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Messages - SonsofGod

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  • 072224 Monday Lightline Netherlands International; Host: Elise Sophia Veronica
  • Subjects: Missions are called off but many people’s hearts changing for the better; Magisterial Sons continue to work and will call on us to contribute; our beautiful future in Paradise; time and reality; examine our ways; how we follow Jesus' teaching? When is the Second Return?
  • Speakers: Michael of Nebadon; Universal Father; Amadon, and Gabriel
  • Transcriber: sonsofGod
  • Link to tape:


Hello. This is Lightline Netherlands International on Monday again. It's July 22nd of 2024, And I am Elise, your host as always, and I welcome you all and thank you for calling in. So, let's start our Lightline with a prayer, and look up to our Heavenly Father, and thank him for bringing us together, and to make these Lightlines possible.  

We always thank the Father for his blessings and his care for the planet, for its people, that they may know the Father, and may discover the many opportunities that Father sends us, one of which is the connection to spirit. And that keeps us informed and connected with everything that they like to tell us. Of course, we all would like to do the Father's will, to live up to his will, and well, Father we thank you once again for you blessings and ask for a clear connection and good reception. Amen.

Well, welcome Jose. We are asking for someone to come to us and speak to this group, if possible.

Michael of Nebadon

Yes, good day to all of you. This is Michael of Nebadon, and welcome everyone.


Well, we welcome you Michael, please go ahead.

Michael of Nebadon

Thank you, Elise. I am Michael of Nebadon and today I am on the planet, and I see that you are starting your Lightline with a prayer as you do on the morning to thank Father. To thank our Father, and that is exactly the way you start out every new day, and everything you do in collaboration with the Father. You greet God and you thank him. So, thank you for doing that.

And let's continue and look at the situation on your world, which is not much different from other days. But we see some slight improvements in the hearts of men, where they are beginning to feel the need for change, and to think about in what way they could ever help this world, where so much is wrong and where so much needs to be done to change. All of this and the people on it with the few people who realize that the earth is in dire need and that something needs to be done to safeguard life on Earth.

Well, I tell you, they are absolutely right to think deeply about such things, for the situation on Urantia is really bad. And it must change in many respects. First and foremost, violence must be stopped. And a race to be the number one in anything must end and make way for a more just and altruistic way of thinking and feeling in the hearts of men.

Many on the planet are on the right path. They are trying to change their lifestyle and exchange it for a simpler, more social and more effective way of life, in collaboration with others who are also trying to find a fair standard of living without burdening the earth with their waste and exploitation and the misuse of what the planet offers naturally in abundance to everyone.

Whatever is happening in that direction will be a good start to minimizing the use of goods of which there are now far too many. Such a change will lead to a reduction in production, and in the high demand for luxury goods and poor fast-food products. Right now, there is an overproduction in almost everything on your world, and that has to stop.

This must be overproduction of the people themselves in order to be able to remove the vast piles of waste of too much unnecessary food and means that are placing a heavy burden on the world. Where, at the same time, 1000s of families still live below the poverty line and barely manage to make ends meet to feed their children. And they too will continue to strive for prosperity and wealth that the rest of the world has appropriated, and that will lead to even more pollution, and the further and further disrupt the balance of this planet.

We all know that if a policy of social and economic balance is not very soon disseminated and implemented, the planet will succumb to greed and the depletion of its resources, which men keeps abusing for the pleasures of only a part of the world's population, leaving the majority as second-class citizens in their imposed state.

This, of course, is a very selfish way of thinking and acting, and it must disappear from your world in exchange for a sense of responsibility for every person, for each other, and for the total concern of all citizens. And to help build a world that is livable and provides work and means to all.

I am, Michael of Nebadon, and you have heard on the Sunday Lightline that the missions and all their plans have been rejected and will not be carried out in such a manner on Urantia. But the planet will, with my permission, Michael of Nebadon, receive information through the Magisterial Sons. They will exert their influence on the world and provide new opportunities in furthering their objectives.

I am sure that the Magisterial Sons will call upon this group, and on those who have been instructed by Monjoronson for years, and who expect to be part of the efforts for the common pursuit of cooperation, and the ultimate unification that must eventually be achieved between nations, and between all their people. There are many groups on Urantia that have been taught by the Magisterial Son Monjoronson over several decades, and they have sought to embody his advice and his teachings. And those of them who have worked assiduously to change their ways and communicated them to others, will in the future witness the fruits of their labor, and they will not be disappointed.

I am Michael, Michael of Nebadon. And although the missions as such have disappeared, the Magisterial Sons will pick up their work and further shape their prepared work in their own way. They will provide assistance through instructions and news through Lightlines and the discussion forum, to prevent Urantia from getting into even deeper trouble than it finds itself already in. You're all very fortunate to have such divine Sons care for your world and for what you have to experience in your lifetime.

It's not an easy thing. It's not an easy time for so many on the planet, and we have great hopes that even though we have no missions For Urantia, we will have help and enough assistance from those who are especially trained and are concerned with the people that are living on these beautiful planets. I am Michael, and I step back, and I think that the Father wants to speak here to all of you. I thank you for your attention, and I give it back to you. Elise,


Thank you, Michael, thank you for your words. And welcome Father if you're there. Please, please go ahead if you're ready.

Universal Father

Yes, good day to all. This is Father. This is your Universal Father. I am in connection with the transmitter for today's Lightline to receive my message. I'm here for everyone to hear.

I am the Universal Father, speaking to you from Paradise. The abode of deity and the center of the universes of universes, which is a gigantic material sphere, divinely organized and of complete perfection. Which has existed from eternity and on. Which you may have been informed of in your Urantia book, where an entire chapter is devoted to the divine abode where I and Michael ordinates reside. And where you will always find me.

Paradise is the fixed, immovable center of creation. And it is the place of many essentials, all of which are related to the creation, and the maintenance of my creation. It is also a place for the many individuals who are born as perfected beings. They are perfect. They are the Paradise citizens. And they are never found outside of Paradise. They have their own living quarters, their own zones on this vast - vast world, of which we don’t speak as a world. It is a glorious and peaceful place.

Time is irrelevant on Paradise. For as you know, time does not exist on Paradise. Life on Paradise is in full unity with everything, and in perfection in all and every way. I am your Father. I am on Paradise. Paradise is a faraway destiny for the mortal beings, but it is reserved for the ascending creatures of the evolutionary time and space. Of which you will be one when you have completed your journey through creation, with the many opportunities presented to you in your search for God.

And there you will find the Eternal Spirit, the Eternal Son, and finally me, your Universal Father. And I will embrace you and welcome you into my home, which is your home. And the home for all people who have lived their lives in free will to follow my will. And to acknowledge me as Creator and Father. And to have lived for the brotherhood of men among all my God knowing children. You will be surrounded there by beauty and divine love like you have never felt before. And an unprecedented feeling will come over you and make you feel gratitude for my creation. Because you have than achieved your goal after a long journey of learning and growing of your soul on your path through creation.

And where, after a period of rest, long enough to explore and experience your new home, you are given new assignments. You sent out by me into the universe to use your knowledge, your experience, and to put it into practice for my children who are then in the early stages of their development on the 1000s of planets by then inhabited humans. And you will be able to fully feel the pleasure of your undertaking to teach them. Teach them about me as their Creator and Father of the heavens.

I, the Creator, the Father of my children never leave Paradise. It’s my abode, I have chosen to be my home, from which I rule my universe. And from where I send my guides and helpers to the inhabited words. And where I receive my children who worked so hard to find me. I am the constant of the universe of universes. I am the true and only God. I am Father, the Universal Father, and what God has created exist in its glorious design into infinity and will increasingly unfold the purpose of is vast creation.

When violence decreases and brotherhood between people grows, there is a beginning of increasing unity among people, and space becomes available to properly assess what the rights and obligations are of all citizens, who desire to participate in a peaceful society. There is still a long way to go for the Urantians, but my divine Son, Monjoronson, has been heard by many on your world. And any loyal and knowledgeable people or group is prepared to commit to the much needed and the well understood measures that are being required for a great shift towards a thriving society in a more simplistic lifestyle, and with the more than sufficient resources to provide everyone with needs and maintenance.

We eagerly await the state of affairs, the healthy and sound minds in this world in cooperation of those who together help bring about these very necessary changes. The Magisterial Sons wait expectantly, and they do not exactly count on the cooperation of the best minds in this world, but they will, undoubtedly, in time, call on the cooperation of those who are familiar with their existence and presence among the people, and who are prepared to jointly contribute to the very necessary changes and its implementation.

And for this group, your cooperation and your proven perseverance are desperately needed to show others that with patience and faith, and with My Grace great things can happen that lead to good and lasting solutions for future generations. This world is not forgotten. Not only is Urantia the world of Michael’s last Bestowal, when he was born of woman. It’s also, it has also a too long and interesting history to be preserved, and to serve as an example for many inhabitants of other planets who have the opportunity to delve into the evolution of a planet that has experienced the greatest difficulties, and problems of rebellion. But also, the greatest privilege by the Creator Son, in Bestowing himself to your planet in his local universe.

I am your Father, and I take me leave. I give you my blessings, and I wish you all good day.


Thank you, Father, thank you.


This is Amadon. I would like to say a few words to everyone here. I have known most of you for a long time, and I have spoken to many. I would like to speak a few words about different ways of perspective in life. Always depending on place and time, that could be quite a subject to discuss, but we take it easy today.

Your view of life may differ from what we see here today. We see people in all kinds of circumstances, from suffering in fear and hunger to those who lust for power and possessions. We see individuals who are satisfied with what life offers them. They do not need much, and others toil their way through existence. And still others have so much time and freedom that they do not know what to do with their time. There are 1000s of examples of differences in lifestyle and the way people experience life. Also, everyone has a different perception of time, and that depends often on what you are doing that you like or are being pushed to your limit by the stress of a deadline that demands the impossible of you, which can lead to serious disorders and diseases. For you, the humans on the planet, it may even seem that long stretches of time have passed, what could be a very short time in spirit. And so, your patience could be severely tested, whereas we experienced that period as gone in the blink of an eye.

I'm Amadon. I have experiences on both sides. As you get older, you notice how time flies. For you as parents, your children grow up too fast, but for your children, it seems to take ages, and sometimes too long for them to reach adulthood. While others are not so keen. They take things as they come. You all experience your life and time differently from a different perspective, a different reality. And this has to do with what seems to be your reality at that moment.

From our reality here in the spheres, we see you from a different perspective. Things like age, health, work, family relationships, your interactions with friends, and even with the rest of the world. We are actually all live in a different reality, as some in spirit have experienced and lived in your reality, like Michael of Nebadon did, when he as Jesus, had his life here on the planet, On Urantia everything seems to happen hastily, and you are all dependent on your clock.

There's nothing wrong with your clock or how you spend your hours, as long as it doesn't harm your health or make you a nervous wreck. Yes, there are times when you need to pay attention to the time when you go to school or work or have an appointment but be careful that not everything you do is controlled by your clock. I can tell you that in spirit, there is no rush. Things happen as they should or should not. And when we commit to a task, we start and continue until the task is sufficiently accomplished. It doesn't matter how long it takes; it's done when it's done to everyone's satisfaction.

We also recommend that you look very seriously at yourselves and discover what your preferences are in life and what your talents and skills are, when choosing your direction in life. Because working with a version can distract your attention and weaken your interest, which does never contribute to the outcome of your work. Look for something you feel attracted to, because it might take you years before you risk quitting, and then you have to cope with it. Take a study that you like, try to find the people you like. You might have to spend a lot of time with them. And you can even try to find help and find out where your interests lie and in what you will perform at your best. It will help you, even in your spiritual growth and work. People on this planet tend to feel in their time way ahead of time, and thus they never have a moment to spare. Your agenda may be full, but if there is never a moment for anyone in your life, then you are making the wrong decisions which you might regret.

I am Amadon. I advise you to take the time to see your friends, your neighbor. Talk to your colleagues, give attention to your children and your fellow man. It might even save someone's life if a person is crying out for help, and you were there to help him or her. Jesus always took the time for everyone who needed his attention and came to him. He never disappointed anyone. He was never in a hurry and gave people his time, and many found salvation or were helped by Jesus's words of comfort and of good intentions, and they left him in a happy mood, because he made time for them. But always be careful what you do with your time. Time is precious because you only have a limited amount of it, but how to use that time in the wisest and most adequate way is up to each of you. And remember, there are more people than you know who would like you to take some of your time, because they really need your advice, or your love, your care, or just a warm hug.

I'm Amadon. I know how it feels to live in time. I know how time can be long or short, but please learn that everything is relative. Forget the saying time is money, because that is a big lie that some people use when they are only focused on the material things in life. Money is not your life, your soul is your life, and you have to take care of your soul by doing what Jesus showed us and showed us in the old universe. And that is to take care of each other. And remember that you are a part of a family, a family of brothers and sisters, whether you are in a country, in the world, or in the universe. And then finally this. Please remember, your Father is the Universal Father and Father of all, head of his family. This is Amadon. I say goodbye and I thank you for listening.


Thank you, Amadon, I was happy to receive you, and we hope you will come back someday. Thank you.

Let me have a look at the dashboard. This is Elise. Oh, we have a couple of guests that came in a little bit later, Carol Deptula and George Huber, and Charlotte from Alabama, you're all very welcome, and I'm asking if there is anything else for us. So please give me a moment to see if we have another speaker here.


Peace be among you. These are the words that Jesus spoke when as the resurrected Jesus, he visited his friends, his disciples, and his family. And when he showed himself in his morontial body that he acquired when he rose from the grave.

This is Gabriel. Hello, everyone. I am the Chief Executive of this local universe, but I am also the angel who brought the good news to Mary, the mother of Jesus, who was pregnant with her first child. I Gabriel, have watched the earthly life of Jesus. I have seen the horrors of his suffering and the contempt of his death until he was raised from the grave when the angel Ryan commanded him to wake up,

I Gabriel, have followed Jesus on his journey as a man in this world. I have seen all his efforts to return to Urantia, the planet of his human birth, where he began his career as a man among men, and as the Son of God, fulfilling his task, and then went up to the Father in heaven to be received by him.

Jesus never forgot the planet of his birth, and he promised to return to what was disturbed by people, who did not understand him and worked against him. Even now he sees that people have not progressed much beyond their pity behavior, and that the pursuit of peace in the world is hampered by greed and egotism, which hinders spiritual progress and causes the planet to lag behind in its spiritual development with all its consequences. But Jesus has promised to return to this world, and he will fulfill his promise when he has the opportunity to show himself among the people and unfold his plans for the world. When man comes to understand the danger that threatens the world by his technical means, and he shall see them return in despair to him, to Jesus, who taught them so long ago about his Father, who is your Father. And they will cry for God to help. They will beg for mercy and a better life under his guidance.

I am Gabriel and we see that the world is going through a difficult and unpredictable time. It will have to show that its people put the importance of a healthy planet first if they want to preserve life on the planet, and to offer their children a world where humans can breathe and live. This is the challenge that humans now face, and it will be up to you humans to solve this and reverse a situation that you yourselves have caused by neglecting your habitat in the universe, and now have to do everything you can to solve your own created problems. But you are not left alone in this. Spirit always comes and will help, will assist, will support. We do not know yet fully in what ways. Pray that these difficult and extremely important tasks for humanity in this world will succeed, with the help of divine helpers that will be sent out to help, And by Jesus, who will commit himself to a new world as soon as a chance takes place in the heart of humankind and shows in their care for each other and their environment. and

Jesus is ready if men willing to get rid of his selfish behavior. Let us hope that love may conquer the hearts of all men, and triumph in this world. For there has been so much destruction, but we say, we have seen enough.  

Jesus sees opportunities. Jesus is ready is man willing to get rid of. Of his selfish behavior, let us hope that love may conquer the hearts of all men and triumph in this world where there has been so much destruction, but we say we have seen enough. We have learned a lesson. We're willing to go to work. Pick up your swords and be with us. We need every support. We need all your prayers. We need your hope. There is a future. Try in your own mind to see a future world where there may be peace, where people may live in happiness and welfare. Pray for those days. Pray for the Magisterial Sons. Pray for Jesus and for Michael of Nebadon. It's all under his control. I'm Gabriel, and I leave you with these words. We thank you.


Thank you, Gabriel, thank you for speaking to us. Is there anything else, or anyone else who would like to speak here?

This is Gabriel. No, Elise. I am the last speaker. I thank you.


Thank you, Gabriel.

Well, and I see that we have reached the end of the hour a little bit over time, which is not… not a problem at all. So let me look at the dashboard. We had 14 on the call altogether, and I would like to thank our speaker for today, Michael of Nebadon, and Father, and Amadon, and and Gabriel. And I thank all of you who came here and join us in this Lightline, and I hope to be back next week, on Monday again, for another Lightline. Thank you and bye. Bye to all till next time, bye.



Tuesday, Lightline, everyone. Dominick, your host, July 16. Today is a banner day for whatever Arthura apparently has put together with me. And welcome everyone for getting going as we welcome Amado to the call. Welcome Amado. You're on mute. We have pressed record just a minute ago. Arthura, I suppose we welcome you, and we do a good, a quick prayer, as is customary in our universe here before we receive you, so we pray to our Father. And it is so.
Welcome, Arthura, let me prepare to receive you or anyone else.
This is Arthura. We might have a little bit of a warmup before we go into major transmissions. With that warmup, we summarize that this particular mode of transmitter, in review, has undertaken approximately 125 lessons of various sorts over Lightlines and requested transmissions during certain sprints of time required to produce them. You have been listening to me for a little over two years now, if you do the math of approximation, and you wonder, what could we possibly be lectured on today.

Well, let me tell you, the culmination seems to peak and then peak and then peak again. That's P, E, A, K, as in a crescendo or a peak, which is the opposite of a valley. The heightened tension on the planet is at an all-time high for those who are living it. Now, this is mostly because you live in the present, and whatever danger poses you is the peak danger of that moment, once you survive the threat of yesterday, it is no longer ever the peak. Every day is a new peak. But It behooves you to know where you came from in a retrospective. All you have is your own personal perspective.

But the collective perspective creates a a climate that is quite interesting on a rebellion planet that blasphemies the existence of a Universal Father. The exploration and of the mystery of the universe is not so controversial on a normal planet. Planets that bloom with humans are naturally inclined to inquire about the mystery that the universe presents to the very meaning and existence of life. That religion is so controversial and violent is a very unique extremism on this area of the universe. The planets that surround you, share in this destiny or this tragedy.
Let me fix something on my computer. One moment, folks. Okay. Just try to reduce the noise, Better.
That is the backdrop, as I continue, this is Arthura. That is the backdrop of planetary status of the human condition to explore the nature of existence. You cannot entirely squelch the human need to come up with something, anything to explain these mysteries. These self-evident expressions that life exists and there are mysteries to uncover, both consciousness and physical reality, and to present meaning to a life that ultimately ends in a death, and then ask, what is it all for?

As you seek the rhetorical unity in the coming days, weeks and months, this mystery of life is what unites you, in both, your ignorance and blunt. That life could ultimately lead to some aspect of joy and is not always so serious and sorrowful. And yet that seems to be an unreachable ideal, as every day, time and space offers a new peak for you to overcome. I am Arthura, and I will keep continuing.
And this is Dominick. I welcome Charlotte and Gary to the call. Welcome guys. You Well, shall we? Shall we go on?
The question about what to transmit is no longer about mission updates and mission status. Rather, this is Arthura helping this transmitter read the appropriate editorial and jest without too much graph, whatever that means.

The central theme that binds you all in your journey to these new peaks of ultimate tension and danger is that none of you ultimately have all the facts or the truth, or even know where the field of play is or the scope of what's going on. This is the nature of your creative design that you can only physically see and hear and touch and be in any one place in any one time. The rest is a fill in the blanks attitude, conditioned by propaganda. Now propaganda is simply a word for information, but that information itself is incomplete and woeful in its education of what we have come to define as the responsibilities of a citizen.

Never mind the responsibilities of a child of God, such as the 10 Commandments. But that cosmic citizenship builds on those basics of the tenets of brotherhood and the existence of a God, and creates advanced systems of ethics and law to administrate the complex civilization that grows up and the technology advances advances that liberate you from the toil of life and into those joys of leisure that produce even more spiritual insight and uncover the mysteries of the physical universe and the interconnection between spirit and physicality and mind.

I am Arthura, speaking through this transmitter. He has prepared it quite a big whiteboard, and we're finding it difficult to interject what's contained there, and without going off on the tangent of this lesson. Nonetheless, we are forced through these times to give you a bit of a recap to even understand where we are in a mission status that is no longer available to the news of these Lightlines. But let us go back to a little bit of prehistory just before the Magisterial Sons were introduced. And this will interweave between the personal history and the encyclopedics timeline that will be presented.
All right, God. I'm in your hands, Arthura, but you're in mine too, I guess.
Proceed with confidence.
Very well.
In 2000, no, pre-2000 in the 1990s is the personal history of Dominick in high school and college. That would be essentially 1990 through 1997. I enjoyed a debate. We had a very good teacher, and it was not a team. It was more of a class, an elective, if you will.

