/or the commemoration of the event of Jesus appearing on earth now well over 2,000 years ago.  I am now remembering as the Bestowal Son then, Joshua ben Joseph– as I was then addressed by my Apostles and by my family.   This last sentence brings back so many memories I [bring] tear to the transmitter and I leave it alone to tell you this:

“It was my hope and Joshua ben Joseph (Jesus) that all things would eventually work out and for that reason I can still talk about it as though it was a reasonable event in spite of being murdered for political reasons on the cross.

“Now it comes to pass that there is very little left of Christianity, or is there much left of the Moslem world either today, but I digress just enough to tell you that if Israel does not make amends with the Gaza property, the entire religion will collapse, and I do not mean Christianity, but I mean the entire Jewish sect is open for revision until there is nothing left but a hollow memory still of a stone wall that was the home of thieves and mercenaries that murdered the Christ.

“To follow this discourse, you need not the Bible, and that is because it is a later edition to the history of the Middle East, and what was then my mortal home in Nazareth near Jerusalem in today’s Israel.  Let me tell you this:

The JESUS Family Name:
“In the first century AD, and specifically 07BCE to 13BCE, I was a happy child and did what my parents asked of me.  For that reason I was totally agreeable to the style of life, and the work my material Father did, Joseph ben Isacarius.  That was my fathers family name and it is so lost to history they will never recover it for modern fact.  Isacarius, that is spelled this way Ron: “ ISACARIOUS”  - THAT NAME is my true family name and no one today even suspects it could be true,  because they do not understand the traditions that I lived my life under in early First Century AD calendar on Urantia.  Now this:

“Ron considers this extremely important to know about.  

"We do not think much of it and we are the elders of the Temple then.

“Jesus was a roughneck, and we did not like him mucking around with the Jewish religion to the point that a new sect grew up around him.  When Jesus appeared there was tons of idolaters who attended the Temple with him, but no one made a curious religionist view more impossible to lay out then Jesus did, and we tried to evacuate his doings and his appearance.  

"We spoke this: "Jesus the blasphemer is about the Temple today.  Gird your loins and leave him be!  He is an idolater, and he must not shame the Temple with is idolatrous presence!

"Be gone, your blasphemy!  You stink our wells with your lips!  Keep this one out of the air we breathe, as there is nothing in heaven to save him.  And we let it be known that Jesus was never welcome in the Temple ever again!"


“I AM BARTHOLOMEW the Great.  I still detest what Jesus did!  He came to the Temple one day and bought all of the birds being sold on the lot we set aside for commerce.   The Temple taxed commercial sellers, and from this money we could maintain the Temple easily.   But NO!  JESUS entered and scattered them when a child, and then had the temerity to show us why such should not be part of the Temple ever, as he said, “Be aware you desecrate my FATHER!”  

“Then, Jesus turned away, and spat upon the floor, and said if the FATHER was listening he will harm us all, but since the FATHER was merciful, there was no harm to us for being heathen before the majesty of God the Father.

“Then that day in particular, I was working in my study in the Temple, I heard a loud bang on the apartments above me, for the temple was a two story building at that time, and we made many offerings to find a way to construct a third floor, but our materials were too weak to place a third floor on the Tempe in those days.  

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - “Ron, you should make this History well present, and I am sending you that protection now . . . .”

Ron Besser  speaking - (Transcriber and member of the Court to do this,  as it is  allowed by Jewish law as a transmitter of the heavenly words of high spirit.  This was alone practiced by the hirsute prayers of the Secondary Commander of the Temple.  The Secondary Commander of the Temple is a fact lost to history, but in the day of Jesus, as I am now speaking as Joshua ben Joseph to all of you, We had to accommodate this part of the temple all the time, and I considered it a great blasphemy tp hear the Temple speak this way!

‘I, as JESUS, never allowed anyone to know this but I am a Sectarian when it comes to goods being sold in a place where the Temple is relegated to Prayer to our FATHER in Heaven, and no one dare breech my identity by calling for the sale of birds while prayers are being spoken to our Father in Heaven.”

JESUS speaks further:
“I am the way!  Do not desecrate me ever with commercial goods nearby!  No one allows that in Heaven, and no one allows that in my presence!”

MICHAEL OF NEBADON now speaks:  
“I am fully discouraged by you Ron being unable to hear this better, but Jesus relates He never felt unleashed in the Temple, until one bird vendor insisted that the birds be blessed to by the Father.  He accidentally asked that the FATHER’S name  be posted on a wand to bless the birds too.  Today that is an innocent action, but in my  day in the flesh, it was war to address the FATHER in this way ever.  In any case those of you reading this, you must understand the temper of the times and not worry about your present allocation of the Spirit of  our Father.

