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I enter this thread here because I find it very intriguing without even being able to extract its central message but only arrive at a series of conjectures, hoping that we can soon get supplements that will help us discern this material that I believe could mean everything we need to learn in this life as a mortal being with divine potential: "When the authority of Michael of Nebadon enters the realm of matter, time and space, either through physical manifestations or through a conscious breaking of mental barriers, I will leave it to your imagination" Does Arthura refer to the elimination of the energy field that, like an electromagnetic fence, has kept us prisoners and ignorant of our divine affiliation? I would like to have the ability to further analyze this entire extraordinary dissertation by Arthura who is already so notable for her master classes. My gratitude and admiration to Arthura, but also thanks to Father Machiventa Melchizedek, our creator father Michael of Nebadon. 

"This is Ron Besser.  I operate much of this communication work in order that there may be a free exercise of views about what is happening with the spiritual concerns for the people who do have a view of what is to happen with the spiritual side of life"

What I had in mind was to attend to Ron's call to give our opinion or express our point of view on the reality of spiritual life, which I feel moves consciences since it should be a concern for everyone, and in particular for the elderly, to be able to develop the most complete idea possible in preparation for what awaits us on the other side, and of course, if we manage to configure, by bringing together the known revelations and the added touch-up through personal imagination, a thesis that allows us to free ourselves from the stress of death, I think we can exclaim with joy: Hallelujah!!

It is understandable to admit that when dealing with a complex and multifaceted subject, what can be presented as a simple opinionator, only reaches an outline of a great truth. 

Finite and Infinite: I believe that here in this dilemma, lies much of the material on which we must work in order to break down the truth that underlies the relationship that exists between our individuality and the universality of God. The finite cannot encompass the infinite, this is as simple to understand as realizing that we cannot pour two liters of any liquid into a one-liter container, I bring it as a very ordinary example compared to the central topic of finite and infinite, where we deal with elements so dissimilar, or at opposite extremes: matter and spirit. Thus posed the equation, all the work to be done would consist of an operation of alchemy. Today it could be said that what is involved would be nothing other than performing a "technological" intervention in our biocomputer to update the operating system, ruined by forces hostile to the original divine plan. And this is what is happening, comparatively today, with the transition from conventional digital computing (bit) to quantum computing (qubit). No matter how erudite or intelligent a person may be, his current organic endowment, his brain and all his centers, glands and neural connections, are only enough for him to move in the three-dimensional world of space, time, energy and matter. And no matter how much Bible and other scriptures we may have studied (including the Urantia Book), it will not allow us to assimilate what the spiritual side of existence is all about. Only by transcending the law of animal life and treading the spiritual path will we be able to aspire to undertake the universal career that has as its goal the fusion with the fragment of the Father all the way to Paradise. This passage from the material (finite) to the spiritual (infinite) dimension should take place in a gradual and spontaneous manner as occurs on normal worlds without the intricate conflicting processes that the inhabitants of Urantia and other worlds affected by the rebellion have to endure. The upgrade I am referring to involves the mortal's access through the etheric interface (etheric or vital body) to a virtual energetic brain, manifested above the physical organ, as a reflected projection, which enables the human being to be able to interconnect, to communicate, with the world or spiritual reality, always through his mysterious monitor or Thought Controller, which would serve as a "system engineer" and everything else. However, it is important to keep in mind that this high achievement is only possible after having carried out the not-so-easy work of transferring the ego-based consciousness (head) to the heart-based consciousness (love), thus generating the sacred or energetic heart. From this center of pure energy, the heart of Christ, the commands depart through which the neocortex designs the energetic, reflected or virtual brain, which is where the Thought Controller will definitively settle, and from where, in collaboration with the Spirit of Truth, it will guide and accompany the finite being throughout the entire universal career.