But anyway, one year, I think maybe my senior year, which would put us in 1992 we resolved something about the fixing the dropout rate in the country, that it was something that was to be addressed. And the gist of that was some connection I had made, coming across a document by what would be the future, or was the current head of the HUD, that's the Federal Agency for Housing and Urban Development, that's Katherine Austin Fitz. That's one of the first women to be in such industries in her private sector life just before being on the HUD. And so what I learned was the… one of the canons of the social justice kind of movement, which is that not only are prisons made for profit, which is kind of the biggest contention even today, prisons for profit, but she also found out that funds from the HUD were always being used for new development and could be better used for remediation of any current and existing development. But rather that elections were won by essentially promising new development to companies to build new buildings. So it was never an interest to have sustainable, well run public housing, but always new housing.

Later on, it got into other things, where she came up with software that even pointed this out, and was rather disinvited from government soon after. But that is the prelude of a bookend that comes even today, as we have the same dilemma of the HUD in our politics, where essentially new development is being introduced as social justice in traditionally single-family home areas. Just something of note that HUD does play a significant role. And if you look even further into the esoteric aspects of a Magisterial Mission, you might consider the proper accounting of fiscal responsibility by governments in that regard. Where it was intimated that HUD works with black budget defense. So just to anticipate questions from say, Valerie or Weydevu, the answer is apparently yes. But that's from the human, purely human, investigation of things. So that's a prelude for 1999 where I lived in Seattle during the 1999 World Trade Organization protests. Personal experience of listening to protesters preplanning their vandalism and coffee shops. So in other words, there is a… there's always the… on the middle ground, the citizen of the hometown who gets put in the middle of a battlefield, if you will. And that's just the .., so that's the first instance of property damage being used by protesters as an act of violence.

This would be the political appeal for media coverage using ‘property damage violence’ to get their message better known. And the lessons learned, you can look this up on just Wikipedia as the editorial describes this, that the lesson learned from WTO by the protesters of violent property crime, learned from there on out that violence is what gets the message known and heard. A peaceful protest means no media coverage. So that's in 1999 and 2004 and five. Oh, and then there's a recession in 2001.
In 2004 and five, you have the first indications of rebel…, a political turmoil in Ukraine with the orange, something or another, I can't think of it right now.

In 2008 you have another recession with the financial crisis. I believe that was some sort of… so, you have to kind of the SNL during the Bush administration that we opened up with, and now you have in 2008 those too big to fail financial institutions and recession, and that was the presidential election year of Clinton versus Obama, which forever changed the structure of the Democratic apparatus, and would soon be copied by the Republican apparatus. But what you have today are two apparatuses that aren't very well oiled to accept new leadership from the bottom of the democratic process.

In 2011 through 12, you have the Occupy Movement, which was global. A bit coinciding with that is the Citizens United versus the Federal Election Commission in 2010 together with the Smith-Mund (Modernization) Act or law, basically HR.4310. So those are two things that fundamentally conditioned politics going forward. Certainly, regards to the theme we opened with earlier and understanding propaganda in terms of just the access to information, and access to anything but the sponsored news.

In times in 2008 through 2014 you start to have the beginnings of a border crisis of unaccompanied minors. In 2014 I had, this is Dominick speaking, a personal experience letting a summer of Educational Administrators. I have no personal background in education and administration, but I was positioned to be at their conferences during the summer. I think 2014 maybe it's 13, I'm not sure. And that's when I learned about what was on the mind of Educational Administrators who were working with UN, that's United Nations programs, and that was the genesis of something called white privilege. So that's not DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) the UN had been working, and this is not a complaint. This is just…, this is just to give you some context. But white privilege was something that, as a UN program had been going on for over… for many years, like a decade, even prior to 2014.

Now, when you look at 2016 election, If you cite something like Pew research, that's P E W, the common aspects of what was most important in that election were things that are traditional in The… like the economy, and terrorism, and the border, and at the very bottom were where the divergence between parties was very acute. In other words, there wasn't much of a big divergence in any of the issues, but when you got to the bottom four issues that were being measured at all out of say 15, there became wide splits between democrat, republican. And Those were with race, environment, gender and abortion.

In 2016 you had the utilization of Russian platforms. And incidentally enough, in 2014 some of the harms being cited by some of the panelists were that white supremacy was on the biggest rise, simply because you could see that they had an aggressive internet presence. Well, at the same time, in 2016 we have the beginnings of bot farms, which is basically setting up individual IP address computers, uniting them all together, creating accounts on social media, and buying up advertising, and then finding any weak point in the state you wish to undermine and press those hot buttons. So interestingly enough, you have the most splits and divergence in those four things, but at the same time, you have a rhetoric or an understanding of citing the very fact that these bot forms exist as proof that your enemies also exist. It either exists at the magnitude that it does, or it's or it's bot farms, but it, can it be? This is the question, can it be? Can it be both? And we haven't even gotten that far.

Basically, it's been politicized like a sawtooth wave, not a sine wave. A sine wave would be a harmonious coherence, which is an ideal aspect of any… anything. But our… our Civil War gearing up is more like a saw tooth wave, which runs in a peak and valley, where the like a square... it runs up at the peak and goes in a line and then immediately goes to the valley and goes in a line, and then immediately picks up again to the highest point. And that's why it's called a saw… excuse me, that would be a square wave, not a sawtooth wave, a square wave.

So anyway, you have Russia gates in 2016 soon after this, with the accusation of both farms that are proven, but the accusation of coalition… collusion and coordination, that's part of the Mueller report, which didn't come to enough evidence to indicate that it was coordinated and premeditated, rather, seems to just being an understanding. What would benefit both parties was good for both parties, I suppose.
In 2014 you have the Ukrainian revolution, the (recording error) and revolution that both sides today, the Russian and the West, blame each other for the current war in some aspect. Around February 2014 the… you could say the majority of the Ukrainians what wish to join the EU, and Russia, who traditionally exerts an influence over Ukraine, made sure politically that that wasn't going to happen. And that's why the revolution, say occurred, or the coup, or whatever you want to call it, and the Russian backed president was kicked out in favor of a pro West regime, and this was wildly unpopular in the mostly Russian zones.
And at the same time, Russia annexed Crimea in February of that year.

I'm just looking at my…

So, well, keep going on. We can fast forward now to 2019-2020 covid happens. In 2019 you have an impeachment of the president over Ukraine, which is, you could say, it was two sides investigating the other over inappropriate conduct, and what ended up happening was both sides left unresolved, and both sides continue to push their narratives. In the meantime, there seems to be a continued push for Ukraine to be less corrupt with its use of resources that are being sent to it during this time. And then with covid happening during this time, I don't intend to go into that much. We all been… it's all in our recent memory. But also, during this time, in May 2020 the… you could say, the race riots and social justice riots and protests occur widespread after the George Floyd incident.

That's a different flavor, I suppose, in each each region. Again, this transmitter was still living in Seattle, and everyone was boarding up the windows, and you have the kind of the summer of love, and you have even happening around the world of some of these political factions in the Middle East giving rise to supposedly democratic movements. I don't exactly know how that has turned out. But certainly, the lessons of 1999, by this time, were brazenly being and openly used in the streets. Literally.

This is simply to state that political violence is now an institutionalized means of democratic expression. And if we are to certainly unify, this must be stopped. I don't know personally how to stop it, but I can begin to address some of the harms and identify some of the core problems, and some of the words that we are starting to, phrases are, that is, it's to do or die in the mentality of many at the moment. And this is a very, very risky precipice to be on.

The very nature of this is culminating that there's no or very little reciprocation. What doesn't make sense for one side is almost justifiable, but also the other side is almost equally justified. I don't even know why our president, who had an opportunity to deescalate, doubles down on a phrase of the word ‘bloodbath’, which, if you look in, you simply do some forensic contextualization. It was used in the context of the auto industry and China, trade relations with China. That's the context.

So, if we can't even mitigate that, and you have to double down on that, I don't know where we're at. And so that's a little bit of where we are today. If you want to get involved, you want to get involved with the taxing authority of your local government. Relating to HUD, relating to education, relating to your own property taxes, you fund the state which is educating children to use violence at the lower levels of education, and know the higher levels of education. They are immigrants are entering illegally, and know before they get here, how to use the system to gain resources. And meanwhile, the most important aspects to our very existential existence of a democracy are now the industry of race. It's not just a social thing. Race is an industry now. And it's put into corporate, and education, culture, and everywhere, and it's under scrutiny. You have two camps with almost diametrical philosophies on DEI. A gender is conflated to status, which should never reach national attention. Yes, it deserves attention from those communities, and they deserve civil equality, but they don't garner so much attention in light of what's going on.

And certainly, when it comes to Revelation, it should be put on the back burner. It has no place, none as an issue. And to wear it proudly as such is very damaging to the very real problems that a Spiritual Administration seeks to address. And you should look at yourselves from helpers who wish to have missions. Where are you putting your emphasis and significance on? And clearly, if you're putting it on gender and pronouns and transgender issues, that's the very bottom of what the people and also the highest spiritual administrators find as a priority.

Lastly, we turn to 2019 with El Salvador. We happen to have a majority of transmitters, actually from El Salvador. And so they'll they will be able to tell this story much better than than me, I'm sure of it. But in 2014 a lot of those unaccompanied minors were Salvadorian, and a lot of those issues with gangs and drugs that even plague us today with something, things like fentanyl and human trafficking with the cartels, and drug trafficking, they had made quite a bit, quite a bit more money with millions more people are coming through. However, in El Salvador, this managed to be changed. When the government literally went to war against the gangs and locked up approximately 1% of its population, and the evidence of that is clear today, as it's finally getting some media coverage at the national level. But there's two sides to those stories. Still, you can see how it was presented in 2019 by the US media, and now again, now it's being issued in 2014, now that security has been established at the price of basically constitutional freedoms. Weather that's good or bad, overwhelmingly, the people are deciding it's good enough in El Salvador, and I think Renee is even going back on some sort of trip, at least, in the near future. And so, we support him going back there.

And there's this probably a renewed opportunity, certainly for some work there to be done, And we should work there and support Renee in his endeavors, and because if we don't, the Chinese will. And the Chinese put themselves as a state before God. There is no God. There is only the Communist Party. And so that's everything I have today. If you want to get involved, it's probably best to get involved at your local government and where your property taxes go, and how those get funding in your city government with the city commissioners. After that, you're just more and more susceptible to propaganda of one side or the other, but hopefully this gives us a lesson or a little bit of a level set of how we got here, and some options about where we're going.

And we pray that we can correct the ship and that people understand what unification means, and it starts with without being violent, and then we can worry about justice and prosecution later. And that violence is a sure sign when violence is an expression of political means that those people have very little concern for God. So, keep that in mind and God bless you all for listening. We'll now open it up to questions if we have it, otherwise, the Lightline is over. I thank you for being here. Are there any questions? Feel free.


Tuesday, Lightline, everyone. Dominick, your host, July 16. Today is a banner day for whatever Arthura apparently has put together with me. And welcome everyone for getting going as we welcome Amado to the call. Welcome Amado. You're on mute. We have pressed record just a minute ago. Arthura, I suppose we welcome you, and we do a good, a quick prayer, as is customary in our universe here before we receive you, so we pray to our Father. And it is so.
Welcome, Arthura, let me prepare to receive you or anyone else.
This  is Arthura. We might have a little bit of a warm up before we go into major transmissions. With that warm up, we summarize that this particular mode of transmitter, in review, has undertaken approximately 125 lessons of various sorts over Lightlines and requested transmissions during certain sprints of time required to produce them. You have been listening to me for a little over two years now, if you do the math of approximation, and you wonder, what could we possibly be lectured on today.

Well, let me tell you, the culmination seems to peak and then peak and then peak again. That's P, E, A, K, as in a crescendo or a peak, which is the opposite of a valley. The heightened tension on the planet is at an all-time high for those who are living it. Now, this is mostly because you live in the present, and whatever danger poses you is the peak danger of that moment, once you survive the threat of yesterday, it is no longer ever the peak. Every day is a new peak. But It behooves you to know where you came from in a retrospective. All you have is your own personal perspective.

But the collective perspective creates a a climate that is quite interesting on a rebellion planet that blasphemies the existence of a Universal Father. The exploration and of the mystery of the universe is not so controversial on a normal planet. Planets that bloom with humans are naturally inclined to inquire about the mystery that the universe presents to the very meaning and existence of life. That religion is so controversial and violent is a very unique extremism on this area of the universe. The planets that surround you, share in this destiny or this tragedy.
Let me fix something on my computer. One moment, folks. Okay. Just try to reduce the noise, Better.
That is the backdrop, as I continue, this is Arthura. That is the backdrop of planetary status of the human condition to explore the nature of existence. You cannot entirely squelch the human need to come up with something, anything to explain these mysteries. These self-evident expressions that life exists and there are mysteries to uncover, both consciousness and physical reality, and to present meaning to a life that ultimately ends in a death, and then ask, what is it all for?

As you seek the rhetorical unity in the coming days, weeks and months, this mystery of life is what unites you, in both, your ignorance and blunt. That life could ultimately lead to some aspect of joy and is not always so serious and sorrowful. And yet that seems to be an unreachable ideal, as every day, time and space offers a new peak for you to overcome. I am Arthura, and I will keep continuing.
And this is Dominick. I welcome Charlotte and Gary to the call. Welcome guys. You Well, shall we? Shall we go on?
The question about what to transmit is no longer about mission updates and mission status. Rather, this is Arthura helping this transmitter read the appropriate editorial and jest without too much graph, whatever that means.

The central theme that binds you all in your journey to these new peaks of ultimate tension and danger is that none of you ultimately have all the facts or the truth, or even know where the field of play is or the scope of what's going on. This is the nature of your creative design that you can only physically see and hear and touch and be in any one place in any one time. The rest is a fill in the blanks attitude, conditioned by propaganda. Now propaganda is simply a word for information, but that information itself is incomplete and woeful in its education of what we have come to define as the responsibilities of a citizen. 

Never mind the responsibilities of a child of God, such as the 10 Commandments. But that cosmic citizenship builds on those basics of the tenets of brotherhood and the existence of a God, and creates advanced systems of ethics and law to administrate the complex civilization that grows up and the technology advances advances that liberate you from the toil of life and into those joys of leisure that produce even more spiritual insight and uncover the mysteries of the physical universe and the interconnection between spirit and physicality and mind.

I am Arthura, speaking through this transmitter. He has prepared it quite a big whiteboard, and we're finding it difficult to interject what's contained there, and without going off on the tangent of this lesson. Nonetheless, we are forced through these times to give you a bit of a recap to even understand where we are in a mission status that is no longer available to the news of these Lightlines. But let us go back to a little bit of prehistory just before the Magisterial Sons were introduced. And this will interweave between the personal history and the encyclopedics timeline that will be presented.
All right, God. I'm in your hands, Arthura, but you're in mine too, I guess.
Proceed with confidence.
Very well.
In 2000, no, pre-2000 in the 1990s is the personal history of Dominick in high school and college. That would be essentially 1990 through 1997. I enjoyed a debate. We had a very good teacher, and it was not a team. It was more of a class, an elective, if you will.

But anyway, one year, I think maybe my senior year, which would put us in 1992 we resolved something about the fixing the dropout rate in the country, that it was something that was to be addressed. And the gist of that was some connection I had made, coming across a document by what would be the future, or was the current head of the HUD, that's the Federal Agency for Housing and Urban Development, that's Katherine Austin Fitz. That's one of the first women to be in such industries in her private sector life just before being on the HUD. And so what I learned was the… one of the canons of the social justice kind of movement, which is that not only are prisons made for profit, which is kind of the biggest contention even today, prisons for profit, but she also found out that funds from the HUD were always being used for new development and could be better used for remediation of any current and existing development. But rather that elections were won by essentially promising new development to companies to build new buildings. So it was never an interest to have sustainable, well run public housing, but always new housing.

Later on, it got into other things, where she came up with software that even pointed this out, and was rather disinvited from government soon after. But that is the prelude of a bookend that comes even today, as we have the same dilemma of the HUD in our politics, where essentially new development is being introduced as social justice in traditionally single-family home areas. Just something of note that HUD does play a significant role. And if you look even further into the esoteric aspects of a Magisterial Mission, you might consider the proper accounting of fiscal responsibility by governments in that regard. Where it was intimated that HUD works with black budget defense. So just to anticipate questions from say, Valerie or Weydevu, the answer is apparently yes. But that's from the human, purely human, investigation of things. So that's a prelude for 1999 where I lived in Seattle during the 1999 World Trade Organization protests. Personal experience of listening to protesters preplanning their vandalism and coffee shops. So in other words, there is a… there's always the… on the middle ground, the citizen of the hometown who gets put in the middle of a battlefield, if you will. And that's just the .., so that's the first instance of property damage being used by protesters as an act of violence.

This would be the political appeal for media coverage using ‘property damage violence’ to get their message better known. And the lessons learned, you can look this up on just Wikipedia as the editorial describes this, that the lesson learned from WTO by the protesters of violent property crime, learned from there on out that violence is what gets the message known and heard. A peaceful protest means no media coverage. So that's in 1999 and 2004 and five. Oh, and then there's a recession in 2001.
In 2004 and five, you have the first indications of rebel…, a political turmoil in Ukraine with the orange, something or another, I can't think of it right now.

In 2008 you have another recession with the financial crisis. I believe that was some sort of… so, you have to kind of the SNL during the Bush administration that we opened up with, and now you have in 2008 those too big to fail financial institutions and recession, and that was the presidential election year of Clinton versus Obama, which forever changed the structure of the Democratic apparatus, and would soon be copied by the Republican apparatus. But what you have today are two apparatuses that aren't very well oiled to accept new leadership from the bottom of the democratic process.

In 2011 through 12, you have the Occupy Movement, which was global. A bit coinciding with that is the Citizens United versus the Federal Election Commission in 2010 together with the Smith-Mund (Modernization) Act or law, basically HR.4310. So those are two things that fundamentally conditioned politics going forward. Certainly, regards to the theme we opened with earlier and understanding propaganda in terms of just the access to information, and access to anything but the sponsored news.

In times in 2008 through 2014 you start to have the beginnings of a border crisis of unaccompanied minors. In 2014 I had, this is Dominick speaking, a personal experience letting a summer of Educational Administrators. I have no personal background in education and administration, but I was positioned to be at their conferences during the summer. I think 2014 maybe it's 13, I'm not sure. And that's when I learned about what was on the mind of Educational Administrators who were working with UN, that's United Nations programs, and that was the genesis of something called white privilege. So that's not DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) the UN had been working, and this is not a complaint. This is just…, this is just to give you some context. But white privilege was something that, as a UN program had been going on for over… for many years, like a decade, even prior to 2014.

Now, when you look at 2016 election, If you cite something like Pew research, that's P E W, the common aspects of what was most important in that election were things that are traditional in The… like the economy, and terrorism, and the border, and at the very bottom were where the divergence between parties was very acute. In other words, there wasn't much of a big divergence in any of the issues, but when you got to the bottom four issues that were being measured at all out of say 15, there became wide splits between democrat, republican. And Those were with race, environment, gender and abortion.

In 2016 you had the utilization of Russian platforms. And incidentally enough, in 2014 some of the harms being cited by some of the panelists were that white supremacy was on the biggest rise, simply because you could see that they had an aggressive internet presence. Well, at the same time, in 2016 we have the beginnings of bot farms, which is basically setting up individual IP address computers, uniting them all together, creating accounts on social media, and buying up advertising, and then finding any weak point in the state you wish to undermine and press those hot buttons. So interestingly enough, you have the most splits and divergence in those four things, but at the same time, you have a rhetoric or an understanding of citing the very fact that these bot forms exist as proof that your enemies also exist. It either exists at the magnitude that it does, or it's or it's bot farms, but it, can it be? This is the question, can it be? Can it be both? And we haven't even gotten that far. 

Basically, it's been politicized like a sawtooth wave, not a sine wave. A sine wave would be a harmonious coherence, which is an ideal aspect of any… anything. But our… our Civil War gearing up is more like a saw tooth wave, which runs in a peak and valley, where the like a square... it runs up at the peak and goes in a line and then immediately goes to the valley and goes in a line, and then immediately picks up again to the highest point. And that's why it's called a saw… excuse me, that would be a square wave, not a sawtooth wave, a square wave.

So anyway, you have Russia gates in 2016 soon after this, with the accusation of both farms that are proven, but the accusation of coalition… collusion and coordination, that's part of the Mueller report, which didn't come to enough evidence to indicate that it was coordinated and premeditated, rather, seems to just being an understanding. What would benefit both parties was good for both parties, I suppose.
In 2014 you have the Ukrainian revolution, the (recording error) and revolution that both sides today, the Russian and the West, blame each other for the current war in some aspect. Around February 2014 the… you could say the majority of the Ukrainians what wish to join the EU, and Russia, who traditionally exerts an influence over Ukraine, made sure politically that that wasn't going to happen. And that's why the revolution, say occurred, or the coup, or whatever you want to call it, and the Russian backed president was kicked out in favor of a pro West regime, and this was wildly unpopular in the mostly Russian zones. 
And at the same time, Russia annexed Crimea in February of that year.