“AS JESUS, I was fully enamored over the idea of a proscription to the Father being written at all, and early Christianity saw to it as well, that the FATHER’S name dare not appear in writing at all.  Of course today that is ridiculous with so much of Christianity being placed before all of you by huge institutions that have almost nothing to do with the life of Christ, but they do organize after commercial gain, and I am not happy about that ever!  K”

“I am the Sonship coming to Urantia now.    I am accompanied by Jesus ben Joseph for these Missions to your planet.

“I believe this dissertation is folding high crimes and misdemeanors, not over you Ron, but over JESUS, who is now fully patterned over you Ron in order to be fully honest about the Temple doings.  However, there is evil lurking everywhere and you are aware of the attempts to provide blaspheme over you and the report.  So far you have withstood the sophistries of. Not of Bartholomew, but of the seraphic cabal always nearby to you.  You are not feeling well now, and you are not doing well enough to continue, but I am insisting the JESUS make a statement for all to hear and then quite this text.  K”

JESUS speaks colloquially:
“I am sure Ron your day in court will appear shortly.  You have made it apparent that I am the forthright  heir to URANTIA and that I am the one to speak often to the population of Urantia shortly.

“However, you have taken me not far enough, for you depend on the written text as dictated, but you have no idea how to obtain a lecture from me that means something to the laity who read these interviews.  Let me give an example:


“I AM JESUS, and you better understand I am not the 1st Century anno dominus speaker but the 21st Century speaker to you now:


“That is my lesson for you today!  Why?

“The last time I spoke those words was while I was still in the flesh and I did not attend the Last Supper frugally, but with a full head of hair and a nasty temper concerning Judas.

“Judas sat thee perons to my right at the back of a long table of my last supper.  He never gave a sign of repentance, but instead nervously twitched over something he haled in his lap. That object in his lap was the price of silver he gathered from the Temple authorities, and it was to trap me in death before I would leave the Last Supper you know of.  For that reason I stayed away from Judas entirely and he knew I knew, and that threw him into a temper that made his shrill in his speech to the other Apostles at the table.

“Few of you remember anything well enough to sear your brains into holy matrimony with the presence of the FATHER.  I did.

“When cock crowed that morning, I was done for and I knew it, but Judas was simplifying his excuses to himself and never ever thought about the crime he was about to commit.  To this day, and JUDAS is now DEAD, and I have no remorse for that individual ever again, for he tried not only to kill Me, but also Peter, ny then My first Apostle.  

“I am favoring a much longer post Ron.  Are you up to it?

Ron to Jesus - I am most happy to transcribe your further, but I ask to post this preliminary post first and now an to follow with your remaining words immediately after this post is made.  Thank you.

JESUS - “Then do so.”


July 10, 2024
Michael of Nebadon and cabal trouble doing this post for you:


Yesterday, the 9th of July, 2024, was supposed to be a reopening of the Magisterial Foundation hopes for a new and a ready stream of new announcements.

Instead, we ran into a Lightline without Dominick Ohrbeck understanding there was good news around the corner, but that he knew of it but could not announce it.  His Lightline went find and was as should be under the circumstances.  The problem is this:
Yesterday was supposed to be the start of the Magisterial Son to begin the Urantia Missions.
That it got turned around; well, That was not your fault.