A closer look reveals that everything is based on the expansion of Consciousness: from animal nature to divine nature, passing through human nature. I said that the most difficult work we must face is to subdue the ego and its cohort of pettiness and jealousy (SAIBABA). And we are certainly slaves of the ego, because if only we could recognize that this "evil" ego responds to a mental programming of slavery and control for millennia, it would be easier for us to follow the guidance of our Adjuster. We are warned that it is not spiritual knowledge but spiritual action that makes us advance. To work towards this purpose we have a whole series of guidelines from keeping the Decalogue (...), exercising human values (Love, Truth, Righteousness, Peace and Non-Violence) and the practice of the six virtues of the energetic heart: Appreciation (gratitude), Compassion, Forgiveness, Humility, Understanding and Courage. These virtues of the energetic heart, when practiced as a philosophy of life, create what is known as the "tone vibration of equality" (or the frequency of solution), which is equal to the frequency of Love (55x10 to the 24th power). An analogy that is made in this regard is to suppose that these six virtues make up a chamber ensemble (sextet) of six instruments; if even one is out of tune, it is no longer pure Love. Thus, SAIBABA's statement that says: "If you develop love, you do not need to develop anything else" is quite decisive, a statement that I use as a motto here on the forum, with the purpose of working on this wise assertion.
I hope Ron that this chatter has some useful content to alleviate the spiritual concern with which we all walk. Thank you Moses Ouko

Thank you Lemuel for sharing your interesting, compact biography, full of very exciting passages and adventures. I think your story deserves to be expanded and organized as necessary, to leave it written in a book for what Lemuel has represented and represents for the group, with such an invaluable legacy of spiritual guidance. And what good news from Valerie who announces that she keeps all those transmissions from Lemuel, I especially remember those of the Sower and those of Calumny; it would be wonderful to be able to read them again. And thank you Dominick for the occurrence of this very pleasant interview; we hope that Ron also agrees to grant you an interview with the same purpose. And thanks also to Moses Ouko for the transcription.

Thanks Dominick, it is the most logical and even unnecessary question.   Extraordinary revelation.  And furthermore, we get an explanation of why the great difficulty we often encounter in getting others to accept or agree with our beliefs.  Thank you


Thank you very much, Dominick, for another transmission, this one from Father Michael, which I cannot but describe as extraordinary for many aspects it contains. However, it dazzled me and I have tried to understand the message that I consider central, that of declaring before the Universe that we are of value. Although I have not taken such a monumental fact lightly, because first of all, I understand that "not everything is said or written for everyone at the same time," but I wanted to be clarified about a doubt regarding the following statement by Father Michael: "But when you realize and declare yourself valuable in the universe, the divine spark of God, your destiny of fusion and survival of personality becomes the citadel of all confusion and the resilience against all sadness." I cannot relate as something positive that the Adjuster becomes the citadel of all confusion. I hope that I can get the attention due to my inquiry. Thank you very much, Dominick.

Greetings Steven, you make a philosophical statement (although I think not seriously but more so, in that joking tone, very characteristic of American humor), which leads us in a very logical way to conclusions about responsibilities for all this disastrous global warming : Savage Capitalism. 
We would also have to ask, how they would do without a cell phone and a long etcetera.  

Steven asked the following:

"I often wonder how the indigenous people survived without air conditioning. Modern man is very grateful for technology and they haven't seen anything yet!!"

PS: I take advantage of this thread to express my satisfaction to SonsofGod for her note of recognition and gratitude for Ron's great mission in our time on this planet, terms with which I totally agree. Thanks

Greetings to everyone today, Saturday. Taking advantage of the fact that there are no new publications, especially the announced expansion of Ron Besser's Big News, I remind you of this intervention by Father Machiventa Melchizedek in the last LL of Elise, where he highlights his extraordinary and immense work in the times of Abraham; this statement speaks for itself about what an arduous task it represents during 100 years (of adult life), so that the revealers of The Urantia Book consider their presence as one of the revelatory times on our planet. I consider that the Bible did not give the prominence that this immeasurable figure deserved, so that Humanity in the near future, must make this recognition.

"Yes, this is Machiventa Melchizedek. And I speak to you again as the Melchizedek who is so familiar with the history of your planet. And who lived among you when the situation on your world was so forsaken of God that I voluntarily came to this earth to save the name of God among the warlike people at that time, and their rough behavior and desire for power and domination.

I am Machiventa Melchizedek and we knew that the people of that time on this world had sunk to a spiritual low point, and the world was about to become an apostate planet and would have indulged in polytheism. It worshiped all kinds of things that man encounters in his environment, and connects with fictional stories. There were hardly any people left who worshiped one Godand the teachings of Adam and Eve had almost disappeared. All over the world people lived in paganism, worshiping all kind of objects or beings.