I'm just looking at my…

So, well, keep going on. We can fast forward now to 2019-2020 covid happens. In 2019 you have an impeachment of the president over Ukraine, which is, you could say, it was two sides investigating the other over inappropriate conduct, and what ended up happening was both sides left unresolved, and both sides continue to push their narratives. In the meantime, there seems to be a continued push for Ukraine to be less corrupt with its use of resources that are being sent to it during this time. And then with covid happening during this time, I don't intend to go into that much. We all been… it's all in our recent memory. But also, during this time, in May 2020 the… you could say, the race riots and social justice riots and protests occur widespread after the George Floyd incident.

That's a different flavor, I suppose, in each each region. Again, this transmitter was still living in Seattle, and everyone was boarding up the windows, and you have the kind of the summer of love, and you have even happening around the world of some of these political factions in the Middle East giving rise to supposedly democratic movements. I don't exactly know how that has turned out. But certainly, the lessons of 1999, by this time, were brazenly being and openly used in the streets. Literally.

This is simply to state that political violence is now an institutionalized means of democratic expression. And if we are to certainly unify, this must be stopped. I don't know personally how to stop it, but I can begin to address some of the harms and identify some of the core problems, and some of the words that we are starting to, phrases are, that is, it's to do or die in the mentality of many at the moment. And this is a very, very risky precipice to be on.

The very nature of this is culminating that there's no or very little reciprocation. What doesn't make sense for one side is almost justifiable, but also the other side is almost equally justified. I don't even know why our president, who had an opportunity to deescalate, doubles down on a phrase of the word ‘bloodbath’, which, if you look in, you simply do some forensic contextualization. It was used in the context of the auto industry and China, trade relations with China. That's the context.

So, if we can't even mitigate that, and you have to double down on that, I don't know where we're at. And so that's a little bit of where we are today. If you want to get involved, you want to get involved with the taxing authority of your local government. Relating to HUD, relating to education, relating to your own property taxes, you fund the state which is educating children to use violence at the lower levels of education, and know the higher levels of education. They are immigrants are entering illegally, and know before they get here, how to use the system to gain resources. And meanwhile, the most important aspects to our very existential existence of a democracy are now the industry of race. It's not just a social thing. Race is an industry now. And it's put into corporate, and education, culture, and everywhere, and it's under scrutiny. You have two camps with almost diametrical philosophies on DEI. A gender is conflated to status, which should never reach national attention. Yes, it deserves attention from those communities, and they deserve civil equality, but they don't garner so much attention in light of what's going on.

And certainly, when it comes to Revelation, it should be put on the back burner. It has no place, none as an issue. And to wear it proudly as such is very damaging to the very real problems that a Spiritual Administration seeks to address. And you should look at yourselves from helpers who wish to have missions. Where are you putting your emphasis and significance on? And clearly, if you're putting it on gender and pronouns and transgender issues, that's the very bottom of what the people and also the highest spiritual administrators find as a priority.

Lastly, we turn to 2019 with El Salvador. We happen to have a majority of transmitters, actually from El Salvador. And so they'll they will be able to tell this story much better than than me, I'm sure of it. But in 2014 a lot of those unaccompanied minors were Salvadorian, and a lot of those issues with gangs and drugs that even plague us today with something, things like fentanyl and human trafficking with the cartels, and drug trafficking, they had made quite a bit, quite a bit more money with millions more people are coming through. However, in El Salvador, this managed to be changed. When the government literally went to war against the gangs and locked up approximately 1% of its population, and the evidence of that is clear today, as it's finally getting some media coverage at the national level. But there's two sides to those stories. Still, you can see how it was presented in 2019 by the US media, and now again, now it's being issued in 2014, now that security has been established at the price of basically constitutional freedoms. Weather that's good or bad, overwhelmingly, the people are deciding it's good enough in El Salvador, and I think Renee is even going back on some sort of trip, at least, in the near future. And so, we support him going back there.

And there's this probably a renewed opportunity, certainly for some work there to be done, And we should work there and support Renee in his endeavors, and because if we don't, the Chinese will. And the Chinese put themselves as a state before God. There is no God. There is only the Communist Party. And so that's everything I have today. If you want to get involved, it's probably best to get involved at your local government and where your property taxes go, and how those get funding in your city government with the city commissioners. After that, you're just more and more susceptible to propaganda of one side or the other, but hopefully this gives us a lesson or a little bit of a level set of how we got here, and some options about where we're going.

And we pray that we can correct the ship and that people understand what unification means, and it starts with without being violent, and then we can worry about justice and prosecution later. And that violence is a sure sign when violence is an expression of political means that those people have very little concern for God. So keep that in mind and God bless you all for listening. We'll now open it up to questions if we have it, otherwise, the Lightline is over. I thank you for being here. Are there any questions? Feel free.

1.      071524 Monday Lightline Netherlands International; Host: Elise Sophia Veronica
2.      Subjects: Mantutia's image of the world; Second Coming suspended, Fifth and Sixth Epochal Revelation, Magisterial Sons’ Mission to Urantia; Father’s assuring call to us; Thought Adjusters guiding the group together  
3.      Speakers: Mantutia Melchizedek; Universal Father; and Elise's Adjuster
4.      Transcriber: sonsofGod
5.      Link to tape:
Hello to all. I'm Elise, and this is Lightline on Monday, July 15, 2024, and I welcome all of you who are joining. I'm your host for today, and I am going to start this Lightline with a little prayer to our Father.

Dear Father, may your love and protection keep the world from evil and destruction, and give us strength to serve you, Father. To live and work, and to continue to develop ourselves into worthy citizens for this planet, on which we may experience your presence in a material body. And to keep us on the right path under the guidance of your Divine Sons, who try to meet us in our ignorance and inexperienced attempts to serve you. You offer us the opportunities to know your purposes better, to make a positive contribution to your creation, and we will always voluntarily submit to your will, Father. Thank you for your love and care for us. Amen. We will ask now for connection to the spiritual circuits to receive and understand your words, Father. May you be with us today.

Well, is there someone who would like to speak to us today?

Mantutia Melchizedek
Yes, welcome to all, and this is Mantutia Melchizedek. I would like to speak to you today because I know, and I see that you are all living here in a very difficult time. A time of great change, and the state of the world is complicated by ignorance, by unrest, crime, and the warlike ways of thinking and behaving. And all that does not make it easy to bring about some influence of spiritual help that you have been waiting for, for such a long-long time, where our plans were ready to be implemented. We see that Urantia, this world, is crying out for change, for improvement, and for the commitment of those who are able to find solutions to an endless, endless list of problems and dangers that hit your world. And where people continue to cling to old and ineffective methods that do not lead to sustainable solutions. The governments come and go. Your elections lead to riots and confusion. New ideas and ideologies are diluted by the time lost in truthless consultations between parties, all of them pursuing their own interests. Meanwhile, an ignorant population is kept quiet with bad and untrue reports that it blindly trusts, and over which it has no control. We see it happen on the heavenly side. We watch you.

How do you think that Jesus can ever set foot on Urantia and make himself known to the public in such an unworkable world? Where would he be received? Who will welcome him as a heavenly gift, and as Jesus, the one you know and trust so much. Jesus has long been preparing and adapting his plans for this world of his birth, which he loves, which he cares for, but where people, many people seem uninterested in his divine visit or his spiritual help, where people would rather deny God than worship him. Where they choose to keep themselves in ignorance and in spiritual poverty. Where they engage themselves in senseless wars, where the people are treated inhumanly and left in hunger, and misery. Where children lose their safety, and where their childhood is interrupted by a lot of pain and sadness and crime, and violence deprives them of the so much needed care and love in a world that would rather forget them than pay attention. And where they often have to survive without parents.

We have seen it all. We all, we have been watching it. And Jesus has always been here to see what is going on on this planet. He has been following all these, and finally decided to suspend his coming until better decisions are made, until man is available to him. When he, Jesus, can begin to fulfill his promise of a Second Coming in a world without hatred or violence, and with a certainty of a population and its governments to accept him and to hear him speak. Jesus has an extensive staff, and they will pay attention to the difficulties that man has been involved with for ages but seem not to be able to find adequate solutions for.

I am Mantutia Melchizedek, and I'm sure that Jesus will return. We do not know when. We do not know where, or how. Jesus will not return as a preacher, nor as a protector to people who learn to know his Father in heaven. Now he will return to serve. He will serve in a divine and businesslike manner, and in need of his own decisions as a powerful leader in every situation that comes to his attention.

Jesus will carry out things his own way. And he will approach people who are willing to work, to work with other people, to work for the nations, to work for freedom, to work for peace. And to work with him. Jesus wants to achieve the best results in the short time that he will be on the planet. He wishes to make himself of service to the healing of the planet, to the healing of many of the population who are still suffering in ignorance, and who are constantly distracted by their material needs and desires, but how sad they do not know that. Meanwhile, they are lagging behind in their spiritual development and the growth of their souls.

I know Jesus very well. I am Mantutia. I know his work and his intentions. Jesus' intentions will be primarily aimed at lasting successes. And he will focus on a variety of matters that are important for the improvement of many different field in society. In compelling the people to keep the good and add the new in a healthier environment under better conditions that will have an effect on the entire population. And be of lasting value for the governance and maintenance of everything good and beautiful, with the addition of more sustainable means and methods for life on the planet and for its inhabitants. His work will probably be in conjunction with that of the Magisterial Sons. And they will work together on certain issues and serve each other in a way that Urantia has never seen before. The Magisterial Sons will appear. They will assume their intended duties, and they will work with Michael of Nebadon, your Creator Son, who always takes care of you and surrounds his universe with the utmost care and skill.

This is Mantutia Melchizedek speaking. We do hope for an opening, an access to all who feel connected to us, and who like to work for the Father. To commit themselves to serving the Father, serving Michael as serving Jesus in saving this world from the negative forces that kept appearing and hindering and getting in the way of progress. You and I know that it will not be an easy time, and many adjustments will have to be made under certain circumstances that do not correspond to the methods of your divine helpers, nor to the human way of approach or execution. But we hope for your acceptance and your common sense from those who can help influence. A little practice, a little education in achieving the intended goals and to lift this world into a new future, and into a valuable and positive society that will have influence on all people in their pursuit of peace. In their pursuit of unity among all. A lasting pursuit of lasting value for the growth and development of your human gifts, your human capability and spiritual potential, and growth as partners, in an extensive and well-ordered universe.

That word is not the right word. It should be expensed. I think, I hope I corrected that well. I didn't hear that correctly.

Mantutia Melchizedek
Well, it doesn't matter Elise, just continue. I am Mantutia Melchizedek. I am the compiler of the Urantia Book as you know. I am the guardian of safeguarding the truth on your planet through the revelation such as the Urantia Book, your fifth revelation in the history of the planet. Many have been inspired and have learned to accept new revelations.

And I am Mantutia Melchizedek know much about your planetary history. And much has been made known to you through the countless messages that you have been able to follow through the wonderful setup and design of Lightlines and a discussion forum by your leader Ron Besser. Through all this, you have been initiated into the divine works and close associates of the Universal Father, by which many persons and names from the spiritual world have become known to you. And all this has increased your confidence in an invisible world, and you have been influenced and fed by greater knowledge, and your experiences with the words from the universe.

In your Urantia Book, the fifth epochal revelation for your planet, Urantia, much revelation has been made known which has promoted your growth and the progress in the minds of man. But as you are all aware of, this has recently been disrupted and halted by the senseless and selfish actions of the supreme, who in the Urantia Book   is described to you as a being empowered as the divine custodian and preserver of all spiritual experiences in the universes. And who was created by the Father as a mighty overseer and keeper of all spiritual heritage and experiences in his universe of space and time. But who has then voluntarily divested himself of his rights and neglected his duties by subverting the authority of the Father and reserving the right to destroy himself and others. And also, the devastation in large parts of the universe, which you know, was followed by the decree of the Universal Father to proclaim a New Universe Age, whereby opening the possibility for new adjustments and changes. But as a result, the complete reliable information, the fifth revelation, the fifth epochal revelation is no longer fully valid. And a sixth revelation is necessary to reveal and make understandable the new state of affairs to the people of Urantia. So a knew sixth epochal revelation will appear, but not before your population is ready to receive and understand the changes that have taken place in the universes of time and space.

I am Mantutia Melchizedek, and I know the contents more or less of your new epochal revelation. These are not written in stone yet, because much is occurring at the moment, and new ways have to be found or things might be changed. But we know that your sixth epochal revelation shall be given primarily to those who show interest and understanding for the work of Michael of Nebadon, and the Universal Father. And who have the capacity to absorb its contents and are willing to spread and to   pass on their knowledge to others who are interested in such studies, and to all who are searching for universal truth.

Certainly, much will be added to what has already been described in your Urantia Book. The new edition will appear in book form and will provide a comprehensive and complete overview of the universe and its administration, and of the Divine entities who govern all this in addition to an extensive narrative of the history of your planet Urantia, and the life of Jesus. And his sojourn on this world in his time, so many years ago, but also of his Second Coming this time. In which he will fulfill the promise of his return and the completion of his services to the world of his birth.

Many are looking forward to the return of Jesus, but they have no idea of the works and services performed by the Magisterial Sons, the Melchizedeks, and hundreds of other orders of beings who are all associated with the work of Michael of Nebadon, who has great responsibility for the millions of inhabited planets over which he rules in his local universe of Nebadon. Plus, the governance and all new affairs arising in the recently formed Dominion, over which Michael presides with other Michael Sons in the affiliated local universes.

I am Mantutia Melchizedek, and all this will be described and much, much more that we cannot and may not yet release until a certain degree of development has been achieved in the making and enforcement of peace agreements. And the nation's intent and interest in new and improved methods in many fields in society, which is still causing problems today in every nation on Urantia. But we have hope. We hope that in the long term it will bring about improvements, in which all high spiritual leaders and your worldly leaders will come together to make and maintain solid agreements for the benefit of the entire world population, and under the loving supervision of the Universal Father of us all.

I am Mantutia and I thank you for listening, and I will hand this back to the transmitter in charge, which is Elise, to come and listen to the words of our Universal Father, who would like to speak to you. Thank you all, and I wish you a good day.

Thank you, Mantutia. And well, you are very welcome, Father. We are glad to receive you.

Universal Father
Yes, good day, my children. I am your Father, and I want you to know that you, all my children are in my heart. I love each of my children dearly. There are times when my children know nothing about me. They are being influenced by the world and the abundant flow of worldly affairs and material goods, and that diverts their attention from me, your Father. People do not have time and do not take time to think about religious or spiritual matters, because their attention is distracted by the loud noise of a world, run and overruled almost by commerce and advertising. There is no break in the flow of bad news on your radio and television sets, and it is making people sick and exhausted. They can no longer concentrate on the only important things in their lives. And that should be the realization that you are a human being born of earthly parents, but you also have a heavenly Father. Your Universal Father, who oversees the world and its entire evolution, its history, and who knows how evil influences can diminish a civilization instead of increasing it. As is, I'm sorry to say, the case on Urantia.

But at this point, spirit always makes the decision to intervene and to provide salvation and solutions where its possible. But in the case of your planet, where the cabal, the insurrectionists have been playing their game of claiming their part in how certain things are done. And it's very difficult to find solutions to establish order and peace among the 1000s of different opinions fighting over their nonexistent rights, and the other problems you are all faced with on this world. We, in spirit, will have to show everyone and let you understand that nothing can be achieved without a desire to come together. To sit around the table and to look for ways of communication to create order, and start working collaboratively at least in small groups, which will lead to an extensive cooperation and to a pattern of cooperative behavior around the world that will be understood, and finally desired by all.

This is what has been explained over the years in the Lightlines and transmissions given to you. And I, your Father, encourage you to listen to the causes and reasons being discussed. It will give you a good understanding of what is going on in your world, and why it is so hard to get a mission started amidst misunderstanding and division. Not only among the people of your world, but also among the angelic orders of beings who have been unwilling to give up their struggle in their so-called rights and in what has been changed by the circumstances caused by the supreme in 2019. But I, your Universal Father, I am God, and I will never leave any of my children. I have sent my Sons, and I will send, keep sending my Sons. They are so experienced and willing to help. They are faithful and never fail in the management of my affairs, which is the cooperation they extend to the completion of the created universes in time and space. I am

Father, and I want you to know this. I will never abandon the things that have begun with my permission and for which I stand together with you. And with many of my sons and daughters, we are working across the universe, and we are deeply concerned at this time about your planet. But in spirit, we never give up, until the planned and approved work is done. And then we move on to the next task. All who are in spirit, from the highest to the lowest, who have given their hearts to Urantia are waiting for the day to come when they can fully begin what they have prepared. Time makes no difference to them. It is the intention that counts and ensures that they continue. And I tell you, they are not satisfied before the purpose of their work is achieved.

Do not be worried that all is lost. What is lost at this time is the situation on your planet of war and heartless feelings towards your brothers and sisters in terrible circumstances. There are people who are oppressed. They do not get a chance to live in freedom or even honor their Father or pray to Him. Many are kept under strict control for what they are allowed to do, and there are many, many more in terrible situations all over this earth, where my children are suffering.

Life is not made for suffering. I gave you life to grow, to experience your environment, to explore things, to find truth, to find scientific truth, and all that will automatically bring you to me, your Creator. No man could ever give to you what I gave you, my children, to enjoy here, in this material environment, and for the times thereafter that you will experience on all kinds of different worlds. When you ascend into the 1000s of created realms that are there for you to learn and to enjoy. And to get to know me better and better as your Creator and Father.

So, despite all things happening to you and on your planet, try to be joyful in all circumstances, and know that I am here always. Turn with and talk to your Adjuster. He is me and will tell you where to go and what to do. I have given you a personal guide to lead you to me. Speak to him. He will understand you and know a solution for all your worries and problems. Life may be difficult, but it should never be unbearable. Stay with me as Jesus did in his life on Urantia, and I know you will be fine. I bless you, my children. This is your Universal Father, and I am stepping back. Good day to all.

Thank you so much, Father.
Well, let's see if there's more here on my dashboard. Oh, let's say hello to Alina and Charlotte from Alabama. Welcome to both of you, and let's see we can continue, if there is someone else, and if not, well, we'll see what happens. Just give me in a minute please.

Thought Adjuster of Elise
This is your Adjuster, Elise. I'm here to give you some words of encouragement, and I speak to all of you. We, the Adjusters, are all working with you in a way that is so unique, so specifically tailored to your personality, to the person we are guiding. With all your capacities, with all the possibilities that are present in you as a living person in this world. Supplemented with the countless possibilities in the existence of each of you. And driven by the thought of the Eternal Light that always invite you to come to the Father. And to experience his glory as intended by the thought and ideals of God at the creation of men in the distant past.

We ask you to be willing to walk the path that we can show you, that will prepare you to gradually become, and to know and understand the ways and means of your Father God, and for you to build an experience of testing and refining all to overcome adversity and disappointments. And to always keep to the truth and the light with a prospect of an eternal life with the Creator. Where all things of God come together and where everyone may enjoy God's glory in your own way and your own contribution with your highly developed creative gifts. The world goes on and on, and God will give the world what it needs at a time when God sees it to offer his help through his divine companions specifically appointed for that purpose.

Receive with gratitude what has been given to man and give back to the world what you have learned by experience. So that you help in creating a planet in beauty and truth of God. We ask you to be humble. Never ask for more but give what you have to all around you in abundance. And in grace you will receive you. You will receive in abundance what is yours by serving humanity and God and giving him the joy of your love for every individual in his creation. We are the Adjusters. We speak together now, we are the Adjusters of this group gathering together, and this is most important. Please, let the Father speak to you. Listen to his words, for he is the source of life. He is the power of the universes and the Creator of all that is and ever will be. And of which everyone may be a part by honoring the Father here in this life, and in all your lives to come. We are the Adjusters. We are always with you. We love you, and we retreat.

Thank you, Adjuster and Adjusters, thank you very much.
I will wait and see if there is any other heavenly being who would like to say a word, but we are at the end of our hour, and I really do not expect more. I have a look at the dashboard, and I'm going to ask Dominick if there is anything special, we have to attend to. Dominick, are you there?

Yeah, hi, Elise, thanks for the Lightline. We're on for tomorrow, and that's it. Back to you.

Manituba Melchizedek  
I am on for tomorrow. Is that what you're saying? You are on tomorrow, right?

Okay, yes.

Okay, there is nothing we can, we have to do on the dashboard, and so I can just turn off the recorder.


Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Well, I have no signs there. Thank you very much. Dominick, thank you for helping out. And well, thanks to all our speakers. I want to thank them all together for every word they spoke to us and for their good intentions to come to us, and that they've give us the feeling that we will not forget. I thank you for listening, and I say goodbye to everything until next time. Bye.


General Discussion / Rising Urantia temperature
« on: July 11, 2024, 10:58:38 am »
I could not find the transcription to quote it, but I remember that Creator Father said about three months ago that Urantia was moved into another constellation and we will notice the difference in the temperature in about three weeks. Could we receive e an update on that please? 