“URANTIA is a terrible planet not!
“But Urantia has fallen on hard times not by itself, but by a CABAL OF SERAPHIM.
“There are too many people on URANTIA again, and this time I am leaving some natural disasters be, and allow them to occur into large population areas as this planet, Urantia, is far to overcrowded to live well.  The population of Urantia today is given by the internet as of 9am the following:
Population at 9am on earth 10 July 2024[/u][/b] is 8.2 Billion People:
“Today the 10th of July, 2024, the Internet reports there are 8.2 billion people populatin Urantia.
“That is an enormous sum of living entities on a planet designed for no more than 7.1 billion people at most.  My statement this morning is to warn all of you that without a solitary Mission to reserve Urantia for posterity, the population has to be culled back to less than 5 (five) billion people.  What happens to over 3.2 billion people to bring this number back to a normal planetary size?
“I am a Creator Son, and it is up to me to determine the health and state of all planets under my command.
“In my Local Universe of Nebadon, I currently have 3,141,002 human planets at work, and this number is fairly low, for I projected over 4 (four) million human planets when Nebadon is said to be complete in about another 1 (one) billion earth years.
“For that reason I am making this statement to URANTIA:
“I can not in all honesty allow the population on Urantia grow much more.  I will stop the flow of babies shortly, and you will have to figure out why the birth rate has suddenly plummeted by the year 2035 (Twenty Thirty Five).  This is not a command, this is a necessity, and Urantia scientists will have to figure out just how that happened.  We offer the following to tell you part of it:
“Urantia HAS EXCEEDED ITS POPULATION RESTRICTION by over 1,000,000,000 (one billion) people.  The planet cannot sustain that number for long.
“For that reason population reduction must begin, and it will be natural for the most part:
1 - -  Reduction begins immediately and will continue for twenty (20) more years;
2 - - Reduction of the population begins not in Southeast Asia, but in continental South America in part. Land masses in Brazil, Ecuador, and Columbia, are likely although it is impractical to speak to exactly what will  happen;
3 - - Africa will lose most o its southern borders by at least by half sometime by the next century;
4 - - The United States will lose most of its current West Coast and southern  areas from Mid-Texas to mid-Louisiana.  That is not the Gulf of Mexico causing that but a sub-thermal triage of volcanic activity resuming there and a decision by the United States to rec;assofy the Gulf of Mexico as an inland Sea instead of the current Gulf.  The Gulf of Mexico will enlarge to almost twice its present size when done in about 200 (two hundred) years.

5 -  - The lands in South America will be punished severely from about the middle of Brazil south to mid Argentina.  The Pampas area of Brazil will be severely reduced and the entire matter of land reduction in South America is a punishing 1/3 (one third) of the now total land mass.

6 - -  “WE ARE NOT SURE YET, just when land disruption begins.

///// truncated

MICHAEL OF NEBADON p “I have called the cops Ron; there is no excuse for what is going on, and now they know it fully.  Your post is recommended not for sure but it is an effort to report the standing order that the MISSION ARE A  GO!  AND we leave it alone for now.  K  MICHAEL OF NEBADON and liaison forces joining to keep this post in one piece.  K.  Thank you.

Ron here - I will, when I can, pick up on la this post later.  I also have a Lightline today and I hope that can be accomplished today too. 

I believe this thread contains important information.  In my attempts to better understand, I often write to my Spirit Diary under the influence (I hope) of Father.  Mostly this is private for my own growth.  Sometimes I am inspired to share, as I do today, my notes unedited:


Dear Father, I am reading Dominick's transmission via Monjoronson/Arthura on Politics, State, Individualism, and the purpose of life.  It's a hard read, my eyes want to glaze over.  But my Higher Mind sees/feels there may be great benefit to sticking with this subject.

So I come here to think it over and simplify.  Hopefully with Your Blessing and Inspiration.

I restate Important points to enhance my better understanding:

"All people are created equal in their capacity to be endowed with the divine spark of God, the mind of Spirit"

"Good governance is the state of cooperation"  
(I prefer to restate: Good governance by the State encourages us all to agree and cooperate)

"Cooperation entails a dynamic tension that fosters growth and innovation.  But also creates conflict and error."

Pursuit of self-mastery and soul growth is each individuals real achievement in mortal life. (paraphrased)

Arthura continues this discussion mentioning the two competing civilizations:

"The American Dream, with a social contract with the state"
"glorious religion of the cult of personality at the top of a hierarchy draped in collective Utopian ideals."

Then Arthura warns the West is drifting into corporate collectivism, causing the freedom of the individual to drift away from self-mastery and labor, into the nanny state of provisioning of citizens with an inequality of life that is also beginning to abolish private property.  The key indicator of this trend to watch is the government becoming more than 50% of the economy vs the private sector.  And further Arthura warns that the private sector, through globalism, is working with the state to buy up the land and water.  What will individuals do when the state claims you have no right to the water that falls from the sky, and therefore no right to your own food production.

All this leads to the individual, who's main life purpose is to seek self mastery and soul growth, being crush by the ever increasing state and corporate monopoly of power and property.

Thank You Father, Monjoronson, Arthura.  I feel better, also better informed.  Just coming here to write is good for me!

General Discussion / Re: EASTER
« on: April 06, 2024, 09:32:24 am »
Thank you Jose, for this very important reminder.