I, Machiventa, came to your planet as a grown man, and stayed on your planet for almost 100 years. And in that time, a covenant was made between the man Abraham and God. Abraham was a captain of an army, and he had a large army at his disposal. He was a rough man. He was a renowned man who tried to conquer territories of other tribes and bring them under his control. But through the many conversations Abraham and I had, he finally came to believe in me, and he began to accept my teachings. And as a result, he regarded his worldly power as temporary. And slowly he began to strive for cooperation between the people without violence or motives for victory.

My incarnation on your world has revitalized Urantia on a spiritual level. My teachings have spread throughout the world through the followers of Abraham, who were well-educated, and who passed on my teachings to many different places on your world. And from this came many of your modern religions, including the falsehoods added to them. But it saved the consciousness of the one God in this world. And now the time has come to separate the truth from the illusion, and learn what my teachings actually meant, because much of its essence has been lost. And many human ideas have been added.

The doctrine of one God and the truth of the Trinity are found in most of your main religions. But the presence of man, the presence of God in man, in each individual, and the ascension to God on Paradise have often been distorted and have led to impure ideas of faith. And at this time, with the new Missions coming up, led by the Magisterial Sonsthis most important element of spiritual value will be re-emphasized and made very clear to your population; drawing on the beliefs of the various religions of the Earth with the addition of the true concept of God, who is literally present in every human being to make survival possible with the cooperation of each individual who will know and acknowledge the presence of a fragment of God living in the human being, and the human searching for God within. That is what must happen today to bring about change in the hearts of men and women, and to establish a peaceful society with appreciation and respect for each other. And with due respect for the fact that God is present in every human being of good willand should be treated accordingly.

I am Machiventa Melchizedek, and I have continued my work for the awareness and knowledge of the presence of God in the hearts of all people, just as I did several millennia ago when God almost disappeared from the earth. And even now, again, where so many do not want to know God this is very important, and I want to emphasize this in my words for you today. Be always grateful. Thank God, your Father, and have a very good day. I will step back."


My apologies Carole for naming you so regrettably instead of your beautiful songatsunrise expression. Problems with my poor attitude towards English.

Congratulations and thank you Songonsunset for such an extraordinary lesson written in golden letters, condensed and valuable for everyone.

Thank you very much, Dominick, for your attention to my comment and for expanding on the references on the subject of revelatory epochs. My thanks also to Ron for his valuable contribution on this subject of great significance. The truth is that it seemed very unusual to me that such a glorious personality as Van, "the imperturbable," to whom we Urantians owe so much gratitude for his dedication, effort, and sacrifice for so long, did not consider the extraordinary service for the clarification of spiritual truth, necessary to prepare the ground for the bestowal of the Creator Son, rendered by Father Machiventa, corresponding to the third revelatory epoch, for which reason the Urantia Book corresponds to the fifth epoch of revelation. Thank you, Dominick, and my appreciation for your arduous, outstanding, and dedicated work dedicated to this cause.


Greetings, just to note that in Dominick's transmission, extraordinary as all of them, I found that Van jumped from the second revelatory epoch (Adam-Eve) to the fourth, the bestowal of Father Michael of Nebadon, overlooking the important third period, the appearance of Father Machiventa Melchizedek, who prepared, again, the spiritual ground for the arrival of Christ Jesus.  I think the clarification is valid and only so as not to leave that void among new visitors to the Forum who have not read the UB or who do not know the sequence.   Thank you 

Thanks Ron, your answer was the expected one from your height: "I have no reason to fear or adapt to E. Musk." This statement reminded me of that admonition of Jesus to his apostles at the last supper, when none showed any intention of getting up for the ritual of washing the feet and He himself prepared to carry out the rite as the greatest example of humility and told them: "Whoever wants to be the greatest among you, let him be the servant of all." 

I think that anyone can assume that Musk has a "superhuman" intelligence, and a fortune to carry out the most expensive project that he could undertake, so I once made the suggestion here in the forum, to approach him as a financier of the wtp; I wish that possibility were closer now, thinking that anyone on the board there in York could make contact with that gentleman. But, as always, it will be what Ron decides. Thanks

I'm sorry I didn't follow SonsofGod's recommendation, and the post went up with that nasty mistake. My apologies.