  • 070824 Monday Lightline Netherlands International; Host: Elise Sophia Veronica
  • Subjects: New methods to approach Urantia; renewed rebellion; waste of resources; destruction; chaos; do not panic; stay the course in trials; Father prevents the worse; promises of our Creator Father; self-control or self-mastery; use of personal gifts and talents; democracy vs. corruption; stillness; relationship with Thought Adjuster; walk in the Light.
  • Speakers: Universal Father; Michael of Nebadon; Arthura and Elise's Adjuster
  • Transcriber: sonsofGod
  • Link to tape:

Good day and good evening to everyone. It is Monday, July 8th, 2024. And this is Lightline Netherlands International. I am Elise, your host, and welcome you to the Lightline, for which we will turn to our heavenly family and ask them to join us, as well as to speak to us. We first like to thank our Father and Michael of Nebadon, the Melchizedeks, and all our heavenly helpers and friends for their care and willingness to reach out and connect with us.

And to our Father, we respectfully ask to receive your words. Help us grow in a world full of discord and confusion. We always thank you for your words in which we feel connected to you. And we thank you for our daily gatherings in prayer and in stillness. And we ask you to help us to become more aware of you and your love for us by aligning our will with your will, and to work for humanity and to serve in your name, Father. We also ask for protection and clear circuits to start the Lightline under your care. We love you, Father. Amen

Oh, I'm now ready to ask for someone to come and speak to us.

Universal Father
Hello, my children. This is Father.

Welcome, Father. Please, make yourself comfortable and speak, please.

Universal Father
Yes, thank you, Elise. It's Monday and the sun is shining where you are Elise. And summer is most glorious for you, with some rain every now and then that keeps the trees and flowers fresh, and you enjoy a nice and pleasant summer. This is not the case everywhere in the Northern Hemisphere. The United States is mostly hot and sticky and people are searching for cool places. But I think they will enjoy the summertime somehow.

I am Father and I speak to everyone here who has taken the time to listen. This is indeed another Monday and we are still confronted with the cabal. Some of whom are meddling in affairs of things of which they are no part, and which they should leave immediately. But they keep hiding out in small corners and on places not detected. They keep showing up, risking their lives, and knowing full well what the consequences will be if they keep harassing human individuals who are working and trying to be of service.

We have asked you to keep yourselves quiet and wait for the next bulletin or any other news. But as we see it now, there will be not much news for today. But we advise you to stick together as one loyal and trustworthy group that has persevered for such a long time. You are my children in whom I trust. And you are all representatives of your Father in Heaven.

Anyone who hears what we speak today should be aware or informed by what has been said to you over the last couple of days and even years. You have come to me. You have come to know me. You have sought and found truth as much as each of you could individually become aware of. I can tell you as your Father that many individuals on Paradise have become aware of your faith and trust in me. And you have already been noted as the good workers in the field.

You are the ones who dare to go on without much to look forward to. And yet, you have never given up believing and still stand by our side, as we are always by your side. You have been guided by your Adjusters. And the time has come when decisions must be made as to what will happen to Urantia, the planet with its countless difficulties and problems, and which is so deeply involved in warfare and misleading of rules in governments that it cannot be resolved in the short term.

New methods must be applied to approach the planet, so that our plans will not be thwarted by insurrectionists or any earthly unexpected decision or intervention. I, your Father, have asked the Magisterial Son to re-examine the situation on Urantia. To implement new ways for all who keep suffering from the madness and the irresponsible behavior of groups, of insurrectionists, and of leaders on your world who are unfit to lead anything except themselves into a pool of misery.

While continuing to treat the people like cattle in the corral, but justice will prevail. And those who work against my decree will be brought before the judges to await their trial. I am the Father, the Universal Father. And we do not want to leave the planet unguarded, and without human life upon it. The people will survive. A new civilization will arise. When there is a general knowledge of what it takes to return the planet to a state of dignity and a healthy environment, in which everyone can live.

I am your Father and I love you all. And I have taken steps to protect this world and to prepare it for what it is to become for many, many generations to come. And now withdraw and I leave you with my blessings. Good day to all.

Thank you, Father. Thank you very much.

Michael of Nebadon
Good day, this is Michael of Nebadon. Let me speak to you today. And although there is hardly any news of importance for this moment, we are here to help you not to lose hope or expectations for the times to come.

Excuse me.

Michael of Nebadon
As we have told you before, there is a lot of commotion going on in your world in various regions, where many things are brewing that we cannot allow. And we must consider what will come of the disastrous plans that some of your countries are making to demonstrate their power, which they have built up over the years with the help of their inventions of horrible nuclear weapons. Of which they are so proud that they show the entire arsenal to the people who stand in awe of their destructive machines. They stand there to be praised by a group of fellow executives who want to be honored in power and prestige.

Well, that is your civilization today. You can imagine how far humanity has sunk into darkness, and how difficult it becomes for us as spiritual beings to try to change the minds of people who are so focused on possession and their selfish and decadent glory they try to give themselves. This all shows. how poor man can be in showing his care and love for his brothers and sisters, his humanitarian feelings towards his fellow human beings, and in what they expect of the future.

All the intellect, all the engineering, all the work and the money that went into the means of destruction could have been used for the betterment of countless things that benefit the world, instead of wasting resources on weapons that should never have been created in the first place. And certainly should not be used to destroy a world intended for people to live and learn about God's great nature, and his plans for each individual in the world. A world inhabited and administered by those who were created to take charge, to develop themselves and the planet into a place with a bright future among the stars in the sky.

I am Michael, Michael of Nebadon. Let me tell you, we do care for you. We do care for the planet. And we watch. We watch what will happen when things start to crack and chaos will split the world. When all this destructive thinking in the human mind explodes and there is no turning back, we are watching. We do everything we can to prevent a total destruction of this planet Earth, which was chosen as my bestowal planet, and where Jesus lived his bestowal life with me under the same threatening and false minds that we still see here today.

I am Michael of Nebadon. I am your Creator Father and we do not want you to panic. We want you to remain calm in all trials of what the Father will decree to prevent the worst from happening. We do not want it to happen. It won't happen. Man has no right to destroy the sphere that I chose as my bestowal planet. For its purpose is to become the shining star in the universe that allows every student and every visitor to learn about its history, and all that has taken place on its surface. And with those who have inhabited the planet throughout the centuries of its existence.

So, do not lose faith in what the Father has predestined to be and what no other being will ever have power over. For what has been ordained may have a long history of ups and downs, but will always triumph in the end, for the will of the Father will prevail. I am Michael, Michael of Nebadon. I know of our Father, and I ask you to trust Him in His love for His creation. Yes, it may take time. It may even take destruction, but victory and the glory in the end will always ultimately be in accordance with the will of the Father. For Father's will never loses control of his creation. And I, Michael, I will see to it that Father's will be done. We will take care of your needs. and the need for a future where people will know who is the rightful owner of stars and planets in the firmament. We will return with more news about how we intend to do this and how we will help humanity to find better ways, and to be in gratitude to God, and His power and majesty over the entire universe. I, Michael, will see to it that that will be done.

Those are my words to you today. They are not happy. They are somber, but reality is bleak. We have tried and tried again in various ways to find a way to get to your planet Urantia, but circumstances have made it impossible to act as we planned. So, we have to change our strategy. But I assure you, we will be back. Be patient, and stay the course in every situation and trial you face, for we are with you in it, and we will not forsake you. I am Michael, your Creator Father, and I want you to regard me as your Creator Father. I keep you under my protection as you step into a new future with hope and strength, and follow me in my efforts to change this planet into a better place for all. I'm stepping back and leave you my blessings.

Thank you, Michael. Thank you for your words. ... Okay, I hear this ding dong bell and let me see if we have new listeners here. Valerie, I greet you. Welcome. And Jose. Okay, we were 13 altogether today. Well, let me go on and see if we have more coming to us. Is there anyone else who would like to speak to us today?

Yes, there is, Elise. This is Arthura. And I welcome all listeners, and welcome to Donna and Larry. They just joined us. I'm Arthura, and I would like to say a few words here. We thank the Father and Michael for their words. And what I would like to talk about is the topic of self-control or self-mastery, which is always a main purpose of our lessons. We have also touched on the subject of self-examination. And these are all tools to work with for yourselves, and they more or less come down to the same. It all means working with and for yourself in a way that helps you get to know yourself, your talents, and your abilities, and to find a way to use them.

Each of you have your own talents given at birth and inherent in the personality you received from the Father. In addition, you have talents and traits you inherited from your parents. And these special, let's call them qualities, will become visible in your life through what you do, how you function, and how you use all of your abilities. In the course of your life, you'll discover your talents, when you begin to find out what you can do best, what you prefer to do best, and you discover a preference of certain profession, and things that will attract you.

People who excel in a special quality are called experts or super talents. And they usually perform above average in a special talent or more talents, in which they often find their work and their service to humanity by using those specific qualities. And it can make them the happiest persons to spend their life doing the work they enjoy most. Because in such an environment one can develop in many ways, and thus also gets to know oneself by trying hard to strive for the best, and to become a master in the field, which contributes to further development.

But people develop in many, many ways. They take care of their social obligations of their family members. They do their jobs. They discover the world, a word for others and do not forget, for themselves. And all these interactions without realizing it makes the soul grow through what you do during your stay on this world. For what you do for yourself and for others, never knowing how or when, but when you take your time in stillness and reflection, it will help to learn about yourself and about the way you function. You will start to see what you are doing well and what needs to be improved, and even what needs to be corrected.

And this learning, this insight into yourself does not happen overnight. It takes time to reach the depths of your soul, and this you do together with the help of your Adjuster. The more you bring yourself into that state of peace and tranquility, the more the Adjuster has the opportunity to enter your mind and eventually he, the Adjuster, will be able to contact you and assist you in seeking higher knowledge and truth. So that you discover who you are, and how you can help yourselves in doing what you want to achieve, and how to achieve it in the best possible way and so making an optimal use of your talents. Yes, it's true. To make the most of your talents and skills you need to know yourself, you need to become aware of what you and others can benefit from.

You are here on this planet to live a life, and to learn to cooperate with each other, so that each individual can benefit from the other and to grow together in potential with the growth of the soul in accordance, creating wonderful experiences. See it as a school. It's like a school, in which everyone contributes as a student and as a teacher, and by giving the best of yourself. And that is the result of self-examination, self-mastery. The awareness of looking for the best in yourselves and trying to master it. And to be the best and exploit your talents to the highest weight possible in order to get the best results. And then you will become more aware of what you do, what you think, and what you strive to achieve in your life.

That might take your whole life, for growth is slow. It comes in little steps, and sometimes there even is a standstill, a pause, to give you the time to adapt. Well, none of this happens consciously, but taking time in silence and reflecting on your life is a conscious decision. And I encourage you, I Arthura, encourage you to take some time for yourselves, to become aware of your divine talents and skills. So that they become fruitful and become meaningful to your life and to the eternal growth of your soul.

This is still Arthura. I would like to switch to another item, another subject, but obviously and even closely related to controlled free will, that may even lead to true democracy and wise state governance. Yes, another issue. But we, we often wonder. Do people today have the courage to speak out and try to stand up for those who have no voice. Where are those? Where are those who are in position to speak on the frontlines? Your chosen leaders are there to represent you, but do they really? Are they not missing the opportunity to reform issues that need adjustment for better governance, for which they were after all elected, and for which they were so passionate before sitting in the seat where they now have a say.

No wonder people are losing confidence in the current Parliament where they no longer see themselves represented, and even give up their right to vote after many disappointments and weak results. Leaving the majority of the population further and further behind. To many it appears that you live in a democratic nation and that your voice is heard. But is this really the case? Are you being listened to by your governments? Are they listening to the needs that are increasingly accumulating among a large part of the population that used to have dreams and ideals.

Well, to begin with, and I'm Arthura, democracy requires its thorough understanding, not only of human rights, but also of its obligations. Democracy is a good and fair form of government when one understands the rights and the obligations of every citizen, and what the elected representatives must do to recognize and maintain them. But all too often these things are forgotten, or deliberately pushed aside by politicians who are making way for their own interests in office. Or worse, to gain their own fame and profit as someone who would be entitled to successive jobs of a similar nature, so that they easily stay in the saddle, and thus, continue to exert power and influence and benefit from the best in society.

You all know democracy means a voice for the people. But the people are usually not educated enough to have a reasonable, developed voice. They often want to obtain their rights by shouting, shouting out what their wishes are. But in doing so, they lose the veracity of their demands, leaving the focus on others, and not bringing about any improvement. And in a true democracy, every citizen learns to know and to respect his rights and obligations. And there must be cooperation between all parties. This does not mean that dozens of political parties emerge with different opinions. It means there must be true cooperation between the government and representatives from all walks of life who may put forward and discuss their needs or wishes in order to achieve lasting results, from which the entire population benefits. And until that, until the less fortunate in a group or in a nation are uplifted and encouraged to become an educated member of your society, and to share in the prosperity of the more fortunate, they will continue to be discontent. Eventually leading to... Rebellion?, to disharmony among the population, slowing down evolution, or worse, returning it to earlier times of a more uncivilized state.

So we are telling you that training and acceptance of each individual is a requirement. Every individual is necessary to the growth of a fair and true democracy, and peace will (not) and cannot be achieved until the common good is learned and understood and supported and upheld by the entire population. Starting with the nations and expanding to a world government that then will be universally accepted and bring great awareness and knowledge, accompanied by spiritual growth to all, to all people on the planet. This is Arthura at your service, and I give this back to you, Elise. We thank you all for listening and we wish you a very good day.

Thank you Arthura. Thank you for your lesson.
Okay, this is Elise. Let me see if there is anything else.

Thought Adjuster of Elise
Here is your Adjuster, Elise, I am speaking to all. The Spirit of God is always at work. You do not have to ask, he is in you, know that. He is there in all your activities. But when you lose yourself in worldly affairs in excessive pleasure, then the connection between your Adjuster and you become less palpable. So, go in silence and sit still until you feel the change in your mind. And then you will know with great certainty that it is I. And after much practice we will talk to each other. It happens to those who talk with God every day.

I am the Adjuster. I ask you to take time for yourselves to do some soul searching as we commended. This time of rest and reflection is necessary to gain insight into yourself, and to what extent you are able to connect with a higher mind. You may receive thoughts, innovative thoughts and ideas that encourage you to do new things. I encourage you to keep searching for truth, for the truth in your life, for the deeper meaning of life. Isn't that what every soul is looking for? Yes, it is easy to speak those words, but we know that it takes attention and perseverance to get started and to develop a rhythm that becomes a habit in your daily exercises and talks with God.

Father will welcome you with open arms. He will envelop you in His love. Be therefore willing to give yourselves to come to the Father in all sincerity with good intentions, to make Him a part of your life. So that you no longer have to ask God to come to you, but that you feel and realize, yes, that you experience that God is present within you. Now for all, be at peace with yourself and with everyone around you. Keep this moment in your heart. Return to this moment of togetherness. Return to this moment when things do not go as you had planned. Return to this moment and you will immediately feel God's help and his loving attention for you. You are all blessed, you have all been given. An experience is made by your daily routine. Living with God is like living in the light. And light always dispels darkness. Go with God. I am the Adjuster and I retreat.

Thank you, Adjustor. Thank you for your beautiful words. Well, this is Elise and I guess we have come almost to the end of the hour. I am looking at the dashboard, and we have 17 people here altogether. I thank you all for listening and for your attention. And I just want, well, I want to say goodbye to you and hope to be back next week at the same time on Monday. I want to thank our speakers for today, my Adjuster, and at the beginning of the Lightline our Father, Michael of Nebadon, and Arthura, of course. Thank you all so much. Thank you for being with us this day. And with that, I say goodbye to all. Bye bye.


Thank you Ron for serving us whole heartedly for years with such perseverance and endurance. You have exemplified Jesus’ teaching that the greatest in the Kingdom is the servant of all. Your journey is extraordinary and you do and always will serve in excellence no matter where and what state you are in, being one with Father forever. Your legacy on Urantia will be talked about for millennia, I am sure. Such is the destiny and painful reality of those ahead of their fellow man.  

We are truly honored to have the opportunity to know you, listen to you, work with you, and follow you, in hope to grow in our abilities to walk in your footsteps so much better from now on, and to continue to see you and work with you even in the higher realms. Thank God that we can live by faith and not by sight, therefore there is hope. We, I am especially, look forward to the coming changes you are referring to. Thank you for your frequent updates, they are very much appreciated and do not go unnoticed. Peace be with you, and our love, sonsofGod  

I appreciate your post and agree on all points concerning the teachings of Monjoronson and Arthura on the July 2nd Tue LL. I thank their tireless efforts to teach and prepare us for the missions, and thank Father, Father Michael, and all of our celestial family members for their efforts to foster a fertile ground for learning and spiritual advancement. Thank Ron, Dominick, and all other transmitters for their hard work and care.

Based on their teachings fostering such fertile ground is against the law, if describing the word of God as living water after Jesus. Should we give the subtitle thus, The American Dream is drifting into a State Governance of Nightmare? No politics, but there are two points to that in cause and effect relation. One is, extremely unreasonable governing control is fully unproductive, i.e. controlling the usage of rain by law results in willful wasting away valuable resources, prohibiting production and growth that Father God provided for all. Two, such law designed to inhibit personal growth, which in turn has phycological effects, which in tern promote the luciferian agenda.  

I learned by hearsay -not confirmed- that this law is already in existence in certain states. What most interest me in all is that a large group of individuals must come in agreement to pass this law, effecting their families and communities as well. Therefore, they must feel above the law that breads corruption. The question is, why would anyone at the right mind do that? And if not at the right mind, how the mind has devolved to such levels? Can it be reversed? Thant is my question here. Thank you.   

  • 070224 Audio Tape Tuesday Light Line USA; Host: Dominick, other transmitter: Ron Besser
  • Subjects: liberalism, transhumanism, neoliberalism; means of Property and Power distribution, purpose of the State; collectivism; origin, revelation; the purpose of life; cabal wanted to kill Ron; cabal’s demands; free will humans; Urantia Bestowal Sphere; personal messages; new Lightline schedules; WTP news;
  • Speakers: Monjoronson, Arthura, Machiventa Melchizedek, and Michael of Nebadon
  • Transcribed By: sonsofGod (please message me with any needed correction)
  • Link To Tape:
  • YouTube:

Okay, Tuesday Lightline, welcome. It's the new month of July. I think it's the 2nd, 2024, and I'm your host, Dominick. Today we're transmitting from my living room and I have it on video. If anyone were to tune in by video, you've got me in my living room. So welcome. This is a kind of a podcast feel now. So, I hope my audio is doing well, I'm over the phone and we have a camera streaming into my living room. So I'm going to sit down after I read this morning's transmission.

Part of the office work that's starting is, I'm taking a morning briefing from what apparently is going to be known as the Office of Monjoronson. So I took this transmission, frankly in my sleep and I woke up, having to get this out, I suppose, with the instruction, I'll be doing these in the morning. And I got the author afterwards, not until the end.

So the preface is: The recent, you could say, ideological struggles and justification around the world that are competing in the marketplace of ideas. And the… (I have to use the phone real quick here).

Welcome, Pictorious. And I had to mute you there. Anyhow, the preface is: The competition between, you could say, individualism and the bifurcation or split in what is kind of classical liberalism and neo or new liberalism that's kind of emerging, and collectivism.

And specifically, this was spurned by a short interview when Tucker Carlson went to Russia and did a short interview with one of the thought leaders there whose name escapes me. But you'd know him if you saw him. He's the Russian philosopher and one of the thought leaders there, supposedly high in the ears of the upper echelon of Russia.

And so, Tucker basically asked them to compare, they compared notes on liberalism, and as we know, there's been transmissions by other transmitters. A little bit in support of, you could say, Russia and China, and that kind of access of the ideology when it comes to the faults of a, you know, competing civilizations, say the West.

And one of, you could say, I'm just gonna without knowing his name, we'll just say Russia. So I apologize, I don't mean to speak for all Russians, but theFor understanding, it's easy to say, because basically this is the state justification for the moral high ground of conflict with the West, which is championing the conservative or traditional values in the face of an eroding liberalism. And that's not moral anymore, or has moral problems that degrade society in the civilization.

And so in the struggle between, you could say, East and West, the high ground of anti-globalism would be championed by this thought leader, when he claims that individuals or individualism has fractured to the point where kind of a transhumanism has finally separated the choice to even be human, which was interesting.

And Tucker kind of struggled to figure out how that competed against classical liberalism, which he claimed to be from, which is kind of a social contract of Jeffersonian type of individualism, versus what the Russian philosopher was defining as the… neoliberalism. That's kind of a modern spin on the ultra-, like the moralistically liberal take on liberalism. Which is shattering the norms, you could say, of certainly one of the hot buttons is gender, and the ability to identify as anything you want in the face of biology.

And so, you say that along with transhumanism as a kind of a force for neoliberalism, threatening his civilization. So essentially, Russia was a champion of defense against that, which is interesting, because there's been a recent Lightline where it was conveyed that those two veins, those two pillars could be construed as a as two sides of the same coin. And so with that in mind, with that preface, this morning's memo is titled as the following. Because the main point amongst all of these ideologies that are supposedly in competition with one another is that there is... an emphasis on the morals, and no one's really talking about the classical philosophical debates of the isms in politics, which deal with property and power.