I keep a timeline of important dates like this.  It agrees exactly with your facts Jose, except I have Jesus' age at 35 and 8 months.  Remember Jesus was born in 7 BC, since there is no zero year (goes from 1 BC to 1 AD) you must add only 6 years to 30 AD, less 4 months to his birthday.  Also 2024 - 30 would be 1994 years ago.  Let me know if I have it wrong so I can update my timeline.


Thank you so much my Brothers.  For joining in my sincere prayer.  

If You ever need a Prayer, I'm your guy!

Your Spiritual Bro,

Dear Father, Our Hearts cry out!  How long must our People endure these evils beyond imagination?

Father, where is Justice, Love, Fairness?  Our extreme humiliations are destroying what little faith is left in our Hearts and Souls!

If You Love us, if You really care, You would finally, after all these thousands of years, have Mercy on Us, and put an end to this shame, once and forevermore.

I wish I could Pray a better Prayer.

I wish I could be You.  I would find a way, Dear Father, to end this evil in our World for Good.

The Re-Appearance of Jesus as the Second Return / A Prayer of Thanks
« on: December 26, 2023, 08:55:58 am »
A Prayer of Thanks

Thank You Father, for the Best Christmas Day I have experienced in recent memory!

What a Wonderful time with our two Sons and their Girls!  Even the gift giving time was memorable, joyful, and very special indeed.

Then the frosting on the cake. Eight of our very closest Friends, four of the most outstanding couples we know, invited into our Home for drinks and desert!  Our Home was so full of laughter and good cheer, I know we were Host to many Angels (please accept our most humble and heartfelt thanks for such a privilege)!

Also Father, I wish to discuss with You a special unannounced Christmas Lightline Ron transmitted.  This was a most serious and insightful Lightline, more than worthy of appearing on Christmas Day.  Much of what was stated, we have heard previously in bits and pieces.  But this Lightline was characterized as the best example of concise, clearly stated,  Assessments, Decisions, State of the nations, and Plans for future actions by the Most High of Highs I have ever heard.  All this beautifully, transmitted, interpreted, and voiced by Ron at his Finest!

So as an exercise (test) in listening skills (or lack thereof), I desire today to restate in my own words my best understanding and memory of what was disclosed.  Since I only listened to this recording once, and have no transcription to refer to, I will not even try to quote or reference specific Entities, but rather capture what was most memorable and impressive to me:

A call for human unity, more specifically among transmitter/receivers, as the Missions on High will only visually operate on Urantia in Unity, and as One.

The best rational I have yet heard for why the "5th Epochal Revelation" is now so controversial, and why it makes no sense to promote or associate it with the current missions (I pray with all my Heart we can receive the "6th Epochal Revelation" soon, so that this controversy can at last be settled).

A Magisterial Mission now takes precedence over the Second Return of Jesus.  (I assume the Most Highs reserve the right to change Their Plans right up to the moment such a Mission is to begin, based on the prayers and decisions of humans.)

This transmission is the best example I can remember of why we Know and Love Ron Besser as our Human Leader here at  Thank you so much Ron, for giving your time, on Christmas Day, serving God for our benefit, and the benefit of anyone on this earth that has "ears to hear" what are the "signs of our times", and the Blessed "Voice of God"!

Dear Amethyst,
We miss you when you are gone.  We rejoice when you return to us here at the forum.
Thank you so much for this new information!

Dear Friends, during my prayer time today I was inspired to write (see below).  I have no idea if this was my higher mind, TA, or something else.  I share it here under offerings of prayer since that is what prompted it:

Optimism is a measure of Faith

"Be of good cheer!", a favorite saying of Jesus.  Is this not a way of being optimistic?  Does it not also take Faith to remain optimistic?  Is it not one of the most endearing ways to have a positive affect on those you Love, even to include those you know only casually?

Be full of Joy, why not?  If you could change one thing about how you go about your day, each day, wouldn't "being full of Joy" be a very good choice?

Perhaps today you find yourself not particularly inspired to feel joyful, did you know you can pray to your Father for more Joy?  Why not?  An Infinite Father can never be taxed too much.  

Pray often and deeply for that which you need, especially the Spiritual Gifts of your Father like Faith and Joy!  Always include these gifts for others, as well as for yourself, which puts you in a higher state to receive these gifts from your Father.

Thank You Father for this time to Ponder and Pray!

I am thinking about the "seven circles" (psychic), and worship.