[font="Times New Roman", Times, serif]Greetings, I want to share with you some news that caught my attention because it came from Elon Musk, an individual known for "not doing anything without a thimble" as they say. What made me check the Urantia Book for that reference that I've pasted below, which makes me think that it's not a crazy idea. Of course, as always, I'm waiting for Ron's reaction to find out how much truth there may be in that statement by Elon Musk. Thanks.

From American podcast "The Joe Rogan Experience: Interview with ELON MUSK

Elon Musk surprised everyone with this ambitious megaproject to give energy to the world
The businessman, creator and leader of the companies SpaceX, Tesla and Starlink revealed the details of a plan to satisfy the planet's energy needs.
Elon Musk surprised everyone with this ambitious megaproject to give energy to the world
Source: Archive
Updated June 22, 2024
2:00 minutes
In this news
Elon Musk's plan to have cheap energy
Solar energy: Elon Musk's plan

Millionaire Elon Musk is famous for creating great projects and companies that aspire to make great changes in humanity.  Now, the businessman says he knows how to satisfy, once and for all, the energy needs of today's society.

The South African-born tycoon, promoter of innovative companies such as Starlink, Tesla and SpaceX, affirms that a huge fusion reactor "in the sky" could be capable of providing all the electrical energy needed.  Likewise, he said that this reactor already exists.

Elon Musk refers to the Sun and assures that humanity is currently not taking advantage of all the energy that this star provides.  This was stated by him in an interview he gave on the popular American podcast "The Joe Rogan Experience." 

UB 58:2.1 (665.4)
"Approximately two billionths of the total light output of the sun is filtered through the planetary atmosphere to the earth. If light falling on North America were charged at the rate of two cents per kilowatt hour, the annual electric bill would exceed $800 quadrillion. Chicago's solar bill would amount to well over $100 million a day. And bear in mind that other forms of energy are received from the sun—light is not the only solar input reaching your atmosphere. Vast solar energies are pouring down upon Urantia, encompassing the wavelengths from those beyond the range of human vision to those below it." 

Greetings. After reading this post by RenĂ©, I want to make a very short comment. Knowing the truth that concerns us about this Creation and achieving Self-Knowledge at our level of existence is an extremely complex adventure where we have to be willing to "risk losing our soul in order to save it," as I read in the Urantia Book. I believe that if from an early age we were instructed about the reality of the energetic part, of the existence of our subtle bodies not perceived by the sensory organs, it would help a lot in understanding our true transcendent essence: The spirit. 
Above all, it would be understood and kept more present that not doing harm is not only physical or verbal harm, but also harm of thought, which is a powerful weapon for good or evil: "We are what we think." I want to add to that message from the Adjuster of Evelio Rivas or Severo Jurado (it doesn't matter), the following statement by SAIBABA:
"The goal of my entire mission is transcendence. I aspire for all my devotees to learn to transcend the animalistic quality with which one is born, and to use all that energy to form their character; to recognize the values that guide healthy human coexistence and to identify Love as an essential trait that denotes the presence of Divinity immanent to the entire Creation". (SAIBABA)

Thank you Ron for your intervention to clarify all that erroneous idea I had about the origin of the subhumans that I confused with robotoids. I was looking on the Internet for the Candace Frieze document where I read about Robotoids but the Abundat Hope page no longer appears active, I understand that she has been in the Mansion worlds for a few years. However, after searching by all means, I was able to find in my files the document "Everything you wanted to know about Robotoids and Clones", from the year 2007, but in Spanish because I visited the page in this language. Meanwhile I was looking for ways to translate it to English by Google, but it was not possible due to the size of the text; in the end I got the version that I attach, to present to the entire Forum, the source on the term Robotoids; my mistake is having associated them with the subhumans and also, for which I apologize to the memory of Lucifer, for pointing him out as the author of that creation that did not exist. I trusted my memory and the result was that I had unfortunately confused information that I had read so many years ago. Let this be the occasion, Ron, to find out where these subhuman psychopaths came from and when they appeared, who have caused us so much misery in our lives. My apologies to everyone and thank you Ron for your kind and timely reaction.

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