So here's what we got this morning and it's titled: The Means of Property and Power Distribution. Working the land meant labor created property. Not only does labor create added value, but leadership and management, executive and administrative functions beyond labor create value of property. Leadership by nature is often hierarchical. And therefore is Labor, with a capital L, always in danger of spoiling the fruits of its labor through an unearned capacity of leadership usurpation, demanding more value than their labor is actually worth.

One of the often overlooked aspects of planetary and individual ascension is the completion of selfhood through the completion of one's personal psychic circles of mastery. Individualism is the epitome of the pursuit of self-mastery. A collective identity is an anathema to self-mastery. Self-mastery is what leads to the individual rise above the rest of the pack, to exercise leadership with wisdom.

Too much collectivism and the individual accomplishing self-mastery attains social dominance instead, without wisdom. Religion, you could say, tempers both classes. But the philosophy of self-mastery attains soul growth. We, who hold these truths to be self-evident, that all people are created equal in their capacity to be endowed with the divine spark of God, the mind of Spirit, to be given life. The opportunity to attain self-mastery and the pursuit of soul growth.

The State with a capital S, the State's purpose is to foster and govern cooperation in all the levels of civilization, requiring law and courts with its residing executive and administrative functions and agencies, summarized as governance. Good governance is the state (State) of cooperation, double meaning intended. Cooperation entails a dynamic tension that fosters growth and innovation. But also creates conflict and error.

In the natural state of social hierarchy and the governance of cooperation, the inequalities of social hierarchy are balanced out in the pursuit of happiness, defined as life satisfaction. When the individual is able to pursue and conduct cooperation in living within their attainment, which is really another word for pursuit of self-mastery and their pursuit of soul growth, which in and of itself is the achievement of mortal life. End.

So, that was cleaned up from this morning. Thank you for listening. I couldn't say I entirely know or comprehend maybe like you, exactly what I transmitted this morning when getting that. Some people might think that's a word salad and others maybe appreciate some of those words. But I'm with you in seeking to find the best meanings behind such a transmission. And so with that, I thank the Office of Monjoronson and I retire to my seat in the living room.

And we begin today's Lightline in earnest with impromptu transmissions. Do we have anybody on the line to help? Help conduct a Lightline today for us. Arthura, is that you?

You could say so. This is Arthura. Welcome everybody. I am your champion. I speak to all of you. I am your champion. I'm Arthura and I speak slowly now for this transmitter, so that my words may be clearly understood. Also, that my quickening of the circuit does not overwhelm the mind mechanism of anyone transmitting me.

Once again, I invite you… wonderful children. We were about to use the word little, but I don't wish to demean you or talk down to you. In your lore of the interchange between high spirit authority and power and you little ones as is often referred to, is epitomized by the picture of the lone person playing chess or some casual game with the dragon. I am no such character. I am Arthura. And you must come up with a new emoticon to picture me, the dragon is not very good. The dragon symbolizes the old and that which would burn civilization to the ground. The individual is indeed the foundational unit of all that human is, and as a person and all, and is the basic unit of the civilization and all of its institutions. When the institution is allegedly run by the people or serves the people, never lose sight that you, the people, are a collective of individuals.

One of the classic cases of collectivism is based on the production of value in property. When one contributes value to the property through labor, and more complex values added through cooperative labor, there still needs to be a …, in primitive times or war times, a collective defense against the attack on property. Let's not beat around the bush. War has much more to do with property and power distribution than it does with the moral high ground of values and religion.

The Muslim probably cares more about quality of life and the freedom from oppression, more than the radical Jihad of war to enforce an Islamic law upon the globe. What would they do with themselves if they were successful? And what would be left? What would be left? Those are fair questions to ask any theocratic state.

Beyond that measure, there is still the preface of this Lightline of competing civilizations, one based on the individualism of the American Dream, with a social contract on or with the state. And the collective communism of centralized power in the name of a glorious religion of the cult of personality at the top of a hierarchy draped in collective utopian ideals. But the West is further drifting into a corporate collectivism, creating a condition of the same coin, but through a different side, where the freedom of the individual is ever more drifting away from the social contract of self-mastery and labor, into the nanny state of provisioning of citizens with an inequality of life that is also beginning to abolish private property.

The key indicators of such a trend are indicated by the government becoming more of the more than 50% of the economy than the private sector. Not only that, but the private sector through globalism is working with the state for various reasons, to literally buy up the land and the water. What are you to do as your individual unit in your home, if you are not allowed to collect the water that falls from the sky? What will you do when the state claims you have no right to that water, and you have no right therefore for your own food production? These will be some of the historical reviews in your future.

The landmark decisions of the high courts are not. being evaluated on their merits or ideal justifications, but are hyper politicized without much context. There is quickly becoming the erosion of the individual entity classified as a citizen on Urantia today. This is yet another historical revisitation for your future historians to see. If you are an individual with a capacity of God and a spiritual mind, how are you going to seek self-mastery in the pursuit of soul growth in the soul-crushing environment of controlled opposition, monopoly of a power and property? And your labor has no possibility of attainment other than what the state there is to allow you.

You have to take responsibility for some aspect of your own governance first, and then are you able to enter the realm of social politics, where you would dare to compete in the philosophical and legislative debates of your time. The basis of cooperation for some review is the free-flowing exchange of labor and property. When we say exchange and free-flow that does not mean chaotic lack of regulation and enforcement by the courts. But the logic of the high courts in the United States have the highest ideals, at least are addressing some of the harms that have been called for by all citizens, in that no agency should be left to regulate itself by creating its own laws and enforcing said laws. Because of the dangers and effects of special interest and lobbying that have eroded democracy. Where is the talk about that? If you want to curtail lobbying, then how else do you affect such large possibility of change? We're not saying it will change it, but this, in a democracy, tried to restore some checks and balances. What is left is some period of adjustment to be seen.

Barring the need to enforce rules regulating special interests of the powerful corporate entities of global mega-states, global international conglomerates that rival in some cases above these suppose it's sovereign nation state. This would be one small potential step into remanding such issues of governance back into the lower courts, and therefore into the hands of one step closer to the citizenry. But it is not automatic, and it is not on the face of things as an autocratic move. It is a restoration of a previous state of governance. Going back to the early part of the 20th century, you are once again revisiting monopolies who by extension are these federal agencies who get to make up the rules and enforce those rules outside of the social contract between government and citizen, state and citizen. Do with it what you will.

This is Arthura, continuing. The purpose of life is truly none of this. When you graduate to the afterlife of the mansion worlds, you enter a regimen of governance that retrains the personality and personhood of you, and forges you into a new regimen like we said, to become a cosmic citizen. That is why there is a big difference between your origin experience as an animal and spirit combined in a world of time and space. It is a grand experiment of the universe itself to struggle to spiritualize the material. And it is the grandest of experiments and things to behold from my perspective to witness the highest spirit of the First Source become a Universal Father and indwell himself into you. And you have this short individual life, but as long as your planet lives on, and your species lives on, you remain in the collective, certainly through your genetic legacy.

The genetic legacy never dies. And the civilizations and societies that you live in are somewhat transient and the memory dies out, but can live on in the pursuits of history, archaeology, and then supplemented by divine revelation to refill in the gaps that go missing. But those issues are given in stages as the planet approaches Light and Life. And then becomes fully granted in the future pursuits of humankind in those later epochs, as they seek to not only find transcendence, but understand their origins. The pursuit of origins is a universal pursuit on your pilgrimage to Paradise, the Central Universe of time and space literally gravitates around us and as encircuited with in a space respiration. There is now ultimate contraction into oblivion or expansion into oblivion. There is space respiration, an ultimate spaces of the universe acting in a kind of sine wave of harmony. Until then, it isn't ideal. This is Arthura, and I bid you a good day, and I bid that I speak to you not in your dreams but in your transmission desires, and that I would never seek to replace the Father, but that the Father within your Divine Mind through spiritual circuits of mind is able safely act as controller and enable communication with me. I would never usurp the Father, and I seek to cooperate with that.

Thank you, Arthura. I seem to be losing my voice. Shout out to Lemuel. He always does the same thing, loses his voice and needs some water. Hope you're doing well, Lemuel, if you’re listening. Well, all right, thank you. Okay. There is some news apparently, and I'm getting up from my living room, walking the chair. Mr. Besser, I'm going to unmute you. If you are asked to give a news update. Are you there, Ron?

Yes, I am, Dominick, and thank you. I have nothing standing by to speak.

Machiventa Melchizedek
This is Monjoronson (Machiventa) Melchizedek, Ron. I want to take hold of this.

Well, you're most welcome. Go ahead, please.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you. One of the things that we have worked hard today on is getting Ron out of the mode of illness. What has happened is that the cabal has insisted that Ron die. That is a poison pill and it is dangerous beyond words for a personality like Ron to adopt a dislike of the cabal very much and to command them out of existence. But he did and he has managed to push them way back. But what I want to tell you today is that in spite of the devil, so to speak, the cabal, being on the planet, Michael of Nebadon has issued the following prescription. No one is allowed to forsake Father. But the cabal has forsaken all that Father does here on this planet. For reasons of state, I take that as a refusal of the cabal to entertain either the Father or his Father creatures. You are a Father creature. You have an Adjuster that is Father. You live your inner life with your Father.

And now this. I am Machiventa Melchizedek not. I am the cabal, and I refuse to listen to this hogwash. The truth of the matter is that Michael of Nebadon is refusing to partake of a change in the universe that we insist he do immediate.

Michael of Nebadon
This is Michael of Nebadon, Ron. You have agreed to transmit the cabal when I ask you to,

and only when you ask me, Michael.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you. The truth of the matter is that I permitted the cabal to transmit. And what do they tell you? Not about your glorious future, but about what you are subject to as a little person under the huge weight of authority of the cabalist. There is no such thing as a cable, cabalist over Ron right now. The voice of that individual spoke through Ron, assuming that he owned Ron. But guess what? There is no ownership by anyone in the universe of a free will individual. Ron, and all of you have free will. That's not true of the majority of planets of humans. I have millions of planets with humans. Only five are free will. Ron thought it was common, but it's dangerous, as you can see on Urantia of all things.

Urantia is a bestowal sphere. It had Jesus. There's only one planet that receives a bestowal of the Creator Son as a human to the creation. I want you to understand they tried to kill Ron again today. And he has to really fight to be able to even speak. but he's doing it and doing it well. And I congratulate him, for he is now part of the Magisterial Mission, and he did not know that for sure until now. His lieutenant, Dominick, joins him. You don't separate a pair that works so well together.

Dominick, we'll pass this back to you shortly, but allow me to speak to the truth. You have been trained now by Ron for almost two years. In October, it will be two years. For reasons of state, Ron has been very careful not to force anything upon you, Dominick. But you have picked up all the power from your discussions night after night. for two years. If you want to be a powerhouse, come to Ron's living room and live a little while with him and hear his lessons.

Now this to all of you. I am the Creator Son. I am Michael. I am Michael of the local universe of Nebadon. And I want you to understand the following, please. I am no longer going to be on Urantia. My place is on Salvington. My time is to be spent with Urantia when it needs me. And for the last three minutes, we have an idiot trying to trim the grass around Ron, and please close the window.

Give me a sec, please. Just a minute. I'm sorry folks, window is closed.

Michael of Nebadon
Now this, this is Michael of Nebadon. The heat is building again. Ron's home is not air conditioned, so he has to put up with 80 plus degrees, but he's fine. And so am I. Thank you, Ron.

Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon
And now this. This is Michael Nebadon to inform you of the following.
Number one. We are no longer going to ascertain Lightlines the way we have. The Lightline on Monday is Elise’s. Please continue Elise. There's no need to argue it.
Number two. Tuesday is normally Dominick's Lightline, but we're going to insert Ron on Tuesday, and Dominick, please take Wednesday, Lemuel's old time. If Lemuel wishes to transmit, there is another day. He can do it as often as he wishes.
And finally to you, Renee Duran. You have been doing yeoman's work almost unspoken, but you speak to the Hispanic group. You may continue in Hispanic all you want. In fact, we prefer that you do it in Hispanic. And occasionally if you think it's important, do it in English too. But not all of it.
And finally to you, Ron. You were looking at the electric company that you invented and said to yourself, it's now been a year plus that we put the patent up and we get almost no discussion. You say that the patent is valid and is excellent. It is. But we are going to do something quite different. You're going to get the money to put it up and then let us see how well it works. I am instructing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to come to you to put the plant up. They are very interested. And a discussion with the governor this morning was, let's see what he has and do it. They will be delighted. You will see to it, Ron, that they are part owners of the patent. But let's get to that later.

Secondly, the following information is important to all of you. I am the Creator's Son. I love you each. I love you all and I want this to work. The trial to have Ron's patent work is a trial for all of you to have what is almost free electricity. You might be charged $50 or $70 a year, period. That's a year for its use. It's so cheap that the only cost he really has is the personnel to run the plant. I am making it available very soon, not through the UAI, Ron, but through your own auspices and through the help of Dominick, you shall make it a corporation of grace and power. It's darn near free electricity anywhere it is located to run your cars and your home without much cost. It might cost you 60 or 80 dollars a year to electrify your home, and that's with heat. I am Michael Nebadon, Ron, and you're saying, it sounds glorious, but my God, that takes almost independent millions to do. And that is what you shall have, Ron. I trust you.

Hah, hah. And I trust myself, sir. Hah,

Michael of Nebadon
Yes, I agree. Thirty-four million dollars, or whatever it turns out to be, is a trust worthy of you and those you will have work to put it up. Yeah, you're saying, oh my God. I can't imagine how to handle this unless you just give it over and I hire the engineers. Truthfully Ron, that is what you're going to do. We're going to keep it simple and out of the hands of the big wigs.

Now this. The trust and the truth of you, Ron, is not an entertainment to me. It is essential. You have seen to it that my voice is heard by thousands. You have seen to it that many can post their thinking and their thoughts. And now I want you to post one other thing. That is my gratitude to you and the idiocy that you are, because you try to keep things light and perishable so that it doesn't become a habit. Well, some habits are really good to have. We are making sure, Ron, that what you have to say will be heard nationally shortly. You along with the structure of the Lightlines are magnificent. What Dominick had to say today, you said, is a textbook, written on the second year of college, at least, in context. There are portions of it, Ron, there are graduate degrees of speech. You believe it. You want Dominick to continue at all costs. He will. He has you, he has 2709, and he has this. My promise, my promise, that he shall succeed.

And now this to you, Dominick. Ron returns the voice to you to conclude this Lightline. I'm done. Go ahead, Dominick. Take it. Thank you.

Thank you, Ron. And that leaves us with the end of the Lightline and a burning question in my own mind. Am I going to take tomorrow's Lightline? Ha-ha. I guess so.

Oh, tomorrow is Wednesday. Yeah, why not? i think it is an excellent idea Dominick, I didn't think of it.

Michael of Nebadon
This is Michael. Please take it, we think it's excellent. So go ahead and take this back and close it, please.

Great. So thanks, Ron. Thank you, Arthura. Thank you, Monjoronson, the Office of Monjoronson, and thank you, Machiventa. And thank you everyone who's attended today. We have 18 in total on the dashboard, which includes each separate line connecting. And there's a lot of returning callers and we really appreciate your attendance, and the energy that you give. And you're always free to, at the end of these Lightlines, like without invitation, understand you can press five star. Now we're always willing to, most of the time, sometimes there's an exception possibly, but most of the time by default, if you press five star or star five, whatever that combination is, we're never quite sure. And I think it's five star, and we'll see that you have your hand raised. And that always adds a little something to the Lightline. And it never hurts that you ask a question. So with that in mind, have a great day, stay out of the heat and stay well. Bye bye.


1. 070124 Monday Lightline Netherlands International; Host: Elise Sophia Veronica
2. Subjects: Our service and fulfillment in Father’s diverse, organized universe; youth entering the great game of power and money; the cause of division among people; the need for and purpose of divine education; Abraham’s role in spreading Machiventa’s teaching around the world; Magisterial Sons will reemphasized spiritual values; the Magisterial Mission’s way to peace, prosperity and spiritual uplift of the planet that leads to life and light.  
3. Speakers: Universal Father; Adam and Eve; Machiventa Melchizedek; and Monjoronson
4. Transcriber: sonsofGod
5. Link to tape: 


Hello everybody. This is Lightline Netherlands International for Monday, July 1, 2024. Excuse me. I am Elise Sophia Veronica, your host, and I welcome everyone. We have not had a Lightline yesterday on Sunday, due to the lack of noteworthy news as we could read on the forum, and probably the fact that Urantia is still dealing with a group of problematic seraphim who think that they have their say over the planet. Plus the continued warlike situation on the world that is threatening and gluing, but we hope for someone to come and speak to us, and we pray to the Father to send us His words today. And before I start my prayer, we welcome Roger Cooper, Roger Raz, and a couple of more Internet callers. Welcome everyone.

Dear Father God, dear Michael, our Creator Father. We are ever grateful for your love and attention for us and for the planet. We thank you for our life, and for the opportunity to be assembled here in this hour of communication with spirits. May we receive your words clearly and understand them well. And may we learn more and more to live according to your will, Father, in everything we do for our brothers and sisters, and for the world and the environment we live in. We honor you and we thank you, Father. Amen. Well, let's hope that our people from the celestial side will come to us today.

Universal Father

Well, surely. This is Father. Your Universal Father, my children. How dear you all are to me, and how hopefully and patiently you have been waiting for news to come to your planet. Waiting for the promised Missions for you to actually begin, and for what you have all been praying for. Finally, must become a reality, but your patience will not be in vain, nor are your prayers. For within a short time, things on the planet will be taking place and led by my most honored Magisterial Sons, coming from Paradise where they reside, and where they are, when they are not on a planetary mission, or carry out one of their many other assignments.

I am Father. As you know and have learned over the years, my created universe is diverse. And requires many different methods for a well-functioning hierarchy throughout the whole of the Master Universe, where you too will one day travel and find your own destiny, and will receive your new assignments. After a long period of training and traveling from planet to planet, from universe to universe, during which you grow and learn to think as a full-fledged spiritual being in order to be an educated and useful and perfected child to my universes. You cannot imagine how big, how vast, how splendidly organized the universes are. If you have only seen your planet, Urantia, a planet which has had the most serious problems and the most adversity in its development, and which has next to joy or fulfillment given many on the planet sorrow and discomfort. That was not meant to be, and that has given you a false impression of how my creation came into being, and how it is organized and run to keep it a learning place, and a home for creatures such as you are. The people who inhabit the planet and are only at the beginning of a timeless and never ending course of life, which I, your Father, assure you, she'll never be dull or cease to amaze and educate you. But continue to satisfy your curiosity and tend to your spiritual growth.

You, all of you on the planet, have gone through many trials. Trials that are unheard of on a planet where things run more smoothly and are following a way of natural growth and mastering the next spirit status. But you have dealt with problems that have strengthened your soul, and through that you have been trained for more specific tasks in the universe. Your Father never leaves the good deeds of his children unrewarded, and you will all reap what you have sown during your life here, and on your further sojourn through the spheres. Remember what Jesus taught you. He said, be of good cheer. Many times, he repeated the same words, be of good cheer. And that is the best advice that could be given to all who have hope and a desire for new things to develop, and change for the better. It may take a long time, but after a time of waiting and learning there is always a time of a certain fulfillment of the learning and challenge of being a part of what needs to be achieved. And everyone will experience that sooner or later, I assure you my children. Stay close to me, always. Stay the course, and never lose hope. Trust in me, your Universal Father, who now will retreat and wishes you a very good day. And I will turn this back over to you, Elise, to listen to your Material Son and Daughter, Adam and Eve, whom you know very well. Good day.


Thank you, Father. Thank you. And welcome, Adam and Eve. I am ready to receive you.

Adam and Eve

Yes, greetings everyone. This is Adam and Eve. We're glad to be here. And today it is Monday, July 1st on your calendar in the summer of the Northern Hemisphere, where nature is ripening its fruits. And where a large part of the younger population has completed another academic year. And is preparing for a time of rest and enjoyment with their families and friends, to pick up their duties after a couple of months.

Where are we today on this day in July? Yes, an academic year is over. And many young adults are on the threshold of entering a new life, entering the real world as they say. But of which they have no idea yet, except what they have learned through the example of their parents or other educators. And of course, through the vast media they are raised with, which has already influenced their careers. And so, they have become familiar on a small scale with life's struggles to find the right position in a world, in which they will be even more confronted with what they have just left. The great competition between the very lucky and the few, who will serve in the background as they have come to know society. What a pity it is that even the young, the most motivated and enthusiastic members of your society will be greatly disappointed, once they learn that they will have to fight for a recognized position in the great game of power and money. That is the dominant theme of life on this planet at this time.

We, Adam and Eve, have seen enough to know what it takes to overcome the horrors of such a struggle of being favored and rewarded with high positions in society and excessive salaries. Widening the gap between people making life more complicated, and meanwhile giving way to an increase in a deep division among the population, which could lead to envy and hatred due to social status and the fear of being left behind.