It occurs to me that though these can be achieved by us higher types of humans, in truth we move more or less in and out of these states of mind and spirit consciousness.  Though I might achieve in one moment, in subsequent moments all is forgotten and focus is lost.  So I desire to remain in higher states of Mind and Spirit as I progress.  This is my new intention!  An intention, I'm sure I will need to reaffirm often before it becomes habit.

Father, in our October 10th light line we are given some rather discouraging facts about the spiritual achievements of humans now living on this planet.  I'm afraid very little of this generation will survive this life with much of any Spiritual value.

Still the memory of spiritual times in my life and childhood still stirs my Soul!

I am "Sooo" grateful for my superior upbringing.
I take little credit for these achievements given the huge Blessings You have provided to me: my parents, siblings, wife, family and friends.  Not to mention Angels and T/A.  This knowledge will always keep me humble and meek, for sure!

I pray Blessings on this world!
I refuse to give up on Any of my human Brothers and Sisters.
I will stay the course, carry each one in my arms from the battle field of life, if this might move them closer to Eternal Life with You and Us!

I know my Father does not tire, is never discouraged, knows always what is Best for each of His Children.
We will Overcome all obstacles between us and Our Father!
We shall be One Again and Forever!


Threads for New Transmissions / Re: Dedicate more time to Father
« on: May 30, 2023, 11:39:14 am »
Dear SonsofGod, you are truly a Woman of Courage, Heart, and Spirit.  You speak your truth well to inspire us all here in our Family Forum.

You have noticed, I do not often respond to Ron.  Ron is controversial, as some may have noticed.  He is my Brother in spirit and yours, and so I Love him for what he does well.

Out of respect for you, I have reread Ron's post, and here is my truth about it, for what it is worth:

Ron's post and transmission above contains so many errors of my true and honest intentions, it would take a very long post to address each one, which I choose not to do.  The problem for me is, this happens "All the time", and not just to me.

And so I will address Ron here only briefly and then respond no more:

Ron, I assess you as a good and honest man who tries his best to avoid the "cabal", and always use "clear channel".  But your ego and filter is tainted in so many of your transmissions it can no longer be ignored.


Threads for New Transmissions / Re: "We need global cooperation"
« on: May 26, 2023, 07:59:13 am »
Thank you Evelio and GAIA for this message that we need to "Feel Brotherhood among Humans" even in our business dealings.

And thank You Gaia for showing up more often on our Forum as we humans, even those who say they do not believe in God, have a real affection and understand of You and Your mission.

Threads for New Transmissions / Re: Dedicate more time to Father
« on: May 26, 2023, 07:51:26 am »
Thank you Evelio and Archangel Michael for this message!

I do not have (or don't remember) any personal experience with You Archangel Michael, but have others in my life that mention and do use You to call on.  I often wondered if You were being confused with our Universe Father Michael.  Now I know better.

Here is some related information from The Urantia book given in Paper 37:

37. Personalities of the Local Universe

3. The Archangels

37.3.3 The archangel corps of Nebadon is directed by the first-born of this order, and in more recent times a divisional headquarters of the archangels has been maintained on Urantia. It is this unusual fact that soon arrests the attention of extra-Nebadon student visitors. Among their early observations of intrauniverse transactions is the discovery that many ascendant activities of the Brilliant Evening Stars are directed from the capital of a local system, Satania. On further examination they discover that certain archangel activities are directed from a small and apparently insignificant inhabited world called Urantia. And then ensues the revelation of Michael's bestowal on Urantia and their immediately quickened interest in you and your lowly sphere.

37.3.4 Do you grasp the significance of the fact that your lowly and confused planet has become a divisional headquarters for the universe administration and direction of certain archangel activities having to do with the Paradise ascension scheme? This undoubtedly presages the future concentration of other ascendant activities on the bestowal world of Michael and lends a tremendous and solemn import to the Master's personal promise, “I will come again.”

37.3.6 Two senior archangels are always assigned as the personal aids of a Paradise Avonal on all planetary missions, whether involving judicial actions, magisterial missions, or bestowal incarnations. When this Paradise Son has finished the judgment of a realm and the dead are called to record (the so-called resurrection), it is literally true that the seraphic guardians of the slumbering personalities respond to “the voice of the archangel.” The roll call of a dispensation termination is promulgated by an attendant archangel. This is the archangel of the resurrection, sometimes referred to as the “archangel of Michael.”

Threads for New Transmissions / Re: Prepare for food shortage
« on: May 25, 2023, 20:49:11 pm »
Thank you SonsofGod and Father for this warning.

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