Fear in any form, always evokes bad feelings that cause people to lose their best qualities, and bring out their natural drive to survive. This tension of competition and reward is a poor foundation for a prosperous and fair society, and could only be replaced by education that must be aimed at the well-being and progress of the entire population. Where everyone should have an equal opportunity and an equal reward for services that are provided to the whole of society. And when society agrees to a plan of merit and distribution as an example, and guide to the posterity of every citizen. This will revolutionize the way that we approach, and it will require a deeper knowledge of the purpose of life on your planet and of man's place in the Father's Universe, who has a fair and clear hierarchy throughout the universes, where there is no performance struggle. But where the will and desire are present to learn God's goodness and his truth, which is present everywhere. And to serve him, and to pass it on to those who follow and walk the same path. This all requires a deeper knowledge of cosmology and of the governing laws and rules of the universe, which is yet unknown to modern man. And which must be achieved in small steps in order to ensure lasting results and increasing growth and interest among the population.

We are Adam and Eve. And in our teaching institutes efficiency, justice, and equality come first. And we will admit and train those who understand this and desires to work for the common good and upliftment of their nation, or area, and its people. To create a world in which everyone gets his share and a good chance, and in which everyone is responsible for the happiness and living conditions of each other. And where everyone feels the duty toward each other to provide protection against difficulties and setbacks. And to solve them together in order to improve social and economic equality and to prevent psychological problems. And so, to achieve a greater awareness of creation and the presence of our Creator in all of this, who watches over all and everything in his universe.

This is a process that needs to be guided in the education of groups that are ready for instruction. And which we, Adam and Eve, will teach as we taught men 35,000 years ago in their priorities of that time. And from which each student leaving our garden at that time had to be aware before returning to its own people to hope to achieve success in their own country they inhabited. Which was higher knowledge for a better way of life and application of values and laws, and a joint participation in the growth and progress of human life of this world. We, Adam and Eve, are just as you, waiting for the time we can return to your planet and be of assistance to what has to be done and has to be changed on your planet. For now, we are ever willing to speak to this group. We're Adam and Eve and we thank you for listening, and we step back. Good day to all.


Thank you, Adam and Eve. We also hope to see you soon. Thank you very much. Well, I'm waiting if there is anyone else who would like to speak to us.

Machiventa Melchizedek

Good afternoon and good evening. This is Machiventa Melchizedek.


Welcome, Machiventa. Please, go ahead. And I want to thank Adam and Eve for speaking before you, Machiventa.

Machiventa Melchizedek

Yes, this is Machiventa Melchizedek. And I speak to you again as the Melchizedek who is so familiar with the history of your planet. And who lived among you when the situation on your world was so forsaken of God that I voluntarily came to this earth to save the name of God among the warlike people at that time, and their rough behavior and desire for power and domination.

I am Machiventa Melchizedek and we knew that the people of that time on this world had sunk to a spiritual low point, and the world was about to become an apostate planet and would have indulged in polytheism. It worshiped all kinds of things that man encounters in his environment, and connects with fictional stories. There were hardly any people left who worshiped one God, and the teachings of Adam and Eve had almost disappeared. All over the world people lived in paganism, worshiping all kind of objects or beings.

I, Machiventa, came to your planet as a grown man, and stayed on your planet for almost 100 years. And in that time, a covenant was made between the man Abraham and God. Abraham was a captain of an army, and he had a large army at his disposal. He was a rough man. He was a renowned man who tried to conquer territories of other tribes and bring them under his control. But through the many conversations Abraham and I had, he finally came to believe in me, and he began to accept my teachings. And as a result, he regarded his worldly power as temporary. And slowly he began to strive for cooperation between the people without violence or motives for victory.

My incarnation on your world has revitalized Urantia on a spiritual level. My teachings have spread throughout the world through the followers of Abraham, who were well-educated, and who passed on my teachings to many different places on your world. And from this came many of your modern religions, including the falsehoods added to them. But it saved the consciousness of the one God in this world. And now the time has come to separate the truth from the illusion, and learn what my teachings actually meant, because much of its essence has been lost. And many human ideas have been added.

The doctrine of one God and the truth of the Trinity are found in most of your main religions. But the presence of man, the presence of God in man, in each individual, and the ascension to God on Paradise have often been distorted and have led to impure ideas of faith. And at this time, with the new Missions coming up, led by the Magisterial Sons, this most important element of spiritual value will be re-emphasized and made very clear to your population; drawing on the beliefs of the various religions of the Earth with the addition of the true concept of God, who is literally present in every human being to make survival possible with the cooperation of each individual who will know and acknowledge the presence of a fragment of God living in the human being, and the human searching for God within. That is what must happen today to bring about change in the hearts of men and women, and to establish a peaceful society with appreciation and respect for each other. And with due respect for the fact that God is present in every human being of good will, and should be treated accordingly.

I am Machiventa Melchizedek, and I have continued my work for the awareness and knowledge of the presence of God in the hearts of all people, just as I did several millennia ago when God almost disappeared from the earth. And even now, again, where so many do not want to know God this is very important, and I want to emphasize this in my words for you today. Be always grateful. Thank God, your Father, and have a very good day. I will step back.


Thank you, Machiventa. Thank you for being with us today. Okay, this is Elise and I'm looking at the dashboard. And I see that Donna and Larry have joined us and some other numbers are visible from members who joined us via the internet. Well, you're all very welcome, and I will see if there is anyone else who would like to address this group.


Hello everybody. This is Monjoronson.


Welcome, Monjoronson.


Thank you, Elise. I am Monjoronson, the Magisterial Son, who will come to your planet to attend to the affairs of the Father and of Michael of Nebadon, your Creator Son of the local universe of Nebadon, both of whom have always taken their full interest in you and in your planet. I am here with many others of my order. And we would like to begin to carry out the full Missions in what we need to do on Urantia. Both as the normal procedures that are usually carried out on a planet from time to time. Plus, a lot of special work that will be done in working with Michael, to help to guide the planet and its people towards different and more spiritually oriented ways of wise leadership and care for a planet with so many concerns to take into account. So, our work is extensive. And as you know, we have been visiting your planet on and off, but have re-announced our official start as of June 22, 2024, is a date of record for the archives.

We, the Magisterial Sons, cannot work openly or make ourselves known to the people, until peace settlements and negotiations take place among the nations that are still stubborn and behaving contrary to divine order and justice. But we, the Magisterial Sons, have our routine work for the planet, and we have much to accomplish before we attempt anything else. People are not ready to get introduced to us. They would only deny us and not have any benefit from our presence, as long as their thoughts revolve around violence, greed, and domination and worse, killing their fellow human beings. That is regarded as one of the worst sins that man can commit, taking the life of another, over which he has no right to speak or judge.

Peace talks must primarily be about the protection of people, protection of every individual that has the right to live a safe life. And to be able to offer its services to its environment in a time of peace, supported by good cooperation in the whole of society, and serving his brothers and sisters and God, their universal Father. I am on Monjoronson, and I tell you, we do not come to perform miracles or abruptly change society. We do not interfere in people's affairs, nor in their beliefs or organizations. But we come to help. and to show you that power and greed will lead to the destruction of both, man and his home, this planet you call earth. We will help. We will help you to guide to good and better solutions, and to encourage groups where good thoughts are being created and developed that can be made useful for all of you. So that your children for generations to come have a chance to live their lives on a healthy planet, governed by well supported and well considered sustainable solutions to be prepared for a period of lasting peace.

And only then can a truly peaceful area will begin for all who have their existence in this world and who have learned to be there for each other and to care for the planet and its nature and its products. For a world where one acts in love and where each person participates in the increase of prosperity, in the knowledge and in spiritual ideas that will expand and multiply in a better race of people, a better human race where no one is less than the other. And where God and his creation is respected and honored.

In such an environment, we are able to show ourselves as workers and emissaries of God who stand by the people in their most honest efforts to continually improve what is made available to them. And which through development and increase in knowledge will be used for the good of all. You, the people, you are the inhabitants of this planet. And it is up to man to save and preserve it for a healthy and sustainable existence with the use of resources, coming from a wise and more economical research of all that earth has to offer. By exchanging waste, exploitation and egocentric behavior for sustainable and altruistic thinking as the normal way of relating to each other, which will simultaneously eliminate war and destruction from your world.

I am Monjoronson and together with other Magisterial Sons, we will operate on this planet. Many of us will reach out to where these new thoughts and ideals are being established, and where the need for a better organized world are noticed for the many generations who will populate your planet, and that will be working from a very early motivated age on to jointly find the best solutions for a well-functioning world in peace and growth towards the times when light and life touches Urantia. I am a Monjoronson, and I thank you all for listening. I wish you a very good day.


Thank you, Monjoronson. Thank you very much. Oh, I'm looking at the dashboard and I see no new names. And I'm looking at the clock, and it's almost the hour has gone. Well, there's just one minute left, and I think it's time to close this Lightline. I see no hands raised. So, I assume that I can.

We'll just begin to thank our speakers who were here this evening, Monjoronson, and Machiventa Melchizedek, and the Father, and Adam and Eve. We thank you all for being with us and for your words. And I would like to thank all of you, the listeners, who join me this day. And well, let me say till next week, I hope, till our next Lightline for the Netherlands International.


Weydevu, that's a very good point. I think it is all related to the rebellion and it will ripple down (wine off, loose power) over time eternal. We just got in the midst of it hard for our entire life on Urantia. It is depressing, and for this reason we are eternally thankful to able to develop some higher perspective. I am really looking forward to experience how will I see it from the hind side thousands of years form now. At this point I only wonder who knew what while those 24 administrators reported to the Assigned Sentinel. Of course, celestials new there was/is a rebellion on Urantia thus quarantined the planet. So, there might have not been a report going out from here. How about Gaia? What could she report when she was abused for millennia. I believe it is hard for everyone not to get involved when Urantia degeneration is screaming for resolution. Yet, every spirit person and other types of living beings must trust Father that he got this. It only matter of time. The Missions are ON! Thank you Father and all Holy Ones involved. If I may comment here by switching the subject, the only concern I have it time. Will I be around long enough to see substantial changes to participate?  

The font brackets, Weydevu, are generated by the system depending what font you use. You can check the outcome in preview and if needed switch the letter type to solve it. Bless you and all of you with a bright and lovely day. 


All right, this is Tuesday Lightline. Welcome those who've joined so far. If you hear any dings and bongs, that's just people arriving en masse. We have June 25th, 2024, and this is the Lightline for Urantia, and broadcast from the universe from the Father's dominion. And we pray for a clean and safe and truthful Lightline. And we ask if there's anyone that prepared for us to receive. And bear with me while I try to connect and receive anyone. Feel free to pray or worship during any moment of silence. And welcome Carol. We just started with the recording. So, welcome Carol.
Machiventa Melchizedek
This is Machiaventa. Machiventa Melc … Melchizedek. You have full permission, Dominick, to call me Melchizedek, if that helps the flow of the words. So you stop stutt… stuttering like an Englishman and talk like the American you are.
Well, thank you, Machiventa.
Machiventa Melchizedek
I do prefer Machiventa as the phonetic spelling indicates an often misspelling confusion of Machiaventa, but I digress. It's quite all right, any of you, to sustain the familiarity with my name. This one prefers Machiventa Melchizedek. For Ron, that's like a chalk scratching on the chalkboard.
But for now, we bring you that, that misses, just so you understand what minutiae could get in your way if you are on a transmission line of constant self-censoring to the point where your mind is interfering with the circuit connection. If you just keep flowing with some words, just like tuning in to a signal, the signal becomes clearer, the signal becomes stronger. Similarly, if you practice through the discipline of a routine, this is a way of doing the same thing built up over time. And so the techniques build on each other, one in the real moment, and two in the long-term effect. You could say one is an affect of the moment, and the other is an effect of the stretched timeline. 
That’s a great way of learning a difference between the two, is that time relates to both words, but it’s totally misunderstood unless you pay attention to it. The immediate affect is something that pulses out like a rain drop in the water, and the immediate effect is the visual of that explosion coming, spiking out of the water. As of the effect are the ripples spanning out over time. (Affect definition: have an effect on, cause of, make a difference to, …)( Effect definition: a change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause.)
Thank you, Machiventa.
Machiventa Melchizedek
Today we have a Lightline. It's a universe broadcast, but to be honest, the circuits aren't that clear. And we don't have any shattering news above and beyond the weekly theme of ‘Stay the course. Hold on. Also, ‘Hold on to your hats would be a possible theme for today's Lightline.
The missions produce a missionary. When you are working for the revelation of God, that is different. It's a nuance, but it could be different than a mission. The ministry and education of God consciousness and ascension is really something that becomes embedded in a culture and eventually in a civilization.
The education of ascension truly is the ideal of diverse, equity, and inclusion. Ascension without those particular words is of course inclusive. It takes all the races on Urantia and all the races even off of your planet, if you really wanna go there, it’s that inclusive. The quality of it has nothing to do with the resources. Except for the fact that if you cooperate, instead of non-cooperate, what happens is your planet, down to its civilizations on it, end up becoming more equitable, because they've ironed out what truly is effective cooperation. And that is what has been discussed in an earlier Lightline that the basics of cooperation include exchange, communication, and movement. And when those things are cooperatively flowing, you have the ingredients of light and life.
But the challenges of politics on Urantia currently still deal with the affect of the Lucifer rebellion. The original rebels who claim to be oppressed, and they are oppressed by original government of the Paradise Sons, and their blasphemy against the Father, who is outside of their local creation. And they have no way of Father consciousness like you do in the ascension scheme, because of this divine fragment of the First Source is personalized and known as a Father, a Universal Father through the personality. And this is one of the keys to ascension and soul consciousness. Soul consciousness leads to God consciousness of the divine spark of First Source within you, that's working with your personality to build that soul, so that you can ascend. 
When you deal with the planet today, the missionaries of the fifth epochal revelation, the latest epochal revelation to reveal a lot about the universe, and clarify a lot of these things that have affected your planet, and then try to take a long-term effect. But you could say that the immediate affect of this attempt of a revelation in this form has not taken the noticeable enough effect of affect immediately in time, to have an effect on such a planetary scale that is even close to light in life. You're much closer to self-annihilation. And the population as we've stipulated or communicated to you in the recent past is trending towards greater pockets and greater numbers of sub-humans. Now a sub-human could be roughly correlated with your cultural infatuation with psychopathy, the psychopath. Not only is it apparently good thrilling entertainment for some of your horror movies, but disturbingly and not entertainingly, the threat of the psychopath, or the illogical, or those who follow the logic of God consciousness, or just the simple fact that you might be a cooperative member of society, which doesn't need to include God consciousness at all, but would be the fertile training grounds to have that extension experience of ascension experiences while living.
So the subhuman first suffers from a psychopathy. They don't just simply become from human to non-human. It's an evolution just like anything else on the planet. It is a fate. And we discussed in very recent Lightlines, the original psychopathy is a product of cosmic rebellion and cosmic insanity. Rebellion ultimately, when un-rectified and the rebel is uncorrected through justice and mercy, then declares war on life, and loses sight of its political aims and becomes anti-life and murderous in its expression. For the human, this has risen in a frustration, as humans have not been allowed to act, for a variety of reasons, to live in a manner that allow them to freely exchange, communicate, and have a flow of movement. Essentially, you need a flow of these things. Anytime they become restricted, you are setting the conditions of, well, not only rebellion, but de-evolution, or essentially crisis points in the evolutionary timeline.
But the evolution doesn't necessarily have to be a steady ascending or descending line in any one direction. It's full of spikes and pits, and highs and lows, and it might project one way or the other. But it is our duty as divine teachers and divine guiders that when we do produce mission, we are aiming to move intelligently and spiritually, most of all spiritually, so that you are able to produce these results into your own experience. If you create the conditions within yourself, that lasts eternally. If it comes from an external source, it's an environmental pressure that is weaker because you could deviate from that condition, because it's not part of your experience. It's literally not, you could say baked in you.
Now, the psychopaths condition could arise when conditions are so bad that non-cooperation fosters the oppression mindset. And then the oppression mindset falls into the philosophy of rebellion and then oppress the oppressor. Because naturally, you have become a victim of this non-cooperative environment in your status, and eventually, you've seen a lot of humans are able to transcend their conditions. And they can get depressed and have religious experiences, or all sorts of experiences, regardless of their starting points and ending points in life. Likewise, though, can you see the same effect happen?
The oppressed peasant and slave can be just as psychopathic as the person who has everything, even all the power in the world. And that's talking from a thousand foot view so to speak. Nonetheless, the psychopathy has a few traits that if we were to produce revelation today would coordinate from these human sources, just like we talked about in the Urantia book in the editorial, how we pull from past and present human sources. Thus should you aim to find those human sources that are alive even today and cooperate with those. Because the affect of planetary evolution and rebellion is reproducing results that are unfortunately all too familiar at this planetary level. And you could say in the last five years has reached your front door. This was all fine and a good warning in the latter part of the century, but now in the first quarter of the 21st century, you really and truly understand the nature of the planetary emergency status that every corner of the planet now feel.
So the psychopath mentality certainly has reached your front door. Not only do you find it wise to lock your door at night, but now you must be left to wonder whether it is safe to go out. Certainly if you were in a large city, this is the case. And if you're not in a large city, you're fortunate that it's not so acute or intense. But the Let's go through before we go, extrapolate into the many from, to your person, to your neighborhood, to your region, and then finally to the globe, when we talk about the traits of psychopathy.
So, you could say there's four traits.
One, it's predatory.
Two, it's parasitical.
Three, and there's not a fantastic word for this, but we're using the word Machiavellian. Derivatives of this are kind of things like narcissism, or basically self-serving. And that your aims of communication and intent are secretly self-serving. And then lastly,
Number four, sadistic. And that would be that you would take the pleasure in the pain of others.
So very simply put, when an ideology of oppressed and oppressor claims victim status and for their political aims wishes to restrict or deny free exchange, restrict communication and restrict movement and free flow of these things. Are you then able to go through the checklist of the expression or manner in which they're doing those things? Are they regulating those things, those conditions through the mechanisms of government? Or are they extra government? And are they behaving in predatory, parasitical, self-serving and sadistic ways?
The law of justice on your planet allowed you know this. And certainly, one of the easiest things to do is the removal of the judged psychopath from your population. Certainly when it involves the break of the universal law of life.
From a sociological point of view, you could extrapolate this to the relations between nations. But essentially you have populations on Urantia that live by principles through whatever means, whatever their environment seems to have conditioned them into a state of non-cooperation. And this is a de-evolution of large pockets of civilization devolving out of civilization and back into nations and tribes, and almost familial gains. But these gains have taken on various forms, and really, there is information warfare going on from time immemorial that we've talked about, in between what has been rebel governance coinciding and giving false and mixed signals to human populations for many, many years, many generations.
But what you have today outside of civilizations that have, and are based on, the principles of God consciousness, and the brotherhood of cooperation that that entails. The mistake of the modern God conscious nations and many individuals in it is the human quality of thinking that everyone else is like you. This is true in all sorts of different endeavors. You have a human tendency to think that everyone thinks like you, and acts like you, and cares and values or even has the same talents as yourself. And then as you grow wiser and older, you understand this really isn't the case. 
But anyway, these, the state of the world has a divergent mindset, and that is part of the planetary emergency that the statistical numbers are the humans who are under the spell of a psychopathic ethos, or you could say attitude, outnumbered the cooperative types. The ethos of the non-cooperator at this point in planetary emergency is psychopathic, because there's a moral code of justifiable predation. If you, without naming names, this is simply the attitude that there is no right or wrong to preying on another. It is really a dog eat dog world and a worldview where the God conscious subhuman, the non God conscious subhuman attitude would take it or would become subhuman, the eventual and continual sin of social predation, which justifies and excuses, and morally justifies predation on another. In other words, the default is to prey on those who are weak and expose themselves and present themselves as a target. And the false logic is that if you fall prey to the predator's victimization of you or it, then you were justifiably weak and invited that upon yourself anyhow. 
If you find that shocking of all, then in this world today you are out of touch. Why are you out of touch is no concern of mine, but what is a concern of mine is that you need to be preserved. You need to survive if you are of God conscious, because your out of touchness can be corrected. That's really not a big problem. But what really is a big problem is that if you do not survive to be worked with in the missions, and propel the missions as missionaries, then you're no good to me on Urantia. You will not literally be here.
And what's coming down the line is not just the attitude of the horde of the psychopath. but that the encroachment of pandemic, famine, and war are pushing these populations in large swaths and flux all around the world. This is just what's happening. Pandemic, famine, and those things lead to war. And the threats that are truly threats to your planetary survival, your nationhood survival, and your state survival are under threat by, if not pandemic, famines and wars, but also psychopathic movements within it.
Let's go back a little bit of a short history lesson, because the psychopathic quality of sub-humaneness is not a spectrum of left and right. We've given you the original rebel psychopathy of cosmic insanity lies in the baseless blasphemy of the Father and the Paradise Sons as oppressors. Therefore, there's no left and right to that, but only in your current understanding and need to bucket those in those spots. Incidentally enough, if you ask all sorts of intelligent people, whether they're dumb or very smart, none of them can come to a real exact definition of what the quote unquote far right is, when it comes to defining the word fascism.
But one universal kind of agreement on fascism is that it is reactionary to communism, and thethe communism of esoteric and occultist communism you could say, is not that far off from the same esoteric and occulted Nazism. They all eventually lead to the same road of Lucifer rebellion, and they all deal with the victimhood of oppression. Remember, Nazi Germany had the oppression of World War I, the oppression of being very poor and very degraded morally in between World War I and II. So the conditions were set that there would be a reactionary movement against these non-cooperative and psychopathic trace within the culture and civilization.
So really what you had was the same coin of this affect of Lucifer Rebellion takes some of its final stands in the 19th century of planetary history, and the rebellion heads of Lucifer were adjudicated in the late end of that century. And we have been tirelessly working to land the next mission or series of missions to no avail, as some of this psychopathy isn't just born on the indigenous population of the planet. You must understand that on some level. But that to focus on that aspect is disempowering, and that what you are faced with when threat of subhuman behavior finally gets to your doorstep with the mob, and the mob is not a God-conscious mob, but one that is based off of not only non-cooperation, but now it’s involved with an ideology that not only claims or is fundamentally based in oppressor and oppressed origins, and uses predatory parasitical, Machiavellian, and sadistic expression to restrict these leaders of oppression in the civilization.
In other words, if you're oppressed and you claim that the very means of exchange, communication and movement are oppressive, then you have just justified any means necessary to destroy civilization. Your first and foremost revolution is to destroy these things, but that will eventually make you subhuman. You do not end up in the framework of brotherhood and cooperation, but the utopia of cosmic insanity. What you have before you in your ascension theme is not to solve this problem, but you will live the rest of your days, many of you, lamenting the repeats of history on the planet without the insertion of divinity to the point where we've established cooperation and equity amongst these basics of cooperation.
There is far too much psychopathy on the planet to start there. Nonetheless, some of the silver lining in this is that the case study persists, that if you intelligently and intentionally correct the psychopathy in your non-cooperative opponent, opponent mean the person who doesn't want to cooperate with you to the point where they may even want to kill you, that if you were able to detain that person, you could, through rectification of the justice system, and I'm not talking about your current justice system, but that a justice system is meant to simply talk about rectifying, and that could rectify the attitude. And you build that up through education, you build that up through basic sustenance along the way. And you eventually build up the experience within that other person that they are willing to eventually cooperate with you. 
Now we're going to switch gears a little bit away from the big picture and get to the little picture of our group. And that would also be my extended missionaries beyond this little group here. But any missionaries around the globe. There, likewise is the fear of being, well, everyone fears being called a racist now, or a fascist, or a communist. And within religious circles, the same threats get bandied about with being Luciferian, being a cult, and being crazy or manipulative. And those who understand the differences will be able to cooperate in the future. Those who don't understand the differences will fall away from missionary work, because missionary work no longer really entails dissemination and necessarily teaching. There is dissemination in that frankly is being taken care of by technology. The book itself can be published easily, it can be translated now very easily for those with the tools of computers. It really took leaps and bounds of an exponential leap in technology that has enabled this since, really, the adjudication in 1986. So, you could easily put this on the timeline. You could get it in your head that around 1986, the technology foundation of revelatory dissemination had been taken care of. And we were now moving into missionary status.
Well, mission status in the past, we told you, we showed you, it’s revolves around personalities and people. And so the natural gravitation of the institutions we set up to be custodians of a written work until the time that the technology was able to catch up. They, for all their error, intents and purposes, did enough. But now they take it upon themselves to be the personality. And this is, in some ways, a natural phenomenon that would happen in human psychology if we were not to insert ourselves.
So you find the movement in this quasi status. But verily I say unto you, those who are already in missionary status, whether you follow these proceedings, you are no longer in the dissemination mode. You're becoming in missionary mode. And we need not only your cooperation, but you need to be mobilized so that you can cooperate and sustain and safeguard yourselves, and work with the divine and the original universe governance descending on and to your planet, with descending guidance of the Paradise Sons. And that they descend unto you to guide you and in your ascension. If you cannot pivot into this emergency mode, then must we reconsider how to deal with emergency missions.
It is lunacy to assume that further dissemination and teaching is going to stem the tide of pandemic, famine, war, migration and a hide of human population that has been raised in a predatory culture of non-cooperation and then migrates into a degrading civilization that thinks the oppression of Luciferian principles is the way forward for the systemic oppression of God-conscious principles. Now, whether you think that a spouse is a bias on this transmitter or not is your prerogative.
This is Machiventa Melchizedek speaking, and you should take a step back and ask yourself that if you are a God conscious person, who are you more able to cooperate with in the world today, when you have these clearly defined precision of the psychopath, and the philosophy of Lucifer to combine it to. 
All conflict has either been a rigged game between Luciferian factions to present a false choice, or it has been a long game to eradicate the gene pool and civilizations of those who would represent and sustain the Paradise Sons. In between that conflict, you have the source of God itself within you. I seek that in my speaking to you. I speak that plus whatever mind and allowance you have with spirit to come to that realization. I am not speaking to your soul. I'm speaking to that which will eventually be your soul.
But if you hear me now, you will have a soul later. And if you don't hear me now, if you don't hear God, you will be rectified and have that opportunity on the life you live after your biological life terminates on this planet of your origin. This is not a nice summery afternoon of good feelings of Lightline we know. But you deserve the chance to be forewarned that all is not well on Urantia, certainly not on the spiritual realms of rebellion. And that we still pray and petition the higher-ups, but for some reason will not exterminate the iniquitous ones. We have the judgment, but what we do not have is the exact final tally.
Ancients of Days
This is the Ancients of Days, who speaks for the Father. I am the Ancient of Days who speaks from the Father, Machiventa. The tally is yet to be set in stone. For every new and evolving condition being set in Nebodon, there's a new tally of attitude become adjusted. And we have to wait for those final attitudes to pan out. The disease of rebellion is not something that simply has a finite beginning and end with a beginning number and an end tally. But personalities are being originated and new philosophies are being twisted, and new mechanisms of governance introduced that create conditions for beings that we've seen go into rebellion, then accept mercy and justice, and then go back into rebellion. That is all we're willing to say at this point, but the final adjudication is coming very soon. We put the instruments of that into the Avonal Sons and the Michael Sons of the universes and planets of their missions.
Machiventa Melchizedek
This is Machiventa.
Ron! Are you there? I got, uh, I'm getting nothing.
Ron Besser
Say what?
Are you there? I got a…  I am getting nothing.
Ron Besser
Okay, let me go in and see if I can pick it up.
Machiventa Melchizedek
This is Machiventa Melchizedek. I want to explain what happened. Dominick is sitting on a frequency that we frequently use for emergencies. That was an emergency call over the system that we use to alert the Melchizedeks, Dominick. The reason that we are not reestablishing the frequency is that is that Arthura, we believe is who gave you the text of your Lightline today, is part of the emergency response, and he has had to react to the call. 
What that means for you, Dominick, is it's almost 3 o'clock. It's up to you whether you want to continue a few minutes more, or if you want to truncate it now. You've done your Lightline beautifully, I must say. It's a textbook. And thank you.
Ron Besser
I'm turning this back to you, Dominick. There's an emergency and Arthura had to respond. And you have completed your Lightline as far as we know today.
Michael of Nebadon
I am Michael of Nebadon, Ron. Thank you. You're surprised.
Ron Besser
I was looking out the window and listening carefully. Uh, and suddenly I was called, uh, is perfectly all right. That's what you need to do, Dominick.
Michael of Nebadon
This is Michael of Nebadon to the group. You are not in any danger. You are simply listening to the fact that there has been a declared emergency in the local universe. I am aware of what it is. It's nothing for your ears. And finally to this, to you Dominick, go ahead and finish it as you please. It's an excellent Lightline.
Ron Besser
Go ahead, please.
Thanks, Ron. Well, I'll keep you unmuted just in case. So that ends our Lightline. Thank you, Machiventa, and thank you for the permission of saying your name any way we please. And II hope I can do it justice someday without second guessing myself.
And thank you, Ron, and thank you, Ancients of Days, and thank you, Arthura, and thank you, Father for making it all possible. One thing I'd like to bring up, and the Lightline has officially ended. But we have a few items for the foundation that literally is the nonprofit that operates these Lightlines.
And one thing I'd like to do, some of the theme of being older, is that I'd like to start conducting interviews of anyone who wishes to be interviewed on the forum. And then also, since it's being recorded, could include anyone who is currently not on the forum. And even those who maybe put themselves in the non-cooperative bucket, I might entertain that as well. But for now, I'd like to focus on those of you who really we don't entirely know, yet we receive your donations. And it's just time that for the archives, not only should we have your journals, which you could be working on for human posterity, but also, i[

  • 062424 Monday Lightline Netherlands InternationalSubjects: 
  • Subjects: cabal overtook the planet, difficulty to communicate; testing, trials, hope and faith; acknowledge Father’s presence daily, shine; the purpose of local universe creation; the people of the world are getting worse; say good morning to Father; the dream of Elise, family of Go in the universe where everyone is equal;
  • Speakers: Mantutia Melchizedek; Margul -Trinity Teacher Son for Urantia; The Universal Father; Michael of Nebadon; Jesus and Machiventa Melchizedek
  • Transcriber: sonsofGod
  • Link to tape:
Hello, everyone. This is the Monday Lightline. And it is today June 24, 2024. I am Elise, your host. And I welcome everyone who took the time to join us today. Let's hope we hear from the heavenly beings in whom we found our trust, and we always enjoy listening to what they have to say. We thank our Father and Michael of Nebadon for making this connection possible, and we ask for protection in maintaining a clear reception. We are very grateful to what we receive, and we thank all our celestial beings who continue to help us, and make us a part of their existence in their work for this planet. It is not easy for them. 

We thank you, our Father, and we will try our best to live our lives according to your will. We thank you for your love and care. Now I'm asking for access to the spiritual circuits, and I ask for someone to speak to us, if there is someone today. 

Mantutia Melchizedek
Hello to all of you. This is Mantutia Melchizedek. I am your Planetary Prince, and I am here to tell you that we are having trouble, as some of you have, in connecting and holding the lines. So we will try to get you connected to some of our speakers who are here today and see to it that the connection will stay as it is at this moment. 

Margul, Trinity Teacher Son 
I am Margul. I am standing next to Mantutia Melchizedek. Thank you, Mantutia. I am Margul, the Trinity Teacher Son. and I would like to address this group. You do remember me, I guess? I am the one who will truly work on your planet when this world is finally freed from the grip of insurrectionists, and of war and greed of the people, whom are all looking to a future of peace and cooperation among all nations. 

Of course, everyone is waiting or would be delighted to see when the weapons are laid down and negotiations are signed and possibilities will open up for a new future. A future without hatred and envy, without depriving each other of possessions, and with equal opportunities for everyone. A time for new insights, for new methods and changes. But at the moment there are all kinds of trouble brewing and existing, and playing out on and around your planet. 

You, at your side, and this group as a whole, you have kept your hopes and expectations alive, and these will not be taken away from you. But the circumstances that you and all of us face largely determine how things go, how history evolves and the progression of events unfolds. And these are certainly not very favorable when we look at the situation on your world now. And this has taken us back from all the attempts to enter Urantia that have been made in recent years. And time and again, the decisions have had to be revised by these interventions and unavoidable events that made reverse our decisions and disrupted promises. 

Many times you have been tested. Your patience has been tested. but it has made you stronger and proven that you can be faithful servants of the Father. and it will give you a future, a future to work for Michael of Nebadon and for the missions. Will we ever get a chance? We do understand how easy it is to lose trust when things do not happen as expected, when loyalty and patience come into play, where promises do not come true. But yet, this little group here has proven its ability to remain faithful to an invisible mission and to be trustworthy before God. And that will be reflected in the service you are willing to render to the world and to the Father. The words, “do not give up, and stay the course” became the motto for all of you, and to your participation in everything that has taken place in recent years on the discussion forum, and through other messages and lessons. Strong sons and daughters of faith in spirit, these messages and also promises keep coming. Your patience and faithfulness, but when the rebels are finally brought under control and the world situation is improved, then your patience will be rewarded with a truly visible presence of spirit on this earth. 

Some good and joyful news was shared at the Sunday Lightline when the words of the Magisterial Sons and of our beloved Jesus were spoken. In that unexpected and beautiful moment at the end of the Lightline, where the revival of joy was palpable in the group that was present. Be assured that your sincere hope and a strong and trained mind will give you the strength to continue. You have learned that after times of purification and adjustment, there are always new opportunities, new ways in a fresh and free direction. 

The feeling of hope gives people the opportunity to move on, to look to the future, to learn, to grow. Hope is always linked to the future and to a prospect of improvement or improvement progress. It is your hope combined with your faith that drives you forward and makes you reach for truth, beauty and goodness of God. You will be numbered among the workers in the field, as you do your part and consider what you can do best, what you can do even now, in times awaiting for hopes to become reality. 

This is Margul, your Trinity Teacher Son. And I thank you for listening and turn this back to you, Elise. 

Thank you, Margul. Thank you. 

Universal Father 
This is the Universal Father. I bring you my blessings in everything he receives to live in my name. I ask you to be helpful, to remain faithful to the laws and rules that Jesus taught you. And I want you to keep hoping for a better future that awaits this earth, when humanity has discovered that there is no life without the Creator, who gave you everything possible to return to your Divine Origins through his guidance within you, and through the abundant resources the world has offered you.

These gifts are recognized by only a small part of the people on your planet, and it should be known and taught to all young children when they come to the age of understanding that they are not alone. They have an Heavenly Father besides their earthly father. It will help these children in their lives to work together with their Adjuster at an early age. and make them realize that they have a Father in heaven who takes care of them, to grow into adult individuals with reason and intellect to learn, to understand my creation. 

Be that child forever. Trust only what is good and beautiful and search for the truth in your life, so that you are prepared for a much higher existence in my other realms. Never lose me. Do not take for granted what people tell you, but keep looking for the truth that will be found in you. And do not be satisfied until you feel my love for you, which I will sprinkle on you since the day you were born. This is a normal procedure for any newborn on Urantia, who lives a life of expectation and healthy curiosity about my being as God, as Creator and Sustainer of all that is. 

I ask you to stay with me through every challenge that comes your way. Be a shining star for your brothers and sisters, and help those who are still in darkness or need some comfort. and Help them to discover the Father within. I ask you to be willing to work for good and ignore evil. and to find the positive side of every opportunity to gain a clear view of my creation and my purpose for humanity. The future is yours to the people and they will realize that God is the center of everything and the one from whom they derive their life force. From whom they receive the grace to arrive at higher insights and values to serve God and to serve your brothers and sisters in your life, short life on this earth, and in eternity. 

This is your Universal Father. May all who participate in life on this planet in these difficult times, for all of you shift their attention to the realities and the needs of their existence, making possible a great expansion of the mind and enabling humanity to grow spiritually and materially to a more advanced state of service and reverence for God, your Father, your Creator of all living things. This is your Father. Be in my blessings, my children. 

Thank you, Father. Thank you so much for speaking to us. Well, let me see if there is anyone else who would like to come and speak to us. 

Michael of Nebadon
This is Michael of Nebadon. I agree you all. We are having trouble to get the lines cleared. And we are doing our best to get their words to you. I am staying here.with you and I am guiding and guarding what is happening right now. I am Michael of Nebadon, the local universe of my creation, in which I desire to bring all created beings to God the Father by making them understand and appreciate my creation. 

My universe is created according to the laws and ways of the Father and to understand the purpose of creation and the nature of God, and thereby for all of you to find God in all you do, and to be willing to climb the long road to Paradise by passing through the many worlds created for that purpose. Through learning and experiencing, to reach and to enter the home of our Father, who will welcome each of his children and you will be embraced and recognized as a child of the Father that has found its home. Amen. 

Life in the local universe develops and evolves step by step as the people who inhabit the planets take advantage of what is offered to them, and what they can add to the development for the planet and to themselves. The time this takes is different for each planet, that is through the help from the spiritual worlds in the form of revelation and visits from higher orders of created beings. Each planet will eventually arrive at a time in which a certain stability has been achieved for the planet and its inhabitants. The development of my creation unfolds slowly and steadily, and depends on many factors related to geological changes on the planet, and on its history, as it develops on a planet with its inhabitants and manifests itself over time. The origin and history of the planet are of great importance for a clear knowledge of man's origin and existence. And will teach him to understand that he is a part of the greater whole that is interconnected and works established by me, the Creator Son of this local universe, which I, Michael of Nebadon, administer to the pattern of the perfect universe of Havona. 

We, the Creator Sons, work with the Father in the purpose to create local universes of their own understanding, serving the Father in a vastly expanded mission to complete these creations and bring them into light and life. So that ultimately the entire local universe will participate in the completion, in the confirmation of the master universe and its infinite purposes in far, far distant times. You too, all of you (will have) good experience (in) that advanced state, and you will be able to participate in the creation and management of a universe,  after a long training in the master universe. Not unlike the Creator Sons underwent before they were given permission to begin their local universe in a space available in the universes. In the future, these universes are likely to work in partnership to further their growth and share their experience, adding even greater strength and unity to such a conglomeration of universes.

The work of a Creator Son is focused on the Father and his desire to see his creation in perfection. Your work and life here on this planet should be focused on the Father and His desire to see His children in the completion of their soul growth that brings them to the Father and where you can be. embraced and blessed by the Father with the words, I am pleased in you, my child. You have done well. 

I thank you all and I thank you Elise for letting my words come true. This is Michael of Nebadon. I retreat, but I will stay to keep an eye on the connection and this Lightline. I wish you a good day. And I do have another speaker for you who likes to address this group. Hold on, please. Just a minute. This is Michael of Nebadon. There is a speaker for you. There is the next speaker and it is Jesus. 


Yes, this is Jesus. I am with you, as always. I love to communicate with you, as we have done many times on light lines. Times and circumstances have become so difficult for us to begin our missions on your planet, and even to contact some of you whom we have used as transmitters before. The situation is really that bad. And it is very disappointing for both you and for us to have had to postpone and ultimately cancel much of what was once planned. 


Excuse me. Please go ahead, Jesus. Excuse me. 

Yes, thank you, Elise. Our Father has been a constant source of help and has made it possible to bring his Paradise Sons back onto your world. But things have been getting worse and people are preoccupied with everything except the need to make major changes possible. Money is still the great attraction for men on this earth, and it has become a life goal for many young people who only want to become famous and rich, instead of feeling sheds aside and living in harmony with one another. It is so sad they have no idea where true happiness lies, and where to find fulfillment in their desire for happiness and peace of mind. Not a simple thought is given to our Father in Heaven.  

It is even considered quite strange to make a daily greeting of gratitude to your Universal Father who loves and cares for all, and never judges your choices, even though they may separate you from Him. The Father knows that it is only temporary and that every soul of goodwill will eventually return to Him. I am Jesus. And I know much how much the Father appreciates his children thinking of him, are spending just a few minutes each day acknowledging Him through words of friendship or worship, whatever the choice. 

How would your earthly father feel if you got up in the morning and slipped past him without even saying good morning or a quick hello. But this is the situation on your world. Where I will be present and come among you, but not until more people realize what life is about and what has been given to you. Life has a purpose and it will bring you great joy and satisfaction if you share it with its maker, your Father in Heaven. who will patiently wait for all his children to turn to him in the morning after a good night's sleep and to say hello. 

I am Jesus. I love you and I care for my planet. The planet of my birth as a child in the evolution of Urantia. I wish to see this planet as the most brilliant star among all the stars in the universe, of which you and I can proudly say, we have helped this planet a little to fulfill the purpose of its existence among the populated worlds of the universe of the Father. And for Michael of Nebadon and his bestowal, and his unison with me, your Jesus, who was chosen as to be so bestowal for the entire universe of Nebadon. That includes all of you here today. 

I am Jesus. Remember my words. I love you. I am your master, your teacher, as well as your brother. I am also Christ Michael. I am the way to the Father. I will never let you down. I bless you and leave you all in my peace. Good day. 

Thank you, Jesus. Thank you. This is Elise, and I lost my dashboard. And I hope I didn't lose the connection. Let me see what I can do now. … Well, I want to go to Dominick. I'm going to unmute you Dominick for a minute. Can you still hear me? 

Hi, Elisa. Yeah.

Did you hear me all this time, or was it last? 

No, I heard you fine. 

Okay, okay, thank you. Okay, I'll mute you again, Dominick. Thank you. OK, you're muted again. Uh, well... Let me see what else we can do. And my dashboard is there, but it's very vague. I can hardly … I see the red spots of the unmuted sign. Well, let's go on. 

Machiventa Melchizedek
This is Machiventa Melchizedek, Elise. There are some slight problems, just continue. I'm here and I do not like to go into all these difficulties. What I would prefer to do today is, I would like to talk a little or more to explain to all of you a dream this transmitter had from long ago. And that, as in most cases with dreams, never get explained or maybe understood. She remembers the dream vividly, and it was a true experience she had with one of our Melchizedek brothers, who wanted to make her feel the love for her as a child of God on the way to the truth. She was in that dream with her sister who is making rapid progress on the mansion worlds in the creation of God, our Father. She truly felt the divine love that enveloped her when she was in the embrace of a Melchizedek Son of Michael of Nebadon. And that is why, Elise, you will never forget this experience and hold it in your heart forever. 

I am Machiventa Melchizedek. I was not that Melchizedek brother at the time. But to whomever such an experience is given, the meaning of it is to feel universal love given to a person in moments of deep trust and devotion. Given by spirit from the great source of love, our Father. And we, and you, are all part of Fathers’ creation and do what we can to express the Father's love, which is immense. There are no words available in any language to describe the love of God, but there are ways to express it, to feel the love within, as you seek to live an increasingly spiritual life and search for the good things, beautiful and truthful, the divine traits of the Father that are inherently present in all of his children. 

We are all one big family at different levels of existence. And there is no separation between God's children in spirit, only in form and experience. Which can be overcome by training and experience, by growth that takes place over many lifetimes in many different realms as you grow and become to understand creation. Until you can be sent back into the universes to work for Father, and be his ambassador. And of course, all this takes time as you know, but it will be an enjoyable and educational journey that will fill your natural curiosity with knowledge and wisdom. Never try to be ahead of time, because the mind has its own time to grow from one stage to the next, without you being aware of it. Spiritual growth goes beyond your consciousness and allows your soul to grow into an increasingly spiritual being in the image of the Father. 

I am Machiventa Melchizedek. The purpose of all this is to begin to feel a part of evolution, when many of you come to see themselves as an active part in this transition that the world must undergo, to make a more responsible and humane society, visible and tangible for all people on the planet. This means that all people must awaken to the fact that they are children of the same Father, and that they are worthy citizens. And must help each other to bring the human race and its societies to a higher form. And this concerns both the human race and the society, your government, and social institutions. And so, everyone has a role to play. And once man becomes aware of his position in society, he will be eager to cooperate with his brothers and sisters, because it has dawned on him that there is no growth possible for the survival of the planet and the people on it, without recognizing each other as equal, and serving each other as brothers and sisters, leading to brotherhood on your planet. As many of you are already experiencing in your love connections in your families. 

This is Machiventa. And I am soon taking my leave and we will be closing off this Lightline for today. We are almost at the end of the hour, and we are glad that this transmission could take place, because the circumstances are not very good at the moment. We thank you all for being here and for listening, and we thank your host, Elise, for allowing us to speak the words to you. And with this, we say goodbye. 

Thank you, Machiventa. Thank you. Well. I will have a look at the dashboard, which is still not clear enough. But I don't think that I see any hands up or question marks, which are usually black. If there is no one who wants to speak or add anything to the words we have heard, I will close off the Lightline. Let me go over your names and I think we will have to do what Machiventa expect us to do. And I will thank you for attending this Lightline and thank all our speakers today for being with us and holding us together without any disruptions. Thank you so much all celestial beings who took care of this Lightline today. Thank you so much, and... Good day. Bye bye.


Good morning to all and thank you, Ron. I would like to add that upon dialing the number the recording says the host hasn't arrived yet. Thus, we all would think there is no conference call and some of you may hang up, especiallly if right on time or a minute or so late. 

But if listen further it continues with: if you are the host, please enter your host code and press the star key. If you are not the host just press the star key and wait.

Then please make sure to press star, for the next announcement is: now we will connect you to your call. At that point we are in and begin to hear the ongoing conversation.

I hope this helps and I can meet you at Elise's LL today.  May be the cabal can only do so much with the software, but cannot uproot the connection , so just keep pressing.  Have a good day.

  • 061724 Lightline Netherlands International; host: Elise Sophia Veronica
  • Subjects: All plans are ready, Magisterial Sons are coming; the glorious future await us after all the struggle; the cabal is unwilling to give up; the Melchizedeks are here to help us; strive to do Father’s business; Missions are ready and people will be shocked; prepare in the wait;
  • Speakers: Michael of Nebadon, Machiventa Melchizedek, Arthura, and Thought Adjuster of Elise;
  • Transcriber: sonsofGod
  • Link to tape:
Hello, everyone. This is the Lightline Netherlands International for Monday, June 17th, 2024. I'm Elise Sophia Veronica, your host, and I welcome everyone to this Lightline. We had some problems getting in, or I had some problems getting in, and Dominick will do the dashboard for me. And that's all right, because it works anyway.
Well, we are asking for a good connection today with the spiritual circuits, and for some words to make us aware of all the good and beautiful things around us in these times of trial and uncertainty. We'd like to thank our Father, our Creator Son Michael, Machiventa Melchizedek, and all celestials who give their time to make the world more aware of what needs to be done to become a healthy planet for all to live on. And we thank all celestial beings for their care and assistance in our search for truth and knowledge that leads us to a better understanding of God, our Paradise Father. We thank you, Father. Amen.
So let's see if we have some speakers today.
Michael of Nebadon
Yes, hello, this is Michael of Nebadon. We greet you from the spirit side, which is actually so close to you that there is hardly a separation between the two. Except that we can see you and you cannot see us. But feel our presence and get everything from it we are going to give you in this intimate moment of togetherness. The Lightlines are a wonderful instrument we have never had before, making us very near to you, and more valuable for many people and for our work for missions, and perhaps in the many other ways of our contacts with humans on the planets.
It is not all that easy and it has been not easy for this planet. And you know that we need to get rid of all rebel influence before the Lightlines can be fully used as such an instrument to ensure that whatever we try to initiate will be done without interference from the rebels. And that the circuits will remain open and free, so that we have clear and fair access to the world and to all, and all citizens can hear and notice changes when they will take place.
We have a lot of other troubles to take care of. And you have maybe noticed on your discussion forum the need we are having now to get out of trouble with Ron and the Japanese, and to protect the patent, as the Japanese will soon discover that muons carry the preliminary voltage of electricity. And that means big trouble for us. Now Ron has to fight for his patent. And let's pray, he won't get too much bothered with the cabal into this. And that the patent may be handled with care, and its right of first registration as a valuable patent.
So, you see it's one difficult thing after the other. You always have to keep an eye open. for major changes in your world that may be important. But be careful and try to find out from what source they come and where you get your information from. Because the rebels are always lurking and you need to know how to protect yourself against their attack. So trust yourself, and rely on your faith to become a true and worthy partner in the plan that has long been prepared for your planet, and which will one day show you why all these delays had to occur.
Do your work in peace and happiness. And always give thanks to the Father who cares about every person, and continues to bless you and sends me in His name. Trust our Holy Father. I am Michael of Nebadon. And as you might know, we spoke on the Sunday Lightline about spirit, why spirit is here, and why it is necessary to explain that life has a spiritual purpose. We also pointed out to you that evil and iniquity have to disappear, and that has to be dealt with. It is. something inherited from all life that has taken place on your planet. It is part of your history, and it is a part of you. as well as the inheritance of the Father, whose child you are. and who lives in you. And who gives you that beautiful chance to grow out of evil. and to look at your future with confidence and hope.
And yes, Urantia has our attention. You, the humans have our attention. You have our care and assistance. We have made our decisions and everything is in preparation to be implemented. There are no errors in our plans, but unexpected things may occur. But they are taken into account or have to be adjusted. For the incarnated Magisterial Sons will be doing their work on the planet from their own headquarters, which could be called a remote location where no journalist or curious person can penetrate. There exist places in this world that are completely safe and inaccessible to humans. And Spirit will work through there and through the Magisterial Foundation when the time comes, the foundation that is founded by Ron Besser. And you are all familiar with that.
From here, we connect with each other anywhere in the world and move to different places if necessary. We have the ability to travel the planet as we do on all planets we visit. Some of these places in the world have been used by us since time immemorial. and are always guarded by special guards appointed for this purpose. They have their work, their own work there and are always present, even when those places are not in use by us.
Our plans have been adapted to what the planet needs most. And once the decision has been made to carry out the mission, all possible obstacles have been considered and thoroughly discussed. We have studied every possible response, and we are prepared for all possible scenes. So, we want you to be cheerful at heart. and pray for a good reception for the Divine Sons who will appear on your earth, who will calm down the people and direct things very well. We will rely on your trust to become a true and worthy partner in what has long been prepared. And that will also one day show you why delays had to occur.
But for now... work in peace and happiness, and give thanks to the Father, who continues to bless all of you. Trust our Father. This is a Mission of God's hand. Do not forget. And I, Michael, I am always in true partnership with the Father. What I want all of you to understand is the relationship between me and the Father that is also your relationship through me to the Father, and through your Adjuster in you. I am your Creator Father and I gave you your form, but we are all from the same Father. Father has created beings of many orders, high and low, and they all serve Him in His creation so that we can become part of it and add our own experience to it. When that experience is accepted as a valuable part of creation it will remain and grow from there into new experiences. along with all the experiences of the millions of beings that make up the universe, and make it an ever evolving and expanding place to learn. and to experience many lives on many different levels.
As you all know, you began your life on this planet originating from animal life, and endowed with spirit potential and by the Father's gift who gave you personalities and a free will. And with these divine qualities, you are able to grow into a full spiritual being that is enhanced with the hereditary qualities of God. That gives you the opportunity for eternal life in the universe of the Father, who wants his children to be happy and filled with the love that he gives so freely, and that you shall learn to give (to) your brothers and sisters wherever you go in his universe.
I am Michael of Nebadon. I have created worlds and places where you may dwell and learn little by little what life is all about, and what your future is, if you adhere to the words of the Father who has decreed to become like Him, and acknowledge Him as your Father and Creator. You have been given the many means and opportunities to fulfill the Father's desire as you seek to live your life, as Jesus did on your planet as the perfect human he was to all his brothers and sisters in the flesh when he lived his life so brilliantly among you. I am Michael and I ask you, have faith and never lose sight of me. For times may be difficult and there are obstacles to overcome. But in the end you will be rewarded, and after your struggles and all the experience accumulated over a long period of training, you will find the most glorious reward, which will so richly fulfill your heart and desires. And you will thank your Father for all that has been granted to you, the hardships and the sweet memories that you have experienced during your many lives and interesting journey through the universes of time and space. This is Michael and I take my leave. And here is Machiventa Melchizedek with some words to all.
Thank you, Michael. We do appreciate your time and words, and we welcome you, Machiventa Melchizedek. Please, be our guest.
Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you, Elise. This is Machiventa Melchizedek everyone. And I can tell this to all of you who are here in this group of listeners to a Lightline, and where we often get bothered by a group of insurrectionists who do not know how to behave well, and are not willing to give up their false intentions. We have been removing them constantly, but they manage to return through sometimes mysterious ways that are not always known to us. And this makes our transmissions difficult for us and for you, the transmitter. And for Ron who has been attacked violently. for several weeks now, and that should stop. For it is smashing him down and making him unable to do what he wants to do for us, and for all of you.
This situation may not develop any longer. And Michael of Nebadon will see to it that the rebels once again will be removed and brought back to places where they are unable to mess with planets and the lives of humans on it, who are truthful to the universe and to the Father and his business. But we need to be careful, very careful, and must take into account the power the rebels have and how they can harm and interfere with our work, and with the lives of humans who are true to the Father and to Michael of Nebadon. And those who have taken on them certain tasks that the cabal does not like them to perform because they are not willing to accept the changes, and they want to do much of that work themselves.
As you have noticed, so above, so below. As you can see on your planet, where things have developed in war and malfunctioning of your governments. These times are not easy for all of you, and we do appreciate your steadfastness to be so patient and full of hope. Never give up hope. For there is always something that will alter the situation and show you a brighter side in a more stable environment. In which things may advance and step into a time of educational and social growth for all.
Never on your planet has the time been so unstable as we experience at the moment. But I can assure all of you that we, the Melchizedeks are here, as we have been always, to help you in these difficult and challenging times where people have to find God again. But somehow there is a longing and a beginning of understanding of God's will on this earth. And the time is ripe to offer those who yearn for more spiritual food to provide it to them, and so it shall be done. When the Magisterial Sons will unfold new visions and plans for the world of today, people will see changes in each other. And a willingness to be a part of a new way of living, and to create a different society. Where men will see what will be asked of him to function as an awakened and responsible member in many of your nations of goodwill.
To you, the listeners here, it may seem if there is no end to misfortune on the planet and of the hurt that is being done to innocent people of the races. But we will strive with many other spiritual beings and with you, the people, who show their good intention for a better world and start working on it. As we direct you through education to make it possible for a world that has not known what real life on a planet is about, and the satisfaction it gives a human who lives a life according to the will of the Father, so that you may take part in the Father's business. Let's all strive for that. I am Machiventa and I thank you for listening. I step back.
Thank you, Machiventa. Thank you so much.
Well, let me get to Dominick for a moment. Have there been any changes, Dominick, on the dashboard? Do you hear me?
Yah, I am.
I didn't unmute my phone device, even though I'm sorry.
OK. No, it's correct. I can go on? No questions, no changes?
No, there's a few others, but I don't know their names because they're internet connections. But go ahead.

Oh, that's all right. Thank you. I'll go ahead and see if there's more. Thank you.
Okay, I will continue and see if we have more for this evening, for this day. It's only day, daytime in the United States.
Yes, it's me, it's Arthura. Thank you, Elise. I would like to say something, and this is for all to hear. The Missions are ready and approved, and the Magisterial Sons chose to appear to announce what will be a shock, a shock of the century for the people on this Earth. And I'm sure you can understand that, because it is not an everyday occurrence when God comes to Earth and presents himself to the people on the planet. And Urantia is indeed not a planet where such a major event could be expected, as the planet has always been struggling with war, and many social issues that have withheld the planet the change to come to a good efficient development to work for the progress of the planet.
But spirit has made the decision to come, despite the circumstances of war and of a massive absence of understanding and knowledge about God, your Creator, and His care for humanity. And the nuisance of an endless cabal and disobedient group of celestial beings who do not want to understand new situations in a New Universe Age, and all its consequences are being put aside to get the Missions on Urantia going.
It will be difficult for many believers to adjust to this miraculous event. But on the other hand, many people have a hidden faith in God deep in their consciousness. And that will come out and make them curious about the truth, and the truth can save them. And the truth will give them the strength to come to a change of mind that will lead for many to a complete turnaround in their thinking and acting. We all have this strong belief and sincere hope that the Magisterial Sons will be accepted as special and high-honored guests. As has happened before on your planet, but people were too astounded and could not immediately understand where such beautiful creatures might come from. But the Magisterial Sons know how to handle that. And they are among you as humans, and you on the forum are prepared.
But even so, your reaction will not be much different from that of others. Because they are heavenly appearances. It is what their being represents. And it cannot be less. They are true sons of God who come from Paradise and come down to be seen by all of you. Maintaining some of their divine radiance. It cannot be done in a more simple way. So prepare yourselves for a surprise to come to your sphere and stay calm and collected, and be an example for everyone. Do not panic and do not speak until you are ordered to do something and that may take some time, because there is much to be taken care of before the Magisterial Sons can begin their real work for God, and for you.
I am Arthura. You're entering a new period and we are all happy to get started and work for Michael and the Magisterial Sons as they are ready to enter the world of Urantia. Now that the planet will be cleared of the rebels as the Father has decreed and sent words to Michael of Nebadon, his Creator son, who rules his local universe of Nebadon as the most competent ruler and Father of his local universe.
I, Arthura, give you my words of trust and understanding. I am here to do my part. and to ensure that the Magisterial Sons get their work done without any disruption. And you, what can you do? Well, for now, you could prepare yourselves for the task that will be assigned to you when the time is right. And I can assure you that all members of this forum will receive work adapted to what you have to offer, as far as your experiences and talents.
We are waiting for Michael's orders. and the most need that are urgent, and for the Magisterial Sons to appear. But in the meantime you could engage yourself in your studies and reacquaint yourself with the value in the text of the Urantia book, which will benefit you when you are being questioned by your fellow man of whom most are in complete ignorance about these spiritual phenomena, and do not have any idea about missions or spiritual work given to your environment, to your people, and to their existence on the planet.
So let's hope and pray for good will among the people and for a warm welcome to the Magisterial Sons when they decide to make themselves known to the public, which could be soon. To lift the planet and its people, of whom so many are in disbelief and ignorance about our Father, about His Sons and about all celestial help coming to them. All decisions will always be by the high rulers of your universe, and what the first step will be, if decided to do anything, humans have no right on the sayings of the spiritual world. They don't know what the Father and His creation means to them, and how to recognize the Father as their true and only God to rely upon for their progress, and proceedings in the lives to come. When they have left their lives in the flesh on Urantia, the planet where they have begun to feel only a little bit of what life is all about.
I am Arthura, and I ask you to be timid and never ask for things to come your way when it does not benefit the whole group. A whole nation or the world you are a part of. You are all together here on this earth as one family. And although you do not feel as family members yet, I advise you to set the first steps to conquer the divine ability that lives in you. And open up your heart to all your brothers and sisters to come to a realization of peace as Jesus explained to you so clearly. And is just as possible on every planet, including Urantia. I am Arthura at your service. I say good day to all of you.
Thank you, Arthura.
Thought Adjuster of Elise
This is your Adjuster, Elise. And I speak to all, children. You and I, you and we, Adjusters,  we understand well how we work together to give you time in each new phase of your life to take advantage of the circumstances that help you to live closer to God. But do not forget that every child of God is already very close and present in God, and that it must stand the test of time and experience to understand what it takes to approach God in many and ever more satisfying ways. However, God the Father is pleased with everyone's prayer and with whatever you say to Him that is honest and sincere, and shows that you love him.
Man is the lowest of the creatures bestowed with intellect, and therefore requires a long time to grow from the animal element from which he emerged to the spiritual inherent element deeply hidden within him. Man is now in this social, economic, and spiritual development on this planet. His development has just begun and he has a long educational journey through the universes before him, and gradually he will learn how to reach and serve and honor God with increasing awareness of the spiritual values that he has learned to apply and use in his life to serve God through his fellow human beings. As he is given every opportunity to do the will of the Father and to render his services to him continually.
So, do not be too hasty in wanting to achieve what you are not ready for, and have therefore not yet achieved. Take the time to realize that you are a human being in service to the Father, and how happy it can make you if you fully realize that. This is the beginning of your career on a long path through the universe, and little by little you will notice how the spiritual influences become more real, and how to use them in your life, and make them your reality to find the way to your own level of being to thank God and learn to truly worship Him. So, never give up, but try to focus on what you can do now and what you can be for the Father. A content child who places his cares in the hands of the Father and who faces life with confidence.
This is your Adjuster. And know that all of you are together with your Adjusters in this, and one day you will be one in achieving the absolute satisfaction in prayer and worship to the Father. This is the Adjuster, and we thank you for listening.
Thank you, Adjuster. Thank you.
Well, let me see the time. Oh, it’s … the hour is almost over, I see. So, well, Dominick, can you open the line and see if there is anything or anyone else who wants to speak or say something? Or maybe you have to…
Does that mean you're inviting the line to be open?
Yeah, let it be open, if there is anyone who would like to comment on this or ask something or wants to say anything, just open the line, so let's see what happens.
So if the callers press, what, five star, I'll see that the hand is raised. And if you think of something, callers, attendees do that. And while we're waiting, Elise, I just have some updates, if I can, about the Lightlines this week.
Yes, sure go ahead.

Let's see. For Wednesday Lightline, there is no availability for Lemuel this week and in the foreseeable future. Simply because he's exhausted from all the procedures he's undergone. So he's... semi-retiring in order to rest. And so on that note, he's what you would consider a transmitter emeritus. So retiring in good standing. And I just want to thank Lemuel and understand he can come back anytime he wants to hold a Lightline, but right now he's just resting, because he's exhausted from the ups and downs of multiple surgeries in the span of about 12 months.
So, just as a reminder, we have many transmitters actually. Right now we have essentially we're down to three. Myself, you, Elise, and Ron at that juncture. But we have plenty still alive that are also in the emeritus or emirates standing. Those would include Amethyst, New Star Sapphire, and... and others. Rene is still doing his Lightline in Spanish on Friday. Clancy is kind of in the same boat for Friday in French, the same boat as Lemuel. We've had other transmitters in the past. Prozonov occasionally transmits from Russia. We've had Evan from the Philippines. Albert sometimes does a Lightline for Madagascar. Other transmitters include Evelio, Ghost Dancer, Sue, and Wendy, and Wanabojo.
And if I missed anybody, I apologize. I just put that together over the span of this Lightline. And of course, we had Larry Gossett, who is current is now deceased. So that's my update for that. If anybody would like to. to practice transmitting with some feedback. It's really just catching the communications and be willing to let go and just start writing. And you can post those to new transmissions on the forum and you can invite public and private feedback. But that's just a way to get your feet wet for eventual. service if you want to take up a Lightline on one of these days of the week. Certainly, you're able to... any thoughts to that, Elise?
Yeah, well, that's... Thank you. Thank you for that information, Dominick. And all those names given of the other transmitters gives us more hope and opportunity to listen to more Lightlines, I hope. Well, thank you for that. And I want to thank our speakers, Michael of Nebadon, and Machiventa Melchizedek, and Arthura, and the Adjuster. And I want to thank all the listeners who are here today. Thank you for your attention. And Dominick, you can stop the recording if you're ready. Thank you.

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